25 October 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time I will lead the people to brooks of water, on a level road, so that none shall stumble. — Jeremiah 31:7-9 Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday AM: 6:30, 8:00, 9:45, 11:30 Sunday PM: 1:15 (Español), 5:00 (Teen Mass), 6:30 Pastor Fr. Patrick Moses Weekday Mass Monday – Friday: 6:30, 8:30 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena) (Tagalog Mass every 4th Wednesday of the month) Saturday: 8:30 AM Permanent Deacons José Campos, Del Davis, Steve Germain, Gerald Pyne Adoration Weekly: Fridays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monthly: 13th of the month 9:00 AM – 6:00 AM (on the 14th) Penance Monday: 6:00 PM (English & Spanish) Friday: 6:00 PM (English & Spanish) Saturday: 3:30 PM or by appointment (English & Spanish) Parochial Vicars Fr. Martin Nguyen and Fr. Rudy Alumam School Principal Monica Hayden Parish Office Hours 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM* Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM* Tuesday, Thursday and Friday *Closed for lunch from 12:00 - 1:00 PM CLOSED SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sunday New Hope Crisis Counseling Hotline Hot Line (24/7) 1-714-NEW-HOPE or 714-639-4673 5201 Evergreen Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630 714-826-0760 www.sticypress.org [email protected] 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME I am not sure who asked the question but I believe it was someone attending our Coming Home Series. The question asked was something to the effect of: “Why does this parish always speak about a personal relationship with Jesus? Whatever happened to all the rules and regulations the Church used to teach?” The short answer is: yes, we have been very intentional in speaking about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but have no fear – the rules are all still there. If we do not know our God in a personal way – I'm speaking about knowing God, not just knowing “about” God, there is a difference – the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Church can seem very difficult and almost impossible. But when we know God, when we know the real living Jesus, they are no longer rules, regulations, and commandments, they are a way of being. Living out God’s way of life comes naturally to us. From a homily given by Pope Francis on September 28, 2013, at the Casa Santa Marta in Rome: “Yes, you have to come to know Jesus in the Catechism - but it is not enough to know Him with the mind: it is a step. However, it is necessary to get to know Jesus in dialogue with Him, talking with Him in prayer, kneeling. If you do not pray, if you do not talk with Jesus, you do not know Him. You know things about Jesus, but you do not go with that knowledge, which He gives your heart in prayer. Know Jesus with the mind - the study of the Catechism: know Jesus with the heart – in prayer, in dialogue with Him. This helps us a good bit, but it is not enough. There is a third way to know Jesus: it is by following Him. Go with Him, walk with Him.” The Holy Father continues: “One cannot know Jesus without getting oneself involved with Him, without betting your life [on] Him. When so many people – including us – pose this question: ‘But, who is He?’, The Word of God responds, ‘You want to know who He is? Read what the Church tells you about Him, talk to Him in prayer and walk the street with him. Thus, will you know who this man is.’ This is the way! Everyone must make his choice.” There are many at St. Irenaeus who have a very beautiful and personal relationship with God. Too many Catholics, however, throughout the whole Church have a passive relationship with God. They know “about” God, but have never taken the relationship from the mind to the heart so as to experience His love, mercy, forgiveness, and healing. It is my intention that everyone in this parish will have the opportunity to get to know our Lord in a profound and personal way. It is only then that the Commandments, the Church’s teaching on life, the saints, the Eucharist, confession, marriage, etc. begin to make sense. There are many ways in which someone can come to know Jesus personally. In the next couple of weeks I will begin to lay out a couple of those ways in which our parish plans to help those who are seeking a more profound and personal relationship with Christ and to take that relationship from the mind to the heart. With my prayers for all of you in Christ, Fr. Patrick Parish Office 714-826-0760 Business Administration Steve Germain, Business Manager Tony Kulassia, Office Manager Sherri Nelson, Admin. Secretary Margie Mendez, Secretary Lisa Giacomi, Bulletin Adult Formation Rebecca Soto, Director Ministerio Hispano Sr. Maria Teresa Salceda, Director Humberto Arreola, Coro Hispano Health Care Ministry Sr. Rita O’Connell, Director Worship Kimberly Wargo, Director of Music Stewardship Carlos Ramirez, Director Youth Formation 714-826-1140 Ruth Bradley, Director Elaine Brewster, Secretary Renee Lloyd, Secretary Youth Ministry 714-826-0460 Laura Benoit, Director Denise Gonzales, Secretary Parish School 714-827-4500 Monica Hayden, Principal Infant Baptism It is necessary to attend a Pre-Baptism Information Evening. Register in the Parish Office at least two months prior to the proposed Baptism date. Sacraments To complete sacraments or to become Catholic, adults contact the Parish Office; children and teens contact Youth Formation. Marriage Contact the Parish Office. Six months preparation is required. Anointing of the Sick In case of serious illness or surgery, contact Health Care Ministry. 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Then they said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done great things for them. The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad indeed.’” And we respond, “we are filled with joy." (Psalm 126:1-2) I have “grown up” listening to this man preach. As with most things spiritual, I was introduced to him many years ago by my wife, Sharon. Dr. Charles Stanley is a Baptist minister. Although he does not know me personally, I consider him a friend. A reflection of his arrived in my inbox a couple of days ago and although I know that it was meant just for me, I would like to share it with you: “Our lives are governed by time. That's why we're surrounded by clocks and calendars that dictate our activities. As the minutes tick by, we wonder where the day went. When responsibilities and pressures mount, we complain, "I just don't have time to get it all done!" But the reality is that God has given us enough time to do exactly what He's planned for our lives. Perhaps the bigger issue is whether we are using our time to do our will or the Lord's.” Ouch! God’s timing is impeccable! Dr. Stanley’s reminder arrived while I was stressing out over the usual myriad of Monday-morning interruptions that were interfering with my preparations for the evening’s planned Finance Council meeting. It was good for me to get recalibrated. On the drive home, I could not help but muse at how easy the day went and how smoothly the meeting went. I am also acutely aware of how much time our fellow parishioners spend in generous service to us, especially those that watch over our finances. Thank you! The LORD has done does great things for us! Deacon Steve PS. This past weekend we collected $7,811 for the World Missions* and $27,394 to support our parish. Thank you! * Pope John Paul II described World Mission Sunday as "an important day in the life of the Church because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world" (see Redemptoris Missio 81). TODAY PENNIES FROM HEAVEN COLLECTION: In the years past Respect Life Ministry used the baby bottle campaign to collect funds for the Diocese’s Pennies From Heaven Campaign. These funds help clinics, shelters and men, women and children in crisis. In lieu of the baby bottle campaign, there will be a second collection at all the Masses for this worthwhile cause. We appreciate your generosity. MONDAY MISSION—MAKE THE MOVE TO JESUS: Oct 26, 27 & 28, 7:00 pm in the Church. Presented by Jared and Mallory Smyth TUESDAY MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS: Please join us in praying the rosary every Tuesday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass in the crying room. WALKING FOR HEALTH: 9:15 a.m. Meet in front of the Ed Bldg for a 1/2 hour walk. CAPACITAR: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. in the Education Building. MISSION—MAKE THE MOVE TO JESUS: Oct 26, 27 & 28, 7:00 pm in the Church. Presented by Jared and Mallory Smyth ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETING: 7:30 p.m. in classroom #8. For more information please call Jay Conklin at 714-337-6857. AL-ANON MEETING: 7:30 p.m. in Room #7. For more info call Betty at 761-4624. WEDNESDAY MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA: Join us in the crying room after the 8:30 a.m. mass. ROSARY FOR HUMAN LIFE, MARRIAGE, AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM each week at 9:45 a.m. (after the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena ) in the Crying Room. OUR PARISH "JUNIOR LEGION OF MARY " (AGES 8 TO 14): Meets every Wednesday from 3:00-3:45 in the Youth Formation workroom. Please call Brenda Diacajo, the adult president, at 714-828-2516 for further information. DIVORCE RECOVERY: Journey of Hope is a new program for Catholics undergoing the pain of separation and divorce. Group meets from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Youth Formation Bldg. conference room to view Journey of Hope videos and support each other. For more information call Pat Hansmeyer at 714-713-7412. MISSION—MAKE THE MOVE TO JESUS: Oct 26, 27 & 28, 7:00 pm in the Church. Presented by Jared and Mallory Smyth THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY: Join Deacon Jerry in the Education Building at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. for our Bible Study. We are studying the Gospel of John. FRIDAY LEGION OF MARY: 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Youth Faith Formation office. For more information please call Grace at 714-742-0960. TRUNK OR TREAT: 5-8 p.m. in the St. Irenaeus Parking Lot. Join us for an evening of safe Halloween fun! For a $2 per person donation, bring your families to trick-or-treat from festively decorated cars and participate in the fun. To sign up to host a trunk please call 714-315-7612 or email [email protected]. We hope to see you there! CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP MEETINGS will not be held on this Friday, October 30 and Friday, November 6. Meetings will resume on November 13. SATURDAY FOOD BAGGING: Volunteer help is needed to bag food for H.O.P.E.’s next distribution day. Meet behind the Education Building at 7:30 a.m. 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 23 - NOVEMBER 1 40 DAYS FOR LIFE - HELP SAVE LIVES!! MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 ALL SOULS DAY MEMORIAL MASS—6:30 PM Respect Life Ministry will join with our brothers and sisters from many parishes in Orange County in this life-saving campaign. 40 Days for Life is a worldwide movement to protect mothers and babies. During 40 Days for Life, Respect Life Ministry will meet on the patio on Wednesdays after the 8:30 AM Mass to carpool to location. We remember you as we prepare to celebrate All Souls Day, that special time for remembering all our loved ones who have died since last November 2, 2014. If you wish to participate, please contact Betty Borowski at the Parish Office for further information by Friday, Oct. 30th. OCTOBER BABY SHOWER For the mothers and babies at Precious Life Shelter in Los Alamitos. We invite you to purchase a baby gift and place it in the playpen by the Holy Family statue. A flyer with suggested baby items will be next to the playpen. Thank you for your support. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 FALL LECTOR MEETING 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Church Please mark your calendars now. For questions, contact Patti Kirby at 714-739-0463. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 (please note date change) CATHOLIC FAITH CONVERSATION 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Rosemary Schneider’s home, 9991 Madrid Circle, Cypress Women's weekend: Oct 29 - Nov1, 2015; Feb 4 - 7, 2016; We are a small group of Catholics who discuss our faith Apr 28 - May 1, 2016 beliefs... helping us to learn more from each other; helping Men's weekend: Jan 21 - 24, 2016; Apr 14 - 17, 2016 us to grow closer to God; and share our faith with others with greater faith and conviction. Everyone contributes (no matter how small) which becomes a chain reaction, as one SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 person's input draws another on to thought and speech. SPECIAL PRO-LIFE EVENT St. Hedwig Church, 11482 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos This month’s topic is: How to be a Better Family with info A Mass for the Unborn will be celebrated with Bishop Kevin from the “Synod on the Family.” The Legion of Mary Vann at 8:30 AM. After Mass, a conference will take place sponsors and facilitates the meeting. For more information please call 714-821-4076. in Quinn Hall. There will be complimentary refreshments. Conference concludes at Noon. Featured speakers will be Fr. Chris Heath, Pastor of St. Hedwig, Fr. Sebastian Walshe, Norbertine priest and frequent guest on “Catholic Answers” H.O.P.E Toy Drive and Sylvia Aimerito and Lori Rae Martin, Founders of Our annual Christmas toy drive, which collects and distributes new toys to local “AudioGirl Ministries. children in need, starts next weekend. Gift tags can be picked up outside the church MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 (Please note date change) after Mass during 10/31-11/1 and 11/7-8 MENTAL WELLNESS WORKSHOP weekends. Purchase an appropriate age 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall toy for your gift tag. These new and **The date of the Mental Wellness workshop has been unwrapped toys will be collected outside changed from October 26th to November 16th to allow our the church after Mass during 11/14-15 and 11/21-22 weekends. Morning and evening parishioners to participate in the Advent Mission on volunteer toy wrappers will be needed October 26th. Please join us on Monday, Nov. 16th at 7PM Tuesday, December 15. Make the H.O.P.E. in the Parish Hall. All are welcome.** Toy Drive part of your family’s Don’t miss Health Ministry’s workshop, “Mental Wellness.. Saint Irenaeus Christmas tradition! What Should I Know?” presented by Cathy Williamson of the L.A. County Department of Mental Health. She will offer much needed information for everyone touched by mental health issues, those diagnosed as well as family and friends. Join us as we also learn about the programs and resources available through the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). All are welcome. CURSILLO 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY—Grades 7 & 8 October 27th - HALLOWEEN PARTY! Don’t miss out on the fun! Junior High Youth Ministry began last week. Registration is ongoing. Forms are available on our website at www.stisticypress.org or in the vestibule of the church. (High School students are invited to be Peacemaker Leaders. Call Laura for info.) HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY—Grades 9-12 SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE - All high school students are welcome. October 25th – Safe Environment “To Save a Life” Movie 6pm – 9pm - This movie satisfies the safe environment requirement. All high school students should plan to attend. November 1 – Saints/Halloween November 8 - Thankfulness/Potluck Trunk or Treat – Youth Ministry is selling hot dogs. If you want to come help prepare and serve, let me know. [email protected] or 714-826-0460. REFLECTION In the Gospel, the blind man asks Jesus to have pity on him. Jesus is so moved with compassion that he heals him. The blind man, Bartimaeus, does what St. Paul asked us to do last week, to show up with bold confidence before Jesus and ask for what we need. The sick, the blind, and the lame were outcasts. As outcasts, their society treated them no differently than ours today would perceive our worst sins. Would you boldly scream, “Jesus have pity on me! I lied, stole, and hurt someone?” Probably not. But, Jesus wants us to yell out his name. He wants us to trust in our faith. Believe in something that you cannot see or explain. Believe in something that stirs your heart. ACTION Do something for someone that you pity. This Gospel is a great way to put into action the Corporal Works of Mercy. Grab a friend and volunteer to work in a soup kitchen or a food pantry by giving food out to people (not just sorting the food in the back). JOURNALING QUESTIONS Whom did you pity and why do you pity them? Do you think others pity you? If you were in an argument with someone you loved about your faith, would you fight passionately to prove your beliefs in God or would you back down? Why or why not? God’s Word, Your World! 2015–2016 © 2015 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved. Orders: 1-800-933-1800. Written by Julie M. Krakora. Permission to publish granted by the Most Reverend Francis J. Kane, dd, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Chicago, on October 17, 2014. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY—Pre-school-6th Grade (and Sacrament Preparation for older students) REGISTRATION FOR 2015/2016 SCHOOL YEAR (grades 1 through 6 and special sacrament classes) HAS CLOSED. You may still enroll your children for Home Study. Come to the office and find out more about this option or call 714-826-1140. REGISTRATION FOR PRE-SCHOOL IS STILL OPEN. OFFICE HOURS: Sunday Morning: 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Monday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed on Friday and Saturday 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Irenaeus Parish School learning, believing, and serving…together ST. IRENAEUS GIRLS B VOLLEYBALL TEAM TAKES 1ST PLACE IN TOURNAMENT Last week we boasted about our Girls B Volleyball Team taking 3rd place in the St. Justin Martyr Tournament. Well, we have to give a shout out this week to our Girls A Volleyball Team that took 1st place at the St. Justin Martyr Tournament the following weekend, October 10-11! We are so proud of all our athletes. A big thank you to Coach Zapanta, parents, and all of our girls. Go eagles! CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE 3 WEEKS AWAY! The St. Irenaeus Parish School 5th Annual Christmas Boutique is Sunday, November 8th from 9:00am-3:00pm in the Parish Hall. It’s only a few weeks away and we have a few more spots available for vendors. If you would like to participate, applications are available in the back of the church and in the school office. You can also email Mrs. Lisa Sambrano at [email protected] and request one to be emailed to you. The deadline to sign-up is Thursday, November 5th. BRAIN POWER MANIA FOR OCTOBER Please support St. Irenaeus Parish School in the Brain Power Mania program sponsored by the Buena Park Mall. Every receipt helps us earn more points towards the grand prize. We appreciate all the help we’ve received so far this year. This month there are lots of great opportunities for points. Take your ticket stub from the Krikorian Theatre and our school will receive an additional 200 points per ticket. Earn 20 points per dollar in October if you shop at Big Air Trampoline, Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, Cold Stone Creamery, Smashburger, Freckled Frog Learning Center, Geeky Mamas, Wedding Design Center, Fancy Gifts and More, Sports Treasures, Win, Lose, or Draw Sportswear. Receipts must be logged by November 15th for full credit. Visit the mall’s Halloween event on Saturday, October 31st between 3pm-5pm and earn 500 points! 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TO PRAY FOR THE SICK PARA PEDÍR POR LOS ENFERMOS Teresa Baldwin Jennifer Baldwin Helen Benjamin Violy Catalasan Fred Cassera Alistair Cawley Leo Charbonneau Milagros Corpin Charles D. Favreau Rommel Flores Gertrude Garcia Millie Geibel Joan Gretz Lorenzo Griarte Mary Hall Sharon Hanson Carol Huff Tom Hunter Steve McCoy Yolanda Melvin Michael Moore Linda Padron Pete Palacpac Janna Piilani Rowena Ramos Prassad Nick Rabanera Aaron Reaume Annette Reitz Mary Ritenhour Rose Ritenhour Chuck Rodriguez Louie Rodriguez Geneva Strom Teiya VanMeter Lydia Vizcarrondo Pauline Vonderharr Khalil Wiseman William Wyly Manuel and Julie Cisneros … 52 years George and Betty Mergl … 60 years Fred and Dolores Navarro … 50 years CANDY BUYBACK PROGRAM If you feel like skipping out on the candy this year and saving your favorite dentist and orthodontist the trouble, you can donate your candy to troops overseas! Cypress Family Dental will be accepting candy bags from trick-ortreating on November 2nd and will give you $1 for every pound of candy you donate! All candy will be sent to the American troops in Germany. To participate you must be between the ages of 2-16. Every child must be accompanied by an adult and there is a 5lb bag limit per child participating. Wedding banns Just three weeks away! Tickets are now on sale on the patio after all weekend masses for H.O.P.E.’s Annual Benefit Dinner Dance and Fundraiser themed: “Get Your Kicks on Route ‘66!“ Tickets are $50 for the 26th Annual Fundraiser and will include dinner choices of Salmon, Knott’s Fried Chicken, or Veggie Lasagna, several red and white wine selections, and dessert choices of Boysenberry Pie or Carrot Cake. This event takes place on Saturday, November 14, at 6:30 p.m. at the Knott’s Berry Farm Resort Hotel, 7675 Crescent Avenue, Buena Park. Table reservations can be made for large groups. Raffle tickets will be offered to win a big screen T.V. or a GoPro Camera or even a money jar! There will be a silent auction with beautiful and useful prizes as well as other raffle ticket opportunities. The evening will be filled with music, dancing, eating and socializing. Come join in the fun! Tickets may also be purchased by calling Val Cordova at 714-826-7513 or Bob Sgobba at 714-994-0743. U.S. Route 66’s purpose was to link America’s heartland to its bountiful West Coast, and it is part of our Nation’s heritage and future. By using this theme we are not only celebrating Route 66 but hope it lends to helping raise funds for services we provide for the less fortunate families in our community during the holiday season and beyond. H.O.P.E. Volunteers: Natassia Marquez and Stephen Abad Jessica Benoit and Brandon Barents READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2015—ALL SAINTS Rev 7:2-4, 9-14 /1 John 3:1-3 / Matt 5:1-12a; L667 Sharing Questions: The most challenging Beatitude for me is…The most encouraging Beatitude for me is… Persons who inspire me to saintly living are… We are entering into the busy holiday season. We need your assistance in many areas between now and the end of the year. Please call the H.O.P.E. office to volunteer your services. H.O.P.E. Office hours are 9:00 – 11:00 M-F, or call 714-826-0760. 25 OCTOBER 2015 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME No estoy seguro quien hizo la pregunta, pero creo que fue una persona que asiste a nuestra Serie Regreso a Casa. La pregunta era algo en el sentido de: "¿Por qué esta parroquia siempre habla acerca de una relación personal con Jesús? ¿Qué pasó con todas las reglas que la Iglesia usaba para enseñar? "La respuesta corta es: sí, hemos sido muy intencionales en hablar de una relación personal con Jesucristo, pero no tengan miedo - las reglas están todavía allí. Si no conocemos a nuestro Dios de una manera personal - Estoy hablando de conocer a Dios no sólo saber "acerca de" Dios, hay una diferencia - los Diez Mandamientos y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia pueden parecer muy difíciles y casi imposibles. Pero cuando conocemos a Dios, el verdadero y vivo Jesús ya no existen normas, reglamentos y mandamientos, son una forma de ser. Viviendo en los caminos de Dios es algo natural para nosotros. De una homilía dada por el Papa Francisco el 28 de septiembre de 2013, en la Casa Santa Marta en Roma: "Sí, tienes que conocer a Jesús en el Catecismo - pero no es suficiente conocerlo con la mente: es un paso. Sin embargo, es necesario llegar a conocer a Jesús en el diálogo con Él, hablar con Él en la oración, de rodillas. Si no oras, si no hablas con Jesús, no lo conoces. Tú sabes cosas acerca de Jesús, pero no te basta ese conocimiento, sino el que Él le da a tu corazón en oración. Conoce a Jesús con la mente - el estudio del Catecismo: conoce a Jesús con el corazón en la oración, en diálogo con Él. Esto nos ayuda en parte, pero no es suficiente. Hay una tercera manera de conocer a Jesús: siguiéndolo. Ir con Él, caminar con Él." El Santo Padre continúa: "Uno no puede conocer a Jesús sin que uno mismo se involucre con Él, sin apostar tu vida [en] El. Cuando tantas personas - incluidos nosotros – planteamos esta pregunta: "¿Pero, quién es Él?, la Palabra de Dios responde," ¿Quieres saber quién es Él? Lee lo que la Iglesia te dice acerca de Él, habla con Él en la oración y camina por la calle con Él. Por lo tanto, vas a saber quién es este hombre. "¡Este es el camino! Cada uno debe hacer su elección". Hay muchos en San Ireneo que tienen una relación muy bella y personal con Dios. Demasiados católicos, sin embargo, alrededor de toda la Iglesia tienen una relación pasiva con Dios. Ellos saben "acerca de" Dios, pero nunca han tomado la relación de la mente al corazón a fin de experimentar su amor, la misericordia, el perdón y la sanación. Es mi intención, que todo el mundo en esta parroquia tenga la oportunidad de conocer a nuestro Señor de una manera profunda y personal. Es sólo entonces que los Mandamientos, la enseñanza de la Iglesia sobre la vida, los santos, la Eucaristía, la confesión, el matrimonio, etc. comenzarán a tener sentido. Hay muchas maneras en las que alguien puede llegar a conocer a Jesús personalmente. En el próximo par de semanas voy a empezar a diseñar un par de esas formas en nuestros planes parroquiales para ayudar a aquellos que estén buscando una relación más profunda y personal con Cristo y tomen esa relación de la mente al corazón. Con mis oraciones en Cristo por todos ustedes, Padre Patricio VIAJE MARIANO ESPECIAL A PORTUGAL Y ESPANA Abril 24 a Mayo 8 del 2016 (15 dias) Visitando los Santuarios Marianos de: Fátima, Lourdes, Monserrat. Además Santiago de Compostela, Convento de Santa Teresa (Avila), La Sagrada Familia (Barcelona). Conductores y Guías en Español. Para más información comunicarse con JOSEFINA SAUCEDO al 714/ 761 - 3092 ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA LUNES ROSARIO POR LA PAZ Y LAS FAMILIAS a las 6:30 p.m. en la Iglesia GRUPO DE BIBLIA a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón #7. MARTES Curso de espiritualidad: “CAMINANDO CON CRISTO” a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón #16. JUEVES GRUPO DE ORACION a las 7 p.m. en el salón #7. PRACTICA DEL CORO HISPANO a las 7 p.m. en el salón #12. VIERNES JOVENES PARA CRISTO a las 7:00 pm. en el salón # 16 SABADO CLASES DE CATECISMO para 1ª. Comunión de 9:30 a 11 a.m.
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