The Voice February 2015 Church School 9:00 a.m. gives us Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m. Congregational Watchword for 2015 The word of the Lord endures forever. That word is the good news that was announced to you. 1 Peter 1:25 Moravian Motto In essentials, unity In non-essentials, liberty In all things, love Pastor Rev. Mary Lou Plummer Board of Elders Matt Fletcher, Kay Heller, Becky Jacoby, Lynn Mlodzik, Sandi Mroz, Milo Plante, Robin Werth Board of Trustees Michael Barnes, Marilyn Hutter, Bruce King, Kevin Straughan, Eric Voight, Wendy Wilson How many times in our everyday life have we thought “I am at the mercy of …”? In our modern society where institutions are being challenged, culture is in flux, and technology provides almost instant access to knowledge, do we even consider who’s mercy, if anyone’s, we are at? (That was probably poor sentence structure if I remember my grammar lessons – here, again, rules of grammar are changing.) Consider the patriarchs of the Bible – Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. They all lived at the mercy of other tribes, the weather, and environment. Life back then was so mysterious; there was so much humanity did not know. They truly were at the mercy of a higher power they called Yahweh who led them into new ways of being in the world. Even if we fast forward in time to when Jesus walked the earth, humanity didn’t have a scientific grasp of medical, social, or environmental happenings. They, too, were living at the mercy of outside forces who were more powerful than they. Yet, Jesus came to remind them of a merciful, compassionate God who loves them beyond measure, calling to them to new ways of being in the world. Today, in our self-actualized, technologically absorbed, independent society, just who’s mercy are we at? Where is the mystery of life? Each generation knows so much more than the preceding generation yet how often do we choose to enter into a personal or communal environment which is mysterious and without black and white answers? The season of Lent is our invitation to explore the mystery of God – Who is God to me? Am I living a life that reveals that I truly am living at the mercy of a compassionate God? How well have I silenced my ego to hear the still, small voice of God? How often do I recognize, acknowledge, and respond to being at the mercy of God? May the forty days of Lent be a revelation and an inspiration to a new understanding of God working in your life. Enter into the mystery that is God in whose mercy we abide. urch, are growing in our -Mary Lou Plummer 1 The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Love of Worship Adam Hamilton A Lenten Study Begins February 25 at 6:30 p.m. POLKA WORSHIP SERVICE FEB. 15 TH Travel with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Fascinating video from his personal travels to the Holy Land give you a “firstperson” experience while his biblical wisdom and historical knowledge provide thoughtful and insightful commentary. * 10:15 AM Music by The Choraleers and The Old Time Brass. Bring a friend, neighbor or co-worker and worship God with a lively half step! Ash Wednesday Holy Communion We will be studying Jesus’ baptism and temptation; his healing ministry; proclaiming the Kingdom; calming the storm; sinners, outcasts and the poor; and his final week. The cost for the study book is $12.50. Please sign up by February 11. On Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00 p.m., we will gather in the sanctuary for a special communion service as we begin the season of Lent. Please join us around the table. Moravian women Moravian Women will meet on Thursday, February 12 at 1:00 p.m. at church with Lorraine Abbott as hostess. Men’s retreat The Men’s Fellowship of the Lake Mills Moravian Church is once again sponsoring a Men’s Retreat at Mt. Morris Camp and Conference Center. The retreat will be held from February 27 – March 1. The Rev. Brian Dixon, pastor of the Lake Auburn Moravian Church will serve as facilitator and the theme is “Feats of Strength.” Registration forms are available from the table at the back of the sanctuary. Love of Teaching & Learning Sunday School news Our Sunday School children are presently learning about respect. The main idea of this rotation is that Jesus teaches us to love God and to love others. One way we show love to God and to others is by being respectful. This rotation is based on Matthew 7:12, “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” Children will hear what the Bible says about respect and how to treat God, other people and nature. Moravian Women’s conference June 25-28, 2015 Sandy Cove Convention Center, Maryland Every four years, the Interprovincial Women’s Board hosts a three-day conference for Moravian women across North America and other parts of the world. Check out their website at for further information. Registration forms are also available at the back of the sanctuary. The field trip at the end of this rotation is to Skate City. What a great venue for applying and practicing respect! This is tentatively scheduled for Feb. 8th. More information will be coming your way. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 17 at 11 a.m. 2 For the Love of Congregation Care 350 Gauze Sponges 4” x 4” 85 tubes of antibiotic cream Thank you, Central Wisconsin Moravians for responding so quickly to the needs of our Honduran brothers and sisters. We will pass along future needs as they are made known to us. Update: Sheets are no longer needed as they now have plenty. Thank you Community outreach The Saratoga Board of Elders wants to say “thank you” to members of the Wisconsin Rapids congregation who sang “Christmas Grace” with us at our Christmas Eve service. We also thank those who came caroling with us so that we could share the joy of music with those we visited. For February, we will continue to collect personal essential items. This includes shampoo, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, etc. – anything along that line. A complete list is posted on the sandwich board by the offices. – Rosemary Mooney On a personal note, I want to thank all who made it possible for me to enjoy a new gift of playing trombone. This has been a wonderful gift that I am thankful for every time I pick it up and play. Together we make music a wonderful gift -- a gift that will last a long time. -Trudy Knipple Vice-Chair Saratoga Board of Elders South Wood County Empty Bowls Saturday, February 21 First English Lutheran Church (440 Garfield St.) 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. For your $10 donation, you will receive a meal of delicious soup from a local restaurant, bread, beverage and dessert. A bowl handcrafted by one of our local potters is our thanks to you for your support. All funds raised will be used to benefit organizations that help our neighbors meet basic food needs. Thank you to everyone who baked or purchased a pie at our pie sale in November. The sale netted $186.00. -Dawn Wesenberg Thank you to Bill Mohr for delivering the offering envelopes that were not picked up. Thank you Thank you for your financial support. May God continue to richly bless you. -Helping Hands Gospel Mission Love of Missions The South Wood Emergency Pantry Shelf gratefully acknowledges and thanks you for the donation of seven bags of food items delivered in November and your financial contributions. SWEPS volunteers from 16 area churches filled 140 requests for food in December for a total of 1,618 requests in 2014. We thank you for helping us to share the blessing of food. -Judy Steele, Treasurer, SWEPS Board Ahuas Honduras clinic update In December with very little notice, the Central Wisconsin churches were made aware of the need for gauze pads, antibiotic cream and sheets for the Moravian clinic in Ahuas Honduras. Rick Nelson is serving the clinic as Business Manager – a position he held for many years in the 1980s and 1990s – on a two-year position through the Board of World Mission. When he returned to Honduras following holiday time with his family in Sturgeon Bay, Rick took with him our donations of: 26 twin flat sheets 20 pillowcases 627 Gauze Pads 4” x 4” Saratoga Moravian Beef Stroganoff Dinner Saturday, March 7 4 – 6 p.m. Proceeds will go to Jeremiah’s Crossing 3 December statistics For the Love of Stewardship Beginning 2014 Balance = -$39,613.75 Income thru 12/31/2014 = $151,535.11 Expenses = $161,268.58 General Fund Balance = -$49,347.22 Ave. Needed/Week = $3,087.67 Ave. for the Year Received = $2,853.38 Ave. Attendance for December = 85 Furnace Loan Balance as of 12/31/2014 = $15,385.92 News from church council Much work was addressed at our church council held Jan. 18th. Most of the time was spent reviewing the new bylaws that were unanimously adopted. Much gratitude is extended to the Bylaws Committee chaired by Aden Ward and included Becky Jacoby (Elder), Kevin Straughan (Trustee), Jody Werth (Congregational Member-at-Large) and Pastor Mary Lou. Hard copies of the new bylaws will be available in the back of the sanctuary. New financial secretary appointed Our Board of Trustees has appointed Beth Sowatzke to serve our community in the role of Financial Secretary. In fact, Beth has been serving in this capacity since October. Thank you, Beth, for taking on this responsibility. At the end of the meeting, appreciation was expressed to outgoing board members: John Buchholz, Lee Fletcher (Trustees), Ashley Kelnhofer, Jill Kemp, and Bill Mohr. Elected to the Trustees were Mike Barnes and Eric Voight (we have two Eric Voights – Trustee Eric is son of Virgil and Elaine Voight). New Elders are Lynn Mlodzik and Milo Plante. We also extend our gratitude to Terry Barnes who has stepped down as Financial Secretary. Thank you, Terry, for your years of service and dedication to carry out the responsibilities of this position with professionalism and care. “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Congregational watchwords God’s Holy Spirit was present in our time together and positive comments were raised in the reports that were submitted and in the discussions entered into. God is good and we felt that at church council. Choir: I will set my eyes upon them for good. I will build them up, and not tear them down; I will plant them, and not pluck them up. Jeremiah 24:6 Christian Education Committee: Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain. Psalm 127:1 Confirmation: Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. 1 Peter 5:6 Flute Choir: I rejoice in your salvation. 1 Samuel 2:1 Marvelous Moms: Take care that none of you may have an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. Hebrews 3:12 Melodica Choir: With many dreams come vanities and a multitude of words; but fear God. Ecclesiastes 5:7 Moravian Women: Paul wrote: I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 Recorder Consort: Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living one. Revelation 1:17-18 Senior Moravians: I will pray with the spirit, but I will pray with the mind also; I will sing praise with the spirit, but I will sing praise with the mind also. 1 Corinthians 14:15 Sunday School: It was not because you were more numerous than any other people that the Lord set his heart on you and chose you – for you were the fewest of all peoples. It was because the Lord loved you. Deuteronomy 7:7-8 Stewardship Committee: O Lord, restore me to health and make me live. Isaiah 38:16 Ushers: Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker. Proverbs 14:31 Board of Elders meeting of 1/13/15: Reports given and received. Request to move Confirmation Date in November; Confirmation will now be Nov. 15th. Plans for possible resizing of Elders depending on decision of Church Council. Suggestions for Central Wisconsin Moravians coming together for Holy Week readings. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 10 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting – 1/14/15: Minutes, Treasurer’s Report and payment of bills were approved. Approved payment on heating system loan. Approved repairing the clavinova. Discussed offering used florescent light bulbs for sale to the congregation. Approved disbursement of telephone stock dividends. Next meeting: Wednesday, February 11 @ 7 p.m. 4 In our church family Birthdays 02/01 Bill Williams 02/03 Amy Hinrichsen 02/05 Cory Hiller 02/08 Colleen Straughan 02/11 Lynn Mlodzik, Falen Narel 02/15 Kay Shearier 02/19 Tyler Jensen 02/20 Hallie Anderson 02/21 Gary Heller, Robert Daven, Terri Hiller 02/23 Donald Gunderson, Alli Dewitt, Alexis Straughan 02/24 Morgan Anderson 02/25 Renee Barnes 02/26 Beverly Becker 02/27 Dennis Anderson, Karenna Mohr Anniversaries 02/14 Alan & Robin Werth 02/20 Milo & Kathleen Plante 02/23 Travis & Katharine Grimm Nursing/group home residents Edgewater: Florence Garfield, Ronald & Dorothy Langsdorf Managed Care: Ethelmae Schulz, Orva Schmick, Alta Daven Maple Ridge Assisted Living: Kay Doll Pine Ridge: Gilbert Plantico Arborwood Lodge: Bette Lauby, Conlin & Peg Maier Our House: Arvilla Zimmerman Renaissance: Elizabeth Cooper Homebound: Marlene Young, Bill Williams, James Hanneman Our servicemen Paul Eklund, David Eklund, Dustin Wesenberg, Jeff Paschal Funerals We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the families of: Anna Plantico who died Jan.15; her funeral was held on Jan. 18 Danny Hedin who died Jan. 23; his funeral was held on Jan. 30 Pastoral care If you or your loved one is hospitalized, please call the church office. We are not always contacted by the hospital. For pastoral emergencies, please call the parsonage at 715-423-2072 or 715-451-9992 (cell). Around the community From Bethesda Thrift Shop: In February, we begin our seasonal clearance sale with 25% off all clothing and shoes (and the store is still loaded with clothing and more coming out each day)... changing to 50% off later in the month. On Feb. 27-28 we will have 50% off almost everything in the store. We have various Valentine items and can we suggest using your tax refund for our great selection of NEW furniture or mattresses. Just to let you know our progress, we are a non-profit organization that took in $265,751.00 in sales last year with 65% of that going to enhance the lives of the intellectually and physically disabled folks we serve. The 35% of the income is needed for rent, buying new furniture and mattresses and store supplies. At this rate we should take in our 2 millionth dollar in August! There is no pay roll at our store – every one working at the store including management serves as a volunteer. We have about 130 volunteers who worked 15,000 hours this past year. We had 33,000 customers and 4,300 donations this past year. Thanks again for your continued support. Every kid needs somebody, why not you? Become a foster parent for the Wood County Human 5 Services Department! We have many children who need a safe and caring home to rest their heads. We are seeking families to provide short or long term care to a child or sibling group. If you have a desire to nurture a child and you feel called to care for children who have lived through difficult experiences, then you are ready to consider becoming a foster parent. Contact Jean Rader at 715-4218600 or Grace Bauer at 715-3876374 for further information. The Nekoosa United Church of Christ will hold its Quilt Show on Saturday, March 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They invite you to the quilt show and offer you an opportunity to enter an item in it. This is a free event to enter and free to attend. A free-will offering will be accepted at the door. Need help filing your taxes? The AARP Tax Aide Program was designed to provide free assistance to low to middle-income taxpayers, with special attention to those age 60 and older. Volunteer counselors, trained in cooperation with the IRS, will be available every Monday, Wednesday and select Thursdays starting February 2 through April 8 (8 a.m. – 3 p.m.) at the Lowell Center. Appointments are necessary! Call 715-422-2776 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to schedule your personal tax appointment. Save the date 2015 Annual CROP Walk Sunday, May 3 at 1 p.m. SWEPS is in need of paper grocery bags. Bring to church and we will deliver them to the Pantry. Non-Profit Org. 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