November 16, 2014 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time The 2014 Women’s Club Christmas and Holiday Bazaar was a huge success and included a visit from Santa, homemade treats, gifts and a raffle. Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event possible! El Bazar Navideño del Club de mujeres del 2014 fue un gran éxito y se incluyo una visita de Santa, delicias caseras, regalos y rifas. ¡Gracias a todos los voluntarios que hicieron posible este evento! St. Pius X Catholic parish 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR 97229 (503) 644-5264 MASS SCHEDULE Horario de Misas Saturday Sabado Sunday Domingo 4th Sunday 5:00 pm 7:00 pm en Español 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 1:00 pm en Español 5:30 pm Youth 8:30 pm Contemplative 2:45 pm Adapted Mass Daily Mass Misa Diaria 8:00 am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat Wednesday Miercoles 7:30 am (& also 9:05 am during the school year) Thursday Jueves 7:00 pm en Español Communion Service: 6:30 am Monday - Friday RECONCILIATION Confesiones Saturday 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm or by appointment Pr ayer Chain Email requests to [email protected] or call the parish office (503) 644-5264 Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Questions - Roberta Schreck (503) 645-4607 or [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm We are Called to be the Eyes and Hands and Hear of the Risen Jesus. Leadership pastor’s note CHURCH Again this Sunday we hear the insistence on the active vigilance and bold risk required of those who await the Lord. Matthew clearly has in mind a smug community without zeal. He describes as a “worthless, lazy lout” the servant who is satisfied with burying his talent and carrying out in a servile way what he thinks are his orders. Matthew has so consistently urged believers to outdo themselves that we should not be surprised when the servant who takes the greatest risk reaps the greatest reward. Rev. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 / [email protected] Matthew does not mince words. What is at stake is the eternal relationship between Christ and the Christian, that “master’s joy” which we are called to share. On the last day we will have the judge that we deserve. Jesus is neither harsh nor arbitrary. What he expects of us is in proportion to his love. He asks us to risk everything in order to be open to receive all he has to give. The capital which the Lord entrusts to us is first and foremost his word: It opens our lives to infinite horizons. ADMINISTRATION DID YOU KNOW… Your weekly bulletin is provided at no cost to the church by the generosity of businesses who advertise on the back of the bulletin? Bulletin advertising provides an inexpensive and effective opportunity for you to promote your products or services within your parish community. It’s true…people like to do business with people they know and trust. Have Christians failed to proclaim the word for fear of risk, for lack of imagination and of initiative in the face of the world’s needs? We must not miss our rendezvous with history because of an excess of that caution that has too long confined us. (St. Andrew’s Missal, pgs. 867-868) If you would like to advertise in the bulletin and support the church, please call Tom Ott at (503) 650-6347. With God’s Grace, Fr. Sean Weeks Pastor Support the businesses that help make this bulletin free to the church. This Week’s Advertiser of the Week is: Dr. Ken McInnis Tanasbourne Dental (503) 640-0395 PHOTO CREDIT Front page photos courtesy of Sunny Kwon. 2 administration, cont. LET THE CHILDREN COME UNTO ME MATTHEW 19:14 Company Matching Maximizes Your Gift Portland companies such as Nike and Intel have already provided matching dollars to our Through Him, With Him, In Him Capital Campaign. The matching gifts are donated to St. Pius X in conjunction with a parishioner’s campaign contribution. Many employers – possibly yours – offer a company match that could support our three-year effort. If you have questions about securing a company match or how funds may be used, please contact Molly Washburn in the Parish Office at mwashburn@stpius. org, or (503) 213-1450. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube Follow us on our social medias to stay current on upcoming activities, news, and events happening on our campus. We will be uploading homily podcasts and posting them onto our Facebook page weekly, posting photos of events, relevant church news, and a weekly pastoral word of encouragement. PARISH REPORT AND STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT This week you will receive in the mail our Parish Financial Report and a Stewardship Commitment Card. A Stewardship Commitment is your weekly, monthly, annual gift to the operations of the Church. At St. Pius X we use those funds for the Mission of our Parish. We cover the cost of our ministries, programs, staff, facilities and maintenance with these funds. Find Us Online At: (@ StPiusXPDX) (@StPiusXPDX) Your commitment is vital because it allows our Administrative Council to plan our budget and be proper stewards of our resources. This Parish Community has the ability to be extremely generous throughout the year. Together we support several organizations that serve the greater community and communities around the globe. The more generous you are with our Stewardship Commitment, the more we can do to support our youth, our Parish ministries, ministries to the poor and organizations helping around the world. Worship and Liturgy ADAPTED LITURGY You are invited on November 23 to the St. Pius X Adapted Liturgy, a Mass that celebrates the lives and gifts of all people, including those with physical and developmental disabilities and illnesses. Every effort is made to accommodate the inclusion and participation of each person. The church is accessible for wheelchairs, and listening devices are available. The Adapted Liturgy is offered the 4th Sunday of every month at 2:45 pm at St. Pius X, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR; call (503) 644-5264 for more information. Future dates are December 28, January 25 and February 22. All are welcome! You can make your gift online by visiting our website at If you have questions about making a Stewardship pledge, please contact Anthony Vuky in the Parish Office at [email protected], or (503) 213-1444. 3 worship and liturgy, cont. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE THANKSGIVING FOOD BLESSING AT MASS To follow an Archdiocesan directive that the earliest Christmas Eve Mass not begin before 4:00 pm, we have adjusted our St. Pius X Christmas schedule. Here are our new Mass times: On November 27, the Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at 10:00 am (there will not be a Mass at 8:00 am or 7:00 pm). Christmas Eve • 4:00 pm - Children’s Mass with skit in church. Children can bring bells to ring and dress as angels and shepherds. • 4:15 pm - Mass in McMahon Hall. • 6:00 pm - Children’s Choir in Church (see below). Children can bring bells to ring. • 6:15 pm - Mass in McMahon Hall. • 8:00 pm - Spanish Mass. • 12:00 am - Midnight Mass. We invite you to place a food item in front of the altar before Mass, to be blessed by Fr. Kiko. After Mass, take the food home for your feast. The Thanksgiving offertory collection will support the charitable works of St. Vincent de Paul. Christmas Day • 9:00 am Mass. • 10:30 am Mass. SPECIAL COLLECTION NOVEMBER 22-23 Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Envelopes for the collection will be in the pews. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS CHOIR We invite children and youth ages 7 to 16 to sing at the Christmas Eve 6:00 pm Mass. Rehearsals are in the Church: • December 7, Sunday, 2:30 pm. • December 14, Sunday, 2:30 pm. • December 21, Sunday, 2:30 pm. • December 22, Monday, 2:30 pm. NOVEMBER IS DEDICATED TO THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Please register for the choir online at www.stpius. org/#!christmas/cdys. Each year we hang a banner in our sanctuary that lists names of our loved ones who have died. The banner reminds us of our union with all of our loved ones in the communion of saints, whether their names are on the banner or not. The banner includes parishioners who have died, children of parishioners and those who have had funerals in our church. At some of our November Masses we will sing the patron saints of the names on the banner. Questions? Contact Tara Stull, tarajane333@gmail. com. PRAYER CHAIN Our St. Pius X Parish provides prayer support for the critical needs of parishioners and their loved ones. If you have a request for prayer, or if you can be one of the people praying for the requests of others, please send an email message to [email protected]. 4 WORSHIP AND LITURGY, CONT. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL REFLECTION SCRIPTURE FOR NOVEMBER 23 The good news of today’s Gospel is the extravagance of what is being given us. All we need do is be faithful in “small matters.” The cost of fidelity has no comparison to the reward given. When you give to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you are sharing God’s extravagant love. Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17; 1Corinthians 15:20-26, 28; Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus tells us that he is present in others; when we do good to them, we do it to him. What acts of kindness and service to others can I do today to remind myself that Christ dwells in them? Please join us for our regular meeting on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, at 7:00 pm, in the Church Hall. Meetings last one hour or less and all are welcome! CENTERING PRAYER CATHOLIC INQUIRY Centering Prayer meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 pm. All meetings are usually in the Community Center Library. For further information, contact Linda Tombaugh (503) 641-2059. Is it too late to join the Catholic Inquiry? Certainly not, come join us! To learn about Catholicism or become Catholic, please come join us on Tuesday evenings in the Community Center Hospitality Room at 7:00 pm. Just come, or register on our website: go to → parish life → becoming Catholic. Questions? Call Bob Little, (503) 213-1447. OUTREACH/PEACE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE BABY CORNER AT ST. PIUS X CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Baby Corner provides assistance to mothers for babies and young children who are in need in our local community. The Chaplet is prayed at St. Pius X on Wednesdays at 3:00 pm in the Church. This hour recalls the hour of the Great Mercy of Christ’s death on the cross, the hour of grace for the whole world when mercy triumphed over judgment. In this hour of prayer you can pray for others and for yourself. Current Needs of Baby Corner: strollers, PACK & PLAYS, books, used clean clothing newborn to size 4T, diapers (especially sizes 3, 4, 5), diaper cream and wipes. Please no car seats or cribs. For information, call Kris Steven (503) 297-0524. Bring donations to St. Pius X Church office Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Questions? Call Marty (503) 614-9630, or Jennifer (971) 404-8040. VOCATIONS BUILDING A CULTURE OF VOCATIONS FAITH FORMATION REMINDER TO ALL FAITH FORMATION FAMILIES HAVE YOU HEARD of Serra Clubs? That is Serra Clubs, not Sierra Clubs! The mission of Serra is to pray for, foster and affirm vocations. It seeks to help the faithful understand that each person has a vocation and especially to help vocations to priesthood and religious life. Serra is named after Blessed Junipero Serra, who started a series of missions in California to bring Catholicism to them. Please remember to check our parish website at www. for all faith formation news. We update this every week and it has information regarding classes, community service opportunities, as well as special event information. 5 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS 2015 TANZANIA SUMMER ADVENTURE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TREES Are you up to it? Fr. Peter Siamoo (Joined by Fr. Leo Wehrlin of Youngstown diocese, and 2 more priests of Portland Archdiocese) will lead a summer trip to Tanzania in July/August 2014. This one of a kind trip already has eight people registered from our Parish. If you are interested, please email Fr. Peter at [email protected], or call (503) 213-1435, before December 10, 2014. The trip will include spiritual/cultural celebrations, Wildlife Safari, Climb Kilimanjaro (if you want) and a possible Zanzibar Island adventure. LET’S GO! Free Local Delivery within zip codes 97005, 97006, 97225, 97229. Complete Order Form Below: Name:_______________________________________ Phone: _________________ Cell: ________________ Address:_____________________________________ City, Zip: ____________________________________ Delivery date - Circle One Saturday, November 29 Saturday, December 6 Friday, December 12 Saturday, December 13 Friday, December 19 Grand Fir ____ 6-7 ft. $45 ____ 7-8 ft. $50 For setup in your stand, add $15 The Filipino Community is hosting the 5th Annual “Christmas in our Hearts” Children’s Concert Friday, December 5 Noble Fir ____ 6-7 ft. $50 ____ 7-8 ft. $55 TOTAL: $ __________ Leave order form with check made payable to Knights of Columbus at the St. Pius X Parish Office. Or mail to Knights of Columbus, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR 97229. For questions, call Jack Kanalz at (503) 646-9547. on December 19, at 6:00 pm, at St. Pius X Church Following the concert will be a Multicultural Christmas Reception: Last date to order is December 15. A Taste of Christmas from Around the World” “A in the Community Center THANKSGIVING TEA - WIDOWS OF WISDOM Everyone is encouraged to bring canned goods or a free will offering to support St. Vincent de Paul All widows of the Parish are invited to a lovely Thanksgiving Tea at Judy Jacobs’ home on Monday, November 24, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. Please bring a tea bread, fruit, scones or anything that goes well with tea. Also be prepared to share what you are grateful for along with a symbol of that. Please RSVP, or if you need a ride, directions or have questions, by November 21, to Judy at (503) 297-7121, or [email protected]. 6 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. “We Love and Care For Each Other” Sharing our Traditions, Family Values, Culture, Faith and Love. Our Lady of Guadalupe Worship Night Spanish Presentation Please join us for an evening where we learn about the Mysteries of the Apparition pp of Our Lady y of Guadalupe p on December 2,, at 7:00 pm, in the Church. Our Lady of Guadalupe Gala Dinner The Hispanic Community invites you to join us for our Gala Dinner in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 11, at 7:00 pm, in the Community Center. The tickets cost $50.00 and are for sale in the Parish Office. Please come and enjoy the Faith, Culture and Tradition of the Hispanic and Mexican Community. Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe Everybody is invited to participate in the novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe, from December 3 through 12. Every weekday evening, we will gather in the Church for Mass (in Spanish) at 7:00 pm. Each night of the nine day Novena, fifty images of Our Lady of Guadalupe y homes. At 9:30 pm, p all the families will pray p y the Holy y will visit fifty Rosary for our Parish community and their needs. If you are interested and would like more information about how to participate p p in the Novena, or hostingg Our Holy y Mother in your y home, please contact Jaime Sevilla, Hispanic Ministry Director, at [email protected], or call (503) 213-1446. Thank you for honoring our tradition and annual celebration. OLIVEWOOD CARVINGS FROM THE HOLY LAND CHRISTMAS DONATIONS – HELP NEEDED Catholics from the Holy Land will be selling olivewood nativities, crucifixes, rosaries, statues, and other religious items in the Community Center on November 15 and 16, after the Saturday evening, Sunday morning, and Spanish Masses. These items supply a major source of revenue for more than 80 families in Bethlehem, where the Christian population has dropped from 22% to less than 2% in the past two decades. The items are beautiful and make unique Christmas gifts. The St. Vincent de Paul group of St. Pius X will be sponsoring many families in need this Christmas season. We provide each family with three large food boxes and Fred Meyer gift cards collected from our Parish giving tree. We would also love to provide additional games, stocking stuffers, holiday candy or specialty food items for the children. The items will be directly delivered by parishioners to sponsored families this holiday season. If anyone or any group would like to donate these additional items to these families, please contact Mary Kelly Rossow at (503) 329-9916. This would be an excellent fundraising opportunity for a classroom, scout troop, a St. Pius X ministry or special interest group. Thank you so much for your generosity! PARISH HOSPITALITY All parishioners are invited to attend Parish Hospitality in the Community Center after the 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. Coffee, donuts, bread and bagels will be served. Please join us for this opportunity to meet new and old parishioners. 7 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. KIDS PLAY NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES Kids Play meets most Mondays in the Youth Center from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. This play-based group is for kids newborn to age 5. If you are interested in joining, please email Lisa Williams, [email protected]; or Kat Wright, [email protected]. Natural Family Planning Classes (NFP) are available in both English and Spanish through the Couple to Couple League. Contact Ben and Stacey Pelster at (503) 9920329, or register online at Additionally, we are always looking for gently used toys. Please email us if you would like to make a toy donation. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY (18 AND OVER) We are looking to start some ministries centered around Young Adults 18 and older. Scan this QR code to take the survey on what ministries you’d like to be a part of! 8 YOUTH MINISTRY • This year Middle School and High School Youth ALL meet at 6:45 pm in McMahon Hall to share a meal! • Please consider bringing a free will offering ($2-3) to support our meals! In an effort to make youth nights more comprehensive, we will be utilizing many spaces on campus – please pay close attention to emails to find where your teens will be for each youth night. Not on the email list? Contact the Coordinator of each program below. Middle School Youth Nights: November 16: Just Visiting: Tonight we will focus on the Corporal Work of Mercy of Visiting the Imprisoned. Fr. Sean will speak to the teens and share some of his experiences working as a police chaplain. We will end in the Youth Center at 8:15 pm. November 23: Thanksgiving Dinner and prayer. We will end in McMahon Hall at 8:15 pm. November 30: NO YOUTH NIGHT. Called Rally – Register now! Saturday, December 13, from 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm is the annual Called Rally. This year it will be hosted here at St. Pius X! Cost is $35, includes dinner, snacks, shirt – evening includes talks, Mass, prayer, small groups, inflatables! Questions: Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Youth Ministry, [email protected]. High School Youth Nights: November 16: Investing God’s Love in Others. Come learn and discuss how we can be true disciples and examples of God’s love. We will end in the Youth Center at 8:15 pm. November 23: Thanksgiving Dinner and prayer. We will end in McMahon Hall at 8:15 pm. November 30: NO YOUTH NIGHT. Questions: Kristin Mombert, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, [email protected]. ST. PIUS X SCHOOL ST. PIUS X SCHOOL 2015-16 K-8 OPEN HOUSE Love Respect Knowledge Justice THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015 6:00PM—8:00PM Take a tour with our students and parents. Our teachers will provide information on our academic and spiritual curriculum including elementary and middle school, music, Spanish, physical education, extra curricular activities and more. Applications for 2015-16 accepted online at From January 16 through February 6 1260 NW Saltzman Road, Portland, OR 97229 9 503-644-3244 ext 210 la nota del Parroco Ministerio latino Del Santo Evangelio segun San Mateo 25, 14-30 Una vez más este domingo escuchamos la insistencia en la vigilancia activa y el riezgo audaz requerido por los que esperan al Señor. Mateo claramente tiene en mente una comunidad que se siente satisfecha y sin celo. Él describe como “sin valor, patán perezoso” al siervo que se satisface con ocultar su talento y llevar a cabo una manera servicial de lo que él piensa son sus obligaciones. Mateo así ha instado a los creyentes a superarse a sí mismos a que no deberíamos sorprendernos cuando el siervo que lleva el mayor riesgo recoge la mayor recompensa. Meditación del Papa Francisco El apóstol Pablo, al final de su vida, hace un balance fundamental: “He conservado la fe” ¿Cómo la conservó? No en una caja fuerte. No la escondió bajo tierra, como aquel siervo perezoso. San Pablo compara su vida con una batalla y con una carrera. Ha conservado la fe porque no se ha limitado a defenderla, sino que la ha anunciado, irradiado, la ha llevado lejos. Se ha opuesto decididamente a quienes querían conservar, “embalsamar” el mensaje de Cristo dentro de los confines de Palestina. Por esto ha hecho opciones valientes, ha ido a territorios hostiles, he aceptado el reto de los alejados, de culturas diversas, ha hablado francamente, sin miedo. San Pablo ha conservado la fe porque, así como la había recibido, la ha dado, yendo a las periferias, sin atrincherarse en actitudes defensivas. También aquí, nos podemos preguntar: ¿De qué manera conservamos nosotros la fe? ¿La tenemos para nosotros, en nuestra familia, como un bien privado, o sabemos compartirla con el testimonio, con la acogida, con la apertura hacia los demás? (S.S. Francisco, 27 de octubre de 2013) Mateo no se anduvo con rodeos. Lo que está en juego es la relación eterna entre Cristo y el cristiano, “la alegría del maestro”, que estamos llamados a compartirla con El. En el último día vamos a tener el juicio que nos merecemos. Jesús no es ni duro ni arbitrario. Lo que él espera de nosotros es en proporción a su amor. Él nos pide que arriesguemos todo con el fin de estar abiertos a recibir todo lo que El tiene para dar. El capital que el Señor nos confía es en primer lugar su palabra: Que abre nuestra vida a horizontes infinitos. Reflexión Los talentos no sólo representan las pertenencias materiales. Los talentos son también las cualidades que Dios nos ha dado a cada uno. No pudieron los cristianos proclamar la palabra por miedo al riesgo, por falta de imaginación y de iniciativa a las necesidades del mundo? No debemos perder nuestro compromiso con la historia a causa de un exceso de precaución que nos ha quitado demasiado tiempo. (Misal de San Andrés, Pg. 867-868) Vamos a reflexionar sobre las dos enseñanzas del evangelio de hoy. La primera alude al que recibió cinco monedas y a su compañero, que negoció con dos. Cada uno debe producir al máximo según lo que ha recibido de su señor. Por eso, en la parábola se felicita al que ha ganado dos talentos, porque ha obtenido unos frutos en proporción a lo que tenía. Su señor no le exige como al primero, ya que esperaba de él otro rendimiento. Con la gracia de Dios, Padre Sean Weeks Parroco Igualmente se aplica a nosotros, según las posibilidades reales de cada individuo. Hay personas que tienen gran influencia sobre los demás, otras son muy serviciales, otras, en cambio, son capaces de entregarse con heroísmo al cuidado de personas enfermas, los hay con una profesión, con un trabajo, con unos estudios, con una responsabilidad concreta en la sociedad... Pero puede darse el caso del tercer siervo del evangelio: no produjo nada con su talento. A Cristo le duele enormemente esa actitud. Se encuentra ante alguien llamado a hacer un bien, aunque fuera pequeño, y resulta que no ha hecho nada. Eso es un pecado de omisión, que tanto daña al corazón de Cristo, porque es una manifestación de pereza, dejadez, falta de interés y desprecio a quien le ha regalado el talento. Analiza tu jornada. ¿Qué has hecho hoy? ¿Qué cualidades han dado su fruto? ¿Cuántas veces has dejado sin hacer lo que debías? 10 ministerio latino cont. ANUNCIOS PLÁTICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES MINISTERIO DE EVANGELIZACION PARROQUIAL. Invitamos a todos aquello que han vivido ya el Retiro de Evangelización a que se unan con nosotros a nuestras reuniones todos los Jueves a las 7:00 pm en el Salón de la Iglesia. Estamos estudiando el Curso de Cristología. Mayores informes con su coordinador Antonio Huapeo o con algún miembro del Ministerio. • • • • • • • • FIESTA GUADALUPANA. Ya comenzamos con los preparativos de la Fiesta Guadalupana, a todas las familias que deseen tener la bendición de tener la imagen de la Santísima Virgen de Guadalupe, comunicarse con algún servidor de la Iglesia o la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. La novena será del 3-12 de Diciembre con Santa Misa en Español todos los días a las 7:00 pm, con excepción del Domingo que será a la 1:00 pm. La Cena de Gala será el 11 de Diciembre de 7:00 pm a 9:30 pm; boletos y mesa ya están a la venta. Concierto de 10-12 pm. Mañanitas y Santa Misa a las 12:00 am. Diciembre 12 será la Santa Misa a las 7:00 pm. Informes en la Oficina Parroquial. • La plática es de 9:00 am a 1:00 pm. Solamente tiene que asistir a una sola plática. No tiene que registrarse antes para tomar la plática/clase. Traer una copia del acta de nacimiento de su hijo(a). Durante la plática se le darán los documentos necesarios para bautizar. Si va a bautizar fuera de nuestra parroquia, le daremos un comprobante de pláticas. El cupo para tomar la plática/clase no es limitado. Padrinos de fuera, pueden tomar su plática de donde son, y traer un comprobante. No tenemos cuidado de niños. Favor de dejar sus niños con alguien a cuidar. Fecha de Próximas Platicas Diciembre 6, 2014 Abril 11, 2015 Enero 10, 2015 Mayo 9, 2015 Febrero 7, 2015 Junio 6, 2015 Fecha de Próximos Bautizos Los Bautizos inician y son a las 10:00 am. Es obligatorio estar en la iglesia a las 9:40 am. Diciembre 13, 2014 Abril 18, 2015 Enero 17, 2015 Mayo 16, 2015 Febrero 14, 2015 Junio 14, 2015 CLASES DE FORMACIÓN DE LA FE. Introducción a las Sagradas Escrituras. Las clases de formación son todos los Miércoles, Jueves y Domingos. Los Miércoles estamos desarrollando el curso sobre La Biblia, tanto a las 9:00 am como a las 7:00 pm. Los Jueves estamos desarrollando el curso La Luz de la Fe. Domingos a las 3:00 pm estamos estudiando el curso de Los Sacramentos. Hay cuidado de niños. MONOGUILLOS. Si su hijo desea ser un monaguillo, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al tel. (503) 213-1446 o con la Señora Patricia Hernández. RICA/RCIA. No ha recibido aun los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Confirmación o Primera Comunión y es mayor de 18 años? Le invitamos entonces a las reuniones todos los Viernes a las 7:00 pm en el Centro Comunitario. Mayores informes con José Flores. LES INVITA A TENER UN ENCUENTRO PERSONAL CON JESUS EN SUS PORQUE DE TAL MANERA AMO DIOS AL MUNDO QUE ENVIO A SU HIJO UNICO PARA QUE TODO EL QUE CREA EN EL NO SE PIERDA, SINO QUE TENGA VIDA ETERNA. (JN 3,16) MINISTERIO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO ST. PIUS X. A todas las parejas, casadas y no casadas, les invitamos a nuestras reuniones los días Domingos a las 7:00 pm. Venga y comparta con otras parejas la Fe, la experiencia de Familia y la ayuda mutua. Mayores informes con Don Pablo y María Salcedo o la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. FECHA: 21, 22 & 23 DE NOVIEMBRE/2014 LUGAR: GRIFFIN CENTER, MILWAUKIE ABIERTO: PARA HOMBRES Y MUJERES RETIRO DE EVANGELIZACION PARROQUIAL. Invitamos a todas las personas que deseen participar del Retiro de Evangelización Parroquial a que se registren para asegurar su cupo, la fecha del retiro es 21, 22 y 23 de Noviembre del 2014. Mayores informes con Juan y Vicky Centeno o con la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Para myores informes Contacte a: Jaime Sevilla 503-213-1446 Escribanos a: [email protected] 11 Ministerio latino “Amémonos y cuidémonos unos a otros” Compartiendo nuestras Tradiciones, Valores, Cultura, Fe y amor. Presentación del Misterio de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Por favor acompáñenos la noche del 2 de Diciembre a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia, en donde aprenderemos acerca del Misterio de la Aparición de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Cena de Gala Guadalupana El 11 de Diciembre a las 7:00 pm en el Centro Comunitario, la Comunidad Hispana tendrá una Cena de Gala en honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. El costo del ticket es de $50.00, los tickets están a la venta en la oficina Parroquial. Los invitamos a que vengan y participen con nosotros de la Fe, la Cultura y las Tradiciones de la comunidad Hispana. Novena a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Todos están invitados a participar de la novena de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, del 3 al 12 de diciembre. Todos los días tendremos la Misa (en español) a las 7:00 pm y en cada una de estas noches de la novena, tendremos 50 imágenes de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe que irán a visitar 50 casas por una noche. A las 9:30 pm todas las familias van a rezar el Santo Rosario por nuestra comunidad parroquial y por sus propias necesidades. Si usted está interesado y desea obtener más información acerca de cómo participar en la Novena o llevar a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a su hogar, por favor escríbale a Jaime Sevilla, Director de Ministerio Hispano: [email protected] o llame al (503) 213-1446. Gracias por honrar nuestra tradición y celebración anual. * Este año todos los Jóvenes de la Middle School y la High School se reúnen a las 6:45 pm en el Salón de McMahon para compartir una comida! * Por favor considere traer una ofrenda voluntaria de ($2 - $3) para apoyar con nuestras comidas! En un esfuerzo por hacer las noches juveniles con mas espacio, estaremos utilizando muchos lugares en el campus - por favor, preste mucha atención a los mensajes de correo electrónico que le enviamos para saber en donde sus hijos estarán cada noche Juvenil. Si no le llega la lista por correo electrónico? Póngase en contacto con el coordinador de cada programa. Noches Juveniles de la Middle School: Llamado Rally – Recuerde esta fecha – Sábado 13 de diciembre de 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm es el Llamado Rally anual. Este año se celebrará aquí en San Pío X! Preguntas: Janell Hoekstra, Ministerio Juvenil de la Middle School, [email protected]. Noches Juveniles de la High School: Preguntas: Kristin Mombert, Coordinador de la Pastoral Juvenil, [email protected]. BAUTISMO / PRIMERA COMUNIÓN para los estudiantes del 6 al 12 grado: Asegúrese de registrarse! Para inscribirse en estos sacramentos y a su preparación, por favor póngase en contacto con Kristin Mombert a: kmombert@ (503) 213-1448. 12 contacts and resources Parish Office (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Administration Fr. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 Fr. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 Fr. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence (503) 644-5264 Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Adult Education and Enrichment Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Annulment Advocacy Bob Little (503) 213-1447 Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (503) 234-5334 Baptisms Tom English, Sacristan (503) 213-1442 Baby Corner Voice mailbox (503) 213-1376 Bereavement Arlene Lee (503) 579-9822 Bookkeeping Jennifer Brown (503) 213-1445 Bridge Group - Social Hilary Hutchinson (503) 526-0650 Bulletin Items Cheryl Hopkins (503) 213-1449 Burnside Meals Rebecca Gaerlan (503) 372-9176 CYO Anthony Vuky / Don Verzani (503) 213-1444 / (503) 690-9850 Centering Prayer Linda Tombaugh (503) 641-2059 Confirmation (Adult) Bob Little (503) 213-1447 Confirmation (9th - 12th grades) Kristin Mombert (503) 213-1448 Elizabeth Ministries Jennifer Radosavljevic (971) 404-8040 ESL (English as a Second Language) Jaime Sevilla (503) 213-1446 Facility Reservations Jim Shaffer (503) 644-5264 Peace and Justice Mary Ryan Hotchkiss (503) 646-5449 Faith Café Joan Andersen-Wells (503) 642-2764 Prayer Shawl Ministry Geneal Kanalz (503) 646-9547 Faith Formation Molly Washburn, Little Saints - Preschool - K (503) 213-1450 Chris Kirnak, Sacramental Preparation (503) 213-1463 Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation-Elementary (503) 213-1460 Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Ministry (503) 213-1454 Kristin Mombert, High School Ministry (503) 213-1448 Secretary - Faith Formation (503) 213-1461 RCIA / Returning Catholics (Landings) Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Filipino Community Melliza Palazo (503) 804-6510 Reception / Parish Office / Mass Intentions Jackie LaCasse (503) 644-5264 Sanctity of Life Jo Cooper (503) 646-2250 Serra Club Dan Jones (503) 645-2172 Special Needs Committee Mary Ann Hassold (503) 617-4965 Funeral Coordination Evelyn Gibbons (503) 614-9415 Habitat for Humanity Patrick Wheeler (503) 645-1645 Knights of Columbus Paul Butler (503) 533-2018 La Casita Pat Pitz (503) 806-0389 Latino Ministries Jaime Sevilla (503) 213-1446 Liturgy and Worship Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Loaves and Fishes Anne Fornay (503) 646-0487 Stewardship Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 St. Francis Dining Hall Debra DiPaola (503) 533-0984 St. Pius X School Mary Thompson, Principal (503) 644-3244 Mary Beth Anderson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 Fran Wilson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 St. Joseph Toolbox Knights of Columbus (503) 644-5264 St. Vincent de Paul Bob Weisend (503) 629-2014 Sunday Nursery Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation/Outreach (503) 213-1460 Mary’s Pantry Mike and Nan Fey (503) 626-8772 Vocations Art Diederich (503) 645-6142 Meals on Wheels Tess Pimentel (503) 645-3728 Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Music Ministry Wendy Reimann-O’Hearn (503) 213-1468 Outreach Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation/Outreach (503) 213-1460 Parish Nurse Ministry Fran Breiling (503) 645-3775 13 Wedding Coordination Barb English (503) 643-3144 Women’s Club Colleen Lucas (503) 645-5646 Community Resources: Care to Share-Food Assistance (503) 591-9025 Child Abuse Reporting (800) 275-8952 Pregnancy Resource Center (503) 643-4503 Housing Assistance (503) 846-4794 St. Pius x community calendar Sunday November 16 Shaun Diamond Gary Pheil Annelise Goddard Monday 17 Tuesday 18 8:00 am Michael Cory Adams 8:00 am - Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School High School Discipleship Team Meeting 3:00 pm - Parish Office Conference Room Youth Choir 3:30 pm - Church Youth Ministry Activities 6:45 pm - McMahon Hall, etc. Latino Bible Study 7:00 pm - Youth Center St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 7:00 pm - Church Hall Ladies of Light Bible Study 9:00 am - Community Center Latino Preventative Dental Care 9:45 am - Youth Center Social Bridge 10:30 am - Church Hall Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm - Church RCIA Meeting 7:00 pm - Church ESL Class 7:00 pm - School Wednesday Thursday 7:30 am 9:00 am 5:30 pm - 7:30 am 9:05 am - 19 Mary Lajoy Gwen Moschel 8:00 am - 20 Leonardo S. Cruz Old Testament Video Series 8:00 am - Parish Office Conference Room The Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:00 pm - Church Youth Choir 6:30 pm - Church Al-Non 10:00 am - Youth Center Latino Youth Choir 5:00 pm - Church ESL Class 7:00 pm - School Latino Evangelization Group 7:30 pm - Church Hall Latino Adult Faith Formation 7:30 pm - Community Center Saturday Sunday 8:00 am 5:00 pm - 22 Lee Warneke Charles Moschel Coyote Club 7:30 am - Youth Center Latino Preventative Dental Clinic 10:00 am - Youth Center Latino Faith Formation Parent Meeting 5:30 pm - Youth Center 7:30 am 9:00 am 5:30 pm - 21 Brian Gettelfinger Latino Marriage Encounter 7:00 pm - Community Center Latino RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center 23 Jackie Miller Mary Jo Vincent Michael Gilbert 14 Friday 8:00 am - Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School Children’s Christmas Choir Rehearsal 2:00 pm - Community Center Adaptive Liturgy Mass 2:45 pm - Church High School Discipleship Team Meeting 3:00 pm - Parish Office Conference Room Youth Choir 3:30 pm - Church Youth Ministry Activities 6:45 pm - McMahon Hall, etc. For additional information regarding our calendar, visit our website Gracie Goddard Intercessions For those who are suffering illness . . . For those who have died . . . New members Jennifer and Cory Johnson BEYOND OUR PARISH WALLS ADVENT RETREAT ST. ANTHONY’S HOLIDAY BAZAAR AND CRAFT FAIR The Advent retreat will take place on November 29, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, in the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Motherhouse & Administration Building, 4440 SW 148th Avenue, Beaverton. Don’t miss this fabulous 2-day event on November 22, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; and November 23, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. This all “Handmade” bazaar features over 30 vendors, hourly raffles, Homemade soup, sandwiches, local wine, wood and glass crafts, and much more. Come start your holiday shopping at 1660 Elm Street, Forest Grove, Oregon. Free admission. Directed by Fr. John Kerns who has served in parishes and as vocation director in the Archdiocese of Portland since 1985. He is a talented musician and currently is the pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Parish. Registration is required by contacting Sr. Noreen Orazio at (503) 644-9181, or [email protected]. A LIFELINE FOR MARRIAGE Stress in Your Marriage? – Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about, or to register for the weekend of January 16-18, 2015, call (503) 225-9191, or visit RED DOORS RETREAT AT ST. ANDRÉ BESSETTE CATHOLIC CHURCH Spend a day with people living in poverty or on the margins of society in Old Town Portland. Experience the Gospel call to serve those in need. Serve guests of St. André Bessette’s Hospitality Center and visit other service providers in the neighborhood. Spend time in discussion, prayer and reflection. 2014 retreats are being held November 19 and December 17. Hours are 8:15 am - 4:00 pm. For more information or to register, call (503) 228-0746, email [email protected], or visit www. 15
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