ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH BETHESDA, MD MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF October 27, 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(TD) 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(K) 8.00 a.m.(K) 5.00 p.m.(TD) 7.00 a.m.(TD) 8.30 a.m.(C) 10.00 a.m.(K) 12 Noon (K) 6.00 p.m.(D) 8.00 p.m.(E) +deceased Msgr. John Pennington, III + Helen Stone Spies + John Adkin + Palma Sileo + Msgr. Paul Gozaloff + For Human Life Lloyd Rose Leva + Victoriano & Maria Olorvida + Twee Nguyen & Family (L) Mary Taff + For the Aramayo & Valderrama Families Lucy Yepez (L) Mass for the People (L) living OCTOBER 26, 2014 MASSES FOR ALL SAINTS (not a Holy Day of Obligation) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.* (* All Saints supercedes Vigil Mass of Ordinary Time) MASSES FOR ALL SOULS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Normal Mass Schedule 7.00 a.m., 8.30 a.m., 10.00 a.m., 12 noon, 6.00 p.m. (Spanish) and 8.00 p.m. At the 12 noon Mass on Sunday, November 2, we will offer a special Liturgy to honor all the deceased souls of our parish who have gone before us, and, in particular, the deceased whose Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Bartholomew Church from November 2013 to date. Family members who attend will be given the wooden Cross bearing the name of their beloved deceased, that has been in place on our Memorial Wall in the rear of the Church since the time of his/her funeral. SOCIAL CONCERNS Scripture Readings for Week Of October 26, 2014 Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Monday Eph 4:32–5:8; Ps 1; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144; Lk 13:31-35 Friday Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday All Saints Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 Ps 24; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sunday The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Wis 3:1-9; Ps 27 or Ps 103; Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 STEPHEN MINISTRY Listening, Comforting, Caring Under direct supervision of Fr. Mark Knestout, this is an ongoing pastoral care ministry. St. Stephen Ministers are members of the parish, intensely trained to care for people who are experiencing a loss, or going through difficult times or life transitions. Please contact: Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston for assistance as a care receiver or to get involved in the ministry. Tel: 703-821-1654; [email protected]. The Poor Box for the month of October is for Montgomery Hospice, a non profit hospice serving residents of Montgomery County, MD - its team of doctors, nurses, social workers, and spiritual and bereavement counselors work with patients and their families to provide quality end-of-life care in homes, extended care facilities, and at Casey House, their acute care facility. The Second Collection next week is for the Retired Priests of the Archdiocese of Washington. Please use the 2nd Collection envelopes that have been mailed to your homes and/or the special collection envelopes that will be placed in the pews. St. Bart’s parishioners in the Cohasset Neighborhood provided the noon meal at SOME on Monday, October 13. The menu included lasagna, salad, bananas and cookies (many baked by the parishioners). Special thanks to all who contributed. (Submitted by Joan Rudel, Coordinator). Learn, Pray, Vote: Justice for Catholic School Students. The 103,000 students in Maryland’s Catholic and other nonpublic schools save state taxpayers nearly $1.5 billion annually, but only receive about $9.5 million a year in state support. Learn more about the issues, pray for guidance, and vote on November 4. On November 4, Maryland residents will head to the polls for the general election. To help you learn more about those who are seeking your vote, the Maryland Catholic Conference surveyed the state’s candidates for governor, the U.S. Congress, and the General Assembly about their positions on issues of interest to Catholics. To view the responses of the candidates in your legislative district and to find resources on faithful citizenship, please visit faithfulcitizenship/district16. In addition, look to the Catholic Standard and El Pregonero for a full listing of all survey results. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ends next Sunday, November 2, at 2.00 a.m.. Remember to set your clock back one hour! THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The flowers on the altar this weekend were sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Donohue in memory of Virginia Donohue in honor of her birthday. If you would like to sponsor flowers on the altar in memory of loved ones, living or deceased, please print your name, phone number, and the occasion or loved one you wish to remember on a purple Flower Contribution envelope, which you will find in the church vestibule. Minimum contribution for two vases on the main altar is $75. Please drop off your envelope in the collection basket, or call the parish office, 301-2297933, and your request will be posted in the weekly bulletin. We can only honor one individual request per weekend, so please bear in mind that, sometimes, the date you require may already be taken. Also, for your information, we will not be able to accept requests for the sponsoring of flowers on specific liturgical dates. St. Bartholomew CYO Basketball St. Bartholomew CYO sponsors basketball teams in the Montgomery County instructional league for 1st and 2nd graders. This is a noncompetitive instructional league for beginners with an emphasis on the basic skills and fundamentals of basketball, fun and good sportsmanship. The first four sessions are focused on skills and instruction about the game. The last four sessions will be low-key scheduled scrimmages. Saturday times can be any time between 9am-6pm and Sunday times can be between 12noon-6pm. The sessions start January 10 and end February 29. If your son or daughter is interested in playing please send an email to Tom Serena [email protected] to let us know. If you are interested in coaching please include that in your email. St. Bart's Youth Group: we are a group devoted to learning that our Faith is not about rules but about experiencing true happiness and growing into the best-version of ourselves by simply doing and loving the good things of life! Youth between 5th grade and 10th grade are always welcome! Thought of the Week 11/2 Youth Group Fundraiser (Sponge making) "For forty years, St. Bartholomew has sponsored the one-week summer camp, Sacred Heart Camp, for almost fifty children from Sacred Heart Parish in Washington, D.C. " Next Sunday, St. Bart's youth group will be making sponges to help raise funds for the Sacred Heart Camp.The group will meet by St. Bart’s gym, 5:45- 7:45pm. Dinner will be provided! All youth are welcome:) The Faith and Fiction Book Group will meet on Sunday, October 26, at 1:30 in the parish meeting room to discuss Men at Arms, first book of the Sword of Honor trilogy by Evelyn Waugh. All are welcome. I’m looking for a St. Bart’s parishioner who has a basement apartment, or rooms over their garage with a kitchen facility they are looking to rent. I’m a non-smoker, without pets, who works here at St. Bart’s. Personal references are available upon request. You can contact me, Cathy Mills, at [email protected] or at 240.994.7237. SAVE THE DATE! The St. Bartholomew Rummage Sale and Flea Market will take place on Saturday, November 8 and we are now collecting clothes, housewares, sporting goods, toys, bikes, games, furniture, jewelry and books. You can drop off your items every Sunday in the Church Hall - however, if you have large items, we respectfully ask you to drop them off Wednesday-Friday, November 5-7. For more information, please contact Maria Orozco and/or Amy Smith at [email protected]. After a long day on the streets, men who are homeless are exhausted and hungry, hot or cold depending on the weather, most have probably been ignored at some point during the day, and some may have been mistreated or given into an addiction. Catholic Charities’ emergency shelters are clean, safe places where people without homes can spend the night. During the winter months approximately 1,100 men a night stay at our 3 shelters. You are invited to spend one evening a week from November through April at one of Catholic Charities' 3 low barrier shelters assisting our professional staff from 6:308:30. Volunteers distribute linens and toiletries, serve dinner, distribute mail, and most importantly, offer a friendly respite. For details about our 3 men’s emergency shelters in DC, go to pid=368. For more details about becoming a Shelter Hospitality Volunteer: or email [email protected]. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Are you considering an all-girls Catholic high school for your 6th, 7th or 8th grade daughter? The Academy of the Holy Cross invites you to attend our Open House on Sunday, November 2nd from 10 am – 1 pm. In addition to school tours and opportunities to meet our faculty and administration, you will receive information about our IB and AP programs, as well as our conference-winning athletics and renowned performing and fine art programs. Experience the difference! The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women presents Dr. Susan Timoney, Assistant Secretary for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns speaking on the Women Doctors of the Church. Dr. Timoney will show how these four great women who lived from the 12th through the 19th centuries can influence our 21st century lives. Come, learn about the newest Doctor, Hildegard von Bingham a 12th century Benedictine and her sisters Theresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena and Thérèse of Lisieux. Date is Saturday, November 8, at Church of the Annunciation Massachusetts Ave. NW, 9:00 AM Parish Mass; Continental Breakfast and program following. Pease contact: Sharon A. O’Brien at [email protected], 301-651-8190. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH BETHESDA, MD 30 DOMINGO ORDINARIO 26 DE OCTUBRE DE 2014 El amor a Dios y al prójimo en el mismo nivel y con la misma importancia es la nueva directiva de Jesús, reemplazando al primitivo mandamiento principal que era el del amor a Dios. Amar a Dios con todo el corazón tiene un sentido estimativo o apreciativo. Dios es el valor absoluto. Tenemos que amar desde Él y ordenándolo todo hacia Él. Amar a Dios con toda el alma porque es la Verdad que perfecciona la inteligencia y el Amor que perfecciona la voluntad. Amar a Dios con todo nuestro ser, o sea, con nuestras palabras y obras. Amar al prójimo como a nosotros mismos, o sea, si buscamos nuestro bien espiritual y material, no podemos sentirnos ajenos a las necesidades espirituales y materiales de nuestros hermanos: la salvación de sus almas, la formación religiosa, los bienes de la educación, la vivienda digna, el salario justo, la alimentación y el vestido. PAGINA WEB DE SAN BARTOLOME – Ver Comunidad Hispana MISA DIARIA Y EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTISIMO Lunessábado Exposición del Santísimo a las 7:30 y Misa 8:00 a.m. La adoración es entrar con la profundidad de nuestro corazón en comunión con el Señor que se hace presente corporalmente en la Eucaristía. Vengamos a adorarle. CONFESIONES Domingos: 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. en español El Señor los espera siempre, en especial todos los domingos. REZO DEL SANTO ROSARIO Domingos a las 5:30PM, antes de la Misa de las 6:00PM. EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Para mayor información, favor llamar al Diácono Julio al teléfono 703-821-1654. [email protected] PREPARACION PARA EL MATRIMONIO El programa de preparación para este Sacramento comienza con seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de la boda. El Diácono Julio ofrece preparación matrimonial en español y en inglés. Información: [email protected] Tel: 703-821-1654 INFORMACION PARA EL BOLETIN La fecha límite es el día domingo anterior a la publicación del mismo. Contactar a Rafael Espinosa. [email protected] OCTOBER 26, 2014 NOVIEMBRE 8 y 9 FLEA MARKET Y BAZAAR Estamos recibiendo donaciones de artículos nuevos o usados en buen estado para el Flea Market que se realizara el sábado 8 de noviembre. Pueden dejar los artículos en el hall de la Iglesia los domingos. Si se trata de objetos grandes por favor traerlos entre el miércoles 5 y el viernes 7. Agradecemos de antemano su colaboración ya sea participando en la organización y coordinación de las mesas y ayudando a promocionar el evento. El domingo 9 en habrá la feria del libro y el Bazaar. Para más información contactar a María Lelia Orozco. [email protected] NOVENA A LA VIRGEN DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA Un camino hacia Dios de la mano de María. Los segundos martes de cada mes a las 7:30PM en la Iglesia de San Bartolomé. Los días: 11 de Noviembre y 9 de Diciembre. Rezada en español, con exposición del Santísimo Sacramento. Información con María Lelia Orozco: 301-469 -0103. Los esperamos a todos para continuar con esta tradición de San Bartolomé. PRIMERA COMUNION Los padres de familia que desean que sus hijos reciban el Sacramento de la Primera Comunión , deben proceder a inscribir sus hijos a la brevedad posible. Las clases ya comenzaron! Contactar a Xaviera De La Fuente antes de la misa dominical. GRUPO DE JUVENTUD DE SAN BARTOLOME El domingo 2 de noviembre, el grupo de Juventud de San Bartolomé estará haciendo esponjas para ayudar a recaudar fondos para el Sacred Heart Camp. Nos reuniremos en el gimnasio de San Bartolomé de 5:45 PM a 7:45 PM. La cena está incluída. Favor Contactar a María Kaufmann. [email protected] MINISTERIO DE SAN ESTEBAN Bajo supervisión directa de Padre Mark Knestout, éste es un ministerio de cuidado pastoral de carácter continuo: Los ministros de San Esteban son miembros de la parroquia, intensamente entrenados para el cuidado de personas que están pasando por el proceso de una pérdida, viviendo momentos difíciles o experimentando asuntos del pasado sin resolver… Contamos con siete ministros que hablan español. Para información, llamen al Diácono Julio Blanco-Eccleston, tanto para recibir apoyo como para involucrarse en el ministerio. Tel: 703-8211654; [email protected]. LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA DE LOS NIÑOS Para niños en Escuela Elemental, 5-10 años Valeria Conde, Coordinadora de la Liturgia Está diseñada para que los niños experimenten la Palabra de Dios durante la Eucaristía en la misa dominical, de modo que puedan entender las enseñanzas de Jesús, con una pedagogía acorde a sus edades. MONAGUILLOS Necesitamos Niños y jóvenes que deseen ser monaguillos. Para detalles de preparación e informes comunicarse con Vivian Leighton Cid o con Jesús Manuel Berard. [email protected] [email protected] GRUPO DE ORACIÓN RIOS DE AGUA VIVA El grupo de oración “Ríos de Agua Viva” le invita a compartir un momento con el Señor, los lunes de 10:00 a.m. a 12:30 pm. en la oficina hispana, al lado de la Sacristía. En la primera media hora se rezará el Rosario. Dirigido por Sonia Ruiz, informes: [email protected] THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Bartholomew Parish Office 6902 River Road, Bethesda, Md. 20817 Tel: 301-229-7933 ♦ Fax: 301-229-7998 ♦ ♦ Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. [email protected] Baptisms—3rd Sunday of the month, appointment only. Parents are obliged to take a brief class related to the Sacrament prior to the Baptism. Class is held 1st Wednesday of the month. Registration is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Weddings—Please contact one of the priests at least 6 months prior to anticipated wedding date. Pre-Cana and instruction are required. Sacrament of Reconciliation—Saturday, following 8.00 a.m. Mass, and 3:30-4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 5:15-5:45 p.m. (Español), or by appointment. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - The process of becoming a Catholic Christian. Call the Parish Office for information. Adult Choir—Weekly rehearsals on Wednesday, 8:00-10:00 p.m. Choir sings every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Mass. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound—Please notify the Rectory Office if you know of any parishioner who is sick or homebound and who would like to receive Holy Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick so that we can arrange to take him/her the Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick. Note to New Parishioners—We extend to you a warm welcome from our Parish Community and encourage you to become active, involved members of the parish. Please obtain a registration form from the parish office, or from the Church vestibule. Please Note: Bulletin notices must be received no later than 12 Noon on the Monday prior to the desired weekend of publishing. ST. BARTHOLOMEW ORGANIZATIONS/MINISTRIES Pastoral Council Finance Committee Altar Servers Bartholomew House Busy Men at Work Group CYO Children’s Liturgy Choir Church Guild Eucharistic Ministers Gabriel Network Home and School Assn. Hospitality & New In the Pew Ignatian Volunteer Corps Knights of Columbus Lectors/Liturgy Committee Hispanic Liturgy Organist Prayer Chain Respect for Life Sacred Heart Camp School Advisory Board Sick and Homebound Social Concerns Sodality Stephen Ministry Ushers Wedding Coordinator Youth Minister Judy Arcidiacono (Chair) ................... 301-461-1893 Hernan Oyarzabal (Hisp. Rep.) .......... 202-714-7622 Valeria Conde (Hisp. Rep.) ................ 301-340-8227 Paul Johnson (Acting Chair)) ............. 301-320-4632 Roberto Garcia-Lopez (Hisp. Rep.).... 301-469-8482 Richard Elliott .................................... 202-686-0263 Vivian Cid-Leighton (Hisp.Coord.).... 301-318-1458 Joe Hanle, Dir .................................... 301-320-6151 Rectory .............................................. 301-229-7933 Tom Serena ........................................ 301-320-0578 Diana Carter ....................................... 301-229-5117 Valeria Conde (Hisp.Coord.) ............. 301-340-8227 Carole Wysocki (Director) ................. 301-717-8850 Maria El-Khouri ................................. 301-897-9005 Ann Kennedy ..................................... 301-229-7614 Selma deLeon .................................... 301-229-6591 Jennifer Bautista ................................ 301-793-1899 Bonnie Perkins ................................... 301-299-8091 Nancy Brouillard McKenzie .............. 301-229-1071 John Vivian ........................................ 301-461-3597 AnneMarie Economopoulos............... 301-365-1233 Hernan Oyarzabal .............................. 202-714-7622 Dave Davies ....................................... 301-229-7396 Susan Schill ....................................... 301-469-4973 Katie Soto .......................................... 301-767-1705 TBD Contact Rectory ................................. 301-229-7933 Tom Carty .......................................... 301-587-8860 Sally Aitken ....................................... 301-365-4719 Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston .......... 703-821-1654 Theresa Kowal ................................... 301-320-8876 Mary Ann Chalfant ............................ 301-299-3739 Maria Kaufmann ................................ 240-468-9896
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