3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: (805) 642-7966 Fax: (805) 642-7635 www.olaventura.com Fifth Sunday of Easter – May 3, 2015 ADMINISTRATOR: REV. ALEX AMAYUN ASSOCIATE PASTOR: REV. Adalberto Blanco DEACONS: REV. MR. DAN BOJORQUEZ REV. MR. MIKE BURNS REV. MR. RAUL GONZALEZ REV. MR. DON HUNTLEY REV. MR. PHIL JOERGER REV. MR. ED MILLS REV. MR. CHARLES WESSLER SENIOR DEACON: REV. MR. RODGER ADAMS SCHEDULE OF MASSES: Monday - Friday: 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM 5:15 PM (1st Friday) * Saturday: 8:00 AM, 5:15 PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30 (Spanish Mass) *5:15 PM Adoration & Benediction for 1hr following 1st Friday Mass CONFESSIONS: Monday: 8:30 AM Tuesday: No Confessions Wednesday: 5:30 PM Friday: No Confessions Saturday: 8:30 AM & 4:00 PM LITURGY OF THE HOURS: Monday - Saturday before 8AM Mass ROSARY: Monday - Saturday after 8AM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: WEDNESDAY 9AM UNTIL SUNDAY 9AM IN ST. JULIE’S CHAPEL OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH SCHOOL: 3169 Telegraph Road Mrs. Patricia Groff, Principal School Office: (805) 642-7198 ST. BONAVENTURE HIGH SCHOOL: 3167 Telegraph Road Mr. Marc Groff, Principal. School Office: (805) 648-6836 Our Lady of the Assumption Mission Statement We, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, create, nurture, and maintain a community of love through worship, reconciliation, healing, formation, education and service. Through Word and Eucharist, we seek the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, embracing the love of our Creator in each thought, word, and action. As humble servants of God, we remain faithful to the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, waiting in joyful hope for our Lord’s coming. Declaración de la Misión Como fieles seguidores de Jesucristo, creamos, fomentamos, y mantenemos una comunidad de amor por medio de la adoración, la reconciliación, la sanción, la formación, la educación y el servicio. Por medio de la Palabra y la Eucaristía, buscamos la sabiduría y la guía del Espíritu Santo, abrazando el amor de nuestro creador en cada pensamiento, palabra y acción. Como humildes servidores de Dios, nos mantenemos fieles a las enseñanzas de la Santa Iglesia Católica Romana, esperando con gran esperanza y alegría la venida de nuestro Señor. Reflexión Semanal Weekly Reflection Thriving under the Gardener’s care Dar fruto con el cuidado del Jardinero Today’s readings and prayers center on the metaphor of the vine and the branches which speaks to Jesus’ relationship with us. In biblical times this imagery would be readily understood due to the agrarian lifestyle of the people. In our twenty-first century setting, many of us marvel at the handiwork of a “green thumb.” In the gospel, Jesus describes God the Father as the premier gardener, who cares for the vine, Jesus. Branches grow from this loving care. We are these branches and our lives testify to the yield produced when we live in the truth of Christ. In his letter, John references this concept by explaining “that love must be shown in deed and truth.” In the reading from Acts, Paul gives us a personal example by referencing “the pruning” he received on the road to Damascus. While listening to the story, the people, knowing Paul’s past, are suspicious of him but he speaks out “so boldly” and with such fire in the name of Jesus that the people come to believe. Just as God nurtured and cultivated Paul so he does for each of us. John records Jesus saying to the apostles, “You have already been pruned because of the word I spoke to you.” This is our reality as well. We have received the word of God at our baptism. We must continue to be responsive to God and heed Jesus’ words: “Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.” With this understanding in mind, we come together as the responsorial psalm suggests and praise God “in the assembly of his people” bearing witness to his cultivating care. Las lecturas y las oraciones de hoy se centran en la metáfora de la viña y sus frutos, símbolo de nuestra relación con Jesús. En los tiempos bíblicos, esta imagen se entendía muy bien, porque la vida del pueblo era agrícola. En el siglo veintiuno, muchos de nosotros nos asombramos con el trabajo de alguien que es buen jardinero. En el Evangelio, Jesús describe a Dios Padre como el mejor de los jardineros, quien cuida de su viña, Jesús. De este amor, crecen los sarmientos. Nosotros somos esos sarmientos y nuestras vidas son el testimonio de lo que se produce cuando vivimos en la verdad de Cristo. En su carta, san Juan hace referencia a este concepto, al explicar que el amor se demuestra “de verdad y con obras.” En la lectura del libro de los Hechos, san Pablo nos da un ejemplo personal al hablar de cómo Dios lo “podó” en el camino de Damasco. Al escuchar su historia, el pueblo duda de sus palabras porque conocen el pasado de Pablo, pero habla con tanta convicción y con tanto ardor en nombre de Jesús, que el pueblo le cree. Así mismo Dios nos nutre y nos cultiva para que demos frutos igual que Pablo. San Juan escribe que Jesús les dijo a los apóstoles, “Ustedes ya están [podados] por las palabras que les he hablado.” Esta es también nuestra realidad, por medio de nuestro bautismo, hemos recibido la palabra de Dios. Nuestra continua respuesta a Dios es hacer caso a las palabras de Jesús quien nos dice, “Como el sarmiento no puede dar fruto por sí, si no permanece en la vid, así tampoco ustedes, si no permanecen en mí.” Este es el pensamiento que al entenderlo da frutos, con el cual nos reunimos y por el cual podemos decir las palabras del Salmo, “El Señor es mi alabanza en la gran asamblea.” -2- Parish Life Baptisms Happy Anniversary Please pray for the recently baptized as they begin their journey in the Body of Christ Dn Phil & Mari Joerger 39 Years on May 14 Leonardo Ramiro Marquez Ayden Josiah Martinez Edmund & Aurora Gonzales 30 Years on May 11 —————————————————— In Remembrance Joe & Jill Sassen 10 Years on May 7 Please pray for those who have recently passed away and for their families Shelby Bauer, Gene Lombardi & Edward McKernan Frank & Nicole Corral 2 Years on May 4 ______________________________________ To list anniversary, please email [email protected] by 5pm the Friday of the week before you wish it published. Celebrating your 50th Anniversary (or more)? Please submit your wedding picture and a current picture for our bulletin page. Send to [email protected] or dropped off at the office. Mass Intentions MASS INTENTIONS FOR May 04— May 10 Monday, May 04 6:30 Alex Morales (L) & Mary Torres (L) 8:00 Jack Mellring (D) & Frances Jurski (D) ————————————————————— Our Lady of the Assumption Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Tuesday, May 05 6:30 Joyce Cantrell (L) 8:00 Helen Kernoul (D & Terencio Gener (D) Friday, June 5, 2015 5:00pm St. Bonaventure Athletic Center Wednesday, May 06 6:30 Floyd Weber (D) 8:00 Kim Soon-Ae (D) & Katrina Schaefer (L) All active OLA volunteers and a guest are invited! Thursday, May 07 6:30 Flonia Yzaguirre (D) & Joyce Cantrell (L) 8:00 Delia Cortez (D) Please RSVP Friday, May 08 6:30 Joyce Cantrell (L) 8:00 Petra C. Orozco (D) ______________________________________________ Telephone number First and last names of all attending ______________________________________________ Email address Saturday, May 09 8:00 Zenaida Ortega Avina (D) & Vicky Spicer (L) 5:15 Chi Jun (D) & Joe Parr (D) ______________________________________________ Ministry Sunday, May 10 8:00 Courtney Anthony Trisler (D), & Bonnie Reeder (D) & Don Reeder (L) 9:30 Mass for the People 11:00 Delia Cortes (D) & Emily Velasquez (D) 12:30 Rita Caballero (D) & Miguel Gutierrez (D) 5:15 Dolores Aviles (D) ______________________________________________ Fill out and drop this form in the rectory office or email all of the above information to [email protected] or call the rectory office at (805)642-7966 by Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Announcements Bulletin Deadline May 17 bulletin-due by 5pm May 8 Pulpit Announcement May 10 Masses-Due by May 6 at noon. Please see directory on pg 9 for where to send information. -3- Calendar of Upcoming Events Date Event See Page May 9 OLA School First Holy Communion 5 May 11 OLA Book Discussion Group 6 May 12 OLA Men’s Ministry BBQ 6 May 16 VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children” 6 May 30 VIRTUS “Keeping the Promise Alive” - Recertification 6 June 8 Msgr Mulcahy Golf Tournament 5 Parish News WELCOME! BIENVENIDO! If you are visiting or are joining us for the first time, we are glad you came! All are welcome at OLA and received with love. If you are ready to join our parish, we encourage you to fill out the Registration Form and bring it to the Parish Office. Registration forms are available at the Parish Office or on the church website www.olaventura.com If you have any questions, please come by the Parish Office, the Welcome Table at Friendship Sunday, or call us at 642-7966 Si nos visita o nos acompaña por primera vez, ¡nos da gusto que este aquí! Todos son bienvenidos a OLA y recibidos con amor. Si desea ser parte de nuestra parroquia, le recomendamos que llene el Formulario de Registración y lo traiga a la Oficina Parroquial. Los formularios están disponibles en la Oficina Parroquial o en la página web de la parroquia, www.olaventura.com Para cualquier pregunta por favor pase por la Oficina Parroquial o llámenos al 642-7966 Our Lady of the Assumption Church Parish Office Hours Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Horario de la Oficina Parroquial Monday through Thursday 8:30am to 7:00pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm, Saturday 8:30am to 12:00pm Sunday 9:00am to 2:00pm Lunes a Jueves ~ 8:30am. a 7:00pm Viernes ~ 8:30am a 5:00pm Sábado ~ 8:30am a 12:00pm Domingo ~ 9:00am a 2:00pm Weekly Offerings Ofrenda Semanal Thank you for your continuing support of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish. For the month of April 2015 our parish budget calls for $22,074.18 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, April 26, 2015 was $18,202.52. This collection is not only used for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. There are many ways to contribute; credit card and automatic debit are available. For more information please contact Lauren Burns, business manager at 642-7966 ext. 101. Gracias por su apoyo continuo de Nuestra Señora de la Parroquia de la Asunción usted. Para el mes de abril 2015 nuestro presupuesto parroquial pide $ 22,074.18 para ser donado semanal en la colecta del domingo. La colección para el Domingo, 26 de abril 2015 fue de $18,202.52. Esta colección no sólo se utiliza para gastos de funcionamiento de cada semana, sino también para cualquier trabajo en curso de reparación, actualizaciones, etc., a nuestras instalaciones de la parroquia. Hay muchas maneras de contribuir; tarjeta de crédito y débito automático están disponibles. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Lauren Burns, gerente de negocios en 642-7966 ext. 101. 2015 Together in Mission Annual Appeal Apelación Anual 2015Juntos en Misión Parish Goal: $ 122,600.00 Amount Pledged: $ 98,254.00 Amount Paid: $ 49,096.00 Balance: $ 73,504 Meta Parroquial: $ 122,600.00 Cantidad Prometida: $ 98,254.00 Pagado: $ 49,096.00 Balance: $ 73,504.00 Para más información o para donar por Internet visite www.OurMissionLA.org For more information or to donate online please visit www.OurMissionLA.org. - 4- Religious Education Our Lady of the Assumption School RCIA & RCIC Welcome All Our Newly Baptized & Confirmed Our OLA 2nd Grade Class will be making their First Holy Communion on Saturday May 9th. The Candidates are: Luke Alatorre, Nicholas Baloyo, Ana Barnes, Philip Blessum, Kirra Crane, Claire Devericks, Dominic Duran, Sofia Esmaili, Maisie Hatler, Layla Intenzo, James Jaramillo, Juliana Konieczny, John Kuske, Lana Lopez, McKaila Mabry, Channing McClure, Andrew Meek, Ronan Murphy, Joseph Nguyen, Alexander Nocero, Isabella Padilla, Quinn Putzel, Audrey Redmond, Ava Renshaw, Richard Rodriquez, Emily Tauber, Caroline VonGunten, and Alexandra Wiseman. Congratulations and may God Bless each and every one of you. Also, save the date-”Msgr Mulcahy Golf Tournament”, Monday, June 8, 2015 at Saticoy Country Club. For more info call Gina Ravenscroft at 805-642-7198. Don’t forget about “School Cents” ! Parishioners can drop off their receipts to the school office or at Guest Services in the mall (near Sears). Our school earns 5 points per dollar spent. We congratulate and welcome the 15 newly baptized adult and youth members of our parish and the additional 17 adults who were fully initiated at the Easter Vigil. The RCIA team thanks all of the members of OLA parish who have supported them through prayers and other types of support. Thanks be to God for this new infusion of life into our parish! Safe Environment Sundays at OLA May 2015 Fingerprinting Schedule Nursery - Ages 1-3 years St. Peter Claver Saturday, May 9th 2380 Stow Street 10:00am - 2pm & 3pm - 5:20pm Simi Valley, CA 93063 For appointment call (805) 526-6499 Located in the Youth Room during 9:30am Mass. Provides babysitting while parents attend Mass. Sunday School - Ages 3-5 years Located at OLA School during 9:30am Mass. Includes lessons/crafts about church, God, & the Bible. For more info please contact Jenny Elliot @ 642-7966 ext. 124 St. Thomas Aquinas Friday, May 15th 185 St. Thomas Drive 12PM – 4PM & 5PM – 7:20PM Ojai, CA 93023 For appointment call (805) 646-4338 Padre Serra Friday, May 22nd 5205 Upland Road 12:00pm – 4PM & 5PM - 7:20PM Camarillo, CA 93012-2598 For appointment call (805) 482-6417 Liturgy of the Word - Grades 1-5 Begins in church during 9:30 Mass. Children are called during Mass to process from church to the hall with a teacher for their own age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word & discussion of the readings. Holy Cross Saturday, May 23rd 13955 Peach Hill Rd. 10:00am – 2PM & 3PM – 5:20PM Moorpark, CA 93021 For appointment call: (805) 529-1397 REP– Tuesday & Wednesday Elementary,Gr.1- 5 is offered on Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:00pm - 5:15pm in the OLA School next to Mulcahy Center. For more info contact Mari @ 642-7966 ext. 125 Sacred Heart Friday, May 29th 10800 Henderson Road 12:00pm – 4PM & 5PM - 7:20PM Ventura, CA 93004 By appointment only, (805) 647-3235-304 Holy Cross Saturday, May 30th 1740 Cliff Drive 10AM – 2PM & 3PM – 5:20PM Santa Barbara, CA 93109 For appointment call: (805) 962-0411 Youth Ministry Confirmation classes for Year 1 continue Sunday evenings beginning with 5:15 p.m. mass. 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to join EDGE Wednesday nights from 78:30 p.m. in Mulcahy Center. For more info contact Roberta Godeck at (805) 642-7966, ext. 121. - 5- If you cannot keep your appointment, please call so that others may be served. The fingerprint schedules are also available online at http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/ hr/Pages/fingerprinting.aspx. Please call 213-637-7411 if you have any questions. Safe Environment Spirituality & Fellowship Upcoming VIRTUS Awareness Sessions Eucharistic Adoration VIRTUS--Protecting God’s Children Saturday, May 16, 2015, 2-5 pm in Youth Room This is the initial VIRTUS training session required for adults who come into contact with children in their ministries. All adult members of the parish are welcome to attend. VIRTUS-KEEPING THE PROMISE ALIVE-Recertification Program - Saturday, May 30, 2015, 2- 3:30 pm Santa Cruz Room, Parish Center This recertification program is required for those whose initial VIRTUS training was in 2011, or earlier, and who have not attended a training session since. The program reviews the 5 steps of an effective program and shows specific examples of the use of these best practices to prevent child sexual abuse. . All adult members of the parish are welcome to attend either session. For questions, call Dea Boehme at (805) 390-1260. DID YOU KNOW? Adults are responsible for reporting abuse When any adult has reason to suspect that a child is being or has been abused, he or she has a moral (and often legal) responsibility to report suspicions to civil authorities. Reporting suspected abuse takes courage. Adults who take a stand for children and make the call are often responsible for saving a child from terrible torment. Learn more about how to identify and report suspected abuse by reading chapter 9.8.1 of the Administrative Handbook for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Go to: http://handbook.laarchdiocese.org/chapter-9/section-9-8/ topic-9-8-1 Liturgical Ministries Liturgy of the Word The lector ministry at OLA is a great way for a parishioner to get more involved in the Sacrifice of the Mass. We have over 80 parishioners participating. It is a great group and is a lot of fun. Please consider joining this important ministry. If you have any questions, please call Tim Noonan at (805)290-3720. Adult Ministries College Bible Study Join us on Thursdays from 7-8pm in the youth room for college age folks. We’ll have spiritual, stimulating & thought provoking discussions. Hope to see you there! Contact Joe Yamauchi for more information at :[email protected] - 6- St. Julie’s Chapel Adorers are always welcome. Would you be able to commit weekly to any of the times listed? Friday 4-5am & 5-6am Saturday 12-1pm Substitute adorers needed midnight to 6am Contact Mary Ann at 644-2160 or Elizabeth at 644-8395 Prayer Shawl Ministry Explore knitting or crocheting as a prayer experience! Devotions and instruction is provided at each meeting. Donations of yarn, knitting and crochet supplies are welcomed and appreciated. Our next meeting is on Saturday, May 9 Please call Jan Parrone at 658-1904 for further information. Or visit www.shawlministry.com. To request a shawl for someone in need of prayers, comfort, or in celebration of a birth, please contact the parish office at 642-7966. OLA Book Discussion Group The next book for the OLA Book Discussion Group is A Song for Nagasaki: The Story of Takashi Nagai by Paul Glynn. We will meet to discuss this book on May 11, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., in the Santa Cruz room. Future books are as follows: Journey to the Sun: Junipero Serra’s Dream and the Founding of California by Gregory Orfalea-discussion on June 8. For further information please call Mary Ann Bognar at 805-647-0462 or email at [email protected]. OLA Men’s Ministry BBQ OLA men’s ministry is having their last barbecue before the summer on Tuesday May 12th, doors open at 5:30 and dinner at 6:30 in the Mulcahy Center. The bbq is open to men and women. Food, drink and fellowship will be on the menu, and our speaker will be Fr. Leon Hutton, Assistant Professor of Church History at St. John’s Seminary. Cost is $8.00 per person, bring a Sunday bulletin and save $1.00. More information or to RSVP call Jerry Deal at (805) 339-0260. Service & Outreach OLA Cancer Group New Time: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Cancer affects everyone. You don't have to battle cancer alone. Come and spend an evening with church members who understand. The OLA Cancer Support Group meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Parish House (21 N. Dunning) from 5:30-7:00 pm. Contact Rochida McClure at (805) 746-0727 for more information. Service & Outreach Ministerio Hispano Many Meals Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Cena de apreciación para los voluntarios Many Meals serves our parish family as well as the community as a whole. Guests come each Wednesday for a hot meal, free of charge, as well as wonderful fellowship. We serve at College United Methodist Church, 4300 Telegraph Road from 6-7pm. The program is selfsupporting and thus, relies on our dedicated volunteers and donations by our generous parishioners. Although the meal changes each week, some items are used consistently and can be accepted at any time. Here are some of the items needed this week. Viernes, 5 de junio, 2015 5:00 pm Centro Atlético de la escuela San Buenaventura ¡Están invitados todos los voluntarios activos y un invitado! Por favor confirme su asistencia Nombre y apellido de todo el que asistirá: ______________________________________________ Número de teléfono: ______________________________________________ Correo electrónico: ______________________________________________ Ministerio: ______________________________________________ Llene y traiga esta forma a la oficina parroquial o mande la información por correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame a la oficina al (805)6427966 a más tardar el miércoles 27 de mayo, 2015 Monetary donations- primarily for the purchase of the meat for each meal 10 ¼ inch non- compartment paper plates 8 oz. hot paper cups 7 oz. cold plastic cups Medium size 3 compartment to go containers Heavy duty cutlery packs (fork, knife, spoon, napkin, salt & pepper) 100 count bags at Smart & Final 100 count name tags Donations may be dropped off at the rectory by Tuesday morning. For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please email Diane Frantela at [email protected] or call (805)642-7966 ext. 133. We thank our parishioners for their generosity and continued support of the Many Meals ministryguests. He turned 100 years old! Celebremos los 50 días de Pascua Es la Pascua, el paso, la victoria del Señor. Sabemos, por los Evangelios, que Cristo se apareció a sus seguidores durante 40 días y luego ascendió a los cielos. Pasados 10 días, los primeros discípulos recibieron el Espíritu Santo. La Iglesia celebra este acontecimiento con 50 días de fiesta, de canto, de esperanza. Es el tiempo del "aleluya", del grito que invita una y otra vez a alabar y dar gracias al Señor, "porque es eterna su misericordia”. Feliz Pascua de Resurrección! Respect Life The Catholic Church is a Pro-Life Church from Conception to Natural Death. Resources and contact information can be found in our directory page under “In the Community”. For more information please contact Patty Berry, Respect Life Parish Coordinator at 642-4928 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Grief Support Group This group is open to any adult who has lost a loved one through death, whether your loss is recent or many years old. We invite you to join us to find support and help in working through the grief process and transforming your pain into healing. Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 5th. We meet in the Parish House (21 N, Dunning St.) from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Entry is down the driveway, through the gate, in the backdoor and through the kitchen. You can start with the group any time. The group is led by Ken Lynch, a Bereavement Minister commissioned through the Los Angeles Archdiocese. For more information please call Ken's cell at 310 720 9943 or send an email to [email protected]. -7- ¿Es usted un adulto que aún no ha recibido los sacramentos de Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación? ¡El proceso de RICA lo prepara para recibir estos sacramentos! Para más información comuníquese con el Diacono Raul al 6427966 ext. 149 o por email [email protected] Grupo de Oración: Divina Misericordia Acompáñenos cada primero y tercer lunes a las 7pm en la Capilla Santa Julia aquí en OLA. Para más información comuníquese con el Diacono Raul a 642-7966. FECHAS: Mayo 4 y 18 Junio 1 y 15 Julio 13 y 27 Agosto 10 y 24 Septiembre 7 y 21 Octubre 5 y 19 Noviembre 2 y 16 Diciembre 14 y 28 Ministerio Hispano In the Community La SB 128 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER La SB 128 legalizaría el suicidio asistido por un médico en California. El papa Francisco nos recuerda: "El mandamiento bíblico es honrar a nuestros padres esto nos recuerda un sentido más amplio de nuestro deber de honrar todas las personas de la tercera edad”. Es hora de tomar acción para proteger las personas de la tercera edad y con discapacidades. Visita la página de web: archla.org/sb128 para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con su legislador, e involúcrese Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another as well as a gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next WWME weekend June 27-28 at St. Jude In Westlake Village or July 10-12 In Chatsworth. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at www.twocanlove.org. We help make good marriages better. ¿Sabía Usted? Los adultos son responsables de reportar el abuso Cuando cualquier adulto en nuestra comunidad sospecha de que un menor esté siendo o haya sido abusado, tiene la obligación moral (y muchas veces también legal) de reportar su sospecha a las autoridades civiles. Reportar una sospecha de abuso exige valentía. Sin embargo, cuando un adulto toma esta decisión y hace el reporte, con frecuencia salva a un menor de un tormento terrible. Para saber más cómo identificar y reportar sospechas de abuso, lea el capítulo 9.8.1 del manual administrativo de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. El manual lo puede encontrar aquí: http://handbook.la-archdiocese.org/ chapter-9/section-9-8/topic-9-8-1 Caminata a la Cruz con Santa Misa Cat61icos del Condado de Ventura: únete a nosotros para la anual Caminata a la Cruz con Santa Misa bilingüe Sábado, Mayo 2, 2015, 7:30 A.M. caminata rosario comienza en el jardín de la Misión de San Buenaventura 8:15 A.M. celebraremos Misa en la cruz parque Grant, Ventura se servirá Refrigerio después de la Santa Misa In the Community SB128 SB 128 would legalize physician-assisted suicide in CA. Pope Francis reminds us, "The biblical commandment to honor our parents reminds us in a broader sense of our duty to honor all elderly people." Take action now to protect the elderly and those with disabilities. Visit: archla.org/sb128 to learn more, contact your legislator, and get involved. Celebration of Fr. Richard Delahunty’s 50th Anniversary We in St. Nicholas Parish in Laguna Woods are quite pleased to be able to announce that our Pastor, Fr. Richard Delahunty, will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood later this year. He will be celebrating Mass in honor of his anniversary on Saturday, May 30 at 4pm and the Parish will be hosting a reception for him immediately after Mass. Separate smaller receptions will be held after each of the Masses on Sunday, May 31. For information please call Gabriel Ferrucci at (949)837-1090. -8- Kindred Hearts Ministries Presents: The Gift of Listening – A Gift of Love In a world full of technology, quick text replies and much talk, we attend to what it means to foster listening skills in effective communication. Real listening is more than hearing; it is being present to the other in ways that communicate, “What you have to say is important to me because I respect you and you are important to me.” We listen with mind, heart, soul and body! We will explore various aspects of listening including how we listen to God and how God listens to us. Please join Sister Regina Robbins on Wednesday, May 6, 7:00 – 8:30 PM at Notre Dame Center, 1776 Hendrix Avenue, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. TO REGISTER: Please contact Sister Marie Paul Grech at 805-496-3242 x 460 or [email protected] May Procession at St. Catherine’s You are invited to the annual May Procession at St. Catherine's at 2 PM on May 12, 2015.. St. Catherine's is located at 1931 Poli Street, Ventura. For further information, please contact Pat Bullough at 805-6410952. Conejo Youth Festival Featuring Grammy Nominated Catholic Musician MATT MAHER LIVE IN CONCERT & International Catholic Speaker PAUL J KIM. Mass, confession, fellowship, worship & adoration. Join us! June 20th 2015 at La Reina High School. Buy YOUR Tickets ONLINE! www.conejoyouthfest.com/ tickets Not familiar with Matt Maher or Paul J Kim? Check out their websites at www.mattmahermusic.com and www.pjkmusic.com. For more information: www.conejoyouthfest.com E-Mail: [email protected] Parish Directory / Directorío de la Parroquia Parish Phone Number/Numero de Teléfono de la Parroquia 642-7966 ADULT MINISTRIES DEPT HEAD: DN DAN BOJORQUEZ, EXT. 146 WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Kati Escallier, ext. 142 or [email protected] MEN’S MINISTRY & ADULT CONFIRMATION: DN DAN BOJORQUEZ, EXT.146 LIVING MATRIMONY: Dn Dan Bojorquez ext. 146 Growing in Faith: Terri Rojo, 659-1217 OLA Classics: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 HISPANIC MINISTRIES (MINISTERIO HISPANO): DEPT HEAD: DN RAUL GONZALES, EXT.149 or [email protected] Pastoral Council (en Español): Tony Altorre, [email protected] LITURGICAL MINISTRIES DEPT HEAD: DN MIKE BURNS, EXT. 145 ALTAR SERVERS: Deryl & Margaret Franzel, 644-5449 [email protected] END OF LIFE MINISTRY: Mary Ellen Farley, 643-5262 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: George and Jan Standing-Roberts, 648-1782 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Charlie Kim, ext. 122 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Diana Huntley, ext. 123 ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY: Ana Miller, 620-0873 LECTORS: Tim Noonan 290-3720, [email protected] MARRIAGES: Please contact Father Alex, ext. 106 SACRISTANS: Nikki Noonan 290-2278, [email protected] USHERS: Larry & Barb Gadbois 320-3819 PARISH INFORMATION BULLETIN: ext. 128 or [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER: Lauren Burns, ext. 101 EVENT COORDINATOR: Diane Frantela ext. 133 FINANCE COUNCIL: Paul Derse, 642-7966 PASTORAL COUNCIL: Dan McGrath, [email protected] SERVICE & OUTREACH DEPT HEAD: DN CHARLES WESSLER, EXT. 126 COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: Parish Office, FAITH COMMUNITY HEALTH MINISTRY: Debbie Lawry, ext. 154 [email protected] or [email protected] CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: Rochida McClure, 746-0727 FOOD BASKETS: Jerry Deal, 339-0260 RESPECT LIFE: Patty Berry, 642-4928 or [email protected] Dea Boehme, [email protected] Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213)637-7650 RIDES TO MASS: John Stebbins, 644-4674 MANY MEALS: DIANE FRANTELA EXT. 133 GRIEF SUPPORT: KEN LYNCH (310)720-9943 SPIRITUALITY & FELLOWSHIP DEPT HEAD: DN PHIL JOERGER, EXT. 148 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Elizabeth Wurts, 644-8395 Mary Ann Decaen, 644-2160 FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY: Dn Phil Joerger ext. 148 INFANT BAPTISM PREP: English: Deacon Phil Joerger, ext.148 S panish: Deacon Raul Gonzalez, ext. 149 MOM’S GROUP: Jeanine Walker, 648-4244 M.O.M.S. MORNINGS: Jamie Kuske, 510-681-4259, [email protected] MOTHER’S PRAYER: Lisa O’Brien, 659-5307 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Aaron and Lee Ann Sanchez, 650-6734 PARISH PRAYER CHAIN: Juanita Trine, 644-5967, [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Jan Parrone, 658-1904 ROSARY MAKERS: Aurora Gonzales, 654-0316 VOCATIONS: Father Alex, ext. 106 WELCOME COMMITTEE: Alton & Virginia Lewis 642-7966 IN THE COMMUNITY ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: FAITH FORMATION Virgina Dimmick 933-5903 DEPT HEAD: DN DON HUNTLEY, EXT. 147 BOY & CUB SCOUTS: Kathy Ellison, [email protected] CONFIRMATION:YOUTH: Roberta Godeck, ext. 121 or CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOLING SUPPORT: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 [email protected] CATHOLIC CHARITIES: 303 N. VENTURA AVE, 643-4694 Adult: Dn. Dan Bojorquez, ext. 146 CHESS CLUB/CHILDRENS STRING ENSEMBLE: Peter Shuere, 642-9998 Adult (College) Bible Study: Joe Yamauchi, Defenders of Life: Anna Murphy, 218-3093 or Carol 765-4293 [email protected] Detention Ministry: Margaret Oberon, 988-1966 ELEMENTARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ext.125 FAMILIES OF NAZARETH: Phyllis Crews, 643-5361 MIDDLE (THE EDGE) & HIGH SCHOOL : Patrick Tafoya, ext. 121 HERMITS OF ST. GILES: Mark Andrew Dextraze, 647-9089 NURSERY: ext. 125 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Ron Baldonado, 643-6756 RCIA: Dn. Don Huntley ext. 123 or [email protected] LIFE CENTERS OF VENTURA CO.: Emily Raab , 486-2721 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: Dea Boehme [email protected] MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Russ & Jeanine Walker, 648-4244 SUNDAY SCHOOL: Jenny Elliott at ext.124 or RETROUVAILLE REDISCOVERY: Paul & Marisa Montgomery, 642-4023 [email protected] SECULAR FRANCISCAN: Pauline Riendeau, 339-9446 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: 642-4104 SACRAMENTAL COMPLIANCE TENDER LIFE MATERNITY HOME: Karen, 653-7474 DEPT HEAD: DN ED MILLS, EXT. 152 YLI-CATHOLIC WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION: Sylvia Barnes, 667-7234 - 9 -- Our Parish in Pictures Appreciating our volunteers
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