ST. FRANCIS DE SALES HOUSTON, TX FEBRUARY 8, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 7: 00 pm Monday, 8:15 am 7:00 pm Tuesday, 8:15 am Wednesday, 8:15 am 7:00 pm Thursday, 8:15 am Friday, 8:15 am 7:00 pm Saturday, 8:15 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 8, 2015 February 8: † Sam Samaniego, Rafael Peña Shirley Guilliams, Mike Quiray † Maria de Jesus Aguiñaga, † Amanda Alvarez Deacon Michael Quiray, † Julia Vasquez Flores Mr & Mrs. Paul Fernandez, † Walter D’Souza † Lita Dumontay February 9: † Rosa Servello, † Lolita Buday Jesse Gonzalez, † Amando Soliz Sr. February 10: Shirley Guilliams, † Mariamma Joseph February 11: † Rosa Hoi Nguyen, † Albert & Nilta Russo Nancy Isla, † Stephen Costello February 12: † Rosario Muro, † Gertrude Ploch February 13: † Leslie Dixon, Katherine Hoang † Anne Marie Linh-Le, All Souls February 14: † Rob Middleton, Noah Martinez † Leo D’Souza, † Al & Joan Hanson,, Ruthy & Keith Thayer St. Francis de Sales Parish Sunday Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Monday Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday Saint Scholastica, Virgin Gn 1:20—2:4a; Ps 8; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday Our Lady of Lourdes Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128; Mk 7:24-30 Friday Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32; 1 Cor 10:31—11:1; Mk 1:40-45 THIS WEEK AT ST. FRANCIS DE SALES Sunday, 6:30 pm February 8: CCE Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tagalog Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm Youth Nite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday, February 9: 9:00 am Symbolon Series . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm English RCIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm Spanish RCIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 pm Spanish Legion of Mary . . . . . Tuesday, February 10: 10:00 am Adult Bible Study . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm Spanish Prayer Class . . . . . . . 7:00 pm Spanish Baptism Class . . . . . . 7:00 pm Hispanic Ministry Meeting . . Wednesday, February 11: 9:30 am Rosary Makers . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 am English Legion of Mary . . . . . 5:00 pm Youth Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 pm CCE Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday, February 12: 7:00 pm Bazaar Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm JCDA Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday, February 13: 10:00 am Little Rock Scripture Study . . 7:00 pm Youth Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm Samahang Pinoy . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, February 14: 5 pm & 8,10 am CDA Bake Sale . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 am Ministry Day of Prayer . . . . . . 10:30 am Natural Family Planning Meeting . 7:00 pm KC’s Valentines Day Dance . . LET US PRAY FOR THE SICK Jonathan Silva Lauren Prichard Mary De Rick Abel Perez Eugenia Rodriguez Tomasa Fuentes Msgr. Celestino Say Fr. Daniel Varayoud Theresa Rocz Terry Wescott Isabel Ortuno Margaret Kilty Steve Haynes Gloria Caicedo Blenda Ruiz Joshua Dollera Sister Doloretta Bieter Russell Fullen Don Wenglar Joann De La Garza Narcisa Placino Baby Ellis O’Neill Charles Lopez Minnie Licea Jimmy Spivey Ramona Ortiz Migdalia Figueredo Josette Haudrich Bob Hubbell Ricky Johnson Karen Garcia Isabel Dao Rene Ruiz Sr. Joe Rodriguez Santano D’Souza Pat Mitchell Tuan Quang Tran Michael Williams Richard Byrd Rosalinda Luna Freda Zatlo Denise Johnson Gabriela Pinedo Irma Mendenhall Mary Huff LETS US PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED ALTAR FLOWERS Joebert Puey & Dcn. Mike Mims The floral arrangement was donated in loving memory of Sam Samaniego May the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. You can now View bulletin online at: or 1 School/Beck/FLC Church Beck Center St. Matthew St. Luke De Sales St. John St. Matthew St. Luke St. Mark St. John St. Luke St. John St. Matthew Music Room School/Beck/FLC St. Luke Youth Loft St. John FLC St. John St. Luke/FLC St. John FLC FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME GIFTS OF STEWARDSHIP ST. FRANCIS DE SALES LENT SCHEDULE For the weekend of January 31 & February 1, 2015 your gifts of treasure resulted in: FEBURARY 18, 2015 ASH WEDNESDAY—FEBRUARY 18, 2015 Sunday Collection “Budget”: Sunday Collection: Electronic Giving: Children’s Collection: Total Sunday Collection: Difference (OVER): $ $ $ $ $ $ 21,000 40,377 483 430 41,291 20,291 Special Collections 2nd Collection: Maintenance $ 7,332 Loan Beginning Balance: Loan Debt as of Jan. 10, 2015: Monthly Payment on Loan: $ $ $ 6:30 A.M., 8:15 A.M., 12:00 NOON—MASS IN ENGLISH 6:00 P.M.—MASS IN VIETNAMESE 7:30 P.M.—MASS IN SPANISH DAILY MASS DURING LENT MONDAY THRU SATURDAY, 8:15 A.M.—MASS IN ENGLISH MONDAY, 7:00 P.M.—MASS IN SPANISH WEDNESDAY, 7:00 P.M.—MASS IN ENGLISH FRIDAY, 7:00 P.M.—MASS IN VIETNAMESE 4,414,764 2,547,541 31,129 STATIONS OF THE CROSS FRIDAY, 7:00 P.M.—IN ENGLISH FRIDAY, 8:00 P.M.—IN SPANISH SATURDAY, 8:00 P.M.—IN VIETNAMESE Next week’s 2nd Collection: Debt Reduction Thank you for your generosity! LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE—MARCH 18, 2015 RECONCILIATION SERVICE AND CONFESSIONS, 7:00 P.M. CONFESSORS AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH, SPANISH, VIETNAMESE, & TAGALOG DSF 2015 This week, all registered parishioners should have received a letter from our Archbishop, Cardinal DiNardo, along with a personalized pledge card, inviting you to hear Christ’s call of a generous heart and to Be Rich in Good Works...Ready to Share through your participation in this year’s Diocesan Services Fund. Pray about your DSF 2015 commitment, then complete the enclosed pledge card and return it via mail in the special envelope provided or bring it to Mass. If you prefer, you may go online at to make your donation. Your gener osity will allow our Catholic community to continue many vital programs and services. Our parish goal for this year is $134,000.00. PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION MARCH 29, 2015 SATURDAY, 5:00 P.M., VIGIL MASS IN ENGLISH SATURDAY, 7:00 P.M., VIGIL MASS IN VIETNAMESE SUNDAY, 8:00 A.M. MASS IN ENGLISH 10:00 A.M. MASS IN ENGLISH 12:00 P.M. MASS IN SPANISH (CHURCH) 12:30 P.M. IN SPANISH (BECK CENTER) 2:00 P.M. MASS IN SPANISH (CHURCH) 5:00 P.M. MASS IN ENGLISH Welcome NEW PARISHIONERS! J. Guadalupe & Maria Renteria Manuel Rodriguez &Jessica Medina Nam Dinh Hoang & Trinh Kieu Vu Roger Nguyen & Camle Le Joseph & Ruth Arbasto Michael Flynn & Roberta Franzese Elias & Raquel Ortega Francis Cao & Donna Nguyen STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION Marcos Santana & Marisol Olivera Robert & Mary Ann Tantillo Elizabeth Howard Jason & Ashley Haywood Renato Garcia Eugenio Blanco 5 TH S U ND A Y I N O R DIN A R Y T IM E : F EB RU A RY 8 That—just as Jesus rose early to pray—we, too, may find time in our day to be with God and to receive strength and nourishment from Him. “Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed...He told them, ‘Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.’” -Mark 1:35, 38 In today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example of stewardship. Jesus gives His time to do all that God wishes— healing the sick and preaching. Yet, Jesus also makes time to be alone in prayer. It is through prayer, spending time with God, that we find the strength to do what God wishes us to do. Be sure to find time every day to be with God. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Because of your generosity we were able to help a woman who had an extended hospital stay due to a postop wound infection and needed money to pay her rent. Thank you for serving the poor in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul. You can now View bulletin online at: or 2 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES HOUSTON, TX FEBRUARY 8, 2015 MESSAGE FROM DEACON MICHAEL QUIRAY My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, This past weekend has indeed been life changing in every way, a profound experience of receiving the sacramental grace of Holy Orders for the Diaconate. I and my family wish to thank all of you for all the prayers, support and encouragement that have kept me afloat many a time. I take this opportunity to thank Fr. Joseph Phan, my pastor and parochial overseer of my ministry for our Ordinary for his gracious support even in the short period that he has been here at St. Francis de Sales. I am also most grateful to Fr. Wayne Wilkerson for taking me under his wings as mentor and friend throughout my formation. My gratitude extends to my brother deacons and the parish staff who have assisted me in learning the ropes, the nuances of liturgical celebrations as well as parish administration. To the different parish organizations who through their coordinators have expressed love and constant support throughout and including this past weekend’s celebration and fellowship after my Sunday morning Mass of Thanksgiving, I am most appreciative and thankful. I ask for your continuing prayers as my work now begins. To all who have asked where I will be assigned, his Eminence, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, has most graciously designated my primary parochial assignment as Deacon for ministry at my home parish of St. Francis de Sales. My extra-parochial assignment is to the Archdiocesan Ministry for Clergy Pastoral Outreach ministering to retired clergy including retired deacons. I am truly humbled and grateful for this opportunity to serve our Lord Jesus and his Church as servant in diaconal ministry. Grace and peace. Deacon Michael Quiray ROSARY MAKERS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Rosary Makers meet the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the St. John meeting room in the Family Life Center. The next meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2015. The Knights of Columbus will be Hosting their 2nd Annual "Knights on the Town" Valentines Day Dance on All are welcomed to join us. Saturday, February 14th at 7:00 P.M. in the Family Life Center. We will have Live Music, Great Food and Wonderful Time! Tickets are $40 per couple or $25 per individuals. MORNING OF REFLECTION ALL LITURGICAL MINISTERS ARE INVITED TO A MORNING OF REFLECTION. The Euc har is tic L itu rgy: For med , Tran sfor med , Sent . This years theme is “Sweethearts of the Mardi Gras" . For more info or tickets contact GK Luis Velazquez at 281-468-5936. Delivered by Rev. Leon Strieder February 14, 2015 : 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP to Ann Cashiola, 713-774-7475 #115. MARDI GRAS SOCIAL & GAMES DAY Happy New Year to all SFdS Seniors! Our first 2015 gathering is scheduled on Tuesday, February 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the St. Luke Room. It is also the first of our quarterly catered luncheons. Please plan to attend, catch up with friends and neighbors and celebrate Mardi Gras! Mark your calendars and look for more details in future bulletins. We hope to see you there! SILENT LENTEN RETREAT "Growing in Intimacy with God and Ourselves" Rev. Louis Arceneaux Feb. 20-22, 2015—7pm Fri - 1:30 pm Sun. Minimum Offering: $185.00 - Deposit is $60.00 Cenacle Retreat House 281-497-3131 For any further information, please contact: Barbara Rourke at 713.771.5120 You can now View bulletin online at: or 3 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PRIEST, PROPHET, KING FROM THE SFdS YOUTH MINISTRY Lectures begin Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. and every Sunday night during Lent in the Family Life Center. A Deep, Biblical Look at Jesus Christ The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. But who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher whom many called the Messiah? In Priest, Prophet King, you’ll discover Jesus as the Anointed One-the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Using biblical insights and engaging stories, Father Barron affirms that we see Jesus most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament. Through this deeply biblical program, you will better understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture, and realize your own priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission, received when you are baptized “into Christ.”. PARISH NURSERY NEEDS HELPERS! St. Francis de Sales is hiring helpers for our Parish Nursery. Requirements: must be bi-lingual and 18 years of age. The nursery is available for the 10:00 am and 12:00 noon Masses. Contact the church office for further information. CONGRATULATIONS MICHELLE NGUYEN SFdS School congratulates 8th grade student, Michelle Nguyen, on winning the Archdiocesan Steps for Students T- Shirts design contest. The 2015 10th Anniversary Steps for Students T-shirt design was based on Michelle’s entry. We are so proud of her! Go Valiants! INDIVIDUAL, MARRIAGE, & FAMILY COUNSELING AVAILABLE! Are you in need of emotional healing? Are you discouraged by your relationships with loved ones? Now is the time to get the help and healing you need. Through our collaboration with Rejoice Family Apostolate, parishioners and their families can receive counseling onsite at the parish while making use of a discounted sliding scale fee. For more information or to schedule an appointment please call Chris Stravitsch, LPC, LMFT at (832) 900-2082, email [email protected], or visit ARCHDIOCESAN YOUNG ADULT & CAMPUS MINISTRY DAY “A call to LOVE” Saturday, April, 11, 2015 (8:30 am-6:00pm). Come join hundr eds of young adults ages 18-39 years old from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston for a day of formation, music, Eucharist, and fellowship. There will be 18 workshops presented by international, national and local speakers that will address ways to strengthen our relationship with God and others. Presented in English and Spanish. Closing Mass with Bishop George Sheltz. Location: St. Pius High School, 811 W. Donovan St., Houston, TX 77091. Early bird $25 by March 11th or $35 after March 12th. Group discounts available. Registration online or by mail. Please call 713-741-8780 for more information. BAYOU AWAKENING College-age students ages 18-25, March 13-15, 2015. The mission of Awakening is to bring young adults to a personal encounter with Christ, provide opportunity for spiritual renewal and to connect young adults to the Catholic church and a safe community. Register online at or by mail before March 6. All young adults in this age range are welcome. For more information, call 713.741.8778. You can now View bulletin online at: or 4 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES HOUSTON, TX FEBRUARY 8, 2015 REFLECCIONES DEL ESPIRITU DE SERVICIO UNA MAÑANA DE REFLEXIÓN 5 o DOM ING O D E T IE M PO O RD I NA R IO : 8 D E FE B R E R O TODO MINISTRO LITÚRGICO ESTÁ INVITADO ASISTIR A UNA MAÑANA DE REFLEXIÓN. La Liturgia Eucarística: Formado, Transformado, Enviado. Con el Rev. Leon Strieder 14 de febrero del 2015 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Un almuerzo será servido. Por favor confirme su asistencia con Ann Cashiola, al 713.774.7475 #115. Para que—así como Jesús se levanto temprano para rezar— nosotros también encontremos tiempo en nuestro día para estar con Dios y para recibir la fuerza y el alimento de El. “Muy de madrugada, cuando todavía estaba oscuro, Jesús se levanto, salió de la casa y se fue a un lugar solitario, donde se puso a orar… Jesús les dijo, ‘Vámonos de aquí a otras aldeas cercanas donde también pueda predicar; para esto he venido.’” - Marcos 1:35,38 En la lectura del evangelio de hoy vemos un ejemplo perfecto del espitiru de servicio. Jesus da de Su tiempo para hacer todo lo que Dios desea—sanar a los enfermos y predicar. Sin embargo, Jesus tambien se toma el tiempo para orar solo. Es por medio de la oracion, el pasar tiempo con Dios, que encontramos la fuerza para hacer lo que Dios desea de nosotros. Asegurese de encontrar tiempo todos los dias para estar con Dios. “JOVENES PARA CRISTO” ¿Estas soltero/a? ¿Tienes 18-35 años de edad? ¿Te encuentras sin rumbo y estas triste y aburrido? ¿Quieres conocer mas gente joven como tu? Entonces, ¡VEN! PRONTO, El grupo “Jóvenes Para Cristo” se formara aquí en nuestra parroquia para jóvenes adultos y te necesita. ¿Interesdao? Llama a Jose Rivas al 713.960.2990 o a la iglesia, a la oficina de Ministerios Hispanos para mas informacion. DSF—2015 Esta semana, todos los parroquianos registrados recibirán una carta de nuestro Arzobispo, el Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, adjunta a una tarjeta de compromiso personal, invitándoles a escuchar el llamado de Cristo de un corazón generoso y a Ser Ricos en Buenas Obras...Listos para Compartir a través de su participación en el Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos de este año. Ore sobre su compromiso para el DSF de año 2015, después llene la tarjeta de compromiso incluida, y regrésela por correo en el sobre especial suministrado, o llévela a Misa. Si usted prefiere, visite la pagina de internet para hacer su donación. Su generosidad permitirá a nuestra comunidad Católica el continuar con un gran numero de programas y servicios vitales. La meta de nuestra parroquia este año es de $134,000.00. DIA ARQUIDIOCESANO DE JOVENES ADULTOS Y PASTORAL UNIVERSITARIA “Un llamado a AMAR” Sábado 11 de abril, 2015 de 8:30 am—6:00 p.m. Ven y acompaña a cientos de jóvenes adultos de 18-39 años de edad de la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston a un día de formación, Eucarística, muisca y convivencia. Habrá 18 talleres con presentadores internacionales, nacionales y locales que hablaran de cómo fortalecer nuestra relación con Dios y los demás. Presentado en Ingles y Español. Misa de clausura con el Obispo Sheltz. Lugar: St. Pius X High School, 811 W. Donovan St., Houston, TX 77091. $25 antes del 11 de Marzo o $35 después del 12 marzo. Descuentos para grupos. Inscripciones en línea o por correo. Para mas información 713.741.8778. ¿ESTA EN NECESIDAD DE SANACION? ¿Esta desanimado por sus relaciones con sus seres queridos? ¿Se siente hartado por el miedo, la culpa, o su pasado? Ahora es el momento para recibir la ayuda y sanación que usted necesita. Ya han empezado, consejerías en Español. Los consejeros vienen a la parroquia San Francisco de Sales y pueden ustedes beneficiar de descuentos por sus servicios. Si usted esta interesado en recibir consejería en Ingles o Español, los invitamos a hablar con el Padre Alvaro o visiten LITURGIA DE LOS NIÑOS Pronto daremos inicio a la liturgia de los niños, las escrituras que serán explicadas a los niños en su nivel apropiado. Catequistas o voluntarios/voluntarias que sientan el llamado, ¡los necesitamos! Habrá un entrenamiento pronto. Para mas informaron, favor de llamar a la oficina de Ministerios Hispanos y hablar con la Sra. Yolanda Salazar 713.774.7475 ext. 118. You can now View bulletin online at: or 5
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