JANUARY 10TH, 2016 The Baptism of The Lord OUR LADY of GUADALUPE Pastor Fr. Gerardo (Jerry) Arano-Ponce Associate Pastor Fr. Jesús René Pérez Deacon Raymond Delgado Office Manager Mary Ann Pickering Parish Secretary Celia Bautista Religious Ed. Director Andrea Valdez Masses Church Daily Tuesday thru Friday/Martes a Viernes 8:00am Wednesday 6:30pm & Thursday 6:30pm (Spanish) Saturday/4:00pm (English) /6:00pm (Spanish) Sunday/Domingo: 7:30am, 9:30am (English), 11:30am, 1:30pm (Spanish) Office Hours/Horas de oficina: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm School web .....holyfamilytopeka.org East: K-8, 1725 NE Seward Ave. School Phone .................. (785)234-8980 School Fax ...................... (785)234-6778 Email ........ [email protected] West: Pre-School, 210 NE Branner School Phone .................. (785)233-9171 Email ........ [email protected] Confessions Wednesday 5:15-6:15pm, Saturday 2:30pm to 3:30 pm, or anytime by appointment if needed/ Miércoles 5:156:15pm, Sábado de 2:30pm a 3:30pm, o por cita si necesita. Marriages arrangements must be made with the pastor at least six months prior to the planned date. Planes de Matrimonio llame al Sacerdote. Quinceañeras Arrangements need to be made with the church office six months prior to planned date./Acuerdos necesitan hacerse en la oficina parroquial por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha planeada. Communion Calls if anyone is sick at home for a period of time, please notify the parish office. Declaration of Nullity Please call the parish office at (785)232-5088 Baptism Preparation Session Second Sunday of every month at 10:30am English and 3:00pm Spanish. Call Parish Office to register./Segundo Domingo de cada mes a las 10:30am en ingles y 3:00pm en español. Llame para registrarse. Office Phone .......... (785)232-5088 Emergency Evening Office Fax .............. (785)232-8834 Phone ....................... (785)215-6113 E-mail .......... [email protected] Web Page ....... www.olg-parish.org For the Sacrament of the Sick please call the parish office. 201 NE CHANDLER STREET ● TOPEKA, KS 66616 Anointing of the Sick OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN 2 A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 Please pray for the sick of the Parish, and all our Military Troops,/ Por favor de orar por los enfermos de la parroquia y todos en las Fuerzas Armadas: Jennifer Delci, John Marlin, Lesa Martinez, Patrick Please remember Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in your will. Our legal title is: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Topeka, 201 NE Chandler St., Topeka, KS 66616. Hernandez, Margaret Toledo-Lopez, Maria Mendoza, Lisa Motto, Gloria Ruddy, Anna Rose, Anna Hernandez-Reid, Sarah Martinez, Liliana Gonzales, Carol Hernandez, Gerry Gauthier, Sue Garcia Casebier, Russell Adam, Donna Rodgers, Danielle Ritter, Ali Rivera, Jayden Moore,Olivia Johnson, Gene Torres, Daniel de Jesus Anguiano Cedeno Jr., Enrique Garcia, Tomee Flores Bradberry, Joseph Cervantes, Shirley Green, David M. Hernandez, Steve Dominguez, Uriel Muñoz, Mary Frances Dallen, Riley Robinson, Aiven Burkhart, Davonta Martinez, Heather Richardson, John Marr, Brayan Cervantes, Virginia Ramos, Molly Ann Motto, Brian Burkett, Martin Ortiz Jr., Guillermina G. Lopez, John Padilla, Molly Neal, Leocadia Navarro, Jason Blancas, Feliciano Canares, Raul Perez Torrez, Elizabeth Adame, Ana Villegas, Marcelino Chavez, Reese Lord, Pabla Soto, Virginia Ferrero, Debbie Lindsay, Sevarina Padilla, Roland Alonzo, Rita Otradovec, Roger Ortega, Jeamine Crown, Joseph Roman, Ana Lynn Smith, Joe Adame, Cruz Chavez, Philip Aguirre–-Bolin, Anne Rangel, Martha Tellez, Juan Rodriguez De Avila, Victoria White. † MASSES FOR THE WEEK Tue Wed ders 01/12 8:00am + 01/13 8:00am J ohn LS Navar r o For Vocations to Holy Or - Thurs 6:00pm 01/14 8:00am Para los Padres de Familia For the Elder ly Fri Sat 01/15 8:00am 01/16 4:00pm For the Pr iests For the Par ish member s of OLG Frank & Molly Padilla 6:00pm + Sun 01/17 7:30 am + Rito & Leonila Valdivia 9:30 am + Rafael D Mendez 11:30am Para la Paz del Mundo 1:30pm Para Los Enfermos Eucharistic adorers: Our Lord gives us peace and gifts of the Holy Spirit as we pray and spend time with Him. We are blessed with having our Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Please Contact Angel & Mary Valdivia at 273-1629 for guardian hours from 6:00am-12:00 noon, John and Lupe Jaramillo from 12:00 noon-6:00pm, John & Lupe Jaramillo at 234-5936 from 6:00pm-midnight, and Monica & Marcus Ramirez from midnight-6:00am. Hours currently open: Monday; 8:00am, 3:00am Tuesday; 1:00 am, 2:00am, Wednesday; 3:00am, 4:00am, 8:00 am, 4:00pm Thursday: 2:00 am, 11:00 pm. If you are sick/homebound and would like to have a visit & Rosary said, the Legion of Mary would gladly come to your home. Please call Marcelino Gonzalez at 3576606 or Luis Del Real 267-2852 to set up a day & time. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES 01/16/15 & 01/17/2016 Saturday 4:00pm Saturday 6:00pm Sunday 7:30am Sunday 9:30 am Sunday 11:30am Sunday 1:30pm Lectors Bill & MaryAnn Pickering Angeles Escobar Ramona Herrera Miguel Ramirez Mary Jo Chavez Sr. Rebecca Mary Frances Dallen Anabella Gallegos Margarita Flores Silvina Munoz Israel Cortez Jose Luis Marquez Aracely Parra Jose Martinez Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Yvonne Herrera Deacon Ray Peter Gallego Lourdes Trevizo Nazaria Galicia Isabel Gonzales John & Lupe Jaramillo Naya Balandran Dolores Oliva Deborah Ortega Rosario Barranco Lourdes Trivizo Goyita Morales Maria Gomez Mass Servers TBA TBA Susana Mosqueda Yanelia Flores-Pagan P.J. Vargas Felix Valdez Dominic Rodriguez TBA TBA OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 PARISH LIFE CCD Religious Education At SOR we ended our School Year celebrating the birth of Jesus, on December 17 we celebrated Las Posadas. Thank you to The KoC for setting up and preparing snacks for our celebration, we appreciate all that you do for us! Thank you to Maria Stever for her beautiful costumes, the first and second graders looked amazing! A Special Thank you to Celia Bautista and Rachelle VegaRetana for all their ideas, and hard work! Thank you to all those who joined us, helped us, and especially the students and parents for attending practice and making a successful Posadas! 2015 SOR Posadas Cast Joseph – Rico Chavez Mary – Eva Rivera Donkey – Mathias Martinez Inn Keepers – David Colon, Alex Hernandez & Michael Roman Three Kings – Edgar Campos, Eduardo Lopez & Angel Ortiz Angels – Jymmena Soto, Ximena Angeles, Genevy Fisher, Dulce Medrano & Jasmine Zapata Happy New Year to all !! Thank you so much for your many expressions of sincere appreciation through the many Christmas cards, Baked goods, and delicious food sent to the rectory during the Christmas week. Many thanks to those who sent Hamilton’s, Jackson’s, Grant’s and even Franklin! Fr. Jesus Reñe is in Colombia, South America, since December 28 and will return on January 20th. I will visit my parents in Veracruz for a week starting on January 28th. I hope you all enjoyed the love of family and friends during the holidays. I look forward to my late Christmas with my family at the end of the month! God bless, 3 ~PARISH LIFE~ Holy Family Holy Family Catholic School boys’ basketball has begun. Booster Club will be selling concessions on Monday, January 11 beginning at 5:30 until 8:30p.m. at the Marlo Cuevas Balandran Activity Center. The menu will consist of tacos, tostadas, burritos, enchiladas, hot dogs, chili dogs, nachos, popcorn, pop, Gatorade, water and candy. Please come support the teams and booster club. We do carry out orders too!! Altar Server Training If you are interested in being an Altar server, there will be training on January 11th,13th and 14th, 2016 in the church at 5pm. For more information call the church office at 785-232-5088. Thank you. BAPTISMAL PREP CLASSES Are January 10th, 2016 after the 9:30am Mass in the Church. Both Parents and Sponsors are encouraged to go to the class if your preparing to baptize in the upcoming months. Call the Parish Office for further information 232-5088 Bingo Its time to play some BINGO! When: Tuesday January 12, 2016 Time: 6:30 pm Where: Banquet Room in the Activity Center next to the Church. Bring your friends and family! Fr. Jerry Mexican Bread and Cookie Sale Pete Muñoz will be having a Mexican bread and cookie sale on Friday, January 22 and Saturday, January 23 in the Downstairs Activity Center from 11am to 5pm. DON’T MISS OUT!!! Knight of Columbus Fr. Jerry and Knight of Columbus will be sponsoring a Baby Diaper Drive from January 17th to Janury 31st in support of Mary’s Choices. Please bring new packages of disposable diapers from new born to size 5 and place them in the blue K of C container in the vestibule at the front of the church. All diapers will be delivered to Mary’s choices for distribution to those that have chosen life for their child. Thank you and may God bless you. 4 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 NOTICAS DE LA PARROQUIA ¿COMO CATOLICO SABIAS QUE? Las Obras de Misericordia Coropral para el... Sed, dar de beber Hambriento , compartir comida Encarcelado , visitar y orar Enfermo , atencion y visitar Sin hogar , proporcionar refugio Desnudo, Dar Ropa Muerto, enterrar sus cuerpos Obras de Misericordia Espirituales Aguantar injusticias pacientemente Oren por los vivos y los muertos Amonestar a los pecadores Asesorar a los dudosa Ensenar a los ignorantes Perdonar ofensas Consolar los afligidos CCD Educación Religiosa A SOR terminamos nuestro año escolar que celebra delnacimiento de Jesús , el 17 de Diciembre celebramos Las Posadas . Gracias a Los K of C para configurar y preparar bocadillos para nuestra celebración , apreciamos todo lo que hacen por nosotros! Gracias a María Stever por sus hermosos trajes , el primer y segundo grado parecía increíble ! Gracias Un especial a Celia Bautista y Rachelle Vega- Retana para todas sus ideas y trabajo duro! ¡Gracias a todos los que se unieron a nosotros , nos ayudó , y especialmente a los estudiantes y padres de familia para asistir a la práctica y hacer las Posadas un éxito ! 2015 SOR Posadas moldeada Joseph - Rico Chávez María - Eva Rivera Burro - Mathias Martínez Inn Keepers - David Colón , Alex Hernández y Michael Romano Tres Reyes - Edgar Campos, Eduardo López y Ángel Ortiz Angels - Jymmena Soto , Ximena Ángeles , Genevy Fisher , Dulce Medrano y Jasmine Zapata Venta de Pan Mexicano y Galletas Pete Muñoz va tener una venta de pan y galletas Méxicano el Viernes 22 de Enero y el Sábado, 23 de Enero en el Centro de Actividades eb la planta de abajo de 11 a.m.-5 p.m. . NO SE LO PIERDA !!! Monaguillos Si usted está interesado en ser Monaguillos, habrá formación el 11, 13 y 14 de Enero 2016 en la Igelsa a las 5pm . Para más información llama a la oficina de la iglesia al 785-232-5088 . Gracias ~Clases Bautismales ~ son ofrecidas por parte de la parroquia para los papas y padrinos, para ayudarles prepararse para la recepción del Sacramento del Bautismo. Ven y aprende el por que bautizar a los bebes es lo normal en la Iglesia. También, haga planes para asistir a la clase antes de que nazca su bebe, y se alegrara de haber lo hecho. No hay ningún costo para las clases. Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al 785-2325088 para registrase. Clases en español son el 2o domingo del mes a las 3pm en el centr o de actividades. Necesitan registrase con la oficina de la iglesia antes de tomar la platica de bautismo. ¡ATENCIÓN! Se les reccuerda que para Bodas y Quinceañeras se hace cita con el párrco “Gerardo”de la Iglesa. En la oficina de la Iglesa. El párrco es quien autoriza la feche. Si la fecha está disponible, no está garantizado ningun feche y no se aparte feche sin autorizacion del párrco. Para cita con el párrco llama al 785-232-5088. ¡Gracias! Feliz Año a todos !! Muchas gracias por sus muchas expresiones de sincero agradecimiento por las muchas tarjetas de Navidad, productos horneados , y la comida deliciosa enviados a la rectoría durante la semana de Navidad . Muchas gracias a quienes enviaron Hamilton , Jackson , Grant e incluso Franklin ! Padre Jesús Rene está en Colombia , Sur America , desde el 28 de Diciembre y regresará el 20 de Enero . Voy a visitar a mis padres en Veracruz durante una semana de partida el 28 de Enero . Espero que hayan disfrutado el amor de la familia y amigos durante los dias feistvos. Espero mi Navidad retrasado con mi familia el fin de mes ! Dios los bendiga, Padre Gerardo “Jerry” OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 REGIONAL NEWS Holy Rosary Rally Please Join us at the January Holy Rosary Rally in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima– Which will be held on Sunday January 17th from 3 pm to 4:15pm at St. Mark/St Anthony Parish, 615 N. 7th Street Kansas City, Ks 66101. We will pray the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Holy rosary followed by Benediction and the opportunity for attendees to enroll in the Brown Scapular. For driving instructions or future dates for the Kansas city monthly Holy rosary rallies, visit www.rosaryrallieskc.org 2016 Regional Catholic Women’s Retreat Resolve, Renew, Rejoice Featuring keynote speaker “Lisa Cotter” Saturday, January 23rd at Christ the King Catholic Church at 5973 SW 25th Street in Topeka. Doors open at 6:30am-12:30 pm. Register online at ctktopeka.org $20 per registration. For more information contact Tonya Campbell at 785-221-8652 or tann- Fertility Care Center 5 REGIONAL NEWS Year of Mercy Parent and Parishioners: As we all know Archbishop Naumann has called for this to be the Year of Mercy. I have been volunteering at the Catholic Charities food bank for a while and have noticed that most of the time, the homeless have lacked of proper footwear. To help with this problem and to answer the Archbishop call, I have established Sole Reason, a company that collects your used or greatly used shoes and donates them to the homeless and less fortunate in our community. It will be a non– profit company that uses the communities love, compassion, and generosity to equip the less fortunate with proper footwear. I will have donation boxes set up at your parish, ( by the south door) the month of January where you can drop off your shoes. I will also be able to pick up your shoes if you would like, just call me, Jerry, at (785) 338-2965 to set up a time and place. This will be continuous project and I will have a website in the coming week which will be www.solerason.net for mor e info. On behalf of those less fortunate, God bless and thank you. Engaged? Married? Need NFP? Infertility? The Fertility Care System (Creighton Model) Introductory Session is offered monthly at a variety of area locations and long distance. Fulfills marriage policy requirement. Helpful for achieving pregnancy plus medical applications. Better than IVF for infertility! Register online at www.fertilitykc.com or call the Fertility Care of KC at 98160 858-0198 Para espanol llama Brooklynn Salazar, FCPI (816) 398-9327 Looking for that special someone Hayden Chili Feed! The Hayden Catholic High School Student Council is sponsoring a chili feed on Friday, January 15, 2016 from 4:30-7:30pm during the home basketball game vs Topeka High… $6 will get you the following: All you can eat chili/ chili dogs Veggies Drink (tea or water) Cinnamon roll Extra cinnamon rolls will be available for $1 each.. Come and enjoy some wonderful food and fellowship for a good cause and stay to cheer on the Wildcats and watch some excellent basketball!!! We all think we are too busy to do one thing, but Birthright is hoping you can spare just a few hours, once a week. We are great need of additional volunteers to work in our office, meeting the needs of our clients. Several of our current volunteers have had to take leaves while they care for sick family members, undergo surgery and even chemotherapy. So , we need YOU!! Evening shifts are only two hours and day time shift are 3 1/2 hours. You can work as little as once a month! But please give prayful thought to joining us in this very worthwhile cause! Training provided!! If interested, call the office during open hours at 785-234-0701 or call our Director, Lorraine, at 758-224-8485. We look forward to hearing from you! “ I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” Helen Keller
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