GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY DIRECTORATE OF PURCHASE & STORES Separate item wise sealed tenders are invited from the reputed manufacturers/dealers/also from firms registered with DPS/DGS&D/NSIC or any other Central Government Department, BY THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, MADRAS REGIONAL PURCHASE UNIT, DIRECTORATE OF PURCHASE AND STORES, DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY, VI FLOOR, SHASTRI BHAVAN, 4 HADDOWS ROAD, CHENNAI600 006, for the supply at Central Stores, HWP, Tuticorin/Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam- 603102, as detailed below. TENDER NO DPS/ MRPU/ IGCAR/ MIA/ 6710/ TPT1638 COST OF TEN DER (INC LUSI VE OF TAX) 735 LAST DATE FOR SALE OF TENDER SET LAST DATE FOR RECEI PT OF TENDER (1300 HRS) DATE OF OPENI NG OF TEN DER (1100 HRS) EMD (INR) 25/02/ 15 11/03/ 15 PART I 12/03/ 15 250000 PARTII 24/04/ 15 SPECIFICATION AND QUANTITY Micro Raman spectrometer (Detailed specification and quantity are given in the tender document which can be purchased from Deputy Controller of Accounts, Madras Regional Accounts Unit, Department of Atomic Energy, VI Floor, Shastri Bhavan, 4 Haddows Road, Chennai 600 006 by paying the cost of the tender) The Documents priced as above can be obtained in person from the above address between 10.00 a.m. And 1.00 p.m. on all working days on submission of a written request in the firm’s letter head along with an account payee DEMAND DRAFT or Banker’s cheque drawn in favour of Deputy Controller of Accounts, Madras Regional Accounts Unit (no MO, cash or postal order acceptable), payable at Chennai. Wherever the tender documents are required to be sent by Post at Vendor’s risk, a written request for the same along with an Account Payee Demand Draft towards the tender fee, shall be sent to the Deputy Controller of Accounts, Madras Regional Accounts Unit at the above address indicating the details of the tender No., Name and address of the firm on whose favor the tender documents are to be issued. It must be ensured that such request should be sent in advance to reach this Directorate at least 10 days prior to the last date for sale of tender. The envelope should be super scribed with the wordings “Request for issue of tender document against Tender No._________________”. Alternatively prospective bidders can download the set of Technical Specifications along with the, instructions, terms and conditions, from the web link mentioned below and submit the completed format along with applicable tender fee, EMD and all applicable documents much before the due date of tender opening. However in the case of two part tenders, bidders can submit their Part-I and Part-II offers in separate covers (size: S-8) in different colors, in sealed envelopes/wrappers, by clearly and legibly super-scribing the appropriate Part Number of their offers in bold letters and the covers have to be kept in a single cover which is also to be super-scribed with TENDER REF No. & DUE DATE, and submitted accordingly. Link for downloading Standard Tender Annexure: For all indigenous contracts FORM DPS-P 11 and for all Imported contracts FORM DPS-P.12 may be downloaded as the case may be from The tenderer shall submit along with the tender, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as mentioned above in the form of Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque from any Nationalized / Scheduled Banks drawn in favor of Deputy Controller of Accounts, Madras Regional Accounts Unit, Chennai. Any offer not accompanied with the EMD shall be rejected summarily as nonresponsive. The EMD of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within 30 days of the end of the bid validity period. The same shall be forfeited if the tenderers withdraw their offer after the tender opening during the bid validity period. The Government shall not be liable for payment of any interest on EMD or any depreciation thereof. However, those who have valid registration with DGS&D, NSIC or DPS as on the date of submission of bids are exempted from payment of EMD. Brief information about our public tender is also available at and For terms and conditions, instructions please visit REGIONAL DIRECTOR, MADRAS REGIONAL PURCHASE UNIT HAS THE RIGHT REJECT ANY OFFER IN PART OR IN FULL WITHOUT ASSIGNING ANY REASON. REGIONAL DIRECTOR ========== TO Annexure to the Tender No. DPS/MRPU/IGCAR/MIA/6710/TPT-1638 1. Description of the ITEM : Micro Raman spectrometer for the characterization of carbon based materials like CNTs, DLC, Diamond, Graphene and their composite materials. It should include spectrometer, laser, optical microscope, detector, computer & software, spares, accessories and complete tool kit and set of operation manuals in English as per the following specifications: Qty : 1 Unit 2. Detailed SPECIFICATIONS : 2.1. Laser: Wavelength : Laser 532 nm (DPSS), Power : 100 mW, Motorized for beam steering and computer controlled alignment Stability : +- 1% All necessary optics required for Direct coupling of Laser to the Raman Spectrometer. Plasma filter for 532 nm Laser polarizer control and analyzer for 532 nm with mounts and drive mounted on a kinematic mounting plate Open laser path is not accepted 2.2. Spectrometer High efficiency spectrometer with focal length approximately 250 mm and throughput > 30% along with edge filter optimized for visible range. Spectral range : 200 to 2000 nm Measurable Raman shift : from minimum 50 cm-1 to 4000 cm-1 Resolution (FWHM) : better than 0.5 cm-1 with 2400 grating Visible lens set, Kinematically mounted and motorized for optimized spectra; Resolution : Continuously variable spectral resolution via CCD binning Repeatability : better than 0.05 cm-1 Accuracy : Minimum 0.2 cm-1 Spectrometer with gratings : 600, 1800 and 2400 on interchangeable kinematic mount Focal length : Approximately 250 mm. Filter : Kinematically mounted, magnetically attached Rayleigh line rejection filter for 532 nm excitation laser line Motorized neutral density filters for selecting power levels from 0.1 to 100% 2.3. Detector : Peltier cooled to -60°C or lower, CCD array detector 1024 x 256 pixels, peak quantum efficiency about 48 %, with necessary controller and power supply (calibration curve for QE curve of the CCD should be provided) 2.4. Optical Microscope : It shall be upright, research grade microscope and adapted to spectrometric and confocal measurements. Reflected light illumination Objectives : 10x, 50x and 100x having suitable NA for imaging and a 20x long working distance objective Lateral resolution: 1 micron Laser spot size : 1 micron Depth resolution: 2.5 micron Binocular head with eyepieces and color video camera Motorized XYZ sample stage with min. step size 0.1 micron or better Color Camera and video monitoring of the sample in the microscope under white light with White light illumination 2.5. System base plate : Kinematic honeycomb base plate for spectrometer, microscope and up to two lasers System spectral light calibration source 2.6. Data Acquisition and control Unit: It shall be a personal computer (PC) based system for all operations including the spectrograph, detector parameters, data acquisition and data analysis operating on preloaded Windows 7 professional, 64 bit system It should include automated self validation, auto alignment, self calibration, laser power optimization, laser auto align through beam expander, reconfiguration, switching between white light viewing and Raman acquisition Configuration : minimum of quad core processor of speed 3.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 1 TB Sata HDD, DVD Read/Writer, 22” TFT color monitor and color laser jet printer Should include Raman spectrum acquisition at cursor selectable points on the optical image of the specimen, at scattered points & points along a straight line, Raman imaging over an user selected area, Data Analysis: (on single & multiple spectra) Peak fitting, Raman band analysis, Zoom and back ground elimination, Smoothing functions and noise elimination, spectrograph calibration, Thumbnail viewing and report generation capability. The required software should be pre-loaded and installable version with license for multiuser in CD for additional 2 workstations for offline analysis 2.7. Spares and accessories: Spares and accessories required for minimum three years of trouble free operation 2.8. Note : The system should be installed, commissioned and performance demonstrated at user site. Then the supplier shall provide user training on all modes of operation for a minimum period of three working days. All instruction and operations manuals in English should be provided. The supplier should confirm support for maintenance and after sales service through authorized service engineers in India Only the authorized agents and original manufacturers of the instrument shall be considered Reputed companies with experience of supply and installation of more than ten similar systems in India only will be considered. Suppliers should provide the list of users in India with complete contact details. 2.9. Warranty: The unit shall be warranted for a minimum period of twelve months after installation and acceptance at site and free software upgrades for minimum three years. 2.10. Acceptance Criteria: 1. Spectral range: starting as close to laser line 50 cm-1 or better 2. Spectral resolution (FWHM) 0.5 cm-1 or better 3. Demonstration of specified lateral and depth resolution 4. Laser power of 100 mW, its variation and stability 5. Area mapping with lateral resolution 0.5 micron or better 6. Automated calibration, alignment and validation. (NAGARAJAN.A.M.) Asst. Purchase Officer For and on behalf of the President of India (The Purchaser)
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