Invitation to Tender Filming at SNS2015: The Sea of Opportunity 4th & 5th March, 2015 1 Invitation to Tender – Filming at SNS2015 The East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) is the industry association for energy in the East of England, representing around 400 members across the supply chain. We are a non-profit, businessled group committed to the sustained development of the energy sector in the East of England and the continued success of our members. Our members operate throughout the energy sectors from oil, gas, wind, wave & tidal, bio-energy, and nuclear through to decommissioning, carbon capture & storage (CCS), distribution and transmission and conventional generation We are committed to the delivery of benefits to our members. This is through a comprehensive programme of events and industry led activities. Our core programmes and projects are geared towards the sustained development of the energy industry in the East of England. SNS Offer: EEEGR’s key flagship event is SNS: The Sea of Opportunity, it is the most important conference for the offshore energy industry in the East of England. The Southern North Sea Conference 2015 will be the biggest conference and exhibition that EEEGR has ever delivered. Additional info about EEEGR EEEGR have received European funding which will assist in part-financing the cost of this campaign under the EEEGR - Catalyst for the Energy project. This project is part financed by the European Regional Development Fund Programme 2007 to 2013 and therefore it is imperative that all ERDF guidelines in respect of publicity, promotion and procurement are adhered to. (The Department for Communities and Local Government is the managing authority for the European Regional Development Fund Programme, which is one of the funds established by the European Commission to help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support local businesses and create jobs. For more information visit Tender Brief: The East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) is organising its biggest two-day event to date on March 4th and 5th 2015 and requires a film company to produce comprehensive film coverage for the event. This will include: • Filming of the key conference sessions 2 • Providing a broad coverage of the exhibition. • Face-to-camera interviews with speakers on pertinent industry issues. • Face-to-camera interviews with certain exhibitors and sponsors (to be decided with EEEGR in advance of the event). • Coverage of the SNS Gala Dinner on the 5th March. The contractor appointed for this tender will be acting for and on behalf of EEEGR and acting as an ambassador for the association. Final video design will be agreed with EEEGR and contractor will then produce all artwork for approval. This needs to sit within the EEEGR brand guidelines. Each tender should include: • • • • • Please supply a summary of strategic fit/relevance and your company’s experience working within the energy (or similar) industry. Please could you clarify your company resource and if any part of this should be outsourced and please confirm their relevance to the role/task allocated. Does your company have any further opportunity ideas or other value added benefits which would fit well for this project and enhance the reputation of EEEGR and their appointed contractor? Your tender should include information about the turn-around time for video production following the event. Please also provide information regarding the format in which the videos will be delivered to us. Management of the Tender: The contract will be awarded by EEEGR. The company will be bound by a confidentiality agreement and EEEGR standard terms and conditions, as found in Appendix 1. Criteria for Evaluating Tenders: The selection criteria and areas to be covered by the tender are; Criteria Weighted Criteria for Tender Evaluation % Price (production, editing and distribution) Capacity (ability to manage inhouse/outsource) Experience (industry sector or similar) Methodology 3 25 25 25 25 Notification of Outcome EEEGR is not bound to accept the lowest priced quotation or indeed any quotation. EEEGR also reserves the right to accept all or any part of a quotation. A final decision on the award of contracts will be subject to the satisfactory outcome of any negotiations, or any outstanding issues being resolved. Successful applicants will be offered a contract with EEEGR based on the tender submitted and will be expected to deliver the activities and outputs specified. All expenditure and activity must be completed by the date stated in the tender specification. Tender Deadline: Any questions regarding this tender must be submitted by email to Jess Bacon ([email protected]) by 12.00pm, 28th November 2014. Answers to these questions will be circulated the week commencing 1st December. Interested companies are invited to respond to this Invitation to Tender in writing by 12.00pm, 12th December, 2014. The tender panel will meet on week of 15th December to review responses received. It is entirely the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that tenders are delivered by the deadline. Please note that the requirements of open and competitive tendering prevent the acceptance of late submissions at any stage or under any circumstances. Please note that shortlisted companies may be invited in for an interview/presentation in the New Year. Please submit your tender/proposition to: Jess Bacon EEEGR Beacon Innovation Centre Beacon Park Gorleston Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR31 7RA Please mark the tender envelope clearly with “SNS2015 Filming”. 4
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