Tower February 2015 | Vol. 39 • No. 2 the What Fuels Us? The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden; but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, nor shall you touch it, or you shall die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not die; for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:2–5 NRSV What Satan put into the heads of our ancestors was the idea that they could “be like gods”—could set up on their own as if they had created themselves—be their own masters—invent some sort of happiness for themselves outside God, apart from God. And out of that hopeless attempt has come nearly all that we call human history—money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery—the long, terrible story of humankind trying to find something other than God to make themselves happy. “Making Sense of Scripture” • Tuesdays, February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 9:30 a.m., Anna Paulson Room • Thursdays, February 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26, 5:30 p.m., Anna Paulson Room The reason why it can never succeed is this: God made us—invented us as a designer creates an automobile. A car is made to run on gasoline (maybe considering the amount of hybrids on the road we should say fuel), and it would not run properly on anything else. Now God designed the human machine to run on him. He himself is the fuel that our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There is no other alternative. That is why it is just no good asking God to make us happy in our own way without bothering about faith. God continued, page 4 Augustana Arts 6 | Birthdays 14 | Calendar 15 | Congregation Council 7 | Congregational Learning 5 | Fellowship 13 | Global Mission 11 Green Team 11 | Health Ministry 8–11 | Lent 4 | Outreach 12 | Senior Ministry 12 | Volunteer Ministry 6 good news! 5000 E. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80246 PHONE: 303-388-4678 FAX: 303-388-1338 WEB: E-MAIL: [email protected] DIAL-A-CARE: 303-996-2733 FACEBOOK: The Tower is published monthly for Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 E. Alameda Ave., Denver CO, 802468104. There is no subscription fee. Thursday, February 12, 4:30 p.m. is the deadline for the March edition. E-mail articles to Lyn Goodrum ([email protected]). Sunday Schedule • 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Worship • 9:15 a.m. Sunday School (September–May) Mission Statement Guided by the Holy Spirit, we gather in Christian community, reach out and invite, offer hope and healing in Jesus Christ, and walk humbly with God. Recently lifted up in prayer… For hope and healing: • Carole Berson, Arvid Brekke, John Carnes, Lorraine Kahler, Bea Jerke, Maxine Merten, Lee Reinhart, Francene Reiter, Riva Rennie, Ann Scott, Carol Tamminga, Lloyd Tokheim, Ann Wilken, Hank For comfort and courage: • Nancy Montagnoli in the death of her father, Carl Boatman • Jean Duncan in the death of her friend, Marge Burns • Family and friends of Lois Freed in her death • Family and friends of Kelli Hopwood in her death • Family and friends of Luverne Jorgensen in her death • Margaret Peterson in the death of her brother, Jerome Kochka • Jenna Milliken in the death of her cousin, Ben Kraft • Wanda McClune in the death of her husband, Walter McClune • Ann Scott in the death of her mother, Helen McQuaide • Ken and Leah Peden and family in the death of their son, Brad Peden • Family and friends of Mike Riese in his death • Family and friends of Verna Somers in her death • Brian Bernhard in the death of his cousin, Brenda Vaske • Babs Quist in the death of her sister, Trudie Weist • Family and friends of Shirley Will in her death Congregation Council President: Paul Blanchard Vice President: David Aarestad Secretary: Lana Farrington Treasurer: Greg Bickle Emmett Cruson | Stephen Daniel Pastor Tim Drom | Kirsten Jensen Greg Johnson | Kim Kouba Nick Massie | Noah McCartney Matt Miller | Linda Tinderholt Pastor Caitlin Trussell | Barbara Watts George Willoughby | Jeff Ziebarth Staff Tim Drom, Interim Senior Pastor Caitlin Trussell, Pastor Malise de Bree, Evangelist Specializing in Senior Ministry Yvonne Wilken, Children’s and Family Minister Lisa Mikolajczak, Finance Administrator Sheryl Stenseth, Faith Community Nurse Lyn Goodrum, Publications Administrator Julie MacDougall, Volunteer Ministry and Building Use LeEtta Choi, Silver Notes Director Cindy Lindeen-Martin, Minister of Music and Organist Dick Larson, Choral Director Angela Howard, Choristers and Y Hope Director Asmir Hodzic, Building and Grounds Manager Andrija Malbasa, Allan Brown, Custodians Kim Kouba, Cindy Maxwell, Wedding Coordinators Christie Baroody, Director, Augustana Early Learning Center 2 Prayers for Healing Sunday, February 8, 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. In his ministry, Jesus performed many different acts of healing. At his command, his disciples continued a ministry of healing which included the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. The Church continues these practices as part of its ministry in Christ. They express the Church’s earnest intercession for those in need of healing and wholeness. Each of us knows that in our lives there are broken places that need mending, empty places that need filling, hurting places that need forgiving and healing. A special opportunity for prayers will be added to worship, Sunday, February 8. You will be invited to come forward for the laying on of hands and prayers for spirit, soul, and body wholeness. A special prayer and instructions will be available in the bulletin that day to guide you through these moments. Pray for this dimension of Augustana’s ministry that builds on an ancient tradition and timeless conviction that God visits us with healing love. Staff News Planning to retire! Certification in Theology and Ministry from Princeton Seminary. Malise de Bree, Augustana’s Evangelist for Senior Ministry for the past ten years, has announced her retirement effective March 15. As Malise states in her resignation letter, “I am deeply grateful and honored to have served as Evangelist for Senior Ministry where I have been richly blessed by so many.” Title change Sheryl Stenseth, Augustana’s Parish Nurse, has changed her title to Faith Community Nurse. This is the title that is recognized by the American Nurses Association, and beginning in 2015, nurses will be able to be certified as Faith Community Nurses by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). All Parish Nurses were asked to change their title to eliminate any confusion with the position. We will publically honor Malise for her decade of ministry here at Augustana on March 15. Stay tuned for more details about that date as the planning takes shape. New Volunteer Ministry Coordinator Please join the Augustana staff in welcoming Julie MacDougall to the position of Administrator of Volunteer Ministry and Building Use. You will find her in the front office Monday through Thursday and around the church on Sunday mornings. We are grateful for the opportunity to add Julie to our team in mission and ministry. Julie MacDougall and her husband Eric have been members since June 2005. Since joining, she has been an active volunteer, including Congregation Council, Health Ministry, Augustana Connects, communion assistance and preparation, Global Mission and the Community Garden. Julie grew up on the sunny beaches of Florida and was raised in the Lutheran Church. She loves cooking, gardening, traveling and sports. She earned her MBA from Regis University and a Thank you for the gifts! Thanks, Augustana! Augustana Early Learning Center Thank you, Augustana, for the care, concern and love you showed to our family after Brad’s death. Your cards, visits, phone calls, and presence at his service helped so very much. To Pastor Caitlin, Pastor Swenson, Lyn, Cindy, Seki, LeEtta, Farrel and the Funeral Reception Committee, and the “Betty Circle,” special thanks for sharing your gifts. As we work our way through this grieving process, memories of Brad’s faith journey at Augustana, your kindness, and God’s grace will be our strength. • In memory of Brad Peden Augustana Foundation • In memory of Carol Carpenter Health Ministry • In memory of Verna Somers Special Gifts • In memory of Carl Boatman, Curt Gerber, Frank Gerber, Walter McClune, Coleen Morris, Arline Shaw, Jack Shaw, Verna Somers, Dorothy Toscano, Father World Hunger • In memory of Marge Tokheim Ken & Leah Peden and Jill Simpson 3 Lent Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18 Augustana will offer worship with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. New this year: Augustana’s Senior Luncheon will follow 11 a.m. Ash Wednesday worship on February 18! Whether you are a senior or not, you are invited to join us for lunch after worship. Make your lunch reservation with Augustana’s office (303-388-4678 or [email protected]) by Monday, February 16. What fuels us? continued from cover Pancake Supper to Benefit Metro CareRing Come to the pancake supper Ash Wednesday, February 18, 5:30–7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall, featuring hot pancakes, syrup, sizzling sausage, and orange juice, coffee or tea. Cost is $5 per adult; $3 per child; or $20 per family, payable at the door. Net proceeds will go to Metro CareRing, a Denver agency which assists needy families with food and counseling. Augustana’s group of Thrivent Financial will serve the supper, featuring renowned pancake flipper Greg Bickle! A Thrivent Action Team request will provide $250. Reservations are recommended; sign on the page below and place in the offering plate, or call Augustana’s office (303-388-4678). Questions? Call Katherine Cruson (303-696-7430). Yes, I/we will attend the Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper! Name Phone or e-mail Number of adults @ $5 Number of children @ $3 OR Number in family @ $20 per family 4 cannot give us happiness and peace apart from him, because it is not there. There is no such thing. Ash Wednesday, February 18, marks the beginning of the season of Lent. This would seem like the perfect time to get in touch with the “fuel” that powers our lives. We are going to try something different at Augustana this year. We will be offering what we are going to call “Midweek Lenten Studies.” They will be held on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. (By the way, the Thursday evening gathering will be preceded by a simple meal.) During this time we will be studying a book by Dr. David Lose, Making Sense of Scripture. Dr. Lose uses a very conversational style in his writing that gets to the heart of what we as Lutheran Christians believe about the Bible. So here is how you can participate: You can call Augustana’s office (303-388-4678) or e-mail Julie MacDougall ([email protected]) by Wednesday, February 11, and let her know you would like to register for one of the studies. The cost of the book is $12. You would need to pick up the book no later than Ash Wednesday and read the first chapter. Then come, either on Tuesday morning (February 24) or Thursday evening (February 26). Then repeat for the next four weeks. Be ready to share your insights as we together focus on the “fuel” that powers our lives. Tim Drom, Interim Senior Pastor Congregational Learning 40 days to BETTER LIVING— Optimal Health You want to feel better, and this book, written by Dr. Scott Morris, provides clear, manageable steps to get you there. During Lent, you are invited to be inspired to improve your faith, work, nutrition, movement, family and friends, emotions, and medical health and live a life filled with more joy, more love, and more connection to God. Sundays, February 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, Sheryl Stenseth, Augustana’s Faith Community Nurse, will lead a discussion on this 40-day plan, Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Corner Room. Please sign up with Augustana’s office (303-388-4678) by February 15 so we have enough books for everyone. Forty days and numerous ways to live a healthy life—come and join us on the journey! are a congregation who continues to confess the creeds into the 21st century while other congregations have chosen to put them on the back burner. Let’s talk about it! Annual Women’s Retreat Our annual women’s retreat will be held Friday, February 20, 4:30 p.m. through Saturday, February 21, 3 p.m. at the Loretto Spirituality Center, located at Wadsworth and Quincy in southwest Denver. Malise de Bree will lead us in discussing some of St. Paul’s best known passages, including 1 Corinthians 13, Philippians 4:8, 9, and Romans 8:28–39. While it is recommended that you lodge there, you can be a day attendee. The cost for the retreat, lodging, and three meals is $110. Some scholarship aid is available. Reservations are accepted at Augustana’s office (303-388-4678) until Tuesday, February 17. Hope to see you there! Adult Forum Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room • February 1 - Peter Severson, Director for Lutheran Advocacy, Colorado • February 8 and 15 – Study of upcoming lectionary texts, Pastor Tim, presenter • February 22, March 1, 8, 15 - Making Sense of the Cross, Pastor Caitlin Families Inspired Together (FIT) Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Rooms 2–3 • February 1, 8: Book discussion, No-Drama Discipline, by Daniel J. Siegel, Debbie Carter, presenter. “Creeds: Then and Now,” an offering of Augustana Connects (short-term small groups), will be offered at noon in the Ammerman Library, Sundays, January 25, February 1, 8, 15, and March 1, 8. Come and be part of the conversation, led by David Aarestad, about how creeds came to be developed in the early church. This is a good discussion to take part in since we Ammerman Library Curl up with a good book this winter! Newly purchased and donated books for you to read are Tip and the Gipper, China Run, Five Stones, Infidel, The Shack Revisited, and The Open Gate. Books children will enjoy are Bless this Mouse by Lois Lowry, A Butterfly is Patient and two others by D. A. Aston, and You Are a Gift to the World by Laura Daksta. There is a new bookshelf near the card catalogue designated for books on grief and death. Check out new books, First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom, The Will of God by Weatherhead, and Bringing Bubbe Home by Debra Zaslow. The cabinet in Fellowship Hall is featuring books on winter and quilts. On fourths Sunday, the Library Committee will continue to offer give-away books during Coffee Hour, 9–10:15 a.m. 5 Choral Elite Festival 2015 Nathan Payant, Sarah Harrison, Adam Cave, Chris Maunu, Directors Friday, February 20, 7:30 p.m. at Augustana a live performance of music inspired by Cavaillé-Coll organs on Augustana’s four manual, 64 rank, Reuter organ. Among the performers are notable area organists, including Frank Perko of Plymouth Congregational Church and Cindy Lindeen-Martin of Augustana Lutheran Church. Tickets ($24/adult, $15/senior/student, $8/children 5–12 years) are available online at or by calling 303-388-4962. The premier voices of three nearby high schools join together for an evening’s festival of song. Come and be mesmerized by the abundance of talent of the Bear Creek High School “Sounds of Bear Creek,” Cherry Creek High School “Meistersingers” and “Girls 21,” and Arvada West High School “Varsity Men’s Chorus.” Special pricing: Tickets ($15/adult, $10/senior/student, $5/children 5–12 years) are available online at www. or by calling 303-388-4962. Exploration of Aristide Cavaillé-Coll and the French Romantic period in organ music Documentary Film Screening of “The Genius of Cavaillé-Coll” and Organ Concert Friday, February 27, 7:30 p.m. at Augustana In collaboration with the American Guild of Organists, Denver Chapter and the Alliance Française, Augustana Arts presents an exploration of Aristide Cavaillé-Coll and the French Romantic period in organ music. Aristide Cavaillé-Coll (1811–1899) built five-hundred revolutionary organs in France in the Nineteenth Century that inspired composers such as Franck and Widor to write the most famous and popular organ music ever composed. The Genius of Cavaillé-Coll was filmed throughout France over nine months between 2011 and 2012. This magnificent movie sums up Cavaillé-Coll’s extraordinary life and career. Consequently, it received an award from the BBC Music Magazine as the best documentary for 2014. The program includes a screening of the film, a conversation about the French culture of the time, and 6 Volunteer Ministry Thankful Volunteers In November, a team of volunteers baked pumpkin bread and made “thank you” cards for Augustana’s neighbors. Nancy Vikman, Linda Tinderholt, Julene Campbell, Cathy Nyhus, Julie MacDougall, and Karen Monson delivered their bread and cards to homes on Fairfax Street. The cards included a note thanking the residents for being such great neighbors, the recipe for the pumpkin bread, and an invitation to the Thanksgiving Eve service and Pie Fest. This heartfelt gesture was appreciated by the neighbors they met. Thanks to Julene Campbell for organizing this thoughtful project. Want to meet people? Augustana is looking for welcoming personalities to greet members as they arrive on Sundays. If you like to meet new people and are willing, able, and dependable, we want you! Contact Julie MacDougall in Augustana’s office (303-388-4678 or macdougall@augustanadenver. org) for this or other volunteer opportunity ideas. Transition Team news Congregation Council Your Transition Team is still actively seeking your thoughts, hopes and vision for the future of Augustana. We have distributed our initial questionnaires during November and December worship services. If you have missed receiving any of the questionnaires or need another copy, please contact any of the Team members or download copies from Any Transition Team member will happily accept them, or they can be placed in the Call Committee mailbox. You may also return them electronically to [email protected]. If you haven’t already, you will notice that the Mission/ Vision and the Staffing/Personnel sub committees are also diligently gathering their vital information. The Transition Team Sub Committees are: Mission and Vision • Karen Aarestad • Steve Castellari • Sharon Schillereff Staffing • Kevin Flesch • Sue Fox • Nancy Montagnoli Self Study • Rhonda Crossen • Eric MacDougall • Brandon Stratton We will be presenting and available at the Adult Forum Sunday, March 22, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room. Congregational Meeting, February 22 Augustana will hold a congregational meeting, Sunday, February 22, 11:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall to receive year-end reports and recognize lay leaders who completed their elected terms. Prior to the meeting, a light lunch will be served. A free will offering will be taken to offset the cost. 2014 Annual Reports Financial reports are due to Finance Administrator Lisa Mikolajczak (mikolajczak@augustanadenver. org) by Friday, January 30. Comments, suggestions or concerns? Feel free to contact us ([email protected]). Written reports are due Sunday, February 8 to Publications Administrator Lyn Goodrum ([email protected]). Thanks, and remember, there is no “I” in Augustana, but there is an “US.” Contact Lisa and Lyn for forms and information. Attention, all Augustana committees, ministries and groups! Reports will be available to the congregation by Sunday, February 15. The Transition Team’s Mission and Vision sub-committee is actively seeking to meet with your groups. The team will be at a table in Fellowship Hall Sundays during Coffee Hour; or, you can contact Steve Castellari (478-227-8355) to make arrangements. Your thoughts and observations are vital in the creation of an accurate Mission Site Profile for the Augustana Senior Pastor call process. 7 Health Ministry February 2015 marks the 51st Anniversary of American Heart Month Stroke Spot a stroke FAST: President Obama’s proclamation ushers in the 51st anniversary of American Heart Month. This designation is aimed at increasing awareness that heart disease is the nation’s number 1 killer, claiming more lives than all forms of cancer combined. Did you know… • An estimated 83.6 million American adults have one or more types of Coronary Vascular Disease. • Approximately every 34 seconds, one American has a coronary event, and approximately every 1 minute 23 seconds, an American will die of one. • Each year, about 795,000 people experience a new or recurrent stroke. • On average, every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke. • Each year, about 55,000 more women than men have a stroke. • On average, every 4 minutes, someone dies of a stroke. • Stroke ranks number 4 among all causes of death. What are the warning signs? Heart Attack • Chest discomfort – usually in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. Can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, or pain. • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body— symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. • Shortness of breath—with or without chest discomfort. • Other signs—may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or light-headedness. 8 • Face Drooping: Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. • Arm Weakness: Is one arm weak or numb. Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? • Speech difficulty: Is speech slurred, are they unable to speak, or are they hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, like “the sky is blue.” Is the sentence repeated correctly? • Time to call 9-1-1: If the person shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get them to the hospital immediately. If any of the above signs are present CALL 9-1-1! Heart attack and stroke are life-and-death emergencies— every second counts. Today heart attack and stroke victims can benefit from new medications and treatments unavailable to patients in years past. For example, clotbusting drugs can stop some heart attacks and strokes in progress, reducing disability and saving lives. But to be effective, these drugs must be given relatively quickly after heart attack or stroke symptoms first appear. So again, don’t delay—get help right away! So what can you do? Work with your health care provider and lower your risk with American Heart Associations’ Life’s Simple 7: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Get active. Control cholesterol. Eat better Manage blood pressure. Lose weight. Reduce blood sugar. Stop smoking. For this article and for more information go to: • • Health and Wellness Opportunities Health and wellness opportunities are open to all Augustana members and friends. For information on programs offered (Firm Believers, Yoga, Foot Care Clinic, and Prayer Shawl Ministry) visit Augustana’s web site at or call the Faith Community Nurse office (303-388-4678 ext. 106). Sheryl’s office hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. and one other day during the week. She changes her voice mail every Monday morning with the hours she will be at the church that week. Please leave a message with any cares or concerns, and she will return your call as soon as possible. Couples Yoga for Valentine’s Day Friday, February 13, 6–7 p.m., Augustana’s Fellowship Hall. Cost: $15 per couple. Robyn Lambert, YogaFit Teacher Begin your Valentine’s celebration by joining us for an enjoyable, flexible, and creative class! Breathe together, guide and support one another, increase trust and communication, work together, and especially have fun together! Yoga means “union,” and couples yoga enhances our awareness of and sensitivity to others. Couples yoga strengthens and brings new depth to our relationships. Through our yoga practice we increase vitality, reduce stress, develop strength and endurance, and improve coordination and balance. Each person will need to bring a yoga mat. If you like, you can also bring a yoga strap, yoga block, blanket or towel, and water bottle. Robyn will have a few yoga blocks/straps to borrow (if needed). If interested, sign up with Augustana’s office (303-3884678). 9Health Fair: Call for Volunteers Help save lives by volunteering for the 9Health Fair. 9Health Fair is Colorado’s largest and most trusted nonprofit health fair program, thanks to the contribution of volunteers. Supporting the 9Health Fair has become a tradition at Augustana, and last year we served approximately 1,200 participants!! Be a part of this tradition by volunteering. The dates for Augustana this year are Monday, April 20 and Tuesday, April 21. Medical and nonmedical volunteers are needed. We need people that can volunteer either one or both days, 6:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Volunteer opportunities include: • Nonmedical: assist with registration, checking forms, interior traffic control, check out, and screenings such as height, weight, and vision. Contact Nancy Vikman (303-698-0968). • Medical (requires state licensure): blood pressure and glucose screening, phlebotomy, talk with a health professional, and optional screenings offered by health care professionals. Contact Joyce Thomson (303-757-4273 or djthomson@earthlink. net) or Sheryl Stenseth (303-388 4678, ext. 106 or [email protected]). Your involvement makes 9Health Fair possible. Thank you! Spring seed catalogs are arriving! Augustana’s Community Gardeners meet Sunday, February 8, 9:15 a.m. in Room 1 to start planning this year’s garden. If you are a gardener or just love being outdoors, please come to the meeting to share your thoughts and ideas. Contact Sheryl Stenseth (303-3884678 ext. 106 or [email protected]) if you need more information. 9 An Augustana gift promotes the health of villagers in Vietnam Can you imagine the following scenario? It was a thatched-roof, wood-paneled-wall dwelling used as a medical clinic covering a dozen scattered villages on a three-square-mile hilly area located in the northern region of the communist country of Vietnam. The inside of the building was packed with frail and sick looking elderly people interspersed with a halfdozen crying toddlers held on the laps of their mothers. They were waiting to be checked by the weekly visit of the ambulatory city medical team made up of two medical doctors, three nurses, and a social worker. All six visitors are Convent Sisters from Holy Rosary order, formed by a local bishop 25 years earlier, and their home-base is the city Bui Chu, Nam Dinh. They were authorized by their central government to deliver medical care to these “Confucian-buddhistic” underprivileged villagers on a weekly basis but were not permitted to stay in place for more than two days per visit. 10 After a three-and-a-half hour drive by motorbikes on narrow dirt roads, the sisters arrived at the clinic. One by one the visitors entered the poorly lit clinic through the only narrow door. The locals stood up with the same in-unison ritual: “In the name of Jesus Christ, we welcome you, Sisters.” carrying a heavy sagging rucksack backpack they had never seen before. Their eyes and mouth would be wide open with surprise, as the sisters take out of the backpacks then deposit on a table the two boxes containing the Echography portable machine and its accessories. But the team’s visit of today would bring an unexpected “realizable hope” for these forgotten poor and needy. As the medical team members take off their outercoat, the locals would quickly note that two of the sisters are each “The purpose of this sophisticated machine would be the enhancement of the diagnostic accuracy and the increased rapidity with which we would be able to tell you why you are here to see us. Furthermore, from now on, many of you will not have to be transported to our Convent Mini Hospital when you become ill. The majority of your diseases can be handled by our team right here with your relatives’ help,” announces the head medical doctor sister. The previous stupefaction observed on the locals’ faces would be instantly switched to a noticeable expression of joy. Obviously Linda and I have not witnessed this heartfelt appreciation from the villagers, but this scenario has been constructed in our imagination through email messages and Skype communications Dean has been having with the Sister General Secretary of the Bui Chu congregation. Sheryl, we both would like to share this imaginative joy with you and members of your Health Ministry Committee as well as with the president and members of Augustana Foundation. Without the heartfelt support of you all, this dream would never come through. Once again we both wish to express our sincere thanks to all of you on behalf of the overseas medical team and the people it takes care of half a world away from Denver. God bless, Dean and Linda Ducnuigeen We Christians are very fortunate to benefit from your compassion in assisting the underprivileged poor and needy living far away from available health care centers. Soon we will be able to offer more accurate and quicker diagnoses to these people while sparing them long and tiring trips to the city. I, as a spokesperson for our entire congregation, would like to express our sincere thanks to you and all the members of Augustana Health Ministry. You have made this possible. General Secretary Congregation of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Global Mission The suffering of the world thank you! In 2014 the people of Augustana contributed $20,978 to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) World Hunger Appeal. In addition, contributions toward the ELCA Disaster Relief, Malaria Campaign, and Good Gifts/Farms amounted to $9,184 for a total of $30,162. Thank you for your concern for “the least of these” and for your offerings which reach into our local community and around the world. These monetary gifts do change the lives of people, most of whom we will never know or see. Thankfully, we are part of a larger church body (the ELCA) that enables our offerings to reach people and places to which we do not or cannot go. Our lives and faith impact others for the sake of the Gospel. Thank you. God bless you. Green Team Recycling coffee cups and Inkjet cartridges The Green Team wishes to thank the congregation for supporting our efforts to reduce Augustana’s waste footprint. At the November congregational meeting, the church members voted to eliminate the use of Styrofoam cups in the church. We are already using ceramic coffee cups at Coffee Hour. We will be contacting other groups at Augustana to understand their concerns and resolve any issues. We have tentatively planned to purchase compostable cups to replace the use of Styrofoam cups. We plan to collect them and take them to the compost pile in the community garden. After decomposition they will provide nutrients for the garden and enhance the soil. In addition the Green Team is: 1. Investigating replacing existing CFL light bulbs with energy efficient LEDs where appropriate. We are looking at the best way to accomplish this—the cost as well as what rebates are available—and we will report back to the congregation when complete details are known. 2. Collecting used Inkjet printer cartridges (ONLY Inkjet cartridges—no laser) for recycling. Currently a box is located at Augustana’s information table across from the elevator on the Sanctuary level. We have located a company that will send us money for the recycled Inkjet cartridges. So please donate your used ones to our effort. We hope that the congregation will continue to support us as well as to contribute to our efforts to be good stewards of God’s beautiful creation here in Colorado. Augustana’s Green Team Global Mission Committee 11 Outreach Senior Ministry Colorado Faith Advocacy Day is February 16 February Senior Luncheon Save the date for Lutheran Advocacy MinistryColorado’s Faith Advocacy Day 2015! This year’s theme will be “Homelessness and Justice.” • When: Monday, February 16, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. • Where: Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 E. Hampden Ave. • Why: To live out God’s calling to you as a person of faith to advocate for justice for all people. Pre-register by sending your name, congregation/ ministry, and e-mail address to Peter Severson ([email protected]). Our February luncheon will follow the 11 a.m. Ash Wednesday service on February 18. Everyone, regardless of age, is welcome to stay for lunch in Fellowship Hall following worship, but we need your reservation to help Judy Nyquist plan a tasty luncheon for you. Please call Augustana’s office with your reservation (303-388-4678) by Monday, February 16. We welcome visitors, so invite a friend to join you for Ash Wednesday worship, food, and fellowship. Thrivent Financial Meeting, February 15 Children’s and Family Ministry Valentine packages for college students Parents of Augustana’s college students will assemble Valentine’s Day college care packages, Sunday, February 8, 11:30 a.m., Anna Paulson Room. Please join us with enough goodies for 25 kids: snacks, small study supplies, candy, Valentine goodies, microwave popcorn, etc. If you can’t join us in person, please leave your donation with Augustana’s office, marked “college care packages.” You can also send a check to Augustana to help defray shipping costs. Memo “College Care Packages.” Contact Joy Hawkins (Joy.Hawkins@ or 303-915-7645), Bill or Ellen Mangione ([email protected] or 303-3942289) or Jan Brown (JTBrown0407@hotmail. com). 12 The Thrivent Financial meeting February 15 will include 1) planning for the Ash Wednesday pancake supper on February 18 and 2) deciding on disbursements for Augustana groups, programs, or property. Requests for funds should include the name of the organization, amount of money, the purpose of the grant, and a contact person with telephone number and/or email address. Send your request by February 10 to KL-cruson@ so it can be considered at the February 15 Thrivent Financial meeting. Thrivent Choice Dollars have been generously designated by Thrivent members to Augustana Lutheran Church. Thrivent members may contact or 1-800-THRIVENT to designate your Choice Dollars at any time, but 2014 Choice Dollars must be designated by March 31, 2015. All Augustana members and friends are invited to the lunch, but only Thrivent members may vote for the Choice Dollars disbursements. Make reservations for the February 15 lunch ($5) with Katherine Cruson (303696-7430) by Friday, February 13. Fellowship Trailblazers Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake Recreation Area Saturday, February 21, leave Augustana’s south parking lot at 8 a.m. We will begin at the Red Rock Trailhead west of the town of Ward and head west on one of several trails. Location of this outing may change due to snow conditions. Rating: Easy to moderate Distance: As far as we can get in 2 hours, roundtrip Elevation: 10,000 to 10,200 feet Guide: Karen Kisch (720-283-9402) Metro East Rocky Mountain Synod Women’s Organization Spring Cluster Gathering Saturday, March 14, 9 a.m.–noon at Joy Lutheran Church (7051 E. Parker Hills Ct., Parker, 80138) Enjoy a morning of fellowship with devotions, brunch, business meeting, and entertainment including music by the SO JAzz’D Sweet Adeline Quartet and Bonnie DeLong in a dramatic presentation of “The Wife of Peter.” “The Wife of Peter,” presented by author and storyteller Bonnie DeLong, is a strong woman of conviction with a sense of humor who reflects on married life with Peter. This celebrated disciple was explosive yet devoted, and despite his flaws was the one whom Christ called to be the “rock.” He quit his job to follow “Messiah” and hang out with a bunch of single guys! How his wife must have reacted! Bonnie performs nationwide for churches of all denominations and varied community groups. She is a featured speaker for special worship services, meetings, conferences and church wide gatherings, entertaining and educating audiences of all kinds! For registration, information, and childcare, contact Gwen Wilhelm (303-841-2341) or Joy Lutheran Church (303-841-3739 or by March 6. Dial-a-Care 303-996-2733 Three-minute talks about God, faith, love, scripture, life, Christianity • • • • • • Katrina Tamminga Crook Lyn Goodrum Bob Johnson Don Troike Brad Uyemura E.L. Van Laningham 13 17 Luke Hankins Diane Van Horn 18 Sandy Barker Becka Black Alexandrea Cruz Betty Richards Erica Schmitt Nelouise Stapp 19 Tiana Beazer James Mattner Anna Rember Dorothy Ziebarth 20 Michael Bonicelli 21 David Aarestad Cole Hankins Megan Stone 22 Shaney Abbott 1 Craig Tamminga Todd Engdahl Merlin Nimrod Michael Shiveley Amy Tamminga 2 Gideon Earl, Micah Levy, Tanner Levy, Maya Stone, Ogden Willoughby 3 Linda Crow Randa Degerness Alexander Tucker 4 Patsy Miller Kira Morgenthaler 5 Eddie Kopperud Julie MacDougall Jerry Rehkow Gwen Sterner 6 Herman Ezpeleta Duane Gall Anijong Mayek Jenna Milliken Carla McConnell Larry Smeester 7 Andrew Harwell Malow Mayek Gayla McBride Jessie Rember Marcel Vierow 14 Sheryl Dirks Harry Esbenshade Rick Friesen 8 Jeremy Barrett 23 Dianne Nelson Erin Saboe 9 Arlene Morgan 24 10 25 Maia Kauffman 11 Sid Altum Kathleen Edstrom Lorna Schillereff 12 Geneva Corace Kay Madsen Sigurd Nelson 26 Joseph Alexis Donald Orendorff Wilbur Reimers 13 Sharon Heldt 27 Candace Jones 14 Jayden Barrett 28 Marcia Stevens Bernie Smith Donald Thomson 15 James Altum Marianne Bovee Jennifer Moore Lise Uhrich 16 Gail Bartels Kiere Gilbertson Michael Kouba Ater Mayek Bronwen VanOrdstrand If your name should have been on this list but wasn’t, please call Augustana’s office (303388-4678). Lent 1 8am Worship/Communion 9:15am Learning/Fellowship 9:15am New Members Class 10:30am Worship 11:30am Congregation Meeting See JASS below 22 Transfiguration of Our Lord 8am Worship/Communion 9:15am Learning/Fellowship 9:15am New Members Class 10:30am Worship/Communion 1:30am Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Noon “Creeds: Then and Now” See JASS below 9:30am Lenten Study: “Making Sense of Scripture” 1:30pm Senior Ministry Committee 1pm The Tower Assembly 5:30pm Yoga 7pm Prayer Hour 7pm Rachel Circle 10am 24 Foot Care Clinic Augustana Firm Believers Prayer Hour 5:30pm 6pm 7pm 7pm 7:30pm 8:30am 9:45am Presidents’ Day Augustana Firm Believers Prayer Hour Book Group 23 10am 10am 16 9:45am 15 Annual reports due! 10am 11am 1pm 6pm Yoga Augustana Ringers Prayer Hour Congregation Council Chancel Choir 9:30am Deborah Circle 5:30pm Executive Committee 5:30pm Yoga 6pm Children’s & Family Ministry Committee 6:30pm Theater and Theology: Benediction 7pm Augustana Foundation 7pm Prayer Hour 7pm Property Committee 17 10 Augustana Firm Believers Prayer Hour Prayer Team Mary Circle Stewardship Committee 9:45am Epiphany 5 Prayers for Healing 8am Worship/Communion 9:15am Learning/Fellowship 9:15am New Members Class 10:30am Worship Noon “Creeds: Then and Now” See JASS below 9 9:45am Lutheran Men of Greater Denver Augustana Firm Believers Augustana Ringers Chancel Choir Augustana Firm Believers Middle School Drop-In Augustana Ringers Chancel Choir 6pm 7:30pm 9:45am 25 Augustana Firm Believers Augustana Ringers Chancel Choir Ash Wednesday Augustana Firm Believers 11am Worship/Communion Noon Senior Luncheon 5:30pm Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper 7pm Worship/Communion 9:45am 18 6pm 7:30pm 9:45am 7:45am 11 6pm 6pm 7:30pm 4 Library Committee Yoga Prayer Hour 9am 5:30pm 7pm 8 9:45am Wednesday 3 Tuesday Ground Hog Day Augustana Firm Believers 10am Prayer Hour 7pm Augustana Early Learning Center Board 2 Monday Epiphany 4 Health Ministry Sunday 8am Worship/Communion 9:15am Learning/Fellowship 9:15am New Members Class 10:30am Worship/Communion Noon “Creeds: Then and Now” Noon Prayer Shawl Ministry See JASS below 1 Sunday 2015 Yoga Augustana Arts Board The Tower deadline Thursday Morning Bible Study Sarah Circle Yoga Thursday Morning Bible Study Phoebe Circle Yoga JAMMIN’ AUGUSTANA SUPER SUNDAYS 5:30pm Yoga 5:30pm Lenten Study: “Making Sense of Scripture” 26 5:30pm 6pm 19 9:30am 5:30pm 9:30am 12 9:30am 5:30pm 9:30am 5 Thursday Silver Notes Augustana Firm Believers Silver Notes Augustana Firm Believers 1pm 1:45pm 12:15pm 11:30am Valentine’s Day Retreat: Chancel Choir 28 8am Trailblazers: Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake 9am Retreat: Augustana Ringers 21 14 9am 7 Saturday Lunch, Senior High Drop-In Cherubs, Choristers, GraceNotes, Augustana Family Ensemble, Parent Groups Recorders, Y Hope, SONshine Ringers, Parent Groups BELLievers, Parent Groups Silver Notes Augustana Firm Believers 7:30pm Augustana Arts: Film Screening of “The Genius of Cavaille Coll” and Organ Concert 9:15am 9:45am 27 Silver Notes Augustana Firm Believers 7:30pm Augustana Arts: Choral Elite Festival 2015 9:15am 9:45am 20 9:15am 9:45am 13 9:15am 9:45am 6 Friday 5000 E. Alameda Ave. PHONE: 303-388-4678 Denver, CO 80246 WEB: Inside… Midweek and Sunday morning studies for Lent .................................................. cover, 5 The medical machine that Augustana helped send to Vietnam ...................................10 Recognize stroke and heart attack symptoms ................................................................8 How Augustana thanked its neighbors ............................................................................6 Staff changes ......................................................................................................................3 February music from around the world and around the corner ....................................6 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 5000 E. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80246 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Denver, Colo. Permit No. 118
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