dk;kZy; iqfyl mi egkfujh{kd] xqzi dsanz] ds0fj0iq0cy]fiatkSj]iapdqyk¼gfj;k.kk½ OFFICE OF THE DIGP, GROUP CENTRE , CRPF, PINJORE,PUNCHKULA (HARYANA) Telephone: C/R- 0173-3266257 Fax:- 0173-3266251,-mail:- [email protected] ====================================================================== T/E No.B.V.1/2014‐15-GCP‐BLDG Dated, the 29 Dec ‘2014 Tender Cost Rs Rs 100/- ( One hundred) only TENDER NOTICE On behalf of the President of India, the DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Pinjore, Panchkula, (Haryana) PIN Code - 134104 invites sealed Tenders from approved, eligible and registered firms, and those on appropriate list of IP&T, ITBP, M.E.S., CPWD, and State P.W.D under two bid system for the work of “REPLACEMENT OF PVC AND WOODEN DOOR OF TYPE-I AND II QUARTER OF GC CRPF CAMPUS,PINJORE,PANCHKULA (HARYANA). Tender forms can also be downloaded from the CRPF website or Earnest Money : Rs. 10,000/(Ten thousand) only Branch Code No10471 : 1100 hrs on 30 /01/2015 Tender will be accepted upto Tender will be opened on Validity of offer S/N 1 : 1100 hrs on 30/01/2015 : The tender/rates quoted shall remain open for acceptance till 90 days from the date of opening of tender. Time allowed for completion of work : 35 Days Qty Nomenclature Rate Providing and fixing of 25 mm thick PVC flush door shutters size 70 29”x81” made out of a one piece Multi chamber extruded PVC Nos section of the size of 762 mm X 25 mm or less as per requirement with an average wall thickness of 1 mm (± 0.3 mm). Door shutter shall be reinforced with special polymeric reinforcements as per manufacturer’s specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge to take up necessary hardware and fixtures duly fitting Aluminum handle size 125 mm – 02 Nos and M.S Tower bolt size 150x10 mm – 03 Nos . 2 3 Providing of fixing wooden door shutter size 33”x81” having 35 mm graded wooden frame duly fitted in side 12 mm plain particle board flat pressed of graded wood particle board medium density including painting with branded paint as required and fixing M.S sliding door bolt size 250x16mm -01 Nos, M.S Tower bolt size 200x10mm – 02 Nos and M.S Handle size 125 mm – 02 Nos Providing of fixing wooden door shutter size 37”x81” having 35 mm graded wooden frame duly fitted in side 12 mm plain particle board flat pressed of graded wood particle board medium density including painting with branded paint as required and fixing M.S sliding door bolt size 250x16mm -01 Nos, M.S Tower bolt size 200x10mm – 02 Nos and M.S Handle size 125 mm – 02 Nos 51 Nos 24 Nos Amount ////2//// Condt P/No.2.. I. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES: 1. Intending tenderers must read the terms and conditions carefully and submit their tenders if they consider themselves eligible and are in possession of all the required documents by 1100 hrs on 30/01/2015. 2. All tender documents attached with this invitation to tender including specifications are sacrosanct for considering any offer as complete offer. It is therefore, important that each page of the tender documents duly completed and signed is returned with your offer. Envelope (sealed) 3. Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenders at 1100 hrs on 30/01/2015. 4. The firm should submit the tender within proper sealed envelope duly endorsing full address of the firm, tender notice number, date of the tender. Due date and time should be written in bold letter on the top of the envelope. 5. Each tender should be two parts i.e Technical bid and Price bid. The bidder Should seal the Technical bid and Price bid in separate covers duly superscripted and both these sealed covers are to be put in a bigger cover which should also be sealed and duly superscripted. 6. Details required to be furnished by all bidders in Technical/Price bid in separated envelope are as under:a) TECHNICAL BID i) All pages of tender documents duly completed and signed without indicating the rates quoted. Full name and status of the person signing the tender documents must be clearly mentioned. ii) Earnest Money Deposit. iii) Copy of registration in CPWD / MES / State PWD / ITBP / IP&T or any other Govt. organization related to construction. iv) Copy of PAN card and TIN registration. v) Copy of previous performances / experience. vi) Any other relevant documents which the firms wishes to submit. b) PRICE BID i) Details of rates, taxes, duties and discounts if any quoted by the bidder. These details should be submitted on the letter pads of the suppliers/Contractor. ii) Rates must be clearly written in figures as well as in words. iii) There must not be any cutting/over writing. iv) Cost of dismantle PVC and wooden door may also be shown separately by the bidder which will be reduce out of the total value of assigned task and same will be disposed by the bidder on own arrangement. 7. Tenderers are requested to submit Tender documents well before the date of opening tender to avoid last minute rush. In case the date of opening of tender happens to be a closed holiday, the tenders will be opened on second working day at the stipulated time. 8. While opening the tenders, the technical bid will be opened first instance and evaluated by the competent committee or authority. If the firm fails to fulfill condt P/No.3… /////3///// at the conditions specified in the tender notice and fails to attach the documents as asked above, the tender will be rejected immediately. At the second stage, financial bids of firm will be opened for further evaluation and ranking before awarding the contract. 9. The works required to be executed on credit basis and no interest will be payable on the delayed payment. The payment will be made direct to the Firm/ Contractor bank account through ECS on recoupment of bill. Payment in advance or immediately cannot be made. 10. The rates will remain open for 6 months. 11. VAT/LC/CST/GST/TIN number of the firm should be clearly shown / quoted in the tender. 12. Firm should deposit EMD Rs 10000/- and tender cost Rs 100/- as mentioned above along with the quotation. The EMD and Tender cost money is acceptable in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any of the commercial banks drawn in favour of THE DIGP, GROUP CENTRE, CRPF,PINJORE. Cash EMD will not be accepted. [Bankers: SBI, Pinjore, (CodeNo.10471). 12. The Earnest Money shall remain valid and be deposited with the Purchaser /department for a period of 90 days from the date of tender opening. If the validity of the tender is extended, the validity of the BG/or any other alternate document submitted in lieu of earnest money will also be suitably extended by the tenderer, failing which their tender after the expiry of the aforesaid period shall not be considered by the purchaser/department. 13. No interest shall be payable on the earnest money deposited by the tenderer. 14. The Earnest Money of the successful tenderer shall be returned after the security deposit as required in terms of the contract is furnished by the tenderer. 15. Earnest money deposits of all the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned as early as possible after the expiry of bid’s validity, but not later than 30 days after placement of contract. 16. The work must be started within 05 days from the date of award of work. 17. Performance security deposit will also be furnished by every successful bidder. Performance security would be for an amount of 5% of the total value of the contract and should be submitted within 15 days of the receipt of supply/work order. The Security deposits will be returned subject to completion of the work within the stipulated period. If the successful tenderer fails to furnish the security deposit as required in the contract within the stipulated period, the earnest money shall be treated as performance security deposit for all practical purposes. Condt P/No.4.. 18. //////4/// The performance security deposit submitted by the supplier will remain valid at least for 90 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations of the supplier including guarantee/warrantee obligations. 19. The performance security deposit shall be withheld or forfeited in full or part in case the work order is not executed satisfactorily within the stipulated period or requisite standard within the guarantee period is not undertaken to the best satisfaction of the user/department. 20. The decision of the DIG GC, CRPF, Pinjore shall be final and binding in all matters pertaining to refund the Security/ Earnest Money. 21. If the tenders failed to supply the stores/execute the work within stipulated period (unless extended) the security money will be forfeited. 22. Quotations can be sent through Speed / Registered post / Courier in favour of the DIGP, GC, CRPF, Pinjore, Distt- Panchkula ( Haryana) PIN 134104 or dropped in Tender box within the target date. 23. The representative of the firms who responded to our tender inquiry can be present at GC CRPF Pinjore at the time of opening of tenders on the tender opening day. 24. The Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel the notice without assigning any reasons. II. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 01. The prospective tenderer should visit the site and acquaint themselves of the conditions existing, restrictions in movement/working hours/security aspects/conditions of the job. No complaints of losses of labour items of work not included in the scope of work, variation etc., will be entertained at a later date. The prospective tenderer should have adequate past experience in handling similar works. 02. No advance payment shall be made. However monthly payment or at such higher interval as desired by the contractor can be made within 15 days of the succeeding month subject to satisfactory work. 03. The contractor shall employ qualified/trained/skilled personnel for the labour work and will provide the civil/electrical material of standard ISI quality or as approved/prescribed by CPWD, during execution of the work. 04. The contractor shall be fully responsible for setting all claims and indemnify the department against any claims arising out of any accidents to the hired staff/laborers, loss of construction or other material etc. 05 This contract can be determined by the Competent authority without assigning any reasons by giving a notice of a period of 15 days at any time during the period of contract. No claim for any compensation will however be entertained on such termination prior to the expiry of stipulated period of contract. Condt P/No.5.. 06. /////5//// No travelling allowance, boarding, lodging, overtime allowance dearness allowance, transport facilities etc., shall be provided for carrying out the labour works. These are deemed to the included within the quoted rates. 07. Preventive maintenance is the responsibility of the contractor. 08. All Tools, construction material, water & electricity etc required for execution of the work shall be arranged by the successful tenderer. No extra payment shall be made on this account. 09. The successful tenderer should take over the above installation for execution of the work within 5 days from the date of award of work and hand over back to the department after completion of the work as per the estimate. Sd 29/12/2014 (Sarbjit Singh) DIGP,GC CRPF, Pinjore THI
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