Welcome to Holy Spirit Catholic Church Bienvenidos a la Iglesia del Espiritu Santo OUR CLERGY Parochial Administrator: Fr. Glenn Charest [email protected] Deacon John Avery: 863-678-6908 Deacon Sam Knight: 863-638-1231 [email protected] CHURCH OFFICE Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12, 1-3pm OFFICE PERSONNEL Parish Office Manager: Nick Arcano, Jr. [email protected] Parish Receptionist: Jessica Cordova [email protected] Leader of Faith Development and Discipleship: Terri Seitz [email protected] Coordinator of RCIA Faith Formation Bob Decker [email protected] Director of Music: Bob Luft [email protected] Maintenance: Robert Melnitzke and Nicholas Lindaman [email protected] 644 South 9th Street Lake Wales, Florida 33853 Co-leaders of Outreach Ministry Sharon Olson Sandi Sullins Church Office Phone:(863) 676-1556 Fax: (863) 676-2962 Mass Schedule 4:00 pm English, 6:30 pm Spanish Sunday 8:00 am & 11:00 am English 1st Saturday Mass 8:30a.m English Daily Mass 8:30 am Tue, Thurs, Fri, Wednesday 5:15 pm Confessions Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm (Or by appointment) Saturday Vigil Page 2 Sat Nov 21 4:00 pm +Gary Vukela by Janet Dunlap +Alfonso J Ruffino by Rosemary Delaney November 22, 2015 OUR STEWARDSHIP: Holy Spirit Total Collection Nov 14 & 15 $11,465.00 Human Development second collection $680.00 6:30pm Sun Nov 22 8:00 am 11:00am Mon Nov 23 Tue Nov 24 8:30 am +Alberto Vasquez by wife +Lynn Brockelman by Steve & Kim Bepler +Anthony & Rose Curto by Casingal family For the homeless Thur Nov 26 9:30 am +Eileen Beriswill by Family Fri Nov 27 8:30 am For the needy Sat Nov 28 4:00 pm +Adrianne Belanger by Mr. & Mrs. James Margeson Sun Nov 29 8:00 am Readings for the Week/ Lecturas de la Semana Sunday: Dn 7:13-14/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33b-37 Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4 +Cynthia Delcamp by friend Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11 +Homer Johnson by Peg Champion Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Lk 21:12 Thursday: Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28 Friday: Dn 7:2-14/Lk 21:29-33 NO SERVICES Saturday: Dn 7:15-27/Lk 21:34-36 +Colleen Wermuth by Rosemary Quinlan Next Sunday: Jer 33:14-16/1 Thes 3:12--4:2/ Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 Wed Nov 25 5:15 pm 6:30 pm Lest it go unsaid your monetary offerings are always appreciated. +Isacc Torrez by Legion of Mary +Maureen McCormick by Nancy & Vince DiBernardino Domingo: Dn 7, 13-14/Ap 1, 5-8/Jn 18, 33-37 Lunes: Dn 1, 1-6. 8-20/Lc 21, 1-4 Martes: Dn 2, 31-45/Lc 21, 5-11 Miércoles: Dn 5, 1-6. 13-14. 16-17. 23-28/Lc 21, Jueves: Dn 6, 12-28/Lc 21, 20-28 Viernes: Dn 7, 2-14/Lc 21, 29-33 Sábado: Dn 7, 15-27/Lc 21, 34-36 Domingo siguiente: Jr 33, 14-16/1 Tes 3, 12--4, 2/Lc 21, 25-28. 34-36 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. ‘THE SEASON TO GIVE THANKS Once again it is time for us, the members of the Body of Christ, to demonstrate our +Joanne Napholz by Legion of Mary generosity on a grand scale. As we approach 11:00am +Homer Johnson by Judith Pilon Thanksgiving, we are invited to demonstrate our “thanksgiving to God” for all his blessings. We are asking that you please pick up a paper bag with the attached AN INVITATION TO GIFT BEARERS grocery list, take it home, fill it up and If you are a person who has requested a Mass for someone at return it here at the church to be blessed one of the weekend Masses, or if you are simply someone who on Thanksgiving Mass by Father Glenn would like to be a gift bearer please ask an usher. The Church is before we distribute the food to our always in need of gift bearers. It is an honor and a privilege to families in need. Thank You! carry up the gifts! Any questions contact the office! Bingo! Bingo every Wednesday at 12:30 Noon. See you there! The office will be closed on Nov 26 and 27th for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Page 3 November 22, 2015 MESSAGES FROM FATHER GLENN IF YOU ARE ADMITTED TO LAKE WALES MEDICAL CENTER (HOSPITAL)….. During my entire 2 ½+ years here at Holy Spirit, I have spoken with 3 different people in charge of “chaplain services”, at the Medical Center, requesting that the Center provide a list of patients who have indicated (upon completing the admittance forms) they would appreciate a visit from the Pastor. For 2 ½ years I have been told that to do that would be a “violation of HIPPA”. I have argued that since Florida Hospital in Winter Park daily prints a list of all patients according to their religious affiliation and offers that list to any “hospital authorized” pastor, how could it be a violation of HIPPA for Lake Wales Medical Center and not for a huge hospital system such as is Florida Hospital. That argument has changed not a thing. SO…..if you are admitted to the Lake Wales Medical Center and even if, during the admitting process, you indicate in writing that you would appreciate a visit from your Pastor….do not expect a visit unless you, your spouse or friend calls our parish office and notifies us that you are in the hospital. I will have no other way of knowing you are in the Lake Wales Medical Center MORE IMPORTANT THINGS: PLEASE, IF YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD OR A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER WHO IS CATHOLIC AND ILL, CALL THE OFFICE TO INFORM FR. GLENN CHAREST SO THAT HE CAN GO TO THEM AND OFFER THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING (THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK). THIS SACRAMENT IS INTENDED TO BE CELEBRATED WITH FOLKS WHEN THEY ARE ALERT AND CONSICIOUS SO THEY CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE HEALING PRESENCE OF CHRIST. IT IS NOT FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE AT “DEATH’S DOOR” WHEN THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF HEARING OR SPEAKING OR OF BEING AWARE OF THE LOVING PRESENCE OF THOSE WHO HAVE GATHERED AROUND THEM IN THEIR ILLNESS. IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING OF CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS: There seems to be some confusion about how the Sacraments of the Church are celebrated. The Sacraments are “public celebrations of critical moments in the life of the Body of Christ”. With the exception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (which used to be celebrated publicly) all the Sacraments are public. Therefore, none are “private”….even the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) is between two people but has effects on the whole Body of Christ. In particular, the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) are celebrated publicly; otherwise, we would celebrate them all “privately”. In some parishes, Baptism is celebrated “privately” because the members don’t care about the newly baptized as a “sign of growth of the Body of Christ)…and that is very sad. Sometimes, the Pastor doesn’t want to hear all of the griping about “how much longer Mass is” while celebrating Baptism in the context where it rightfully belongs. So he caves into the desire not to hear the griping rather than instructing the parish on the true nature of the celebration of the Sacraments. The only time when it is correct to celebrate any of the Sacraments “privately” is when essential participants, ie., godparents cannot be available due to living outside of the area and can only be present at some other given time. -Fr. Glenn Charest WE NEED YOUR HELP! Monday, November 23 the care center campers are returning to Holy Spirit for Lunch at Noon. Menu: Hot dogs, hamburgers and chips and any side dishes you prepare and donate would help feed 150 hungry campers. Please drop off any food you are bringing on Monday morning between 10 and 11:30am. Thank you for your help! If you have any questions contact the office. Page 4 November 22, 2015 Dear Parents, CONFIRMATION CLASS PARENT REMINDERS: Thanksgiving Break Nov. 22nd & Nov.29th The next parent/candidate/sponsor session will be held on Sunday, December 6,@ 4:00pm in the Church. Topic: Living Faith in Advent. Please bring a small candle. Mandatory Confirmation Retreat for candidates will be held on: Saturday, December 12 in the School Bldg. from 9am-5pm Confirmation Class December. 13th -4:00-8:00pm Advent Penance Service is on Wednesday. December 16th at 7:00pm in the Church The Giving Tree! Our Holy Spirit Christmas Giving Tree and the Lake Wales Care Center Giving Tree will be up after Thanksgiving. If you choose to select a gift tag from either tree, kindly return the unwrapped gift with the tag no later than Sunday, Dec. 13th. All donated gifts should be unwrapped and include the tag. Your generosity is so very much appreciated! You may also drop off the gifts to the parish office anything you donate will mean so much to families in need on this time of year. Thank you! We will be on Thanksgiving Break Sunday, Nov.22nd, Weds, Nov. 25th and Sunday, Nov. 29th. Give Thanks to the Lord What does Thanksgiving mean for us as Catholic Christians? How do we share this with children? Kids have the common sense to recognize that offering thanks requires both a giver and a receiver. For instance, when a child receives a gift he/she might write a thank you note to the gift giver. In a larger sense, God is the giver of all good things in life. On Thanksgiving Day and every day we should remind children of this. When we participate in Mass we can remember that the word Eucharist comes from the Greek word eucharistia which means thanksgiving. God's greatest gift to us is that of his own son, who offered his life for our salvation. Our natural response should be to offer our lives in return. Take time this month to lead children on a path of gratitude and service Prayer for World Peace Lord, we pray for the power to be gentle; the strength to be forgiving; the patience to be understanding; and the endurance to accept the consequences of holding to what we believe to be right. May we put our trust in the power of good to overcome evil and the power of love to overcome hatred. We pray for the vision to see and the faith to believe in a world emancipated from violence, a new world where fear shall no longer lead men to commit injustice, nor selfishness make them bring suffering to others. Help us to devote our whole life and thought and energy to the task of making peace, praying always for the inspiration and the power to fulfill the destiny for which we and all men were created. Amen. Page 5 November 22, 2015 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES! LOOKING FORWARD TO PRAYER, REFLECTION TIME AND FUN TIMES HERE AT HOLY SPIRIT... SIPS OF FAITH –All Welcome Beginning November 29th, we shall be discussing Advent for the next 4 weeks and the coming of our Lord at Christmas. Please join us between masses at 9:30! POT LUCK BRUNCH! On Sunday, November 29th at 12:30 in the parish hall, we are having our Pot Luck Brunch! Please bring a dish capable of serving at least six people, to go with bacon and eggs. Sign up in the narthex of the church. Our 2nd Annual Italian Dinner night is coming up on January 22nd. We have secured the same band (Pitch Perfect) as last year. Be prepared to dance your heart out and enjoy the music and food. We need help with setting up, decorating, kitchen prep, serving, clean up, etc. Our first planning meeting is this Tuesday, November 24th at 10:30am in the office living room. Please honor us with your talents. Any questions, contact Barbara at (863)676-1513 Becoming Catholic (RCIA) We now have eight seekers who wish to receive sacraments and full membership in the Catholic Church. Starting November 24th at 10:00am we will be offering a “day time” inquiry for anyone who is unable to make the Thursday evening sessions. If you know of anyone who is interested in learning more about who we are as Roman Catholics, please invite them to either Tuesday 10:00am or Thursday 6:30pm sessions. 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22, for the remainder of 2015. We assist our seekers by witnessing our own faith in the way we pray together, welcome others warmly, and join in doing good works. Some in our congregation will be asked to sponsor or mentor candidates for full membership. Please say “yes” and fulfill your role with joy and consistent support. We thank God for bringing these men and women to us. If you have any questions or would like to offer your time, talent, feel free to call Bob Decker at the office Knights News Our meeting's; first and third Monday of the month at 7 pm. Social night: 2nd Monday of the month at 7,Knight's and their guests. Check out our website at kofclakewales.com and our Facebook page at Knights of Columbus Lake Wales. Any questions contact. Grand Knight Gary Kennedy at 863-232-9562, or Jeff Prunty at [email protected]. ANCHORS OF FAITH Anchors of Faith: The Respect Life Committee of Holy Spirit Parish Anchored in the teaching of the Catholic Church; advocating for the respect of human life from the womb to the tomb Buy an Anchors of Faith T-shirt! A black shirt with our white logo on the back is only $15.00. We are gathering baby supplies to stuff gift bags for the Children’s Christmas Party. Please consider placing a donation in the tote in the narthex Everyone is welcome to join our Action Committee. Beginning December 1st, we will be meeting on the 1st Tuesday of each month, for more info contact: Marge Prunty 863-605-1115; Jeff Prunty [email protected]; Tracy Stanciu [email protected] Page 6 November 22, 2015 Holy Spirit Council of Catholic Women The next CCW meeting will be Tuesday, December 1, 2015. Mass will be at 8:30am. 9:30 Meeting in parish center followed by a lunch at 12:00noon. We will be making Christmas Ornaments. Please remember to bring items for the purses and breakfast foods for Spook Hill. All women of the parish are invited to attend. It is never too late to join CCW! CCW Christmas Angels to place on the trees on the church only will be available for a $1.00 donation after all Masses on December 5-6, 12-13 and 19-20. Health Ministry-Body, Our parish nursery is now open and available during the 11:00 am Sunday morning mass Its fall and our Rummage/Bake Sale is near. CCW will be collecting donations of gently used items from November 23rd – January 14th in our new storage shed located behind the church office. Please DO NOT LEAVE items outside call Judith at (407)484-2234 or Shirley (863)676-6644 to meet you at the storage shed. Our Rummage/ Bake sale will be on January 15th & 16th! Mind & Spirit! Consider signing up for your “faith fit daily inspiration”, for a quick reminder about being wholly integrated in body, mind and spirit. Go online to orlandodiocese.org, scroll to the bottom of the home page and click on “faith fit” and you can download the app. Go for it!! It is always interesting and gives information about Catholic teachings on the human person and the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. The Health Ministry Committee will meet on Monday, November 23rd from 1:00pm-2:00pm at the parish office living room. For any and all who have signed up with me two weeks ago or last year. The Nursery offers the Thank you to all who have shown interest in helping this ministry. chance for young children Don’t forget to get your flu shot! It’s not too late, but it does take (1-3years old) to be held 2-3 weeks to be effective in your body. Check with your doctor or safe in a wonderful, nurturing environment Publix, Walgreens, CVS and Walmart offer them with Medicare at while their older siblings no cost to you. and parents attend Mass. The nursery is attended by Brianna Larsen and Amanda Tepec. Their wonderful way with children is a gift to the parish families. The nursery is located in the school bldg. You must enter through the back door. -Ruth Anne Health Ministry Coordinator VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! For the Religious Gift Shop after Please come help us hang lights on the Christmas trees on Monday November 30th at the church at 9:00 a.m. There is a job for everyone! Thank You! Holy Spirit Arts & Environment 4:00pm and 6:30pm Masses and at 8:00am on Sundays, please stop in the shop and leave your name and phone number. Advent wreaths and calendars are available now and also many new items that have arrived! Come take a look and support the church! Pagina 7 Noviembre 22, 2015 NUESTRA COLECTA Noviembre 14 & 15 $11,465.00 Gracias por sus donaciones que Dios los bendiga siempre Tejiendo por Cristo! BAUTISMOS SOLO UN RECORDATORIO QUE ES IMPORTANTE Y MANDATORIO QUE CUALQUIER FAMILIA QUE TENGA PLANEADO BAUTIZAR TIENE QUE ESTAR EN MISA TO DOS LOS FINES DE SEMANA. Todos los niños majors de 6 años deben de estar en clases religiosas por dos años. Siguiente clase de bautismo es el 12 de Diciembre a las 5:00pm. No Habra bautismos durante Adviento. Estamos buscando Grupo de Oracion cualquier persona no Les invita a las reuniones de oracion todos los viernes de 7:00pm a importa la edad, quien sepa tejer! 9:00pm. (Nuevo dia estara en efecto el 20 de Noviembre) Vengan a Tenemos un grupo que se reune el mirar que maravilloso es nuestro Dios! Los Esperamos! Segundo y cuarto miercoles del mes Caballeros de Colon 5643 de 10-11am.Este grupo le dara la oportunindad de servir a su comunidad Si usted ya es miembro de los Caballeros de Colon sepa que usted es bienvenidos a participar a nuestras reuniones.Nos reunimos el primer y de fe, tejiendo. Todos bienvenidos! tercer lunes del mes a las 7:00p.m. Dorothy’s Corner Todo aquel quien este en necesidad de comida, ropa, o alguna otra necesidad, estan invitados a visitarnos. Llame a la oficina: los martes estaran aqui Sharon o Sandi de 6:30-7:30pm. Por ahorita estaremos cerrados los Domingos. No se require ningun papeleo o identificacion solo debe ser miembros de nuestra parroquia. Si usted quiere donar por favor traiga sus donaciones a la oficina. Necesitamos de todo! Vegetales enlatados, frijoles y arroz, leche en polvo, jugos, comida para bebe, etc. gracias por sus donaciones y por su generosidad. EL ARBOL GENEROSO Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Nuestro arbol de Navidad y el arbol de Rey del Universo Hoy finaliza el año litúrgico con la fiesta de Cristo Rey. Durante navidad para el Care Center en cuales todo el año hemos celebrado los misterios de Cristo por los cuales todos hemos reciponemos etiquetas con ideas para bido la salvación. Hoy en todo el mundo católico se escuchará el canto de "Viva Cristo regalos estaran en la iglesia pronto. Rey". Éste es el Rey que es un signo de contradicción para muchos. Recordemos que Por favor si le nace de el Corazon su nacimiento fue anunciado por los ángeles de la siguiente manera: "Hoy les ha donar algun juguete, o cualquier regalo nacido, en la ciudad de David, un salvador" (Lc 2, 11). Después el Evangelio nos lo de navidad para nos niños necesitados muestra así: "Este es mi Hijo muy amado, en quien tengo mis complacencias" (Mt 3, por favor traiga su regalo sin envolver 17). Y luego en Mateo: "Ha salvado a otros y no puede salvarse a sí mismo. Si es el y con la etiqueta de regreso a la iglesia rey de Israel, que baje de la cruz y creeremos en él" (Mt 27, 42). Jesús provocó toda antes de el 13 de Diciembre. su vida confrontaciones entre su pueblo. Siempre rechazó privilegios y condecoraTambien puede ciones. Hoy, por fin, le da respuesta a Pilato: "Tú lo has dicho. Soy rey" (Jn 18, 37). traer los regalos a ¿Por qué crees tú que Jesús se declara rey? ¿Cuál crees que es la verdad sobre el la oficina, amor de Dios y sobre la nueva vida que Jesús nos propone? Durante el año vivimos cualquier regalo con Jesús y sus enseñanzas. Lo acompañamos hacia su camino a Jerusalén y hoy nos significa mucho muestra su verdadera realeza en la cruz. Ser y vivir en la verdad implica este compara nuestras familias en promiso de tomar la cruz junto con Jesús. Las lecturas de Daniel y del Apocalipsis nos necesidad. Gracias! indican claramente que Jesús es rey en otra dimensión: su soberanía jamás será destruida; tiene dominio en la tierra y en el cielo. Señor, ¡ayúdanos a reconocer tu realeza!
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