The Presbyterian Messenger Monthly Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church Burley, Idaho February 2015 From the Desk of the Pastor Inside this issue • From the Desk of the Pastor • Pastor’s Report • Session Highlights • • • • Scripture Lessons Birthdays & Anniversaries Committee Chairpersons Tithes & Expenses • Calendar • February Servers • Boy Scout News • Presbyterian Women • Committee Reports • Contact Info. • Prayer Requests - By Rev. Josyph Andrews Grace to you and Peace in the name of our Risen Lord. It hardly seems possible to think that it is February already. It seems the time is passing at warp speed. I want to thank everybody for a great congregational meeting and for your support and vote of confidence. It means a great deal to know that we have had such a successful first year. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in the year to come. I would like to start something new this year. I feel relatively sure that some of you have questions about what we do and why we do it. What I propose is that if any of you have some burning question, write it down and give it to me or Barbra. I will use a portion of this monthly article to address such questions. I find that if someone has a question then probably others do as well. This will help us all move forward in our knowledge and better be able to share with others why we do things. One such question I have had in the past is why we say that we believe in the holy catholic church in the Apostles Creed. We profess a belief in the holy catholic church as it applies to the church universal. Notice that it is a small case catholic as opposed to the formal Catholic Church. Prior to the reformation, there was only one church – the Catholic Church. Continued on page 2... From the Desk of the Pastor - continued The importance of the profession of the church universal has to do with our willingness to accept the beliefs of other Christian faiths who also accept Jesus Christ as their savior. As Christians, we are all part of the Body of Christ and as such stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It says that we are not the church, but part of The Church. It is sometimes more important to consider why we do something as opposed to what we do. Paul discusses this in 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 when he talks about eating the meat from the offerings to various gods or idols. He tells us that since there is only one God and that all other gods do not exist then it is not necessarily wrong to eat the meat offered to non-existent gods. The caveat he gives us is that if doing so causes a believer to stumble then we should abstain. In other words, if what we do causes a problem for someone else then we should not do it – not because it is necessarily wrong, but because it affects others adversely. Kind of like having a glass of wine in the presence of a reformed alcoholic, if your doing so causes them to relapse, or makes them uncomfortable then you should abstain – in their presence. As Christians, the world holds us to a higher standard than they do themselves. So, knowing that the world needs a model of how to act, we should always be on our guard to make sure the world has a positive model to follow. We have Jesus Christ as our model, but the secular world does not know Jesus so they need people like us to teach them how to live and love. Since we know our neighbors are watching so closely, let’s act as Jesus taught us to and make them wonder what is going on here that everybody lives and acts differently. If they ask you what is going on, simply tell them to come and see for themselves why we smile and always have hope. No sermon or preaching, just exemplary living. Remember, we do not save anyone; we merely introduce them to the one who does – Jesus Christ. Live your life as if the world depends on it – because they do. God bless and keep you all, Pastor Josyph Pastors Report January 2015 Miles Driven Last month: 539 Visits: 25 (Home 23, Hospital Visits 1, Nursing Home 1) Communion Served: (1st Sunday, Shut Ins 1) Worship Services Conduced: 6 Weddings: Funerals: Baptisms: Bible Study Groups met: 5 (Tuesday Men’s 4, Thursday Afternoon 1) Committee Meetings Attended: 2 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. —Romans 8:30 Love is patient; love is kind; . . . love never ends. —1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Session Highlights Greetings from the Session, The Session met for its regular monthly meeting on January 14. All of the Elders were present. Moderator Pastor Josyph opened the meeting with prayer and a scripture from John 1:43. There were no Presbytery or Deacon reports. Pastor Josyph reported that he enjoyed visiting all of the members before and after Christmas, making 23 home visits. He visited one patient in the hospital and one in the nursing home. He served communion on one Sunday and to two shut-ins. He participated in the Bible Studies and committee meetings during the month. Thank you Josyph and Jean for the Christmas visit. I enjoyed it and I am sure that the rest of the members did too. Lenten daily study guides have been ordered and will arrive soon. Be sure and pick up one. Those of you that have the magazine, Presbyterians Today, have one in the Jan/Feb issue. Use your copy for your Lenten study with your family. Lent begins with Shrove Tues on Feb. 17. The Scouts will be hosting Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Mark you calendars and come enjoy a great meal and support the Scouts. Lent officially begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18. Pastor Josyph will be in the sanctuary from noon to one P.M. and from 6-7 P.M. for the dispensation of ashes. It will be a come and go event. Drop in for a prayer and a few remarks to start you on your Lenten journey. Lenten lunches will begin Wed. Feb. 25 and end Wednesday March 25. A light lunch will be served and free will offering taken. The offering goes toward Camp Sawtooth scholarships for the youth. There will be good fellowship and a short message and worship service. Volunteers are needed to cook and serve lunch. Tithes for the month of December were $9048 and expenses were $12,230. Mission payments were made. All bills were paid and staff compensated. The total tithes for 2014 were $109,015 and total expenditures were $133,270. We are fast using up our small savings buffer. We also had added expense this year with pastor moving costs and unexpected sewer problems at the Manse. The Manse expenses were partly paid with sausage supper and memorial funds. This makes up for part of our higher expenditures. Building and Grounds is working on getting the bell tower repaired and resurfacing of the parking lot when weather permits. The Budget for 2015 was adopted. The total was $124,338, which was less than the $133,340 for 2014. The Session worked hard to keep costs as low as possible. A copy of the budget is available in the church office or in the Annual Church Report for 2014. The new choir robes are in and will be dedicated on Feb. 8th. The funds for the robes were given in honor of Rosie Everheart by her family. Thank you to Darla Holl (Rosie’s daughter) for your generous donation! Congratulations to the new officers elected for 2015 and beyond. Elders are Kathy Poulton, Kristi Pugh, Larry Mulholland, Carleen Clayville, and George McGee. Deacons are Paul Pugh, Gary Hollinger, Linda Culley, Janell Martin, Sharon Napier, Chris Scott, and Tom Clayville. There has been a change in the By-laws of the Church. We will be electing 6 Elders and 6 Deacons to fill positions on these boards. Due to shrinking and aging numbers of our congregations, the Session felt that is was time to reduce the number on each board. We feel positive that new members will join us in the near future and we can expand our programs. Until such time we will work with fewer members on our governing boards. The Pastor’s Call was adjusted slightly from $57,551 to $60,638 about a 3% raise. All staff was evaluated and salaries were added to the budget. The Session is looking forward to a busy 2015. We appreciate and love our congregation. All Session meetings are open to visitors, new suggestions and ideas. Let us know what you think. Respectfully submitted, Kathy Poulton, Clerk of Session Scripture Lessons In preparation for Pastor Josyph’s ministry of the Word, we encourage you to read the scripture verses for each Sunday. February 1 [4th Sunday after Epiph any] Deut. 18:15-20; Ps 111; 1 Cor. 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28 February 8 [5th Sunday after Epiph any] Isa. 40:21-31; Ps. 147:1-11,20c; 1 Cor. 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39 February 15 [Tr ansfigur ation of th e Lor d] 2 Kings 2:1-12; Ps. 50:1-6; 2 Cor. 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 February 22 [1st Sunday in Lent] Gen. 9:8-17; Ps. 25:1-10; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15 February Birthdays & Anniversaries 01 Dale Martin 01 Lewisa Andrews 03 Kathy Wetzstein 07 Teressa Andrews Burns 07 Bill Stabley 11 Gerald Stoller 12 Ruth Behr 15 Teri Stabley 17 Gary Hollinger 18 Linda Hollinger 18 Jan Behr 22 Christine Scott 22 Elaine Victor 23 Molly Hasselbring 23 Larry & Gwen Mulholland Committee Chairpersons Building & Grounds Larry Mulholland Christian Education Erika Wittman Fellowship Terrie Shockey Finance Carleen Clayville Missions, Evangelism & Outreach George McGee Personnel & Nominating Erika Wittman Worship Kristi Pugh If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. —1 Corinthians 13:1-8 God Bless Your Special Day! 2014 Year to Date Tithes and Expenses December Tithes $9,088.00 Expenses $12,929.99 YTD Totals: Tithes $109,015.30 Expenses $133,269.63 February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 9:30 am 2 3 7:30 am Men’s 4 5 5 7 13 14 Breakfast Sunday school 10:45 am Worship Communion Sunday 2:30 pm Bible study 8:30 am—4:00 pm Classical Conversations Worship & Deacon meeting after church 4:30 pm Choir Practice 7:00 pm Scouts 8 9:30 am 9 10 7:30 am Men’s 11 12 Valentine’ Day Breakfast Sunday school 10:45 am Worship 8:30 am—4:00 pm Classical Conversations Dedication of new Choir Robes 10:00 am PW Valentine Celebration 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Practice 7:00 pm Session 7:00 pm Scouts 15 16 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast 8:30 am—4:00 pm Classical Conversations 5:00-7:00 pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 9:30 am Sunday school 10:45 am Worship 22 1st Sunday in Lent 9:30 am Sunday school 10:45 am Worship Game Day after church 17 19 18 20 21 27 28 Shrove Tuesday Transfiguration of the Lord 23 Ash Wednesday 12-1 pm & 6-7 pm Pastor Josyph Available for dispensation of ashes 24 7:30 am Men’s 25 8:30 am—4:00 pm Classical Conversations 12 noon Lenten Luncheon 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Practice 26 Breakfast 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Practice 7:00 pm Scouts February Servers ~ Thank You! Head Usher: Tom Clayville Head Greeter: Jerry Vegwert Communion Servers: Kristi Pugh, Erika Wittman, Tom Clayville, Paul Pugh Lay Readers: 2/1 _____, 2/8 _____, 2/15 _____, 2/22 _____ Children’s Time: 2/1 _____, 2/8 _____, 2/15 _____, 2/22 _____ Coffee Hour: 2/1 Fellowship, 2/8 _____, 2/15 _____, 2/22 _____ Boy Scout News Hey everybody, scouts is moving along quite well. The boys have been working on numerous merit badges, such as family life and fire safety. We would also like to let everybody know that if anybody needs a service project done, they can contact either me or my dad at church. Thank you and God bless, Mason Wittman Scouts meet every Wednesday at 7:00 pm at the church Any questions, please call the Dan or Mason Wittman at 678-4846 Second Best? Leah must have laid awake all night thinking of the moment when her new husband would awaken. She knew that it was not her face he expected to see, but Rachel’s. Jacob had been a victim of deception, and when he realized that a “bait and switch” had occurred, he quickly made a new deal with Laban to claim the woman he had been promised (Gen. 29:25-27). Have you ever felt insignificant or second-best? Leah felt that way. It’s seen in the names she chose for her first three sons (vv.31-35). Reuben means “See, a Son”; Simeon means “Heard”; and Levi means “Attached.” Their names were all plays on words that indicated the lack of love she felt from Jacob. With each son’s birth, she desperately hoped she would move up in Jacob’s affections and earn his love. But slowly Leah’s attitude changed, and she named her fourth son Judah, which means “Praise” (v. 35). Though she felt unloved by her husband, perhaps she now realized she was greatly loved by God. We can never “earn” God’s love, because it’s not dependent on what we do. In truth, the Bible tells us that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8). In God’s eyes, we are worth the best that heaven could offer—the gift of His precious Son. —Cindy Hess Kasper (Read: Genesis 29:16-30) Greetings Church Members, Thank you for your donation and all your support of Camp Sawtooth. Summer 2014 was a great summer at Camp Sawtooth with 5 weeks of youth camps; we had approx. 177 campers and 41 volunteers, both of those numbers are up. We had over 47 people who came and volunteered their time for work weekend to prepare the camp. After youth camps were finished we had several weekends booked for retreats, family camps and reunions. We know Camp Sawtooth is a special place where many youth meet Christ for the first time, and they learn and grow in their faith. Without your generous support this would not be a possibility Blessings, Steve & Senita Watkins Camp Sawtooth Directors (Donation for 2014 $1,000.00) Thank you for your gifts and support for PFF (Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship) (Donations for 2014 $500.00 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. —Romans 8:30 Presbyterian Women in the News ********** SAVE THE DATE ********** SATURDAY, February 14, 2015 Please join us for our February Brunch! The time is 10:00 a.m. It’s our Valentine Celebration, and we’ve planned a really fun craft project! Plus food! Please plan to attend . . . and bring a friend! Thank you, Carleen Clayville, Moderator MARK YOU CALENDAR ~ LOTS GOING ON! February: 08 Dedication of new Choir Robes 14 PW Valentine Celebration 10:00 am 15 Transfiguration of the Lord 17 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 5-7 pm (hosted by Scouts) 18 Ash Wednesday, Pastor available 12-1 & 6-7pm for dispensation of ashes 22 1st Sunday in Lent 22 Game Day after church 25 Lenten Luncheon 12 noon (Feb. 25—Mar. 25) March: 01 2nd Sunday in Lent 08 3rd Sunday in Lent 08 Daylight saving time begins *turn clocks ‘forward’ 15 4th Sunday in Lent 20 First Day of Spring!!! 22 5th Sunday in Lent 29 Palm Sunday (Holy Week begins) Lent Lent is a solemn observance in the liturgical year of many Christian denominations, lasting for a period of approximately six weeks leading up to Easter Sunday. In the general Latin-rite and more Western denominations Lent is taken to run from Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) morning or to Easter Eve. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial. Its institutional purpose is heightened in the annual commemoration of Holy Week, marking the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events of the Bible when Jesus is crucified on Good Friday, which then culminates in the celebration Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting or giving up certain types of luxuries as a form of penitence. Lent is traditionally described as lasting for forty days, in commemoration of the forty days which, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus spent fasting in the desert before the beginning of his public ministry, where he endured temptation by the devil. However, different Christian denominations calculate the forty days of Lent differently. In most Western traditions the Sundays are not counted as part of Lent; thus the period from Ash Wednesday until Easter consists of 40 days when the Sundays are excluded. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down is life for his friends. —John 15:13 Faith doesn’t get us out of t ouble; faith gets us through it! Committee Reports WORSHIP Greetings from the Worship Committee! The Choir is receiving new robes and they will be dedicated on February 8th. Shrove Tuesday will be on the 17th of February. The Scouts are sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast once again. Please come and support our Scouts. Pastor Josyph will be available to distribute ashes on Wednesday from noon until 1 p.m. and again from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Lenten Luncheons will begin on February 25th. Please come and participate. Easter is right around the corner. We will be having our annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 4th. We will be looking for donations of plastic eggs and candy. Last year we had about 200 children show up! All donations are greatly appreciated! Hope everyone has a great February! Respectfully Submitted, Kristi Pugh, Worship Committee Chair DEACON REPORT During our December 2014 meeting, the Deacons approved $500 to start a new box program for the needy. Earlier in the year, Pastor Josyph brought up the idea of putting a few boxes of food together for community members who come in needing food and support. Items that would go into these boxes could include canned foods, rice, pasta, and other needed items to sustain individuals or families for a short period of time. We look forward to getting that going. Thinking of Lent Advent prepares us for Christ’s birth; Lent prepares us for the glorious act of Christ’s resurrection. Churches have special services during the weeks of Lent, but it’s what each of us does regarding our spiritual life that makes lent most meaningful. Lent is a good time to read, study and inwardly digest the four gospels. (The word gospel means “good news.”) A college student decided to work his way through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for his Lenten devotional time. Soon he was fascinated by the stories, such as the Pharisees and Sadducees trying to trap Jesus in debate. The brilliant Jesus handled every occasion with wisdom, leaving the authorities dumbfounded. During his devotional time, the student was filled with laughter and amazement at the brilliant son of God, who was only in his 30s. Get to know the good news, and you’ll understand the young man’s amazement. FELLOWSHIP Happy Valentines Day! Respectfully submitted, Paul Pugh Feb. 22nd - Game Day after church Serving soup Please bring your favorite snacks Respectfully submitted, Terrie Shockey PERSONNEL & NOMINATING The Deacon and Elder assignments have been made. DEACONS Class of 2015 Tom Clayville Linda Culley Janel Martin Class of 2016 Gary Hollinger Sharon Napier Class of 2017 Paul Pugh Chris Scott ELDERS Class of 2015 Erika Wittman Kathy Poulton Class of 2016 Kristi Pugh George McGee THANK YOU for volunteering! Respectfully submitted, Erika Wittman Class of 2017 Carleen Clayville Larry Mulholland “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35 Committee Reports Finance Report MISSIONS, EVANGELISM & OUTREACH Our Boy Scout Troop 678 is having a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, the 17th of February serving from 5 to 7 P.M. The first 2-Day KAIROS Mini Retreat in 2015 will be Saturday, February 14 and Sunday, February 15. We are looking forward to The One Great Hour of Sharing offering this Easter. Your generosity reflects your commitment to serving Christ. Thank you for your continuing cheerful generosity. Please contact George McGee at 208-312 3874 if you are interested in working on the Missions and Outreach committee. Respectfully submitted, George McGee Per Capita The new Per Capita apportionment for 2015 remains at $43.00 again this year. The 2015 Per Capita will support the operating budget of the Kendall Presbytery ($30.76), the Synod of the Pacific ($5.22), and the General Assembly ($7.02. If you can pay this amount separately from your pledge, it would be awesome! Total cost to the church for 2015 is $3096. If paid early it is $3060. 95% of this money comes back to the Presbytery to support local mission, small churches, new church development, and lay pastors, other Presbyterian churches in our own presbytery and across the country. We are a connectional church and per capita helps make that happen. Most of the monies we pledge to “presbytery/synod basic mission support” are returned to the presbytery for mission, which helps us support Camp Sawtooth, struggling and new churches in our presbytery, youth events, our fall retreat and our presbytery administrator and staff. Per Capita is a vital part of keeping the Kendall Presbytery solvent If you pay your per capita you are allowing for more of your tithing going to local church support. The Session is committed to pay per capita. Please consider paying an extra $43.00 above your committed pledge for 2015. In Christ’s Service Your Finance Team CHRISTIAN EDUCATION No changes. Various classes continue to run smoothly. Respectfully submitted, Erika Wittman Many stories about the origin of Valentine’s Day have come down through the centuries. There’s no definitive story, but most revolve around the imprisonment of Valentinus (St. Valentine) for his disregard of Roman laws. Many legends are also associated with Valentine’s Day. For example, because birds seemed to arrive and mate in some countries in mid-February, human couples came to be called “love birds.” In 1667, the first recorded Valentine card was printed. Today, people will give their sweethearts countless millions of cards and acres of heart-shaped boxes filled with candy. But why wait for Valentine’s Day to share love with others? Remember Jesus’ words in John 13:34 “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.” Pastor: Rev. Josyph A. Andrews Pastor’s office hours: Tues—Thurs 9am—3pm (also available after hours by appointment) First Presbyterian Church (USA) 2100 Burton Avenue Burley ID 83318 Josyph’s E-mail: [email protected] Josyph’s cell: 312-9373 Visit us on the web at: Clerk of Session: Kathy Poulton Office Administrator: Barbra Moore Office Hours M—F 9am—1pm Office phone: 678-5131 Office email: [email protected] Director of Music: Dr. Paul Pugh Organist: Mayna McGill Pianist: Susan McGee Custodian: Linda Kicklighter Prayer Chain: Gay Neiwert 678-2760 Service Times: Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am Return Service Requested PRAYER The Presbyterian Messenger and The Lord’s Day Bulletin are published by The First Presbyterian Church of Burley, Idaho. Please submit your Newsletter items by the 15th of the month and Bulleting items by Wednesday. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Healing, Strength and Encouragement for: Leanna (5 year old burned in fire), Donna Moore. Anna Hindman, Elaine Victor, Judy Meyer, Billie (Hazel Vegwert’s sister-in-law, Lewisa (Josyph & Jean Andrew’s daughter), Laura Ziulkowski, Vance Matthews. Those who are sick or injured. Kairos prison ministry. All who have lost jobs. Those facing financial uncertainties, Wisdom for those making difficult decisions. Pastor Saeed Abidini-imprisoned in Iraq. We encourage you to join other congregations in praying for Church of the Tetons in Driggs *This is a new effort put forth by the Church Relations Committee. One church will be the focus each month. • Our Church Leaders: Elder s Kathy Poulton, Kr isti Pugh, Lar r y Mulholland, Car leen Clayville, and George McGee. Deacons Paul Pugh, Gary Hollinger, Linda Culley, Janell Martin, Sharon Napier, and Tom Clayville • Pastor Josyph and Jean Andrews as they shepherd our flock • World unrest • Wisdom for our National and Local Leaders • Service Men & Women around the world. • Our Church family; strength & wisdom and to keep our eyes on Jesus —James 1:2-4 “consider it all joy…” February 2015
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