Sacred Heart Catholic Church Masses/Misas de Esta Semana Saturday, November 14th 5:00 pm Bill Jaecks by the Mason Family Sunday November 15th 7:30 am Jesse Rivera, Erica Castañon, Julie Rivera (cumpleaños) por Familia Rivera-Camargo 9:30 am KJT Deceased Members 11:30 am Perla Orozco por Familia Ramirez 1:30 pm Pete Hernandez by his family Monday November 16th 8:00 am Ender Lopez by the Eubanks Family Tuesday, November 17th NO MASS Wednesday November 18th 6:00 pm Anna Mae Hello by Salem Joseph Thursday, November 19th 8:00 am Anna Mae Hello by Salem Joseph Friday, November 20th 8:00 am Anna Mae Hello by Billie Martin Saturday, November 21st 5:00 pm Luisa Sanchez by the Sanchez Family Thomas & Rosa Rodriguez (blessings) by Luis, Ellen & Gloria Rodriguez Deceased BREAKFAST BY/DESYUNO POR GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Altar Server Schedule November 21st 5:00 pm Oscar & Erick Carlos November 22nd 7:30 am Elsa & Victoria Mendoza November 22nd 9:30 am Cenovio, Aron & Adriano Vasquez November 22nd 11:30 am Jasmine, Jennifer & Justin Leon November 22nd 1:30 pm Noah, Eli, Gabe & Josh Gonzales Email address for Bulletin and Announcements: Webmaster: Lorne Hengst Week of November 15, 2015 Regular Collection Sunday November 8th $ 6200.65 Youth Collection $ 145.00 Building Fund $ 80.00 Thank you for your donation/Gracias por su donación Those donating to the $20 Club Fund, please indicate on your check menu line “$20 Club”. If you are donating cash, please indicate on an envelope your name or weekly contribution envelope number. $20 Club November 8th $ 180.00 Calendar of Events for the week of November 15th Sunday: 9:00 am 10:30-11:45 12:00-1:15 2:30 pm Monday: 6:30 pm Wednesday: 10:00 am 1:00 pm 6:30-7:45 pm 6:30-7:45 pm Friday: 8:30 am Saturday: 3:00 pm 3:30-4:45 pm 4:30 pm Rosary (church) 1st Communion, English only class, 2nd Grade 6th Grade through Confirmation High School Youth Group Cub Scouts Bible Study Sew & So CCD (K-5) Middle School Youth Group Adoration in Queen of Peace Chapel ALL DAY Adoration in Queen of Peace Chapel ENDS Confession in the church Rosary (church) In 1992, Cardinal O’Conner suggested that one way to articulate the respect life message would be to erect memorials that would testify to the holocaust of lives that have become expendable through a culture of death. In 1992, the Knights of Columbus acted upon this request and over 1,600 memorials have been erected in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, Guatemala and elsewhere. In 2000, Fr. Rosendo Rafael Council 8225 here at Sacred Heart in Elgin decided to erect such a memorial, which is located in front of the church. We commissioned an Austin artist to do the artwork. The work is three dimensional, cast in bronze and mounted on polished Texas Granite. The stone work was done by Paul Vricella of the Solid Rock Shop in Kingsland. Joanna Vaughn did the original artwork and per our request printed 100 numbered copies. She requested we give the print a name, “Sacred Heart”. The Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN) is asking for volunteers to help in the cleanup efforts for families affected by the October floods. Please contact them at (512) 428-6322 for information. [email protected] [email protected] SANCTUARY CANDLE FOR RONNIE BROCE, GRAYSON BROCE, AND JON DAVID GARCIA OFFERED BY COLETTA GARCIA Bulletin deadline is Wednesday by 8:00 pm Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario A blessed thank you to everyone who gave a gift this past weekend to the Catholic Services Appeal. Our parish goal is 100% participation. Each and every person’s gift is important. For those who have not made a pledge, please join us in supporting the vital programs and services throughout the Diocese of Austin from which you and this parish benefit. Simply fill out a pledge envelope and place it in the offertory basket or drop it in the mail. Thank you for your support. Prayer for the Sick Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And for all your love's sake. Amen. Msgr. Bill Brooks, Fr. Adam Martinez, Fr. Jim Robertson, Fr. Everett Trebtoske Grayson Broce, Ronnie Broce, Amy Buettner, Dolores Cantu, Peter Cantu, Marcella Chapa, Adam Cordova, David Day, Deacon Larry Dunne, David Falcon, Juliana Flores, Richard Flores, Deacon John Franklin, Sofie Fuentes, Jon David Garcia, Thomas Gay, Dorothy Hicks, Lindsey Hoe, Thomas Holub, Marina Jaecks, Julia Jonse, Jim Jurek, Doris Keown, Lois Lacy, John & Kenny Lawhon, Bob Lindstrom, Elizabeth Molina, Raul Molina, Judy Mueller, Paul Oncken, Jennifer Parker, Ben Perez, David Perez, Rosa Pickens, Dale Pyeatt, Julian Rangel, Bonnie Renteria, Lydia Rocha, Efren Rodriguez, Ellen Rodriguez, John Simecek, Terry & Earl Sharninghouse, Pat Steffek, Wayne Strahan, Desiree Taylor, Elizabeth Verastegui, E.G. Villarreal, Gloria Wenzel and Letha Wiley Next week's collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD Collection. The Knights of Columbus Charities Raffle will be held Saturday, November 21st. 100 tickets will be sold at $30/ticket. Each ticket admits two adults for food and drink and a chance to win $1,000. All tickets will be drawn and every 10th ticket will win their money back. Last ticket drawn will win $1,000. Tickets are available from any KC member. Upcoming KC Bake Sale. More information in next week’s bulletin. Sanctuary Candle If you would like to donate $12 for a candle (burns 2 weeks) for the church/chapel, please, call or come by the church office. Bendeciones y gracias a todos los que hicieron una donación el Domingo pasado al Llamado para Servicios Católicos. Nuestra meta parroquial es una participación del 100%. La donación de cada persona es importante. Para aquellos que no han hecho un compromiso, por favor únanse a nosotros apoyando los programas vitales y los servicios alrededor de la Diócesis de Austin de los cuales tanto esta parroquia como usted se benefician. Simplemente llene un sobre de compromiso y deposítelo en la canasta de ofertorio o envíelo por correo. Gracias por su apoyo. La colecta de la próxima semana para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano o para eliminar el ciclo de pobreza en los Estados Unidos otorgando fondos a organizaciones que ayudan a las personas ayudarse a sí mismas. Con su tradición de mejorar la educación, vivienda y en el desarrollo económico de las comunidades, CCHD continúa teniendo un impacto positivo en las comunidades en todo el país. Su contribución servirá para defender la dignidad humana y llegar a todos los que viven al margen. Por favor, contribuya a la Colecta para CCHD. Rifa de Caridad de Caballeros de Colón será el Sábado, 21 de Noviembre. 100 boletos se venderán a $30/boleto. Cada boleto admite a dos adultos para comida y bebida y una oportunidad de ganar $1,000. Se sacarán todos los boletos y a cada decimo (10) boleto se le regresará su dinero. El último boleto sorteado ganará $1,000. Los boletos están disponibles de cualquier miembro de KC. Venta de Pasteles: Más información en el boletín de la próxima semana sobre de pasteles por los Caballeros. DIVINE MERCY AND THE YEAR OF MERCY We would like to start a new Divine Mercy Cenacle to begin during The Year of Mercy which begins December 8th. If you are interested in joining this prayer group, please contact our parish coordinator, Deborah Currey at 512-775-0977, or leave your name and number at the office. There will be an introductory meeting for all those who are interested. At the meeting, a day and time for the weekly meetings will be set and books will be ordered. The books needed are the Diary of Sister Faustina, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and The Bible. THE FUTURE The future starts today, not tomorrow. —Pope John Paul II EL FUTURO El futuro comienza hoy, no mañana. Flowers —Papa San Juan Pablo II If you would like to make a donation of flowers in the church, please, call or come by the church office.
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