Sacred Heart Parish 819 N. 16th Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160 E-Mail: [email protected] ADMINISTRATOR: Rev. Francisco Ortega Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Erwin J. Friedl Retired Resident: Rev. Herbert Meyr Permanent Deacons: Mr. Mike Barnish; Mr. Ray Behrendt; Mr. Norberto Ojeda; Mr. Eduardo Rodriguez CHURCH RECTORY: 819 N. 16th Avenue Phone (708) 344-0757 Fax (708) 344-5906 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Friday 9:00am - 7:30pm Tues, Thurs 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm STAFF: JOSEPH AUGELLI, Parish Business Manager RANDY CERQUA, Director of Music MIKE CRUZ, Director of Buildings & Grounds ARNOLDO MARTINEZ, Director of Religious Education MARIA GALVIN - SUE KLAPUT BYRON MARROQUIN Office Staff SCHOOL: 815 N. 16th Avenue Website: Phone (708) 681-0240 Fax(708) 681-0454 STAFF: MRS. BARBARA CICONTE Principal MRS. CHERYL MILITELLO Secretary MRS. JUANITA GUERRA Marketing CONVENT: 1503 Rice St. Franciscan Sisters Phone (708)344-6940 Franciscan Resource Center Phone (708)567-5083 Dominican Literacy Center Phone (708)338-0659 School Sisters of St. Francis Offices Phone (708)865-6990 MISSION STATEMENT Sacred Heart Parish is a family of believers rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ as professed by the Catholic Church. We open our lives to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit that we may see all things in the light of Faith. We welcome all on our journey to the Kingdom of God. Sacred Heart nourishes the parish family through the ministries of Evangelization, Education, Sacramental Worship and Christian Service. We offer our time, talents and treasure as stewards of God’s Church. We call on each other’s support as we build God’s Kingdom. With our Lord’s help, we will live the Gospel values of Faith, Hope, Justice and Love. _________________________ SUNDAY MASSES: Sat. 5:00 pm, Sun. 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am; and 12:30 pm Spanish WEEKDAY MASSES: 8:00am HOLY DAYS: 8:00,10:00am, and 7:00pm Bilingual (or as posted) CONFESSIONS: Saturday 4:004:45pm; and Spanish 1st & 3rd Saturday 4:00-4:45pm Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 Faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. — 1 Corinthians 13:13 PARISH INFORMATION EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The first Friday of each month from 12:00 Noon to 7pm. Exposition at 12 Noon: Adoration until 7pm: Benediction at 7:00pm BAPTISMS: All Parents must register at the rectory for the Baptism and preparation class ahead of time. English Baptisms: Are on the 1st & 4th Sunday of each month at 2:30 pm.. The Baptismal preparation class is required for parents and godparents and is held on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the rectory meeting room. (holidays excluded) Spanish Baptisms: Are on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month at 1:00 pm. The Baptismal preparation class is required for parents and godparents and is held on the Monday before Baptisms at 7:00pm in the rectory meeting room. (holidays excluded) WEDDINGS: Arrangements should be made at the rectory with a parish priest or deacon at least four months before the wedding. Normally weddings are for parishioners, but special situations will be considered. We recommend a Wedding Mass for practicing Catholics. We recommend a Wedding Ceremony for nonpracticing Catholics or mixed religion couples. Both are valid marriages. A priest is necessary for a Wedding Mass. QUINCEANERA: To have a Quinceanera Mass, a candidate must have been Confirmed & received First Holy Communion. Others will have the Prayer Service & Blessing. A deacon can preside at a Prayer Service & Blessing. All Quinceaneras must be baptized as Catholic Christians. Arrangements must be made at the rectory with a priest or deacon at least two months before. FUNERALS: Arrangements can usually be made with the rectory office by the funeral director. We have the Book of Funeral Readings at the rectory for families who wish to look them over. A priest or deacon will usually attend the wake. SICK CALLS: If someone needs to be Anointed, please call the rectory when they are seriously ill. Don’t wait too long! If someone homebound wishes Holy Communion, please call the rectory. It will usually be brought by a Minister of Care. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to Sacred Heart Parish! Please register in the rectory office to be counted! CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you leave the parish or move to a new address, please notify the rectory as soon as possible PARISH FOOD PANTRY: Open Saturday’s 10am-11:30am. Patrons need to call the rectory by Thursday to reserve food PARISH ORGANIZATIONS PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: President: Mike Barnish; VicePresident: Maria Galvin; Secretary: Cris Dorwart; Members: Joe Augelli, Lois Behrendt, Ray Behrendt, Randy Cerqua, Barbara Ciconte, Caroline Cruz, Don Klaput, Nancy Marella, Arnoldo Martinez, Norberto Ojeda, Barbara Richter, Eduardo & Maribel Rodriguez, Josephina Rodriquez, Sue Zupinski. FINANCE COUNCIL: MEMBERS: Pat Esposito, Salvatore LaMantia, Marissa Martinez, Joanne Pope, Mike Principe. HOLY NAME SOCIETY: PRESIDENT Donald Klaput WOMEN’S CLUB: PRESIDENT Toni Perfetto HISPANIC MINISTRY: PRESIDENT n/a SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD: PRESIDENT Colleen Kenost SCHOOL PTO: PRESIDENTS, Sue Golding & Teresa Collela PARISHIONERS: When moving in or out of Sacred Heart Parish, please notify the Rectory Office. YOUR WILL: Please remember Sacred Heart Parish in your wills and bequests. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS & PARISHIONERS are encouraged to write articles for the Bulletin and the Church Web Site. Bulletin copy must be in the Rectory Office no later than 12:00 Noon Each Monday (earlier on holiday weeks). Copy material received past the deadline will not be published in the Bulletin until the following weekend. All copy material is subject to approval. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2: Presentation of the Lord 1:00pm Women’s Club Board Meeting (Marian Hall) 4:30pm Brownie Meeting (Upper Grade Hall) 7:00pm Tae Kwon Do (School Gym) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3: 6:00pm Choir (Church) 7:00-8:00pm RCIA (Rectory) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4: 7:00pm Tae Kwon Do (School Gym) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5: 12:00-6:00pm Adoration & Benediction (Church) 6:00pm Holy Name Corned Beef Dinner (Marian Hall) 6:00pm Jr. Scouts (Upper Grade Hall) 7:00pm Youth Meeting (Room 13) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6: 9:00am Tae Kwon Do (School Gym) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7: 8:30-11:00am Cash Raffle Drawing (Marian Hall) 2:30pm English Baptisms 3:30pm Folkloric Dance Practice CHURCH ETIQUETTE: The priest should be the last in & the first out of church. Please TURN OFF cell phones before entering the Church for Mass or any other Liturgical service. Ministry of Care If you or a family member are admitted to a hospital and would like to receive Penance, Anointing of the Sick or Holy communion, please ask for the Catholic Hospital Chaplain to be sent. If there is no Catholic Chaplain, or you would like to see a priest, deacon or Minister of Care from Sacred Heart, call the Rectory Office. According to the HIPPA Act, hospitals are no longer notify parishes with patient names. If you are homebound and would like to receive the Sacraments, please call the Rectory Office at 708-344-0757. Si usted o algún miembro de la familia está enfermo en el hospital y desea Confesarse, recibir la Unción de los enfermos y la Santa Comunión, pida que el capellán Católico que lo visite. Si no ofrecen a un Capellán Católico o usted desea que lo visite un sacerdote, diácono o Ministro de Cuidado de la parroquia, llámenos a la rectoría. De acuerdo con las leyes del Acta HIPPA, el hospital no puede notificar a las parroquias los nombres de los enfermos. Si usted vive en nuestra área parroquial y desea recibir los Sacramentos, llámenos al 708-344-0757 WELCOME No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church…No matter what your current family or marital situation is…No matter what your past or present religious affiliation is…No matter what your personal history, age, back-ground, race or color is...No matter what your own self-image or esteem is. You are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved & Respected here at Sacred Heart Parish! D ear friends in Sacred Heart: Lent is really close, and with the celebration of the Jubilee of Mercy we are invited for deeper participation at this special time of the year. © J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Sacred Heart Parish will have several celebrations and prayer services for distribution of ashes. Confessions will be available during the prayer services. This is a special time of grace and reconciliation, do not miss the opportunity. Join us every Friday at 6 pm to pray the “Via-Crucis” or “The Way of the Cross” in English followed by a cup of soup served in Marian Hall, this has been a great tradition in Sacred Heart and we want to keep it alive. Confessions will be available during the “Way of the Cross” Prayer. We will have this service at 7 pm in Spanish. Do you need help for your confession? Do you have a Smartphone? Well you can download the catholic app “CONFESSION” from your IPhone or Android store. This app is password protected and after you introduce your personal information (like name, age and civil status) the app is helping you to prepare a good confession, so when you finish with the questions, you have the complete list of sins, ready to be confessed to the priest. Remember this is a tool and can be used to prepare your confession but DOES NOT REPLACE YOUR CONFESSION. Actually the Sacrament of Confession CAN NOT BE VALIDLY administrated using any kind of technology like emails, texts, video-calls, etc. So the confession face to face to the priest or using the confession box at Church is required. Fr. Francisco Ortega Administrator LENT CUARESMA 2016 “Let His MERCY lead us to CONVERSION” ASH WEDNESDAY (Miércoles de Ceniza) 8:00—English Mass 10:00— English School Mass Prayer Service with Ash distribution will be held: Habrá servicio de distribución de ceniza: ENGLISH SPANISH 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm— Bilingual Mass/Misa Bilingue 8:00 pm— Spanish Mass Stations of the Cross (Viacrucis) Fridays: 6:00 pm (English) 6:30 pm (Soup & Bread) 7:00 pm (Español) Melrose Park, IL “Que SU MISERICORDIA nos guíe a la CONVERSION” ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday, February 5 12:00 – 7:00pm with Benediction at 6pm "The devotion to the Eucharist is the most noble, because it has God as its object; it is the most profitable for salvation, because it gives us the Author of Grace; it is the sweetest, because the Lord is Sweetness Itself." - St. Pius X The Feast of St. Blase is Wednesday, February 3. There will be a General Blessing of the Throats after all the Masses the weekend of January 31st. Individual blessing of throats will be after Mass on February 3rd. The Bishop Blasé was martyred in his Episcopal city of Sebastea, Armenia, in 316. Blasé was a good bishop, working hard to encourage the spiritual & physical health of his people. Blasé was forced to flee back to his country due to the threat of prosecution, where he lived in solitude & prayer with wild animals. When hunters found Blasé & hauled him off to prison, a mother came with her young son who had a fish bone lodged in his throat. At Blasé’s command the child was able to cough up the bone. Blasé then was tortured & beheaded. “Through the intercession of St. Blasé, bishop & martyr, may God deliver you from ailments of the throat and from every other evil.” Journeys: A Divorce Recovery Support Group Ministry St. Paul of the Cross is hosting a year long program called Journeys. This is a divorce healing and recovery support group for those who are divorced or in the process, and who wish to cope, obtain strength, and grow closer to God. Meetings include prayer, education and discussion, facilitated by former participants. Confidentiality is stressed. Meetings are “open” and registration or commitment to attendance is not required. There is no fee to participate. Meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of each month in the Kinane Center (215 Ride Terrace, Park Ridge). For more information please contact Deacon Bob Bulger at (847) 825-7605 or [email protected] The Priests and Brothers of the Society of St. Paul are happy to announce the opening of their new St Paul's Multicultural Biblical Book Center located at 5525 W Belmont Ave, Chicago. The Biblical Center is conveniently located in our Deanery. As an apostolate, the purpose of this Biblical Center is to bring God’s Word to humanity. The Book Center will also serve as a center to help educate men and women of all ages, to arrive at a deeper understanding and love of the Holy Scriptures. CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE DINNER The Holy Name 30th Annual Men’s Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner & Nite at the Races (movies) will be held THIS Friday, February 5th, 2016 at 6pm. Tickets are $40.00 each & you can reserve a table of eight. For last minute tickets, call Ray Behrendt at 708-366-2793. 2015 CHURCH CONTRIBUTION TAX STATEMENTS All parishioner’s 2015 Tax Statements for contributions under $100 may be picked up at the rectory during regular business hours. Please call ahead. Thank you for your support during this past year, may God bless you. “...but the greatest of these is love.” Spouses, nurture your spiritual gift by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on Feb 12-14, April 8-10 or June 10-12, all in Elk Grove Village. For reservations/info, call Jim & Kris at 630577-0778 or Multimedia Art Contest The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is looking for young artists! Students in grades 7 through 12 are invited to learn about poverty in the United States, and then create artwork in any medium to convey what they have learned. Teachers and catechists: CCHD Intern Maria Ralenkotter is available to give a presentation on Poverty and our Catholic Response to your classes. Contact Maria at [email protected]. Submission deadline is February 15. Total Sunday Collection Jan 24, 2016 Budgeted Sunday Collection Difference - net deficit Total Weekly Collection for Year Budgeted Weekly Collection for Year Difference for Year - net deficit $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,665 6,575 (1,910) 133,456 190,234 (56,778) Total Parishioner Envelopes: 225 envelopes received Total Children's Envelopes: 21 envelopes received Thank you for your generous sacrifices for the support of Sacred Heart Parish! (Fiscal Year is July 1st, 2015 through June 30th, 2016) Building & Maintenance Fund Envelope Collection This Weekend January 30/31 This weekend we will have our monthly second collection for our Building & Maintenance Fund. This will be used for the upkeep of our aging buildings that need many repairs, and also for special projects and improvements that we will announce. The collection is much needed to help offset our church’s growing financial deficit and keep our parish financially strong. This collection will go towards the re-tiling of the church side entrance terrazzo flooring that has been worn down and etched away from the salt. It will be replaced with rubber tile or a polymer coating. UPDATE: The Church floors are refinished. The East School Boiler Room and Transformer Room Doors are now completely replaced, and the Transformer Room Drain Tile is now new as well, final costs are: New Boiler & Electrical Doors: $ 9,376 Drain Tile dug up & New Drain Line: $ 5,400 Church Floors refinished: $ 3,695 Total Repair Costs $ 18,471 Total Building/Maint Fund Collected to Date: $ 15,320 Amount Still Needed to Cover Costs: $ 3,151 Thank you for your support! SACRED HEART SCHOOL Early School Registration begins February 1st We are inviting you to Sacred Heart School for the OPEN ENROLLMENT school year 2016-2017 3 & 4 Year olds All Day Preschool Kindergarten to 8th grade Faith, moral, values, discipline and safe environment. Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation Differentiated Instruction Financial Aid (Scholarship) Forms Available Open House every day from 9:00am to Noon Sacred Heart Catholic School is the best investment for the future of your child. Please call the school for further information. Ask for Juanita 708 681-0240 815 N 16th Ave, Melrose Park, Il Sacred Heart School Cash Raffle Grand Prize - $2,000 2nd Place - $1,000 3rd Place - $500 Tickets are $10 each. All proceeds benefit Sacred Heart School. Drawing will be held on Sunday, February 7th, after 9am Mass. Winner need not be present. Sale ends February 3rd at midnight. You can purchase tickets from our school office or online through Give Central at location/200/event/10546. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact 708.681.0240 or [email protected] Wine Tasting presented by Wines for Humanity February 13th 6:00 PM Sacred Heart Marian Hall B ri n Val g Your enti ne Proceeds to benefit 8th grade graduation class and Sacred Heart Parish. Tickets are $12 each or two for $20. Tickets on sale January 16/17, 23/24, 30/31 after all Masses. Also available at school office and church rectory. Appetizers and desserts will be served! Must be 21 years of age. Free Babysitting from beginning to end of event. 2-1/2 y/o +older. Snacks served. INFORMACION PARROQUIAL ADORACION EUCARISTICA: El primer Viernes de cada mes de 12-7pm. Exposición a las 12pm; Adoración y Bendición a las 7pm. BAUTISMOS: Bautismos en Ingles: 1ro. & 4to. Domingo de cada mes a las 2:30 p.m. PLÁTICA PRE-BAUTISMAL: requerida para padres y padrinos será el 4to. Lunes del mes a las 7:00pm. En la rectoría. (Excepto días festivos) Padres y Padrinos deben registrarse por adelantado en la rectoría para el bautismo y las platicas pre-bautismales. Bautismos en Español: 2do. y 4to. Sábado de cada mes a la 1:00 p.m. PLATICA PRE-BAUTISMAL: requerida para padres y padrinos es el 1ro. y 3er. Lunes del mes a las 7:00 pm. En la rectoría. (Excepto días festivos) Padres y Padrinos deben registrarse por adelantado en la rectoría para el bautismo y las platicas pre-bautismales. MATRIMONIOS: Arreglos para la boda deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono por lo menos cuatro meses con anticipación. Normalmente se hacen matrimonios para feligreses aunque se pueden considerar situaciones especiales. Les recomendamos un matrimonio con Misa a católicos practicantes. Recomendamos el rito matrimonial para católicos no practicantes o parejas mixtas de otras religiones. Las dos formas son matrimonios validos. El sacerdote es necesario para el matrimonio con misa. QUINCEANERA: Para tener una Misa, la candidata DEBE de haber sido confirmada & haber recibido la 1ra Comunión. Las demás, solo tendrán un servicio de oración & Bendición. Todas las quinceañeras deben ser bautizadas católicas cristianas. Arreglos deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono, mínimo con dos meses de anticipación. FUNERALES: Arreglos pueden hacerse con la oficina parroquial a través del director de la funeraria. Tenemos un libro con las lecturas para funerales para las familias que quieran mirarlas. Un sacerdote o diácono presidirá el funeral. LLAMADAS POR ENFERMEDAD: Si alguien necesita ser Ungido, favor de llamarnos a la rectoría cuando la persona esté enferma de seriedad. ¡No esperes hasta que sea demasiado tarde! Si alguien en nuestra área desea que se le lleve la Santa Comunión, llámenos a la rectoría, un ministro de enfermos será el encargado. NUEVOS FELIGRESES: ¡Bienvenidos al Sagrado Corazón! favor de inscribirse en la oficina en la rectoría para que podamos realmente contar con usted y viceversa. CANBIO DE DIRECCION: Si dejas nuestra parroquia o te mueves a otra dirección, notifícanos tan pronto como puedas a la rectoría. ALAZENA DE COMIDA PARROQUIAL: Se abre el sábado de 10-11:30am. Si necesita comida llámenos a la rectoría no después del jueves para prepararte tu comida de antemano. * Los miembros de las organizaciones parroquiales están enlistados en la página # 2. Q ueridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Cuaresma está muy cerca, y con la celebración del Jubileo de la Misericordia se invita a tener una participación más profunda en esta época especial del año. La Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón tendrá varias celebraciones y servicios de oración para la distribución de las cenizas. Las Confesiones estarán disponibles durante los servicios de oración. Este es un tiempo especial de gracia y reconciliación, no te pierdas la oportunidad. Únanse a nosotros todos los viernes a las 7 pm para rezar el "Via-Crucis" o "El camino de la cruz" en Español, a las 6:30 pm en Marian Hall compartiremos para los presentes una taza de sopa, esto ha sido una gran tradición en el Sagrado Corazón y queremos mantenerla viva. También habrá confesiones disponibles durante el "Viacrucis". ¿Necesita ayuda para su confesión? ¿Tienes un teléfono inteligente? Bueno, puedes descargar la aplicación católica "CONFESSION" desde la tienda de iPhone o Android. Esta aplicación funciona con contraseña y después de introducir su información personal (como nombre, edad y estado civil) la aplicación les ayuda a preparar una buena confesión, por lo que cuando terminen con las preguntas, tienen la lista completa de los pecados para confesarla al sacerdote. Recuerden que esta es solo una herramienta y se puede utilizar para preparar su confesión, pero NO REEMPLAZA su confesión. De hecho, el sacramento de la confesión no puede ser administrado VÁLIDAMENTE utilizando cualquier tipo de tecnología, como correos electrónicos, textos, videollamadas, etc. Así que la confesión cara a cara con el sacerdote o usando el confesionario en la iglesia es requerido. Paz para todos. Fr. Francisco Ortega Administrador El Centro de Recursos Franciscanos es un centro sin fines de lucro para personas que buscan ayuda en sus necesidades humanas, como la salud mental, depression, immigracion, problemas internos, hambre, ayuda medica, adicciones, control de la ira, abuso de sustancias, ropa y necesidades humanas basicas. Este centro de recursos ayuda a referir a personas, a las agencies adecuadas y hacen el siguimiento para que las personas reciban la ayuda necesaria. Por Favor Llame a la Hermana Nila o Hermana Jan al 708-567-5083 para hacer una cita… Lunes-Viernes 8:30am-3:30pm. Ubicacion en Melrose Park Ernesto Alvarado, Jane Ascroft, James Basich, Willow Breesawitz, Edward Brinck, Nico Carbonara Filice, Anna Cascio, Arocho Cisco, Rick Clohecy, Agnes Coco, Florence Curinka, Gerald DalCerro, Diane Fahey, Edna Faillo, Fr. Erwin Friedl, Bob Fox, Lenn Gassmann, Jenine Gollogoy, Andrea Gruber, Henric Hauser, Cesar Hernandez Jr., Fr. Herbert Meyr, Michael Karalis, Don Klaput, Mary Ellen Krezel, Antonio Lemon, Timoteo Martinez, Lois Mathewson, Vern Meyerhofer, Angela & Ken Militello, Edilberto Nava, Michael O’Rourke, Diane Panico, John & Linda Puccio, Hilario Ramirez, Lauren Rende, Lupita Reyes, Diane Rohan, Agatha Scanio, Austin Rose Smith, Mary Anne Sorce, Connie Tramontana, Sue and Norbert Zupinski… AND ALL OF OUR HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS. Heavenly Father, Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill. In the Midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to health. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. If you or one of your loved ones wish to be included on or taken off the sick list each month, please call the Rectory at 344-0757. Edward Bish John Schaefer We welcome the following child into our Sacred Heart Family: JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER WYMAN Son of Christopher Wyman & Jamie Jellissen Donate Electronically Online You may choose to make your donations online by going to or by clicking on the “Donate Now” button at: or Thank you for your continued support! A FORETASTE Faith is the foretaste of that knowledge which hereafter will make us happy. —St. Thomas Aquinas SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time SAT 5:00pm +Bill Galvin by Augelli Family +Ed Shuma by Wife +Terry Barcal by Family 7:30 +Joseph Militello by Pat Gerace 9:00 +Josephine T. Principe by Principe Family 11:00 +Josephine Panicola by Susann & Sam Menton +Carmela Pope by Susann & Sam Menton +Elena Jablonskis by Vytas Suopys & Neighbors & Friends 12:30pm(Spanish) + Jose Garcia by Lucy Garcia MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8:00 +Frank Angiulo TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8:00 +Frank Pagano by Family Presentation of the Lord WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 8:00 +Anne Caprini by Family St. Blaise & St. Ansgar by Family THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 8:00 +Dorothy Pareti by Frank & Betty Novelli FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8:00 -Mass for the People St. Agatha SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 St. Paul Miki & Companions 8:00 +Fr. Casimir Gavla by Richter Family 5:00 +Bill Galvin +Johnny Rubright by Family by Susan Fahey SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 -Mass for the People 9:00 -Mass for the People 11:00 +Susan & Thomas DelRegno by Nina DelRegno +Lou Salvino by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carbonara 12:30pm(Spanish) +Refugio Godinez & Michelle Nataly Godinez by Rosaura Rodriguez CELEBRANT/LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE for Saturday/Sunday, Feb 6/7, 2016 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm Celebrant Fr. Francisco Ortega Fr. Francisco Ortega Fr. Francisco Ortega Fr. Francisco Ortega Fr. Francisco Ortega Grace Marella Linda Nelson Terry Nelson Francisco Monteon Kristin Trusco n/a Peter Marella Phil Cardaropoli Sue Zupinski Sister Jan John Lullo Susan Golding Lazara Dubroca Diane Trusco n/a Natalie Collisi Sienna DeMesa Alexis Cabriales Elyssa Barba Jeremy Noriega Isabella Rodriguez Marco Rodriguez Yatziri F, Betsy F, Juviry N, Nicole N, Angel B, Arturo B • Gaming • Party Room PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP FREE 1621 Thatcher Avenue APPETIZER Elmwood Park, IL 60707 ........... 708-453-7065 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH MARK’S QUALITY LANDSCAPING Specializing in Landscape Maintenance & Installation ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 (708) 681-3384 *First Three Months With $20 Purchase & This Coupon Valid January only. 1 coupon per customer per visit. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS LICENSED & BONDED 708-345-1344 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Local Melrose Park Florist For further information, please call the Parish Office. 708-456-7890 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes Meeting the Needs of Our Community with Dignity and Without Bias at the Most Reasonable Cost FUNERALS — PRE-NEEDS — CREMATIONS — INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS CHECK IT OUT TODAY! 1600 Chicago Avenue • Melrose Park, IL 60160 (708) 344-0714 Established in 1893 RICHARD M. BACZAK, Funeral Director/Owner - Sarah Virelli Grace Murray 708-453-1771 [email protected] Hablamos Español Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! Solutions as Low as $$ Parishioner Discount $$ $1a Day! 708-652-1444 Carbonara Funeral Home 800.393.9954 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. $2.00 Off Any Pizza & 1 Free Liter of RC With This Ad Only 1504 Broadway 708-343-3322 Traditional Funerals ✦ Cremations Memorial Services ✦ Immediate Burials Free professional ad design & my help! 1515 N. 25th Ave., Melrose Park email: [email protected] Call Wanda Bianco Pre-Arrangements, with or without prepayment of services Can rent Chapels near your home at no additional cost Michael A. Carbonara, Michael L. Carbonara, Joseph R. Carbonara, Parishioners 800.566.6170 Bus: (708) 343-6161 Home: (708) 865-8124 Cell: (708) 724-7500 HOLY NAME SOCIETY Since 1274 344-0757 Join Us? 512149 Sacred Heart Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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