Chartered June 10, 1988 Located in the home of Council #7438, Greenville, Texas The 13th Assembly to be instituted in the Third Texas District (Dallas/FortWorth/Tyler) Volume 28 Issue 2 ASSEMBLY OFFICERS 2014-2015 Publication of the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus FEB 2015 FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR’S MESSAGE From the editor: FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR Ron Pinkston PGK [email protected] 903-456-3141 Sir Knights Celebrate 115th FAITHFUL COMPTROLLER Dr. Bobb Mahrer PGK PFN FDD 903-450-0770 FAITHFUL FRIAR Fr. Loyd Morris KCHS FAITHFUL CAPTAIN Bert White GK FAITHFUL ADMIRAL Tony Huerta PGK/PFN FAITHFUL PURSER Ray Murphy PGK/PFN 903-454-9629 FAITHFUL SCRIBE Albert Menchaca FAITHFUL PILOT Mark Hemberger FAITHFUL SENTINELS Rick Bittner - Inner Danny Barrientos - Outer FAITHFUL TRUSTEES Rich Holsinger PGK/PFN (3) Jerry Selter PGK/PFN (2) John Fowler (1) Color Corps Commander TBA NEWSLETTER EDITOR Dr. Bobb Mahrer PGK PFN FDD [email protected] FEBRUARY MARKS 115th ANNIVERSARY OF FOURTH DEGREE: On February 22, 1900, the first exemplification of the Fourth Degree was held in New York City. The ritual added patriotism to the three original principles of the Order. The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism by promoting responsible citizenship and a love of and loyalty to country through active membership in the local assembly. The Fourth Degree emblem consists of three overlaid objects representing the Trinity. The Globe represents God and Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth. The Crusader’s Cross, similar to the cross which Knights use to wear into battle during the Holy Crusades, represents God the Son, Jesus Christ; and the dove represents God the Holy Spirit. The colors of Red, White, and Blue are the colors of the American Flag and are representative of the fourth principle---Patriotism. ASSEMBLY EVENTS FEBRUARY 2015 Support Vocations Write or call our seminarians and religious 02 – Ground Hog Day 14 – Valentine’s Day 16 – Business Meeting 16 – Presidents Day 18 – Ash Wednesday 22 – 115th Anniversary of Fourth Degree St. William Parish Mark Tamisiea Postulant Mary Mother of God Mission Society 22 Volodarskovo Street 690001 Vladivostok, Russia Currently studying in Rome for the Priesthood St. William Parish James Dorman Seminarian St. Mary Seminary 9845 Memorial Drive Houston, TX 77024 713-686-4345 FOR THESE WE PRAY FOR THE ILL • June Murphy, surgery, wife of Ray Murphy (Nov) • Joe Walker, kidney problems due to uric acid (Sep) • Ron Pinkston, knee replacement surgery (Aug) FOR THE FAITHFULLY DEPARTED • Ray Freeman, Oct 2014 (uncle to Rich Holsinger) • Maria Mahrer-Lollar, 06/02/2014 (sister to Bobb Mahrer) FOR THE MILITARY • Lt. Col. Grant Morris (US Army), is currently stationed at Fort Leavenworth, KS as an instructor for the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) (son of Fr. Loyd and Fran Morris). • Petty Officer 3rd Class Phillip Lara (US Navy), will be deployed this summer (son of Hector and Dena Lara) • Lt. Josh Lum (USMC), a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, has been redeployed to Afghanistan for this third tour (son of Joe and Kathy Lum) • Captain Paul C. White (US Army), has returned from his second tour in Iraq, and is now stationed at Fort Wood Missouri (son of Bert White) • Martin Holsinger (US Army), returned from his third tour in Iraq and is now back at work at L-3 (son of Rich and Phyllis Holsinger) • Lt. Col Eddie Kosterman III (USAF), is currently assigned at Wright-Patterson AFB as the base public health flight commander (son of Don and Suzie Kosterman II, Paris, TX) • Derek Evans (USMC) has returned from Afghanistan (grandson of Dr. Jim Neatherlin) • Jason Evans (USMC) was deployed to the Middle East (grandson of Dr. Jim Neatherlin) Prayer requests for the Faithfully Departed will normally run for 1 year. NEXT MONTH – Info for April 11, 2015 Fourth Degree Exemplification Schedule St. William Parish Sister Kira Lum Noviciate (2 year formation) Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother Zurita, Spain St. William Parish Brother Francis Davoren (aka: Chris Davoren) Monastery of St. Benedict Benedictine Monks of Norcia Via Reguardati, 06046 Province of Perguia, ITALY St. William Parish S. T. Martin Postulant Knights of the Holy Eucharist Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament 3222 CR 548 Hanceville, AL 35077 Pray for Vocations St. William Parish Sister Brooke Gauthier Join the McGivney Guild HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS of the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Hon. Rick Beacom JD Dr. Jim Neatherlin. Harvey Dorman Jr. Tony Nolan Jr. E. Don Kosterman Jr. Tony Schrick Wear a red shirt on Friday in honor of our troops. ONE NATION UNDER GOD February Birthdays 08 – Tony Huerta 19 – Ron Pinkston Patriotism In Memory of AL NICOLAS Supreme Master 1983-1987 Texas State Deputy 1969-1971 Greenville Knights Fr. Edward P. Harrison Council #7438 Chartered November 10, 1979, Greenville Texas Serving all the Catholic Parishes of Hunt County, Texas St. William Catholic Church at Greenville, St. Joseph Catholic Church at Commerce, Our Lady of Fatima Mission at Quinlan Volume 37 Issue 2 COUNCIL OFFICERS 2014-2015 GRAND KNIGHT Bert White email 903FINANCIAL SECRETARY D. J. Eichelman email 903CHAPLAIN Fr. Loyd Morris KCHS DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT John Ashmore CHANCELOR Mark Hemberger Publication of the Knights of Columbus FEB 2015 Events for February 01 – Youth Basketball Free-Throw Contest 01 – SUPER BOWL SUNDAY 02 – Council Meeting 08 – Corporate Breakfast 08 – First Degree 08 – Corporate Rosary 14 – Valentines Day 18 – Ash Wednesday 22 – Dallas Regional Free Throw 24 – Council Officers Meeting 26 – Presidents Day (Holiday) TREASURER Hector Lara ADVOCATE Rudy Stefancik RECORDER Dr. Max Plata WARDEN Danny Barrientos the Busiest Little Council in Texas GUARDS Ignacio Gomez (Inside) Chris Cuba (Outside) TRUSTEES Bobb Mahrer PGK (3 Years) Ron Pinkston PGK (2 Years) Bill Trelc (1 Year) LECTURER Dan Kaufman Youth Basketball Free-Throw February 1st at Greenville The council’s Annual Youth Basketball Free-Throw Contest for boys and girls ages 9 through 14 is set for Sunday, February 1, 2015 at the Greenville Christian School gym (8420 Jack Finney Blvd., also known as FM 1570) in Greenville. Volunteers are requested to report at 12:30 PM so that everything is ready for registration to begin at 1:00 PM. The freethrow contest will begin at 1:30 PM. The age group of 9-year olds has been added to the contest for the first time. All boys and girls will need to show a copy of their birth certificate validating their age as of January 1, 2014. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation. The winner of each age group for each gender will be awarded a special t-shirt. Volunteers are needed to help rebound and score each age group. Corporate Breakfast February 8th ST. WILLIAM CATHOLIC CHURCH: The council’s monthly corporate breakfast will be held in the Community Room of St. William Catholic Church Education Building on the second Sunday of the month, following the first mass only. Come enjoy pancakes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, biscuits, gravy, jelly, and soft flour tortillas. If you walk away hungry, it’s your own fault. (Donations accepted) Corporate Rosary and Chaplet of the Divine Mercy February 8th CORPORATE ROSARY: Bring your family to the council hall on the second Sunday of the month, and join other members in praying the Rosary and Chaplet of the Divine Mercy for pro-life. Start time is 5:30 PM. Refreshments will be served following the rosary. Events for March 02 – Council Meeting 08 – Corporate Breakfast 08 – First Degree 08 – Corporate Rosary 14 – St. Patrick’s Day 31 – Officers Meeting Celebrate the Green Events for April 04 – Easter Egg Hunt 05 – Easter Sunday 06 – Council Meeting 11 – Texas Trash Off Day 12 – Corporate Breakfast 12 – First Degree 12 – Corporate Rosary • Coming in April • Easter Egg Hunt • Texas Trash-Off Day • Scholarship Deadline • Coming in May • Mother’s Day Breakfast • Mayfest 2015 Fundraiser • Memorial Day Flag Project New Additional Venues This Year Vendor Show Car Show Silent Auction Additional Children Activities and Menu Father and Son Columbus Club Holds Complete First Degree Annual Meeting GREENVILLE: Jose Reyes, center front, and his son Joseph Reyes, center right, completed their First Degree on Sunday, January 18th, at the Greenville Knights of Columbus Council Hall. Also pictured, from left, are Financial Secretary D. J. Eichelman, District Deputy Pat Conway (team Chancellor), Grand Knight Bert White (team Grand Knight), Past Grand Knight Ray Murphy (team Warden), Chancellor Mark Hemberger (team Deputy Grand Knight and team captain), Reyes, Inside Guard Ignacio Gomez (team Inside Guard), Reyes, Stan Martin (team Aide), and Field Agent Efrain Moreno who also filled in as the team Music Man. Not shown is Bill Trelc (team Financial Secretary). Photo courtesy of Past Grand Knight Bobb Mahrer. COUNCIL CORNER The officers of the Greenville Columbus Club held their annual meeting on January 21, 2015. The following council officers were re-affirmed as Club officers per the Club By-Laws: President Ron Pinkston (immediate Past Grand Knight), Vice President Bert White (Grand Knight), and Secretary John Ashmore (Deputy Grand Knight). The following council trustees were re-affirmed as trustees of the Club per the Club By-Laws: Trustee (3 years) Bobb Mahrer, Trustee (2 years) Ron Pinkston, and Trustee (1 year) Bill Trelc. The following were elected from at-large per the Club By-Laws: Treasurer Dan Kaufman, Trustee (3 years) Rudy Stefancik and Max Plata, Trustee (2 years) Ray Murphy and Mark Hemberger, and Trustee (1 year) Curtis Scott and and Peter Mosher. Reports were provided under Finance Reports and Committee Reports, and the lease agreement between the Club and Greenville Columbus Property Corporation was approved under New Business. Regional Free-Throw Set for February 22nd The Dallas Regional Basketball Free Throw Contest is scheduled for Sunday, February 22, 2015 at Bishop Dunne High School (3900 Rugged Dr.) in Dallas. Participant check-in begins at 1:00 PM followed by the contest at 2:00 PM. All participants must show proof-of-age prior to the start of the contest through a copy of an official government document (i.e., birth certificate or passport). PRAY FOR THE ILL • Dr. Max Plata, surgery (Jan’15) • Mary Hodapp, hospitalized (Jan’15) (mother of John Hodapp) • Ben Dziercyk • Sue Miller (wife of John Miller) • Charles Ranly • Curtis Scott • Carol Walker (wife of Joe Walker) PRAY FOR THE MILITARY • Chief Warrant Officer Raul D’Souza, (US Army), just completed two years of active duty in Afghanistan with the 82nd Air Borne. He is presently a Flight Instructor at Fort Rucker, Alabama training new pilots. He is the son of member Tony D’Souza. JANUARY 2015 AWARDS Knight of the Month Chris Cuba Lady of the Month Carolyn Ashmore Family of the Month Dan and Sue Miller Youth Basketball Free-Throw GREENVILLE: The Greenville Council of the Knights of Columbus hosted their Annual Youth Basketball Free-Throw Contest for boys and girls ages 9 through 14 at the Greenville Christian School gym on Sunday, February 1, 2015. The winners are (front row from left: Claire Neivandt of Lone Oak (girls age 14), Ashleigh Norman of Greenville (girls age 13), Josie Jenkins of Greenville (girls age 12), Ashley McCarthy of Greenville (girls age 11), Jenny Jenkins of Greenville (girls age 10), Sallie Ann Moser of Lone Oak (girls age 9), Cory Turner of Greenville (boys age 9), Jace Horton of Yantis (boys age 10), Clay Gibson of Greenville (boys age 11), Xavier Johnson of Greenville (boys age 12), Brayden Hudspedth of Greenville (boys age 13), and Cooper Arnold of Greenville (boys age 14). Back row (from left ) are District Deputy Pat Conway of Nevada, Greenville Council Grand Knight Bert White, and Greenville Council Free-Throw Chairman Chris Cuba. The winners will proceed to the regional free-throw contest set for Sunday, February 22, 2015 at Bishop Dunne High School in Dallas. Winners of the regional free-throw contest will advance to the state free-throw contest set for May 2, 2015 at Antonian High School in San Antonio. Jenny Jenkins and Josie Jenkins are the granddaughters of Mike and Connie Lewis. Claire Neivandt is last year’s state champion for girls age 13. GREENVILLE: Gene Nelson’s daughter, Cecelia, takes on the challenge of the girls age 14 category during the council’s Annual Youth Free-Throw Basketball Contest held at the Greenville Christian School gym on Sunday, February 1, 2015. Behind her in the orange shirt is Breann Mulcahy, daughter of Bill Mulcahy. Photo above, Mark Hoelting observes closely while he keeps score. Youth Basketball Free-Throw GREENVILLE: Past Grand Knight Rich Holsinger keeps careful score during the council’s Annual Youth Basketball Free-Throw Contest held at the Greenville Christian School gym on Sunday, February 1, 2015. GREENVILLE: Past Grand Knight Jerry Selter (center) looks on while Grand Knight Bert White (left) and Food Baskets Chairman Bill Mulcahy (right) take care of registration at the council’s Annual Youth Basketball Free-Throw Contest held at the Greenville Christian School on Sunday, February 1, 2015. Other members who assisted with the event included Free-Throw Chairman Chris Cuba, Bob Forst, Mark Hoelting, Past Grand Rich Holsinger, Bill Mach, Past Grand Knight Bobb Mahrer, Pro-Life Chairman Gene Nelson, Tony Schrick (PGK. FDD), Council Advocate Rudy Stefancik, and Council Trustee Bill Trelc. GREENVILLE: Rudy Stefancik (left) looks on and ready to rebound the next loose basketball while Bob Forst (right) keeps score during the council’s Annual Youth Basketball Free-Throw Contest held at the Greenville Christian School gym on Sunday, February 1, 2015. GREENVILLE: Bob Forst (left) keeps score during the council’s Annual Youth Basketball Free-Throw Contest held at the Greenville Christian School gym on Sunday, February 1, 2015. The Busiest Little Council in Texas Coming in May --- MAYFEST 2015 K of C Insurance Program What Can a K of C Annuity Do For You? Efrain Moreno, FIC, FICF Field Agent P.O. Box 70 Royse City, TX 75189 US 214-289-8819 Cell An annuity can provide you income that you cannot outlive, if you select a life option settlement option. (Not Mandatory) You do not have to choose the distribution election ( settlement option) until you are ready for the income. Here is what else an annuity can be used for: • Annuities can be tax qualified accounts (IRA, 401-K, SEP, 403B, ROTH and similar accounts) or non-qualified cash accounts • Funded by New Money Deposits or Existing Account Rollover/Transfers • Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate (1.5%) • Interest earned is set quarterly by the Board of Directors. You can earn no lower than the minimum interest rate and currently can enjoy even a higher rate. • One time opening deposits of only $300.00, an excellent way to secure your family’s fraternal advantage • Flexible deposits, one time or even monthly • No Administrative or Account Fees • Interest accumulation is tax deferred • Withdraws and Distributions can be set up on a variety of options. We can base it on sole life, joint life, interest only, fixed amount or a fixed period. • Privatized death benefits with beneficiary designation • Balances are transferable to surviving spouses upon death with no charges allowing Income to continue to be deferred and avoiding forced taxation CALL FOR CURRENT RATES AND SEE IF AN ANNUITY HELPS YOUR PORTFOLIO! Fraternally. Efrain KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS INSURANCE - Protecting Your Family for Life” PERMANENT PLANS ANNUAL RENEWAL PLANS LONG TERM PLANS Whole Life Ultra Premier Term Whole Life Limited Payment Life Premier Term Limited Payment Life Discover Level Term Discover DuaLife 10 Year, 15 Year, 20 Year DuaLife DECREASING TERM PLANS ANNUITIES DISABILITY INCOME PLANS What’s Going On in the Dallas Diocese Diocese of Dallas Knights of Columbus Recognition Mass Major Degree Award for Service to Church for all First Degree Members February 7, 2015 February 7, 2015 Saturday, 10:00 AM Saturday, 8:00 AM Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe 2215 Ross Ave. Dallas, TX 75201 (downtown, corner of Ross and Pearl) Bishop Kevin Farrell Duncanville Council 8157 Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1111 Danieldale, Duncanville, TX 8:00 AM Breakfast, 9:00 AM Confer Degrees District Deputy Bill Dover (214-552-5678) Knights of Columbus TX Special Olympics Dallas Region Free Throw Basketball Competition for all District Free Throw Winners Supported by K of C (Volunteers Needed) February 22, 2015 February 28, 2015 Sunday, 1:00 PM Saturday, 11:00 AM Bishop Dunne High School 3900 Rugged Drive Dallas, TX 1:00 PM Registration, 2:00 PM Contest Roy Rabenaldt [email protected] Grand Prairie High School 100 High School Dr. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (Student Activity Center) Phil Coup 972-966-3773 TX Special Olympics Knights of Columbus Basketball Competition Corporate Communion Supported by K of C (Volunteers Needed) for all Members and their Families March 3, 2015 March 7, 2015 Saturday, 11:00 AM Saturday, 10:00 AM Cedar Hill High School 1 Longhorn Blvd Cedar Hill, TX 75104 Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe 2215 Ross Ave. Dallas, TX 75201 (downtown, corner of Ross and Pearl) Diocesan Deputy Roger Scott 214-497-3861 Phil Coup 972-966-3773 THE DIRECTORY GREENVILLE GREENVILLE COUNCIL DIRECTORY PROPERTY CORPORATION DIRECTORY 2014-2015 2014-2015 GRAND KNIGHT Bert White GK FINANCIAL SECRETARY D.J. Eichelman PGK/PFN CHAPLAIN Fr. Loyd Morris DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT John Ashmore DGK CHANCELLOR Mark Hemberger ADVOCATE Rudy Stefancik TREASURER Hector Lara RECORDER Dr. Max Plata WARDEN Danny Barrientos GUARD Inside Ignacio Gomez GUARD Outside Chris Cuba TRUSTEE (3 Year) Dr. Bobb Mahrer PGK/PFN TRUSTEE (2 Year) Ron Pinkston PGK/PFN TRUSTEE (1 Year) Bill Trelc LECTURER Dan Kaufman ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY Dr. Max Plata BREAKFAST CHAIRMAN Chris Cuba COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR Dr. Bobb Mahrer PGK/PFN EASTER EGG HUNT Bill Mulcahy FIRST DEGREE TEAM TBA FOOD BASKETS CHAIRMAN Bill Mulcahy FOOTBALL SWEEPSTAKES Ray Murphy PGK/PFN FREE THROW CHAIRMAN Chris Cuba FRIDAY KNIGHTS CHAIRMAN Curtis Scott PGK INSURANCE AGENT Efrain Moreno INSURANCE LIASON Tony Schrick PGK/PFN MAYFEST CHAIRMAN John Ashmore MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Mark Hemberger OKTOBERFEST CHAIRMAN Tony Huerta PGK/PFN PRO-LIFE CHAIRMAN Gene Nelson RED RIBBON CHAIRMAN Jerry Selter PGK/PFN RETENTION CHAIRMAN TBA SAFE ENVIRONMENT Bill Mulcahy SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN Dr. Max Plata SHOE BOX PROJECT Tony Schrick PGK/PFN SONOGRAM CHAIRMAN Tony Huerta PGK/PFN WEB MASTER Dr. Bobb Mahrer PGK/PFN PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT FINANCIALSECRETARY PROPERTY MANAGER BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS TRUSTEE (3 Year) TRUSTEE( 2 Year) TRUSTEE (1 Year) RENTAL AGENT RENTAL AGENT RENTAL AGENT Dr. Max Plata Vacant Roy Homfeld Rudy Stefancik John Ashmore Danny Barrientos Jack Crider Dan Kaufman Dr. Bobb Mahrer PGK/PFN Ron Pinkston PGK/PFN Bill Trelc John Ashmore Curtis Scott PGK Rudy Stefancik GREENVILLE COLUMBUS CLUB DIRECTORY 2014-2015 PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER BAR (TABC) MANAGER BOARD MEMBER Trustee 3 yr BOARD MEMBER Trustee 2 yr BOARD MEMBER Trustee 1 yr BOARD MEMBER At Large 3 yr BOARD MEMBER At Large 3 yr BOARD MEMBER At Large 2 yr BOARD MEMBER At Large 2 yr BOARD MEMBER At Large 1 yr BOARD MEMBER At Large 1 yr Ron Pinkston PGK/PFN Bert White GK John Ashmore DGK Dan Kaufman Rich Holsinger PGK/PFN Bobb Mahrer PGK/PFN Ron Pinkston PGK/PFN Bill Trelc Rudy Stefancik Max Plata Ray Murphy PGK/PFN Mark Hemberger Curtis Scott PGK Peter Mosher DALLAS DIOCESE TEXAS STATE COUNCIL 2014-2015 STATE DIRECTOR for STAR COUNCILS Dr. Bobb Mahrer Greenville, Texas STATE EDITOR for NEWSLETTER Dr. Bobb Mahrer Greenville, Texas 2014-2015 DIOCESAN DEPUTY Roger Scott 214-497-3861 (cell) [email protected] DISTRICT DEPUTY #87 Pat Conway 214-552-5678 (cell) [email protected] ASST DIOCESAN DEPUTY ASST DIOCESAN DEPUTY Roy Rabenaldt Jim Kowalski (Membership) 214-533-6558 (cell) 214-663-3657 (cell) [email protected] [email protected] THE MARKET PLACE Clergy Anniversaries In Unity With Our Priests Rev/Fr. Paul Weinberger, Pastor St. William Catholic Church Ordained May 20, 1989 Celebrating 25 Years Rev/Fr. Marcus Chidozie, Admin St. Joseph Catholic Church Commerce, Texas Ordained August 15, 1993 Celebrating 21 Years Rev/Fr. Loyd Morris Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Mission Quinlan, Texas Ordained February 18, 1995 Celebrating 19 Years Rev/Mr. Lee Davis, Deacon St. William Catholic Church Ordained June 2, 1979 Celebrating 35Years Rev/Mr. Ismael Guerra, Deacon St. William Catholic Church Ordained May 27, 1978 Celebrating 36 Years Donating your shoes never made more cents! See the deposit box at: Knights of Columbus Hall 2705 Sunset Strip Greenville, TX 75402 All proceeds go to the Knights of Columbus Wheelchair Mission Tony Schrick, Chairman The Goal: Star Council Have you asked a Catholic man to be a Knight? Degree Team Captain Mark Hemberger reports that the First Degree Team will meet on the second Sunday of the month. Mark further reports that the team will conduct a practice if there are no candidates. THE MARKET PLACE Rent “The Hall” for Club Meetings Holiday Parties Special Dinners Birthday Parties Family Reunions Social Gatherings Business Meetings Anniversary Parties Wedding Receptions Knights of Columbus 2705 Sunset Strip Greenville, TX 75402 903-455-9062 Leave Message Contact: Rudy Stefancik John Ashmore Curtis Scott 903-455-4115 903-634-5005 903-408-9931 THE MARKET PLACE Rent the Knights of Columbus Hall for your favorite occasion. Knights of Columbus 2705 Sunset Strip Greenville, TX 75402 903-455-9062 Leave Message Contact: Rudy Stefancik John Ashmore Curtis Scott 903-455-4115 903-634-5005 903-408-9931
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