3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: (805) 642-7966 Fax: (805) 642-7635 www.olaventura.com The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 30, 2015 Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person… Mark 7:15 Nada que entre de fuera puede manchar al hombre… Marcos 7:15 ADMINISTRATOR: REV. LEON HUTTON ASSOCIATE PASTOR: REV. ADALBERTO BLANCO DEACONS: REV. MR. DAN BOJORQUEZ REV. MR. MIKE BURNS REV. MR. RAUL GONZALEZ REV. MR. DON HUNTLEY REV. MR. PHIL JOERGER REV. MR. ED MILLS REV. MR. CHARLES WESSLER SENIOR DEACON: REV. MR. RODGER ADAMS SCHEDULE OF MASSES: Monday - Friday: 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM 5:15 PM (1st Friday) * Saturday: 8:00 AM, 5:15 PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30 (Spanish Mass) *5:15 PM Adoration & Benediction for 1hr following 1st Friday Mass CONFESSIONS: Monday: 8:30 AM Tuesday: No Confessions Wednesday: 5:30 PM Friday: No Confessions Saturday: 8:30 AM & 4:00 PM LITURGY OF THE HOURS: Monday - Saturday before 8AM Mass ROSARY: Monday - Saturday after 8AM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: WEDNESDAY 9AM UNTIL SUNDAY 9AM IN ST. JULIE’S CHAPEL OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH SCHOOL: 3169 Telegraph Road Mrs. Patricia Groff, Principal School Office: (805) 642-7198 ST. BONAVENTURE HIGH SCHOOL: 3167 Telegraph Road Mr. Marc Groff, Principal. School Office: (805) 648-6836 Weekly Reflection Reflexión Semanal Striving to be “doers of the word” Esforzándonos por Practicar la Palabra Today’s readings and prayers remind us how to live holy lives. Saint James explains in his epistle that we must, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only. Religion that is pure and undefiled is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” Saint James’ words inspire us to the corporal works of mercy which outline examples of how we can be “doers of the word.” He reminds us that our ability to live in this manner comes down from the “Father of Lights.” The Old Testament reading relates that Moses understood that God was the source of all goodness when he, Moses, instructed the Israelites, “in your observance of the commandments of the Lord « you shall not add to what I command you nor subtract from it.” Moses warned the Israelites to avoid the misdirected focus that the Pharisees held many years later, when Jesus reminded them of Isaiah’s prophecy, “This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts.” In the gospel the Pharisees challenged Jesus about the rituals that had been practiced over time. They had forgotten the essence of God’s commandments. Jesus wanted the people to understand that human traditions are not God’s laws. When challenged on the ritual of washing, he told them, “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.” When our motivations and intentions are focused on the Lord as we strive to live the two great commandments, we live justly in His presence (Responsorial Psalm). Las lecturas y las oraciones de hoy nos hablan de cómo vivir una vida santa. Santo Santiago nos explica en su epístola que la Palabra hay que “llevarla a la práctica y no se limiten a escucharla, engañándonos a nosotros mismos. La religión pura e intachable a los ojos de Dios Padre es ésta: visitar huérfanos y viudas en sus tribulaciones y no mancharse las manos con este mundo.” Las palabras de santo Santiago nos invitan a llevar a cabo las obras corporales de misericordia, nos da ejemplos de cómo practicar la Palabra en este mundo. Nos recuerda que nuestra habilidad de vivir de esta manera viene del “Padre de la Luz.” La lectura del Antiguo Testamente relata cómo Moisés entendía que Dios era la fuente de todo lo bueno cuando el, Moisés, ordena a los Israelitas, “No añadan nada a lo que les mando ni supriman nada; así cumplirán los preceptos del Señor, su Dios,” Moisés les advierte a los Israelitas que mantengan el enfoque, años después los Fariseos pierden este enfoque y Jesús les recuerda la profecía de Isaías, “Este pueblo me honra con los labios, pero su corazón está lejos de mí. El culto que me dan está vacío, porque la doctrina que enseñan son preceptos humanos.” En el Evangelio los Fariseos retan a Jesús, refiriéndose a los rituales que se han practicado por mucho tiempo. Se les olvida la esencia de los mandamientos de Dios. Jesús quiere que el pueblo entienda que las tradiciones humanas no son las leyes de Dios. Cuando lo retan por el ritual de la limpieza, él les dice, “Nada que entre de fuera puede hacer al hombre impuro; lo que sale de dentro es lo que hace impuro al hombre.” En el Salmo responsorial preguntamos, “Señor, ¿quién puede hospedarse en tu tienda?” y El contesta, “El que no hace mal a su prójimo ni difama al vecino.” Our Lady of the Assumption Mission Statement We, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, create, nurture, and maintain a community of love through worship, reconciliation, healing, formation, education and service. Through Word and Eucharist, we seek the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, embracing the love of our Creator in each thought, word, and action. As humble servants of God, we remain faithful to the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, waiting in joyful hope for our Lord’s coming. Declaración de la Misión Como fieles seguidores de Jesucristo, creamos, fomentamos, y mantenemos una comunidad de amor por medio de la adoración, la reconciliación, la sanación, la formación, la educación y el servicio. Por medio de la Palabra y la Eucaristía, buscamos la sabiduría y la guía del Espíritu Santo, abrazando el amor de nuestro creador en cada pensamiento, palabra y acción. Como humildes servidores de Dios, nos mantenemos fieles a las enseñanzas de la Santa Iglesia Católica Romana, esperando con gran esperanza y alegría la venida de nuestro Señor. -2- Parish Life Happy Anniversary Baptisms Please pray for the recently baptized as they begin their journey in the Body of Christ Dn Ed & Cleo Novak 70 Years on September 1 Jesse Izaiah Albor Selena Mata Abel Matthew Morales Paul & Marisa Montgomery 29 Years on August 30 —————————————————— In Remembrance Roseanne & Andy Welcher 18 Years on September 6 Please pray for those who have recently passed away and for their families Frank Ayala Jr. George Francis Gaglini III Victor & Jean Medina To list anniversary, please email [email protected] by 5pm the Friday of the week before you wish it published. Celebrating your 50th Anniversary (or more)? Please submit your wedding picture and a current picture for our bulletin page. Send to [email protected] or drop it off at the office. ___________________________________ Mass Intentions MASS Intentions for Aug 31 — Sept 06 What’s Going on Around the Church« Monday, August 31 6:30 Jack Bickford (L) & Joan Bickford (L) 8:00 Anne Seely (D) & Stephanie Callahan (L) Woodward Acoustics, Inc. has been working in Mulcahy Center. A second ceiling tile fell expediting the need to replace the ceiling. It’s wonderful that they could fit us in and get the job completed before school started. We are also working in the Santa Cruz room upgrading the sound system for the many ministries that use that meeting space. Lots of other projects going on with many volunteers pitching in. If you’d like to get involved I can find a project for you! Please call me, Lauren Burns at (805) 642-7966 ext. 101 or email Lburns@ola -vta.org. Thank you! Tuesday, September 01 6:30 Bernard Reznick (D) & Larios Larios Family (L) 8:00 Richard Yuss (D) & Jack Sprinkle (D) Wednesday, September 02 6:30 Hanna Cagle (L) & Michael Bolisay (L) 8:00 Soon-Ae Kim (D) & Katrina Schaefer (L) Thursday, September 03 6:30 Mark Dearing (L) & Teresita Bolisay (L) 8:00 Jack Fielding (D) & Michelle Lu (L) Friday, September 04 6:30 Eleanor Marchese (D) 8:00 Helen Sullivan (D) & Fernando Nechochea (D) 5:15 End to Abortion & PJ Manning-Lunsford (D) Saturday, September 05 8:00 Dorothy Chrostek (D) 5:15 Marguerite Birri (D) & Carol Martin (L) Sunday, September 06 8:00 Doris Maher (D) & Julie Flynn (D) 9:30 Mass for the People 11:00 Dell Mercer (D) & Alexander Mayhew (D) 12:30 Rosa Diaz (D) & Sandra Caballero (L) 5:15 William Hukestein (L) & Shannon Huckestein (L) Announcements Bulletin Deadline September 13 bulletin-due by 5pm September 3 Pulpit Announcement –September 6 MassesDue by September 2 at noon. Please see directory on pg 9 for where to send information. -3- Calendar of Upcoming Events Date Event See Page August 30 Youth Peer Leadership meeting 5 August 31 Adult Core Team for Catechists Year 1 & 2 meeting 5 Sept 7 & 8 Altar Server training 6 September 14 Keeping the Promise Alive– VIRTUS Recertification 5 September 24 Women’s Bible Study 6 Don’t forget to check out our new website, www.olaventura.com Parish News WELCOME! BIENVENIDO! If you are visiting or are joining us for the first time, we are glad you came! All are welcome at OLA and received with love. If you are ready to join our parish, we encourage you to fill out the Registration Form and bring it to the Parish Office. Registration forms are available at the Parish Office or on the church website www.olaventura.com If you have any questions, please come by the Parish Office, the Welcome Table at Friendship Sunday, or call us at 642-7966 Si nos visita o nos acompaña por primera vez, ¡nos da gusto que este aquí! Todos son bienvenidos a OLA y recibidos con amor. Si desea ser parte de nuestra parroquia, le recomendamos que llene el Formulario de Registración y lo traiga a la Oficina Parroquial. Los formularios están disponibles en la Oficina Parroquial o en la página web de la parroquia, www.olaventura.com Para cualquier pregunta por favor pase por la Oficina Parroquial o llámenos al 642-7966 Our Lady of the Assumption Church Parish Office Hours Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Horario de la Oficina Parroquial Monday through Thursday 8:30am to 7:00pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm, Saturday 8:30am to 12:00pm Sunday 9:00am to 2:00pm Lunes a Jueves ~ 8:30am. a 7:00pm Viernes ~ 8:30am a 5:00pm Sábado ~ 8:30am a 12:00pm Domingo ~ 9:00am a 2:00pm Weekly Offerings Ofrenda Semanal Thank you for your continuing support of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish. For the month of August 2015 our parish budget calls for $21,212.61 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, August 16, 2015 was $17,709.02. This collection is not only used for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. There are many ways to contribute; credit card and automatic debit are available. Please visit www.olaventura.com and click on Online Giving or contact Lauren Burns, business manager for more information at 642-7966 ext. 101 Gracias por su continuo apoyo a la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción. Para el mes de julio 2015 nuestro presupuesto parroquial pide que cada semana sean donados $ 21,212.61 en la colecta dominical. La colecta para el domingo, 16 de agosto 2015 fue de $17,709.02 Esta colecta no sólo se utiliza para los gastos de funcionamiento de cada semana, sino también para cualquier trabajo en curso de reparación, mejoras, etc. a las instalaciones de la parroquia. Hay muchas maneras de contribuir; tarjeta de crédito y débito automático están disponibles. Por favor, visite www.olaventura.com y haga clic en Online Giving o póngase en contacto con Lauren Burns, gerente de negocios para obtener más información al 642 a 7966 ext. 101. 2015 Together in Mission Annual Appeal Apelación Anual 2015Juntos en Misión Parish Goal: $ 122,600.00 Amount Pledged: $114,603.00 Amount Paid: $ 103,373.00 Balance: $ 19,227.00 Meta Parroquial: $ 122,600.00 Cantidad Prometida: $ 114,603.00 Pagado: $ 103,373.00 Balance: $ 19,227.00 Para más información o para donar por Internet visite www.OurMissionLA.org For more information or to donate online please visit www.OurMissionLA.org. - 4- Religious Education Religious Education Youth Ministry Confirmation registration continues! Forms are available in the parish office. On-line registration is also available on the parish website. Please register and make payment for 1st & 2nd year Confirmation ASAP. Our Lady of the Assumption School The 2015-2016 school year is off to a great start, welcome to all of the new OLA students. Kindergarten continues to get out at 12:00 until Sep 4th. The APA Board will meet on Wed Sep 2nd. Remember Monday Sep 7th is Labor Day, NO SCHOOL !!! Please join the students for the school liturgy Friday Sep 11th at the 9:30 mass, all classes will attend. Save the date Sunday Oct 11th, for the OLA School Fall Festival. OLA’s annual Fall Festival, this year’s theme, Wild West Fest, will take place on Sunday, October 11. Plan to join in the family fun and support our school. Religious Education Registration Religious Education Registration continues on our website for the following: Elementary: Grades 1-5 Edge: Grades 6-8 Confirmation: Grades 9-12 RCIC: Children over the age of 6 and in the First grade who have not yet received the Sacrament of Baptism. Please provide a copy of their Birth Certificate at registration. If your child/ren completed year one of FHC Preparation and will be receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in May 2016 please provide a copy of their Baptismal Certificate at registration. For further information please contact: Mari Joerger: 642-7966 x 125, Elementary & RCIC Gabe Rivera: 642-7966 x 121, Edge & Confirmation You may also visit the website at: www.olaventura.com IMPORTANT DATES August 30 –Teen Peer Leader Meeting: 6:30pm, Santa Cruz Room August 31 – Adult CORE Team Meeting: 7pm, Santa Cruz Rm September 16 – EDGE Middle School Youth Ministry Kick-Off: 7-8:30pm, Mulcahy Center September 20 – Confirmation Year 2 begins. September 27 – Confirmation Year 1 begins. Questions? Call Gabriel Rivera, Director of Youth Ministry/Confirmation at (805) 642-7966 x121 or email [email protected] RCIA – Right of Christian Initiation of Adults Here at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish we have a warm welcome for anyone looking for a faith-filled Christian community within the Roman Catholic tradition. We invite those who are interested in the Catholic way of life to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) experience. RCIA involves preparation of non-baptized adults for sacraments of initiation, as well as adults already baptized who are interested in receiving the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. For more information contact Deacon Don & Diana Huntley via email at [email protected] or by phone at (805) 642-7966 x123. The door is open, welcome home! Safe Environment Upcoming VIRTUS awareness sessions Keeping the Promise Alive (Virtus recertification) Monday, September 14, 2015, 6 – 7:30 PM, OLA 8th grade classroom. This session is for those who completed their initial Virtus training prior to 2011 and have not taken a recertification course since then. For questions, call Dea Boehme at (805) 390-1260. VIRTUS-PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Thursday, September 10, 2015, 6-9 pm, OLA 8th grade classroom. This is the initial VIRTUS training session required for adults who come into contact with children in their ministries. All adult members of the parish are welcome to attend. For questions, call Dea Boehme at (805) - 5- 390-1260. Safe Environment Did you Know? Back to school: emergencies in school Most schools have solid emergency procedures in place, and children will be taught how to react in these situations. However, back-to-school season is the perfect time to review safety procedures in your own house. Teach your children what to do if there’s a fire or earthquake, and show them how to call 9 -1-1 and other emergency contacts. For more home safety tips visit: https:// www.scanhealthplan.com/ media/1478/ September 2015 Fingerprint ScheduleSanta Barbara Region Old Mission Santa Ines- Friday, 9/4, 1760 Mission Drive 12 PM – 4 PM & 5 PM – 7:40 PM Solvang, CA 93464 For appointment call 805-688-4815 / Email: [email protected] St. Loius de Montfort-Saturday, 9/5, 5075 Harp Road 10:00am – 1:40pm & 3:00pm – 5:20pm, Santa Maria, CA 93455 For appointment call: (805) 937-4555 / Email: [email protected] Holy Cross- Saturday, 9/12, 13955 Peach Hill Rd. 10 AM – 2 PM & 3 PM – 5:40 PM, Moorpark, CA 93021 For appointment call 805-529-1397 / Email: jstevens@holycross -moorpark.org St. Mary of the Assumption- Friday, 9/18, 414 East Church Street 12 PM – 4 PM & 5 PM – 7:40 PM Santa Maria, CA 93454 For appointment call 805-922-5826 / Email: [email protected] Bishop Garcia Diego High School-Saturday, 9/19, 4000 La Colina Road 10 AM – 2 PM & 3 PM – 5:40 PM Santa Barbara, CA 93110 NO appointments – Walk-ins only For additional fingerprint information please visit: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/hr/Pages/ fingerprinting.aspx Liturgical Ministries Liturgical Ministries Altar Server Training Two classes for Altar Server training will be offered. The first class will be Monday September 7th and Tuesday September 8th at 6:30 pm. The second class will be Monday September 14th and Friday September 18th at 6:30 pm. All training is in the Church. Please RSVP because class size is limited. If you have questions and to RSVP contact Margaret or Deryl Franzel at 805-644-5449 or [email protected] Attention Music Lovers! Are you interested in becoming involved in the music programs at OLA?. Please stop by Friendship Sunday and find the choir booth and grab information flyers, write down your information, and meet choir members! If you are a vocalist, the choirs are having open auditions in the month of September by appointment. If you are not a vocalist, we still need you! We are in need of experienced sound technicians to work the soundboards for masses and celebrations. Join us and raise your voices! Please contact Charlie Kim at ext. 122 or email [email protected] for more information. Adult Ministries Women’s Ministry Bible Study Please join us for “Courageous Women: A study on the Heroines of Biblical History” to be held on Thursday evenings form 6:30-8:30PM in the Mulcahy Center. Our introduction night will be Thursday, September 24th at 6:30PM. For early registration, please check our website, www.olaventura.com or visit the parish office. For more info please contact Kati Escallier @ (805)642-7966 ext.142 or [email protected]. Spirituality & Fellowship OLA Book Discussion Group The next meeting of the OLA Book Discussion Group will be Monday, September 14, 2015. Have you ever thought of serving the EuchaThe book under discussion will be Gilead by Marilynne rist to the people of Christ? Eucharistic MinRobinson. Future selections are as follows: isters are called to serve God’s holy people October 12, 2015 – Accidental Theologians: Four Women by sharing the Body and Blood of Christ with the commuwho Shaped Christianity by Elizabeth Dreyer nity of brothers and sisters united by a common faith. If November 9, 2015 – Spirit of Fire: The Life and Vision of you are interested in becoming an Eucharistic Minister for Pierre Teilhard De Chardin by Ursula King Sunday Masses come to an evening of training on MonFor more information, please call Mary Ann Bognar at 647 day, Aug 31 6:30pm in the church. Any questions -0462. All are welcome to join the discussion on the secplease call Diana Huntley at 642-7966 ext. 123 - 6- ond Monday of each month. Eucharistic Ministers Training for Sunday Masses Spirituality & Fellowship Eucharistic Adoration St. Julie’s Chapel Adorers are always welcome. Would you be able to commit weekly to any of the times listed? Wednesday 3-4pm, Sundays 2-3am Substitute adorers needed midnight to 6am Contact Mary Ann at 644-2160 or Elizabeth at 644-8395 Service & Outreach Many Meals Many Meals serves our parish family as well as the community as a whole. Guests come each Wednesday for a hot meal, free of charge, as well as wonderful fellowship. We serve at College United Methodist Church, 4300 Telegraph Road from 6-7pm. The program is selfsupporting and thus, relies on our dedicated volunteers and donations by our generous parishioners. Although the meal changes each week, some items are used consistently and can be accepted at any time. Here are some of the items needed this week. Monetary donations- primarily for the purchase of the meat for each meal 10 ¼ inch non- compartment paper plates 8 oz. hot paper cups 7 oz. cold plastic cups Heavy duty cutlery packs (fork, knife, spoon, napkin, salt & pepper) 100 count bags at Smart & Final 100 count name tags Donations may be dropped off at the rectory by Tuesday morning. For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please call (805)642-7966 . Respect Life The Catholic Church is a Pro-Life Church from Conception to Natural Death. Resources and contact information can be found in our directory page under “In the Community”. For more information please contact Patty Berry, Respect Life Parish Coordinator at 642-4928 Grief Support Group This group is open to any adult who has lost a loved one through death, whether recent or many years old. We invite you to join us to find support and help in working through the grief process and transforming your pain into healing. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month in the Parish House (21 N, Dunning St.) from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Entry is down the driveway, through the gate, in the backdoor and through the kitchen. You can start with the group any time. Our next meeting is September 1st. For more information please call Ken's cell at 310 720 9943 or send an -7email to [email protected] Ministerio Hispano Datos de fe sobre el Beato Junípero Serra ¿Sabías que en 1767 Fray Junípero Serra fue enviado a Loreto, Baja California como el Presidente de las Misiones de Baja California? Fray Palou y Fray Crespí también fueron asignados a estas misiones. La Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó es la primera misión fundada por Jesuitas en Baja California en 1697 y el comienzo de El Camino Real. Para la mudanza a Alta California, Serra estaba en compañía de Gaspar de Portolá, el gobernador militar de California Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) El RICA es el proceso para los adultos que desean prepararse para los sacramentos de iniciación: El Bautismo, La Primera Comunión y/o la Confirmación. Aquí en OLA ofrecemos esta formación en español. Si estas interesado, te invitamos a que nos acompañes el martes a las 7pm en el salón Santa Cruz o comunícate con el Diacono Raúl 642-7966 ext. 149 o por email [email protected]. Virgen de Guadalupe Peregrina ¿Te gustaría recibir la visita de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y llenar tu casa de alegría, sentirte acompañado y con un espíritu renovado? Cada domingo dos familias intercambian la imagen de la Virgen Peregrina durante la Misa de 12:30pm. Si desea recibirla en tu hogar por favor comuníquese con Rosario Gonzalez al 642-7966 ext. 149. Su presencia en el hogar fomenta la oración en familia y nos recuerda que debemos esforzarnos por mantener a la familia unida Grupo de Oración: Divina Misericordia Acompáñenos cada primero y tercer lunes a las 7pm en la Capilla Santa Julia aquí en OLA. Para más información comuníquese con el Diacono Raul a 642-7966. FECHAS: Septiembre 7 y 21 Noviembre 2 y 16 Diciembre 14 y 28 Octubre 5 y 19 Ministerio Hispano ¿Sabia Usted? De vuelta a la escuela: emergencias en la escuela La mayoría de las escuelas tienen un plan sólido de emergencia y a los niños se les enseñan cómo reaccionar en estas situaciones. Sin embargo, la temporada cuando los niños regresan a la escuela es una oportunidad para revisar los procedimientos de seguridad de su propio hogar. Enseñe a sus hijos qué hacer si hay un incendio o un terremoto, y muéstrales cómo llamar al 9-1-1 y otros contactos de emergencia. Para más información sobre medidas de seguridad en el hogar visite https://www.scanhealthplan.com/media/1478/a1 La Registración para la Educación Religiosa La registración para la Educación Religiosa continúa en nuestro sitio web para lo siguiente: Primaria- Grados 1-5; EdgeGrados 6-8; Confirmación - Grados 9-12. RICN: Niños mayores de 6 años y en primer año de primaria que aún no han recibido el Sacramento del Bautismo. Por favor entregue una copia del Certificado de Nacimiento en la registración. Si su hijo/hija completó un año de preparación para la Primera Comunión y recibirá el Sacramento de la Primera Comunión en mayo 2016 por favor traiga una copia del Acta de Bautismo cuando lo registre. Para más información por favor comuníquese con: Mari Joerger: 642-7966 x 125 (Primaria y RICN) o con Gabe Rivera: 642-7966 x 121 (Edge & Confirmación) Visite nuestra página web: www.olaventura.com In the Community Faith Facts about Blessed Junípero Serra Did you know that in 1767 Fray Junipero Serra was sent to Loreto, Baja California as the President of the Baja California Missions? Fray Palou and Fray Crespí were also assigned to these missions. La Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó is the first Jesuit mission founded in Baja California in 1697 and the beginning of the El Camino Real. For the move into Alta California, Serra was in the company of Gaspar de Portolá, the military Governor of California. In the Community Have You Remembered your Parish or School in your WILL or TRUST? For information, please contact the Planned Giving Office at (213) 637-7504 or [email protected] www.ADLALegacy.org MOMS Morning at OLA (MOMS = Making Our Mothering Significant) MOMS Morning is a community connecting mothers to one another through the grace of Christ. Join us twice a month on Thursdays for breakfast, inspirational speakers, crafts, and fellowship. Childcare is available for registered participants. All moms are welcome, regardless of the age of your child! Our Fall 2015 meetings begin on Thursday, Sept. 17. Registration forms are now available in the back of the church and in the rectory. For more information, contact Jamie Kuske at [email protected] or 510-681-4259. For Men Of Irish Descent If you are a practicing Catholic of Irish descent and interested in perpetuating the history of the contribution the Irish in America have made to the Catholic Church and our Country, then you should be a member of The Ancient Order of Hibernians. We strive to foster and preserve Irish traditions in art, music, dance and sport as well as support our Parishes in any way we can. There are number of Divisions in California and we think there should be one in Ventura. For more information or an application for membership please call Bob Berry or Bill Ferguson 805-340-2619. E-mail [email protected] Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Weekend for Healing after Abortion Rachel's Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The retreat is designed to help participants work through reArchbishop José H. Gomez warmly invites pressed grief and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental setting all Pastors/Administrators/Parish Life Diand come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future. rectors and parishes to celebrate the 75th Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes spirAnniversary of St. John’s Seminary Saturitual exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of unday, September 12, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. born children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquirDinner on the Plaza – Thyme Café will be ies and registrations are confidential. October 9-11, 2015 catering Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. For inforDuarte, CA Cost: $215. per person. For registration or mation, please call: 213.637.7636. Please come celemore information please call: 866-2-RACHEL 866-272brate this milestone in the history of St. John’s! - 8 - 2435 or visit www.rachelsvineyard.org 75th Anniversary of St. John’s Seminary Parish Directory / Directorío de la Parroquia Parish Phone Number/Numero de Teléfono de la Parroquia (805)642-7966 SERVICE & OUTREACH DEPT HEAD: DN CHARLES WESSLER, EXT. 126 ADULT MINISTRIES DEPT HEAD: DN DAN BOJORQUEZ, EXT. 146 CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: Rochida McClure, 746-0727 FOOD BASKETS: Jerry Deal, 339-0260 RESPECT LIFE: Patty Berry, 642-4928 or [email protected] Dea Boehme, [email protected] VICTIMS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY: Suzanne Healy (213)637-7650 RIDES TO MASS: John Stebbins, 644-4674 MANY MEALS: 642-7966 OR [email protected] GRIEF SUPPORT: KEN LYNCH (310)720-9943 WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Kati Escallier, ext. 142 or [email protected] MEN’S MINISTRY & ADULT CONFIRMATION: DN DAN BOJORQUEZ, EXT.146 LIVING MATRIMONY: Dn Dan Bojorquez ext. 146 GROWING IN FAITH: Terri Rojo, 659-1217 OLA Classics: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 HISPANIC MINISTRIES (MINISTERIO HISPANO): DEPT HEAD: DN RAUL GONZALES, EXT.149 or [email protected] Pastoral Council (en Español): Tony Altorre, [email protected] SPIRITUALITY & FELLOWSHIP DEPT HEAD: DN PHIL JOERGER, EXT. 148 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Elizabeth Wurts, 644-8395 Mary Ann Decaen, 644-2160 FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY: Dn Phil Joerger ext. 148 INFANT BAPTISM PREP: English: Deacon Phil Joerger, ext.148 S panish: Deacon Raul Gonzalez, ext. 149 MOM’S GROUP: Jeanine Walker, 648-4244 M.O.M.S. MORNINGS: Jamie Kuske, 510-681-4259, [email protected] MOTHER’S PRAYER: Lisa O’Brien, 659-5307 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Aaron and Lee Ann Sanchez, 650-6734 PARISH PRAYER CHAIN: Juanita Trine, 644-5967, [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Jan Parrone, 658-1904 ROSARY MAKERS: Aurora Gonzales, 654-0316 VOCATIONS: Father Leon, ext. 106 WELCOME COMMITTEE: Alton & Virginia Lewis 642-7966 DEPT HEAD: DN MIKE BURNS, EXT. 145 ALTAR SERVERS: Deryl & Margaret Franzel, 644-5449 [email protected] END OF LIFE MINISTRY: Mary Ellen Farley, 643-5262 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: George and Jan Standing-Roberts, 648-1782 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Charlie Kim, ext. 122 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Diana Huntley, ext. 123 ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY: Ana Miller, 620-0873 LECTORS: Tim Noonan 290-3720, [email protected] MARRIAGES: Please contact Father Leon, ext. 106 SACRISTANS: Nikki Noonan 290-2278, [email protected] USHERS: Larry & Barb Gadbois 320-3819 COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: Parish Office PARISH INFORMATION BULLETIN: ext. 128 or [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER: Lauren Burns, ext. 101 FINANCE COUNCIL: Paul Derse, 642-7966 PASTORAL COUNCIL: Dan McGrath, [email protected] IN THE COMMUNITY DEPT HEAD/LIAISON: DN CHARLES WESSLER, EXT. 126 FAITH FORMATION DEPT HEAD: DN DON HUNTLEY, EXT. 147 CONFIRMATION:YOUTH: Gabriel Rivera, ext. 121 or [email protected] ADULT: Dn. Dan Bojorquez, ext. 146 ADULT (COLLEGE) BIBLE STUDY: Joe Yamauchi, [email protected] ELEMENTARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Mari Joerger, ext.125 MIDDLE (THE EDGE) & HIGH SCHOOL : Gabe Rivera, ext. 121 NURSERY: Mari Joerger, ext. 125 RCIA: Dn. Don Huntley ext. 123 or [email protected] SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: Dea Boehme [email protected] SUNDAY SCHOOL: Mari Joerger at ext.125 or [email protected] SACRAMENTAL COMPLIANCE DEPT HEAD: DN ED MILLS, EXT. 152 - 9 -- ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: Leslie McGiven 701-2877 BOY & CUB SCOUTS: Kathy Ellison, [email protected] CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOLING SUPPORT: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 CATHOLIC CHARITIES: 303 N. VENTURA AVE, 643-4694 CHESS CLUB/CHILDRENS STRING ENSEMBLE: Peter Shuere, 642-9998 DEFENDERS OF LIFE: Anna Murphy, 218-3093 or Carol 765-4293 DETENTION MINISTRY: Margaret Oberon, 988-1966 FAMILIES OF NAZARETH: Phyllis Crews, 643-5361 HERMITS OF ST. GILES: Mark Andrew Dextraze, 647-9089 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Ron Baldonado, 643-6756 LIFE CENTERS OF VENTURA CO.: Michele Loughman , 486-2721 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Russ & Jeanine Walker, 648-4244 RETROUVAILLE REDISCOVERY: Paul & Marisa Montgomery, 642-4023 SECULAR FRANCISCAN: Pauline Riendeau, 339-9446 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: 642-4104 TENDER LIFE MATERNITY HOME: Karen, 653-7474 YLI-CATHOLIC WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION: Mary Ann Foushee, 382-7457 Our Parish In Pictures Back to School!!
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