Church of St. Teresa March 1, 2015 50 - 20 45th Street, Woodside NY 11377-7398 Tel. 718 784-2123 Fax 706-6797 - THE PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez, In Residence Mr. Roberto S. Abundo, Deacon Mr. Martin Soraire, Deacon Mr. Norberto Saldaña, Pastoral Minister/Religious Education Coordinator, 718-937-4819 Mrs. Divina Lopez, Parish Secretary Mr. Michael Koerber, Director of Parish Plant Mr. Steven Petersen, Director of Music Ms. Jean Marie Barrett & Ms. Diane Mucha, Lay Trustees MISSION STATEMENT Gathered with Christ to give thanks and praise, we share God’s word and work. As the diverse Roman Catholic Community of Saint Teresa, we are the living Body of Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we proclaim the faith and reach out to those in need. Unidos con Cristo para dar gracias y alabar a Dios, compartimos su palabra y su trabajo. Es por ello que en la diversidad de la comunidad Católica Romana de la parroquia Santa Teresa, somos el cuerpo viviente de Cristo y por el poder del Espíritu Santo proclamamos la fe y ayudamos a aquellos en necesidad. St. Teresa is part of a Deanery of Parishes of the Diocese of Brooklyn that includes St. Raphael, St. Sebastian, Queen of Angels, Corpus Christi and Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians. MASS SCHEDULE /HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday / Sábado 5:00 p.m. Sunday / Domingo 9:00 a.m. & 12:00 pm English 10:30 a.m. en español Weekdays / Diás de semana 8:00 a.m. Los miércoles a las 7:30 p.m. en español RECONCILIATION (Confessions) RECONCILIACION (Confesiones) Saturday / Sábado at 4:00 pm BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Please meet with a priest or deacon before making plans for baptisms. Entrevistas bautismales los domingos después de la misa de las 10:30 a.m. en la rectoría. MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO Please make an appointment with one of the priests or deacons at least six months before the wedding date. Haga una cita con el sacerdote o el diácono de la parroquia por lo menos unos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda. DEVOTIONS/DEVOCIONES: Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays at 8:30 am MINISTRY TO THE SICK / CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Contact the rectory to arrange for a sick, homebound or hospitalized person to receive Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick Comuníquese con la rectoría para que una persona enferma u hospitalizada pueda recibir la comunión o unción de los enfermos. NEW PARISHIONERS NUEVOS FELIGRESES HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE INVALIDOS WELCOME! Help us to know you and to be of service to you. Please introduce yourself to any member of the Parish Staff. PLEASE BECOME A FULL MEMBER OF ST. TERESA BY REGISTERING AT THE RECTORY. ¡BIENVENIDOS! Ayúdenos a conocerlos y servirles mejor. Comuníquese con uno de los sacerdotes de la parroquia. HÁGASE MIEMBRO DE LA PARROQUIA DE STA. TERESA. INSCRÍBASE EN LA RECTORIA. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00am-12:30pm (CLOSED FOR LUNCH FROM 12:30pm to 1:30 pm) 1:30pm - 8:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00 pm— Sunday: Closed STATIONS OF THE CROSS Want to join Christ on the road of Calvary? Want to know the true meaning of Christ’s death? If your answer is YES, join us every Friday of Lent after the 8:00 am Mass, to meditate the Stations of the Cross (in English). Traveling this way will help you to realize the path that Christ took to Calvary. You respond with your inner conviction. Hope you join us and remember that Christ died and has risen for us. PRAYER FOR YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity, through evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. The pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever Amen. WHO IS WELCOME IN ST. TERESA CHURCH? Are you a sinner? Have you been away from the church for a long time? Are you divorced or separated? Are you physically or mentally challenged? Are you from a different culture? Are you not accepted because of your sexual orientation? Are you elderly, a teen or young adult? Are you discriminated against because of your color? Are you undocumented? Are you feeling broken? Are you poor or out of work? Have you been imprisoned? Have you a feeling that you are left out? You are welcome here! This is your home, and we are your family! BLOOD DRIVE Saint Teresa Church will have its annual Blood Drive Sunday, March 15th, from 9 am to 2 pm. If you are between 16 and 76 years of age and are in good health, come to donate blood. Even if you have certain illnesses such as diabetes or high blood pressure and take medications, you can give as long as the illnesses are under control. The day you come to give blood, eat your regular meals, bring identification with a signature or photo and know your social security number. If you have no social security card, bring a passport. We will be taking names of those who wish to give after all masses at the main doors of the church. GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE ST. TERESA PARISH IS LOOKING FOR NEW ALTAR SERVERS Altar Servers assist at Mass and are an important part of our parish. Altar Servers must be in the fourth grade or older and have made First Holy Communion. Training begins on Saturday, March 21st at 1:15 PM in the Church We need you! EASTER CANDLE Once again this year we will be using a new large 4 foot Paschal Candle, beginning at the Easter Vigil, Saturday April 4th. If you would like to memorialize/donate this candle, please contact the Rectory office. CHURCH BULLETIN BOARD “To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.” REGULACIONES DE LA CUARESMA PARA 2015 Miércoles de ceniza y Viernes Santo: días de ayuno y abstinencia. Límite de una alimentación completa en estos días para los católicos entre las edades de 18 y 59 incluido. Todos los viernes de Cuaresma: días de abstinencia de carne Para todos los católicos que han alcanzado sus 14 años. Días Semanales de Cuaresma: No hay ninguna obligación de ayunar. Sin embargo, se recomiendan los actos voluntarios de abnegación. Actos de sacrificio voluntario: Puede incluir, además de ayuno: participación en diarios espirituales, misas, estudios, devociones cuaresmales, estaciones de la Cruz, diciendo el Rosario, obras de misericordia y bondad. ESTACIONES DEL VIA CRUCIS ¿Quieres acompañar a Cristo en el camino al Calvario? ¿Quieres saber el verdadero significado de la muerte de Cristo? Si tu respuesta es SI, acompáñenos después del miércoles de ceniza y todos los miércoles de cuaresma después de la misa de las 7:30 pm a meditar las estaciones del Santo Vía Crucis. El recorrer este camino te ayudara a comprender que el seguir a Cristo camino al calvario hace que respondas con tu propio amor y esa respuesta a estas preguntas se hace mas fácil de contestarlas. Te esperamos no faltes recuerda que El murió y resucito por nosotros. INSCRIPCIÓN PARROQUIAL Por favor, registrarse como miembro de nuestra parroquia, si aquí es donde usted asiste regularmente a la iglesia. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en la rectoría. Sobres para las ofrendas vienen con el registro, y su uso permite que le demos un informe de sus contribuciones para fines fiscales. Tener su nombre en nuestros registros es la única manera que tenemos de certificar que usted es un católico practicante cuando se les pide que sean padrinos de Bautizo o Confirmación. DONACION DE SANGRE Iglesia de Santa Teresa tendrá su donación anual de sangre domingo , 15 de marzo, de 9am-2pm. Si tiene entre 16 y 76 años de edad y está en buena salud, venga a donar sangre. Incluso si tienes ciertas enfermedades como diabetes o presión arterial alta y tomar medicamentos puede donar siempre y cuando las enfermedades están bajo control. El día que viene a dar sangre, puede comer sus comidas regulares, traer identificación con una firma o una foto y su numero de seguro social. Si no tienen ninguna tarjeta de seguro social, pueden traer su pasaporte. Estaremos tomando los nombres de aquellos que desean donar sangre después de todas las misas en las puertas principales de la iglesia. MISAS DISPONIBLES Muchas Misas diarias de 8:00 (lunes a viernes) no tienen intenciones en las próximas semanas. Si desea ofrecer la misa para cualquiera, que viva o fallecida, póngase en contacto con la oficina de la rectoría. Estipendios siguen siendo $15. CARTA DE CONTRIBUCIÓN DE 2014 Si desea una carta de sus contribuciones para 2014 póngase en contacto con la oficina de la rectoría y se la enviarán. Gracias. LA IGLESIA DE SANTA TERESA NECESITA NUEVOS MONAGUILLOS Monaguillos asisten a la Misa y son importantes en nuestra Parroquia. Monaguillos deben estar en cuarto grado o mas grandes y haber recibido la Primera Comunión. Entrenamientos empezaran el Sábado, 21 de Marzo, a las 1:15 pm en la Iglesia. Los necesitamos! CIRIO PASCUAL Una vez mas este año estaremos utilizando un nuevo Cirio Pascual de 4 pies de alto comenzando en la vigilia pascual el día sábado, 4 de Abril. Si desea conmemorar o donar esta vela, favor de llamar a la rectoría para más información. LENTEN REGULATIONS FOR 2015 Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: Days of Fast and Abstinence. Limit of one full meal on these days for Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 inclusive. All Fridays in Lent: Days of Abstinence, from meat. For all Catholics who have reached their 14th year. Weekdays of Lent: There is no obligation to fast. However, voluntary acts of self-denial are recommended. Acts of Voluntary Self-Denial: May include, in addition to fasting: Participation in daily Mass, spiritual studies, Lenten Devotions, Stations of the Cross, saying the Rosary, deeds of mercy and kindness. WHAT TO GIVE UP FOR LENT We offer the following reflection about what to give up for Lent this year: “Give up complaining - focus on gratitude. “Give up pessimism - become an optimist. “Give up harsh judgments - think kindly thoughts. “Give up worry - trust Divine Providence. “Give up discouragement - be full of hope. “Give up bitterness - turn to forgiveness. “Give up hatred - return good for evil. “Give up anger - be more patient. “Give up pettiness - become mature. “Give up jealousy - pray for trust. “Give up gossiping - control your tongue. “Give up sin - turn to virtue. “Give up giving up - hang in there!” Don’t be daunted by any of these goals. Just ask Jesus to be your support as you become the person He created you to be. “OUR GRIEF IS AS INDIVIDUAL AS OUR LIVES” A bereavement group is being formed here at St. Teresa, in the Parish Center. The group will run for 6 consecutive Saturdays, at 2:30 pm in the parish center. Grief is a personal process, but we are not alone in suffering. An atmosphere of safe confidentiality abides. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Don’t forget to turn your clocks and watches ahead one hour next Saturday night March 7th, before going to bed. Daylight Savings time begins next Sunday, March 8th. UPCOMING AT ST. TERESA’S March 1st - Second Sunday of Lent March 14th - First Penance French Film Festival March 15th - Blood Drive March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day March 29th - Palm Sunday FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL Our monthly French Film Festival continues on Saturday, March 14th at 6:15 pm in the Parish Center with the film - “Of Gods and Men” 2010 PG -13, 123 mins. All are invited, free of charge. Popcorn is provided! ST. PATRICK Traditionally St. Patrick, patron Saint of Ireland, is celebrated on March 17th at the 8 am Mass. Following the Eucharist, we will gather in the auditorium kitchen for light refreshments, of Irish Soda Bread, tea and coffee. A special raffle will also take place, prizes including shamrocks, Irish china, and more! All are invited to join us, no matter what your nationality or background! BOOK SALE SUCCESS With the initial donation of hundreds of books from the estate of the late Lorraine Wieda-Miles, we began our Book Sales two years ago, on February 24, 2013. Over these past twenty-four months many more hundreds of books have been donated to the book carts in the main church lobby. All the proceeds of the sales go directly to our Parish Food Pantry, which feeds dozens of families every week. Between February 24, 2013 and February 23, 2015 $4,029.80 has been donated for books! Thank you to all who donate and who purchase books. This has been a great success - so, keep reading! PARISH REGISTRATION Please register as a member of our parish if this is where you regularly attend church. Registration forms are available in the rectory office. Offering envelopes come with registration, and using them enables us to give you a report of your contributions for tax purposes. Having your name in our records is the only way we have of certifying that you are a practicing Catholic, as we have to do for people who are being asked to serve as Sponsors of Baptism or Confirmation. Please stop by the rectory during office hours to complete the registration form. INTENTIONS Saturday - February 28th 5:00 p.m. People of the Parish Sunday – March 1st - Second Sunday of Lent 9:00 a.m. Dorothy & John Terplak & Edwin Kerrigan Jr. 10:30 a.m. Guillermo Rivadeneira (Birthday) 12:00 p.m. Donna Marks Rice Monday – March 2nd 8:00 a.m. Tom Mullen, Annie McHugh & Bernadette Shannon Tuesday – March 3rd 8:00 a.m. Jessica Ortiz Wednesday – March 4th 8:00 a.m. Alice Marron 7:30 p.m. Lisa Rechler Laura Marcos Thursday - March 5th 8:00 a.m. Connie Maffei-Kaiser Friday – March 6th 8:00 a.m. Marianne & Walter Giovanett Saturday – March 7th 5:00 p.m. Purgatorial Society Sunday – March 8th - Third Sunday of Lent 9:00 a.m. Mary Grady 10:30 a.m. Nejmeh Salloum & Anis Elhajj 12:00 p.m. People of the Parish MASSES AVAILABLE Many daily Masses at 8 am (Monday thru Friday) do not have intentions in the coming weeks. If you wish to offer the Mass for anyone, living or deceased, please contact the rectory office. Stipends remain $15.00 each. PRAYER LIST Let us pray for the sick of our community. Please remember the parishioners and friends of St. Teresa Church in your prayers. May they be touched by the healing hand of the Lord and restored soon to the full and active life of our community and their families. Peggy Gernon, Vincent Casa, Mia Isabella Aguirre, Michael Lanzi, Cristina Lemos, Bill Reynolds, Christine Alzate. N.B. - names remain on our “prayer list” for four weeks. Please call the rectory if more time is required. 2014 CONTRIBUTION LETTER If you would like a letter of your Church contributions for 2014 please contact the Rectory office and it would be mailed out to you. Thank you. EVENTS OF THE WEEK Sunday Cursillo -Auditorium K - 11:30 am RICA - Parish Center 11 am Monday Toddlers - Auditorium 10 am Taller De Oracion Y Vida - Parish Center 7 pm Tuesday Food Pantry - Parish Center 6 pm Generations of Faith - Rectory 7 pm Adult Choir Practice - Church - 7:00 pm Deacon Martin - Aud. K. 7-9 pm Wednesday English Bible Study - Parish Center – 8:30 am Pastoral Institute - Parish Center 7-9 pm “ “ - Aud. K. Span. 7-9 pm Via Crucis - Church 8 pm Thursday Toddlers - Auditorium - 10 am Grupo Carismatico - Auditorium - 7:30 pm Friday Stations of the Cross - Church 8:30 am Children’s Choir Practice - Church 3:30 pm Cub Scouts - Auditorium 6 pm Boy Scouts - Auditorium 7 pm Youth Group - Auditorium 7 pm Saturday Religious Education - Auditorium 9:45 am & 11:45 am Spanish Bible Class - Parish Center 11:30 am Bereavement Group - Parish Center 2:30 pm Weekly Parish Support Feb. 22, 2015 $3,942.00 - Feb. 23, 2014 $5,479.00 Some Major Bills Paid This Week Salaries: $9,508.60 Con Edison: $2,341.60 Tablet : $776.00 Monte Bros.: $230.33 Home Depot: $231.04 Thank you for your generosity to St. Teresa
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