Page 2 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time A Closer Look at Today’s Gospel… Today we continue to read from Mark's Gospel, learning more about the ministry of Jesus. Jesus cured Simon's mother-in-law, and she immediately began to serve Jesus and his disciples. Jesus also cured many others who were brought to him, healing their illnesses and driving out demons. As we will see throughout Mark's Gospel, Jesus did not permit the demons to speak because they knew his identity and would have revealed it to those who were present. On the morning after this busy day, Jesus retreated in prayer, but was pursued by Simon and others who brought news that many people were looking for him. At this point in Mark's Gospel, we begin to see a distinct role for the inner circle of Jesus' disciples—they act as intermediaries between Jesus and the people. Jesus reports to his disciples that they need to leave Capernaum to preach in other places. Today's Gospel completes a picture of Jesus' ministry: preaching, curing the sick, driving out demons, and then moving on to continue this work in another place. Mark's Gospel tells us that Jesus did this throughout Galilee. Jesus' compassion and healing of the sick is a sign of the Kingdom of God. The Church continues to extend Christ's healing presence to others in its ministry to the sick. In the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, the Church prays for spiritual and physical healing, forgiveness of sins, and comfort for those who are suffering from illness. In today's Gospel we also notice the importance of prayer in Jesus' daily life. Jesus rose early in the morning, removed himself from the crowds, and went to a deserted place to pray. When the disciples found him, he told them that it was time to move on. We believe that in his prayers Jesus found guidance and direction from God. We also bring our decision-making to God in prayer, asking for his guidance and direction in our lives. — GOD has created me to do him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which he has not committed to another. I have a mission...I am a link in a chain, a band of connection between persons. He has not created me for nothing. I shall do good. I shall do his work. If I am in sickness, may my sickness serve him; in perplexity, may my perplexity serve him; if I am in sorrow, may my sorrow serve him. He does nothing in vain, He knows what he is about. Amen. —Blessed John Henry Newman February 8, 2015 Called to be Merciful Diocese of San Diego 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal St. Didacus Parish is pleased to participate in the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. This appeal supports charitable needs throughout the Diocese of San Diego. Your gifts make possible the work that impacts so many in our diocese: service to the poor and imprisoned, education for children in Catholic schools and training of catechists, formation of candidates for the priesthood, ministry to our youth and to young people on university campuses, preparation of couples for marriage, and support for parish development in Imperial Valley. Our parish is goal this year is $24,000. Participation in the Annual Catholic Appeal accomplishes something simple but profound: it opens the door of faith for others and for yourself. Because of your gift, someone will meet Jesus Christ, have the opportunity to experience His loving grace, know His Mercy, and rest in His peace. Please make your pledge today! There are many ways to respond to the Annual Catholic Appeal: —A monthly or quarterly pledge —A one-time cash gift —A credit card or electronic funds transfer, which may now be processed by the Diocese, or you may visit —A gift of stocks and bonds Note that the Annual Catholic Appeal qualifies for many company matching gift programs. If you didn’t receive a pledge card in the mail you can pick one up in the Church. Page 3 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions Saturday………….........February 7 5:00PM………………….†Art De Luca Sunday………….....…...February 8 8:30AM……...…....….…†Henry Lira 10:00AM………………..Sharon Ihle, Spec. Int. 11:30AM……...….……..People of St. Didacus Monday………………...February 9 7:30AM…….…………...†Maria Fielding Tuesday………..…..….February 10 6:00PM………………….†Patrick Stevenson Wednesday……......….February 11 8:30AM……………..…..†Kay Howerton Thursday………...…….February 12 7:30AM………….……...Gilbert Alcazar, Spec. Int. Friday…………...……...February 13 7:30AM…...…...……....…†Sue Ann Howerton Saturday………….........February 14 5:00PM………………….†Art De Luca Readings for the Week of February 8, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/ Mk 1:29-39 Gn 1:1-19/Mk 6:53-56 Gn 1:20--2:4a/Mk 7:1-13 Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Mk 7:14-23 Gn 2:18-25/Mk 7:24-30 Gn 3:1-8/Mk 7:31-37 Gn 3:9-24/Mk 8:1-10 Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/ Mk 1:40-45 “There is no limit to the divine mercy, which is offered to everyone.” —Pope Francis Weekly Events at St. Didacus Sunday, February 8, 2015 Girl Scout Cookie Sale Spanish Choir Monday, February 9, 2015 Cub Scouts– Wolf Leadership Meeting Quinceanera Class Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Youth Night Spanish Bible Study Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Eucharistic Adoration Religious Education Choir Finance Council Thursday, February 12, 2015 Divine Mercy Divine Mercy RCIA Friday, February 13, 2015 Encuentro Matrimonial Saturday, February 14, 2015 Location after all Masses 10:00am Hall Location 3:00-4:00pm Hall 5:30pm Hall 7:00pm Hall Location 6:30pm Hall 6:30pm Church Location 7:30-8:30am Church 5:30pm School 7:00pm Church 7:00pm Office Location 4:00pm Hall 5:00pm Church 7:00pm Hall Location 7:00pm Hall Location “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” —Matthew 5:7 GIFTS OF OUR TREASURY THE WEEK OF February 1, 2015 General Collection for February 1, 2015 Building Fund for February 1, 2015 Total Income: $5,348.00 $2,262.00 $7,610.00 Please Pray For Welcome to St. Didacus Parish! Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English 11:30am in Spanish Daily Mass Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt. Baptisms: Arrangements must be made 3 months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for information. Weddings: Arrangements must be made at least 9 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office. Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor Parish Office 619-284-3472 February 8, 2015 Rosalba Alarcon Maria Luz Arrellano Diann Bauer Dan Bauer Herbert Baxter Martha Becerra Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia Brignoni Ibeth Brignoni Ruben Campos Marie Cavanaugh Eileen Connolly Irene Davis MaryLou De Luca Cecelia Dueber Mary Farrell Santiago Fontes Susan Guenzel Sharon Ihle Bernie Kober Marilyn Kober Virginia Lantry Juanita Lopez Maria Lopez Anthony Martinez Rosalie Martinez Dolores Mediano Esteban Mediano Sylvia Paiz Dominick Palestini Gladys Palestini Diane Porter Antonia Raya Dolores Robertson Atina Rodriguez Aaron Rodriguez Alette Rodriguez Jeff Salazar Christine Segura Alice Sergi Mark Silke Michael Smith Raymond Sparks Mary Sutton Angel Tapia Pedro Tapia Therese Tucker Carol Verdon Adalina Zarate Josephine And the special intentions in our Book of Needs Page 4 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116 284-8730 Our Annual Gala and Auction “A Night at the Hamptons” is on Saturday, March 7th at the Southwestern Yacht Club. Watch your mail for registration information coming soon. We welcome your donations for the auction. Please contact the school if you have any questions. You are welcome to drop off your items at the Parish Office. Registration for prospective new students for the 2015-2016 school year is now open. Call the school office at 619-284-8730 for more information on how to register your children. Thank you for your prayers and support! Our Confirmation Retreat last weekend was a special time filled with fun, faith and friendship. Happy 105th Birthday to the Boy Scouts of America! 1910-2015 1st Reconciliation Retreat Saturday, February 21st 10am-noon in the Parish Hall This retreat is for the children making their First Communion this year. 1st Reconciliation Saturday, February 28th 10:00am at the Church February 8, 2015 We will celebrate Ash Wednesday on February 18th. We are collecting palms from last year so that they may be burned for ashes. Please put them in the basket at the entrance of the Church by Friday, February 13th. Planning ahead… Ash Wednesday schedule: 7:00am: Mass 8:30am: Mass with the school with celebrant, Bishop Brom Noon: Liturgy of the Word with Ashes 6:00pm: Liturgy of the Word with Ashes 7:00pm: Spanish Mass This Weekend Girl Scout’s Cookie Sale Today after the Masses, St. Didacus School’s 3rd grade Girl Scout Troop 4253 will be here selling cookies. The cost per box is $5 and they will only be accepting cash. Money raised from cookie sales helps them with their service projects and field trips for the year. They are also doing “Operation Thin Mint” again this year. If you’d like to buy a box of cookies to donate to our troops, that option is available, too. Bring your appetite next Sunday! The Divine Mercy Group will be having a Mexican food sale to benefit the Church. They will be serving chiles rellenos, sopes, nachos and tinga. 2014 Tax Statements are available by request only. To request your tax statement, please call the Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity throughout the year! Page 5 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Salvation, not healing or teaching, is Christ’s greatest gift In his homily at a daily Mass at the Vatican on January 22nd, Pope Francis reminded the congregation that although Jesus can bring relief to those who suffer, the most important reality is that Jesus brings salvation from sin. Commenting on the Gospel reading, which told of the crowds flocking to Jesus, the Pope observed that many people were looking for miracles, while others were hoping to hear a great teacher. Pope Francis said: What, though, is most important? That Jesus heals? No, that is not the most important thing. That He teaches us? That is not the most important thing either. It is that He saves! He is the Savior and we are saved by him: this is the most important thing, and this is the strength of our faith. Catholic World News - January 22, 2015 Kid’s Corner February 8, 2015 Making Time for Prayer How often have we heard or said these words: “I wish I had time to pray.” In today’s Gospel, we see a typical day in the life of Jesus: hard work and prayer. In his work, he healed Peter’s mother-in-law and the many ill people who were brought to him. He preached the Good News. He went off to a lonely place to pray and, through prayer, to renew himself. The apostles sought him out and asked him to return quickly to the village where the people needed him. Like Jesus, we fill our lives with doing and praying. Like Jesus, we will be asked to respond to the needs of others. Jesus felt the need for prayer in his life. We, too, need quiet moments to remember who we are, why we are. We need to set aside time—time to turn to God and to seek God’s presence, time to renew and grow in our friendship with God. Prayer is talking with God, listening to God. Prayer can be formal, like saying the Our Father or the Apostles’ Creed; it can be informal, speaking with God in our own words. Prayer can take the form of asking, thanking, praising, saying we are sorry. We can pray together or we can pray alone. Even our work can be a form of prayer. Just like you make plans for other activities in your day, planning good times for prayer will help you be successful. When is the best time for you to pray? What is the best place? In what ways can you pray while you are at work or school? How do you pray when you are alone? What is your favorite prayer? —Celebrating the Gospels Who May Preach With rare exception, for example, at Masses with children, current liturgical law limits preaching homilies during the Eucharistic celebration to ordained ministers. This being said, it doesn't mean that all baptized Christians aren’t called to preach the Gospel. In fact, we are, by the very way we live. And sometimes the preaching by the actions of our lives is far more eloquent and fruitful than words. And far more challenging. And far more rewarding. —Living Liturgy Pagina 6 Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Llamados a ser misericordioso Campaña Católica Anual 2015 Diócesis de San Diego La parroquia de San Didacus se complace en participar en el "Llamado a ser misericordiosos 2015” de la Campaña Anual Católica de la Diocesis de San Diego. Esta apelación apoya las necesidades de toda la Diócesis. Sus donaciones hacen posible el trabajo que afecta a tantos en nuestra diócesis: el servicio a los pobres y encarcelados, la educación para los niños en las escuelas católicas y la formación de los catequistas, formación de los candidatos al sacerdocio, el ministerio de jóvenes en las parroquias y en los campus universitarios, la preparación de las parejas para el matrimonio, y el apoyo para el desarrollo de la parroquia en el Valle Imperial. Nuestra parroquia tiene una meta es de $ 24.000 este año. Su participación en esta Campaña es indispensable, por favor participe con lo que usted pueda dar. Gracias a su generosidad, alguien se encontrara con Jesucristo, participe y apoye en dar a conocer la Misericordia de Dios. Para la revisión de vida ¿Qué estaría viviendo Job que lo hizo decir las palabras que escuchamos el día de hoy? ¿Me acerco a las personas valorándolas como personas o juzgo y rechazo a quienes son diferentes que yo? ¿Cómo me afectan los momentos duros de mi vida, los momentos de depresión, cuando el tiempo se hace largo y todo esta en contra? ¿En qué gestos concretos me hago cercano/a a los hermanos que sufren o que están marginados cerca de mi? 8 de febrero de 2015 Miércoles de Ceniza El 18 de febrero es el miércoles de ceniza y estamos recogiendo las palmas del año pasado para quemarlas para las cenizas. Por favor, pónganlas en la canasta a la entrada de la Iglesia de antes del domingo 15 de febrero. Horarios del Miércoles de Ceniza 7 AM: Misa en ingles 8:30 AM: Misa en ingles con la escuela celebrara el obispo Brom 12 PM: Liturgia de la Palabra con cenizas 6:00 PM: Liturgia de la Palabra con cenizas 7:00 PM: Misa en español Este fin de semana Venta de galletas de las Girl Scouts Hoy después de todas las Misas, el grupo de Tercer grado de Girl Scouts, de la tropa 4253 estará vendiendo galletas. El costo por caja es de $ 5 y sólo se aceptará dinero en efectivo. El dinero recaudado de esta venta es para ayudarles con sus proyectos de servicio y viajes de estudios para el año. Venga con hambre la próxima semana El Grupo de la Divina Misericordia tendrá una venta de comida mexicana en beneficio de nuestra parroquia. Por favor coopere con esta causa, es para ayudar financieramente a nuestra parroquia. Habrá chiles rellenos, sopes, nachos y tacos de tinga. S T. 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