Today’s Teaching Get Connected When God Chose His Team… How do I get connected at Southwest? I have two profoundly important questions for you today. → On the “Let us Know” card in the pew rack, check the box for: First, how is your prayer life with God? Would you characterize it as growing? Is it deepening? Is it one-way conversation or is it two-way? Do you have one at all? • I’d like a Small Group and/or • Sign me Up for the Next “Starting Point” Class This is so important because prayer is how we come to God and participate in our growing relationship with him. When the son of God walked the earth as a man, it was with prayer that he communed with God. The Gathering February 1, 2015 → Drop the “Let Us Know” card at the usher’s desk, drop it in the offering tray or place it in the giving boxes. You will be contacted this week with information on how to get started. He prayed in the beginning of his ministry at his baptism and he prayed at the end of it on the cross. And he prayed everywhere in between. Today we will look at a time when he prayed all night long before he made a big decision. Think about it: If Jesus Christ needed a vibrant prayer life to stay connected to God, then how much more do you need it? → PRAY! - Begin asking God to show you relationships that will help you in your journey as a disciple. Second, who specifically are you discipling? Or who are you being discipled by? After praying all night, Jesus specifically called twelve guys by name to invest in. To teach. To train. He didn’t preach these guys to maturity. He didn’t “Bible class” them into Christlikeness. He called them “to be with him.” (Mark 3:14) Notes continued Intimate, life-on-life relationship was God’s chosen method of changing the world when he was here as a man. And then he commissioned his disciples to go and do the same. Welcome guests and members to the large group gathering at Southwest Church of Christ. This morning, and all Sunday mornings, the many small groups that make up this body gather as a large group to worship God, celebrate His goodness in our lives, remember Christ together through communion, and be challenged and encouraged by scripture and by each other. To our guests this morning, we thank you for being with us and invite you to join us in this time of worship and in our lives as we strive to live as disciples of Jesus. „Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” Welcome Are you being discipled? Are you discipling anyone? Beautiful One Above All Else - 171 Worship Song If so, I’d lay bet that those relationships are the richest ones you have. If not, then I’d bet that you are not transforming more into the image of Christ. That might be worth praying all night about. I Am Mine No More - 683 -Brian Mashburn Mark1:16-20 Notes (see the back for more room) O Draw Me, Lord More Like You Prayer - Bob Backus Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus - 276 Amazing Grace/My Chains Are Gone Financial Report for January 25, 2015 Small Group Idea: Read Luke 6:12-16 & Mark 3:13-19 (section 53 in the Harmony). Ask: What does it mean about the humanity of Jesus that he prayed all night? Why do you think Jesus chose a few to invest in rather than just depend on his powerful preaching to the crowds? What do you think we can learn from the three reasons that Jesus called the twelve (Mk 3:14-15)? Then ask: Has something ever been so important that you gave up sleep to pray? What was it? Does your prayer life resemble Jesus’ (read Luke 5:16)? Finally, have you ever been formally discipled? If so, by whom? Are you formally discipling someone? If so, who? If not, pray about this. End your time sharing the Lord’s Supper. • • • Sunday Bible Class 358 AM Worship Assembly 721 Contribution $21,931 (Weekly Goal $30,361) Lord’s Supper - Ben Bandy Be Lifted High Highest Place - 155 Anywhere with Jesus - 414 “When God Chose His Team” - Brian Mashburn Freely, Freely - 635 Hymnals are available in the back of the auditorium. 4515 Cornell Street · Amarillo, Texas 79109 806-352-5647 · Please drop your offering in the Offering Boxes conveniently located at the entrances to the auditorium. Please place visitor cards and prayer request cards in the boxes marked for prayer requests. News & Notes End-of-year Contribution Statements SOUTHWEST STARTING POINT: If you are looking for a church home, or have recently made Southwest your home, sign up for our next Starting Point class on Sunday, February 8, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm, includes a great lunch, and childcare is provided. Not only will you leave with an exciting understanding of our mission, vision, and how to take your next step, but you will have a full belly and some new friends. Contact Brian or Cindy at 806-352-5647 or just check the box on the back of the attendance card in the pew. If you would like your end-of-year contribution statement for 2014, please contact Rena Adams by email in the church office at [email protected]. Children’s Library…TODAY!! Books are on display and available to check out in the children’s wing. If you checked out books in January, please bring them back and check out more!! Single Mom’s Dinner: All Single Moms, you and your children are invited to join us for dinner this Wednesday, February 4, 6 pm in the Fellowship Room. Babysitter needed for Lydia’s House/A SP!CE Bible Study on PRAYER CONCERNS BSA: Shelbi Miller, Rm. 381 (daughter-in-law of Bryan & Tanya Miller) Jay Leverett, Rm. 438 Glenda Abston, Jeri Blodgett, Debbie Croft, Carolyn Eldridge, Mac Elliott, Othella Enyart, Juanita Faulkner, Carlanne Flynt, Macy Hobbs, Carlos Loya, Xara Marr, Robert Moody, Phyllis Perry, Jon Salmon, Logan Schreck We Express Our Sympathy to: Brian & Cindy Booker and family in the death of Brian’s uncle, Glen Dickerson. His service was Thursday. Happy Anniversary February 4: Joe & Yvie Pirkle, 43 years Wednesdays. This is a paid position. If you are interested, please contact Paula Churchman (674-0828). Family Service Center Clothing: On Wednesday, February 4, Group One (led by Joyce Dickey & JoAnn Meeker) will not meet due to remodel. Family service center Food: On Wednesday, February 4, Group One (led by John Paul Athanasiou) will work. In an effort to organize the Family Service Center, we are not accepting donations at this time. Donations can be taken to Goodwill, Counsel for the Blind, Faith City Mission and the Downtown Women’s Center. LOCATION CHANGE!! You are invited to a Baby Shower for Ashley Marentette, Sunday, February 8, 3:30-5 pm at the home of Teri Morgan (4705 Olsen). Ashley is expecting a girl and is registered at Wal-Mart. Please contact Ashly Baccas (575-693-2702) with questions. Baby Shower to Go!!! On January 15th, Bruce and Edie Hurley became first-time grandparents when Miss Emerson Aleen Hurley was born to Sam and Ashley Hurley of Dallas. In order to honor Bruce and Edie and bless Sam and Ashley, we’re having a “baby shower to go”! Please bring gift cards (she’s registered at Target), drop them off by Sunday, February 15th in the basket on the gift table, and then we’ll get them to the “new family”. The Baby Shower for Shelbi Miller (daughter-in-law of Bryan & Tanya Miller) has been postponed. We will let you know once it has been rescheduled. Last call for dishes! Please go by the table in the east foyer by the middle entrance to the Auditorium to see if you’ve left a dish here at the building. Thanks! Spring Saturday Night Live Dates: Route 56 - February 7; 3rd & 4th grades - February 28; 1st & 2nd grades - March 28. SNLs are a time for our parents and students to connect, play games, and engage each other spiritually. Childcare is provided for free at the building for younger siblings. Come hang with us this spring! Route 56 SNL: Saturday, February 7, 6-8:30 pm at the home of Caleb Blackwell (9800 Ottobahn). Guys bring finger food dessert. Girls bring chips. Childcare is available at the building for younger siblings. RSVP to Cindy ([email protected] or text: 806-676-7629) for childcare. VBS: June 7-10. We’re taking a journey back in Bible times…without leaving our church! You’ll get to talk to Jesus’ mom, Mary, and find out what life was like when Jesus was a kid. Base Camp: Base Camp 2015 will be held June 29 - July 1. Base Camp is open to all kids entering 1st-6th grades in the 2015-16 school year. It’s going to be awesome!!!!!! Financial Peace University is based on more than 800 verses of Bible scripture and is a proven plan that will work! The course is taught by Dave Ramsey on video and facilitated by John Paul & Diane Athanasiou. For questions contact Joh Paul (433-4059) or register at Our first class will begin on Thursday, February 12, 6:30 pm at Faith Southwest (4415 Wesley). Childcare will be provided. Weather Bulletin: If driving conditions appear dangerous due to bad weather, please check the church website or call the church office for information regarding possible church cancellations or delays. We will also attempt to notify the TV stations but cannot guarantee their cooperation. If services or classes are not cancelled, your help will be needed to clear the sidewalks around the building from possible snow or ice. Please bring a shovel and join us two hours prior to the start of services and/or classes. SOUTHWEST STUDENT MINISTRY Super Bowl Party Tonight…. 5:15 - 9:30 pm in the Garage. Guys bring drinks, girls bring dessert. Everyone bring $3 for pizza. ...All students MS and HS come hang out with us on Monday from 3:30 - 5:30pm. Bring a friend and money for a drink or snack. Everything is 50¢. Trek Groups – MS & HS come hangout with us on Wednesday nights. The Brake Pad will open at 6:30. MS will be done by 8:00 and HS by 8:30. HS Ski Trippers...Please contact Misty in the church office (352-5647) if you have not received an email for ski rentals. Jr/Sr Main Event...February 21. Parents and students please join us for a night of food, fun, and conversation at the Corder’s (4703 Harvard).
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