HOPE MORAVIAN CHURCH FOR ALL! Sunday, February 1, 2015 February 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY 10AM Our Mission: Worshiping Christ, Growing Disciples, Serving All Watchword for the Week: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. Psalm 111:10 Prayer upon entering the Pew: Lord Jesus, today help us believe that your powerful presence is always at work around us and in us through your Holy Spirit. Forgive us and make us whole. Amen. Music for Praise and Adoration Let Us Worship Welcome and Announcements Virginia Thomas Prayers of the Congregation 2015 Congregational Watchword: Behold, children are a gift of the Lord. Psalm 127:3 Watchword for the Week: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. Psalm 111:10 Call to Worship: Dear God, all of the power in the universe belongs to you. We will always trust in you! Amen. Ministry of Music Oceans Led by Jessica Sevier *The Right Hand of Fellowship—Signifies our desire for unity and peace in God’s Family. *Liturgy CHRISTIAN HOMES #119 Let Your Light Shine Besig Children’s Chat Anthem Presentation of Tithes and Offerings: Let Your Lights So Shine *Doxology Hymn Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. *Prayer Thomas #817 Scripture Message Matthew 8: 23—27 His Power Prevails *Sending Song: *Benediction Lord I Need You This is Amazing Grace Led by Jessica Sevier *Music for Praise and Service Postlude in F Thomas Welcome to our "Hope for All" Worship! As a joyful and uplifting service on the first Sunday of every month, "Hope for All" will have increased youth participation and engaging music that both young and old will enjoy together! May all know of the Hope we have in Jesus! WELCOME GUESTS! We extend a special welcome to all guests who are worshiping with us today. Please complete a welcome card, located in the pew rack, and place it in the offering plate. Our goal is to be a nurturing and welcoming community of faith. During our Sunday worship service, we offer a nursery (birth to age 3) and “Children’s Church” for pre-school through 3rd grade children. “Children’s Church” begins following the Children’s Chat. Portable hearing devices and/or large print hymnals are available if you need them. Please ask an usher to assist you with them. For more information about Hope Moravian, please go to our web site: www.hopemoravianchurch.org. Ministers All Who Serve Christ Pastor Andy Kilps Elder of the Day Mark Bolander Nursery Barbara Swinford Children’s Church Brandy Walters Organist/Choir Director John Ziegler Secretary ([email protected]) Anita Watkins Treasurer David Epperson Church Custodians Cori Thayer & Stephanie Gates Congregational Watchword for 2015 Behold, children are a gift of the Lord. Psalm 127:3 His Power Prevails! Matthew 8:23-27 -Sermon Notes- Jesus' power prevails over the ____________. His power will prevail over all of your _________________. Trusting that His power prevails should give us ____________. Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27 Open the Bible each day, in step with Jesus you'll stay! Today: Genesis 15 & Matthew 14 Monday: Genesis 16 & Matthew 15 Tuesday: Genesis 17 & Matthew 16 Wednesday: Genesis 18 & Matthew 17 Thursday: Genesis 19 & Matthew 18 Friday: Genesis 20 & Matthew 19 Saturday: Genesis 21 & Matthew 20 Time of Prayer HOSPITALIZED/SURGERY THIS WEEK: Josh McClain—Riley Children’s Hospital and Sally Scrogham—IU Med Center NURSING HOME & SHUT-INS: MILLER’S MERRY MANOR—Sharon Seim, Harold Dailey, Doris Robinette AT HOME - Martha McDonald, Archie Herron, Rachael Ross, Tom Dodd SILVER OAKS— Mary Louise Hamilton PRAYER CONCERNS: Ken Seim—in California for pre-surgery testing and preparation Sally Scrogham—needs to maintain oxygen levels, and control diabetes Sharon Shrader—lung infection Josh Mohr—fell from ladder Mary Louise Hamilton—cancer; discontinued chemotherapy Richard Keller—preparing for Dialysis Jon Templeman—brain tumor (December’s Joyful Noise recipient) John Tinkey—lymphedema (hospitalized this week) CONTINUING PRAYER NEEDS: Merrill and Norma Clouse, Elsie Hege, Darlene Harker, Ken Seim, Suzanne McClain, Eleanor Settle , Susan Kloss, Josh McClain, Brian Snyder, Kris Van Orden, Paul Keller, John Gilliland, Dave Calender, Dave Spangler, Tom Dodd, Glen Keller, Joey Ross, Bill Hasewinkle, Sharon Lynch, Nate Riley, Pete Ingram, Dave Spiece, Ruth Ann Smith, Paula Compton, Jesse Lopez, Ed Fulkerson, Mike Tungett, Sean Williamson, Jason Ferguson, and Jeri Smith. Please contact the office if anyone’s name should be added or removed from this list. You may email prayer concerns for the prayer chain to Dawn Wilson at: [email protected] Food Bank Needs Sugar, Flour, Oil, Ketchup and Peanut Butter News of the Church Alive! TODAY 11:00AM—Snak~N~Yak Mission Team Meeting during Snak~N~Yak in Kola Classroom Pick up pre-ordered subs in the MOC! MONDAY, February 2 4:45PM – 6:15PM – Boy Scouts/FH 5:00PM – Meal Site 6:30PM – 8:00PM – Cub Scouts/MOC and church TUESDAY, February 3 6:00—7:00PM—MOC/Zumba 7:00PM—MORAVIAN WOMEN WEDNESDAY, February 4 3:30PM—6PM—MOC/Volleyball 6:00PM—8PM—MOC/Softball 6:30PM—Senior High Youth/Parsonage 7:30PM—Choir THURSDAY, February 5 6:00PM—MOC/Zumba Toning 6:00PM—MH/AA 7:00PM—Special Events Team Meeting/Kola Classroom 7:00PM—4-H/Classroom and MOC FRIDAY, February 6 5:30—8:00PM—MOC/reserved/softball 6:00PM—Wedding Rehearsal SATURDAY, February 7 9:00AM—3:00PM—Journey Through Faith Training 3:30PM—Teltoe/Wingler Wedding SUNDAY, February 8 9:00 AM – Sunday School 10:00 AM – Worship with Joyful Noise Offering CHURCH COUNCIL FOLLOWING WORSHIP IN THE SANCTUARY Snak~N~Yak following Church Coucil S.W.A.T. will meet for lunch and SKY ZONE. SENIOR HIGH YOUTH SCHEDULE CHANGE: With the first Sunday being Super Bowl Sunday in February, February’s schedule will be like January’s. The Senior High Youth will meet the FIRST WEDNESDAY (FEBRUARY 4) and the THIRD SUNDAY (FEBRUARY 15). Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana’s Senior Mobile Pantry BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY SENIORS - AGE 55+ 1:00-2:00 PM Thursday, February 12th Community Center of Hope 543 Washington St., Hope ID REQUIRED MUST LIVE IN BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY AND BE AGE 55 OR OLDER PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BAGS/BOX One Having Authority “He taught them as one having authority” (Mark 1:22). The word “authority” carries a sense of power: here, to know the Scripture, to know and understand the people listening, and to control the evil spirit in the man. This passage begins in a rather matter-of-fact fashion. Jesus is setting up in Capernaum, a favorite gathering place of his ministry. It is the Sabbath; Jesus takes the scroll, reads it, then interprets it. Here the crowd is aroused: “How well he speaks; he gives me something to think about. Why he sounds better than the scribes when they speak; what authority he has!” Many of us have heard one who speaks with authority on one subject or another, one who holds our attention and inspires awe. These experiences help us to understand how the people of this synagogue felt about Jesus. They recognize him as a man of power. Imagine their surprise when the man with an unclean spirit approaches Jesus. Mark’s Gospel has all spirits know and speak to Jesus. “Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are” (Mark 1:24). When Jesus calls the spirit out of the man, people ask, “Who is he that even the spirits obey him?” Here Jesus at the beginning of his ministry shows that he not only knows the Scripture and its deeper meaning, but also has the ability to cast out demons and heal and forgive sin—power indeed. People lose no time in spreading the stories of his abilities. Today’s lesson is about power—not the power that warriors and political forces, or kings, presidents, and the like would understand. The power that Jesus held was unlike what anyone before or after him has ever shown. Gandhi came close. Jesus had the power of understanding what God expected of him, of knowing what God would do for him. We all work at attaining a small bit of this power. Wanting to know ourselves and to find good and love as well as disappointment and indifference within. Follow the way. Jesus set us a good path, easy to see, if not to follow. Prayer, study, stewardship, hospitality are all steps to help us along the way. We are never alone. Jesus still has the power. Martha E. Griffis, elder, Central Moravian Church, Bethlehem, PA Hope Moravian Church Established 1830 202 Main Street Hope, Indiana 47246 Office Phone: (812) 546-4641 [email protected]. Parsonage Phone: (812) 546-5051 Pastor Andy’s cell: (812) 447-9013 www.hopemoravianchurch.org Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany February 1, 2015
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