Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 18, 2016 PASTOR’S CORNER: Catechetical Sunday This Sunday is designated by the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) as Catechetical Sunday. As we celebrate this event, we recognize not only the indispensable role that catechists play in our Christian life but also the importance of catechism in our spiritual and faith formation. Catechism is an indispensable work of the Church and it is being sustained by the concerted efforts of priests, catechists and parents. What does a catechist do? The word “catechist” means to “echo” or “resound” the very teachings of Jesus. A catechist is therefore one who has chosen to relate what our Catholic Church teaches so that our children understand dogmas and doctrines, how and why we celebrate, how we live and how we pray, and most importantly, will become true disciples of Jesus Christ. The National Directory for Catechesis enumerates the tasks all catechists must practice. These are: to promote the knowledge of faith, promote a knowledge of the meaning of the liturgy and the sacraments, promote moral formation in Jesus Christ, teach the Christian how to pray with Christ, prepare the Christian to live in community and to participate actively in the life and mission of the Church, and to promote a missionary spirit that prepares the faithful to be present as Christians in society. Catechists fulfill this mission while pursuing their own ongoing education in the Truth as taught in our Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, through their own lives of prayer, through their dedication of the Eucharist. This year, the theme for Catechetical Sunday is: Prayer: The Faith Prayed. This theme invites all the baptized-especially catechists and Catholic school teachers--to devote themselves to a deeper study and practice of prayer, for their own spiritual good and for the good of those they serve. This Sunday, those who volunteered and have also been designated by our community to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the role that each of us plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all of us to rededicate ourselves to this mission as a community of faith. We pray that our religious formation this year will continue to be fruitful. May we grow in our faith, knowledge and love of Him, Jesus Christ, who has given himself that we may have life in its fullness. God Bless! Fr. Elmer Welcome to St. Stephen Catholic Church! Parish Activities for the week of September 18, 2016 Please Join 9:45am Sun. 9/18 1:00pm Mon 9/19 7:00 pm 1pm-9pm Tues 9/20 6:30pm 7:00pm Wed 9/21 Thur 9/22 Fri. 9/23 Sat. 9/24 Sun. 9/25 6:45am 7:00pm 1:pm-9:pm 7:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am Us For Coffee & Donuts after Mass! Tacos Sale after Mass! High School yth. Ministry Monday Night Rosary (Library) Eucharistic Adoration Women’s Ministry (Library/Spanish) Welcome Committee Mtg. Women’s Guild Board Mtg. Knights of Columbus Officer’s Meeting Mass “Dawn Patrol” Crecimientos Bible Study (Spanish) Eucharistic Adoration Lectio Eucharist Bible Study - John Boyd Mass & Confessions Prayer Ministry (Spanish) Adult Faith Formation ~ Divine Mercy, Diocesan Mass Class (Spanish) 2nd. Yr. Confirmation Parent/Candidate Mtg. Mass & Sun 9/18 Mon Tues Wed Thur. Fri Sat 9/19 9/20 9/21 9/22 9/23 9/24 Intentions for the week of September 18, 2016 7:30 am 9:00am 11:00am 12:15pm 8:45am 6:45am 8:45am 5:30pm 5:30pm Pro Populo Armando y Laura Soto Family, Sp. Intention Silvina Samora, ╬ Madeline Stehly, Sp. Intention Jaren Gonzales, Sp. Intention Devon Devore, Sp. Intention Communion Service Pastor’s Intention Ofelia Castellanos, ╬ Scripture Readings for the week of September 18, 2016 Sunday: Am 8:4-7/Ps 113:1-2,4-8/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 Monday: Prv 3:27-34/Ps 15:2-5/Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Prv 21:1-6,10-13/Ps 119:1,27,30,34-35,44/Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Eph 4:1-7,11-13/Ps 19:2-5/Mt 9:9-13 Thursday: Eccl 1:2-11/Ps 90:3-6,12-14,17/Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Eccl 3:1-11/Ps 144:1-4/Lk 9:18-22 Saturday: Eccl 11:9—12:8/Ps 90:3-6,12-14,17/Lk 9:43-45 Next Sunday: Am 6:1,4-7/Ps 146:7-10/1 Tm 6:11-16/Lk 16:19-31 Daily Prayer for Our Priests Sept. 18 Rev. Thomas Franxman, SJ September, 2016 Sept. 19 Rev. Ricardo Juarez Frausto, CJM Sept. 20 Rev. Joseph Freeman Sept. 21 Rev. Michael Froidurot Sept. 22 Rev. James Fry Sept. 23 Rev. Enrique Fuentes Sept. 24 Rev. Charles Fuld O Jesus, I pray for your faithful and fervent priests; For your unfaithful and tepid priests; For your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields. For your tempted priests; For your lonely and desolate priests; For your young priests; For your dying priests; For the souls of your priests in Purgatory. But above all, I recommend to you the priests dearest to me: The priest who baptized me; The priests who absolved me from my sins; The priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; The priests who taught and instructed me; All the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way (especially________). O Jesus, keep them all close to your heart, And bless them abundantly in time and in Eternity. Amen (By St. Therese of Lisieux ) Pray for Priests and Vocations “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV) Daily Prayer for Vocations Jesus, Lord of the harvest, Look with love on this portion of your vineyard. Bless the Diocese of San Diego with more priests to shepherd your people, Priests with hearts like your own. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us. F A Faith Formation / Religious Education begins this week for our Elementary grade levels. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit over our Catechist and children. Special SUNDAY registration today from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. I Registration will close Sept. 20th for Wed. Sessions and Sept. 23rd for Saturday Sessions. T Families need to register each year. Registering only takes a few minutes with a short little update form for returning families and a deposit. Registration for the first time takes a little longer. H ST. STEPHEN YOUTH MINISTRY! F O R M A T I O N C O R N E R Dawn Patrol! (Church) Every Wednesday Morning @ 6:45 am Mass 1st & 3rd Wed. of the Month @ 6:45 am Middle School Youth Night Kick Off with Parents (Parish Hall) Monday October 3rd @ 7:00 pm HS Youth Night (Youth Room) Monday Fall Kick Off September 19th @ 7:00 pm HS Friday Youth Nights in Spanish Continues @ 7:00 pm in Briscoe Hall 2nd Year Confirmation – Meeting with Candidates, Parents, & Sponsors Sunday September 25th 8:45 am in Spanish 10:30 am in English 2nd Year Confirmation Rite of Welcome & Mini Day of Prayer & Reflection Sunday October 2nd After 9am Mass in English Before 11amMass in Spanish Coordinator of Youth Ministry John Navarette [email protected] 760 749-3352 Office * 760 518-2867 Cell For those who are interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church now is the time to register for this year’s RCIA program. The RCIA is for adults who have not been baptized or who belong to another Christian denomination. It is also for Catholics who want to complete the sacraments of both First Communion and Confirmation. Also invited are those Catholics who have not been active in their faith and wish to return to an active sacramental life in the Church. Classes are held on Tuesday @ 7:00 PM in the youth room. For more information please contact Nadia Clayton (619) 709-0963 or James Finster (760) 715-0149. FROM THE DESK OF THE DIRECTOR OF CATECHETICAL MINISTRY CATECHECAL SUNDAY Catechetical Sunday, a national day to celebrate the ministry of passing on the faith, will be September 18, 2016. This year's theme - " Prayer: the Faith Prayed"- reminds us to devote ourselves to a deeper study and practice of prayer, for our own spiritual good and for the good of those we serve and teach. All Catechist, faith formation and youth ministry leaders are asked to attend any Mass this weekend with exception of the 7:30 am for a special blessing with Fr. Elmer. ST. STEPHEN HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Two Great Events to sign up with John Navarette NOW!!! 1st Year Confirmation Formation (Eng.) & Yr. 1 & 2 (Span.) Sunday October 9th 8:45 am Spanish 10:30 am English Sunday Sept. 18th “Awakening” A Multi Parish Youth Night @ Resurrection Church in Escondido featuring Roy Petitfils. Meet from 6 - 8pm! RSVP please! Saturday October 22’ “Imagine” Youth Day @ USD. Mini -Steubenville Conference. Sponsored by All For God. RSVP Cost $40 “Jesus asks us to follow him and to travel with him along the path of love, the path that alone leads to eternal life.” ~ Pope Francis RCIA FOR TEENS RCIA begins Tuesday September 20th @ 7pm in Briscoe Hall. Want to receive a sacrament of initiation? Have questions on the Catholic Faith or just want to learn more about being Catholic then “Come and See” If you would like to know Jesus, come meet Him in the Scriptures! High School Ministry Bible Study All high school youth are welcomed to participate in a Youth Bible Study at the Boyd home, weekly on Wednesday nights starting @ 7pm. Home address: 15583 Hawksbury Ln. VC, Phone: 760.749.5681 NEW CATECHETICAL PROGRAM COORDINATOR I would like to welcome Kimberly Briggs to the Faith Formation staff as the new Catechetical Program Coordinator (CPC) for our elementary grade levels. Kim is a long time parishioner and graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with lots of talent and gifts to offer our Parish. Please be sure to welcome her as she begins her new ministry. May the Holy Spirit Bless us all, Marcial Lopez [email protected] Collection/Colecta, 9/11/16 Goal / Meta $11,000 Plate/Plato: Envelope/Sobre: Debt: $ 4,030.51 $ 10,955.00 $ 1,190.42 Total: $ 16,175.93 Other: $ 10.00 Jubilee Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016 Resources are available at IMAGINE YOUTH DAY! October 22, 2016 10:am-6:pm Featuring Oscar Rivera and WAL! Imagine Youth Day is an exciting one-day regional conference to energize and ignite the faith of teens. Imagine reaches teens as they hear the Gospel shared in ways that are relevant and timely in their high school years . It call s teens, especially those on a journey to Confirmation, into a richer & meaningful life as they are encouraged to live out their faith Shiley Theater at the University of San Diego 5998 Alcalá Park S.D. CA 92110 618.582.4656 / e-mail: New Study! Lectio: Eucharist In Eucharist .. Discovering the Mass in the Bible renowned teacher Dr. Brant Pitre guides us through Scripture (Old and New testaments), history, and Church teaching to illuminate the wonder and miracle of the Eucharist. Through this series, he is offering profound insights to deepen our spirituality and our union with Jesus through this unspeakable gift of his very Self to us. Facilitated by John Boyd. For questions please Contact Dagmar Hoffman @ 760.504.2693. USE SCRIP EVERY TIME YOU SHOP! We offer SCRIP for popular stores used by school families. You can use scrip to pay for gas, groceries, restaurants, home improvement, clothing, and entertainment . Stop by the table after Mass and check out all the merchants! Thank you for supporting our parish! PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR PARISH: Sally Goodell; JoAnn Banaszak; Valerie Swain; Jack Plesko; Steven Andrews; Maria Nicolas; Cecile Illig; Amanda Luman; Carol Leigh; Sue Pederson; Jesus Angel; Tom Barry; Christopher Johnson; Marie Tate; Ralph Jensen; Lucas Valencia; Paul Oakley; Sean Williams; Clarisse Prefontaine; Marianne Williams; Peggy Buskuhl; Hudson Schaner; Ryan Melendez; Ruben Nieto; Cindy Myers; Mitchel Bohnstehn, Tomas Andaluz, Tom O'Carrol, Irv Solorzano, Diana Sheehy, Patrick Hansen, Sondra Jasak, Vilma Bartolo, Bill Rogers, and John Kopp *May they find peace in the healing Love of Jesus Christ.* First Friday Eucharistic Adoration – New Adorers Needed: Currently we need adorers for the following hours: 1:00 am - 2:00 am * 2:00 am - 3:00 am * 3:00 am - 4:00 am “Would you watch one hour with our Lord Jesus Christ? For any questions please call Contact Lennie Passafiume @ 760.751.1332. Your help is needed! Whether it’s sorting, working at the cash register, once a week, once a month or more…This is for you! Volunteers are vital in helping our thrift store make a difference. We are looking for new volunteers to help us out. Help give back to the community. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered every Sunday at the 9:00 a.m. Mass. To help with Children’s Liturgy of the Word, please contact Julie Conger (ages 4-6) 760.751.9039 or Donald Giesing (ages 7+) 949.244.7389. RCIA: What is RCIA? It is The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism who are above the age of infant baptism If you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith or would you like to consider becoming Catholic? If so, come and see. We will begin our RCIA weekly journey of the Catholic faith on Tuesday Nights beginning Sept. 20th and would like to invite you to come and bring your all your questions For More information contact the Parish Office and ask for Marcial Lopez @ 760749.3324 Beginning Experience is a ministry focused on helping the divorced, widowed and separated to get beyond grief and begin again. Sponsored by the Diocesan Office for Marriage & Family Life (BE) is a nonprofit, all volunteer, international organization. Calling on the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, a retreat tem of peers helps grieving, single again persons to turn the pain of loss into an experience of positive growth. Divorced, widowed, and separated persons can register now for a healing Beginning Experience retreat December 16-18, 2016 The weekend focuses on healing and moving beyond grief in a supportive and caring environment with others that are going through and have gone through the same experiences. The retreat will be held at the beautiful and serene Prince of Peace Abbey, in Oceanside, CA. If you know someone experiencing pain of grief, Beginning Experience can help. For more info. Call Bob Clark (949)466.4979 Kathy Savel (619) 222.9039 or Rose Sheehan (619 504.4410 Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 18 de Septiembre, 2016 ESQUINA DEL PASTOR: Domingo Catequético Este domingo es designada por el USCCB (Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos) como Domingo Catequético. Mientras celebramos este evento, no sólo reconocemos el labor indispensable que desempeñan los catequistas en nuestra vida cristiana, sino también de la importancia de la catequesis en nuestra herencia espiritual y de formación en la fe. El catecismo es una labor indispensable de la Iglesia y está siendo sostenido por los esfuerzos concertados de los sacerdotes, los catequistas y los padres. ¿Qué es un catequista? La palabra "catequista" significa "echo" o "resonar" las enseñanzas de Jesús. Un catequista es, por lo tanto, quien ha elegido a relacionar lo que nuestra Iglesia Católica enseña de manera que nuestros hijos comprendan los dogmas y doctrinas, cómo y por qué celebramos, cómo vivimos y cómo debemos orar, y lo que es más importante, se convertirá en verdadero discípulo de Jesús Cristo. El Directorio Nacional para la catequesis enumera las tareas a todos los catequistas que deben practicar. Estos son: promover el conocimiento de la fe, promover un conocimiento del significado de la liturgia y los sacramentos, promover la formación moral en Jesús Cristo, enseñar a los cristianos cómo orar con Cristo, preparar al cristiano para vivir en comunidad y a participar activamente en la vida y en la misión de la Iglesia, y a promover un espíritu misionero que prepara a los fieles a estar presentes como cristianos en la sociedad. Los catequistas cumplen esta misión mientras persigue su propia educación permanente de la Verdad, como nos enseña en la Sagrada Escritura y la sagrada Tradición, a través de su propia vida de oración, a través de la dedicación de la Eucaristía Este año, el tema del domingo de catequesis es: Oracion: La Fe Orada. Este tema invita a todos los bautizados, especialmente los catequistas y los profesores de la escuela católica--para dedicarse a profundizar en el estudio y la práctica de la oración, para su propio bien espiritual y para el bien de aquellos a quienes sirven. Este domingo, quienes voluntariamente y también han sido designados por nuestra comunidad, para servir a los catequistas se llamarám en adelante encargados para su ministerio. Domingo catequético es una maravillosa oportunidad para reflexionar sobre el papel que desempeña cada uno de nosotros, en virtud del bautismo, la transmisión de la fe y de ser un testimonio del Evangelio. Domingo Catequético es una oportunidad para todos nosotros para dedicarnos a esta misión como una comunidad de fe. Pidamos que nuestra formación religiosa este año seguirá siendo fructífera como lo ha sido para que podamos crecer en nuestra fe, el conocimiento y el amor de Él, Jesucristo, quien se ha dado a Sí mismo para que podamos tener la vida en su plenitud Dios los bendiga! Fr. Elmer Bienvenidos a la Iglesia de San Esteban Dom 9/18 9:00am Armando y Laura Soto Family, Sp. Intention 11:00am Silvina Samora, ╬ Café, Donas y Compañerismo después de Misa Dom. 9/18 Lun. 9/19 Mar. 9/20 Mier 9/21 Thur 9/22 Vier. 9/23 Sab. 9/24 Dom. 9/25 10:am /12:pm Venta de Tacos despues de la misa! 7:00pm 7:00pm 1:pm-9pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:45am 3:30pm 7:00pm 7:00 pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 5:30pm 8:30am 6:30pm 9:00am Ministerio del Joven Rosario y Divina Misericordia (inglés) Adoración Eucaristica Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Ministerio de la Bienvenida, reúnion Patrulla de Amanecer “Dawn Patrol” Catesismo (Inglés) Gremio de Mujeres, reúnion directiva Caballeros de Colon, reúnion directiva Adoracion Eucaristica Crecimientos Estudio Biblico Misa y Confesion Catesismo Prayer Ministry (Spanish) Formacion de la Fe Adultos ~Divina Misericordia 12:15pm 2nd. Año de confirmación /reunion Padres y Candidatos Misas y intenciones para la semana del 18 de septiembre, 2016 7:30am Pro Populo Lun 9/19 12:15pm Madeline Stehly, Sp. Intention Mar 9/20 8:45am Jaren Gonzales, Sp. Intention Mier 9/21 6:45am Devon Devore, Sp. Intention Juev 9/22 8:45am Servicio de Comunión Vier 9/23 5:30pm Intención del Pastor Sab 5:30pm Ofelia Castellanos, ╬ 9/24 Lecturas para la semana del Domingo: Am 8:4-7/Sal 113:1-2,4-8/1 Tim 2:1-8/Lc 16:1-13 Lunes: Prov 3:27-34/Sal 15:2-5/Lc 8:16-18 Martes: Prov 21:1-6,10-13/Sal 119:1,27,30,34-35,44/Lc 8:19-21 Miércoles: Ef 4:1-7,11-13/Sal 19:2-5/Mt 9:9-13 Jueves: Ecl 1:2-11/Sal 90:3-6,12-14,17/Lc 9:7-9 Viernes: Ecl 3:1-11/Sal 144:1-4/Lc 9:18-22 Sábado: Ecl 11:9—12:8/Sal 90:3-6,12-14,17/Lc 9:43-45 Próx. Dom.: Am 6:1,4-7/Sal 146:7-10/1 Tim 6:11-16/Lc 16:19-31 Resen Por Nuestros Sacerdotes Sept. 18 Rev. Thomas Franxman, Sept. 19 Rev. Ricardo Juarez Frausto, CJM Septiembre, 2016 Sept. 20 Rev. Joseph Freeman Sept. 21 Rev. Michael Froidurot Sept. 22 Rev. James Fry Sept. 23 Rev. Enrique Fuentes Sept. 24 Rev. Charles Fuld REZO PARA SACERDOTES....Jesús, reza por tu sacerdote fiel y ferviente; Por tus sacerdotes infieles y tibios; Por tus sacerdotes que trabajan en casa o en un pais extranjero y en misiónes distantes. Por tu sacerdote tentado; Por tus sacerdotes solos y solitarios; Por tus sacerdotes jóvenes; Por tus sacerdotes agonizantes; por las almas de tus sacerdotes en el Calvario. Pero sobre todo, te recomiendo a los sacerdotes los más queridos a mí: el sacerdote que me bautizó; los sacerdotes que me exoneraron de mis pecados; los sacerdotes en cuyas misas que asistí y quién me dan Tu Cuerpo y Sangre en la Sagrada Comunión; los sacerdotes que me enseñaron e instruyeron; Todos los sacerdotes a quien soy endeudado de cualquier otro modo (sobre todo a...). Guárdalos cerca de tu corazón. Amén. Oración Diaria por las Vocaciones: Jesús de la coseha, mira con amor a esta porción de tu viña. Bendice la Diócesis de San Diego con más sacerdotes que pastoreen a tu pueblo, sacerdotes con un corazón semejante al tuyo. María, Madre de la Iglesia, intercede por nosotros. IMAGINESE DIA DEL JOVEN! Octubre 22, 2016 10:am-6:00 pm con Oscar Rivera y WAL! Imagínese día de la Juventud es un excitante un - día de conferencia regional para energizar y encender la fe de los adolescentes. Imaginese alcansa a los adolescente como ellos escuchan el Evangelio compartido en maneras que son relevantes y oportunas en sus años de escuela secundaria . Imaginese llame a los adolescentes, especialmente aquellos en su viaje a la confirmación, en un rico & vida significativa como se les anima a vivir su fe Shiley Theater at the University of San Diego 5998 Alcalá Park S.D. CA 92110 618.582.4656 / e-mail: Misa de Sanación: Jueves, Septiembre 29, 2016 Con el Padre “Dickens Remy.” El Padre Dickens viene de la Iglesia, Santa Maria en Escondido Alabanzas a las 6:30 Misa a las 7:00pm No se les olvide inscribrir a sus hijos al Catecismo y Confirmación! Por favor les pedimos que vayan localizando el certificado de bautismo de su niño/a. Para los que van a registrar para la confirmación también necesitamos el certificado de primera comunión y una junta con el Director de Catecismo. Por favor procure tenerlos en mano en el día de la registración. La preparación para los sacramentos de primera comunión comenzará el miércoles 21 de septiembre (en inglés) y el sábado 24 de septiembre (en español). Nota: Fe Formación / educación religiosa comienza esta semana para nuestro grado de enseñanza primaria. Por favor oren por la efusión del Espíritu Santo sobre nuestra catequista y los niños. Registro especial de hoy domingo a partir de las 8:30 am a 12:30 pm. BAUTIZO: Las Clases Pre-Bautismal se llevan a cabo el Primer y Segundo lunes de cada mes a las 7:00 pm. Procuren traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño(a). Padrinos deben estar viviendo en harmonia con la Iglesia Católica. La inscripción se cerrará 20 de septiembre para el miércoles 23 de septiembre de sesiones y reuniones para el sábado. Las familias necesitan registrarse cada año. Registrarse sólo toma unos pocos minutos con un formulario de actualización corta para las familias Para mayor información, favor de contactar a Miguel Madera 760.580.1945 o a la oficina parroquial 760.749.3324. MINISTERIO DE GRADOS 6-8 Comenzaremos el lunes por la noche con los padres y niños el 3 de octubre a las 7:00 pm en el salón. Ministerio de Grados 9 - 12 !!Comienzan las clases para el Programa de RICA El lunes por la noche los jóvenes comienzan el 19 de septiembre a las Mayor de 18 años de edad? Necesita el Sacramento 7:00 pm en el salón de jóvenes. de Bautizo, Comunión o Confirmación? Le invitamos La noche del viernes en Español continúa a las 7:00 pm en el Salón a registrarse al programa de catequesis para adultos, Briscoe. RICA. Para mayor informacion, favor de contactar a Patrulla de Amanecer “Dawn Patrol” Miguel Madera 760.580.1945 o a la oficina parroquial 760.749.3324. Miercoles a las 6:45 am. Se juntan todos los miércoles a esta hora. Les Para registrarse, favor de traer su certificado de Bautismo ( Si es dan desayuno antes de caminar a la escuela para empezar sus estudios. aplicable). Las clases comienzan a las 7:00 PM en el Salón Briscoe. El primer y tercer miércoles el Padre da la Misa a las 6:45 am. Congreso de Jóvenes 2016 ~ 29 y 30 de Octubre Este evento se llevará a cabo en el centro de convenciones de Los Angeles. Tendrán invitados especiales y muchas sorpresas. No se pierda este evento, venga y experimenta el amor de Dios en toda su gloria. Miles de Jóvenes serán participes y ud. puedes ser uno de ellos! Tome la decisión hoy y comuniquese con Victor Lopez 760.5575606 o Freddy Cruz 760.975.1069. Donación $130. Preparación de Confirmación comienza muy pronto! La primera sesion será el domingo 9 de octubre a las 8:45 am. Segundo año de candidatos asegúrese de volver a registrar! Comenzamos con una reunión con los candidatos, sus padres y padrinos el domingo 25 de septiembre, 8:45 am en español y a las 10:30 am en inglés. El Rito de Bienvendida para los candidatos de Segundo año será el domingo 2 de octubre. Tendrán un mini día de oración y reflexión. Scooter Service & Repair New & Used Scooters MON - FRI 8-6 SAT 9-12 HANDI-VAN Your Favorite Place 1320 Simpson Way #D Escondido Scooter Lifts Wheelchair Lifts Caring For Your Unique Dental Needs Matthew Mancino 27319 Valley Center Road 760-749-0099 (760) 432-8785 Valley Center, CA 92082 BANNERS 760-213-3903 Chris Banner Owner/Operator Lic.# CA993166 High Speed Internet Valley Center Wireless Wireless Starting at 28904 Valley Center Rd. $39.95/month! Office: 760.749.1335 Fax: 760.749.7257 $19.99/month! Free Local Tech Support! Phone: 760-749-0123 Fax: 760-749-0110 29115 Valley Center Rd. Ste G. Phone 760.651.2010 Email [email protected] Based in Valley Center, CA. DSL Starting at Catering For All Occasions Is your PC sick? WIFI Networking Cloud Apps. Hardware Software WEED BRUSH & TREE SERVICES Insured 760-749-4700 Espresso - Breakfast - Sandwiches Smoothies - Ice Cream Email: [email protected] Web: Are you looking to buy or sell a Manufactured or Mobile Home? Please call Fernando Romo at 760-689-8750 I’m a Licensed Sales Agent FINANCING AVAILABLE Mission Publications FOR ADS CALL 1-888-253-4358 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS A Cat’s View Veterinary Hospital GOD BLESS OUR ADVERTISERS! The merchants who advertise make our bulletin possible. When you patronize our advertisers, please thank them for supporting our parish. “Se Habla Español” 2016 Maria — Cooking for Fiestas Maria Tavares (Español) 760-638-0825 Kathryn Tisch (English) 760-638-0770 Tacos • Carnitas • Barbacoa Mole & mucho more Let our ranch be the site for your next gathering, meeting, conference, retreat or campout! Rosy’s Home (inc. windows), New Construction, Rentals, Moving in/out Reliable references upon request 760-708-8938 760-807-7832 (760) 522-3045 Fax: (760) 479-5925 [email protected] “Free Home Value Analysis” Portraits Weddings Special Events Senior Pictures Custom Framing Parishioner POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES Lenny Kerbs MBA, MSSE 27934 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center, CA 92082 #38 St. Stephen Church, Valley Center— Inside Housecleaning TRI-CITY CARPET Beth Smith ® REALTOR BRE #01106405 1080 W. Washington Ave. Escondido, CA 92025 1895 S. Centre City Pkwy, Escondido 760-743-6252 Vista 760-724-5595 JOE’S COUNTRY FEED & PET (Hay &Grain) 760.749.9328 27847 Valley Center Rd.• VC Joe & Jenni For all your pet & livestock needs Cell: Incorporated 760 212-4533 An Independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. FOX ACCOUNTING Linda Fox 760-751-9824 IN GOD WE TRUST Visit us at Lic #643269 Parishioner REPAIRS • REMODELS NEW CONSTRUCTION DR. ROBERT VERTREES License No. 709686 Income Tax Return Preparation WATER WELL DRILLING AND for Individuals & Businesses COMPLETE PUMP SERVICES Certified Public Accountant • Parishioner Jorge Flores (760) 751-4075 Office (760) 535-5927 Cell [email protected] M-F 8-6 • Sat 8-4 Buscemi Plumbing Inc. Stehly J. Flores Plumbing, Inc. 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