sunday bulletin newsletter - Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

Iglesia San Vicente de Paúl
Reverend Jerome T. Karcher
Pastor—[email protected]
Magaly Bernal—Formación en la Fé
Ministerio Hispano
[email protected]
Reverend Sergio Ramos
Parochial Vicar—[email protected]
Emmy Sanchez—Faith Formation
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Deacon Gerard Wallace
[email protected]
Karen Srajer—Parish Manager
[email protected]
Brian Henritze—Youth and
Young Adult Ministries
[email protected]
Rose Clarke—Finance Manager
[email protected]
Maria Zamora—Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Elsa Lusk—Christian Initiation
Adult Confirmation
[email protected]
Rose Antognoli—Faith Formation
[email protected]
Grant Sevdayan—Choir Director
[email protected]
Patty Ledezma —Parish Life and Liturgy
[email protected]
8345 Talbert Avenue
Huntington Beach
California 92646
Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM-8:30 PM
Closed for Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Phone: (714) 842-3000
Fax: (714) 842-6780
Our Parish Mission
Following Jesus and centered in the Eucharist, we worship God and serve others.
Siguiendo a Jesús y enfocados en la Eucaristía, adoramos a Dios y servimos al prójimo.
Sunday Masses in English
Misas Dominicales en Español
Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30 AM; 5:00 PM
Sábado: 6:30 PM; Domingo: 1:00 PM
Daily Masses
Misas Diarias en Inglés
7:00 AM: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
8:30 AM: Monday through Saturday
Holy Day Masses
6:30 PM Vigil: 7:00 AM; 8:30 AM: 6:30 PM Bilingual
Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays 3:30 PM
Sacrament of Baptism
Pre-baptismal classes for Parents & Godparents
Baptisms monthly. Call the Office for information and requirements.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact a Priest at least six months prior to anticipated Wedding.
Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Mondays after 8:30 AM Mass
Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition
Monday 9:00 AM through Thursday 7:00 PM
7:00 AM: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves
8:30 AM: Lunes a Sábado
Misas de Obligación en Español
6:30 PM Bilingüe
Sacramento de Penitencia
Sábados a las 3:30 PM
Sacramento de Bautismo
Clases pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos
Llame a la Oficina para requisitos e información.
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Favor de ponerse en contacto con un Sacerdote por lo menos
seis meses antes de la boda.
Quinceañeras en Grupo
Una vez por mes. Llame a la Oficina tres meses antes.
Exposición y Adoración al Santísimo
Lunes 9:00 AM a Jueves 7:00 PM
Page Two
February 8, 2015
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Blessing of the New Buildings
Wednesday, February 11 at 9:15 AM
Join us to celebrate the completion of the new buildings that will enhance the space for
ministry and formation to take place. All are invited for this brief but memorable occasion.
A light reception will follow!!
Thanks to all of the parish members for their prayers and financial support for the construction of the new
buildings that make a very nice and beautiful architectural addition to the parish property in design and function!
The buildings are now being used for parish ministries. Due to the generosity of so many people over the years,
we have been able to pay completely for the entire project without any loans!
The training being offered to those wanting to be an
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick
by Father Jerome has been changed to
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 at 9:30 AM in Room A
If you are interested in serving, please contact Patty
Ledezma at 714.842.3000 x25 or [email protected]
RSVP to Patty Ledezma at 714.842.3000 x25 or
[email protected]
Join other men in our parish to grow in faith and support
each other in their Christian lives!
Meetings are the second Saturday of the month from
7:00 AM to 8:30 AM! Bring a friend!
Iron Sharpens Iron: “Keeping Your Spiritual
Edge Through Fellowship”
Saturday, February 14, 2015
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM  Parish Hall
Questions: contact Matt Dunne at:
[email protected]
World Marriage Day
which honors husband and wife as head of the
family, the basic unit of society. It salutes the
beauty of their faithfulness, sacri ice and joy in
daily, married life.
Sunday Offering
Total in Cash Plate
Recordable Contributions:
Total in Sunday Envelopes/Checks
Online Giving
Total Sunday Offerings: February 1, 2015
Total Budgeted Sunday Offering
$ 6,662.00
┼ $
Time & Talent
“None of those who cry out lout ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the
kingdom of God, but only the one who does the will of the
Father in Heaven” (Matt 7:21). Jesus made it clear that
being stewards of our time, talent and treasures is part
of the will of his Father.
Page Three
February 8, 2015
Saturday, February 14
from 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM in
Rooms 1 & 2
Meets every 2nd Saturday
of the Month
Join our group as we knit and crochet prayer shawls and
blankets for those who need them. The crafter begins
each shawl with prayers for its recipient. Intentions are
continued throughout the creation of the shawl. Crafters
work at their own pace. If you don’t know how to knit or
crochet, we will teach you! When the shawl is completed,
it will be blessed and given to a person in pain, suffering,
or in need of the comfort of being enveloped in the caring
stitches and warmth provided by a shawl.
Father Patrick Foley
April 25 – 30
Mark your calendars to attend our Saint Vincent de Paul
Parish Mission!
Father Foley will preach at all of the weekend Masses
and provide sessions each morning and evening, Monday
through Thursday in the Church. Fellowship and
hospitality will take place in the Hall! Childcare will be
All parish activities (Bible Studies, prayer groups,
meetings etc.) will be suspended this week so that all
parish members will be able to attend the Mission! More
details to follow!
St. Vincent De Paul Children’s Choir
Now recruiting NEW members for 2015 Season
If your child enjoys singing….
Let him/her begin elementary music
education in proper voice training and right
technique for good breath support, music
literacy and appreciation, learning Catholic
sacred music repertoire and more. Children’s Choir
practices are every Sunday, 10:00-11:30 AM in
Meeting Room #1. You may receive an application at
the Parish Office or through email.
For more information, contact Victoria
(SVDP-CC Director) @ 310 212-3479 or 310 480-6786
email: [email protected]
Would you invite me to your home?
The Legion of Mary is currently seeking parishioners who will
host the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in their home for A
WEEK, Invite family, friends and neighbors to pray the rosary
with our blessed Virgin Mary. For more information contact
Cindy Daniloff at 714-299-9958 or [email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul Church
PARISH GOAL ~ $115,000
Please continue to prayerfully consider the amount of
your pledge. Together we are united in the Catholic
faith and by helping others we are actively Living Our
Faith. Thank you for your participation in the life of
the parish and diocese.
Rite of Sending and Rite of Election
Sunday, February 15 at 5 PM Mass
We will be having a special Rite of Sending for our
Catechumens and Candidates as the community sends
them forth to the Rite of Election that will be celebrated
at St. Columban Church. On Sunday February 15, our
Catechumens will be inscribing their names in the Book
of the Elect. This book will be presented to Bishop Kevin
Vann at the Rite of Election. Our Catechumens and
Candidates will also be presented to the Bishop to be
received into the Catholic Church and will now be called
the Elect for reception of their sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil on April
4. Please pray for our Catechumens: Maria del Carmen
Arteaga, Jennifer Duong, Yovany Eumaña, Don Johnson,
Dan Lawrence, Edward Montalvo, Edwin Montalvo,
Fernando Rodriguez and Maria Rodriguez. Also pray for
our Candidates: Julie Enright and Larry Wulterin who
are already baptized and will receive the Sacraments of
Confirmation and Eucharist.
Come and see what is involved in becoming Catholic.
Every Wednesday evening at 7 PM in Meeting Room 7
we meet to explore what being a follower of Jesus Christ
in the Roman Catholic Tradition is all about. This is an
open forum to ask your questions and find out more whether you are unbaptized, baptized in another faith
tradition or a Catholic wishing to complete the
sacraments. You may also come to the Table in the
Church Courtyard (weather permitting) every Sunday
after the morning masses and talk to Cathy or Steve. If
you need more information, call Elsa Lusk at the Parish
Office 842-3000 x12 or e-mail your questions at
[email protected].
Page Four
February 8, 2015
“Jesús la cogió de las mano, se le pasó la fiebre y se
puso a servirles”
En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús continua expulsando
demonios, esta es sin duda una de las prioridades de su
ministerio, liberar al hombre de la opresión del maligno.
La misión de Jesús es que el hombre sea liberado de la
opresión del mal espiritual expulsando los demonios y
del mal físico curando de todo tipo de enfermedades. Su
ministerio abarca toda la existencia del hombre, tiene
prisa en llevar a término su misión, quiere ir a todos los
lugares donde el hombre sufriendo, no se ha contenta de
permanecer en un solo lugar, tiene una urgencia interior
por sanar y salvar a la humanidad.
Marcos nos presenta la curación de la suegra de Pedro de
la fiebre para que nos podamos identificar con ella
porque es una enfermedad común a todos nosotros.
Todos en algún momento de nuestra vida la hemos
sufrido, los síntomas los conocemos bien: sudores,
escalofríos, falta de fuerzas, etc, etc. La cosa peor es que
nos cuesta poder hacer nuestros deberes, por ejemplo
para una familia judía el huésped era una persona
sagrada, era una bendición era como si Dios mismo los
visitara. ¿Recuerdan los tres hombres que hospedo
Abraham en su tienda o su sobrino Lot antes de la
destrucción de Sodoma y Gomorra? Ahora imagínense a
la suegra de Pedro tener por invitado al nuevo rabino, al
que acaba de expulsar unos demonios de la sinagoga de
su pueblo que está enfrente de su casa Jesús viene a
comer a su casa, pero hay un pequeño problemita tiene
fiebre y no se puede levantar de la cama porque está
paralizada, sin poder atender al huésped.
La fiebre de la Suegra de Pedro es sin duda una imagen
de nuestra fiebre espiritual que sufrimos nosotros, que
sufre el mundo. De alguna manera nos damos cuenta que
Jesús viene a visitarnos, atreves de los Sacramentos, de
su palabra, pero no podemos atenderlo como se merece a
causa de nuestra enfermedad. ¿Qué debemos hacer?
Dejar que te toque Jesús, déjate tocar por él, se dócil
como la suegra de Pedro, para que una vez sanada
puedas servirlo, porque no hay cosa más grande y
gratificante que servir al que vino a servirnos, a dar su
vida por nosotros, para abrir de nuevo las puertas del
Antes de ser salvados tenemos que ser sanados,
entienden porque es necesario anunciar el evangelio,
entienden porque Jesús dio inicio a su vida pública con
EVANGELIO! Hermanos, ¡No hay salvación sin
Padre Sergio
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Ministerio Hispano
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
En esta misa todos los que han estado preparándose
durante estos últimos 33 días harán su consagración a
Jesús por María.
Por favor de mantenerlos en sus oraciones.
Reflexiones diarias para Cuaresma
Estas invitado a tomar una copia del libro de reflexiones
“La Palabra Entre Nosotros” durante esta semana. Es un
libro que incluye oraciones y lecturas diarias de la Santa
Misa durante Cuaresma
Se solicita un donativo de $1.
El ministerio de lector es muy importante porque la
Palabra de Dios es, primero que todo, una palabra hablada,
una palabra dinámica, una palabra dirigida a nosotros por
Dios. Como lector, usted llega a ser el medio que Dios
utiliza para tocar los corazones de la gente, reunida
precisamente con ese propósito.
Si usted está interesado/a en aprender sobre este
ministerio, favor de comunicarse con Patty Ledezma a
714.842.3000 x25 o [email protected]
Compre su Biblia por solo $5 y úsela para estudiar las
Santas Escrituras durante los talleres que vamos a ofrecer
durante Cuaresma.
Formación En La Fe Para Adultos
Los jueves durante Cuaresma, empezando el 19 de
febrero habrá talleres de Biblia presentadas por el Padre
Sergio a las 7 de la noche en el Salón Parroquial.
¡Todos están invitados!
Page Five
February 8, 2015
Faith Formation Class Schedule
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Youth Ministry & Teen Confirmation
This week EDGE topic is the
Sacrament of Confession & the life of
Saint Padre Pio.
This week the topic for Club345
is Jesus walking on water!
Liturgy of the Word for Children
Sundays, February 22
during the 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM Masses
For Children in Grades 1-4
2/08/15  Life Night: Trending Topics
Sunday 6:00-8:300 PM
Join us for our monthly Trending topics night as we dive
into current issues to see how they relate to our faith.
2/10/15  Teen Reconciliation Service
Tuesday 6:30-8:00 PM
All teens attending our Life Teen winter retreat are to
attend this night to receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation before attending the retreat.
2/11/15  Refuel: Teen Bible Study
Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM
All High School Teens are invited to join us for a Bible
Study covering the upcoming Sunday Readings.
Take a break from your week and Refuel your
heart, mind, and soul.
Thursday, February 12 @7 PM
Topic: A Church That Goes Out
All young adults are invited to join us for the first of
five sessions that will study Pope Francis Apostolic
letter Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel.
We meet at SVDP in rooms 3&4.
2/13/15  Mercy House Armory
Teen Service Opportunity
Friday 4:30-8:30 PM
Space available for 7 teens, please contact Brian
Henritze to reserve a spot.
Thursday, February 26 @7 PM
Topic: Courtship: An Old Fashioned Approach to Dating
This event is open to all Young Adults between 18-39.
We meet on the patio at Claim Jumper Restaurant on the
corner of Talbert and Brookhurst for a night of food,
fun and fellowship.
Address: 18050 Brookhurst St. | Fountain Valley | CA
Be courageous, be prayerful, live sacrificially!
Come and pray the complete rosary for an end to
abortion in front of Planned Parenthood on Beach
Blvd. corner Hazard St. on Saturday, February 14 at
9:30 AM. Your prayerful stand for life can change
hearts. Questions, please call Dorli 714-962-9736.
Please visit our website:
2/15/15 Life Night:
Take Up, Give Up, Offer Up
Sunday 6:00-8:30 PM
During This Life Night we will look at the real
purpose of Lent and how we can go beyond just
giving up candy of soda.
Page Six
February 8, 2015
When Jesus began his public ministry, he was often on
the road and had to depend on the hospitality of strangers
for meals and a place to rest. Not only did he use those
meals as an opportunity to teach, but he also used the
language of hospitality to describe God and his kingdom.
Today Hospitality Ministers play a huge role during
weekend liturgies.
Hospitality Ministers greet and seat people, pass out
hymnals and bulletins, and take up the collection. People
of all ages are welcome to serve in this ministry, please
consider giving it a try! Contact Patty Ledezma at
714.842.3000 x25 or [email protected] to find out
more, or ask any of the Hospitality Ministers who you
see each weekend!
Daily Devotion Books
for Lent Season
You’re invited to pick up a copy of Magnificat Lenten
Companion, a daily Lent devotion book, in the courtyard
after all Masses next weekend. Spending just a few
minutes a day in prayerful meditation throughout Lent
will help you to be open to the graces the Lord has for
you in this season and will prepare you to celebrate the
Easter Triduum. A $1 donation is requested. Books will
also be available in the Parish Office as long as our
supply lasts.
Women’s Silent Weekend
May 29-31, 2015
Located in the beautiful and
serene grounds of the
Sacred Heart Retreat House, Alhambra
Retreat Theme
“Lord, I Was Born For You” ~St. Teresa of Avila
(Celebrating 500th Birthday 1515-2015)
Retreat Master
Rev. Bob Lombardo, CFR
Reservation application (in Parish Office)
and payment deadline is:
MAY 2, 2015
For more information contact:
Cathryn Wallace | 1726 Lake Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
714.969.0934 | [email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul Church
All parishioners are encouraged to begin their Lenten
Journey of conversion by attending Mass and receiving
imposition of Ashes on their foreheads as a sign of our
commitment to following Jesus. Please note that Ash
Wednesday is a day of universal fast and abstinence for
all Catholics.
Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule
7 AM Mass in English
8:30 AM Mass in English
12:15 PM Word Service &
Distribution of Ashes Bilingual
4:00 PM Word Service &
Distribution of Ashes Bilingual
6:00 PM Mass in English
7:30 PM Mass in Spanish
Church Doors Closed
During Ash Wednesday 6:00 PM Mass
During the Ash Wednesday 6:00 PM Mass, the doors
will be closed after the Homily for the distribution of
ashes. People will not be able to enter the church after
this time. This is done so that there will not be a
continuous flow of people entering just to receive ashes
and not allowing the Mass to continue. The doors will be
opened again after the distribution of ashes. Please plan
accordingly to attend one of the Masses or the Word
Service on Ash Wednesday. Thank you for your
Fasting and Abstinence
Catholics practice the discipline of fasting and
abstinence as well as prayer and almsgiving during Lent
to prepare for the Easter celebration. When we fast and
abstain from foods we enjoy we turn away from
ourselves and towards God and others in charity.
Fasting: Catholics, from ages 18 through 59, are
required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by
limiting themselves to one full meal and two smaller
meals each day.
Abstinence: Catholics ages 14 and older abstain from
meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays
of Lent.
Lent Communal Penance Service
Monday, February 23 at 7:00 PM
Prepare to celebrate the Paschal Mystery at Easter by
receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation at our Lenten
Communal Penance Service. There will be many priests
celebrating individual confessions.
Page Seven
February 8, 2015
Entering the Church: Bow
Please arrive on time for the Mass! It is a sign of mutual respect! Upon entering
or leaving the pew, the proper posture is a bow toward the Altar. The Altar
represents Christ. Since our Tabernacle is located in the Blessed Sacrament
Tower Chapel, only a bow is needed when entering the pew or crossing in
front of the Altar. The genuflection is reserved as a sign of reverence for the
Eucharist which is why the priest genuflects at the Altar during Mass after the
Consecration. After the Consecration, a genuflection would be appropriate
when entering or leaving the pew.
Readings For The Week
Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24,
35c; Mk 6:53-56
Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13
Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc30; Mk 7:14-23
Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30
Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37
Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11;
1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45
Weekly Mass Intentions
February 9 through February 15
8:30 AM Novena Intentions & Beatriz DeLeon †
7:00 AM Robert Brill †
8:30 AM Pat Lyons †
7:00 AM Kevin M. Legaspi
8:30 AM Mary Park †
7:00 AM Madeline Royer † & Lilly Galeana †
8:30 AM Fr. Jerome T, Karcher
8:30 AM Magdalena
8:30 AM Jose Renteria Perez †
5:00 PM Jeanette Meilak †
7:00 AM Marcia Klein †
10:00 AM Melissa Q. Gimbi †
1:00 PM Jose Renteria Perez †
Weekend Mass Intentions
6:30 PM Julian Flores
8:30 AM Joseph Hiep Vu †
11:30 AM Warina Dawood †
Pray for Those Who Are Ill
Mary Grace Aznar, Rudy Salinas, Peter John Concepcion, Diane
Valiquette, Briana Lasko, Esther Neal, Refugio Rios, Jorge Zamora Jr., Diana
Valituette, Judi Yim, Maria Mercado, Dale Rensing, Mariann Ursua, Richard
Ursua, Robert Tucker, Frank McGeoy, Quiniano Family, Teobaldo Gamiño,
Juan Martinez, Scott Miller, Maria Antonia Sanchez, Mary Wyn McElligott,
Carl Morabito, Fely Ocampo, Larry Quiniano, Mary Wyn McElligott &
Family, Bette Marinaro, Melecio Clara.
Prayer Line—Jill: 714-847-1759
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Weekly Calendar - Calendario Semanal
Monday, February 9:
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Women’s Bible Study-Parish Hall
Society of SVDP-Room D
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II-Rooms 5-6
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II Rooms 5-6
Faith Formation Program –Rooms 1-4
Rosary for Peace-Church
Evening Prayer & Benediction-Church
Pastoral Council Meeting-Room 2
RCIA-Room 7
Acts of the Apostles-Rooms A-B
Families of Nazareth-Room 8
Tuesday, February 10:
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Training E.M’s To the Sick-Room A
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I Rooms 5-6
Life Story Writing-Room 4
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II -Rooms 5-6
CLUB 345-Parish Hall
Teen Reconciliation-Church
10 AM Choir –Parish Hall
Bible Lecture Series-Rooms 1-2
Neocatecumenado Grupo 2-Salones 7-8
Wednesday, February 11:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 PM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Men’s Bible Study-Parish Hall
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd-Rooms 5-6
Adult Catechism Group-Room 1
Vietnamese Prayer Group-Room 3
Korean Bible Study-Room 8
M.O.M.’s Group-Rooms 3-4
55+ Better Potluck-Parish Hall
Teen Bible Study– Room A
Consagracion a Maria-Iglesia y Salon Parroquial
RCIA-Adult Inquiry-Room 7
Neocatecumenado Grupo 3-Salones 1-2
Neocatecumenado –Grupo 1 Salon 8
Thursday, February 12:
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Bible Lecture Series-Parish Hall
Rosary Prayer Group-Room 1
Legion of Mary-Rooms 3-4
Formación en la Fe –Salones 1-4, 7-8 & A-C
Misa Para los Niños de Catecismo-Iglesia
Platicas Pre-bautismales –Salon Parroquial
Society of SVDP Meeting– Room 1
Young Adults– Joy of the Gospel Study-Rooms 3-4
Contemporary Choir-Church
Quick Journey Through the Bible –Room B
Friday, February 13:
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
9:00 PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet-Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Club de Niños-Salon 2
Clases de Alfabetización-Salones 7-8
Valentine Dinner Dance-Parish Hall
Cenáculo de Oración-Salon 1
Young Adults-Chapel
Saturday, February 14:
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:30 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:30 PM
Man TO Man-Parish Hall
Misa Para los Niños de Catecismo-Iglesia
Formación en la Fe –1-4, 7-8 & A-C
Society of SVDP–Room D
Prayer Shawl-Rooms 1-2
Childrens Choir-Room 8
Matrimonios en Cristo-Salon Parroquial
Neocatecumenado Grupos 1-3-Salones A-B, 7
Sunday February 15
Safety in the Parking Lot
Please remember:
Lock all items in the trunk. Do not leave
anything on the seat of your vehicle.
Drive Safely! Watch for pedestrians and
moving cars.
Please be careful when entering or leaving the
parking spaces.
10:00 & 11:30 AM
5:00 PM
Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4
Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Whether you eat or drink, or
whatever you do,
do everything for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31