Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 Our young pe ople are goi ng t o do a sleepover experience t o stand in s olidarity wit h t he homeless. This year will make a donation t o "Keep the Heat" – If you want to s upport young people in this challenge, can deliver an envelope mar ked " Sleep Out" wit h your donation t he rectory or in t he collection. T hank you very m uch! MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, February 7th 8:00AM- HOLY FAMILY MASS 4:00PM Kevin Bairos (O);Manuel do Soito (Birth Remb); Joseph, Irene & Russell Escobar; Cecilia Marques; John T. Pina (25th Anniv) & Birth Remb); Manuel Leandro Sr. (50th Anniv); Maria Torres & Elvira Fontes 5:30PM Maria Jose Almeida, husband & Son (O); Fernando Resendes & grandparents; Maria Faria; Maria Alice Andrade; Maria Ines Ferreira; Geraldo Realejo (Anniv); Sunday, February 8th 7:30AM Manuel Simao Pereira & Ana de Deus Roias (O); Jose & Ana Faria & Family; Maria Faria 9:00AM Pro Populo 10:30AM Margaret & Louis Tavares; Manuel do Soito; Jose Rodrigues 11:45AM Intentions of Robert Armagost Jr.; Silvana Oliviera; Paulino Bento Amaral; Paula Lima Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time B Today we continue to read from Mark's Gospel, learning more about the ministry of Jesus. Jesus cured Simon's mother-in-law, and she immediately began to serve Jesus and his disciples. Jesus also cured many others who were brought to him. On the morning after this busy day, Jesus retreated in prayer, but was pursued by Simon and others who brought news that many people were looking for him. Jesus reports to his disciples that they need to leave Capernaum to preach in other places. Monday, February 9th 12:05PM Mary Vieira 6:00PM Intentions of Maria Leotina Medeiros; Artur & Luiz Moniz; Antonio Soito; Alda Lopes Mendes & Norberto Silvio Barros Tuesday, February 10th 12:05PM Manuel & Maria da Luz Taveira; Augostinho Pereira 6:00PM Souls; Jose & Ana Faria & Family Wednesday, February 11th 12:05PM Mary Taveira & Maria Sousa; Maria Cabral; In Honor of Our Lady of Lourdes; Angelina Silveira; 6:00PM Jose Oliveira; Maria Torvao; Maria Faria Thursday, February 12th 12:05PM Isaltina Cabral; Tony & Maria Vieria; Tommy Gomes; Carolyn Elderkin, Arthur &Delores Viveiros; Jose Silveira Gomes (10th Anniv), Parents & In Laws 6:00PM Mary T. Moniz; Hortencia Lima (Birth Remb) & Manuel Lima & Family; Clarence Cunha (Birth Remb) & parents, In Honor of Our Lady of Light Friday, February 13th 12:05PM Jose, Maria Rosa Pacheco & Family; Rita G. Cabral (Birth Remb); Manuel & Ana Amaral 6:00PM Maria Beatriz Bettencourt & Parents; Angelica Gomes de Andrade & Sergio Faria & Family; Germana da Trindade Botelho Saturday, February 14th 4:00PM Antonio F. & Maria da Gloria Escobar (O); Julia Teixeira; Leonel Farias & Jose Farias & Family; Liberato Carreirro da Mota 5:30PM John Carvalho, Parents &in Laws (O); Maria Faria; Maria Luisa Medeiros; Maria Alice Andrade; Duarte Fernando Ferreira, Maira Ines Ferreira; Manuel & Maria Teixeira & Maria Renquinha; Aldice de Jesus Maiato & Artur Amaral Maiato; Jose da Ponte Cabral & Maria de Jesus Cabral; Maria da Conceicao Correia (Birth Remb) Sunday, February 15th 7:30AM Eduardo Sampaio (O) 9:00AM Pro Populo 10:30AM Catherine Rose Botelho (O); Manuel F. de Sousa; Jose & Ana Faria & Family 11:45AM Afonso Pinto & Family (O); Natalia & Sofia Leitao; Gil & Suzann Raposo; Maria Faria; Jimmy Racine; Noelia Gomes, parents & Grandparents; Jose Medeiros Parents ; Gloria Vieira, husband, parents & son Blessed Sacrament Lamp In Memory of Maria Jose Sousa & Manuel Sousa & Family Today's Gospel completes a picture of Jesus' ministry: preaching, curing the sick, driving out demons, and then moving on to continue this work in another place. Mark's Gospel tells us that Jesus did this throughout Galilee. Jesus' compassion and healing of the sick is a sign of the Kingdom of God. The Church continues to extend Christ's healing presence to others in its ministry to the sick. In the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, the Church prays for spiritual and physical healing, forgiveness of sins, and comfort for those who are suffering from illness. In today's Gospel we also notice the importance of prayer in Jesus' daily life. Jesus rose early in the morning, removed himself from the crowds, and went to a deserted place to pray. When the disciples found him, he told them that it was time to move on. We believe that in his prayers Jesus found guidance and direction from God. We also bring our decision-making to God in prayer, asking for his guidance and direction in our lives. Malassadas Sale As it has been our tradition in the past we will have a sale of Malassadas on Sunday, February 15th after all Masses. We look forward to your generous donations of flour, oil, sugar, and eggs. We are in need of more flour than sugar. Donations may be dropped off at the rectory between 9:00AM and 4:30PM. May God bless you. St. Francis Xavier Church Faith Formation News: Kindergarten – Grade 5 All classes are in session. Grades 6-7-8 Winter Program Classes meet Monday, February 9th from 6pm – 7:30pm in Rego Auditorium. Confirmation II Classes meet on Tuesday, February 10th from 6pm – 7:30pm. PLEASE HELP OUR PARISH!!! This year please have EMD Tax Consulting) 401434-6623) prepare your income taxes and they’ll donate $50.00 of their fee to our Parish. Fees may be as low as only $200.00 for a federal & State return w/e-file. See their ad in the back of our church bulletin and God bless you!” RELIGIOUS BOOK SALE East Providence, RI St. Francis Xavier Band Breakfast & Bake Sale – Homemade Massa, biscoitos, bolos levedos and more! Sunday, March 1st from 7am to 1pm Rego Auditorium Adults $ 10.00 children (under 10) $6.00 Eduarda-774-451-5186 Jennifer 508-813-9378 Lent 2015 Ash Wednesday- February 18th Masses: 8:00AM in English 12:05PM in English 6:00PM in Portuguese Ashes are given out during the context of Mass. Please note: Ashes will not be given out at any other time throughout the day. Fasting Abstinence The Sisters of St. Paul will be here the weekend of February 21st and 22nd. They will be selling books, DVDs, and CDs in the Library of the Church. They will be here after all the Masses on Saturday and Sunday. Thank you for your support. Bulletin Ads If you have a business and are interested in placing an ad on the back of the church bulletin please call the parish secretary at 434-1878 by March 13th. New ads will begin on April 1, 2015 thru March 31, 2016. We have spaces available. This would be a great way to advertise your business and support your parish. Please note: On Monday, February 16th there is only an 8:00am mass due to Presidents Day Holiday, there is no Mass at 12:05 or 6:00PM. The rectory will be closed on Monday Church law requires abstinence from meat (For those 14 & older) on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays in Lent. In addition, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are fasting days: those between the ages of 18 & 59 should eat less, that is take in no solid food between meals and only one meal should be a full meal. Serious reason, for example: medical condition can excuse one from these rules. Sacrament of Penance During lent, parishioners may avail themselves of this Sacrament on Saturdays between 3:00 – 3:45 both in English and Portuguese. You may also make an appointment by calling the rectory. Stations of the Cross Portuguese- Thursdays at 5:00pm English - Fridays 11:00am Portuguese Lenten Mission, March 9- 13 2014 6:00 PM Mass Franciscan Father Bruno Peixoto English Lenten Mission, March 23 - 27, 2014 6:00 PM Mass Various Priests from the Diocese
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