t ( ) } !iI ~x Ii _ ll'~ f til' Ii' it B ~ 1 0 ~ ~9 If. :::. I·II~ .... n tii.H f~.a rl~~I~ll!t-~ i~_fe.!rg l!fll' !1 if IP:S. S If U 11'11. til" t fll " II 2,1I" S:lf II" .. -.... l1f.;d flii a. i ·Jf!li it i fc '11.' if Ii,'" rJ I a: iftn.i ita.ilU~1 l~ ""~._-.~:i :I t[;;I1 ~ Als" ff III liff I.dl":"' 8 t ~t! .holi- f ~lQ::;P iJl . ~ 9Z ......- -t..,. ·f.. f t ~..!oJ' Alifi' 11,ldfUli&lilll!H f fllh~,f~..t!t :-al eJd~ t Ii 1:.8 !f i?,. ..if -- '._ •....f..,. '" II·U~ t -" R"~ ----~ ,. . ......"'"-. ~ i it ~f ,~.-. ¥,,, , !! .e..e j;l ~ t\ "'I" ~. Ketqian q4Schaylu: OM. . 20, iO&1 ,..2, . _·.I.)'.. ·d:eatcl'fbrtwo~vc handlbefMc,1he opportwut), is rotated tu thenexlp1a.y.er. The ~ or Gambliq:ConlIOl inspects Uecnsed cam room caaintJ$ to obietVC ~ the ~ty'to ~ 1$ the plt~f.&;ater is conti1wously and ~rnaticallyofl'ored to aD ~ ~_ be Rqu~ by thC'rOles of all approved plaY4!l1oduIfl'style gUn". l( ak a player lCtt.. die ,.~..deIJ"" rot 1WO·~~utive hindS!, 1htt euino olfcm Jhis opport'Uitity to all other N:IIIled :playa·in '* maftltv1bat is verifiable ~ obHrvers and JUrVeill~ ccmorasthe ~_ thIiIt·tArJ~toaot .• lhipl~er he.eontlilUoualyQd s.~caiIf ~toBn.~~.bu·beeIlutit!iea. . tt i&.'1hc vitM' otthe Bweauof Cfambting Control that H 1011& as the Oppom.u.Ui), to 1lC.If'. 1lIo'pIayer-dea1ct is eontmuously ud.s.yst¢mBliC1tly oft'ered to all roated players. in ~ Withtbt,.tc)\..'Cd·~ otlhe pn'tOl the fact that. at Umcs. aU pJaycn but ~l1UO"dte~ ~ '~~1'OSitlOllt docs nm fl\!Jidet~ lJ.UIIe·an.itJ~pJ ·~gaame ~'lona 86,the~ .~,~1>cd:ahovea am'properly fblIoWtd. lhope hU this Iettet addreuoyour quciu.,n. Slncemy. llOBBRTE.l.YTL'E Bulei.uChief . FOT EDMUND O. BROWN 1.1\ AttOrney 0tnera1 cc~. ,Rot=t MokaiiSt. Auilbmt Attomey ~t Department of Justiee MMhvw J. Campoy, Assistant 8ureaa Chiit: DamN erOambim, Couni
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