Sunday,October23,2016 Food Pantry Pastoral Team Food Pantry is November 3 and 17 ‐ 3‐5 in basement of Rectory. The number of our clients continues to grow. We are in desperate need of non‐perishable items such as macaroni, pasta sauce, tuna fish, beans, mac & cheese, crackers, soup, vegetables, cookies, fruit, rice, can potatoes, fruit, peanut butter & jelly. Monetary donations are welcome as well. Please make checks out to St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. We are also collecting gently used clothes for, children, men and women. God Bless you for your generous support of this ministry. Rev. Sergio Nadres Pastor Rev. Hermes Diaz Parochial Vicar Rev. Carl Arico In Residence Rev. David Buckles In Residence Michael P. Missaggia Deacon Thomas Norton Director of Music Maryann Angrosina Office Manager Elaine Conway, John Hughes Trustees Jaime de Leon Pastoral Council President Thomas D’Alessio Finance Council President Christine Smith Parish Catechetical Leader Despensa de alimentos Nuestra siguiente distribución será el 20 de octubre a partir de 3‐5. El número de clientes sigue creciendo . Estamos en necesidad desesperada de artículos, tales como macarrones, salsa de pasta, atún, frijoles, galletas , sopa, verduras, fruta, arroz, papas enlatadas, fruta, mantequilla de maní. Donaciones monetarias son bienvenidos. Por favor haga los cheques a San Vicente de Paul despensa de alimentos. También estamos colectando ropa usada para, niños, hombres y mujeres . Dios los bendiga por su apoyo generoso a este ministerio. Mass Schedule Saturday Evening 5pm & 6.30pm (Spanish Mass) Sunday Morning 8am, 10am, & Noon Weekday 8am Saturday 8am Holyday 7am, 8:30am, Noon & 7pm Federal Holiday 9am Directory Rectory: 201.436.2222 Fax: 201.437.5235 E‐Mail: [email protected] Website: Religious Ed. Email: [email protected] All Saints Catholic Academy: 201.443.8384 Donations for the roof This past weekend generous parishioners donated in total $2,250.00 toward our roof repair bill. This brings our balance to $66,745.00. If you have not made a donation yet to the roof repair can you please consider doing so. Any amount small or large will help. May God continue to Bless our Parishioners If you would like to make a contribution to help it is important that you restrict your donation for this specific project. If paying by check, please put the words “roof repair” in the memo line. Cash donations can be placed in an envelope also clearly marked the same way. Thank you for your continued generous support to our parish. Parish Office Hours Monday‐Friday‐4pm Saturday, Sunday and Holidays Closed Baptism To have your child Baptized please call the rectory to speak with one of the priests. Marriage The Sacrament of Matrimony requires an extensive period of preparation. Contact should be made with a priest at the Rectory one year in advance. Donaciones para el techo Este fin de semana se donó un total de $2,250 hacia nuestro proyecto de reparación de techo. La cuenta es ahora de $66,745. Si usted no ha hecho una donación a la reparación del techo puede usted por favor considerar hacerlo. Cualquier cantidad ayudará. Que Dios siga bendiciendo a nuestros feligreses. Si desea hacer una contribución para ayudar es importante que se restringe la donación para este proyecto específico. Si paga con cheque, por favor, poner las palabras "reparación de techo” en la línea de memo. Las donaciones en efectivo pueden ser colocados en un sobre marcado claramente también de la misma manera. Gracias por su apoyo continuo y generoso a nuestra parroquia. En Español Santo Rosario: Sábados 6:00 PM Misa en español: Sábados 6:30 PM Hora Santa: Lunes 7:00 PM Ensayo del coro de los niños: Sábados Robinson Hall 10:30 AM Exposición del Santísimo cada primer viernes 08:30‐09:30 AM Stewardship & Collection Total collection for October 16, 2016: st 1 collection nd 2 collection (Higher Expenses) Roof Candle Rent Opera Energy Baptism Religious Ed. Vestments Register and give online at: $10,235 $3,826 $1,867 $2,250 $350 $150 $40 0 $122 $100 $170 $900 7002 Upcoming 2nd Collections October 23 World Mission Sunday October 30 Fuel November 6 Parish Assessment November 13 Stewardship Collection November 20 Fuel Offering for Oct. 23/29, 2016 Gifts Altar Bread Altar Wine G. Keenen O’Brien G. Keenen O’Brien Candles Blessed Mother St. Joseph St. Vincent St. Patrick St. Jude Divine Mercy St. Elizabeth Anne Seton Sanctuary Lamp Christina Marie Kirsch G. Keenen O’Brien G. Keenen O’Brien G. Keenen O’Brien Judy Flynn Henry Wolenski Rita Curtin G. Keenen O’Brien Sick List Please pray for the recovery of: Janet Maceli, Theresa Kurtiak, Mary Peeples, Jack Conway, Liam Morley, Arthur Sonny Kopacz, Harry Steiner, Ema Palfi, Joseph Kurtiak, Christopher Joseph Murphy, Betty Serafino, Marisol Paul, Christina Jakubik, Kristen Jakubik, Meghan Ryan, and Craig Recca. Eternal Rest Grant unto Thee O Lord Anointing of the Sick Visitation of the sick at home or in the hospital any time. Call Parish Office. Holy Hour Mondays 7‐8 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 4 – 4:45 PM Mass Intentions Saturday, October 2 8AM Concetta Sinagra 5PM People of the Parish & Daniel Dragone 6:30PM Misa en Espanol Federico Zeno Sunday, October 23 8AM Dominick P. Grandetti & Nancy Castaldo nd 2 Anniversary 10AM Anne Hnath & Olympia C. Favia 12PM Lucy & Kranick Family & Michael Kennelly Monday, October 24 8AM Ted Wolenski & Marlon Calso Tuesday, October 25 8AM G. Keenen O’Brien & Tony Kahy Wednesday, October 26 8AM Alonso Rivera Thursday, October 27 8AM Danny Dragone Friday, October 28 8AM Danny Dragone Saturday, October 29 8AM Francisco Suarez &Cesar Huaman 5PM Raffaella Greco & Daniel Dragone 6:30PM Misa en Espanol Enrique & Raquel Jaramillo Sunday, October 30 8AM People of the Parish 10AM George Hudak & Edward & Mary Jesolosky 12PM Gerald Smith & Olympia C. Favia Upcoming Events October 23 10AM Family Mass followed by hospitality by the Men's Club October 25 Rosary Society Meeting 12:30 Bible Study at 12:30 and 7:30 in Rectory Basement October 26 Praise and Worship 7PM in Church October 30 Baptism 1:30 November 1 Rectory Office Closed in Observance of All Saints Day November 2 All Souls Mass at 7PM November 6 Installation Mass 12Noon November 8 Bible Study 12:30 & 7:30 in Rectory Basement November 8 Rectory Office Closed in Observance of Election Day November 9 Praise & Worship 7PM in Church November 13 LCSC Youth Retreat 1:30‐5:30 Recurring Events ● ● ● ● ● Praise & Worship takes place the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. The Centering Prayer Group meets Every Wednesday At 7 PM at the Rectory Basement. For More Information, please Call Barbara Sherry at 201.443.2115. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help takes place every Saturday after 8 AM mass. Nurse’s ministry blood pressures are checked after all masses every first weekend of the month. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Exposition of Blessed Sacrament every first Friday from 8:30 to 9:30 AM Tricky Tray Luncheon Presale Tickets... ...Admission and presale tickets are on sale in the back of the church after every weekend mass. The cutoff date will be Sunday, November 13. Admission Tickets are $35 and includes lunch, dessert, beverage and door prize. There will be no walk ins day of the event. Presale major raffle tickets are 25 for $40 and grands are 5 for $20. This is an extra 5 major tickets and 1 extra grand. We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event and are certain you will have an enjoyable day. 50/50 Update: As of October 18 our total taken in for the 50/50 is $3,745.00. The winner would receive $1,872.50. Please continue to send back your sold tickets as well as your unsold tickets. Thank you & God Bless you for your generosity. Save the Date The Parish Family of St. Vincent de Paul cordially invites you to the Installation of Rev. Sergio O. Nadres as their 16th Pastor on the 6th of November 2016 at 12 noon with Rev. Msgr. Gregory J. Studerus Regional Vicar of Hudson County Presiding Reception after at the Robinson’s Hall of St. Vincent de Paul Church 979 Avenue C, Bayonne NJ 07002 All are welcomed to attend. La familia de la parroquia de San Vicente de Paul le invita cordialmente a la instalación de Rev. Sergio O. Nadres como el 16 Pastor el 6 de noviembre 2016 a las 12 horas Presidiendo el Rev. Mons. Gregory J. Studerus Vicario Regional del Condado de Hudson La recepción después de la misa en el Salón de Robinson de la Iglesia San Vicente 979 Avenida C, Bayonne, NJ 07002 Todos son bienvenidos a asistir. Scholarship Fund for Inner‐City Children The Scholarship Fund for Inner‐City Children is hosting a Fall Benefit Concert on Friday, October 28, 2016 at Enlow Hall on the campus of Kean University. Proceeds from the event will provide low‐income students from grades K‐12 with partial tuition scholarships to attend Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Newark. The concert will feature The Dominoes from Saint Dominic Academy, VOX from Saint Peter’s Prep, Tim McLoone and the Shirleys and acclaimed operatic soprano singer, Maureen Francis. To purchase tickets visit or 908‐737‐7469. Fondo de becas para los niños de la ciudad El fondo de becas para niños de Inner‐ City tendrá un concierto de beneficios el viernes 28 de octubre de, 2016 en Enlow Hall en el campus de la Universidad de Kean. Las ganancias del evento proporcionará a los estudiantes de bajos ingresos de los grados K ‐ 12 con becas de matrícula parcial para asistir a las escuelas católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Newark. El concierto contará con las fichas de dominó de Saint Dominic Academy, VOX de Saint Peter’s Prep, Tim McLoone y los Shirleys y aclamado cantante soprano, Maureen Francis. Para comprar boletos visite o llame al (908) 737 a 7469. Concert In Memory of Bishop Donato Henry Rawls & Friends with The New Covenant Choir invite you to a fund raiser for Pancreatic Cancer Research In Memory of Bishop Thomas A. Donato on Sunday, November 13 at 3PM at St Henry Church. Admission is Free. the names of the birth parents who placed children for adoption, even though for 40 years both the State and the Church promised anonymity to the birth parents at the time of the adoption. The Catholic Church always has supported reunions between adoptees and birth parents if such reunions were by mutual consent. For this reason, Catholic Charities agencies continue to assist both birth parents and adoptees seeking reunions. The Catholic Church also supports adoptees having full access to their birth parents medical, cultural, and social history information. Can birth parents in New Jersey protect their privacy and indicate whether or not they want contact with the adoptee? Yes, the New Jersey Department of Health now offers two forms – a Redaction Request Form and a Contact Preference Form – that allow birth parents of adult adoptees an opportunity to protect their privacy. How can birth parents protect their privacy? Birth parents who finalized an adoption before August 1, 2015 can file a request with the State of New Jersey indicating that they want the State Registrar to keep their Personal Identifying Information off documents provided to anyone. To do this, birth parents MUST complete and submit a Redaction Request Form no later than December 31, 2016. Can a birth parent request no contact with an adoptee? Birth parents have three options related to contact with an adoptee. By completing and submitting a Contact Preference Form, birth parents can indicate they want no contact with the adoptee; or they can indicate that they agree to have a third party arrange contact with the adoptee; or they can indicate that they are willing to have direct contact with the adoptee. Submitting a Contact Preference Form is essential. Hudson Catholic Regional high School will hold their Open House on October 23 and November 9. Interested 8th grade students and their families are invited to join. More information at Adoptees who want to obtain a copy of their original birth certificate can submit a request. The New Jersey Department of Health will begin releasing birth records after January 1, 2017. For more information regarding the changes to New Jersey’s Adoption Law visit the New Jersey Catholic Conference website: The New Jersey Adoption law has changed Safeguarding Children and Addressing Abuse: Beginning January 1, 2017, adoptees and certain relatives will be able to obtain a copy of their original birth certificate without a court order. The birth certificate will include The Archdiocese Addresses Victims’ Concerns — Since his arrival in 2001 and his participation in the drafting of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, Hudson Catholic HS Archbishop Myers has on many occasions either individually or with bishops in the United States, with the Holy Father, and with clergy throughout the world, acknowledged publicly the pain that sexual offenders inside the Church have inflicted on the innocent. At Chrism Masses before the entire presbyterate and parish representatives of the Archdiocese, in media interviews, in statements issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and in essays and columns, Archbishop Myers has stated that “a Church which spends the largest portion of its resources and the largest portion of its personnel in serving children, can never, and will never, condone anything which harms those children…We also extend our apology and our assurance of support and help to those who have been harmed and who are seeking healing and support.” Beyond words, however, are actions. Assistance to victims, training and background checks of staff and volunteers, reporting accusations to civil authorities, removing clergy with substantiated accusations – these are clear indications that the Archbishop and the Archdiocese abhor child abuse. What’s more, 20 years ago, the Archdiocese was one of the first dioceses in the country to establish a formal Review Board of experts with legal, law enforcement, clinical and investigative background to examine allegations of abuse and recommend to the Archbishop action under Church law. October is SIDS, Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month Each and every day, in areas across the world, expectant moms will feel their baby’s first kick; parents will listen to their newborn’s first cry; and families will celebrate the birthday of a healthy baby. Also each and every day, 13 babies will be lost to SIDS and other sudden, unexpected infant deaths; more than 70 new parents will have listened sadly to their stillborn baby’s silence; and countless lives will be lost to miscarriage and other causes of infant death. In particular, October 15th is called “National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day”. On this day in many parts of the world, people will light a candle and offer prayers in memory of those lost babies, born and unborn. In solidarity let us join together and do the same here in our homes. If we light a candle and let it burn for at least 1 hour, there will be a continual wave of light across the world all day. May these children celebrate in heaven in the comfort of our Savior’s arms. 2017 Youth Rally and Mass for Life The 2017 Youth Rally and Mass for Life to be held on Friday, January 27, 2017 in Washington DC. Once again there are two exciting youth events planned at the Verizon Center and DC Armory on the morning of the National March for Life. For more information, please email info@spphoboken,com 2017 Rally de la Juventud y Misa Por la Vida El Rally 2017 para jóvenes y misa por la vida que tendrá lugar el Viernes 27 de Enero de, 2017 en Washington DC. Una vez más hay dos eventos juveniles emocionantes planeadas en el Verizon Center y DC Armería en la mañana de la Marcha Nacional por la Vida. Priestly Vestments 3 Priest Vestments and 1 Deacon Vestment was purchased at the cost of $200.00 each. Once again our generous parishioners have come through and donated over the amount of the above vestments. We thank you for your generosity. The extra money will go to buy vestments for the church’s liturgical seasons. If you wish to donate the vestment in memory of a loved one please speak to one of the Priests or contact the Rectory office. Please remember to put vestment in memo on check and list your intention. If donating by check, please state on envelope vestment and your intention. Thank you and God Bless you for your generosity. Vestimentas Para los Padres Tres vestimentas para los padres y uno de diácono fue adquirido a costa de $ 200.00 cada uno. Una vez más nuestros generosos feligreses han donado más de la cantidad de las inversiones anteriores. Le agradecemos por su generosidad. El dinero adicional se destinará a comprar vestiduras para tiempos litúrgicos de la iglesia. Si usted desea donar una vestimenta en memoria de un ser querido por favor hable con uno de los sacerdotes o ponerse en contacto con la oficina de la rectoría. Por favor, recuerde poner donación para vestimenta en el memo del cheque y la lista de su intención, si la donación es por cheque. Por favor indicar en el sobre y su intención. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga por su generosidad. Octubre es el SMSL, embarazo y el Mes de Concientización pérdida de un bebé Cada uno y todos los días, en las zonas en todo el mundo, las futuras madres se sentirá primera patada de su bebé; los padres va a escuchar el primer llanto de su recién nacido; y las familias celebrar el cumpleaños de un bebé sano. También cada uno y todos los días, 13 bebés se perderán al SMSL y otros, muertes infantiles súbitas e inesperadas; más de 70 nuevos padres han escuchado con tristeza al silencio de su bebé muerto; y un sinnúmero de vidas se perderán a causa de abortos espontáneos y otros de la muerte del bebé. En particular, 15 de octubre se llama "El embarazo y la pérdida Nacional Infantil Día de la Memoria". En este día en muchas partes del mundo, la gente va a encender una vela y ofrecer oraciones en memoria de los bebés perdidos, nacidos y no nacidos. En solidaridad unámonos y hagamos lo mismo aquí en nuestros hogares. Si encendemos una vela y dejar que se queme durante al menos 1 hora, habrá una onda continua de luz en todo el mundo durante todo el día. Que estos niños celebren en el cielo en la comodidad de los brazos de nuestro Salvador. Youth Pizza Party We are inviting you from 1:30pm until 5pm on November 13 and 20 at St. Vincent de Paul Church Robinson’s hall. RSVP to Jerry & Angie Pimentel [email protected]/ 201‐310‐8579 Pizza Party Para los Jovenes Le estamos invitando el Domingo 13 y 20 de Noviembre a las 1.30pm hasta 5pm en el Robinson Hall. Por favor avisarle a Jerry & Angie Pimentel [email protected]/ 201‐310‐8579 ASCA NEWS donated items were contributed to St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. The Home School Association sponsored a Halloween Costume Drive. New and gently used Halloween Costumes were donated to Hope House in Jersey City, a shelter for single Moms and their children. ASCA’s Student Council is sponsoring a collection of nonperishable food items and paper goods during the month of October to coordinate with “Make A Difference Day”. Items collected will be donated to various parish and community food pantries. Please check our school website ( for additional information and news. Basketball Clinic Rutgers University‐Newark will be running the Scarlet Raides Basketball Clinic for boys and girls from ages 6‐17 on Thursday, November 10 and Friday, November 11, 2016. The clinic will run each day from 9am to 3pm. We offer early drop off from 8am to 9am free of charge. The clinic is held on the two days that the New Jersey Public school system have off from school due to teacher conferences. The cost is $70 for the two day clinic and if you need a brochure please call Joe Loughran at 973‐353‐ 1483 or email loughran@rutgers. edu. St Benedict Prep, Newark OH St Benedict in Newark will be holding its open house on Saturday Nov. 12 and Dec. 10 from 9.30am until 12pm. You are invited to visit St Benedict's Prep, to speak to their students, see their classrooms and athletic facilities, and find out more about their academic program. More information: 973‐792‐5744 or Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats A select group of eighth graders are attending Project Accelerate Art Classes at Marist High School on Friday mornings. Students participating in the program are: Connor Burke, Brigid McCabe, Kaine Malachi, Alec Martinez and Anthony Bianciella. We are grateful to Marist High School for offering this opportunity to our students. Friday, October 28, will be a “Pink Out” dat at ASCA, coordinated by our school nurses, Mrs. Hansen And Mrs. Macanka. Faculty and staff will wear pink and contribute donations to help the Madeline Fiadini LoRe Foundation in its quest to conquer breast cancer. The Spirit Club sponsored a collection of new and gently used coats and jackets. The Are you suffering from an abortion experience? Do you have feelings of guilt and anxiety? Do you suffer from depression? There is Hope! Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats Heals the pain from abortion‐ One week‐end at a time on January 6‐8, 2017 (Spanish Retreat), May 12‐ 14, 2017 and September 8‐10, 2017 at the Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center,499 Belgrove Drive, Kearny NJ, 07032 Cost: $150 (includes all retreat materials and meals) For more information contact the Respect Life Office Cheryl A. Riley 973‐497‐4350 or via e‐ mail [email protected] All calls and e‐mails are confidential. Sponsored by: The Newark Archdiocese Respect Life Office. TheArtof UnconditionalLove In the Gospel of Luke (15:11‐32), we read the ever familiar story of the prodigal son. When we read this story we usually focus our attention on the younger son, on his wayward life and his eventual return. This time, I would like to call your attention to the elder son in the story; and before I tell you why, allow me first to tell you a true story. In years past, I used to minister at the Macomb County Jail. I would go to the prison on an assigned schedule, and while I was there I would conduct a communion service, and visit with the inmates. I no longer do that but I really enjoyed the experience and I sometimes miss it. While I was at the jail, I would frequently be asked to speak privately with an inmate. And on those occasions, it was very common for the inmate to share the story of their life with me. This was extremely helpful for them because in evaluating their present situation, it was beneficial for them to reflect on their past life with a minister or counselor. On one occasion, I was asked to speak with a young woman. I would guess her to be in her mid to late twenties. She was awaiting sentencing on a charge of breaking and entering. Her probable sentence was going to be ten to fifteen years. She cried during our entire conversation. During that conversation, she basically told me the story of her life. Her life story had nothing to do with her tears. I will tell you why she was crying a little later. She said that her mother had died when she was just a baby. Her father had no visible means of support so she was raised by an institution. She went on to say that the institution had judged her to be unintelligent, that she was not smart enough to learn certain skills, so she was given just a basic education. Now as an adult she could neither read nor write. Her father did not have custody but he did have visitation privilege. As she grew older, her father was allowed to take her from the institution for a day or a weekend at a time. And when she was thirteen years old, her father began to teach her things that no thirteen year old girl should know. When she was old enough to leave the institution, she was unemployable, so she made a living doing what her father had taught her. She became a prostitute. That was her profession. That is how she survived. She eventually met a customer who said that he would support her so that she would not have to make a living that way anymore. But he also was unemployable, so they survived by stealing. And that was why she was in prison. They were both arrested for breaking and entering and for grand larceny. Having been a prostitute for all those years, she had a long police record. And since she is classified in the judicial system as a repeat offender, she had every reason to expect the maximum sentence of ten to fifteen years. The inevitable sentence didn’t bother her. For her, life was the pits. Inside or outside made no difference to her. As I said, she cried all the while we spoke. She said, “I am crying because when I was picked up, they went to my apartment and also picked up my dog. I am crying because I am afraid for my dog. What will happen to my dog? People here laugh at me when I cry for my dog, but I have to cry for my dog. That dog is the only living creature who ever showed me love and affection unconditionally. That dog is the only living creature who loved me in spite of who and what I am.” Her story touched me deeply. All I could think of, as she shared her story with me, was that either she had never met a Christian, or else we Christians are not doing a very good job. The elder son in Luke’s Gospel could not rejoice with his father over the return of his younger brother. Why? Was it sibling rivalry that prevented him from also rejoicing? I think not. The parable makes it clear that it was self‐righteousness that caused such animosity toward his sinful younger brother. “Look, all these years I served you and not once did I disobey your orders; yet you never gave me even a young goat to feast on with my friends.” Jesus obviously told this parable to communicate a truth. Who do you think that Jesus meant this elder brother to represent? Who do you know that would hold such animosity toward a sinner that they could not rejoice when the sinner repents? Each and every one of us must look within ourselves as we ponder the answer to that question. Because whoever Jesus meant the elder brother to represent, the question remains for each one of us to consider. Our job, our only job in life, the ultimate purpose of our life, is to learn to perfect the art of loving unconditionally. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not trying to bring acceptance to this young lady’s career choice. But we need to ask ourselves, whose sin is it? Was it her sin, or her father’s, or the institution’s? In other words, we must not be judgmental or self‐righteous. Jesus portrays our God as being compassionate, loving and eager to forgive. Our job, our only job in life, the ultimate purpose of our life, is to learn to perfect the art of loving unconditionally. And as we perfect the art of loving unconditionally, we are to allow the love of God to shine brightly through our lives, to illuminate the way for others to follow. — Deacon Donald Cox. Rev Cox has been a permanent deacon of the Archdiocese of Detroit for 37 years.
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