Church of the Holy Child Jesus 111-11 86th Avenue, Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Email: [email protected] Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph - December 27, 2015 Mr. Dean Tully, Deacon Mr. Raul S. Elias, Deacon Mr. Jeremiah W. Schwarz, Deacon Mr. Jorge Castillo, Deacon Most Rev. Octavio Cisneros, Pastor Rev. Fr. Christopher R. Heanue, Parochial Vicar/Administrator Rev. Fr. Daniel Ayala, Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Francisco J. Ares, In Residence Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Schedule of Masses: Weekdays : Sundays: Holy Days: Monday-Friday - 7:30 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday - 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (Saturday) 7:30 a.m.; 9:00 a.m.; 10:30 a.m. (Spanish) 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Ministry to the Sick: We will respond to emergency calls at any time. Any parishioner unable to attend Mass due to illness or old age should contact the parish office to have a priest or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion bring Holy Communion to them.. Emergency Priest Contact: 718-570-7555 Please use only in an emergency after hours. Ministerio de los Enfermos: respondemos llamadas de emergencia a toda hora. Además, cualquier feligrés que por causa de salud o incapacidad no pueda venir a Misa debe llamar a la iglesia para que un sacerdote o un Ministro Extraordinario de la Eucaristía les traigan la comunión a la casa. Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. concluding with Benediction. Miraculous Medal Novena - Mondays after the 9 a.m. Mass. Devociones: Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento- todos los viernes desde las 9:30am. Concluyendo con la Bendición a las 7:15pm Novena: Medalla Milagrosa -lunes después de la Misa de la 9am. Parish Office/ Leonard Center: 718-847-1860 Fax: 718-849-7030 86-13 112thStreet Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions are celebrated on Saturdays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. At any other time ask one of the priests. Sacramento de Reconciliación: Confesiones son celebradas todos los sábados de 12pm a 1pm o solicitando una cita con uno de los sacerdotes otro día a otra hora. Sacrament of Baptism: Parents wishing to have their child baptized are asked to call the Parish Office to find out the dates of the Registration (birth certificates required), Instruction Class, Anointing & Baptism. Sacramento de Bautismo: padres que desean bautizar sus niños deben llamar a la parroquia para saber las fechas de inscripción, de las clases y de la ceremonia. Es necesario tener el certificado de nacimiento. Sacrament of Marriage: Couples seeking the Sacrament of Marriage should make arrangements at least six months prior to their wedding date to allow sufficient time to complete our Marriage Preparation Program. Sacramento del Matrimonio: Parejas buscando casarse deben comenzar a hacer arreglos por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda para poder completar los requisitos de la preparación matrimonial. Religious Education for children: Saturdays 10-11:30am Educación Religiosa para niños: sábados 10-11:30am Academy: 718-849-3988 111-02 86th Avenue Religious Education: 718-805-5771 111-02 86th Avenue Food Pantry: 718-847-1860 112-06 86th Avenue DECEMBER 27, 2015 - HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH SPIRITUAL THOUGHT “Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin Mary too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did. -St. Maximilian Kolbe . Rosary-Altar Society Christmas/New Year’s Ball Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2015 5:30pm Academy Cafeteria refreshments, hors d’oeuvres…..dessert A short concert featuring VICTOR STARSKY WILLIAM SMIDDY a highlight of the evening! Members – a benefit of membership Guests are most welcome - $15. R.S.V.P. before Dec. 21 by calling……… Mary 347-461-1294 Joy 441-3473 Joan 846-8182 (or the other) Joan 846-1455 or drop a note in the R-A Parish mailbox. Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Friday, January 1st, 2016 Mass Schedule: Thursday, December 31st 7:30pm (Vigil Mass) & Friday, January 1st 9:00am, 11:00am & 7:30pm (Spanish) The Parish Office will be closed. The Three Kings Are coming to visit Sunday, January 3rd School Gym 11:30am –1:00pm (after the Spanish Mass) Melchior, Gaspar & Balthazar, will come bringing surprises for our children. Come see them and have your picture taken with them (Bring your own camera) EVERYTHING IS FREE !!!!! The H.C.J.C.A. Breakfast with Santa Committee would like to thank all of the wonderful volunteers and elves that helped make our 16th annual Breakfast with Santa on December 5th such a great success. This event would not be possible without the hard work of Mrs. Julie Miller and Mrs. Theresa McLoughlin. Many thanks to Mrs. Pamela Benson, Mr. & Mrs. Santoro, Terry & Justina Dinko, Norma Vasquez, Annie Persaud, Jean Kearns, and Helen & Kaitlyn Day for volunteering their special talents. Special thanks to Mrs. Camille Velez, Mrs. Winters, Kevin and Juan for everything you do. We also couldn’t have our delicious pancake breakfast without our great kitchen crew led by the Cruz family, Tony Santoro, and Judith Mendoza…We would especially like to thank: Victory Plumbing, Leahy-McDonald Funeral Home, ADT Bike Shop and Mr. Patrick Kearns, Simonson Funeral Home, Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms, Mrs. Winters (our new principal), the Miller and McLoughlin families for their generous donations. May God bless you for being so kind. Our Junk Band did a wonderful job getting the festivities started; we hope to get them back next year! Thank you to Fr. Heanue for leading us in prayer. And the highlight of the morning was the spectacular performance by the Louise Benes dancers. Thank you ladies for making our day extra special. And of course, we would like to send a great big thank you to Santa for spending time with us and spreading Christmas cheer. INTENCIONES DE MISAS MASS INTENTIONS Thursday December 31st St. Sylvester Saturday 5:00pm December 26th Vincent McGuire Sunday December 27th The Holy Family of Jesus Mary & Joseph 7:30am 9:00am 7:30pm Joseph Monteleone & Florence Conti Christmas Novena In Thanksgiving for Dahla Louis Family Monday Friday January 1st Solemnity of Mary The Holy Mother of God People of the Parish 9:00am People of the Parish Christmas Novena 11:00am Kathleen Cecilia Coleman & David Victor & Carmen Riso Anthony Coleman George & Mary Ellen Carson (40th Wedding 7:30pm Hugo Dave Anniversary) Etta DiBono Saturday January 2nd Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen December 28th The Holy Innocents 7:30am 9:00am Christmas Novena Michael Scorcia 9:00am 5:00pm Tuesday December 29th St. Thomas Becket Sunday January 3rd The Epiphany of The Lord 7:30am 9:00am Joan Melito Christmas Novena 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am People of the Parish Paul Iovino Ramon & Altagracia Torres (46th Wedding Anniversary) Stan Romano Juliana Mancimos 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm Wednesday December 30th 7:30am Christmas Novena 9:00am Anthony DiNicole 7:30pm Ana Isabel Corro (8th Anniversary) & Andres David Corro Altar Bread & Wine In Thanksgiving for favors received From: The Noel Family Altar Candles In Loving Memory of: Patrick James O’Hare From: The O’Hare Family Purgatorial Society Paul Iovino 12:00pm 5:00pm Purgatorial Society Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 9am Diane Dalton Holbrook The following are available for a week at a time and can be offered in memory of a loved one: Sanctuary Lamp $25; Altar Bread & Wine $35; Altar Flowers $50; Altar Candles $25 Permanent Memorials available: Book of Life: $100; Tree of Life: $1000 SUNDAY READINGS Filberta Guzman Adeline Korostik Please pray for all recently deceased members of the parish family. Sunday, Sunday, December 27 : Reading # 1017/1019 Next Week Sunday, January 3 Reading # 1021 27 DE DICIEMBRE 2015. DOMINGO DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA La Familia, levadura de la Sociedad. En las lecturas liturgicas de hoy la Iglesia escoge textos que subrayan los valores de la familia y las virtudes adelantadas por el mismo Dios. Siendo la Sagrada Familia ( Jesús Maria y Jose) el modelo de todas las familias, el Evangelio trata de uno de los acontecimientos importantes de la niñez de Jesús: Jesús perdido y hallado en el templo. El relato nos muestra un mal entendido, un conflicto aparente entre Jesús y sus padres. Por eso el texto nos es útil, pues nuestro amor y valores familiares se verifican sobre todo en momentos de crisis e incomprensiones, que nuca faltan. Tal como no lo dice nuestro Papa Francisco, es normal y humano que haya problemas y crisis en las familias (no hay familia perfecta). Nuestra fe cristiana NO evita los problemas, pero si nos DA en cambio, el amor y la sabiduria para superarlos de un modo que refuerce la vida familiar en vez de destruila (como sucede en este Evangelio). No hemos de olvidar que la familia es un lugar para crecer humana y cristianamente; no es solo un LUGAR PARA VIVIR Y COMER EN COMUN: “Jesus progresaba en sabiduria y en gracia”...Maria “conservaba estas cosas en su corazon”, creciendo asi en identificacion con su hijo. Solemnidad de Santa María, Madre de Dios Misa: Viernes 1 de Enero 2016: Hora: 7:30pm en Español. La oficina Parroquial estará cerrada. VISITA DE LOS TRES REYES MAGOS Los Reyes Melchor, Gaspar y Baltazar estarán visitando nuestra parroquia el día Domingo 3 de Enero del 2016 de11:30am a 1:00pm en el Gimnasio de la escuela, traerán sorpresas para todos los niños, habra baile, música y mucho mas! NOTA DE AGRADECIMIENTO Los Comites: Guadalupano y Servidores del Divino Niño Jesús de nuestra Parroquia del Santo Niño, AGRADECEN DE CORAZON a toda la Comunidad por su presencia, participación y generosidad con motivo de la Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe el pasado 12 de Diciembre y Precelebración Navideña del Niñito Jesus del 16 de Diciembre. La verdad que las celebraciones en mención, fueron mucho mejor que las de los años anteriores, lo cual significa que hemos crecido en fe, entusiasmo y compromiso cristiano como bautizados dentro de nuestra Madre la Iglesia. Que Santa Maria de Guadalupe y el Niño Jesus, traigan muchas bendiciones para su familia y la Comunidad en salud, amor, paz y progreso en este tiempo navideño y que el Año 2016 sea el mejor para todos. Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo. Trae tu cámara de fotos, y llévate un lindo recuerdo con ellos. Te esperamos para celebrar juntos el Día de Reyes. Todo es GRATIS! “ Les dio potestad para ser criaturas de Dios.” Si piensas que Dios te esta llamando a compartir el Amor del Padre como un Sacerdote, Diacono, hermano o hermana religioso. Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Vocaciones al (718) 827-2454 o correo ! electrónico: [email protected]. DECEMBER 27TH, 2015 THOMAS J. ADAMS WEEKLY SHARE CLUB WINNERS Christine Capocasale (envelope #4417) The amount of $75 for the weekend of December 6, 2015. Checks will be mailed to the addresses provided on the envelopes. Please allow approximately one month to receive your check. ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills • Estates • Real Estate Home Consultations Available 114-06 Jamaica Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 718-847-4572 Christ the King High School Honor Roll: Christopher Collado, Daniel Pesantes, Abie & Audi Tanusantoso. A Diocesan Pilgrimage with Bishop DiMarzio The Holy Doors of Rome, Assisi and the Holy Land In the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Italy Portion September 15-23, 2016. Optional Holy Land Extension. September 23-29, 2016. For a brochure call Susan 1-800-842-4842 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry METRO DENTAL SERVICE P.C. 109-22 Myrtle Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 GLEN J. GRAFFEO, DDS Creating Beautiful Healthy Smiles For Two Generations 104-16 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 718-849-6143 EAT IN OR TAKE OUT DACA Catering for all Occasions 81-09 Lefferts Boulevard Kew Gardens, NY 11415 “NOT JUST FOR BREAKFAST ANYMORE” CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING ALUMNI OF HOLY CHILD JESUS ACADEMY (718) 441-0909 A Neighborhood Dental Practice Religious Postage Stamps Members of the Rosary-Altar Society are selling religious postage stamps 20 forever stamps $10. The stamps are available in the Parish Office FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 718-847-1930 7 Days a week - 6am-7pm PARKSIDE REALTY OF QUEENS, INC. 116-28 Myrtle Ave., N. Richmond Hill REGINA SANTORO - Associate Broker RON LAYER • LAURA MRAKOVCIC - NYS LICENSED SALESPERSONS FREE MARKET ANALYSIS ¿Desea usted tener un Permiso de Trabajo? ¿Ingreso a los Estados Unidos en el 2007 o antes? ¿Tiene menos de 31 años de edad? DACA le puede ayudar Para más información llame al (718) 651-8630 37-47 76th Street Jackson Heights NY 11372 (718) 8 4 6 - 3 0 0 8 My car went to Heaven! DONATE YOUR AUTO Society of St. Vincent de Paul 718-491-2525 IRS Tax Deduction • Any Model Any Condition • FREE Towing Stay Connected with us 1-800-477-4574 LUNCH • DINNER TAKE OUT ǣ̷ ǣ Ǥ Ȁ ǣ̷ PRIVATE PARTY ROOM THIS SPACE IS 73-11 Yellowstone Blvd. 718.544.2400 Open Every Day Mon. - Thurs. 11am -10pm Fri. 11am-11pm Sat. & Sun. 9:30am - 11pm FREE DELIVERY 718.441.8441 Peruvian Cuisine 110-02 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Holy Child Jesus, Richmond Hill, NY 04-0244 Leo F. Kearns Funeral Directors, Inc. Patrick J. Kearns Paul C. Kearns-Stanley Thomas L. Kearns FDIC Insured Pre-Arrangement Accounts – Burial and Cremation Services Tenemos Directores de Funerales que hablan en Español Mitra Hakimi Realty, Group LLC. 106-05 Metropolitan Avenue Forest Hills, NY 11375 718-268-5588 WWW.MITRAHAKIMI.COM Please call us for a free appraisal of your home Marlowe Jewelers 30 years in business $OOW\SHVRIÁRUDOGHVLJQV)UXLW%DVNHWV All major credit cards accepted Remounting Diamonds & Remodeling Jewelry 103-25 Metropolitan Ave., Forest Hills, NY 11375 160-55 Crossbay Blvd. • Howard Beach, NY WE DELIVER TO (718) 263-ROSE (7673) ALL CEMETERIES ZZZIDWKHUDQGVRQÁRULVWQHW 843-1987 • 323-8730 Est. 92 yrs. Specializing in THE LEWIS MONUMENT CO., INC. 78-15 Myrtle Ave. | GLENDALE, QUEENS, NY Quality Monuments Erected In All Cemeteries Since 1935 LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Myrtle Ave. at 115th St. Richmond Hill 61-40 Woodhaven Blvd. Rego Park 103-33 Lefferts Blvd. So. Richmond Hill 718-441-3300 or 1-800-640-9500 Father & Son Florist Sensitivity & Understanding Are Our Trademark Special consideration to members. Home appts at your request. Contact: Michael Lewis - Office 718-821-1775 [email protected] | Victor Rodriguez NYC Master Plumber License #1743 Victory Plumbing & Heating, Inc. THIS SPACE IS For All Your Plumbing Needs Tel: (718) 850-7066 CHOICE? Where do I go now, when I want to stay near Holy Child Jesus? You and Your family deserve the best. That is why we invite you to compare our funeral home. We are confident we can provide your family with the highest quality service for the best value possible. 3 Blocks from Holy Child Jesus RC Church Leahy McDonald Funeral Home 111-02 Atlantic Avenue Richmond Hill, NY (718) 849-0785 Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-477-4574 James F. McDonald - Director Serving Holy Child since 1939 Large Private Parking YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE, CALL US. WALSH & CASSESE FUNERAL HOME, INC 849-2775 214-43 39th Avenue, Bayside, New York 843-4620 Nicholas A. Cassese & Anthony F. Cassese 1930-2005 (718) 847-9154 We Deliver Mark Gallagher President 718-849-2836 DEEGAN’S Wines & Liquors, Inc. Bob & Betty Ann 95-19 Jamaica Ave.• Woodhaven 94-12 Jamaica Avenue • Woodhaven, NY 11421 Contact Tim Demski to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6350 MASINI LAW GROUP, P.C. Attorneys at Law Dedicated representation in: The Classic Diner 117-33 MYRTLE AVENUE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 T: (718) 847-7500 F: (718) 847-9551 WWW.THECLASSICDINER.COM FREE DELIVERY CATERING AVAILABLE OPEN 6AM-MIDNIGHT DAFV LANDSCAPING CORP. 2414 E. 11TH ST. BROOKLYN, NY (718) 209-3238 Dr. Vincent Evangelista Podiatrist - Foot Specialist Board Certified 97-15 101 Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 718-848-5700 For ad info. call 1-800-888-4574 • Real Estate • Immigration Business Law • Personal Injury Wills • Other areas of practice Mark I. Masini - John D. Scherer (516) 513-5200 825 E. Gate Blvd. • Garden City Need Help Applying for Social Security? DISABILITY and RETIREMENT SPECIALIST 25 years of Social Security experience. Call now for a FREE EVALUATION!! (347) 436-6639 CELEBRATIONS EVENT CENTER “ The Place For Baptisms, First Communions, All Parties & Special Occasions.” Call 718-350-9885 now to book and save with Our Grand Opening Special!! 119-16 Jamaica Avenue, Richmond Hill ( Near Lefferts Blvd. ) SIMONSON FUNERAL HOME John C. Sommese • 718-847-0300 Serving Parish Since Inception 98-07 Ascan Avenue • Forest Hills • Holy Child Jesus, Richmond Hill, NY 04-0244
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