Aint ndaydve Saint Raymond of Penafort Catholic Church February 1, 2015 – Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive Parish Office 1350 Vernon Road Philadelphia, PA 19150 Phone: 215-549-3760 Fax: 215-549-1271 Web: Email: [email protected] Mass: Monday - Thursday at 8:00am Saturday at 8:00am & 5:00pm Sunday at 10:00am Prayer for Families Father God, bless our families. May Your grace and love help our families be united and always faithful to Your plan. Strengthen those called to marriage. Provide for families that are struggling O Lord. Give us all generous hearts and hands. Reach out Your hand and bless us mightily. Father God we want you to be the center of our life and of our family. Comfort us. Guide us. Bless us. And when we err, correct us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Parish School 7940 Williams Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19150 Phone: 215-548-1919 Fax: 215-548-1925 Web: Email: [email protected] Confession: Saturday from 4:30pm - 4:50pm Sunday from 9:30am - 9:50am Those who are interested in joining our Church or learning more about the Catholic Faith, please call the Parish Office. You are most welcome because we need your gifts to enrich our Parish Family! St. Raymond Church: Where God is Glorified & His People Sanctified We will use our Passion for Christ and Hope for Humanity to inspire and serve so that the Gospel is proclaimed and we live as disciples of Jesus Meetings for the Week Mon., Feb. 2 – Gospel Choir Practice at 7pm (Church) Tues., Feb. 3 – Afternoon Bible Study at 1:30pm (SRR); Praise & Worship Choir at 8pm Wed., Feb. 4 – Directed Prayer at 8:30am (Chapel); Discipleship Groups at 6:30; Bible Study at 7:30pm Thurs., Feb. 5 – Adoration from 8:30am – 4pm (Chapel) Sat., Feb. 7 – Zumba at 9am (Hall); Weight Watchers at 10am; Mardi Gras 6:30pm-10:30pm (RSVP) Catholic Call to Prayer continues at 6:30am Monday to Friday. Call 1-857-232-0158, Enter Code 336656 Mass Intentions for the Week Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat., Sun., Feb. 2 8am Joan McConnell Feb. 3 8am Sophie Lamore (Birthday) Feb. 4 8am Healing of Kathleen Snyder Feb. 5 8am Barbara Wallace Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30am to 4:00pm Feb. 7 8am People of The Parish 5pm Intentions of Elliot Williams Feb. 8 10am In Thanksgiving Can you join us for Mass one day this week? Jesus is waiting for you to experience His love and mercy! Dear Friends, Happy February! February was named after the Latin Februalia, a time during which sacrifices were made to atone for sins in the ancient Roman religions. While that is certainly not going to be a part of February for most citizens, there certainly are some opportunities for us to “atone for sins” and “try to make things right” in our world! Next Saturday, February 7th is our parish Mardi Gras Party that gives us a chance to come together as a family and enjoy time in a light hearted social way while sharing good food and drink. When we come together and enjoy one another we are “making things right” in the world that is so often torn apart and divided. I look forward to being with you and meeting the friends and family you bring! Valentine’s Day is Saturday, February th 14 and I urge you to “atone for any sins” in your relationships with loved ones by offering apologies for words or actions that were hurtful and seeking to “make things right”. It is more difficult buying flowers and chocolate, but much more meaningful! On Sunday, February 15th we will host Our Mission is Love: Saving our Youth from Violence at 2pm. This gathering, is conjunction with a variety of representatives from the City of Philadelphia, will seek to address our growing concern with the disproportionate number of minorities involved with our criminal justice system. This event is a MUST for everyone in our community (bringing your children and grandchildren) as we educate ourselves and begin to plan our next steps in preventing the violence that is harming our families. Ash Wednesday will be on Wednesday, February 18th and we will have Mass at 8am, a Prayer Service at 11am and Mass again at 7pm to launch the Season of Lent. We will be told: Turn away from sin and believe in the Gospel. Are you ready to atone for your sins and start over again as a Disciple of the Lord? During the weeks of Lent I urge you to join us for DISCIPLESHIP at 6:30 (for Women’s Group, Men’s Group or Prayer Group) and/or at 7:30pm for Bible Study for the weeks of Lent. Childcare will be available for FREE! Make the most of your February – the ancient Romans will be proud and so will our Lord! Father Chris February 1, 2015 Notes from the Sunday Eucharist Scripture Passages for this Week: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 95:1-9; 1 Corinthians 7:32-35; Mark1:21-28. Inspiration from the Word Proclaimed: Inspiration from Preaching: Inspiration from Music and Song: Inspiration from Quiet Prayer: As a Disciple of Christ who seeks to give God Glory and also seeks my own sanctification, in the week to come I am moved to… Why not begin preparing for next week when the Scripture Passages will be: Job 7:1-7; Psalm 147:16; 1 Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39. AMEN – AMEN – AMEN – AMEN – AMEN 021 Saint Raymond Church February 1, 2015 United Way at St. Raymond - Help support St. Raymond Social Ministry in your United Way Campaign (ID# 8689) as well as St. Raymond School (ID# 50960) and let your employer match your gift in a way that is a true blessing to St. Raymond and those we serve. Have you ever thought that God might use YOU to save the life of an unborn child? Do you know someone who is pregnant and needs help deciding what to do? Have them contact the Community Women’s Center of Phila. (1202 Locust Street; 267239-0753). There are people ready to help right now! PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Almighty and eternal God, in your unfailing love you provide ministers for your Church. We pray for those whom you call to serve the Church of Philadelphia as priests, deacons and religious brothers and sisters. Inspire in them a generous response. Grant them courage and vision to serve your people. May their lives and service call your people to respond to the presence of your Spirit among us, faithful to the Gospel and hope of Jesus the Christ, we may: announce glad tidings to the poor proclaim liberty to captives, set prisoners free and renew the face of the earth! Have you ever wanted to visit Africa? Why not join Fr. Chris, Teresa Lamore and others from St. Raymond in visiting Uganda in October 2015? Please contact Fr. Chris for more information. Men of St. Raymond: The 2015 MANUP PHILLY Men’s Spirituality Conference will be held Saturday, March 7, 2015 at St. Joseph’s University-Hagen Arena. This year’s theme is Faith, Family & Fatherhood. Speakers include: Dr. Scott Hahn, Devin Schadt, Gus Lloyd, Jim Longon and Marie Joseph. Archbishop Charles Chaput, will also be in attendance. Contact Arleen Daniels at 215-549-3760 if you would like to attend. Sign-up sheets are also available in the rear of the church. You are encouraged to bring males from middle school up. This event is free thanks to the generosity of the Martin de Porres Foundation. Transportation will also be provided. We Pray for the Families of our Parish 2/1: Dawn Evans-Corbitt Family and Marc & Marti Peterson Family; 2/2: Families suffering with Addiction; 2/3: Thomas Williams Family and Charles & Tracy Okeke Family; 2/4: Patricia Dukes Family and Marjorie Henry Family; 2/5: Families Plagued with Sickness; 2/6: James & Carolyn Thomas Family and Gerard Lundi Family; 2/7: Carmen Hill Family and Ronald & Sandra Ruley Family Lord, Grant them the Graces they Need & Desire SAVE THE DATE: There will be a Pentecost Retreat with Immaculee (survivor of the Rwanda Genocide) at the MM Shrine May 22nd and 23rd. You will want to be there so mark your calendar! More information to come… Plan to take the Disciple Maker Index later in February that will help our parish gain valuable insights on how well we are meeting your needs as a Disciple of the Lord. You will take it online or as a paper survey. Get ready – your opinion counts! Join us next Saturday at 7pm – It is BYOE! 021 Saint Raymond Church DISCIPLESHIP Are you ready for something new on Wednesday Nights? It will be a blessing! Session One (6:30pm to 7:20pm) Faith Sharing Groups for Men and for Women as well as Prayer Groups and the Kid’s Club for young people to explore faith topics too (in other words, something for everyone in your family)! Session Two (7:30 to 8:30pm) Bible Study! Bring your Bible each week as we go deeper with the Word of God. Allow it to guide us in our journey as disciples of the Lord! Come to one session or attend both! No charge; come each week or once in a while! FREE Childcare will be available as well! Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study… Please plan to join this amazingly wonderful group of men and women who study the Word of God with devotion and honesty. No experience needed, just an open mind and heart (we will even supply a Bible). Join us this Tuesday at 1:30pm in the Rectory Basement! Thank you for your continued GENEROSITY to our parish (you know it is one of the things that make you like God, right?). Our collection for Jan. 24th & 25th was $7702 (with $47 from our youth) which brings our FY average to $7560. Our Christmas Collection is currently at $10,939. Thank you for your continuous generosity! Next week’s Special Collection is our Annual School Appeal which will be donated to St. Raymond School. Thank you for your goodness in supporting our school. Looking for a fun family activity to do on the weekend or snow day? ACCESS Cardholders (those Pennsylvania residents who monitor their government issued cash, food, or medical benefits with an EBT card), are invited to visit participating museums, science centers, gardens and historic sites for just $2. Seventeen local cultural venues are on board, and excitedly awaiting your visit. To view the list go to February 1, 2015 CALLING ALL YOUTH: Battle would like to see YOU! Come on out and see all the fun things we do every week. From outings & group discussions, to service projects and just having fun. Battle is the place to be! Next meetings: High School – today, Feb. 1st & 15th; Jr. High – Feb. 8th & 22nd. Service Hours for Parish Mardi Gras for setup on Feb. 6th, helping in the kids zone on Feb. 7th & clean up on Feb. 8th. For more information please contact Ms. Chris at 215-808-4328 or youthministry Don’t forget to LIKE us on our new FACEBOOK page – “SaintRaymond Battle” Mark your calendar and plan to be with us on Saturday, February 7th for our Parish Mardi Gras Party from 6:30pm - 10:30pm! This party is BYOE “Bring Your Own Everything” (bring some food, some drinks, some snacks and some desserts). Mardi Gras themed costumes and masks are welcome too! We will have LIVE JAZZ MUSIC as well as a DJ. Today is the last day to RSVP. Liturgical Ministers for February 7th & 8th: Saturday at 5pm: The Readers are Harry Tyson & Brandy Weir; Euch. Ministers are Louise Ciabarra, Maria Cruz & Arlene Edmonds; Altar Servers are Reise Weir, Jasear & Jalynn Mitchell. Sunday at 10am: The Readers are Trudy Jackson & Elizabeth Miller; Euch. Ministers are Kelli Renn, Bernard & Joyce Osso, Margo & Sharon Simmons; Altar Servers are Hannah Harmon, Shayennah Joseph & Adrianna Lewis. Please be faithful to your service; we need you! Possible Resolution for the New Year Attend Mass EVERY Weekend Join in DISCIPLESHIP at least once a month Share my faith with a friend who needs it Read the book we were given at Christmas Adore Jesus in the Eucharist on Thursdays Make 4 Aid for Friends Meals a Month Which one will you do? The World Meeting of Families (the event that brings Pope Francis to Philadelphia next September) needs people to “host” others in their homes for those days. You will receive a small stipend. Call the Parish Office for information. 021 Saint Raymond Church Our parish will host Our Mission is Love: Saving our Youth from Violence on Sunday, February 15th at 2pm. This “town hall style meeting” will offer a chance to have an honest conversation about racial tension, policing policies and the needs of our young people. Do you care enough to be a part of a solution? Please email Fr. Chris at [email protected] if you wish to help plan this event. Happy Birthday to YOU! Lynell Harmon (1st), Michael Benton & Lou Tonelli (2nd), Bianca Jones, Jade Myers, Sophie Lamore, Caleb Callands, Denise Derrick & Esterlita Durham (3rd), Wynter Bess, Corricka Brown & Brent McKenzie (4th), Jasear Mitchell, Lynn Sturdivant & Chris Omulo (5th), Sr. Gail Osborn, Pat Horton Corrine Cain, Margaret Lawson & Angela Samuels (6th), Joseph & Nichole Russell (7th). Are you celebrating a Birthday in February and would like to be remembered by our parish community? Please sign the book in the vestibule of the church. Good Samaritan Ministry Remember our sick brothers & sisters in prayer…. Pope Benedict XVI, Glenn Adams, Robert Adams, Rhonda Beasley, Lorraine Beauparlant, Joan Bender, Juanita Berry, Keith Blackmon, Fr. George Boyle, Shirley Bright, Larina Brooks, Margaret W. Brown, Betty Bruzynski, Maria Burrell, Gladys Callans, Cora Caviness, Joyce Coleman, Flora Derrick, Ann Durham, Esterlita Durham, Willa Earleston, Mae Edwards, Margaret “Peggy” Evans, Sr. Marie Fidelis, Marjorie Henry, Christine Jackson, David Johnson, Valerie Jones, Martin Lentz, Baby Lydia, Delores Mason, Ted Mason, Pat Hughes, Florimel Mitchell, Towanda Mays, Sherri McCullough, Vanessa McKenize, Jewel McLendon, Robert Meredith, Berta Morris, Darryl Myers, Altamesecarolye Neal, Rahniya Nealand, Msgr. John O’Brien, Iris Pugh, Natalie Richardson, Hazel Scott, William “Scottie” Scott, Mary Shambor, Zonder Anthony Simmonton, Tracy Solomon, Vera Sousa, Martha Smith, Robert Temple, Jean Wilkinson, Claudette Williams, Johnnie Williams, Marie Williams, Jennifer Wright, Carolyn Wylie, and all those recovering from injuries sustained in combat, those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, AIDS and Addictions. Our Lady of Lourdes, Heal our Sick and Suffering February 1, 2015 Excerpt from The Real Story: Much is also missed if we fail to consider the historical context in which this account was written. Other ancient near-eastern cultures around Israel had their own stories about how the world came into existence and how human beings were created. But Israel’s story stands out for its emphasis on monotheism— the belief in only one God. The pagan nations around Israel believed in multiple deities, many of whom were associated with the things of this world. They worshipped the sun, moon, and stars; the sea monsters were powerful deities, and other pagan gods were associated with the images of various animals. For Genesis 1, therefore, to proclaim that Israel’s God is the one true God who created the sun, moon, stars, sea creatures, and all the animals would have been a countercultural and subversive message. Genesis would be highlighting how the very gods that the pagans worship are actually not deities at all, but merely creatures of Israel’s God, the one and only true God! (Page 5) If you did not receive a copy of The Real Story, please see Fr. Chris or Deacon Bill before or after Mass. If you did receive your copy, please begin reading the book and let it be a blessing for you! Attention All Uninsured Ages 18-64… Affordable Care Act Enrollment Deadline is fast approaching. With the recent PA Medicaid Expansion, most uninsured individuals are eligible for low or no-cost insurance. You must act now; the final 2015 enrollment deadline is February 15th. You may pay a federal tax penalty if you remain uninsured. Also, you may be able to lessen your employee portion of health care premiums that are payroll deducted from your paycheck. Visit the website to compare costs. FREE help is available at, 1-800-3182596 or through local in person assisters. Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls is hosting an Open House & Registration on Sunday, February 22nd, from 1pm – 3pm. Mount Saint Joseph Academy, a catholic college preparatory school for girls, invites all interested 7th grade girls to register for The Pre-HSPT to be given on Saturday, March 28, from 8am-11:30am. The PreHSPT is a 7th grade edition of the actual Scholarship/Entrance Exam given to eighth grade applicants. Registration is available online only. You will receive registration confirmation via email. Register at: 021 Saint Raymond Church 6o Years of Service Emmanuel Johnson FUNERAL HOME INC. C. 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