The Connection The Newsletter of Shiloh Church, UCC February 2015 February is Black History Month. Shiloh will hold several special events that commemorate the contributions of black persons to the development of American culture. Those contributions have been undeniable and we remember them. During the month of February, Shiloh will feature guest speakers at its Bible@ Boston’s program. Each will highlight a feature of black culture and contributions here in the Dayton area. We will gather each Wednesday, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., at Boston’s Bistro and Pub, located at the corner of North Main Street (Hwy 48) and Dogleg Rd (Westbrook) to celebrate the contributions of black culture. Our presenters will be Bootsie Neal, Margaret Peters and Terrence Grimes. Just a note. Bible @ Boston’s will not be held on Wednesday, February 18. That is Ash Wednesday and Shiloh will hold a special service of worship at 7:00 p.m. that evening. We are working with Boston’s to schedule an alternative date for the third week of February, but have not yet been able to come to an arrangement. Watch weekly bulletins, and Shiloh’s website,, for updates. Then, in March, Shiloh will continue its celebration of the contributions of black culture with a weekend full of activities. On Saturday, March 7, Shiloh will be open for the public viewing of displays that represent local, regional and national contributions of black persons to American culture. These displays will be in the narthex and information gallery. On Sunday, March 8, Shiloh will welcome Dr. Charles Brown as our guest speaker during the congregation’s 10:25 service of worship. After worship, we will share a meal together in the church’s “Omega Hall.” At the close of the meal, we will hold a discussion on race relations, moderated by Mary Tyler, Executive Director of National Conference for Community Justice, Greater Dayton Area. On Monday, March 9, Shiloh will welcome local school children, who will view the displays, share a meal together, and present programs celebrating black history. The public is invited to any and all of these events, as Shiloh seeks to be an ongoing source of information, dialogue and sharing around the issues of race relations and social justice. Sign-up sheets are on the Green Table, located in the church narthex/lobby for those who may be interested in assisting with any or all of the celebration. Potential participants may contact either Terry Ogletree or Carl Robinson for more information. We share the joys, concerns and sympathies within our church. The following listing of memorial contributions shows those being honored as well as those who have made gifts that were received prior to January 21, 2015 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CONTRIBUTION-MINISTRIES FUND In memory of Harold (Bud) Eby Luella Eby HEIFER INTERNATIONAL MISSION PROJECT In honor of Pat and Aaron Sheaffer Megan and Randy Kreill W hen a fam ily m em ber or friend w ithin the congregation is ill or in need of assistance, please call the church office and notify us of that need. 2/1 2/8 2/15 2/22 Honored Citizens for February Marcella Peterson Jane Pingle Dick Peacock Barbara Pierce Health Concerns Ron Hajarian, Shirley Lee, Doug Farinet, Carol Ryland, Barbara Davis, Roger Cox, Kay LaBreck, Lori Stevenson, Carol Billips, Betty Karns, Debbie Fisher, Nick and Doris Kallas. Sympathy Dorothy Patton. FEBRUARY ACTIONEERS This month our Actioneers are a couple who give so much to the life and ministry of Shiloh Church. They are Kim and Gary Wachter. Let me first start with Kim, who lends her time to bringing together a group of ladies twice a month for the Knitters and Crocheters. This group has consistently grown in the last couple of years, and so much fun is had by this group. Kim also lends considerable time every year in helping with the Front Porch Ministry with cooking and greeting those in the community during the Farmers Market. Gary also lends his time to the Front Porch. Gary recently has spent numerous hours helping John Rabius building and tearing down and building again…… the scaffolding that had to be constructed many times during the lighting project. This is very difficult and Gary spent many hours helping in this project. He also lends his time on Sundays helping with the media ministry for worship. Both Kim and Gary give so much of their time and talent to the ministry here at Shiloh, and we are blessed to have this couple give of themselves so much. Thanks to Kim and Gary for Living the Word, by Serving the World. Day of Caring Pancake Brunch Shiloh Church will be a site for the annual Day of Caring Pancake Brunch again this year. The event will take place on Sunday, Feb. 22, in Omega Hall, from 9 AM until 1 PM. Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for seniors over 60 and children under 12. Tickets will be sold in the Narthex on Sunday mornings in Feb. and at the door on Feb. 22. All monies from ticket sales will benefit the hungry and homeless in our community. The menu for the Brunch will be Bob Evans sausage, golden pancakes, applesauce, coffee, orange juice, and milk. Please plan now to attend. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to the church service on Sunday, Feb. 22, and then to the Brunch following the service. If you cannot attend, please consider a donation to the Day of Caring. In the past 9 years of hosting the Pancake Brunch we have contributed a total of $10,110. This year we would like to exceed our goal of $1500. If you would like to volunteer to help with the Brunch, please contact Patti Hines or any member of the Missions Committee. Be on the lookout for ......... Dayton Dragons Suite Raffle for game day Friday May 8 Raffle Tickets will be going on sale soon Youth Calendar February February 1- (Souper Bowl, shopping at Krogers taking food to Northmont FISH) February 8- Youth Planning February 15- Youth Gathering (Lenten Study) February 22- Youth Bowling (TBA) March March March March March March 1- Youth Gathering (Lenten Study) 8- Youth Gathering (Black History Celebration) 15- Youth Gathering (Sanctuary Clean-up) 22- Youth Gathering (Lenten Study) 29- Morning Easter Bunny Breakfast Winter is upon us and our youth. For all of our youth they have all headed back to school from winter break. Our focus over the next few months will be to share some of our time with the youth outdoors, having discussions and spiritual development occur. Their secondary focus also over the next several months will be in mentoring and fun activities with some of our younger youth who will be coming up in the program in the next several years. We encourage all youth to participate in these activities and continue to use their time, talent and treasure in creating God’s kingdom. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please email me at [email protected] Youth Bells and/or Choir starts at 4:30 pm every Sunday with our Youth Gathering to follow after. We encourage all youth to participate each week in these activities so that we may nurture one another in their spiritual development and faith journey. May we be enriched and empowered by the spirit to give thanks for the many blessings of our youth in this world. God Bless Pastor Jay AGENDA FOR SEMINAR ON TALKING ABOUT DYING WON’T KILL YOU 3-4-15: Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. Attorney Judy LaMusga specializes in helping individuals leave a “Legacy of Love” for their family. Find out how advanced directives and Medicaid can be part of your estate planning process. 3-11-15: The Conversation. Not sure how to convey your final wishes to your family? Lisa Balster, a social worker at Hospice of Dayton, will discuss how to broach this difficult conversation to insure that you communicate your wishes to your loved ones. She will also discuss The Reason of our Mortality. 3-18-15: Housing Choices and Support Services. Mary Ann Stemley, a certified hospice/palliative care registered nurse, will discuss the multiple pros/cons of caring for a loved one in your home or deciding on one of the several other available choices, and how to decide which is the best choice for both you and your loved one. 3-25-15: Compassionate Care: A New Paradigm for Medical Models. Dr. Cleanne Cass, a palliative hospice care physician, will discuss end-of-life choices available within the hospital, guide you in how to get the care you want and the difference among palliative, compassionate and hospice care. 4-1-15: Let’s Put Fun in Funeral. TR Routsong, a local funeral director talks about how planning your funeral can be an important part of your end-of- life transition. He will provide useful information on how Veterans’ benefits can impact funeral planning and also explain the need and difference among tissue, organ and body donation. WOMEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST 2014 Annual Report We are a group of women of Shiloh Church U.C.C., who meet every Tuesday morning (weather permitting) at 8:15, at Burkey’s Restaurant. All women of Shiloh are welcome for about an hour of friendship and fellowship. We collect $1.00 from each person each time, and following is a report of how we spent that money in 2014: 01/14 – Birthday Breakfast for Dick VanTine $ 3.00 04/08 – GSH employee who was fire victim 100.00 05/12 – Lighting Fund 100.00 06/03 – Alzheimer’s Foundation 50.00 07/08 – 10 Forever Stamps 4.60 08/12 – Golf Outing 50.00 10/21 – 10 Forever Stamps 4.60 12/01 – USO for Phone Cards for Troops 100.00 12/16 – Christmas for Doug, Server at Burkey’s 20.00 Total giving for 2014 was $432.20. The balance in our treasury as of 12/31/14 was $4.00. As you can see, our small (our numbers range between 2 and 12) group is “Living the Word by Serving the World”. --Marilyn Schmidt FROM YOUR BUSINESS MANAGER Kroger Rebates Last year, Shiloh Church received $1,733.91 in rebates from Krogers. It is absolutely the easiest way you can further Shiloh’s ministries. There is no cost to you nor do you need to have a credit card to participate in their program. It’s free money, just waiting for us to take advantage of their program! You simply show your loyalty card (or you can use your telephone number if you forgot your card), the same card you show to take advantage of weekly specials. To make sure you are currently enrolled, the next time you shop at Krogers, look at the bottom of your receipt. If you are enrolled, it will state that you are participating in the Shiloh Church rebate program. If you are not currently participating, see Pastor Jay for assistance to enroll in their program. Did I mention, it’s free money, just waiting for us to pick it up?? Ministries and Missions Contributions On your offering envelopes, please be sure to designate what portion of your contribution is for Ministries and what part is for Missions. If you do not wish to write it on your envelope, write it in the corner memo line of your check or enclose a little note. Contribution Statements Your 2014 Contribution Statements have been placed in your family mailbox at the church or have been placed in the US Mail to you. If you have not received yours, or when tax time rolls around and you cannot locate it, a duplicate can be easily prepared and even emailed to you. Just let me know! Judy Peck, Business Manager jpeck@shiloh org Family Bingo Come join us...... Saturday, February 21 Omega Hall 2-4 pm Bring a white elephant item to be used as prizes for Bingo. White elephant items might be: candy, candles, post-its, coffee mug, puzzle book, re-gifts, etc... The cost is 2.00 which will include 2 bingo cards to play on, snacks & drinks. Sponsored by the Fun Raising Team Janet Ferguson, Patty Farinet, Lisa Neff, Roger Smith & Dawn McMillen The Fantastics in 2015 The Funtastics have planned a terrific schedule of events for this year! Please keep the following list so that you can include these activities in your calendar. Remember that the Funtastics program is for EVERYONE, not a particular age group. If you would like to be called about each upcoming event and are not presently on the Funtastics calling list, please contact Patti Hines. There is a coordinator for each activity. You may contact that person for further information. FUNTASTICS members are invited to attend Dayton Opera's DEAD MAN WALKING on Sunday, March 1, at 3 PM at the Schuster Center. Don't think opera, it's much more than that!! It is a locally written opera that reflects the gripping series of events inspiring Sister Helen Prejean's book of the same name. Sister is an internationally known death penalty activist who continues to speak raising awareness about the death penalty and counseling death row prisoners. Before it was an opera, it was a bestselling book then a movie, showing the real-life spiritual journey involving a Catholic nun, a murderer on death row, the victims of his unthinkable actions, and society at large. It explores the complex issues of faith and reason without giving you a bias on the issue. Tickets are $43 apiece, BY FEBRUARY 15. Send me a check payable to me to the address below BY FEBRUARY 15, so I can order the block of tickets enabling us all to sit together. After the show, we can walk across the street to have dinner or snacks (your choice) at the Uno's Restaurant (one of the few nearby restaurants open on Sundays). You will receive no phone call from our usual callers. This is your main notice. Please note: If you'd like some background info on this issue, you may attend the UD Speaker Series featuring Sister Helen Prejean on Thursday, Feb. 26, 7 PM, at UD's RECPLEX (athletic center). Or you may visit the Dayton Art Institute from Feb. 21 to April 12 to see artist Julie Green's THE LAST SUPPER: 550 PLATES ILLUSTRATING FINAL MEALS OF U.S. DEATH ROW INMATES. Go to to find out more. Keystone Club Meeting Sunday, February 8 The Keystone Club meeting on February 8 will feature Wayne Hobbs, one of the best steel guitar players anywhere. He’s a long-time favorite of the Keystone Club. He has played for musical greats Jerry Lee Lewis, Don Ho and Marty Robbins to name a few. He has also appeared on the Grand Ole Opry stage as well as TV appearances on the “Andy Williams Show”, “Austin City Limits” and “Hee Haw”. Don’t miss your chance to hear this popular artist playing the traditional country sound. Meet and greet starts at 4:40 p.m., 5 p.m. carry-in dinner and the program at 6 p.m. Cost is $4 per person. If you are not a member of Keystone Club and would like to attend theprogram, please call Shirley or Carl Bomboy (836-7257) for reservations by Thursday, February 5. The Women’s Board is HAMMIN’ IT UP again. It’s time to place your orders for delicious ham loaves. This year we are designating our profit to the specific project of purchasing a new convection oven for the kitchen, AND for those who can’t eat ham, we are asking for donations towards the oven. Order enough to freeze and have lastminute meals ready for months. Stop by the table in the narthex to place your order or call Becky Cyphers at 572-6429 no later than February 25. Ham Loaves will be available for pickup on Sunday, March 1. KEEPING THE HOUSE OF BREAD WARM Thanks to all of you who remembered the House of Bread's need for outdoor clothing at Christmas-time! We delivered the following and will make another trip after the holidays: 9 blankets 7 hats 12 hat/glove sets 3 hat/scarf sets 23 pairs of mittens 29 scarves 121 pairs of sox Thanks from the Missions Committee PAPER RECYCLING IS BACK!! We want to thank all of you for starting to bring your recycling back to Shiloh. Start bringing in your papers, magazines, and catalogs. This new company is strongly urging us and we want to share with you not to put any CARDBOARD in the bin. Cereal boxes are ok, but not any heavy cardboard. We hope to get information in the future from this company so we can see how much we are collecting each month. We encourage you to share with other friends and community to bring their paper recycling here to Shiloh. There is a small rebate that we receive per ton for our recycling. These funds will go to our great youth here at Shiloh. If you have any questions about what can go in the bin, please contact Pastor Jay. Regretfully, our source for accepting the unused medicine bottles and bottle caps has discontinued accepting them. I am still hoping to find another source but for the present time, please do not contribute any more. Recycling is critical so I will keep looking for a place that will accept the bottles and caps and let you know if the search is successful. You have been steady supporters of this project. Thank you! Betsy Clapp. You Are Invited to Celebrate Black American Contributions to the Family of God February and Beyond – 2015 ~~ Sponsored by ~~ Shiloh Church – United Church of Christ 5300 Philadelphia Drive and Main Street Rev. Carl Robinson, Senior Pastor Note: Two Sites for the Celebrations: Boston’s Bistro – 7500 North Main Street Wednesday, February 4, at 6 p.m. – Idotha “Bootsie” Neal doing a dramatic presentation on Great Inventions by Black persons Wednesday, February 11, at 6 p.m. – Margaret Peters presenting Black Americans who have helped to establish Dayton Thursday, February 19, at 6 p.m. – Terry Grimes teaching about Spirituals and Gospel Music Shiloh Church U.C.C. – 5300 Philadelphia Drive Saturday, March 7, from 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Historical Exhibit Sunday, March 8, 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Charles Brown, Retired Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church. Special Music: Percy Jones, Pianist; Angela Gorman, Lyric Soprano. Shiloh Sanctuary Choir. Praise Dancing by Vessels of Honor. Exhibit and Free Dinner Feast with Dialogue on Race Relations – Moderator: Mary Tyler, Executive Director for National Conference for Community and Justice of Greater Dayton. Monday, March 9, Area School Students and Community offered Free Lunch and Program by Students. All are Welcome! Thank-you Acknowledgements to Several Local Citizens Terry Ogletree (937)274-8252 Jo Anne Orihood Events Co-chairs February 1: Texts Topic Theme February 8: Texts Topic Theme February 15: Texts Topic Theme February 18: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany I Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 “What Is This?” An unwelcome change has come. Fifth Sunday after Epiphany I Corinthians 9:18-23 Mark 1:29-39 “Let Us Move On” Jesus’ ministry is on the move. Transfiguration Sunday II Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 “Unveiled” Now we see fully. Ash Wednesday Texts II Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Topic “Failing to Do for” Theme Be reconciled to God. February 22: Texts Topic Theme First Sunday in Lent I Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 “Here Comes God’s Kingdom” To bring you to God Shirley Foreman 02/01 Linda Thiele 02/01 Anita Hake 02/02 Teresa Pur Hall 02/02 Roni Sedor 02/02 Orville Freeman 02/03 Annabelle Glanton 02/03 Elaine Johnson 02/03 Lori Rieker 02/03 Matthew Jergens 02/04 Rosemary Keefe 02/04 William Ganger 02/05 Casey Robinson 02/05 Lorna Weeks 02/05 Marcia Gilleland 02/06 Carol Oldham 02/06 Andrew Smock 02/06 Donna Knab 02/07 Mary Van Tine 02/09 Mallory Woods 02/09 Lisa Maxwell 02/10 Kathleen Glover 02/11 Douglas Harlow 02/11 Sharon Lundstrom 02/12 Abigail Rapp 02/13 Terrence Bradley 02/14 Timothy Klagge 02/15 Brad Harvey 02/16 Carma Young Dougherty 02/17 E. Eileen Michael 02/17 Sebrinia Engle 02/18 William Kingery 02/18 Doris Murph 02/18 Lisa Rice 02/18 Norma Timmerman 02/18 Zoe Hittner 02/20 Jennie Eisnaugle 02/22 Jill Jones 02/23 William Love, Jr. 02/24 Kim Wachter 02/24 Keith Aukerman 02/25 Thomas Eyer 02/25 Molly Skinner 02/25 Caryl Hayes 02/26 Nancy Shroyer 02/27 Kids Institute meets Monday - Friday from 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 SOUPER BOWL 2 3 4 5 8:30 Prayer Service 9am Nursery Care begins 10:25a Liturgical Worship 11:30a Y outh Souper Bow l 1p Christ Eternal K ingdom M inistries 4p Discovery Time Rehearsal 5p Discovery Time 7p FunRaising Team 6:30a Men’s Prayer Breakfast –Perkins 8:30a Women’s Prayer Breakfast—Burkey’s 1:30p Clergy of P ractice 6:00p Quilters-MURR 7p M usica Rehearsal 7p M eadow s of Catalpa 7p Christ Eternal K ingdom M inistries 7p Bible Study 7:30p Voices in Bronze 9a Shiloh Quilters-MURR 10a Staff Meeting-SCR 6p Bible @ Boston’s 6:30p Knitters and Crocheters 7:30p DT Rehearsal—Choir Room 10a Bible Study 7:00p Ensemble Rehearsal 7:30p Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 8 9 10 11 12 6:30a Men’s Prayer Breakfast –Perkins 8:30a Women’s Prayer Breakfast—Burkey’s 9:30a W om en’s Board 6:00p Quilters-MURR 7p Christ Eternal K ingdom M inistries 7p Bible Study 7:30p Voices in Bronze 9a Shiloh Quilters-MURR 10a Staff Meeting-SCR 6p Bible @ Boston’s 6:30p Farm ers M arket P otluck 7p Grow th M eeting 10a Bible Study 7:00p Ensemble Rehearsal 7:30p Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 8:30 Prayer Service 9am Nursery Care begins 10:25a Liturgical Worship 1p Christ Eternal K ingdom M inistries 3p M usica Concert 4:30p Youth Bells/Choir 5p Youth Gathering 5p K eystone Club 6p Discovery Time Rehearsal 7p Discovery Time Fri 6 Sat 7 3p M usica Concert 13 14 20 21 15 Fellowship 16 OFFICE 17 18 19 Sunday CLOSED 6:30a Men’s Prayer Breakfast –Perkins 8:30a Women’s Prayer Breakfast—Burkey’s 6:00p Quilters-MURR 7p Christ Eternal K ingdom M inistries 7p Bible Study 7:30p Voices in Bronze 9a Shiloh Quilters-MURR 10a Staff Meeting-SCR 7p Ash W ednesday Service 10a Bible Study 6p Bible @ Boston’s 7:00p Ensemble Rehearsal 7:30p Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 23 24 25 26 27 28 6:30a Men’s Prayer Breakfast –Perkins 8:30a Women’s Prayer Breakfast—Burkey’s 6:00p Quilters-MURR 7p Christ Eternal K ingdom M inistries 7p Bible Study 7:30p Voices in Bronze 9a Shiloh Quilters-MURR 10a Staff Meeting-SCR 12n Staff Luncheon 10a Bible Study 7:00p Ensemble Rehearsal 7:30p Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 9-11a Ham Loaves Sauce 10a M CRT 8:30a Ham Loaves 4-6p CE Fam ily Gam e N ight 8:30 Prayer Service 9am Nursery Care begins 10:25a Liturgical Worship 11:30a Fellow ship Lunch 11:30a Congregational Meeting 12:15p Com m ittees M eet 1p Christ Eternal K ingdom M inistries 1:30p Council M eets 4:30p Youth Bells/Choir 5p Youth Gathering 6p Discovery Time Rehearsal 7p Discovery Time 22 Day of Caring 8:30 Prayer Service 9am Nursery Care begins 9:15a Day of Caring 10:25a Liturgical Worship 1p Christ Eternal K ingdom M inistries 4:30p Youth Bells/Choir 5p Youth Gathering 6p Discovery Time Rehearsal 7p Discovery Time 9a P roperty W orkday 2-4p Shiloh W hite Elephant Bingo
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