OUR LADY OF THE HILLS CATHOLIC CHURCH Staffed by the Redemptorists 120 Marydale Lane, Columbia, SC 29210 Parish Office–772-7400 Fax –798-8030 E-Mail [email protected] Website: ourladyo;hehillssc.org October 16, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, (Vigil) 5:30 PM Sunday, 8AM, 10AM & 12NOON Spanish Mass –3:30 P.M. Bi – Lingual 5:15 P.M. September thru May RECONCILIATION Saturday, 4pm or by appointment Español: Domingo a las 230PM REV. PETER SOUSA CSsR Pastor –Ext. 1 [email protected] Medical Emergency – 803-772-7490 REV. JOHN MURRAY CSsR Parochial Vicar [email protected] REV.GUSTAVO CORREDOR Parochial Vicar - Ext. 3 Cell 803-394-6773 [email protected] SR CHRISTINA MURPHY, SNDdeN Pastoral Associate – Ext. 2 [email protected] DEACON CHUCK DIRUSSO 794-3388 or [email protected] DEACON DENNIS JONES 808-7196 DEACON STEVE BURDICK (803) 414-4598 [email protected] DEACON MARK GRAY 803-447-8483 [email protected] ST.VINCENT DE PAUL Community Assistance - 465-1644 Mission Statement Our Lady of the Hills Roman Catholic Church is inspired by the Holy Spirit and formed by the Gospel, under the patronage of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Our mission is to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As one family under God, the Father, we welcome all who come to us and are particularly mindful of those in need. W elcome ~ We welcome all newcomers to our parish family and request that you see an Usher aPer mass for a registraon packet or call the Parish Office. STAFF JACKIE BRACE Director of Religious Educa7on-ext. 13 [email protected] ELIZABETH HUDACKO Youth Minister - Ext. 4 [email protected] GLORIA CAZALLIS Secretary Religious Ed- Ext.114 [email protected] & [email protected] PEGGY WILLIAMS Parish Secretary - Ext. 5 [email protected] MARIANNE MELTON Bookkeeper - Ext. 7 [email protected] LOUIS MELENDEZ Parish Bi-Lingual Assistant 772-7400 Ext 6 [email protected] MAINTENANCE JUAN MARMOLEJO LAMAR SAXON PARISH OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY—THURSDAY 8:30AM—4:30PM / FRIDAY 8:30AM—1PM MINISTRY CORNER Since each of us is given unique gi;s to serve, finding an opportunity to apply our gi;s, heart, abili>es, and experiences in the church is important. - we remain in need of: Cantors-please contact Mickey [email protected] Ushers-please contact Dennis Sheahan at [email protected] or 261-3282 Ministers of the Eucharist & Adult Altar Servers please contact Maria Bernhagen - [email protected] Altar Servers – please contact Gloria Cazallis @ [email protected] Choir – Saturday @ 5:30 please contact Debbie Bernhagen @ 750-7146 [email protected] / for the 10am Choir please contact Erin Burdick @ (803) 237-2833 Nursery Workers – Contact Pam Baxley @ 732 -8985 Altar CommiAee Members – Contact Pat Reiland 781-3371 Lectors – Contact Edith Pietrykowski @ (904) 891-8106 or [email protected] Dear Friends, Throughout our lives we seek opportunies to gain a beDer understanding of ourselves, of others and of God. No wonder we read in the Catholic Catechism: “The desire for God is wriDen in the human heart” (ccc 27). St. Augusne described this “desire for God” as a holy desire. The Second Vacan Council reminds us that this desire to communicate with God “is addressed to human beings as soon as we come into being.” Perhaps the most beauful image of man reaching out to communicate with God his creator is Michelangelo’s fresco on the ceiling in the Sisne Chapel. Here we see Adam straining to touch the fingerp of God as he did before the fall of grace in the Garden of Eden. God likewise reaches out to touch the creature he made in his own image. In this painng we also see a part of God’s intrinsic nature, his desire to reach out to us in love. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI observed in one of his Sunday homilies on the Prodigal Son that “like a good father, God desires the best for humanity, which happens to be God himself.” In other words, God desires us. God seeks us. God goes out of his way to embrace us. This is one of my favorite images of the God the Father, reaching out for his lost son, looking for him, searching for him. In the gospel today Jesus instructed his disciples to ‘pray always.’ What did Jesus mean by praying always? St. Augusne goes on to define the essence of prayer as “a desire!” Like love, our desire for God should be constant. Prayer is like love, we cannot measure desire and me. A mother doesn’t ask how oPen she should love her child, or a husband how much he should love his wife. Our desire to love is constant, it is the same way with prayer. Someone once said, “Praying for a long me is not the same thing as kneeling or folding your hands for a long me. In consists rather in awakening a constant and devout impulse of the heart toward him whom we invoke.” Prayer is a direcon of our heart that connues throughout the day. Although we desire in our hearts to be in prayer united with Christ during each day, there are mes when we need to stop from our business and turn toward God in a more focused way to offer prayer and to listen to his voice. Jesus and his disciples would stop at least three mes a day and turn towards the temple and pray. This can be in the form of morning prayer or evening prayer, the rosary, daily Mass, or silent prayer. But for us Catholic Chrisans, we can never forget the importance of the special day the Church has set aside from the beginning of its existence, to remember, to give thanks, to celebrate, and to pray: Sunday. “The Chrisan cannot live without the Sunday Eucharist. Do you not know that the Chrisan exists for the Eucharist and the Eucharist for the Chrisan?” (St. Saturnius 305) God bless you, Fr. John Sacramental Informa>on Bap>sm - You must call the parish office to register for a Bapsm Class. This must be done one month prior to the scheduled class. Call the Parish Office for more informaon. Marriage - You must contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to wedding. Anoin>ng of the Sick - if you find yourself or a loved one as a paent in a hospital and are in need of the Sacrament of the Anoinng of the Sick, please call the office during business hours as soon as possible. Please do not wait unl your loved one is in crical condion. There can be unavoidable delays in a priest geSng to the hospital immediately. Also, if you plan on entering the hospital for a parcular procedure, you may receive the Sacrament of the Anoin>ng, prior to admission, by making contact with the parish office. Catholic Inquiry - No previous experience necessary. Contact Debbie Heizer, Inquiry Coordinator or Deacon Steve Burdick at the Parish Office at 772-7400. Discover the Catholic Church! Change of Status - If you have a change in your family informaon (i.e. new address, new phone # or leaving the parish) please nofy the Parish Office. AAen>on Young Adults!! Interested in finding out what is available in our Diocese-go to these web sites: hAp://sccatholic.org/young-adultministry hDp:// catholicyoungadultsofsc.com Queridos Amigos, En el transcurso de nuestra vida buscamos oportunidades de entendernos mejor a nosotros mismos, a los demás y a Dios. Por tal razón leemos en el Catecismo católico: «El deseo de Dios está inscrito en el corazón del hombre» (CIC 27). San Agusan describió este «deseo de Dios» como un santo deseo. El Segundo Concilio Vacano nos recuerda que «el hombre es invitado al diálogo con Dios desde su nacimiento». Tal vez la más bella imagen del hombre intentando comunicarse con Dios su creador es el fresco de Miguel Angel en el techo de la Capilla Sixna. En ella vemos a Adán esforzándose para tocar la punta del dedo de Dios, tal como lo hacía antes de la caída de la gracia en el Jardín del Edén. De la misma manera, Dios alcanza a tocar la criatura que hizo a su propia imagen. En esta pintura también vemos una parte de la naturaleza intrínseca de Dios: su deseo de alcanzarnos en amor. El Papa Emérito Benedicto XVI observó en una de sus homilías dominicales sobre el Hijo Pródigo que «como buen padre, Dios desea lo mejor para la humanidad, lo cual resulta ser Dios mismo». En otras palabras, Dios nos desea. Dios nos busca. Dios se toma la molesa para acogernos. Esta es una de mis imágenes favoritas de Dios Padre, quien intenta alcanzar a su hijo perdido, y lo busca. En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús instruye a sus discípulos a «orar siempre». ¿Qué quiso decir Jesús con esto? ¡San Agusan procede a definir la esencia de la oración como «un deseo»! Al igual que el amor, neustro deseo por Dios debe ser constante. La oración es como el amor; no podemos medir el deseo con el empo. Una madre nunca pregunta cuán a menudo debe de amar a su hijo, y un esposo nunca pregunta cuán a menudo amar a su esposa. Nuestro deseo de amar es constante, y lo mismo es cierto con la oración. Una persona dijo una vez: «El orar por un largo empo no es lo mismo que arrodillarse o juntar las manos por un largo empo. Consiste en avivar un impulso constante y devoto en el corazón hacia aquel a quien invocamos». La oración es la dirección de nuestro corazón, la cual connúa durante todo el día. Aunque deseamos en nuestro corazón el estar unidos con Cristo en la oración durante cada día, hay veces en las cuales debemos de dejar de hacer lo que normalmente hacemos y volvernos hacia Dios en una manera más enfocada para ofrecer oración y escuchar su voz. Jesús y sus discípulos tomaban un empo al menos tres veces al día y miraban hacia el templo para orar. Esto puede tomar la forma de la oración matuna o la oración vesperna, el rosario, la Misa diaria, o la oración silenciosa. Mas para nosotros católicos crisanos, nunca podemos olvidar la importancia del día especial que la Iglesia ha separado desde el comienzo de su existencia para recordar, dar gracias, celebrar y orar: el domingo. «El crisano no puede vivir sin la Eucarisaa dominical. ¿No sabes que el crisano existe para la Eucarisaa y la Eucarisaa para el crisano?» (San Saturnino, 305). Damos la bienvenida a todos los recién llegados a nuestra familia Parroquial. Si desea registrarse y recibir inscripción, por favor llamar a la oficina Parroquial o preguntarle a un acomodador antes o después de misa. Las personas que deseen tener a la Virgen Peregrina en su hogar, contactar a Mariela Almaraz (803) 528-5952. Grupo Jóvenes Adultos (Español) e 18 años en adelante -Se reúnen los Sábado de 4:00PM a 7:00 PM Para más información contactar a: Iván Flores 803-446-5622. RECONCILIACIÓN/CONFESIONES Ingles: Sábado de 4-5PM o con cita Español: Domingo a las 245PM o con cita, Jueves a las 7:30PM (sujeto a disponibilidad), por favor revise el calendario publicado en la puerta de la reconciliación BAUTIZOS – Fechas Bauzos: Octobre 15 Contactar a la oficina Parroquial para inscribirse en una clase de bausmo dos semanas de la clase programada, las clases son en el OLOH Salón Ministerio juvenil de 6:30 PM a 9 PM: Próximas clases 7 de Octobre. Llamar a la oficina para más información. Louis Meléndez 772-7400 x 6 PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Para información contactar a Jackie Brace Tel: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 113 e-mail: [email protected] CONFIRMACIÓN Para información contactar a Elizabeth Hudacko Tel: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 4 e-mail: [email protected] Dios les bendiga, Padre John MATRIMONIOS Debe comunicarse a la oficina Parroquial al menos (6) seis meses antes de la boda e inscribirse a las clases pre-matrimoniales. Las clases son: Salón Ministerio juvenil - 10–12, Noviembre 6 Para mayor información comunicarse con Mariana Ferreyra 803-542-3080 Úne te a la Esc uel a de la Fe Vicaria Centro Dirección Columbia Escuela St. John Neumann Cafetería 721 Polo Rd. Columbia, SC 29223 10. Cristologia 10. Oct. 17, Nov. 7 y 21 Coordinador Escuela Milena Nazario 803-997-1024 Para todas las personas hispanas mayores de 18 años que quieran fortalecer su fe cristianocatólica, los cursos son impartidos por instructores con conocimiento teológico. Más información: Ana Hidalgo 803-750-0065, supervisora diocesana de formación en la fe para hispanos. Visite la página web: www.sccatholic.org –Ministerio hispano – Escuela de la Fe. GRUPO RICA Todos los adultos que deseen y estén interesados en recibir los sacramentos de bauzo, comunión y confirmación, contactar a Ligia Ríos al 803.318.4063 ó Elvira Pérez al 803.479.9432. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Si usted ene un ser querido que se encuentra como paciente en un hospital y está en necesidad del sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos, por favor llame a la oficina de la Parroquia lo antes posible. Además, si usted ene que estar en el hospital para un procedimiento parcular, puede recibir el Sacramento de la Unción antes de su hospitalización. Monday - October 17 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Tuesday - October 18 Wednesday— Wednesday—October 19 10am—Playgroup—CN 6:30pm—Sp. Minis. - CLS 7pm—Joy in the Spirit—C 7pm—St. Vincent de Paul—AT 7pm—Cub Scouts—CLS/218 2pm—Scripture Study—LB 6:15pm—Religious Ed & Scripture Study - CLS 6:15pm—Sp. RICA—C 7pm—Joyful Noise—CR 7pm —Legion of Mary—LB PRAYER & WORSHIP Mass Intentions & Readings for the Week of OCTOBER 16, 2016 Saturday, October 15—Eph 1:15-23 Lk 12:8-12 5:30PM—Ex 17:8-13 2Tm 3:14—4:2 Lk 18:1-8 Kurt & Julie Thiel + by Family Sunday, October 16 - Ex 17:8-13 2Tm 3:14—4:2 Lk 18:1-8 8:00AM—R.J. Frost + by Batson Family 10:00AM—Jack McRedmond + by Pat & Marianne Melton 12Noon—Partricia Sheehan + by Mary Moran 3:30PM—For the Parish 5:15PM—Sp Int. of Judith Pazmino by Leslie Connors Monday, October 17— Eph 2:1-10 Lk 12:13-21 NO MASS Tuesday, October 18— 2 Tm 4:10-17b Lk 10:1-9 6PM— Wednesday, October 19— Eph 3:2-12 Lk 12:39-48 NO MASS Thursday, October 20— Eph 3:14-21 Lk 12:49-53 NO MASS Friday, October 21 — Eph 4:1-6 Lk 12:54-59 NO MASS Saturday, October 22—Eph 4:7-16 Lk 13:1-9 5:30PM—Sir 35:12-14,16-18 2 Tm 4:6-8,16-18 Lk 18:9-14 John Freeman by Family Sunday, October 23—Sir 35:12-14,16-18 2 Tm 4:6-8,16-18 Lk 18:9-14 8:00AM—Catherine E. Sadowski + by Al 10:00AM—Gretchen Mader + by Tami Adams 12Noon—Michael Starek + by Family 3:30PM— 5:15PM—For the Parish Barbara Berch, Shari Brewer,Jeannie Butler, Dick Dunlay, Diane Faella, Jerry For>n, Larry Echerer, Carole Eddins, Dan Everhart, Anita Flaugher, Sheila Gallagher, Jack & Louise Gaynor, Dave Goodwin, Antonio Lazaro, Lien Leslie, Jacqueline Lucas, Tonia Medrick, Sandy McCloud, Sarah PaqueAe, Bessie Pelli>er, Ernest Rouse, Jr., Nancy Samek, Paul & Rita Thiel, John Volmer, Grace Schmidt If there is someone you would like to be placed on the bulle>n prayer list please call the Parish Office at 772-7400 or email to [email protected]. Thank you for your coopera>on and understanding. Thursday - October 20 12:45pm— 23 hr. Adoraon—C 2pm –Saints Class—LB 7pm - Marriage Encounter—MR 7:30pm—Sp. Choir—CR During the month of November we are called in a special way “to remember our brothers and sisters who have gone to their rest.”(Eucharistic Prayer II) Please return your All Souls envelopes as soon as possible so the name can be written in our Book of Remembrance. Please PRINT. We will have a special Mass of remembrance for those who have died this past year on November 2nd, at 7pm. CELEBRATE A HOLY HOUR! EVERY THURSDAY FOLLOWING THE 12:15 HOLY MASS UNTIL REPOSITION ON FRIDAY AT 12 NOON UNA HORA SEMANAL ANTE EL SANTISMO! Puede venir a cualquier hora las 24 horas que está expuesto el adora>[email protected] or call 803661-1079. WANT MORE JOY? Come discover Joy in the Spirit! Join us Tuesday evenings in the church from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We sing, pray, listen, learn, and enjoy drawing closer to Christ through unleashing the giPs of the Holy Spirit received in Bapsm and Confirmaon. Come as you are, and see what God has in store for you! If you have quesons or need more informaon, please contact John Killilea at (803)201-7900 or [email protected]. Come find Joy! DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN ARTICLES IS MONDAY AT 12NOON Friday –October 21 Adoraon Con’t—C 9am—Homeschool—CLS 6:30pm—Quin. Rehear.—C 7pm—OLH Men’s Grp—H 7pm—Legion Curia—AT 7pm—Sp. Ministry—C THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SaturdaySunday - October 23 Saturday- October 22 8am—Notre Dame Alum.—AT 9am—Altar Server Training—C 11am—Sp. Bapsms—C 2pm—Quinceanera —C 4pm—Sp. Young Adults—C 9am—Scripture Study—LB 10am—RCIA—MR 6:30pm—Religious Ed, Confirmaon & Sr. High Youth—CLS 6:30pm — Scripture Study—MR WELCOME CROSS OUTREACH LADY KNIGHTS CRAFT & BAKE SALE ALL MASSES COMMUNITY FORMED – You have been given unlimited access to the best eBooks, talks, and videos in the church today. Visit Formed.org to claim your free content. Log in using Parish code 4DB6ZH. FORMED – te Han dado “los mejores libros” libros electrónicos, charles y videos en la Iglesia de hoy. Visita formed.org para reclamar su contendido libre. Entrar usando su código de parroquia 4DB6ZH Parish App Has Arrived! Download Our New Parish App! Our new Our Lady of the Hills app is now available to download for iPhone and Android smart phones. Stay connected with our parish throughout the week Help foster a stronger parish life at Our Lady of the Hills and beDer engage the New Evangelizaon. Download our app today at myparishapp.com or search your phone's app store for myparish. Need help or couldn't find an answer to your queson? Give us a call, and let us try. 1-(800)-997-8805 Myparish App Feature - Groups If you are simply looking to send no>fica>ons to specific groups of parishioners, Groups can do that. If you want to finish a discussion from an earlier mee>ng, Groups can do that. If you need a way for your ministry teams to connect throughout the week, Groups can do that too. Open Our Parish App and Join a Group Today! Text App to 88202 to Download Our App - then 1) Search for a select Our Lady of the Hills Parish 2) Tap the Groups buAon 3) Join a Group 4) Start a discussion Thank you for not wearing perfumes and a;er shave to mass. Several of our parishioners are highly allergic. Room Key Codes FLC—Family Life Center AT—Atrium / LB—Library CL—Classroom/ MR—Ministry Room CR—Choir Room / H—Hall G—Gym K—Kitchen C—Church / CN—Church Nursery PAV—Pavilion BUILDING Please check the Lost & Found cupboard in the Family Life Center Atrium Kitchen for any item you may have leP at the Church. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity. Coffee & Doughnuts Schedule: October 23—Ancient Order of Hibernians October 30—Ladies Auxiliary Knights of ColumbuS Anyone interested in hosting please contact the Parish Office or Joe Kennedy @ 803-414-1076. Pastoral Council-will meet on Thursday October 27th at 7:00pm OUTREACH The Grief Support Sessions are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00. Next session October 27th. If you have not aDended a session and would like to do so please send an e-mail to: Deacon Dennis at [email protected] so he can get some basic informaon. Christ Central ~ Thanks for your connued support with much needed clothing and other supplies for the homeless in our community. Donaons of new or used clothing in clean condion and PAPER PRODUCTS may be placed in the white chest located in the Church Narthex. Tax donaon receipts are also available in the chest. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats support individuals in managing unresolved issues that they struggle with a<er abor7on. The retreat can also bring spiritual healing and strengthening of faith and help the person receive the forgiveness that Jesus extends to all of us. The next retreat is in Greenville, November 4-6, 2016. Please contact Christy 803 554 6088 or Kathy 803 546 6010 or [email protected] for more informa7on. Thanks. HELP PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. ALUMINUM* CAN COLLECTION TRAILER NOW AT OLOH!! *Please note aluminum cans only not metal cans. Sunday Evening - Grades 5th – 12 begin at 6:30pm and end at 8:00pm Wednesday evening - Grades K/5 – 5th begin at 6:15 PM & end at 7:30 PM. If you have any questions for grades K5 - 8th please call Jackie Brace, 772-7400 or e-mail [email protected] Grades 9 – 12, contact Elizabeth Hudacko, 772-7400. Domingo noche: Grados 5 al 12 empiezan a las 6:30 pm y terminan a las 8:00 pm Miercoles noche - Grados K5—6 a las 6:15 pm y terminan a las 7:30pm Si usted tiene preguntas acerca de los grados K al 8, favor de llamar a Jackie Brace 772 7400 ext 113 o enviar u correo electrónico [email protected] para los grados 9 al 12, favor de contactar a Elizabeth Hudacko 771 7400 ext 104 Our Lady of the Hills is commiAed to the protec>on of children. Here are important numbers: Diocesan Vicm Assistance Minister ~ 800-921-8122 Diocesan Office of Child Protecon Services ~ 843- 853-2130 ext. 206. Religious Educa>on Financial Assistance and Sponsorship -RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND SPONSORSHIP-if you are a registered member of OLOH and have a child in Religious Educaon classes and need some financial assistance with tuion/fees-please contact Jackie Brace for informaon and guidelines on this program. If you are a parishioner and would like to sponsor a child in Religious Educaon for a year-please contact Jackie Brace for informaon. FONDO Y PATROCINIO DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA - Si eres miembro inscrito de la Parroquia Our Lady of the Hills y ene un(a) hijo(a) en las clases de Educación Religiosa y necesita ayuda financiera con la cuota, favor de contactar a Jackie Brace para más información y reglas de este programa. Si eres un feligrés y te gustaría patrocinar a un niño para la Educación Religiosa por un año, favor contactar a Jackie Brace para más información. SAINTS CLASS ON THURSDAYS @ 2PM IN THE PARISH LIBRARY. CONTACT RACHEL GODWIN @750-9777 OR EMAIL: [email protected] SCRIPTURE STUDY—SUNDAYS AT 9AM IN THE PARISH LIBRARY. CONTACT MARSHA SANSONETTI @ 731-2097 LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY WEDNESDAYS & SUNDAYS - DURING RELIGIOUS ED CONTACT -PAULA MISTOLER 781-5369 or [email protected] SCRIPTURE STUDY— WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT 2PM IN PARISH LIBRARY CONTACT—DEACON CHUCK @ 794-3388 or [email protected] ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO…Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Are not bap>zed or have a child over the age of seven who has not been bap>zed? Was bap>zed Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirma>on and Eucharist? For informaon please contact Deacon Steve at 803-414-4598 or OLH Church Office at 803-772-7400. I was in prison and you came to visit me. Mathew 25:38 A group of men from various Christian Faith Communities are having a Kairos retreat as well as men from our parish[Born out of the Catholic Cursillo retreats meant to strengthen the Christian Faith of those who attend and bring the faith to those without or struggling with their faith.] 36 inmates plus a team of 40 men from several churches will be at Broad River Prison from Thursday Oct 20th till Sunday Oct23rd to take part in this retreat to bring Jesus to all. As a part of this we give a small bag of 2 or 3 cookies to each of the 1100 inmates with a Christian message each of the three evenings we are there –we need thousands of cookies If you can please help bake some cookies –enclose them in larger clear gallon or quart size plastic bags and they will be included in this offering [they will be put in smaller bags at the prison for delivery ] Cookies can be baked ahead of time and frozen..This can be a fun project for a small group to get together and do something good for your church. We will take store bought cookies – Please get the cookies to the small kitchen area in front of the church office by Wednesday, evening Oct19th -- THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT -LETS SHOW WITH THIS SMALL OFFERING THAT SOMEONE CARES As Jesus Cares ! We are experiencing many new men to BRCI as The State System moves people around and a younger group that have not experienced the cookie gifts in the past! PLEASE HELP------------- QUESTIONS DAVID SCHIRATO 414-5645 ATTENTION PARENTS – ALL CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOM PANIED BY A RESPONSIBLE ADULT ON THE CHURCH GROUNDS. ATENCIÓN PADRES SUPERVISION NIÑOS LOS NIÑOS DEBEN ESTAR ACOMPAÑADOS POR UN ADULTO RESPONSABLE. SPECIAL INTERESTS Catholic Chari>es of the Midlands and the Diocese of Charleston are partnering with Manning Correconal Instuon in Columbia to incorporate their new prison ministry program, RENEW, as a resource for the men who are in the re-entry program at this facility. In an effort to give assistance to this new prison ministry program we are reaching out to the community to request donaons of new or used MEN’S shoes, (tennis and dress) so these men begin again on a good foong. A donaon container is in the Narthex marked “SOLE TO SOUL”. Your consideraon and help with this project is greatly appreciated! Thank You to the Picnic Planning CommitteeCommittee-for your hard work and planning Mepkin Abbey Trip-if you are planning to go on the Mepkin Abbey trip on November 17th-please get your reserva>ons and money to the office this week. We are opening the trip to other parishes. So be sure to reserve your seat now. Rev. Ron Mrozinski will be visi>ng our parish next weekend to speak at all the Masses on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach which was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Central and South America . “But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Let us build faith in our marriages. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC and Feb 3-5, 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: https:// SCMarriageMatters.org or contact us at [email protected] or 803-810-9602. There will be a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend Retreat at Camp Hope in Clemson, SC on November 1820, 2016. Please see the web site at: http://cee-sc.squarespace.com/ for more information and to register. St. Vincent de Paul will once again be distribung food boxes to members of our community this Thanksgiving. If you know of a family or individual in need, please call the St. Vincent de Paul Community Assistance Line at 803-465-1644. Leave a message and a member of SVDP will call for more informaon.Thank you for your connued support of this ministry. La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl estará distribuyendo nuevamente cajas de comida a los miembros de nuestra comunidad en el Día de Acción de Gracias este año. Si conoces de alguna persona o familia que esté en necesidad, favor llamar a la Línea de Asistencia Comunitaria de San Vicente de Paúl al 803-465-1644. Favor dejar un mensaje, y un miembro de SVDP se pondrá en contacto con ellos para más información. Gracias por su connuo apoyo de este ministerio. We appreciate everyone who can increase their giving levels. Giving is joyful and makes your soul smile. Total number of registered households….......1672 Suicide Preven>on Center…………….$200.00 PARISH SUPPORT Budget Amt. Needed Amt. Rec’d 10/16 Variance LAST WEEK $ 20,123.00 YEAR TO DATE $301,845.00 N/A NEXT WEEK’S SECOND COLLECTION IS FOR THE PROPAGATION OF FAITH (MISSION SUNDAY) Dear Parishioners of OLOH, With the idea of making it easier and more convenient to contribute to our Church the parish Finance Council has arranged to set up Egiving for those who may be interested. You may access the form from our website by clicking on E-giving on the homepage. If you have questions please contact Marianne at 7727400 or [email protected].
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