The monthly newsletter of Redeemer Lutheran Church-Rochester, Minnesota February 2015 Mission Statement “As Christians based on the On January 4, we gave thanks to God for the 50 years Lyne e and Lynora Miller have devoted to Youth Ministry (and so much more) at Redeemer. solid foundation of God’s Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit we strive to live out, lift up, and share our faith in Jesus Christ -welcoming all into our family of believers.” Inside this Issue On January 18, we burned our mortgage, nearly 10 years early, saving some $450,000 in interest. We thank God for richly blessing our congrega on throughout the years — and look forward to reaching out and Making Him Known in the months and years to come. Staff Reflections........................... page 3 Worship Highlights ..................... page 4 Prayers .......................................... page 4 Miscellaneous News................. pages 5-7 In Memory ................................... page 7 New Members .......................... pages 8-9 Stewardship Notes ..................... page 10 Family Ministry Events .............. page 11 Thank You Notes ................ pages 12-13 Health Notes.............................. page 14 Website News ............................ page 15 Annual Meeting Highlights. pages 16-17 Missionary News ........................ page 18 Lynette & Lynora Day ............... page 19 LWML/RLCW News.......... pages 20-21 Youth Page ................................. page 22 February Calendar ..................... page 23 February Blessed to Serve .......... page 24 POBLO News ............................ page 25 Redeemer Burns Mortgage— almost 10 years early! On April 23, 2004, Dave Dubbels as chairman of the congregation and Scott Brandt as chairman of the Trustees, signed a 20-year note for $1,550,182.48. The expansion and remodeling included the chapel overflow, expanded Narthex, North Fellowship Hall, remodeled restrooms, required sprinkler system throughout the building, remodeled South Fellowship Hall, and acquisition of two adjoining houses for expanded parking. Because of extra gifts and bequests, the last payment has now been paid. It is estimated that we saved over $464,000 in interest costs by paying off the loan nearly 10-years early. If you would like to see more on this event including a video of the mortgage burning and an article published in the Post Bulletin, please check out our website: Page Church Office Staff Reflections Hours: M-F 7:30 am-4:00 pm As we think about “Making Him Known,” the music we sing in services should also Make Him Known. This is where one needs to really look at the text of a hymn/song and ask the question – what does this song teach? The music we sing should not only be chosen because “we like it” and “it’s exciting,” but should focus on the subject of our worship. Worship is for God. It’s not about us and it’s not about praising all the things that we can do. Worship is about God and His story for us and our hymns should reflect Him and His story. As I’ve written and said many times, music is the living voice of the Gospel. It’s “lex orandi, lex crendi” – what we sing is what we believe. Let me encourage you to really think about what we are singing and evaluate why we have sung a song that particular day. In my undergraduate and graduate education, the question was always asked, “What makes a good hymn?” In fact, I could not graduate with my Master’s without answering this question. Here are a series of questions that I think of when evaluating a song: What does it say? – does it have our doctrine/theology? is it from or does it follow Scripture? Who is the focus? – does the song focus more on God or on what we do? Does it have “substance”? – does the song have “meat and potatoes” or is just “milk”? Does it teach? – does it teach anything about God and what He has done and our theology? Is it a confession of our faith? Does it lift our sights to heaven? Does the music serve the text? - sometimes the actual music melody line or “beat/syncopated” beat can actually distract from the text Does the text have: Scripture, substance, meaning, theology, emotion? Now of course, we don’t always sing an “A plus” hymn or song – the key is balance. As your Director of Parish Music, choosing and picking hymns/songs is no light load for me. I hear many times, “let’s sing this song” or “I really like this one, can we do it?” and there is not always a simple answer. Thankfully, there is a team that meets to pick music for services so I am not alone in this important task. As you think about music, look at these guidelines and then ask, “is this song for corporate worship?” A lot of songs are great and hit us just perfect in our day-to-day lives, but when we come to worship, it’s not only about us – there is the family of believers that needs to be able to sing together - sing about God and what He has done, and keep the focus on Him. Phone: 507-289-5147 Fax: 507-289-7887 Email: [email protected] Website: Blessed to Serve Pastor, James W. Heining [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-282-6955 (cell) 507-202-2546 Pastor, Adam Koglin [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 507-316-8181 Director of Christian Education, Michael J. Harvey [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-529-5463 (cell) 507-319-4929 Director of Christian Education Intern, Brian Weyers [email protected] (cell) 715-808-2001 Director of Parish Music, April Beckman [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 651-338-0354 Administrative Secretary, Christina Tjosaas [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-634-7094 Custodian, Randy Kautz [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-843-3144 Parish Nurse, Jan Dicke [email protected] (residence) 507-288-6405 Parish Nurse, Iva Kietzmann [email protected] (residence) 507-273-3809 Nursery Coordinator, Anna Koglin [email protected] (residence) 507-316-8177 - April Beckman, DPM Page 3 Remember in Your Prayers... Hospitalized/Health Concerns Gerhardt Poch, Loretta Rahman, Gene Hebig, Joy Fetchenhier, Al Hein, Donna Mundell, Megan Irish, Isaac Koglin, Sharron Smith, Arnold Boese, DeLayna Nitz, Nancy Anderson, Dennis Burdick Worship The Lord With Gladness! WEEKEND WORSHIP SCHEDULE In February we will highlighting: Paul: Making Him Known to the Nations” JANUARY 31/FEBRUARY 1 4th Sunday after the Epiphany Theme: “God Does The Calling” Readings: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Acts With Ric Thieke upon the death 9:1-19; Mark 1:21-28 of his mother on December 31. Holy Communion will be celebrated The family and friends of Helen at all services. Wassel who passed away January 4. FEBRUARY 7/8 Devin Janssen and his family 5th Sunday after the Epiphany upon the recent death of his Theme: “To Win As Many As sister. Possible” The family and friends of Paul Readings: Isaiah 40:21-31; 1 Utesch who passed away on Corinthians 9:16-27; Mark 1:29-39 January 11. The family and friends of Joyce FEBRUARY 14/15 Bormann who passed away on Transfiguration January 20. Theme: “Making Him Known To Rejoice All Nations” With Elaine Morse who Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-12; Revelation celebrated her 91st birthday on 7:9-12; and Mark 9:2-9 January 12. Holy Communion will be celebrated With Zach and Teresa Zafft upon at all services this weekend. the birth of their daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, born January FEBRUARY 21/22 18. First Sunday in Lent With Bob Keith who will Theme: “Making Him Known By celebrate his 83rd birthday on Bringing in Outsiders” January 30. Reading: Genesis 22:1-18; Acts 15:1Encouragement/Guidance 21; and Mark 1:9-15 For our congregation, as we look Please join us to hear special guest speaker, Pastor Utech. to the future Guidance for our state and February 28/March 1 national leaders. Grieving Thanksgiving Second Sunday in Lent For the dedicated Service of Theme: Readings: Genesis 17:1-7,15-16; Romans 5:1-11; Mark 8:27-38 Holy Communion will be celebrated at all services this weekend. Lynora and Lynette Miller. Page 4 MID-WEEK LENTEN WORSHIP SCHEDULE Our Theme will be: Walking With Jesus — Then and Now FEBRUARY 18 Ash Wednesday Worship Times: 4:15 and 7:00 pm Theme: “To the Temple” Scripture: Mark 11:15-18 Supper: 5:00-6:30 pm Serving: Thrivent/Men’s Fellowship Menu: Hamburgers with fixings FEBRUARY 25 Mid-week Lenten Worship Worship: 4:15 and 7:00 pm Theme: “To The Upper Room” Scripture: Mark 14:12-15 Supper: 5:00-6:30 pm Serving: Volunteers needed! SPECIAL SPEAKER COMING TO REDEEMER Dr. William Utech, Mission Director of the Minnesota South District, will be our guest speaker for all services February 21/22. Pastor Utech will also conduct a combined Adult Bible Study on Sunday, February 22, at 9:20 am. He will help us to understand the various District mission programs we are supporting, also explaining something new — the District “New Mission Consortium,” a special program for congregations who have a strong interest in starting new mission congregations. We have allotted money for this in the 2015 budget, but will not release it until after we learn more. Plan to give Pastor Utech a warm Redeemer welcome — and hear more about what God is doing through our mission monies. Take Note...Upcoming Events! ELDERBERRIES Movie Night Friday, March 6, 2015 6:00-10:00 pm (age 50 and older) We will meet Tuesday, February 10, at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. The menu will include Apple cinnamon pork chops, Roasted red potatoes, Coleslaw, buttered rolls and dessert. The cost is $7.50. The speaker will be KTTC's Meteorologist - Randy Brock. Come and listen to Randy and enjoy the Christian fellowship. The sign-up sheet will be at the Welcome Center or just call or text Ted Saxman at 923-6801 (or email him: [email protected]) if you want to attend. Please sign up by Sunday, February 8. If you would be willing to bring a dessert, please indicate that on the separate dessert sign-up sheet, and Ted will contact you if he needs you to bring a dessert. Please remember, if you can't attend and you haven't cancelled by Sunday evening, February 8, Elderberries will be charged for your meal. Any questions, call Ted Saxman at 9236801. LENTEN SUPPERS We will again be offering supper on the six Wednesdays during Lent. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve a meal. If you are interested, please call the church office at 289‐5147. Thank you to the following groups who have already volunteered: February 18—Thrivent/ Men’s Group February 25—open Round up those slippers and comfy chair, don’t forget to grab a friend, and join us for Movie Night in the South Fellowship Hall! Feel free to bring a snack, or some change for the pop machine and pizza. LOVE NEST – 1952 In a delightful post-WW2 comedy, Army Veteran Jim Scott (William Lundigan) returns home, anxious for a reunion with his wife (June Haver). Instead, he finds she has bought a run-down apartment building, complete with a long list of expensive repairs. To complicate matters, Scott decides to rent one of the apartments to an “old Army buddy,” but the “buddy” turns out to be a seductive ex-WAC (Marilyn Monroe). Then, a man wanted by the FBI moves into the building. The couple finds that there is truly no place like their hilarious home. March 4—open March 11—Rebecca Circle March 18—Youth Group March 25—Sarah Circle HAVE YOU SERVED IN THE MILITARY? If you have served or are currently serving in the military — we want to know about it! We are working on keeping our military recognition board current. Please call (289-5147) or email ([email protected]) the church office with the following information: Your name, branch of service, years or conflict served. Thank you for your help! MURDER MY SWEET-1945 They say crime doesn’t pay but private-eye Philip Marlowe knows better. As a fat wad of money warming his pocket is the kind of thing that keeps him going through thick and thicker; as he wades chin-deep into a mystery involving a missing necklace and a missing hoodlum’s moll named, Velma. Movie stars Dick Powell, Claire Trevor, and Anne Shirley. Page 5 STEPHEN MINISTRY UNCONDITIONAL: Not subject to any conditions or limitations. PLEASE HELP! Shortly before Christmas, the Library Commi ee finished re‐entering the list of all of our holdings onto the computer. We were sad to discover that many books and DVD’s are missing. Some of these items were taken without being checked out so we have no way of knowing where they might be. Please help us by taking a look around your house and returning any items that you may have that belong to our library. Our funds are limited, and we will need to replace some of these items if they don’t come back to us. We would much rather buy new items! Some of the items that are missing include: Grandpa, Is There a Heaven The Quiet Li le Woman The Case for Christ Traveling Light King George and the Rubber Ducky The Passion of the Christ The Na vity Amazing Grace The Ul mate Gi Fireproof Like Dandelion Dust Heaven is for Real and many others. Thank you for being good stewards and helping us find these lost items! Page 6 Music groups will still be meeting when I am on Maternity leave. I pray that everyone will continue to attend choirs and that the congregation continues to sing out in joy, lifting up all that Christ has done! SUMMER MUSIC Although summer is months away – be thinking about the possibility of sharing music during those months!! When I return in May be sure to contact me if you’d like to share your gift!! Exciting News! A Japanese Christian Fellowship is now meeting at Redeemer, at 4:00 pm on the third Sunday of each month. They also have Bible Study on Wednesday afternoons. We have invited them to join us in any or all of our activities. Do you know anyone from Japan, who might like to worship/ study in their own language? Please pass the word that they are welcome — and we are welcome too! I attended the first service on January 18, and while I could not understand the language—I could feel the Christian love in the room as the Spirit worked. If you would like more info, please talk to me. Pastor Jim Heining It is hard to find anything that is unconditional. Everything seems to have strings attached to it. Yet God’s love is unconditional – we don’t have to earn it or achieve it. At times, however, we can feel quite removed from God’s unconditional love. We can feel guilty, undeserving, or downright “unlovable”. At those times, Stephen Ministers can help. They are trained to listen and care in a nonjudgmental way, focusing on letting Christ’s unconditional love flow through them and into the life of their care receiver. If you or someone you know has been struggling with guilt or feeling unlovable and would like to learn more about Stephen Ministry, please contact Pastor Adam Koglin, (507) 289-5147. Spring craŌ and bake sale The Rebecca Circle will hold their Spring Cra and Bake Sale the weekend of March 21 and 22. Mark your calendars now! Your dona ons of cra and/or baked goods are needed and appreciated. Watch for more informa on! Thank you! The Redeemer Church Work Scholarship Fund Has laid rather dormant for many years, awaiting members of Redeemer to answer God’s calling to serve as professional church workers. We prayed to the Lord of the Harvest—and God answered! My, did he ever answer! We now have four young people from Redeemer studying to be church workers. Eric Hauan will finish his vicarage in New York this summer, and then return to Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, looking at ordination as a pastor in the summer of 2016. Samantha Carlson is in her third year of study to become a Director of Christian Outreach at Concordia University in St. Paul. And now we have two students studying to become Directors of Christian Education at Concordia University in Chicago, Nicolette Johnson and Conner Wondrasch. These colleges are expensive, and so we have sought to support these future servants of the church. This year, our Lenten offerings have been designated for Church Worker Scholarships, but we hope that we will have additional special gifts so that we can support these young and men and women in a meaningful way. In Loving Memory... HELEN WASSEL Helen was born January 15, 1932, in Udolpho Township, Mower County, Minnesota, to Ernest and Elsie Schulz. God made her his own through the waters of Baptism the next month at Trinity Lutheran Church in Waltham, where she would also give public witness to her faith in the rite of confirmation in May 1945. Having graduated from Austin High School, she worked at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester before marrying Jake Wassel on October 26, 1957. They lived in New Jersey and Miami before Jack passed away. After having moved back to Rochester to be nearer family, she joined Redeemer in 2001. Helen was a faithful member, serving the Lord in many ways, before dying peacefully at home on January 4, 2015, at the age of 82. The funeral service in her memory was held at Redeemer on January 8. Remember Helen’s family and friends in your prayers. PAUL UTESCH Paul Utesch was born on September 17, 1930, in Le Roy, Minnesota. His parents wasted no time, and four days later brought him to the waters of Baptism where he was claimed God's son, given the Spirit, and given the sure hope of the resurrection. Paul gave public witness to that faith through the rite of confirmation on September 29, 1957, and all his life. Paul married his wife of 60 years, Mary Ann Nelson, on May 23, 1954. Their marriage was blessed with three sons. After returning from Germany and his service in the armed forces, he joined Redeemer in 1957. He was proud of Redeemer and especially proud of the education wing expansion. On Sunday, January 11, 2015, Paul passed away surrounded by his family. Please keep his wife Mary, and his boys: Alan, Greg, and Gary in your prayers. Also, follow Paul's example and read your Bible 365 days a year to find strength, comfort, and guidance. JOYCE BORMANN Joyce Mae Woodward was born on March 7, 1919, in Utica, Minnesota. She was made God's daughter and given the assurance of the resurrection through the waters of Baptism as an infant in her home in 1919. On November 5, 1938, Joyce married Carlton Bormann and their marriage was blessed with two children, Kermit and Myrna. Joyce became a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church in 1986. Faith was an important part of Joyce’s life. In her honor, we should all read John 3:16 and reflect on the meaning and simplicity of God's promise of eternal life in Christ. Please keep Myrna, Kermit, and the rest of Joyce's family in your prayers. As her brothers and sisters in Christ, we look forward to the day when Christ returns and we stand with her to gaze upon all his glory forever. Page 7 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! The following individuals were received as new members during the 8:00 am service on Sunday, January 11. Janith Corkill Church in Plainview where he attended many years. He has three sons, four daughters, grandchildren and great2737 Spyglass Court NW grandchildren. Rochester, MN 55901 Later Don moved to Rochester and met Pat at [email protected] Channel 1 where they were both volunteers. They have been married six years and have been attending Peace Janith Corkill moved United in Rochester, but decided to get back to their to the Rochester community Lutheran roots. from Eau Claire, They say they have slowed and don’t go as much Wisconsin. Before moving to Eau Claire, when her husband any more due to health issues. Don enjoys his computer. Pat says he likes to look up recipes to try and does some took a job move, she lived in Austin and worked at a of the cooking. They both watch TV and are baseball clinic there with Redeemer member, Joanne Iverson. fans. Pat also enjoys reading. Sadly, her husband passed away a year ago, and Janith They have attended Elderberries and look moved to Rochester last October. forward to settling in and meeting fellow church Janith is newly retired! Her great- grandchildren members. attend RCLS and she watches them after school every day. When looking for a new church home, she Paul and Alice happened to see Joanne in the congregation and felt very comfortable with rest of the parish. Kitzmann Janith has become involved with POBLO 5222 Gemstone Lane NW ministries and is considering helping with the teaching. Zumbrota, MN 55901 507-206-3368 [email protected] Donald and Patricia Ebling Paul and Alice Kitzmann grew up in Elmore and both 1737 Baihly Hills Drive SW are graduates of Mankato Rochester, MN 55902 State. Alice was an 507-288-3386 elementary teacher until the [email protected] birth of their second child and thereafter was a homemaker. Paul worked in Pat is a “city girl” living Fairmont until the early 1960’s when he joined IBM in all her life in Rochester. Her family were members of Bethel the financial department. They are the parents of four sons and five grandsons. Family activities are a top Lutheran where Pat was baptized, confirmed and a choir priority; Paul enjoys Civil War history and Alice is a member. She said Bethel was in the downtown area then. gardener. In former parishes they have taught Sunday She graduated from Rochester High School and married School, been Stephen Ministers, and Alice has been active in LWML. and raised her family, one son and two daughters. She has three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Don is “farm boy.” He was raised and also farmed in the Eyota-Viola area. His first church home was a rural Lutheran church which later dissolved. At the age of 20, he became a charter member and was instrumental in starting Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Eyota. He was an active member and also taught Sunday School. In the 1960’s he joined Immanuel Lutheran Page 8 Lisa and Dale Martinson old. Jorge and Shelley met each other in Ecuador while Shelley was on a medical mission and Jorge was a local working with the mission. They have been married 5 2444 Colleen Lane NE years and live in Byron. Jorge works for Mayo Medical Rochester, MN 55906 Laboratories in which he travels to South America twice 507-288-8097 a month. Shelley is a Registered Nurse, working Dale email: supplemental at Saint Mary’s Hospital and being a [email protected] homemaker. Jorge plays the guitar and Shelley is a Lisa email: vocalist and plays the piano. They both enjoy volleyball, [email protected] movies, and outdoor activities. Jorge was born, raised, and confirmed Catholic. Shelley’s father is a LCMS Dale and Lisa pastor and thus she grew up with church being a way of Martinson live in NE life. They are excited to become members of Redeemer. Rochester. They have lived in the Rochester area for 20 years. They have 2 children, Even though they will be moving to Ecuador June 1st, Amanda (22) and Nick (19). Lisa is also the daughter of temporarily for 3 years, it will be nice for them to have a home congregation to return to. Redeemer member, Arnie Kuntz. Lisa is in her 19th year of teaching and her 3rd year at Rochester Central Lutheran School where she is Steve and Sharon currently a preschool teacher. All of her years of teaching Thede have been in the lower elementary and preschool levels. Dale is the Finance Director for the City of 237 Golden Bear Lane Rochester. He also previously held this position in Zumbrota, MN 55992 Faribault. Prior to that he was a banker. Dale and Lisa Sharon cell:952-649-1755 even met in a bank vault and have been married for 30 Sharon email: years! [email protected] When they have free time, they both like to go Steve cell:612-481-4232 camping. Dale enjoys downhill skiing and flying a Steve email: paramotor, which is similar to paragliding, but with a [email protected] motor strapped to the back. Lisa likes activities that keep her on the ground, like knitting, playing piano, reading, Sharon and Steve traveling and tutoring. Thede live in Zumbrota. Both natives of Rochester, they Lisa has previously been in church choir, Stephen have returned to Minnesota after 24 years. Ministry, Sunday School and VBS. Dale has done an inSharon was baptized and confirmed at Redeemer. depth study of the Bible, ushered, and volunteered to She is a professional tailor. “Basic Tailoring by Sharon” help with technology projection and computer has numerous clients in Rochester. She recently designed equipment. and constructed all the costumes for the Live Nativity at Assisi’s “Christmas On The Hill”. Steve is employed in the financial services Jorge and Shelly Mosquera, and Aitana industry. He directs the pre-need aspects for Mahn Funeral Home. He’s a drummer with an extensive 406 5th Avenue NE resume which includes playing at the Kahler Hotel’s Byron, MN 55920 Penthouse and Pinnacle Restaurant years ago. He is 507-398-7678 acquainted and has performed with Arnie Kuntz, Les [email protected] Fields, and Dan Rengstorf. Sharon and Steve have two children and four We are pleased to grandchildren. They enjoy dining out and traveling. welcome Jorge, Shelley, and Aitana Mosquera as new members to Redeemer. Aitana means “glory” in Portuguese; she is 5 months Page 9 Stewardship: Your Response to God’s Love December 20/21 Worship Attendance .......................... 747 (109+193+192+253) S.S. & Bible Classes..........185 (78+107) Guests .................................................. 46 Budget Offerings .................. $12,962.17 District/Synod ......................... $1737.50 Debt Reduction ...................... $2435.50 Advent Offerings ........................ $170.00 December 24/25 Worship Attendance ....................... 1046 (163+322+280+153+128) Guests ................................................ 234 Christmas Offerings ............. $12,393.69 December 27/28 Worship Attendance .......................... 350 (79+127+144) S.S. & Bible Classes............. 123 (28+95 Guests .................................................. 46 Budget Offerings .................. $20,961.01 District/Synod ......................... $1944.50 Debt Reduction ...................... $2065.00 January 3/4 Worship Attendance .......................... 439 (127+104+208) S.S. & Bible Classes..........155 (55+100) Guests .................................................. 48 Budget Offerings .................. $20,656.69 District/Synod ............................... $3542 Debt Reduction ......................... $145.00 January 10/11 Worship Attendance .......................... 458 (88+187+183) S.S. & Bible Classes........................... 215 (85+130) Guests .................................................. 26 Budget Offerings ................ $116,654.76 District/Synod ......................... $2827.00 Debt Reduction ............................ $80.00 January 17/18 Worship Attendance .......................... 484 (83+180+221) S.S. & Bible Classes........................... 215 (78+137) Guests .................................................. 44 Budget Offerings .................. $11,702.23 District/Synod ......................... $2888.00 Debt Reduction .......................... $160.00 Loose coins for February have been designated for Rochester Servant Event. Page 10 LOOSE COINS add up! They do more good for missions — than they do in your pocket. Loose coins for the first quarter are designated for support of the Rochester Servant Event. Memorials and Special Gifts $100 for Undesignated Memorials, $100 for Music Fund, and $129 for Undesignated Special Gifts, $1480 for Kitchen Remodel Fund, $300 for Quilters, $100 for Music Fund, $25 for Rochester Servant Event in memory of Don Krueger $480 for Psalm 37:4 in memory of Josh Evers $61 for Good Samaritan Fund in honor of Arnold and Marcia Boese’s 61st wedding anniversary $57 for Project Compassion in honor of Al and Ruth Hein’s 57th wedding anniversary $200 for Health Cabinet $300 for POBLO $15 for Undesignated Memorials in memory of June Hovland $75 for Church Work Scholarship Fund $270 for Project Compassion $50 for Budget in memory of Otto Wondrasch $20 for Creation Fund $60 for Youth Fund $170 for Debt Reduction $100 for Pastoral Assistance $67 for Budget in honor of Harold and Mary DeVries 67th wedding anniversary $120 for Undesignated Memorials in memory of Helen Wassel $20 for Altar Guild $10 for Technology Fund $50 for Youth Fund in memory of Paul Tennis $50 for Rochester Central Lutheran School $60 for Bibles $5 for Orphan Grain Train $50 for Sunday School Ministry Family Ministry Fun Stuff! The Family Ministry Team is an active group of people organizing events and helps for all age groups in the congregation. Read forward and find out what there is for you. My Faith Journey This program is being written to help parents pass on their faith to their children — from ages three through twelve years. Deuteronomy 6:7 says, “Impress them (the commandments) on your children. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up.” So far, materials have been written through fourth grade. “My Faith Journey” includes Bible verses, finger plays, songs, prayers, family devotions, Bible stories to read, and teaching parts of the catechism. Passing along the Christian faith and doctrine is one of the most important responsibilities that all parents and grandparents have. We hope these materials will be helpful. Watch for a display in the Narthex this month. New materials will be mailed to children soon to be added into their binders. Lenten Devotions Ash Wednesday is February 18. It seems like Christmas was just yesterday. For family devo ons, the Family Ministry team is wri ng devo ons along with ac vi es. These will available in “tent” form for your tables instead of a booklet. The focus will parallel Pastor Heining’s theme. Prepare your journey through Lent with family devo ons. Don’t forget to take out the Lenten cross with candles that was offered a couple of years ago. Family Game Night Date: Saturday, February 21 Time: 5-7:30 Are you looking for a way to beat the winter blahs? Do you like playing board games? Have you been trying to find someone with whom you can play games? This is an intergenera onal evening of games, food and fun for all ages. Bring your favorite game and snacks and join other “gamers” for a fun night. A small meal will be served. Easter Egg Hunt It’s coming. The annual Easter Egg Hunt! Put the date on your calendar: March 28, 2015 Page 11 Thank You Thank you for a wonderful day on January 4 . The whole day was Notes of Thanks... overwhelming. Thank you to all those who had a part in planning th Thank You Thank you so much to those who provided the lovely prayer shawls to our family as well as to my mom and dad during recent weeks. The loving thoughtfulness and comfort they have brought to us by those who prayerfully spent their time knitting them has been a blessing! Thank you to the Prayer Shawl Ministry at Redeemer -- Your time and talent has been truly appreciated. - Mary Hanley and Arlene Krueger Thank You Thank you to Project Compassion for the beautiful poinsettia that was given to me at Christmas — it is still thriving! Many thanks to Julie Walters for delivering it and the wonderful visit we had. Thank you to Pastors Heining, Koglin, and Wood for their visits, prayers, words of comfort, and bringing me communion. A special thanks to the Christmas Carolers for their visit and sharing the gift of music. Thank you to Jan Dicke, Ted, Matt, and Eric Saxman, LaVon Pavek, and others for your visits. They are truly appreciated. - Eldora Krueger Thank You Thank you to Project Compassion for placing flowers on the altar for my birthday. I appreciate your remembering me. God’s blessing to you in the New Year. - Louelyn Reinecke Thank You Thank you to Project Compassion for the flowers on my birthday and for the Poinsettia. They were beautiful. - Martha Adler Page 12 everything and to all those who attended and shared the time with us. We enjoyed all the laughs, even those at our expense, and the stories brought back many special memories. We appreciated all the cards, gifts, notes, and prayers. At the Voters’ Meeting Pastor mentioned that in order to get people involved in the church, you need to ask them; most people don’t just volunteer. Well, someone asked us to help chaperone a retreat, and we were very hesitant, but this was the result! These 50+ years at Redeemer have been a special part of our lives. We have enjoyed our time with your children, from Sunday School years through graduation. We are blessed to call you all friends and to know that we made the right decision when we joined Redeemer. God’s blessing to each of you. Thank you. In Christian love, Lynette and Lynora Miller Thank You On behalf of the family of Don Krueger, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our Redeemer family for the out pouring expressions of Sympathy and Faith we have experienced during this time… We also want to say a special “Thank You” to the staff at Redeemer. We have been humbled by the continued caring and support this congregation has embraced us with during this difficult time of loss to our family. Thank you to those who have offered prayers, delivered meals, sent cards, given Memorials, those who visited at the hospital or in our homes, served the meal at church the day of the service, have made phone calls or offered a hug – your thoughtful expressions have comforted us beyond belief. We especially want to thank Pastor Heining and Pastor Koglin for their numerous visits during Dad’s time in the hospital – your presence offered us peace & guidance during many difficult days… Thank you to Bob Keith, Bill Cochran, and Jan Dicke for your extremely meaningful visits with Dad and the family several times during his hospitalization. When we needed an answer to a prayer, or guidance or reassurance you were there to help us work through those times. Thank you to April Beckman for her help and talent with all the music for Dad’s memorial service. The caring support we have felt has been gratefully received as our family adjusts to the loss of our Dad/Grandfather/Husband. The faithfulness of our Lord and the abundant promise of His love has been with us throughout this journey and the Redeemer family has played a big part in that. Thank you. Arlene Krueger; Mary, Mike, Matt and Allison Hanley; Lisa, Ford, Kai and Cody Erickson Thank You Thank you to Project Compassion for the beautiful poinsettia plant and everything you have done throughout the year. - Ken and Ione Stoltenberg Thank You Thank you for the beautiful poinsettia everyone! Thank you Ardis for the visit and bringing the poinsettia. God bless, Polly Cunningham Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank you for the beautiful poinsettia, I love it! It’s the perfect size and it means so much to me that you are thinking of me. You all have a blessed Christmas and New Year. - Loretta Rahman Thank you Project Compassion for remembering me at Christmas with a poinsettia plant. God’s blessing to you! - Louelyn Reinecke A special thanks to Project Compassion for the poinsettia delivered to our home by Gloria Poch. God bless Gloria and everybody at Redeemer. What a compassionate group of Christians you are! God bless each and every one of you with love in Christ. - Harold Priebe Thank You I would like to thank Project Compassion for the beautiful Thank you so very much for poinsettia plant and the nice visit remembering me with the beautiful from Gloria Poch. Also for Iva poinsettia. I still have the one I got Kietzmann and the carolers that came last year—it’s a nice green plant! to the Nursing Home and sang carols Thanks for all the good you do! for Millie and me. It was very much - Goldie appreciated. Thank you to all the caring people from Redeemer who Thank You have remembered us with cards and Project Compassion, thank you so prayers. - Art and Millie Brandt much for the lovely poinsettia to brighten up the holiday season. Thank You Thank you to Gloria Poch who Project Compassion, thank you so delivered it to me. May God bless you much for the perky red poinsettia. It all and all the good deeds you do! really helps to brighten up my room. Sincerely, Marge Watkins A big thank you to Elvera for bringing it to me and for the nice Thank You visit. It’s always so good to visit with I would like to extend my greatest you. Thank you all again! - Marlene gratitude to the Redeemer Jacobson congregation for helping with paying for my education this year. It’s truly Thank You an honor receiving a scholarship I would like to thank Project from such a giving congregation. Compassion for the poinsettia you Words cannot express how much it brought to me, your church women means to have your support and your are so kind. I wish to thank all for all help. Your contribution greatly took your good deeds and for thinking of away some of my stress! I am whole- me so often. - Velma Buchanan heartedly convinced that we worship a God that provides for all our needs. Thank You He hasn’t let me down yet with Thank you to the Christmas carolers providing me with you and your help. for the visit, to the Redeemer Again, I thank you from the bottom members for your cards, and to of my heart. I’d also like to ask for everyone for the prayers. You are all your prayers, as some of you may so appreciated! - Sharron Smith know, I’m getting married this summer! How blessed I am! May God bless each one of you this New Year as well! - Samantha Carlson Thank You Thank You To my Redeemer family, thank you for all the thoughts and prayers before, during, and after my surgery. And to Jan Walters for the beautiful prayer shawl. Such a neat idea! Thank you! - Krista Corson Thank You We really appreciate the use of your building for our once a month meetings. Thank you so much for your kindness! - Compassionate Friends Thank You We humbly say “thank you” for the many cards and gifts that were given to our family this Christmas season. We are continually amazed at the generosity and thoughtfulness of this congregation. Thank you! -Bryce, April, and Adelaide Beckman Thank You A note of thanks to the many special members of Redeemer who remembered me and my family during this past holiday season. Thank you for the many cards, gifts, warm wishes, and let’s not forget the yummy treats that were shared! I’m so blessed to be a part of this wonderful family. Thank you! - Chris, Tim, Abbie, and Brayden Tjosaas Page 13 From the Hauan’s Excerpts from their newsletter. . . We have so much to be thankful for as our family reflected on God’s blessings and provisions throughout 2014 and eagerly anticipate what God has in store for us this New Year. 2015 will provide more changes for our family as it will mark the completion of our vicarage year in August, a move back to St. Louis for one final year of classes, and also the start of Julia’s kindergarten school year. As part of his evangelism module, Eric has put together a Frozen Chozen 5K run/walk! He also continues to be busy preaching, creating adult Sunday school lessons, helping with new member classes, supporting various youth events, and also being husband and father to our family. It is already hard to imagine what our lives were like without our little Hazel Gene. She continues to be an incredible sleeper and is easily entertained. I was told by several people that our third child would have an easy personality out of pure necessity for our family even before she was born—they were right! Hazel adds a lot of joy to our lives and we continue to be so thankful for her. I (Jill) continue to manage our family’s schedules and take care of the three beautiful children God has entrusted to us. Sunday mornings have proved to be a bit trickier for me getting myself and three little ones ready solo, but once at church I thankfully receive help from various kind congregants during worship services. We hope this latest newsletter finds you doing well. If you have any questions about the Sem, or our vicarage year, please do not hesitate to contact us through our email addresses below. I have also included our cell phone numbers if you prefer to call or text. Once again thank you for loving and supporting our family over the miles. Blessings to you and yours. Sincerely, Eric, Jill, Julia, Cal, and Hazel Hauan Eric: [email protected] 507.993.5582 Jill: [email protected] 507.993.5582 The entire newsletter (with pictures!) is on the bulletin board in the narthex and also on our website at Page 14 Health Notes CHOLESTEROL SCREENING Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 15, 8:30 – 10:30 am, in the Fellowship Hall. This is your opportunity for a total cholesterol screening, at no charge to you. Fasting is preferred. One benefit of keeping your cholesterol in check is that it can help with stroke prevention. Mark your calendar and take advantage of this offering from your Health Cabinet and Parish Nurse Office. INVITATION TO REDEEMER’S REGISTERED NURSES Calling all RNs! Concordia University, Wisconsin has been offering educational opportunities in congregational health ministries since 1989. The Spring 2015 Conference, Christian Caregiving: The Concept and Practice of Parish Nursing and Congregational Health Ministries, will be held in Mequon, Wisconsin, Monday, March 16, to Thursday, March 19, 2015, 8:30am – 5:30pm. May classes will be held Monday, May 4, to Thursday, May 7. (27.64 contact hours have been approved for this conference.) A full range of topics will be covered, from Christian Caregiving in the Context of Congregational Health, A Theological Framework for Christian Caregiving, Roles and Models of Parish Nursing; to Budgeting, and Team Concepts of Parish Nursing, and more. RNs, if you are interested in attending one of these conferences please contact one of Redeemer’s Parish Nurses: Jan Dicke at 507.358.4751 or [email protected] or Iva Kietzmann at 507.273.3809 or [email protected] You may also contact any one of the Health Cabinet members. Redeemer will reimburse the cost of the conference fee, mileage, your cost of meals and lodging. (All other expenditures are at your expense.) Contact one of the individuals above for more information related to the conference, or for other learning options, such as an “Off-Site” distance learning format. OR pick up a conference brochure from the brochure rack just to the right side of the door to the Parish Nurse Office. Redeemer’s Website: Did You Know? The Redeemer website (www.redeemer‐ is a valuable resource for members and non‐members alike. Here are a few facts you may not know: You can use it to learn more about Redeemer, our loca on, our missions, our priori es or organiza ons and even building maps; Or check on a mee ng schedule or ac vity for most of our teams or groups. Read or re‐read the most recent (or an old) Annual Report, Newsle er, or Church Bulle n and more. As the old saying goes, “Read Online, Save a Tree.” Many of you are already reading the most recent Newsle er online. But the Archive page contains a complete set of Newsle ers back to June 2006. There are nine Annual Reports in the archive. (2006 – 2014) Worship bulle ns—at least one per Sunday—have been posted from Feb 2012. (That’s nearly three years, with several more years before that of Announcements and Highlights. You can even re‐read the thirty‐one Reading Guides which were published with “The Story” in 2012. Or maybe use the website to listen to a recent—or not so recent‐‐ Worship Service or Sermon that you may have missed, or may want to hear again. We have been pos ng Worship Services (audio) since Sept. 1, 2013. All of these remain in the Archive. The Sermon archive goes back even farther, to around September of 2011. For those of you who are familiar with RSS Syndica on, you can subscribe to the Newsle ers, Worship Services or Sermons and receive a no fica on in your RSS Reader whenever one of these three are newly posted. The Worship Service syndica on also links to the associated worship bulle n, so that you can follow along with the recording. The Redeemer website is responsive; that is, it adapts to your desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices. (And yes, you may stream Pastor Koglin’s last sermon from your smartphone to your Bluetooth‐enabled car stereo. It works great!) On December 23rd and 24th, nearly 200 people visited the Redeemer website to check service mes, etc., to plan their worship, addi onal indica on that it is a useful tool for many. Clearly, the Redeemer website can be—and ought to be—a valuable part of Redeemer’s mission and outreach. Contact the church office (office@redeemer‐ if you have comments or concerns, or if you’d like your group or func on to have a presence, or improved presence, on the website. Have a Blessed 2015. ADULT BIBLE CLASSES New Classes beginning February 1, 2015 9:20 to 10:20 am (continuing) God’s Commandments for Today: This class will be on the Third Commandment on February 1, and continue on from there. (NEW!) The Last Words of Christ In Jesus’ last recorded teaching moments what did He say? How does this inform how we live our lives today? Week 1- Matthew; Week 2 – Mark; Week 3 – Luke and Acts. Pastor Koglin will lead this discussion. (NEW!) Islam In this class we will explore the religion of Islam. The religion of Islam has been quite popular in the news and other media given our involvement in the Middle East area. It goes all the way back to when Abraham told Hagar to leave along with her son Ishmael. Where did it come from? Does it have anything in common with Christianity? How do we witness to those of Islam in our world today? There are many questions and myths about the Islamic religion. Let’s explore those together and learn exactly what the Islamic religion teaches to those who follow it. This discussion will be lead by DCE intern, Brian Weyers. Page 15 Voters’ Meeting Highlights—January 18, 2015 Treasurer’s Report – Sue Walch: Sue summarized the 2014 December and Fiscal Year 2014 Treasurer’s Report. We finished the year with a positive balance of $1,725. Sue commented on the variance for the Office expense was due to the copier lease that we had not been billed for previously. We now have a new copier. The variance for the Education expense was due to a credit we had on prepaid RCLS students and SCRIP coming in. Sue explained the Available Cash Coverage line item and shared that we have strong cash flow at a 1.4 rate. A member inquired about the Dedicated Accounts line items under Music related to Chancel Chimes. It was explained that Chancel Chimes expenses are consolidated with the Music Fund line item 017-70-72-59, whereas the Children’s Chimes is a separate line item because sometimes the Circles donate money for end of year or mid-year Children’s Chimes parties. Special thanks and acknowledgement was given to Anita as our bookkeeper who takes great care of our accounting. Thank you, Anita! Staff Reports These reports are included in the 2014 Annual Report, which is available in the narthex or online. Officer, Board and Ministry Team Reports These reports are included in the 2014 Annual Report, which is available in the narthex or online. NEW BUSINESS Vision Team Report – Daryl Schulz Daryl introduced the Vision Team Report including the Guiding Principles of: Strengthen our members and facility as a launching pad for ministry Fostering relationships to strengthen youth and families of all generations Share the joy of the gospel in word and deed, locally and globally Mission Recommendations – Patti Tackmann Patti introduced the mission recommendations to increase giving and support, including maintaining our current mission giving ($119,326 in 2014) and increase support of the following: Page 16 Special Missions & Budget: Together in Mission from $6k to $12k (Danelle Putnam in the Dominican Republic); Add $5k to budget for District’s New Mission Consortium (only to be released if approved at the May Voters’ meeting after the February 22 District presentation); Add $1k to budget for UMR Campus Ministry; Add $1k for Neighborhood Outreach Efforts; $6k for Ntshongweni Ministry in South Africa (Pastor Thwala); $12k POBLO; Interfaith Hospitality Network $500 Loose Coins: Quarter 1 – Rochester Servant Event, Quarter 2 – Interfaith Hospitality Network Quarter 3 – Community Food Response Quarter 4 – Channel One Food. Special Offerings: Lenten Suppers – POBLO Lenten Services – Redeemer Church Work Scholarship Thanksgiving – LCMS World Relief Advent Suppers – Orphan Grain Train Advent Services – Redeemer Church Work Scholarship Christmas – 50% budget, 10% POBLO, 10% Kindle, 15% Camp Omega, 15% Salvation Army Emergency Fund. Technology Team Proposal – Stephen Smith Motion made and seconded to approve the Technology Team Proposal which includes a new ceiling-mounted, drop-down screen above the pulpit, HD cameras, two new monitors (one for the Chancel and one for the Balcony, first year maintenance included, and manufacturer’s warranty) for up to $45k, from dedicated funds on hand, as presented by Stephen Smith. Motion carried. Recommendations on Future Directions – Daryl Schulz Daryl shared that the recommendations for the future are based upon input gathered from the May Voters’ meeting congregational survey, several Church Council meetings and the January 4, 2015, Adult Forum. These recommendations include immediate and future actions (Voters’ packet—see attachment entitled “Recommendations for the Future”). Blue half-sheets were distributed to meeting attendees who were asked to check off future direction they would be interested in or add additional items, as well as to include your name and phone number if you would be interested in serving on the Committee to review additional staffing needs. Form a Committee to move forward on Staffing Proposal – Paula Kuisle Paula shared that Redeemer is really good at taking God’s message out into our Community and it is drawing people to us. She emphasized the need of the congregation to review our present needs and future opportunities with regard to staffing. She proposed that we establish a committee to review additional staff needs, and that this committee shall present their findings and proposal on or before the May Voters’ meeting. Motion made and seconded to approve the proposal to establish a committee to review additional staff needs. Motion carried. Proposed Ministry Budget for 2015 – Sue Walch Sue proposed the 2015 budget line by line and pointed out what went up and what went down. There is a new line item budgeted for facilities, which is a start toward a larger savings account for unexpected expenses. She shared that all of the Personnel line items were vetted through the Personnel and Staffing Committee. Motion made and seconded to approve the 2015 proposed Ministry budget of $988,760. Motion carried. Nominations for District Offices – Pastor Jim Heining Motion made and seconded to approve the nominations for district offices: Dean Nadasdy (President), Mark Rosenau (Region 3 Vice-President), Jon Vollrath (Region 3 Board of Directors, Pastor). Motion carried. Approval of District Convention Delegates – Pastor Jim Heining Motion made and seconded to approve the nominations for District Convention Delegates: Pastor Koglin (Pastor), Daryl Schulz (Lay), Dawn Shelstad (alternate). Motion carried. Looking to the Future. . . Based upon input gathered from: The congrega onal survey completed at the May Voters’ mee ng and the following weekend Several Church Council mee ngs The Adult Forum on Sunday, January 4 A er many mee ngs, the vision team and council is recommending: GuidingPrinciples Strengthen our members and facility as a launching pad for ministry Fostering rela onships to strengthen youth and families Share the joy of the gospel in word and deed locally and globally ImmediateActions Giving thanks to God, that our mortgage obliga on has now been fulfilled, it is our desire to move forward in ministry 1. Increasemissiongivingandsupport 2. Increasecareforpresentmembers 3. Updatetechnology 4. Startafacilitiesfund 5. CreateFamilyLifeCenteratmosphereinexistingfacility 6. Appointcommitteetoreviewadditionalstaffneeds Page 17 News from Missionary Danelle Putnam Deaconess Danelle Putnam writes that she will soon be relocating to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic to serve with new missionaries Pastor Joel Fritsche and his family ( as well as Deaconess Rachel Powell ( It has always been the desire of the Dominican Republic Lutheran Mission to place missionaries in Santo Domingo in order to support our Dominican Pastor, Willy Gaspar, as well as to expand work and plant new churches. Apart from the congregation in Las Americas, there is a Sunday school and another small mission in different areas of the city where we can begin to make more contacts and hold more regular activities such as Bible study, Catechism classes, and regular worship. We also plan to have more presence in the developmental disability ward of the psychiatric hospital and eventually plant a church in this community as well. Please pray that I can find adequate housing and that the Lord will provide a smooth transition. disabilities, dressed in costumes, helped tell the story of Christ’s birth – how God in His love became incarnate to save us from our sin and to grant us salvation. These are all families that we have the opportunity to extend God’s love and mercy and bring them into the church. Short-term mission teams Along with the purchase of the property, comes building the church and school. Our first building stint on phase 1 of the project will be this summer and fall 2015. We will have another building stint for phase 2 in the winter and spring of 2016. WE NEED YOUR HELP! No construction experience is necessary, rather a willing heart and servant attitude! If you would like to bring down a short-term mission team or participate on one, please contact Debby Suchyta at MOST Ministries The Church in Licey This December in Licey we saw the fruits of God’s Word ([email protected] or tel. 734-994-7909). as the preschool children sang of Baby Jesus’ coming at their Christmas. Over 150 participated. We also held our Her complete newsletter with pictures is on the bulletin board in the narthex and can be found on the Redeemer annual Amigos de Jesús Christmas party where over 70 website: people attended. Participants with developmental Page 18 Lynette and Lynora Day! Many present and past members joined together on Sunday, January 4, to celebrate the over 50 years of ministry work by Lynette and Lynora Miller. The pictures below captured some of those precious moments. . . Page 19 THE FRIENDSHIP TREE During February is our ingathering of baby items for three local charities: The Lower Room (by Margie Scruggs), Red Cross, and New Life Family services. It has come to our attention that the greatest need is for disposable diapers of all sizes, but especially size 5. Other baby items are welcome also. Please remove a heart from the tree and return the purchased item to the collection box by the tree. LWML CONVENTION Get ready to register early for the LWML Convention in Des Moines, Iowa, June 25-28, 2015. Those who register between February 2 and March 14, 2015, will receive a discounted rate on their registration fee. So sign-up now to gather under our theme “Bountiful! Sow—Nourish— Reap.” The women of the Host Committee can’t wait to welcome you to Iowa. Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 9:00a Ladies’ Bible Study 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 6:30p Koinonia ChristCare 6:30p Couples in Christ CC 7:00p Personnel and Staffing 8:00a Quilters 10:15a Story Time with Kristin 6:30p Redeemer Brass 7:00p Salt Shakers CC 7:00p J.O.Y CC 23 8:00a Quilters 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 10:15a Story Time with Kristin 9:00a Ladies’ Bible Study 7:00p Health Cabinet 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 7:00p Women’s Bible Study 7:00p Friends in Faith CC 7:00p Membership Ministry HOLY COMMUNION 8 and 10:40 am 9:00a Blood Pressures 9:20a Sunday School/B.C. 1:30p Circuit Forum 4:00p Japanese Christian Fellowship 6:00p IGNITE 6:30p Partners In Christ CC 22 WORSHIP - 8 and 10:40 pm 9:00a Blood Pressures 9:20a Sunday School/B.C. 6:00p Oikos CC 24 17 15 Cholesterol Screening 16 25 1:00p Japanese Bible Study 26 4:15p WORSHIP 8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever 5:00p Supper 6:30p Malachi CC 5:45p Youth Chimes (7-12) 6:00p Alleluia Singers (2-6) 6:05p Cherub Choir 6:10p Confirmation 6:30p Angelic Chimes (2-6) 7:00p WORSHIP 7:45p Sounds of Praise 7:45p Celebration Practice 9:00a Shalom CC 1:00p Seekers CC 4:15p HOLY COMMUNION 5:00p Supper 5:45p Youth Chimes (7-12) 6:00p Alleluia Singers (2-6) 6:05p Cherub Choir 6:10p Confirmation 6:30p Angelic Chimes (2-6) 7:00p HOLY COMMUNION 7:45p Sounds of Praise 8:00p CC Equippers 8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever 1:00p Faithful Followers 1:30p Stephen Ministry 6:15p Young Families CC 7:00p Technology Team 7:00p Chancel Chimes 19 18 Ash Wednesday Resource Deadline 8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever 9:00a Circuit Conference - Family of Christ 9:00a Sarah Circle 7:00p Chancel Chimes 1:00p Japanese Bible Study 5:45p Youth Chimes (7-12) 6:00p Alleluia Singers (2-6) 6:00p Men’s Bible Study 6:05p Cherub Choir 6:10p Confirmation 6:30p Angelic Chimes 7:00p Sounds of Praise 7:30p Rebecca Circle 12 10 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 8:00a Quilters 9:00a Ladies’ Bible Study 10:15a Story Time with Kristin 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 6:30p Emmanuel CC 11:30a Elderberries 6:00p RLCW Exec 6:00p Stewardship 6:15p GTO Team 6:30p Trustees 6:30p Youth Board 7:30p Church Council 11 WORSHIP - 8 and 10:40 pm 9:00a Blood Pressures 9:20a Sunday School/B.C. 4:30p Instruments of Praise 6:30p Agape CC 7:00p Lutherans For Life 8 9 5 8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever 1:00p Faithful Followers CC 1:30p Stephen Ministry 7:00p Chancel Chimes 4 9:00a Staff Meeting THURSDAY 5:45p Youth Chimes (7-12) 6:00p Alleluia Singers (2-6) 6:00p Men’s Bible Study 6:05p Cherub Choir 6:10p Confirmation 6:30p Angelic Chimes (2-6) 7:00p Sounds of Praise 8:00p Celebration Practice 3 WEDNESDAY 8:00a Quilters 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 10:15a Story Time with Kristin 9:00a Ladies Bible Study 6:30p Redeemer Brass 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 6:15p Music and Worship 6:30p Family Ministry Team 7:00p Elders TUESDAY 2 MONDAY 1 SUNDAY Redeemer Lutheran Calendar HOLY COMMUNION 8 and 10:40 am 9:00a Blood Pressures 9:20a Sunday School/B.C. 6:00p IGNITE Page 23 10:00p Youth at “Supernight” 27 9:30a Library Committee 20 13 3:00p Eagles Wings CC 6 FRIDAY 5:30p HOLY COMMUNION 28 5:00p Blood Pressures 5:00p Family Game Night 5:30p WORSHIP 21 8:30a Celebrating God’s Grace #1 9:00a Sisters in Christ CC 5:30p HOLY COMMUNION 14 5:30p WORSHIP 7 SATURDAY February 2015 Acolytes 2/01 8:00 am ........................ Madi Werle / Sarah Ernst 10:40 am ................... Jaqson Reimers / Ben Rivas 2/08 8:00 am ... Bethany Mennecke / Erica Norregaard 10:40 am ................ Audrey Timm / Alexis Nelson 2/15 8:00 am ................. Tayler Fick / Jadyn Schoppers 10:40 am ................... Kyle Berquam / Tyler Bruns 2/18 4:15 pm ............ Austin Manuell / Ethan Manuell 7:00 pm ............. Kailyn Manthei / Emma Probach 2/22 8:00 am ...... Thomas Hildestad / Sophie Schwartz 10:40 am .................. Ethan Poch / Aaron Mueller 2/25 4:15 pm ...................... Josh Zemke / Davis Schulz 7:00 pm .......... Madison Werle /Erica Norregaard Altar Guild Chair: Shelly Potter 5:30 pm ...................................................... Nancy Carlson 8:00 am .................... Karen Dee, Lois Kuntz, Norma Holst 10:40 am ............................................. Volunteers Needed Blood Pressure Nurses Blood pressures are taken every Sunday and every third Saturday of the month. February 1 ...................................................... Mary Henkel February 8 ................................................... Barb Wallskog February 14 ........................................ No blood pressures. February 15 .................................................. Iva Kietzmann February 22 ........................................................ Sue Kazos Elders 1/31 5:30 pm ..................................... Randy Hellickson 2/01 8:00 am ................................................. Tony Fick 10:40 am ...................................... Caleb Ketchum 2/07 5:30 pm .......................................... Robert Dubke 2/08 8:00 am ............................................ Mark Radtke 10:40 am ............................. James Weispfenning 2/14 5:30 pm ........................................ Kevin Peterson 2/15 8:00 am ................................................ Joel Pralle 10:40 am .......................................... Scott Feeder 2/18 4:15 pm ....................................... Mark Gennrich 7:00 pm ........................................... Andy Hanson 2/21 5:30 pm ................................................. Tony Fick 2/22 8:00 am ............................... James Weispfenning 10:40 am ................................... Randy Hellickson Page 24 Nursery Schedule 1/31 9:15 am ...................... Anita Werle / Anna Koglin 10:40 am ...Carole Sorenson / Lauren Horstmann 2/08 9:15 am ............ Anna Koglin / Volunteer Needed 10:40 am .......... Marcia Cochran / Kaitlyn Schultz 2/15 9:15 am ...................... Anna Koglin / Anita Werle 10:40 am ........................ Emily and Shawn Vierus 2/22 9:15 am ....................... Anna Koglin / Erin Harvey 10:40 am ........ Sara Bonne / Stephanie Fingerson Pew Maintenance February ....................................................... Al Horstmann Transportation Please call the church office by Noon on Thursday (289‐ 5147) if you need a ride to worship. Ushers 5:30 pm ....................... Dale Hass, Bob Sim, Gracie Morris 8:00 am .......... Dave Zarling, Dean Jensen, Tim Batterson, ......................... Alan Krueger, Brandon Rossman 10:40 am ..... Marv Reinecke, Mark Fister, Gordon Hinsch, ........... Sam Hinsch, Raf Webster, Rylan Webster ........................................................ Maggie Rahlf Welcome Center 1/31 5:30 pm ......................................... Doug Koepsell 2/01 8:00 am ............................ Bernie and Ellie Nesler Lay Readers 10:40 am ......................................... Beth Hanson 1/31 5:30 pm .......................................... Linsday Smith 2/07 5:30 pm .................................. Volunteer Needed 2/01 8:00 am ........................................... Carolyn Walk 2/08 8:00 am .......................... Terri and Sharon Muller 10:40 am ............................ Dan and Terri Zemke 10:40 am .......................................... June Storma 2/07 5:30 pm ............................................. Dave Wood 2/14 5:30 pm ............................................. Diana Stoen 2/08 8:00 am ....................................... Molly Gommels 2/15 8:00 am .............................................. Larry Stoen 10:40 am .......................................... Jacob Pralle 10:40 am .......................................... Curt Haugen 2/14 5:30 pm ...................................... Bob Vehrekamp 2/21 5:30 pm .............................................. Kim Jensen 2/15 8:00 am ............................................... Kurt Rump 2/22 8:00 am .................................. Volunteer Needed 10:40 am ..................................... Marcia Cochran 10:40 am ...................................... Caroline Ferdig 2/21 5:30 pm ............................................. Clare Lovick 2/22 8:00 am ............................................ Will Mundell 10:40 am ............................................ Lowell Dale Worship Recorders 2/28 5:30 pm ................................................ Jim Bronk First Sunday .................................................... Greg Utesch 3/01 8:00 am .......................................... Virginia Miller Second Sunday ................................................ Royce Ernst 10:40 am ...................................... Jennifer Pralle Third Sunday .................................................. Greg Utesch Fourth Sunday ...................................... Sherrill VanGuilder Fifth Sunday ................................................... Greg Utesch 2/25 4:15 pm ............................................... Jim Bronk 7:00 pm .......................................... Larry Reinartz 2/28 5:30 pm ........................................ Caleb Ketchum 3/01 8:00 am .......................................... Robert Dubke 10:40 am ...................................... Kevin Peterson Greeters 1/31 5:30 pm ..................................... Jeff and Judy Lee 2/01 8:00 am .......... Tom and Dory Moore / Ric Thieke 10:40 am ........................ Elvera & Marty Cordes/ ........................................ John & Brooke Murphy 2/07 5:30 pm ..... Grant & Cara Wilson/Lyle & Kathy Voight 2/08 8:00 am ........... Ernst family / Bruce & Jan Ludwig 10:40 am .... Darlene Thompson / Caroline Ferdig 2/14 5:30 pm ............... Sue Kazos / Gary & Sue Tollers 2/15 8:00 am .... John & Carrie Johnson / Linda Malnar ..................................................... Donna Walters 10:40 am ........ Dan Zemke Family/Dick & Shirley Valde 2/21 5:30 pm ........ Kurt & Clare West / Jeff & Judy Lee 2/22 8:00 am ....................... Mandie & Kelly Anderson 10:40 am ....... Aaron & Sarah Lassila / Lois Norby 2/28 5:30 pm ................... Janet & Gordon Hoffmann / ....................................... Julie & Ryan Meverden 3/01 8:00 am . Tom & Dory Moore / Bobbie & Gene Lewallen 10:40 am ........................ Elvera & Marty Cordes/ ........................................ John & Brooke Murphy Page 25 Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, Minnesota 55904 Return service requested Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Rochester, Minnesota Permit No. 376 Redeemer Celebrates Christ’s Birth!
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