Our Lady of Peace Church 522 CARROLL STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11215-1030 FRANCISCAN FRIARS & SISTERS Established 1899 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 23, 2015 Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, 23 de Agosto de 2015 PARISH STAFF Rev. Patrick Boyle, O.F.M. - Pastor Rev. Orlando Ruiz, O.F.M. - Parochial Vicar Rev. Brian Jordan, O.F.M. - In residence Lilian M. Flores - Office & Parish Manager Sister Irix Mejía, H.F.I.C. - Parish Secretary - Superior Sister Lubia Martinez, H.F.I.C. - Parish Secretary Sister Adali Ulloa, H.F.I.C. - Parish Secretary OUR LADY OF PEACE CONVENT Hermanas Franciscanas de la Inmaculada Concepción 209 First Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215 Sr. Margarita Barrera, H.F.I.C. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:30 p.m. & 7:15 p.m. - Neo-Catechumenal Way Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - English 9:30 a.m. - Latin Tridentine Mass (also every 3rd Saturday of the month at 1:00 p.m.) 11:00 a.m. - Spanish Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. SACRAMENTS: RECONCILIATION: Saturdays: 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. and by appointment at the Rectory. BAPTISMS - By appointment MARRIAGES - Arrangements should be made first with the parish at least six months in advance. Couples must show readiness, attend Pre-Cana classes and receive special instruction at the Rectory. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK - Anytime DEVOTIONS: Holy Hour - ’First Friday’ of each month, beginning with the 8:00 a.m. mass, and continuing with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction. SAINT ANTHONY DEVOTIONS - every Tuesday following the 8:00 a.m. daily mass. OFFICE HOURS: Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon & 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon ONLY . GOLDEN AGE CLUB The Senior’s club meets every Thursday at 11:00 a.m., September through June in the gym. NEO-CATECHUMENAL COMMUNITY Directors: Andres & Miladys Torres - (917) 562-2732 MUSIC MINISTERS Michael Ancona Brittany Stetson Maria Schwab RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (C.C.D.) Lilian M. Flores - Director. Classes are held on Saturday mornings, October through May, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. TRUSTEES: Ann Ruggiero Alejandro Sinchi PARISH CONTACTS Rectory Tel.: (718) 624-512 2 Fax: (718) 852-6149 E-mail [email protected] Convent Webpage www.OurLadyofPeace-Brooklyn.org Tel.: (718) 624- 6720 Fax: (718) 625-7657 E-mail: [email protected] OUR LADY OF PEACE BROOKLYN, N.Y. From the Pastor’s Desk . . . Pope Francis visits the United States ! There has been much coverage in the media, announcing that from September 22nd to September 27th, our Holy Father, Pope Francis will make his first visit to the United States with gatherings in Washington, D.C., New York City and Philadelphia. As ‘Christ’s Vicar’ on earth he will gather with the faithful of the church with liturgies scheduled at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington, D.C., at Madison Square Garden in New York City and at the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. As an ‘instrument of God’s peace,’ he will meet with President Obama, he will address a Joint Session of the United States Congress and will give an Address to the United Nations General Assembly. His ‘Apostolic journey’ will also include several occasions of special significance, most notably for our Franciscan family, will be the Canonization of Junipero Serra (1713-1783) a Franciscan friar who founded the first nine of twenty-one Spanish missions in California from San Diego to San Francisco. The canonization will take place at the Basilica of the National Shrine in Washington, D.C., and the invitation has been extended to the Franciscan friars to concelebrate at the Mass of canonization with the Holy Father. This will be the first canonization to take place here in the United States, and Fr. Orlando and myself will both be present for this liturgy with the Holy Father. Significant to our New York area will be the Holy Father’s visit to ‘Ground Zero.’ While here in our city, a ‘Multireligious Service at the 9/11 Memorial’ will be conducted. Bishop James Massa, who is well known to us here at Our Lady of Peace, is involved with the planning of that celebration because of his extensive ministry regarding inter-faith relations. He has extended a personal invitation for Fr. Brian Jordan of our staff, to participate at that service. Fr. Brian was very involved during the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, stepping in to fill the void left by the death of Fr. Mychal Judge, the Franciscan who, served as a chaplain in the New York City Fire Department. It was while serving in that capacity that he was killed, becoming the first certified fatality of the September 11th attacks. Fr. Brian continues to hold the position of chaplain to both the Police and Fire Departments. While in Philadelphia, our Holy Father will join with families from around the world (including a contingent from Our Lady of Peace Church), to pray, learn and celebrate the ‘gift of the family.’ He will preside at the mass for the conclusion of the ‘World Meeting of Families.’ An international event , organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family, this is the 8th World Meeting of Families. True to the name ‘Francis’ that our Holy Father chose, like Saint Francis of Assisi, he continues to be an ‘instrument of peace.’ Let us pray that his journey to our great nation be a safe and enriching experience for us all. May God hold him securely in the palm of His hand, and may all those who have the opportunity of being present for the many services at which he will preside, be renewed in spirit, filled with joy, and in turn continue to be ‘instruments of God’s peace.’ Sincerely, Fr. Pat + El Coro de la Virgen del Rocio + Invita a toda la Comunidad a celebrar La Fiesta en Honor a Nuestra Señora del Rocío. Comenzando el día Viemes 4de Septiembre con Serenatas y Santo Rosario a nuestra Santa Patrona de 7:00 p.m. a 11:00 p.m. Domingo 6 de Septiembre 11:00 a.m. Santa Misa y Procession. A continuación gran ‘Convivio’ en el Centro de Recreacion. + Honoring Our Blessed Mother + All are invited to celebrate the Ecuadorian feast in honor of Our Blessed Mother, under her title of ‘Virgin of the Mist.’ This is a devotion that originated in the town of Biblian, Ecuador. The celebration will begin on Friday evening, September 4th, with the praying of the Rosary at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Following the rosary, the church will remain open until 11:00 o’clock, during which time, the custom of ‘serenading’ the Blessed Mother with music and song will continue. On Sunday, September 6th, the celebration will continue with the 11 o’clock mass which will be followed with a ‘Street Procession’ through the parish, and will end at the Gym on First Street. The celebration will continue in the gym through the afternoon with a ‘Convivium,’ which is a gathering of the community, that includes food, beverages and entertainment. All are welcome! + Remembering our Faithful Departed + We entrust to your prayers, the repose of the soul of Mary De Laurentis, who passed into eternal life on Saturday, August 15th. Mary was buried from our church on Saturday, August 22nd. She was 85 years of age. “May her soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen!” + Please Remember and Pray for the Sick + “And the prayer offered in faith may make the sick person well” + James 5:15 Nicholas Tomsic, Lucille Acocella, Elisa DePalma Erazo, Friar Daniel Morey, ofm, James Morganti, Arlene Morganti, Henry Seretta, Friar Robert Artman, ofm, William Casale, Maria Albanese, Melissa Torres, Molly Meltzer, Salvatore Russo, Carlos Emilio Flores, Friar Ron Bolfeta, ofm, Elaine Vona / Dr. Ray Mustafavi, Dolly Panza, Catherine Scorcia, Sebastian James Diaz, Dante Manzo, Flo Leopold, Vincent Manzo, Isabel Chavarria, Ciro Diaco, Catherine Dashiff, Matthew Anthony Keeffe, Gia Florio, Luis Rodriguez, Nicolas Escamilla & Ernestina Martinez Rojas, Maria Teresa Salazar Alava, Luis Cáceres. Please inform the parish office when it’s appropriate to remove someone’s name from this prayer list. Thank you. TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Registration is now being taken for the children who wish to attend our Religious Education Program this Fall. Classes are conducted on Saturday mornings beginning at 9:00 am, and will begin with a ‘Parent Meeting’ on Saturday, September 19th. All parents are asked to come to the church for this meeting. The program will continue every Saturday morning until May 2016. + First Holy Communion Classes: Children who wish to make their First Holy Communion, must be baptized and must be at least the age of seven to participate. This is a two year program. + Confirmation Classes: Children who wish to celebrate their Confirmation, must be baptized, must have made their First Holy Communion and must be in the sixth grade or higher. This too is a two year program. + R.C.I.A - the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (which has also been adapted for ‘young adults’) is a program which prepares those of adult age who have never been baptized. This program prepares them for the reception of their Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation which are celebrated together at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday. This is a three year program. Please contact Lily Flores, Sr. Irix, Sr. Lourdes or Sr. Adali at the Parish Office (718-624-5122), for further information and to register your child. + INSCRIPCIONES PARA EL PROGRAMA DE C.C.D. Las clases están siendo formadas y la inscripciones ya están abiertas para los niños, jóvenes y adultos que deseen asistir a nuestro programa de Catecismo este otoño. Las clases se llevan a cabo los sábados por la mañana a partir de las 9:00 am, y se iniciarán con una "Reunión de Padres de Familia", el sábado 19 de septiembre. A todos los padres se les pide asistir a esta reunión. El programa continuará todos los sábados por la mañana hasta Mayo de 2016. + Clases de Primera Comunión: Los niños que deseen hacer su Primera Comunión, deben estar bautizados y deben tener por lo menos siete años de edad para participar. Este es un programa de dos años. + Clases de Confirmación: Los niños que deseen celebrar su confirmación, deben estar bautizados y haber hecho su Primera Comunión y deben estar en sexto grado o grado superior. Este también es un programa de dos años. + Programa de R.I.C.A. - Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (que también se ha adaptado para a" dultos jóvenes") es un programa que prepara a los adultos y jóvenes que no han sido bautizados. Este programa los prepara para la recepción de los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación, que se celebra junto a la Misa de la Vigilia de Pascua en el Sábado Santo. Este es un programa de tres años. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Lily Flores, Sor. Irix, Sor. Lubia o Sor. Adali en la oficina parroquial (718-624-5122), para más información y para registrar a su hijo. AUGUST 23, 2015 Saturday, August 22, 2015 4:30pm Joyce Lauro (Dec) 7:15pm Neo-Catechumenal Community Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 23, 2015 8:00am For the Living and Deceased members of Our Parish (“Pro-Popolo”) 9:30am Latin Tridentine Mass 11:00am Seferina Valladolid y Alejandro Apolaya (Dec) Monday, August 24, 2015 8:00am Eugene T. Boyle, Jr. (Birthday) Tuesday, August 25, 2015 8:00am St. Anthony - Mary & Anthony Messina Wednesday, August 26, 2015 8:00am Intention of Donor Thursday, August 27, 2015 8:00am Laura & Anthony Spinelli (Dec) Friday, August 28, 2015 8:00am Intention of Donor (Dec) Saturday, August 29, 2015 4:30pm Rev. John Robert Scarangello, O.F.M. (Dec) (First anniversary of passing - August 30, 2014) 7:15pm Neo-Catechumenal Community Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 30, 2015 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am For the Living and Deceased members of Our Parish (“Pro-Popolo”) Latin Tridentine Mass Maria Santana & Juan Bautista Cruz (Dec) + Stewardship of Treasure + Parish Support for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 16th Totaled: $ 897.25 The previous week’s collection for Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 9th Totaled: $ 812.52 As always, we remain grateful for your generous support, “Thank You!” + REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES + + Sanctuary Lamp + Nancy Barucco (Dec) + Altar Bread & Wine + Joan Silano (Dec) + Chapel Lamp + All Souls
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