CLERGY PASTOR Rev. Joseph Kim, OFM Conv. Ext 225 ASSOCIATE Rev. Carlos Morales OFM Conv. DEACON Rev. Mr. Scott Palmer FRIARS IN RESIDENCE Our Lady of Guadalupe Churc h Church Rev. Peter Mallin, OFM Conv. Rev. Steve Gross OFM Conv. Br. John Fleming OFM Conv. PARISH INFORMATION 244 Prospect Avenue Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7077 Fax: (310) 798-4051 Offices Located on the corner of Prospect Ave. and Massey Ave. Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:00am—4:00pm Saturday Sunday: 9:00am— 1:00pm 9:00am— 1:00pm SCHOOL INFORMATION Principal April Beuder 320 Massey Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7486 PARISH CONTACTS Coordinator of Religious Ed Ext 224 Theresa Avila Ext 226 Confirmation/Director Religious Ed Tom Baumann Hispanic Ministry Ext.222 Fr. Carlos Morales Spanish Baptisms (310) 349-9609 Ext.227 Bookkeeper Robin Bosmajian Parish Secretary Ext.221 Jodi Scully Music Director Ext.223 Bobbi Lynn Lambert [email protected] OLG Webmaster Raciel Diaz RCIA [email protected] Mass Schedule Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:00AM (Spanish), 9:45AM, 11:30AM, 6:30PM Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Weekdays: 8:00AM ~ Eucharistic Adoration First Fridays: Exposition after 8AM Mass till 10AM Tuesday 4:00PM—7:00PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00AM—10:00AM ~ Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated in English and Spanish. Please call the Parish Office for more Information Sacrament of Marriage Contact the Parish of¿ce for information six months prior to the ceremony Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Of¿ce early in the case of a serious illness or before surgery and hospital care. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BibleStudy/ Reflections/Spiritual Conversations Beginning Tuesday, January 17th from 7PM until 8PM in the church, Fr. Steve Gross OFM Conv. will facilitate a Scripture and Bible Study in the Church. All parishioners, young and old, are welcome. For questions or concerns please call the parish office. Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday, January 29th thru February 4th. Look for more information for events planned here at OLG School. HERMOSA BEACH, CALIFORNIA If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, or are currently undergoing treatment, you are not alone. There are many cancer survivors in our OLG community whose experiences you may benefit from. You may want to know what the process is like or simply need to talk with some one that has been there. We are here for you! Please contact Jodi at the parish office .If you are a survivor, you can be a big help to others by just being available to talk to them. Please call Jodi so that we can add your name to the network. There are no meetings or a set schedule, just people reaching out and helping others face this new challenge in their lives. Hand’N’Hand: Food Drive Today Our parish’s monthly food drive is today. Please bring nonperishable food and place it in the baskets in back of the Church. The Food Drive also accepts cash and checks made out to Hand’N’Hand. Thank you for all of your generosity THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JANUARY 16TH IN HONOR OF MARTIN LUTHER KING THE PARISH OFFICE WILL OPEN ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 17TH AT 8AM SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PAGE 2 15 ENERO 2017 VINCULADOS AL SACRIFICIO DE CRISTO Hemos terminado el tiempo de navidad y nos encontramos en la segunda semana del tiempo ordinario, Mateo será el evangelista que nos vaya trazando las palabras que vienen de Dios durante los evangelios de este ano. Nuestra misión durante este año litúrgico será santificar cada día y también identificarnos con Cristo Nuestro Señor. Ser también manifestación del amor de Dios y motivo de orgullo para el Señor. Para conseguirlo sólo tenemos un camino, el de identificarnos con Cristo. Hemos de esforzarnos para imitarle, para vivir como él vivió, para morir como él murió, para ser como él es: reflejo de la bondad de Dios, orgullo del Padre eterno. El Siervo de Yahvé congregaría al resto de Israel, a lo que había quedado de la casa de Jacob, aquellos hombres desperdigados por el mundo entero, aquellos que habían conservado en sus corazones la sencillez y la esperanza. Son los que la Biblia llama "pobres de Yahvé". Pero Cristo no se limitaría a reunir a ese "resto" preanunciado por los profetas. Él vino con una misión universal, él será, es la luz para todas las naciones. Y entre todos los pueblos habrá muchos que sigan a Cristo, atraídos por la luminosidad de su palabra. También en esto hemos de asemejarnos a Cristo. Siendo como luces encendidas en medio de nuestro oscuro mundo. Y es que la misión de Cristo se prolonga en los que le siguen. Los que creemos en él somos, hemos de ser, una llamada a la esperanza. Y así cada cristiano que viva seriamente sus compromisos será como un punto de luz. De esta forma, todos encendidos, construiremos un mundo mejor, iluminado por el resplandor del amor de Cristo. EL CORDERO DE DIOS.- Las orillas del Jordán bullían de muchedumbres venidas de todas las regiones limítrofes. La fama del Bautista se extendía cada vez más lejos. Su palabra recia y exigente había llegado hasta las salas de los palacios, hasta el castillo del rey a quien recriminaba públicamente su conducta deshonesta. Al Bautista no le importó el peligro que aquello suponía. Por eso hablaba con claridad y con valentía a cuantos llegaban. A veces eran los poderosos saduceos, en otras ocasiones fueron los fariseos pagados de sí o los soldados que abusaban de sus poderes. Para todos tuvo palabras libres y audaces que denunciaban lo torcido de sus conductas y que era preciso corregir. Qué buena lección para tanto silencio y tanta cobardía como a menudo hay entre nosotros. Juan fue fiel a la misión que se le había encomendado: preparar el camino al Mesías. Ello supuso el fin de su carrera, dar paso a quien venía detrás de él, ocultarse de modo progresivo para que brillara quien era la luz verdadera. Sí, el Bautista aceptó con generosidad su papel secundario y cuando llegó el momento se retiró, no sin antes señalar con claridad a Jesús como el Mesías anunciado, el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo. Por tanto, es a Jesucristo, víctima inmolada y Señor glorioso, al que se representa con el Cordero. Todo un símbolo que se repite una y otra vez, sobre todo en la liturgia eucarística, para que en nuestros corazones renazca el amor y la gratitud, el deseo de corresponder a tanto amor como ese título de Cordero de Dios implica. Nuestra Misión parecernos a Cristo…. Paz y Bien SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 3 JANUARY 15, 2017 Considering Applying to Our Lady of Guadalupe School for 20172018 school year Collection for January 8, 2017 Parish Pay Total Collection January 8, 2017 $7,363.00 $2,720.00 $10,083.00 As we live from day to day, we are investing our time and talents in various things. Are they really important? As Christian stewards, do we willingly volunteer some of our time and talent to the work of our church? Whatever we are doing had better be important. It costs a day of our lives Virtus–SafeguardtheChildrenTraining Training required for all church volunteers working directly and indirectly with children at the parish. Please contact Jodi at 310372-7077 to sign up for one of the following dates and times. Childcare will be provided for all sessions - Please sign up for childcare by emailing Theresa Avila at [email protected] Thursday, Jan 19 from 6:309:30pm in the Parish Hall Saturday, Jan 21 from 9:30am12:30pm in the Parish Hall Tuesday, Jan 24 from 6:30-9:30pm in Room 7 Friday, Jan 27 from 6:30-9:30pm in the Parish Hall Tueday,1/17 6:30pm Parish Hall TK/Kinder Information Night Parents are encouraged to attend this informative evening to learn about our program offerings, receive applications, and sign up for Readiness Screening appointments Tuesday, 1/31 6:00-7:00pm Open House Current and prospective families are invited to visit the classrooms and meet our talented faculty/staff If you would like to meet with our principal, Mrs. April Beuder, please call the school office to schedule an appointment: 310-372-7486. OLG Pre School Openings Preschool enrollment availability beginning February 1st. For more information, visit our website preschool/ or email [email protected] ACCW The Southwestern District of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic women (ACCW) invites all women of the parish to a day of prayer and fellowship with other Catholic women of the area. The gathering will be on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 at St. Anthony Catholic church in el Segundo. The day begins with a speaker at 9:30AM followed by Mass and lunch and concludes at 1:30PM. The charge is $10PREPAID. Make checks payable and mail to Cecilia Hernandez, 4527 W. 140th St. Hawthorne, CA 90250 before Friday, January 20. for more information please call Cecilia Hernandez at (310) 3513766. Contribution Statements for 2016 Those of you who are a part of Parish Pay will receive, through email, a statement of your contributions from Parish Pay. For everyone else or for any other charitable giving records of your donations to Our Lady of Guadalupe, please contact the parish office for a record of your giving. Please give us at least two days notice of your request. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 4 JANUARY 15, 2017 Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Case Statement – Parish Identity and Mission Statement Our Lady of Guadalupe is a Catholic Christian community dedicated to living and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus. We, as a family of diverse ethnic heritage, are committed to calling forth the gifts of all members in the service of God’s Kingdom. Our History In the spring of 1920, “Miss Dewey” a parishioner of St. James Church (the only Catholic parish at the time in the South Bay) encountered a group of young children frolicking on a dusty road in the hills of North Redondo Beach, CA. Never having seen these children at St. James, she asked them where they went to church. One answered, “To the Placita Church when our father can take us.” Little Juanita Martinez replied, “What is church? I have never been to church.” Shocked, Miss Dewey was moved to action with great apostolic zeal and generosity of heart to take these children to church and teach them the faith by beginning catechism classes for these children. Primarily through her efforts and those of the community of St. James, these children and their families grew in their faith and in 1927, the first Mass was celebrated in the “hall” of the Guadalupe Mission serving all the Spanish-speaking peoples of the South Bay. On February 14, 1958, the Mission of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Hermosa Beach was raised to the canonical status of a parish, the parish we are proud to be a part of today. It has been almost 100 years since the mission of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus to our community began. It has been almost 90 years since the first Mass was celebrated for our community rich in diversity and gifts for the service of God’s kingdom. It has been almost 60 years that our parish and school has continued to grow and form our young children in faith and excellence in academics to become good citizens and disciples for God’s kingdom. It is a proud vocation and tradition entrusted to us today. Our Needs Nearly 10 years have passed since our parish gathered to rededicate our newly renovated church building to the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This much needed renovation of the church building, friary, and the offices was only accomplished by the generosity and hard work of all our parishioners here in our community. As a result, it also gave rise to a rediscovery of our need to renovate our own hearts, minds, and lives for the building of God’s kingdom - the need to use and develop our gifts and talents for all of God’s children. This recognition also gave rise to a recommitment to focus and serve the needs of the young people of our small beach community - in its diversity of faiths, cultures, socio-economic status, and heritage. By the leadership, vision, and hard work of the clergy, staff, principal, teachers, volunteers, and parishioners of OLG, we continue the excellence of education and faith formation of our students. Our growth and development have brought us now into a moment of great opportunity and excitement. With more than 1600 families attending Sunday Mass each week, and the growth of the School’s enrollment in recent years, we find that we are in need of more space. Our hope is to build a multipurpose facility – one that would include space for parishwide gatherings as well as a science lab and a music/technology classroom. In addition, we are planning on building additional office space for the school faculty and administration so they may be well prepared to educate and guide their students. As a result, this new building project will free up space for additional church ministries to the entire faith community, as well and create a beautiful gathering space for our parish and school communities. Your Opportunity We want to give all our households the opportunity to participate in this important endeavor. A Planning Study questionnaire will be available to every parishioner. If you are interested in completing this questionnaire online, please visit the following link: Please be assured that we will not proceed with a campaign unless we have the full support and understanding of our people. Your feedback is important. Our deadline for completing the survey will be January 30. Renderings of this plan will be posted in the vestibule of the church. Since 1920, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church has been the beneficiary of a generous and faithful community. We seek your continued support in making our goals a reality. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 JANUARY 15, 2017 Weekly Mass Intentions JANUARY 22, 2017 5:00PM Daniel Rodriguez Sarah Walker Terri Burschinger Jim Burschinger Nelson Rivera 7:00AM Marianne Mannes Ron Alpine Dan Olmstead 8:00AM Jill Graves Lety Rico Mirna Rayon Daniel Osorio Gaby Vargas Angelica Pastrano Maritza Herrera Raquel Mora Maria Amaya 9:45AM Steve Magoffin MoniquieAkker JonGalvez Silvia Contreras Rick Binder Victoria Price 11:30AM David Lee Vicki Lee Marie Jensen Lauren Sablan Lori Fields Laurie Pa9olozzi Chris Ladaw Jacob Adaajet Kirk Bretney Bernadette Caballes Marissa Checa Lucy Aranda JonathanRiddickRoxyHenry Chris Carrera BriannaPerez AudryBinder SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2017 5:00PM =Plutarzo Cervantes (Family) SUNDAY JANUARY 15, 2017 7:00AM =Beverly Chicoin (Tara Scully) 8:00AM =Sophia Byrne (Marychuy) 9:45AM =Joanne Zawlocki (Marti) 11:30AM =Maria Vu Mung/Joseph Cao (Family) 6:30PM Int of Our Parishioners MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2017 8:00AM =John Thomas Flynn (Laura Solorza) TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2017 8:00AM Int Lorri Perrault (Monica) WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 18, 2017 8:00AM ==Laura & Fernando Solorza THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2017 8:00AM ==Laura & Fernando Solorza FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2017 ==Laura & Fernando Solorza 8:00AM SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2017 8:00AM =Aureliano Coronel (Grace Agbayani) WůĞĂƐĞŝŶĐůƵĚĞŝŶLJŽƵƌWƌĂLJĞƌƐ͙͘͘͘ Meike Brown Joyce Armijo Ally Levine Brianna Perez Recently a generous donation was made to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Memory of = Al & = Helene Passino Carmen Santiyan, Vickie Lopez, Maria Enriquez, Ruby Bejarano, Jimmy Arena,, Vanessa Quinteros,, Julian Zawlocki, Christian Nagasugi, Arianna Carrione,, Ramon Ortiz, Kenneth Hahn, Matt West, Tony De Castro, Dolores Mansanto, Bobby Burt, Anne Harris, Odilia Alvizures, Yvonne Dahle, George Anderson, Barbara Malina, Marie Hoffman Blaine Price, Jerry Fox, Ruth & Hector Minera, Shirley Erickson, Madeline Arnold, Hank Arnold, Angie Hegedus, Martha Zavala, Andre Farias, Rosario Ruiz, Del & Christine Orozco, George Tumanjon, Bob Park Sr, Mary Ann Hayden, Mary Cueto, Bernardo Rosero, Nieves Gonzales, Francis Fernando, Armando Byrne, Paige Garnica, Jenny Garnica, Elvira Orellana, Michael Villatoro, Bill Strauss, Marianne Kainz, Trevor Thompson Barbara Silviera, Jeannie VanDrew, Linda Newton, Anna Diaz, Amy Vargas, Sharon Morgan, Barbara Mallin, Diane Young, Jeff Beck, Susan Heinz Hendricks, John Stupy, Alphonse 'ŽŶnjĂůĞƐ͕ƌŝĂŶ^LJũƵƚ &ŽƌƚŚŽƐĞǁŚŽŚĂǀĞĚŝĞĚ͗ZŝĐŚĂƌĚŝǀŝŶƐŬŝ
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