Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Pastor: Rev. Brad Whistle Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 8am & 11am Mon., Wed., & Fri. 12:05 Tues. & Thurs. 7:00am Holy Day Mass Check bulletin for schedule Confessions: Saturday at 3:00pm Baptisms by appointment, classes are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Marriage prep. must begin 6 months in advance. Anointing is the First Friday of every month at 12:05 Mass with Confessions at 11:30 Do you believe that God’s word has power to set you free and to transform your life? When Jesus taught he spoke with authority. He spoke the word of God as no one had spoken it before. When the Rabbis taught they supported their statements with quotes from other authorities. The prophets spoke with delegated authority“Thus says the Lord.” When Jesus spoke he needed no authorities to back his statements. He was authority incarnate– the Word of God made flesh. When he spoke, God spoke. When he commanded even the demons obeyed. The people who heard Jesus teach and saw him heal in today’s Gospel were said to have been astonished and amazed by the authority of his teaching. So compelling were Jesus’ words and actions that the news about him could not be contained; it spread quickly throughout all of Galilee. Two thousand years later, the news about Jesus continues to spread. We are called to participate in sharing the Good News of Jesus with others in our words and in our deeds. Mass Intentions for the Week: Sat. 4:30pm Tony & Dot Mattingly Sun. 8am 11am Mon. 12:05 Tues. 7am Wed. 12:05pm Thurs. 7am 9am Fri. 12:05 Sat. 4:30 Sun. 8am 11am Our Parish Family Joseph Howard James W. Simon Special Intentions Mr. & Mrs. Leo Warren Ed. Krampe School Mass Frank Keller Barbara Alvey Our Parish Family Bob Schell & Our Return on God’s Gifts: 2/1-Religious Ed. 9am 2/1-Blessing of Throats 8am & 11am Mass 2/3– KC mtg. @ 6pm 2/4– Parish Council mtg. 2/4– Homecoming @6:30pm 2/5– RCIA 2/6-Annointing Mass @12:05 (no potluck/bunco) 2/6-2/8– Koinonia 1/25/2015 18,838.46 Amount Needed 20,500.00 January Average 20,755.55 Diocesan 35.00 Envelopes turned in 230 New Parishioners are always welcome; we invite you to register in the Parish Office. Danny May [email protected] Drew Hardesty RCIA, DRE [email protected] Fabyan Bridgmon [email protected] No YGroup this Sunday (Feb 1st) TEC-(Teens Encounter Christ) Feb. 20th-22th @Gasper River. For high school juniors and seniors Email Danny for details. This summer, we will be staying in Owensboro for our mission trip & doing projects around town, mostly for parishioners. We are looking for work projects we can do for shut-ins, the elderly, single moms, or any in need of handy jobs around the house in June, please contact Danny. Feb. 22– HS Senior Luncheon March 1-3 OLL mini-mission @6pm (call if childcare is needed) March 21– St. Patrick dance @ 6pm Feb. 1-Religious Ed. 9am Feb. 8– NO CLASS Feb. 11 @ 6:30 First Communion Parent mtg. Adult Bible Study A Quick Journey Through the Bible March 4th through May 6th. 6:30-8:00pm. Deadline to register Feb. 13 Rite of sending Sunday, February 22 at 8am Mass @Lourdes Rite of Election Feb. 22 at 6pm @St. Stephens Cathedral Check out lighthouse media kiosk in the main entrance of church for CDs, books, and other Catholic resources. GODS HOUSEKEEPING MINISTRY Thanks to Rosemary Tucker, Mariam Tucker, Billie Rogers & Donna Greenwell for cleaning the church Sat. Jan. 24th. Those scheduled to clean the church for Sat. Feb. 7th are Mary Ann Kurz, Eileen & Tony Mattingly, Deborah Bartlett, Amy Collins, & Kim Haire. (If you are unable to clean, call someone to exchange weeks with you.) This Weekend- Souper Bowl Sunday Jan. 31st & Feb. 1 after Mass. The money collected will benefit our St. Vincent de Paul. February I know it’s early to be hearing this but I’m hearing rumors about people cleaning out closets, sheds, etc. The daycare’s yard sale fund raiser is May 16th this year and we would gladly take your old treasures that you want to get rid of. The parish families have been very generous through the years & we are so grateful. This fundraiser helps purchase daycare needs. Our Ms. Jennifer (Galloway) is at home with a broken ankle. She has been with Lourdes Daycare since it opened 29 yrs. ago. She will be off from work for quite awhile. If you know Jennifer and would like to send a card, you can send them to 219 Legion Blvd., 42303. Thank You Feb. 6th Anointing Mass at 12:05, there will not be potluck or bunco afterwards. Will continue in March with First Friday. Lourdes Feast Day Potluck Feb. 15 at 12:00pm Parish members please bring a side dish. Drawings for door prizes, come celebrate with your church family. 6th-8th Koinonia provides the opportunity for adults to hear Christ’s call and to experience a spiritual shifting or renewal or change in his/her life. God may be calling you to slow down, quiet yourself, and be still. Koinonia weekend retreat can provide a time to renew. It’s not to late to sign up, applications located in church foyer. Contact Helen Bennett by email at [email protected] or the parish office (270) 6845369 (Team mtgs. Feb.1 @2, Feb.4 @4pm set up) BUNCO! MEN’S CLUB will be hosting bunco for all ages FEB. 21 @ 6:30 in PARISH HALL. Make plans to attend. Bring a snack to share, cost is $5 to play (which is paid back out in prizes) OCHS Soccer Program is hosting Trivia Night on Feb. 7, at 5:30 (social hour) 6:30-7:15pm (dinner) 7:15-9:30pm (Trivia). At St. Joe & Paul Hall. $240 for a table of 8 includes dinner, trivia, & door prizes. Contact Rod Wilkerson 860-5768 to reserve table. The Catholic Church teaches that sexual abuse is a grave moral evil. In addition to reporting incidents of sexual abuse to civil authorities, please contact the Pastoral Assistance Coordinator to report any instance of sexual abuse by a person working, either paid or unpaid, for the Church. Please use the confidential phone line: 270-852-8380. STEWARDS FOR THE WEEK February 7-8 2015 4:30PM 8:00AM 11:00AM Lector John Stelmach Virginia Stelmach Mary Lasley Misti McCarty Benjamin Conkright Pat Marquis E.M. Bill Glenn Martha Horton Elaine Robertson Debby Glenn Tom & Cindi Amanda Nichols Karen Aud Thomas Roth Linda Todd Lynn Boone David & Cathy Lindow Frances Lewis Ken Raley Rose Mauzy Charlotte Mischel Shawn Grant Kenneth Bennett Kara Hollis Dora Hulsey Olivia Gerteisen Lois Decker Ben Vessels Chantae Hulsey Rose Cobb Charlie Barr Servers Emilee Hutchison Kayla Vanover Patrick Edge Christopher Edge Thomas Gonzales Gabby Winstead Hospitality M* Jordan & Rose Allison family N* Dale & Terri Lanham S* Daniel & Joanne Barnard M* Larry & Linda Field N* James & Holly Edge family S* Maurice & Shirley Wink M* Garett & Jennifer Keller family N* Samuel & Doreen Abbott family S* Pat & Lori Elder family Gifts Joe Paul & Kim Bickett family Wayne & Laura Edge Jeremy & Sarah Raines family Andrea Moorman Children’s Liturgy Van Driver David Carter An 8-part 6:30-8pm in Scripture Study Lourdes Parish Hall Study Registration Form Mar 4: Reading the Bible and Explanation of Materials Mar 11: Genesis 1-11 Mar 18: Genesis 12-50 Mar 25: Exodus and Numbers Apr 15: Joshua/Judges, 1&2 Samuel, and 1 Kings 1-11 Apr 22: 1 Kings 12-22, 1&2 Kings 17, 25 Apr 29: Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 Maccabees May 6: Luke and Acts 6:30-8pm in Lourdes Parish Hall Registration Options Participant Information Participant Fee: Name: ______________________________________ $20.00 Donation to Scholarship Fund:________ Total: ________ Email: ______________________________________ Cash Y/N? _________ Phone: ______________________________________ Check Y/N? __________ Please make checks payable to: Our Lady of Lourdes Place your registration form with money in collection basket To request financial assistance please email Logan Haire at [email protected] or call (270) 684-5369. Special Needs: ______________________________________________________________________________ Volunteer Opportunities: Small Group Facilitator Y/N? _____ Hospitality Y/N? _____ Other ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2/01– Larry & Sara Shively 18yrs 2/02– Robert & Patricia Hines 30yrs 2/06– Jordan & Rose Allison 5yrs 2/07– Joseph & Jennifer Galloway 49yrs 2/07– Mike & Stephanie Houtchen 22yrs 2/07– Kenneth & Agnes Harley 45yrs 2/08– Francis & Doreen Russell 51yrs 2/10– Larry & Linda Field 53yrs 2/11– George & Martha Taylor 59yrs 2/11– Patrick & Laura Boling 4yrs 2/13– Robert & Cindy Goetz 39yrs 2/13– Justin & Jamie Marks 5yrs 2/15– James & Stephanie Whayne 43yrs 2/16– Quincy & Andrea Moorman 2yrs 2/17– George & Brenda Hardesty 47yrs 2/21– Michael & Shelia Fulton 45yrs 2/25– Scott & Christina Lowe 16yrs 2/28- Brent & Leigh Ann Sallee 11yrs Our Lady of Lourdes would like to welcome newly registered members James & Karen Billman, Melissa Edge , Deborah Glenn, Barry Hagan, Gerald & Elizabeth Hamilton, Richard & Shelly Hawkins family, Danny Haynes, John & Marissa Mattingly, Thomas Mayfield, George & Clarissa Phelps family, Kim Quiggins, Joanne Winters, Emily Yocom. 1/04-Tinsley Michelle Ison March- 3/1-3/3- Parish mini-mission 3/21- St. Patrick’s Day Dance 3/28– Men’s Club Bunco April– 4/12– Easter Egg Hunt 4/25– Roman Run May– 5/1– Night at the Races Please help keep our prayer list updated, if you would like a name removed or added to the list please contact the parish office 684-5369. For those in the hospital: Edward Laughley, Anton Vass For those homebound & in nursing homes: Mary Arnold, Ralph & Martha Ashworth, Irene Beierlein, Mary Bogucki, Frank Bowlds, Marlene Burns, Elwood & JoAnn Castlen, Sherman Chandler, Margaret Clark, Ruthie Daniel, Betty Drury, Velma Dunn, William Feldpausch, Audrey Fogle, Catherine Fulkerson, Mary Fulkerson, Wilfred & Mary Lois Hagan, Ada Hamilton, Mary Hardin, Delphine Hardesty, Helen Harrison, Helen Hein, Eddie Hermann, Helen Howard, Edwina Hyland, Joe Janes, Marilyn Kurz, Gail Leathers, Jane Lewis, James & Jean Matthis, Evelyn Mattingly, Grace & Wayne Mattingly, Ray McElroy, Rose Payne, Mary Riney, Francis Russell, Mary Schell, Ambrose Settles, Lucy Strehl, Martha Warren, Martine Warren,. For: Virgil Barnett, Kim Bell, Theresa Bennett, Lloyd Blanford, Helen Boarman, James Bowlds, Connie Brown, Jeremy Brown, Betty Chapman, Dottie Clark, Edith Conkright, James & Faye Constant, Dalton Cottrell, Hettie Crask, Kathy Daugherty, Jeanie DeVries, Pat Dickens, Ann Dull, Eugene Graff, Christina Hagan, Samuel Hagan, Lloyd Hartley, Kim Janes, Martha Johnson, JoAnn Kimmel, Kelly King, Peggy Kutsor, John D. Lanham, Jansen Lewis, Joe Lewis, Pat Lewis, Johanna Libber, Tammy Litherland, Randall Martin, Dennis Mattingly, Josie McBride, Richard Mudd, Linda Newberry, Jeanne & Bill O’Bryan, Jackie Osowicz, Cheryl Parker, Connie Parry, Dorothy Payne, Maggie and Tim Payne, Jenny Phelps, Philip Phelps, Gary Reynolds, Debra Rogers, Lucy Rose, Jerry Rouse, Paulette Snyder, Mary Terry, Don Thomas, Richard Thomas, Ron Thomas, Joe Thomson, Mike Todd, Alma Topper, Brian Wink, James & Marilyn Young, and for all the sick of our parish . Lourdes Parish Staff: Kay Clark - Administrationemail: [email protected] Fabyan Bridgmon– Day Care Director email: [email protected] Drew Hardesty– RCIA, DRE email: [email protected] Danny May– Family Life email: [email protected] Freda O’Bryan– Parish Minister email: [email protected] Aaron Wheatley– Maintenance Charlotte Hollis– Secretary email: [email protected] Judy Thomas– Sacristan Heather Hayden– Music Minister (270) 684-5369 Lourdes Parish Committee Chairs: Charlotte Mischel– Pastoral Council (270) 684-5369 Mike Wurth– Finance Council Parish Office/Rectory & Hall Rental 684-5369 Office Fax 683-8008 Parish website Diocesan website Van Ministry– Greg Bell 729-2856 O.C.S. Board Rep- Chantae Hulsey 231-5745 Eucharistic Adoration- Marjorie Klee 684-4844 Daycare 926-6516 “The Light Is On For You” is an initiative being undertaken by dioceses across the country to allow all Catholics to avail themselves of the sacrament of reconciliation. Confession is a wonderful opportunity to set aside our sinful ways and to draw closer to our Lord. Confessions will be held every Wednesday during Lent from 6:30-7:30pm here at Lourdes. Lenten All You Can Eat Fish Fry starts February 20th at 5:30. Keep an eye on the bulletin for more information. “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” Moses heard the word of the Lord, and he responded. Where is God calling you to go? What is His will for you? As you discern God’s will for your life, listen, follow, harden not your hearts. If you feel that God might be calling you to priesthood, let the Office of Vocations assist you in your discernment. 270-683-1545, or [email protected] Contribution envelopes were mailed last week if you have any questions regarding these please contact Kay. KORT Physical Therapy will hold a blood drive February 9 from 9am-1pm. Donors will receive a free t-shirt and cholesterol test. Sign-up by calling 270-684-7856. Bishop Medley invites your input at Town Hall Meetings to be held across the diocese. In preparation for the October 2015 Synod of Bishops. Add your voice to those of Catholics across the globe. Sessions will be held at: Thurs. Feb. 12th– Holy Spirit, Bowling Green 6-8pm Thurs. Feb. 19th– Blessed Mother, Owensboro 6-8pm 20th Annual Black History Month Gospel Explosion Sunday, February 15 at 2:30pm. Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 602 Sycamore Street, Owensboro Ky. Everyone is invited to join us for this rhythmic celebration of praise and worship featuring local gospel choirs. Refreshments will be served immediately afterward. Contact F. Veronica Wilhite parish life coordinator 279-926-4741. St. Joseph & Paul Catholic Church KOINONIA FEBUARY 20TH, 21ST,& 22ND “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.” Luke 1: 46-48 Contact April Dickens : (270) 683-5641 ext. 221 St Martin Fish Fries: February 20th & March 20th from 5pm-7pm. All You Can Eat: Fish, Fries, Cole Slaw, Beans and Hushpuppies. Adults $10, children $5. The Blue Grass Ban, Thompson Station, will be playing on the 20th. BUNCO PARTY February 13, 2015 6:30 pm at Home Builders Association Cost is $30 a couple or $15 for single Grab a date and come out and celebrate an early Valentine’s Day while helping the Owensboro Catholic League Appetizers will be served, BYOB Please contact Chip Pride at (270) 316-1233 or Amy Pride at 314-6175 to RSVP Owensboro Catholic Elementary RAFFLE FOR FREE TUITION Limited 250 tickets to be sold. Ticket cost $40.00, purchase at the K-3 or 4-6 campus. Deadline to purchase Tues., Feb. 17th. Drawing will be held at the OCES Dinner & Auction on Sat., Feb. 21, 2015. Jonathan Estes 270-313-2111 Lady Aces Softball team will be having their annual BBQ Feb. 28. If interested in buying a chicken ($10) , rack of ribs ($15), 2lbs of pulled pork ($15) or whole Boston Butt ($30), please contact Alyssa Bickett 315-1877. Pick up will be from 11am-1pm at Immaculate on Feb. 28. 2 9 16 23 1 Religious Ed. 9am Blessing of Throats @8am & 11am 8 Koinonia No Rel. Ed. Class Men’s Club 6:30pm 15 Religious Ed. 9am Lourdes Feast Day potluck 12:00pm L2S2 @2pm 22 Whole Family Session 9am HS Senior Luncheon YNight 6:00pm TEC #170 @Gasper River Rite of Sending 8am Mon Sun 24 17 OLL @ St. Ben’s 11 Stewardship Mtg. 10 Baptism class 25 18 Finance mtg Ash Wednesday Mass 12:05, 6pm School Mass 9am First Communion parent mtg. 6:30pm 4 Parish Council mtg. Homecoming 6:30pm Wed 3 KC mtg. @6pm Tue February 2015 26 RCIA 19 RCIA 12 RCIA 5 RCIA Thu 27 Fish Fry @5:30 6:30pm Stations & Benediction Benediction TEC #170 @Gasper River 20 Fish Fry @5:30 6:30pm Stations & 13 Deadline to register for Adult Bible Study Koinonia luck/bunco) 6 Annointing Mass @12:05 (no pot- Fri 28 TEC #170 @Gasper River OCES Dinner & Auction 21 14 Valentines Day 7 Koinonia Men’s Conference @ St. Stephens 8am Sat An 8– Part Study Featuring Jeff Cavins A Quick Journey Through the Bible provides an excellent introduction and overview of Scripture from a Catholic perspective. This eight part series, presented by Jeff Cavins, covers salvation history from beginning to end. The complexity of the Bible is made accessible through an easyto-follow narrative approach, and an ingenious color-coded Bible Timeline. As you begin to understand the Bible, you will develop a greater understanding for your faith, a deeper experience of the sacraments, and a closer relationship to Christ. DATES: 8 Wednesdays during Lent/Easter: March 4, 11, 18, 25 April 15, 22, 29 May 6 LOCATION & TIME: “ The effect on my parishioners has been wonderful: a deeper love for Christ, a deeper experience with the sacraments, and continued love for the Scriptures.” - Fr. Becker, Minnesota 6:30PM-8PM at the Lourdes Parish Hall COST/REGISTRATION: $20 per participant Registration forms coming soon! For More Information: Contact Logan Haire at (270) 684-5369 or [email protected] Visit to learn more!
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