Church of St. Joachim – St. John the Evangelist November 16, 2014 Vigil: Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Beloved Deceased Olga Thomas J. Hopper The Engelbride Family Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. John Joseph Tony & Sarah Lugo 9:00 a.m. Janet Hupcey Nancy & Matthew Condon 10:30 a.m. St. Joachim-St. John’s SeniorsSeniors Mass for Deceased Members 12:00 p.m. Lydia Bolander & Charlie Viera Judy Alvarez Providencia Nuestra S 12:00 p.m. Casimir & Karol Dokurno Zofia Kochay 6:00 p.m. Michael O’Donnell Elizabeth & Michael Kelleher St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religous 7:00 a.m. People of the Parish 8:00 a.m. Michael Curtin Anne & Claire & Families Weekday 7:00 a.m. Tal Haight Friends at 7 am Mass 8:00 a.m. Anita McEldfuff Barry & Elizabeth Sewing Weekday 7:00 a.m. Pat Stypulkoski Peggy, Maureen & Nina 8:00 a.m. Rhodes W. Weyant Jerome Weyant Weekday 7:00 a.m. Joseph Gibbs The Family 8:00 a.m. George Amrhein Marion Imperatore Weekday 7:00 a.m. Larkin-Keto Families Betty LaColla 8:00 a.m. Anita McElduff Joanne Supple Weekday 8:00 a.m. Tal Haight Jerry & Anne 9:00 a.m. Louis & Mildred Daddario The Family Vigil: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 4:30 p.m. Liam Smith Mary T. Smith 5:30 p.m. Rose Pendleton The Burns Family Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 7:30 a.m. Lena S. Prestianni Karen & Deran Soodajian 9:00 a.m. Cathy DiCastro Schaefer Mary & Joe Ranalli 10:30 a.m. Frank Sgro your Ann 12:00 p.m. Almida Gutierrez Javiera Gutierrez Ezequiel Gutierrez 12:00 p.m. Bob Ebeling Elizabeth Reynolds 6:00 p.m. Cecilia McCasland The Family 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Sun. Nov. 16 Spanish Mon. Nov. 17 Tues. Nov. 18 Wed. Nov. 19 Thurs. Nov. 20 Fri. Nov. 21 Sat. Nov. 22 Sun. Nov. 23 Spanish Sacramentals Sanctuary Lamp: St. Joachim’s – Casimir & Karol Dokurno, Joseph Kochay Sanctuary Lamp: St. John’s – Lee Ann & Simon Lee Antalek, Richard Pendleton Sr. Bread & Wine: St. Joachim’s – Bread & Wine: St. John’s – Edward Kobajlo & Edward Kobajlo, Jr. Altar Candles: St. Joachim’s – Altar Candles: St. John’s – Rose for Life: St. Joachim’s – Barbara & Michael Scoba, Sr., George H. Post Rose for Life: St. John’s – Rose & Francis Donnelly, Joseph Romanelli Our Paths are Guided by the Beacon of Christ’s Love Revenue Sharing Program Week 9 –Charlene Westerhuis Attendance November 9, 2014 November 10, 2013 977 1,006 Coming Events On Sunday, November 23 at 2 pm there will be a meeting in the St. Joachim’s gym to discuss the Financial Report for the year ending August 31, 2014. All are invited to attend. Bible Study We will continue with the study of St. John’s Gospel Tuesday nights at St. Joachim’s meeting room from 7:30-8:30pm. St. John’s Gospel, the last of the four to be written, offers rich insights into the life, ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. We will be studying the Gospel with the help of commentators through the centuries and through music, art and literature. It is not necessary to attend every class, please come whenever you are able. Please bring a Bible – Bibles are available for $5 each at the parish office. Flock Notes The archdiocese is initiating a communication system known as Flocknote. There are 2 easy ways to connect (pick one):Visit our Parish and give information. Or Text Sjj to 84576 from your phone to subscribe. Any questions, ask Sr. Kathy Bake Sale On November 22/23, 2014 the seventh grade students from our religious education program will host a bake sale. This will take place after all the Masses or until we sell-out. There will be homemade pies, breads, cakes and cookies along with other baked goods. So, before you go to the bakery and order your thanksgiving deserts check out what we have first. You will be pleasantly surprised and the proceeds will help offset the cost of our religious education special projects. As always, we thank you for your continuous support. St. Joachim – St. John Seniors to Meet On Fri., Nov. 21 at 12:30pm at St. John’s Church Hall. A mass for deceased members will be held on Sun. Nov. 16 at 10:30. A coffee hour will follow. Reservation required - 831-2289. Save the Date: Fri., Dec 19, Senior’s Christmas luncheon – 12:30pm at I 84 Diner. Reservations required – 831-2289. To serve your needs better, our pastor would like to know: Of any parishioner who is hospitalized Of anyone in need of prayer Of anyone who would like a pastoral visit Our parish priests and the Special Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to our ill parishioners. The Sacraments of the Sick and Reconciliation are also available from our priests on their visits. If you or someone you know is in need of the Sacraments, please call the parish office. Through the Outreach Program – Parish Volunteers provide supportive and practical services for seniors and other persons who are in need. These include friendly visiting, telephone reassurance, shopping, and local medical transportation/escort. Drivers are needed for the Outreach Program for doctor’s appointments. If you are able to help, please call the parish office. Pray for the Sick and Homebound: Catherine Adams, Minoo Aibara, Rasika Aniff, Ruben Arroyo, Dominic Bettina, Deborah Bonnell, Joseph Bradford, Octavia Buitrago, Sean Cadden,Coleen Cherry, Bill Coatney, Christine Connelly, Ramona Concessao, Noah Corey, Margaret Danza, Christina DeDonato, Eileen Deighan, Maria del Rosario, Hilda D’Silva, Jeffrey Dolan, Lucia Eustace, Christine Ferguson, Valarian Fernandes, Joyce Flynn, Russell Fullen, Brian M. Furey, Marie Ann Gama, David Gonzalez, Lillian Gonzalez, , Jessica Hernandez, Timmy Johnson, Donna Juliano, Kevin Keenan, Terri Keenan, Jim Killeen, Edward Killmer, Michael Leonard, Olga Lucas, Sarah Lugo, Josephine Lupparelli, Evan Maher, Venita Martis, Eileen Malik, Bridget McGrath, Eve Marhafer Meek, Ann O’Dell, Jim O’Donnell, Loretta Oppitz, Mike O’Shaughnessy, Sara Pellerin, Cayla Pignatello, Peter Podloski, Jane Pomarico, John Pomarico ,Rose Pucino, Mary Rafter, Hector Ramirez, Ivette Ramos, Robin Reis, Mary Rivera, Lehman Roarabaugh, Maria Robillard, Pauline Russotto, Marcia Santovenia, Marie Sequinot, Ruth Snyder, Lawrence Solomon, Teresa Solomon, Lillian Strolis, Nina Tagan, Kathleen Tobin, Jean Torrie, Thomas Trochan, Sr., Kay Usifer, Julio D. Vazquez, Laryssa Verna, and Taylor Weiss. Please pray for the men and women serving in the military and for their families. And also our friends in McClelland’s, Elant at Fishkill, Wingate at Beacon, Forrestal Heights, Hamilton Fish, Hedgewood, Horizons, and Meadow Ridge II. Recently Deceased: We pray for the people who have recently died and ask God to grant their families and loved ones the strength to carry on until we all join God in the Resurrection: Reflection From Fr. Richard We’re at the half way mark of November this weekend, and Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away. It’s a good thing that we, as an American people, make a holiday one day a year where we stop everything and give thanks to God for the tremendous blessings we have in life as individuals and as a nation. It would be truly sad, though, if our giving thanks to God were a one-day-a-year event. In the previous English translation of the Mass, there was a prayer that read: “our desire to give You [God] thanks is itself Your gift”! Giving God thanks does nothing for God, but it does tremendous things for the one giving thanks. After the Scriptures, I would argue that the most important book for Christians to read is St. Augustine’s Confessions in which St. Augustine tells the story of his life in the form of a prayer. A constant theme of his prayer is his deep, deep desire for love that is, ultimately, his deep, deep desire for God. At one point in life, Augustine realized that no one and no thing could ever satisfy his deepest and most human desires and needs – but that God alone could do just that. He wanted nothing more than to be near to God and to have a vibrant friendship with God. But he realized that this is something God must initiate. And so, at the start of his Confessions, St. Augustine writes, “The house of my soul is too small for you to come to it. May it be enlarged by you. It is in ruins: restore it.” Augustine wanted – we want – a large heart, a heart large enough for God to make a home there. Small hearts, hearts that are jealous or stingy or resentful, can never hope to be large enough to welcome God. It’s by letting go of all that and giving thanks that the human heart opens and expands. God likes to use our thanksgiving as a way of enlarging our hearts. I’ve noticed some people on Facebook (if you don’t know what that is, bravo to you) have taken up a practice in November of writing one thing each day for which he or she is thankful. It’s a great idea, and you don’t need to know what Facebook is to do it. FROM THE WOMEN'S PARISH CLUB Please continue to make your Christmas Fair Raffle Chance returns in the weekly collection basket,or at the Parish Office or at the Fair on December 6/7. Extra tickets are available at the Parish Office. Mark your calendars and plan on coming to the Fair which will be held in St. John's lower church hall on December 6/7. Broadway Show: Beautiful The parish has purchased 50 tickets to the Broadway Hit Musical "Beautiful." This musical tells the story of Carole King from her early days as a Brooklyn teenager struggling to enter the record business to her years spent as a charttopping music legend. The price of this ticket will include dinner and bus transportation. The date of the show is Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 3:00 pm. More details to follow. Reserve your ticket now by calling Marianne Dahl (831-5406). Bereavement Support Group A bereavement support group has been organized for all persons who are grieving the death of a loved one. These bi-weekly sessions will help guide people through their grieving process in a safe, supportive environment. It takes courage to face the many feelings and life changes that result from the death of a loved one. By participating in a support group, you will have the opportunity to share with others who are grieving, learn about the process of grief and be supported during this difficult time. This program will begin on Monday, November 24th at 7pm in the Sacristy of St. Joachim’s Church. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 845-838-0915. Thank you, Deacon Marty. Here I Am The Man, The Woman He Loved, And the Son of God HERE I AM is a novel based on the life of John the Baptist. From the moment of his conception to his horrific death, you follow his life as a confused young man searching for his identity, to a man in love with a woman whom he cannot take as a wife, to the prophet who finally becomes the powerful voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Prepare the way!” This book is written by Moira Quinn, who is a Redemptoristine Nun in Beacon, NY. To order paperback copies go on-line to : The Book Patch Bookstore and search HERE I AM. Your purchase will help support the Sisters life of prayer. Thanksgiving Dinner The Spanish community of our parish will be hosting a Thanksgiving dinner in St. John’s lower hall on Saturday, November 22, 2014. All are invited to attend. Please RSVP to the parish office by Wednesday, November 19, 2014. Giving Tree “For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35). In the church you will notice a Christmas tree with tags on it, this is a giving tree and it is being sponsored by St. Joachim – St. John the Evangelist Pre Confirmation class. Our students are learning that our Church (Us) primarily exists for those who don’t go near it. Our task is not to see how many bodies we can draw into our fold, but rather, show how we represent our God. For Christ Jesus challenges us to take OUR CHURCH beyond its doors, into the light of day and the darkness of night. We, at St. Joachim – St. John the Evangelist are notorious for this. We share our faith with all by living our faith and we have set an example for our youth and within our community. On the back of the tags there is an item listed on it, we are asking that you take a tag and purchase the item listed. These gifts will benefit unwed mothers and veterans within our community. If you choose to partake in this activity, sponsored by our confirmation class, you may then return the purchased gift to the church unwrapped with the tag attached to it. All gifts must be returned no later than Monday, December 15, 2014. On behalf of the pre confirmation class, we would like to thank you in advance for your support of this very much needed service. As we all know that the holidays can be a very difficult and lonesome time of year. Many of us are blessed to have the support and love of our families. During this Advent season let us keep in mind those who are less fortunate whether by obtaining a gift or by saying a simple prayer. God bless you. National Night of Prayer Please join us from 9pm on Monday, December 8th to 1am on Tuesday, December 9th at St. John’s Church as we join other Parishes in Prayer and Meditation in a National effort to unite our prayers with Catholics throughout the country in an effort to turn hearts toward Christ, thus bringing an end to abortion and all sins against the Culture of Life and for the healing of those who are suffering as a result of them. We will begin at 9pm with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by praying the Rosary, silent prayer, and meditation, and end with Benediction at 1am on Monday, December 9th. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this important event against the Culture of Death that we currently face. Thank you, Deacon Marty.. Christmas Lottery Party Our Parish will sponsor a Christmas Lottery Party on Saturday, December 6, at 6:00 pm. The funds raised from this event help to support our parish community. If you did not receive a ticket in the mail, please consider purchasing one. The cost of the ticket is $50. Prizes are as follows: Grand Prize $3000, 1st Prize $1000, 2nd Prize $500, 3rd Prize $ 400, 4rd Prize $ 300, 5th Prize $ 200, 6th Prize $ 100. The drawing will take place on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at St. Joachim’s Hall at 6:00pm. Your $50 ticket entitles you to bring one guest to our party. Payments may be placed in the Sunday collection in an envelope marked “Christmas Lottery.” They may also be mailed to Marianne Dahl, 20 Rende Drive, Beacon, NY. Please help support this fundraiser. ***************************************************** HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Our High School Youth Ministry meets every Sunday night in the lower hall at St. John’s from 6:45pm to 8:30pm. All high school teenagers are invited to Come, join us for food, games, discussion and prayer. Please pray for the young people of St. Joachim - St. John’s! Yes, I would like to participate in the Christmas Lottery. Name _____________________________ Address ___________________________ __________________________________ CAN YOU HELP? Every Sunday night, we provide our teenagers with dinner at our meeting. Can you help by preparing and dropping off a meal one Sunday night? Food can be very simple – baked ziti, hot dogs, chili, etc. There are approximately 15 students. There is a sign-up sheet in the rear of church where you can sign up for a Sunday, someone from the youth ministry will contact you in advance to set things p. Thank you for supporting our teenagers in this way! Phone ___________________________ I wish a new ticket number ______ I would like to keep my same number ____ St. Joaquin-St. Juan, Beacon, NY LECTURAS PARA EL DIA DE HOY: 33º domingo de tiempo ordinario. 1 Lectura: Prov 31,10-13.19-20.30-31: Trabaja con la destreza de sus manos. 2 Lectura : 1Tes 5,1-6: Que el día del Señor no os sorprenda como un ladrón. Evangelio : Mt 25,14-30: Has sido fiel en lo poco, pasa al banquete de tu señor. “¡A todo el que tiene, se le dará y le sobrará! ” Hoy, Jesús nos narra otra parábola del juicio. Nos acercamos a la fiesta del Adviento y, por tanto, el final del año litúrgico está cerca. Dios, dándonos la vida, nos ha entregado también unas posibilidades más pequeñas o más grandes- de desarrollo personal, ético y religioso. No importa si uno tiene mucho o poco, lo importante es que se ha de hacer rendir lo que hemos recibido. El hombre de nuestra parábola, que esconde su talento por miedo al amo, no ha sabido arriesgarse: «El que había recibido uno se fue, cavó un hoyo en tierra y escondió el dinero de su señor». Quizá el núcleo de la parábola pueda ser éste: hemos de tener la concepción de un Dios que nos empuja a salir de nosotros mismos, que nos anima a vivir la libertad por el Reino de Dios. La palabra "talento" de esta parábola -que no es nada más que un peso que denota la cantidad de 30 Kg de plata ha hecho tanta fortuna, que incluso ya se la emplea en el lenguaje popular para designar las cualidades de una persona. Pero la parábola no excluye que los talentos que Dios nos ha dado no sean sólo nuestras posibilidades, sino también nuestras limitaciones. Lo que somos y lo que tenemos, eso es el material con el que Dios quiere hacer de nosotros una nueva realidad. La frase «a todo el que tiene, se le dará y le sobrará; pero al que no tiene, aun lo que tiene se le quitará», no es, naturalmente, una máxima para animar al consumo, sino que sólo se puede entender a nivel de amor y de generosidad. Efectivamente, si correspondemos a los dones de Dios confiando en su ayuda, entonces experimentaremos que es Él quien da el incremento: «Las historias de tantas personas sencillas, bondadosas, a las que la fe ha Noviembre 16-2014 hecho buenas, demuestran que la fe produce efectos muy positivos. Y, al revés: también hemos de constatar que la sociedad, con la evaporación de la fe, se ha vuelto más dura.». ANUNCIOS CENA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS Con motivo de la celebración del día de acción de Gracias estamos invitando a toda la comunidad a participar de una cena en el sótano de la Parroquia de san Juan Evangelista el próximo sábado 22 de noviembre 2014 a las 6:30 de la tarde. Noche Nacional de oración por la vida: Fue en la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción (entonces celebrada el 9 de diciembre de 1531) que nuestra señora de Guadalupe, patrona de los niños no nacidos y de las Américas, apareció por primera vez a San Juan Diego. La noche Nacional de oración por la vida tiende un puente sobre estas dos fiestas en honor a nuestra Santísima madre y para orar por la restauración de un sentido de santidad por toda la vida humana. Por favor acompáñenos desde las 9:00 de la noche del lunes 8 de diciembre hasta la 1 de la mañana del martes 9 de diciembre en la iglesia de San Juan así como nos uniremos a otras parroquias en la oración y la meditación en un esfuerzo nacional para unir nuestras oraciones con los católicos en todo el país, en un esfuerzo por convertir corazones hacia Cristo, poniendo así fin al aborto y a todos los pecados contra la cultura de la vida y para la curación de los que sufren como consecuencia de los mismos. Comenzaremos a las 9:00 de la noche con la exposición del Santísimo Sacramento seguido rezaremos el Rosario, una oración silenciosa y meditación y al final con la bendición a 1de la mañana del Martes, 9 de diciembre. Por favor marque sus calendarios y planean asistir a este importante evento contra la cultura de la vida que nos enfrentamos actualmente. Gracias, diácono Marty. NOS GUSTARIA CONECTARNOS CON USTED!!! La diócesis está iniciando un sistema de comunicación que se llama Flock note. Esto le permite Recibir actualizaciones importantes de la parroquia de una manera oportuna y conveniente a través de correo electrónico o mensaje de texto. Podrá retirarse en cualquier momento. Hay 2 maneras fáciles de conectarse (elija uno): Visita nuestra página en línea de la Parroquia: y denos su información. O mande un Texto: Sjj al Número 84576 desde su teléfono para suscribirse a las actualizaciones. No hay ningún cargo por este servicio. Si hay preguntas, puede comunicarse con la Hna. Kathy.+
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