WELCOME TO HOPE CHURCH! WELCOME, GUESTS, Sunday, February 1, 2015 Sunday, to Hope Church. Please ask an usher for one of our special 1st Time Guest Bags. Any questions please call the church office at 612-521-3547 x110. Children are always welcome at our worship services. If you need to take noisy children out, the Parenting Room, located in the Library, is available during the 10:45am service for ages 5 and under. A nursery is available for the 9:15am Sunday school/Bible Study hour and the 10:45am service today for children under age 3. Today’s Worship Please prepare yourself for worship with quiet prayer in the sanctuary. February 1, 2015 Sermon Responses: So what can you do if you are experiencing: “The D.R.I.F.T.” 1. Confession—Confess to Jesus that you have pursued lesser and false gods and that you need him. 2. Community—Confess to your nearest brother and sister in Christ, and immerse yourself in God’s grace. 1. Contribute—Minister to someone who is experiencing “The D.R.I.F.T.” Let them know that you have been there and it’s not worth it and there is deliverance. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”. 1 Cor. 15:57 (ESV) Senior Pastor: Tom Parrish Gospel Reading: Mark 8:1-10 SERMON: “Victory In Jesus” Pastor Gene Enderlein 8:00am Traditional Worship Service Opening Hymn: #471 I Am Thine, O Lord Sermon Hymn: #491 Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be Closing Hymn: #542 Victory In Jesus 10:45am Contemporary Worship Service Opening Song: Come Ye Sinners Communion Songs: In The Garden As We Pray Be Magnified Closing Song: Victory In Jesus Visitation Pastor: Gene Enderlein Community Pastor: Ben Sollie Hope Lutheran Church 5200 Emerson Ave. N., Mpls, MN 55430 612-521-3547, www.hopechurchmn.com Hope Lutheran Church Mission Statement Victory In Jesus To present the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ to those who do not know him, assist believers to grow up in Jesus as His disciples,* and equip them to use their spiritual gifts and talents for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. (*Mark 12:30-31) This Week At Hope Today: ____________________________ 8:00am Traditional Worship Service 9:15am Town Hall Meeting 9:15am Sunday school 10:45am Worship Service 1:30pm United Hmong Alliance Service 5:00pm Super Bowl Party Monday:________________________ 10:30am Staff Prayer/Meeting 6:30pm Scouts Tuesday:_Happy birthday, Pastor Gene! 8:00am Quilting Group 6:30pm Elders’ Meeting Wednesday:_____________________ 9:00am All Church Prayer 6:30pm Hope Teens/Kids 6:30pm Living Hope 7:00pm All Church Prayer Thursday:______________________ 9:15am HLCW Board Meeting 12:00pm Savvy Senior Banquet 6:45pm Worship Team Friday:_________________________ Saturday: ______________________ 8:00am Organ Practice 5:00pm UHA Worship Practice Sunday: Benevolence Sunday______ 8:00am Communion Worship Service 9:15am Sun. school/Adult Bible Studies 10:45am Worship Service 1:30pm United Hmong Alliance Service WELCOME TO HOPE CHURCH! OFFICE HOURS HAVE CHANGED! closed Friday and Saturday. Monday-Thursday 9-5, Sunday 7-11, TOWN HALL MEETING this morning at 9:15am. The meeting will take place in the Sanctuary. There will also be a meeting following the 2nd service for those who have commitments during the 9:15 hour, in the sanctuary. PARENTING ROOM We always welcome children in our worship services. However we know that it is difficult for some to sit through the entire service. We have a Parenting Room available for children age 5 and under during the 10:45 service. It is located in the library. There is coloring and other activities children can engage in while you listen to the message via video. CHURCH SUPER BOWL PARTY! Join us TODAY at 5pm. Bring a dish/ snack to share (with no nuts please). You can watch the game, play games or just hang out. ALL CHURCH PRAYER on Wednesdays at 9:00am and 7:00pm. MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP Wednesday mornings at 9:30am in the youth room. LIVING HOPE Wednesdays 6:30pm-8pm in Hope’s Library. Join us Wednesdays for our adult BIble Study. Currently we are in a series called "Not a Fan". We are exploring what it means to "take up our cross and follow Jesus daily". You will be challenged and encouraged. SAVVY SENIORS BANQUET of HORS D’OEUVRES with special guests, “The Gospel According to Bluegrass” is this Thursday, February 5. Everyone bring a hearty hors d’oeuvres or contribute $10 and your share will be provided. Please sign up on the yellow card or let Juanita know by tomorrow. H.I.T. (Hope India Team) 2015. Hope Church is going to India, Feb. 25March 12th, 2015. Last year’s trip made a huge impact on the children and adults as well as India and the team. If you have even the smallest tug on your heart to go, please pray for God to show you if he wants you to join us. If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Gene Enderlein. DEAR KNITTING WARRIORS—We are in need of prayer shawls. Please pick up yarn from Juanita or Steph. Your prayers as you knit are a HUGE blessing to so many hurting hearts. SOUND AND MEDIA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Training provided. Commitment includes Thursday evening rehearsals and Sunday morning worship services. Contact LeAnne at lchristensen @hopechurchmn.com or 612-521-3547. GIVING for Sunday, January 25 was $7,097.21. Today’s altar flowers are in celebration of Vivian’s 3rd birthday and Lenny’s 53rd. Shirley Tallman PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE if you have recently lost a cell phone here at church, or a blue tooth on Sunday morning. A phone was turned in last Tuesday and the blue tooth last Sunday. NURSERY VOLUNTEERS WANTED! If you are interested in volunteering with Hope’s littlest ones on Sunday mornings, please contact Heidi Nelson or Shari Hanka. THERE ARE STILL 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES to be picked up from the Narthex. If you don’t see yours out there, please contact the church office to request them. iDISCIPLE RETREAT March 6-8 at The ARC in Osceola, WI. Join Pastor Ben and others from Hope as we spend a weekend immersed in God's Word and growing in our understanding of what it means to be a disciple. This weekend will lead you into a deeper relationship with Jesus and equip you to change the world around you by living in and extending the Kingdom of God to the people he brings you to. Cost is $130. Includes 6 meals and 2 nights of lodging. For more information contact Pastor Ben: [email protected]; 612-521-3547 DID YOU KNOW? For your convenience, Hope Church accepts VISA/ MasterCard/Discover for tithes and offerings. Hope pays a fee for the transactions, so your bank-issued Debit Card (or Check Card) is preferred as that carries the lowest fee. HOPE YOUTH AND FAMILY NEWS NO SR HIGH (9-12 grade) today. NO CONFIRMATION (6-8 grade) today. HOPETEENS happens every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the youth room for 7th-12th grades. FLY CONVENTION is a youth retreat in Estes Park, CO from June 28-July 5 for 6th-12th grade and the cost is $375 if you sign up by January 30. If you have any interest in going contact Mike Kozicky. Brochures are located by the front office. 30 HOUR FAMINE is coming up on Feb. 20. If you’d like to participate and raise money to fight world hunger then ask Mike for a fundraising packet. HOPE KIDS NEWS SUNDAY SCHOOL today at 9:15am. 0-3yr olds meet in the nursery and 3yr olds-5th graders report to the upper and lower classrooms. HOPE KIDS meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm for 4 year olds through 6th grade! THE CHILDREN’S OFFERING for February is for Quilts for Alaska. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: the following who are sick, healing, and/or hospitalized: Aidan Kinney, Lyle Dorfner, Dolores Torres, Laura Ann Lewis, Francis Frisch, Jeff Christensen, Bobby Edwards, Jan Barrows and the family of Jenni Walsh Serving in Hope’s Nursery today: 9:15am - Paula Leach, Scott McKenzie 10:45am - Olivia Benson, Sue Eberth, Kevin Smith, Levi Steele Nursery Feb 8: 9:15am –Shari Hanka, Amy Sollie 10:45am –Kathy Bernards, Phil Bernards, Quincy Jensen, Maddy Hanka 1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
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