ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI 600 025 TENDER NOTICE Tender Ref No. 115/PP4/Printing/2015 On-line Tenders in two Bid System for the Supply and Installation of the following equipment for the Department of Printing Technology (CEG Campus), Anna University, Chennai are invited Sl.No. 1 The Name of the Equipment Tabletop Blown film unit (with 115/PP4/Printing/2015 drive), extruder (single screw), Die (blown film), blown film unit (take off) with option to expand multilayer films (necessary components and Mixer as optional unit) tender documents can be downloaded Number 1 by registering in Approximate Cost Rs. 60,00,000/- the website using Digital Signature Certificate and E-Token from 10.00 a.m. on 30 .01.2015. The filled in tender documents can be submitted by uploading in the website upto3.00 p.m. on 19.2.2015 and will be opened at 3.15 p.m. on 19.2.2015. For EMD and other detailed tender conditions, future corrigenda etc., please keep visiting the above website and not any press advertisement. REGISTRAR mz;zh gy;fiyf;fofk; mr;R njhopy;El;gj;Jiw nrd;id – 600 025. Xg;ge;jGs;spmwpf;ifvz;; 115/gpgp4/mr;R njhopy;El;gk; 2015 mz;zh gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; mr;Rnjhopy;El;gj;Jiw> fpz;b> nrd;id 600 025 f;F fPNo Fwpgpl;Ls;s fUtpia toq;fp epWt Xg;ge;jGs;spfs; tuNtw;fg;gLfpd;wd. thpir Tptuk; vz;zpf;if vz;. Njhuhakjpg;G & jpUFld; $ba Gpnshd; gpypk; Adpl;, xw;iwj; jpUF ntspNehf;F Gpnshd;; 1. gpypk; il Gpnshd; gpypk; Adpl; Nlf; Mg;/ kw;Wk; Njitahd 1 60.00 ,yl;rk; cgfuzq;fs; kw;Wk; tpUg;gj; Njh;T fyit myF kpd;dZ ifnahg;g rhd;wpjo; kw;Wk;milahsk; %yk; vd;w tiyjsj;jpy;gjpT nra;J xg;ge;jGs;sp Mtzq;fis 30.1.2015 ypUe;J vLj;Jf;nfhs;syhk;. xg;ge;jGs;sp Mtzq;fis G+h;j;jp nra;J 19.2.2015 gpw;gfy; 3.00 kzpf;Fs; kpd;dZ %yk; ,U Mtz Kiwapy; Nkw;fz;l tiyjsj;jpy; rkh;g;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. tiyjsj;jpy; ngwg;gl;l xg;ge;jGs;spfs; md;Nw gpw;gfy; (19.2.2015) 3.15kzpf;F jpwf;fg;gLk;. Kd;itg;Gj; njhif xg;ge;j epge;jidfs; Nghd;w tptuq;fSk; kw;Wk; ,dp tUq;fhyj;jpy; Njitg;gLk; jpUj;jq;fSk; Nkw;fz;l tiyjsj;jpy; kl;LNk mwptpf;fg;gLk;. gjpthsh; mz;zh gy;fiyf;fofk; mr;R njhopy;El;gj;Jiw nrd;id – 600 025. Xg;ge;jGs;spmwpf;ifvz;: 115/gpgp4/rp,[p/2015 1. Xg;ge;jg;Gs;spNfhUk; mYtyh; ngah; gjtpKfthp m)tpepNahfpj;JepWTtjw;F nghUs;fspd;ngah: M)tpepNahfpj;JepWTtjw;fhdkhtl;lj;jpd; ngah; gjpthsh; mz;zhgy;fiyf;fofk;>nrd;id– 600 025. njhiyNgrpvz;: 22357004,kpd;-njhiyefy;:22351956 kpd;dQ;ry; Kfthp: [email protected] jpUFld; $ba Gpnshd; gpypk; Adpl;, xw;iwj; jpUF ntspNehf;F, Gpnshd;; gpypk; il, Gpnshd; gpypk; Adpl; Nlf; Mg;/ kw;Wk; Njitahd cgfuzq;fs; kw;Wk; tpUg;gj; Njh;T fyit myF nrd;id 3. ve;j ,lj;jpy; ve;jNjjptiu xg;ge;jg;Gs;sprk;ke;jkhfgbtk; fpilf;Fk; vd;wtpguk; 30.1.2014 Kw;gfy; 10.00 kzpKjy; 19..2.2015 gpw;gfy; 3.00 kzptiu ,jw;fhd xg;ge;jGs;sp Mtzq;fis vd;w tiyj;jsj;jpypUe;J vLj;Jf; nfhs;syhk; 4. nrYj;jg;glNtz;ba Kd;itg;Gnjhiftpguk; gjpthsh;> mz;zhgy;fiyf;fofk;> nrd;id- 600 025 vd;wngahpy; vLf;fg;gl;lNfl;GtiuNthiy. &. 60>000/- 5. epiwTnra;ag;gl;lxg;ge;j ehSk;NeuKk; G+h;j;jpnrag;gl;lxg;ge;jg;Gs;spMtzq;fis 19..2.2015 gpw;gfy; 3.00kzpf;Fs; vd;w tiyj;jsj;jpy; ,U MtzKiwapy; kpd;dZifnahg;grhd;wpjo; kw;Wk; milahsk; %yk; gjpTnra;J rkh;g;gpf;fNtz;Lk;. 6. fye;jha;T $l;lk; kw;Wk; ngwg;gl;l xg;ge;jg;Gs;spfs; jpwf;fg;gLk; ,lKk;; ehSk; NeuKk; 05.2.2015 gpw;gfy; 3.15 kzpf;F xg;ge;jGs;spfs; gw;wpafye;jha;Tk; 19.2.2015 gpw;gfy; 3.15 kzpf;F xg;ge;jGs;spfspd; Kjy; Mtzj;ij jpwg;gjw;Fkhd $l;lKk; gbf tsu;r;rpikak; - mz;zh gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; eilngWk;. 7. Xg;ge;jg;Gs;sp mYtyh; nghUj;jkhdJ vd jPh;khdpf;Fk; Kf;fpakhd jfty; Xg;ge;jepge;jidfs; Nghd;wtptuq;fSk; ,dp tUq;fhyj;jpy; Njitg;gLk; jpUj;jq;fSk; Nkw fz;ltiyj;jsj;jpy; kl;LNk mwptpf;fg;gLk;. gjpthsh; ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI 600 025 TENDER NOTICE Tender Ref No.115/PP4/Printing/2015 Critical Dates 1. Tender Publish Date 30 .01.2015 10.00 a.m. 2. Bid Document Download Start Date 4. Pre Bid Meeting Date 05.02.2015 3.15 p.m. 5. Technical and Financial Bid Submission Start Date 7. Bid Document Download End Date 19 .02.2015 3.00 p.m. 8. Technical and Financial Bid Submission End Date 30.01.2015 10.00 a.m. 06.01.2015 10.00 a.m. 3. Clarification Start Date 30.01.2015 10.00 a.m. 6. Physical Submission of EMD End Date/ Clarification End Date/ Contacting Help Desk on ETendering End date 18.02.2015 3.00 p.m. 19 .02.2015 9. Technical Bid 3.00 p.m. Opening Date 19 .02.2015 3.15 p.m. As this is an online tender, Tender Documents are made available in the website Steps for downloading the tender documents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Browse the website Warning message if appear, ignore and proceed any way Home page of the site is displayed with certain features Click the Latest Active Tenders on the top left side of the home page Enter Tender ID as 2015_AU_and ignore the rest Click search on the right side List of various tenders floated by AnnaUniversity would appear. Select the tender you are interested and click. 8. The details of the tender would appear 9. Click the download zip file under the title Tender Document 10. Enter the user ID as guest and the pass word as Guest#08 11. The details of the tender would again appear as in point 6 12. Click the download zip file again 13. Save the tender documents As this is an online tender, download the Bidders Manual Kit from the website and follow the Instructions step by step for bid submission REGISTRAR
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