PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Readings for Week of Feb. 1, 2015 to Feb. 8, 2015 SUNDAY: Dt 18:15–20; 1 Cor 7:32–35; Mk 1:21–28 MONDAY: Mal 3:1– 4; Heb 2:14–18; Lk 2:22–40 TUESDAY: Heb 12:1–4; Mk 5:21–43 WEDNESDAY: Heb 12:4–7, 11–15; Mk 6:1–6 THURSDAY: Heb 12:18–19, 21–24; Mk 6:7–13 FRIDAY: Heb 13:1–8; Mk 6:14–29 SATURDAY: Heb 13:15–17, 20–21; Mk 6:30–34 SUNDAY: Jb 7:1–4, 6–7; 1 Cor 9:16–19, 22–23; Mk 1:29–39 JANUARY 31, SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. †Audrey Tezel – Arts & Crafts Group FEBRUARY 1, SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. †Robert Gonzales –Jesse & Maricela Tovar 12:30 p.m. †Elizabeth Ann Boyer – Deacon Richard & Bea Juarez 7:00 p.m. In Thanksgiving – Wilson Nino FEBRUARY 2, MONDAY 8:15 a.m. †Betty Cleveland – Robert & Jade Rosales FEBRUARY 3, TUESDAY 8:15 a.m. †Josie Bowles – Saint Vincent de Paul Society FEBRUARY 4, WEDNESDAY 8:15 a.m. For the Healing of Lisa Alaniz – Jacob Alaniz & Family FEBRUARY 5, THURSDAY 8:15 a.m. Communion Service FEBRUARY 6, FRIDAY 8:15 a.m. †Martin Troncosco, Sr. – Escobedo Family FEBRUARY 7, SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. †Jesse Ramirez, III – Mireles Family FEBRUARY 8, SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. †Father Daniel Doyle – Conlan Family 10:30 a.m. People of the Parish 12:30 p.m. †Ernest Saldivar – Deacon Richard & Bea Juarez 7:00 p.m. †Oralia Ramirez – Rita Ward February 1, 2015 FEBRUARY 1, SUNDAY RE CLASSES Baptisms Church FEBRUARY 2, MONDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament Spanish Bible Arts & Crafts Group Charismatic Prayer Divine Mercy Baptism Class Chapel 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Rm 105 10:00 a.m. House 1:00 p.m. Port 1 & 2 6:45 p.m. Rm 101-102 7:00 p.m. Hall 7:00 p.m. FEBRUARY 3, TUESDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament KDO ACTS Bible Study Boy Scouts Rosary Guild Rosary Prayer Grp Youth Group Theology of the Body Guadalupanos Mtg Chapel Hall/Clsrms Hall Port 3 & 4 Rm 104 Wkrm Port 1 & 2 Various Rm 105 FEBRUARY 4, WEDNESDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament Pro Life Rosary Prayer Group MDO RCIA Chapel 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Church 9 a.m. –10:00 a.m. Hall/Clsrms 9 a.m. – 2:30 pm Hall/Clsrms 7:00 p.m. FEBRUARY 5, THURSDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament KDO Cub Scouts Women’s Sunday Scripture Young Adult Ministry KC 4th Degree Assembly Choir (8:30 & 10:30) Chapel Hall/Clsrms Various Rm 105 Port 1 Hall Church FEBRUARY 6, FRIDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament Bible Study Covenant of Love Chapel 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Hall 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Hall 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. FEBRUARY 7, SATURDAY Men’s Bible Study Ladies Auxiliary Bunco 1st Saturday Devotion RE CLASSES YG Raffle Ticket Sale Rm 101–102 7:30 a.m. Hall 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Church 4:30 p.m. Hall/Clsrms 4:30 p.m. Outside After 5 p.m. Mass FEBRUARY 8, SUNDAY RE CLASSES YG Raffle Ticket Sale Baptisms 2:00 p.m. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 9 am – 2:30 pm 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 9 am – 2:30 pm 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Outside After morning Masses Church 2:00 p.m. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ARCHDIOCESE OF SAN ANTONIO ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL 2015 Archbishop Gustavo is grateful to you for responding to last year’s Archbishop’s Appeal. The theme for the 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal is “Transforming the Future”. We transform the future by recognizing our unity as God’s people across the Archdiocese, growing in our faith guided by the Spirit and living as disciples of the Lord. We are called to realize we have a Mission of love. Passing on the faith to future generations. The Archbishop’s appeal has begun. Each household should have received in the mail a letter from the Archbishop asking for your gift/ commitment. The campaign goal is $4,500,000, and our parish goal is $98,479.00. Pledges may be mailed back in the envelope that has been provided. Prepare by prayer as you consider what you will commit to the Archbishop’s Appeal. Do keep in mind that the donations received will be used exclusively to support the ministries, programs and services outlined in the promotional materials. In pew weekend is February 21-22. Confirmation III Youth and Sponsor Retreat The Confirmation III Youth and Sponsor retreat is scheduled for Saturday, February 21, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Both the student and the sponsor are required to attend. A light breakfast and lunch will be served. We will have a working lunch so no off-campus lunch break is scheduled. There will be a $6.00 charge per person that will be collected at the door. Please note: Some activities will be conducted outdoors. Please wear comfortable warm clothing. PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FAITH SHARING FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Recognizing Goodness INVITATION TO PRAY Pause for a few moments of silence and enter more deeply into the presence of God. Song: “Come to the Water,” John Foley, SJ, OCP Proclaim the Gospel of Mark 1:21-28 Cure of a Demoniac As you listen to the gospel be attentive to a word, a phrase, a question, an image, or a feeling that emerges. Reflect on this quietly or share it aloud. (The other readings for this Sunday are Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 95 and 1 Corinthians 7:3235.) INVITATION TO REFLECT The people in this story were just learning who Jesus was. So they were still blind to the amazing truth of it. Others saw more clearly, however. The unclean spirits recognized him. His enemies recognized his power and were threatened by it. The centurion who saw him hanging on the cross saw and proclaimed him truly to be the Son of God (Mark 15:39). But people closest to him, his disciples, seemed to take the longest to realize who Jesus was. Like the disciples, each of us has some partial blindness to the truth. We carry with us a bias toward our own insights, our own views, and our own opinions. Like the disciples, this can make it difficult for us to recognize what is real and true and good. What might we learn from this? Perhaps we can learn to ask if it’s typical of us not to recognize the goodness in those close to us but see it more easily in others. Is it easier for us to believe that Jesus was present to the people in the story we just read than to believe that Christ is present to us in our daily life? Like the disciples, sometimes we miss what is right before us. Perhaps we fail to see the talents and goodness of the people with whom we rub shoulders day-in and day-out or we stop seeing them after a while. Maybe we are blind to the presence of Christ with us in our homes, in our work, and as we move through our errands and tasks each day. In the gospel, we see how Jesus taught the people in the synagogue on this day. First he taught by his words, then Jesus taught by his actions. He spoke angrily to the evil one and relieved the man with the unclean spirit. Words and actions combined to make a powerful statement. Jesus is giving us an example and a challenge. We too are to try to match our lives, our actions, to what we say we believe. INVITATION TO GROUP SHARING 1. To whom or what might I be blind? Are certain people or viewpoints whose merit or goodness I cannot hear or see because of my own views or opinions? (Often, it well may be those I am very close to, for example, a family member.) February 1, 2015 2. 3. 4. What is an example of someone who has taught me a lesson because his or her actions match his or her words? How does our community welcome the voice of those whose viewpoints we might be slow to hear or accept? Where are we showing, by what our community does, that we believe the words we profess? Where are we not doing this as well? How can we improve? INVITATION TO ACT Determine a specific action (individual or group) that flows from your sharing. This should be your primary consideration. When choosing an individual action, determine what you will do and share it with the group. When choosing a group action, determine who will take responsibility for different aspects of the action. The following are secondary suggestions: 1. 2. 3. Continue to name for yourself people and ideas to which you show a partial blindness. Each day say a short prayer to be open to the goodness and truth that may be there. When you are with such a person, be conscious of your desire to hear and see the truth and goodness you may be missing. Choose three people who have taught you by their words and actions in the course of your life. Find an appropriate way to thank them for this. In one of your community organizations, speak about your concern for times when actions seem to belie words. Do this in a way that is not accusing people, but as something you also own and are concerned about. Suggest ways to close this gap between words and actions and ask others for their thoughts and ideas on the topic. Or, as a group, decide what you can do about this together. INVITATION TO CLOSING PRAYER Give thanks to God (aloud or silently) for insights, for desires awakened, for directions clarified, for the gift of one another’s openness and sensitivity. Conclude with the following: Loving God, Jesus taught us so many lessons during his time on this earth. As we come together to search out these lessons we come with open hearts and minds. Open our hearts and minds as we leave here also that we may see the goodness you have put in the highways and byways of our life. Keep us attentive to your words that our footsteps and actions may follow the same path, the path that Jesus shows, the path we claim to be walking. Guide our feet that they may stay on the path of the gospel, the way that Jesus the teacher has shown us. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. (Adapted from PRAYERTIME, Cycle B: Faith-Sharing Reflections on the Sunday Gospels, Robert Heyer, editor. Copyright © 2001by RENEW International.) The New 2015 St. Joseph Sunday Missal will be available in the parish office. The cost is $4.00 each. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Walking Toward Eternity: Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart A Great Adventure Bible Study In our busy lives we are faced with obstacles that aggravate us, discourage us, and can even hinder our relationship with Christ. Do you struggle with anger, fear, loneliness or hopelessness? Do you feel enslaved by shame, envy or your appetites? Learn the practical ways to overcome your struggles with the study Walking Toward Eternity: Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart by Jeff and Emily Cavins. PRINCE OF PEACE LADIES AUXILIARY CO-ED BUNCO AND BRUNCH Date: Time: Place: Tickets: Saturday, February 7, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Prince of Peace Parish Hall $10.00 For further information please contact Diana Miereles In this program, you will learn how to listen to your struggles, engage them and overcome them in simple, practical steps, and how to hear God’s loving voice in your struggles. Learn how to improve your lifestyle and relationships today! Day/Time: Date: Cost: Tuesday evenings 6:45 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. March 17, 2015 – May 19, 2015 $16.00 for the study materials (Couples may share – please indicate on signup sheet) Space is limited. The deadline to sign up is FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2015. Signup sheets are in the Parish Office. For more information, please contact Karen McElwain [email protected] CYO TRACK REGISTRATIONS will take place at Prince of Peace on the following date: Prince of Peace Catholic Church 5K Get Fit 4 Lent Walk / Run Saturday, February 14, 2015 Come join the community for a morning of Fun and Fitness. Register online hps:// GetFit4LentWalkRun5K Exhibit tables are available for $50 per table. For any ques.ons or for reserva.ons please contact us via e-mail at [email protected]. Sunday, February 1st After All Morning Masses Parish Hall Birth certificates and proof of residence are required at the time of registration. For further information, please call (210) 849-3384 or email to [email protected]. The Guadalupanos Society Please make note of the following date in your calendar. We invite you to join us: Tuesday, Feb. 3: PASTORAL CARE “Is There Anyone Among You Who is Sick?” (James 5:14) If you know of anyone who is sick and/or homebound and would like the Eucharist brought to them, please call the parish office at 681-8330. Monthly Meeting 7 p.m. Rm 105 Check for our announcements throughout the year. Thank you for your continued support! PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS February 1, 2015 Parish Book of Intercessions Covenant of Love Date Night – Marriage Enrichment Program We would like to invite married and engaged couples to an evening of marriage enrichment and education in the parish hall on Friday, February 6th from 7 pm – 9 pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm. This month’s Covenant of Love Date Night program will be "TRUST". The DATE NIGHT is a monthly gathering of married and engaged couples. It’s a fun opportunity to meet other couples, learn about God’s plan for marriage and spend quality time with the one you love. Each month is an independent event, so please join us even if you haven’t been able to attend in the past. Dinner and refreshments are provided, plus it’s free. Childcare is available on a limited basis. We hope to see you there. Please RSVP to Gil and Diana Montemayor email [email protected]. We have a Parish Book of Intercessions located on the Oblation Table at the entrance of the Church. You may write in the names of those who are sick. This book will be brought forward during the Presentation of the Gifts to be placed by the Altar. This week we especially pray for: Edward Arispe Dan Aguilar Juanita Byrd Bobby Delbridge Felix Garcia Alycia Hernandez Marta Hernandez Robert Macias, Sr. Eugene Martinez Diana Prescott Delia Rose Olga Aguilar Rosalie Barber Gia Crabtree Camille Garcia Leo Gonzalez Celso Hernandez Jose M. Jimenez Robert Macias, Jr. Liz Mock Charles Porter Bill Tyler Names will remain in the bulletin for one month. THE ARTS & CRAFTS GROUP meets every Monday in the Rock House from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come and join us for an afternoon of good companionship. New members are always welcome. For further information, contact Mamie PRINCE OF PEACE ROSARY GUILD meets every Tuesday to teach others how to make rosaries for local ministries as well as missions all over the world. For more information come by and visit with us on any Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in room 101-102. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP invites everyone to join us for prayer, praise and powerful testimony to God’s greatness and love. All meetings will begin at 6:45 p.m. on Mondays in the portable classrooms. Bring your Bible and a grateful heart to these exciting talks. Babysitting is available upon prior request. For more information, please contact Gracie Fuentes Sanctuary and Adoration Candles Week of February 1 to February 7, 2015 People of the Parish The Sanctuary and two Adoration Candles may be sponsored for the deceased or for a special intention which will be printed in the church bulletin every week. An offering of $10 is requested for one week. Please come by the parish office during working hours to make arrangements. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME EARLY BIRD MEN’S PRAYER GROUP ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER? Men of the parish and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship and Bible Study early Saturday mornings at 6:00 a.m. at Rita’s Restaurant, 6406 Bandera Rd. For more information, please contact Adam Fasen If you are attending and supporting Prince of Peace Parish on a regular basis, we ask that you please use the envelopes that are sent to you each month. This makes it easier for us to credit your contribution to your account. If you are not receiving these envelopes or other mailings, and have not filled out a registration form within the last two months, then you are not formally registered in our parish. The fact that you’ve been "coming for years" is not the same as being registered. In order to be a registered parish family, you must fill out a Parish Registration Form. This form can be picked up at the parish office during regular office hours, Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. MEN’S PRAYER GROUP All men are invited for fellowship and Bible Study on Saturday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in rooms 101/102 at Prince of Peace. For more information, please contact Tim McCarth or Gilbert Montemayor We wish to thank everyone for their cooperation.
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