From: Saint Junipero Serra Parish 42121 N. 60th Street West 661-943-9314 Bulletin #913086 Rev. Leo Dechant, C.S.J. - Pastor Bulletin Editor: Vicki White [email protected] To: J. S. Paluch, Co. For: November 8, 2015 Saint Junípero Serra Parish A Catholic Faith Community Fr. Leo A. Dechant, D.Min.—Pastor Fr. Ernest Candelaria, Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, Fr. Giampietro Gasparin & Br. Jeyaraj William (All C.S.J.) Deacons Gary Poole, Paul Schwerdt, Rito Lopez Sr. Marie Ellen Kuhel, O.S.U.—Pastoral Associate 42121 North 60th Street West Lancaster, CA 93536-3767 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Phone: 661 943-9314 or Fax 661 943-6863 Mission Statement Saint Junípero Serra Parish is an evangelizing Catholic Faith Community commiƩed to moving forward always as missionary disciples for the Kingdom: aƩenƟve to the Word, to Sacrament, to Service and to Faith FormaƟon. Modified September 23, 2015 PARISH OFFICE HOURS SCHEDULE OF MASSES IN PARISH CHURCH Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 AM—4 PM Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM—8 PM Saturday 10 AM—2 PM Sundays - Closed Daily: Monday-Saturday 7:00 AM; M & F 7:30 PM Sunday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM (Saturday), Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 12:00 Noon; 2:00 PM (Español) Holy Days: 7:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:30 PM Declaración de Nuestra Misión La Parroquia de San Junípero Serra es una Comunidad evangelizadora de Fe Católica que se ha compromeƟda como discípulos misioneros a ir siempre adelante para realizar el Reino: por medio de la Palabra, de los Sacramentos, del servicio y instrucción de fe. Modificado el 23 de sepƟembre 2015 St. Elizabeth Mission (SEM) 13845 Johnson Road Lake Hughes, CA 93532 ††† MASS: Sunday 10:00 AM Confessions by Request Before and AŌer Mass Sacrament of Penance (Confessions): Sat 3:30 PM—4:30 PM and by Appointment Ministry of the sick: Notify the office if someone is seriously ill or is scheduled for surgery as soon as possible to arrange for a priest to anoint the person. Holy Communion can be taken to the homebound by lay ministers of Holy Communion every week. Marriage, Baptism & Quinceañera: Please visit our website for basic information. Call the office to meet with a priest or pastoral associate for more information. Bible Sharing/Compartiendo las Escrituras: Wed. 7:15 - 8:00 PM Room 2/Jueves (en Español) 7:30-8:30 PM en Salón 2 SAINT JUNIPERO SERRA PARISH—32nd SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME NOV. 8, 2015 Since March 2010, Joy Densford has been our full-time Director of Administration here at the parish. She has been a hard-working close collaborator of mine whose legal background and organizational skills have helped me and the parish a great deal. In May of 2011, after four years of trying to become parents, Joy and her husband Ronnie were blessed with Wyatt. He began pre-Kindergarten this Fall. Joy had surgery in September and took six weeks of medical leave. Upon return last week, Joy informed me that she prefers to no longer work full-time so as to be more involved with Wyatt as he is growing up so fast. As of this coming week, she will work very part-time (10 to 15 hours a week) and mainly from home. She will work on communications and special projects. Mary Centeno who has been wor king her e full-time for the past several years in accounting will become the Business Manager. To help her with receivables, billpaying, purchasing and payroll I have hired Dawna (pronounced Da wanna) Ward. Dawna did this type of financial work for 34 years at Bank of America. She will work on site around 10-12 hours a week. Dawna’s work will help Mary be able to dedicate more time to the office manager part of her job. This frees me to be more involved with pastoral work than with personnel issues. Joy will continue to manage the par ish calendar . A special email account has been created for the calendar: [email protected]. Phone messages regarding calendaring will be transcribed and emailed to Joy. I will gladly do simple calendaring whenever I can—one-time events during the week are pretty quick and easy. The process gets complicated when there are on-going events on the same day vying for room space. Those requests will be handed on to her. The Sunday bulletin composition will now be given to Joy. Again a separate email has been created on our Gmail: [email protected]. Notices sent to me or dropped off at the front desk will be promptly forwarded to Joy. Last week I received an email from the Vatican. I had done the online application to serve as a Missionary of Mercy with a letter of approval from my Provincial Superior but thought nothing would come of it. Let me share a bit from the letter from Archbishop Fisichella with you: “I have the great pleasure of informing you that the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization gladly welcomes your collaboration and service as a Missionary of Mercy… The first meeting with Pope Francis will take place on Tuesday, February 9, 2016… On the following day, February 10, Ash Wednesday,... the Holy Father will confer the mandate to the Missionaries.” I am not sure exactly what my role will be, but I do ask for your prayers so that I can be a good instrument of mercy during this Extraordinary Holy Year and beyond. I remain your pastor and most of the activity will be here in LA. Next week the bulletin will contain the parish’s annual financial report. FATHER SERRA PARISH DIRECTORY WORSHIP Liturgical Coordination: Fr. Leo—ext. 103 Asistente de dirección de liturgia: Jose Romero — 818-429-6366 E. Ministers of Holy Communion — Anne Trabold - 992-6404 Communion to the sick/homebound — Michele Simpliciano — 722-5093 Lectors — Scott Watson — 943-9525 Hospitality — Tom Billeter —947-3398 Head Sacristan — Larry Flores —579-6907 Parish Director of Music — Sharon Rohaley — 816-4288 Assistant Director of Music—Nancy Schwerdt — 943-7273 Coordinador de Música en Español—Alfonso Alvarado—943-9314 Altar Servers — JoAnne Lacson — 267-2036, 400-1728 Email: [email protected] FAITH FORMATION Phone 943-5912 Hours Mon. to Thurs. 12:00—5:00 p.m. or by appointment Interim Coordinator of Religious Education—Cassandra Ortiz—ext 101 Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Confirmation— Cathy Moreno—ext 110 Administrative Assistant—Dan Vernor—943-9314, ext. 105 RCIA & BAPTISM PREPARATION Sr. Marie Ellen Kuhel, OSU—ext. 104 RICA & PLATICAS POR EL BAUTISMO Marvin and Maria Julia Castillo - Coordinadores—661-618-1578 COORDINATOR OF HISPANIC MINISTRY/QUINCEAÑERAS Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, CSJ—ext.102 PRE-SCHOOL Director — Cheryl Espinosa — 802-6375 ADMINISTRATION Business Manager—Mary Centeno ext. 108 Accounting——Dawna Ward ext.107 Bldg. Campaign Secretary—Mary Oga—Mon.. Tues. PM & Fri. ext. 111 Parish Secretary—Vicki White—ext. 100 Receptionist—Frances Rini—ext. 100 Staff Emails: First initial/last [email protected] e.g. [email protected] Fr. Giampietro: 943-3255, ext. 118, [email protected] Bereavement Support Group- Leona Fenbers—943-9646 Child Safety—Vonnie Bennett, [email protected] Women’s Clinic of the Antelope Valley—661-947-0400 Encuentro Matrimonial—Vidal y Laura Zavala —273-7861 Engaged Encounter—Pat and Kay McNeil—718-3335 Marriage Encounter—Joe and Patty Dagata—943-8881 Retrouvaille (Troubled Marriages)—(800) 470-2230 Amazing Grace Prayer Group--Rose Sedillo--400-5658 Couples for Christ—Mr. Rudy Mamaril—886-0782 Marian Cenacle Community Prayer— Jessica Acoba—273-8041 Jesús, Fuente de Misericordia—Raul Zapata—206-5489 Magnificat Prayer Group—Rita Trabold—943-6402 K of C—Al Scarpine, Grand Knight—718-1969 Business Meeting 2nd Wednesday at 7:30 PM Quilting Ministry—Maria Flores—579-6907 SAINT ELIZABETH DIRECTORY Community Council Chairperson Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 Altar Society President Lu Bole - 661 270-9262 WORSHIP Liturgical Coordination—Br. Jeyaraj William, CSJ -661 943-6475 Altar Flowers—Mary Borjon-947-6032 & Joanne Melfi-724-0314 Altar Servers —Br. Jeyaraj William, CSJ -661 943-9314 E-Ms of Holy Communion—Soliman Villapando - 661 262-6090 Hospitality—Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 Lectors—Soliman Villapando - 661 262-6090 Sacristan—Janet Donoho -661 724-2067 MISSION BELL PRESCHOOL One of my parts of our day is the time that is set aside for Center Choice Time. This is a non-structured explorative opportunity that each class offers. During this time of day we see lots of the skills listed below: Cooperative play---Independent play Problem solving skills---Critical thinking skills Sharing---Taking turns Patience--Manners How to give a message---How to listen to a message How to ask for forgiveness---How to give forgiveness...whether Preschool or Pre-K, all MBPS angels will be well equipped for what’s expected in the elementary arena having experienced and, at some point, mastering these skills. We hope to see you! -Wednesday, November 18, 2015 5-8pm Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in Palmdale (No flyer necessary for this one) Just bring your appetite and make sure to tell them you’re supporting the MBPS fundraiser! A gigantanourmously really big thank you to all of you for your support during our Trike-a-Thon last week! We continue to take steps in realizing our goal! Blessings! Miss Cheryl ATTENTION CATHOLIC SCOUTS! Are you a Boy Scout between the ages of 13 and16? Are you interested in diving deeper into your faith, and learning more about the sacraments? If so, the Ad Altare Dei Religious Emblem program may be for you! Scouts interested in earning this Religious Emblem, pick up the book at the Scout Shop and come to the first meeting on Saturday, Nov. 14th from 1-3 p.m. in Classroom 1. A parent is asked to stay, just for this first meeting, so that they can get all of the information, along with their Scout. For Bulletin requests, please email [email protected]. For Calendar requests, Please email [email protected] The Office of Faith Formation NEW Faith Formation Website! We now have ONE website to rule them all! Information about Religious Education (grades pre-K through 8), Confirmation and Youth Ministry is now all in one place: The phone remains 943-5912. Cathy ext. 110; Cassandra ext. 101. Religious Education: Religious Education- This week is Family Faith Sharing Week! The theme will be "Give Thanks" A time to give thanks and prepare for Advent together. As a family let's all get together and bring something to our table! All families A-L bring a main dish and families M-Z bring a dessert. Please avoid bringing any food with peanuts. We have a NO PEANUT POLICY due to allergies. If you have any questions about family night please contact Cassandra at the office of religious education. Confirmation News: REMINDER! Large group gathering is this weekend, Sunday, November 8 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the hall, with Mass following for candidates and families at 3:30 in the church. Also please note – Confirmation 2016 will be April 2 at 10:30 a.m. with Bishop Brennan. Year 2 candidates and parents, be sure to mark your calendars and notify your sponsors! Youth Ministry: Life Teen (grades 9-12) – 11/8/15 This Sunday’s Life Night – Movie Night! Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story” – Dorothy Day lives hard, makes mistakes, and endures the consequences. But the unquenchable fire burning within her cannot be contained, and during the Depression, she vows to house the homeless, feed the hungry, and tend the sick – despite only having 97 cents. Yet Dorothy persists, walking on frequently stormy waters of faith. Because the movie run time is 112 minutes, this Life Night will be from 6:00-7:50 p.m. Edge (grades 6-8) – Our next Edge night is Wednesday, November 18 – “Count Your Blessings!” It’s almost Thanksgiving Day! Time for turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie! We have so many blessings in our lives, and as Catholics we also have the Eucharist, the greatest prayer of thanksgiving we could ever participate in! Edge Night is from 6-7:30 in the parish hall. Parents please note: This Edge Night satisfies the Archdiocese’s requirements for Safeguarding the Children. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next WWME weekend Nov 14-15 at St. Jude In Westlake Village or Nov 20-22 at the Best Western Canoga Park. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at We help make good marriages better. God has good plans for all of us! Prayerfully ask every day for the grace of knowing your vocation. Reflect on what makes you most alive and how you can use that for the good of the Church and of society. MASSES SATURDAY, 7 November—BVM on Saturday 7:00 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM † Deceased Family of Christina Bonoma † Helena & † Edward Chabrowski 8 November—32d Sunday Ordinary Time † Maria Teresa Evangelista Imelda Trinidad Katie Bailey For the People of the Parish SEM 2:00 PM SP MONDAY, 7:00 AM 7:30 PM TUESDAY, 7:00 AM 10:00 AM MFG WEDNESDAY, 7:00 AM THURSDAY, 7:00 AM FRIDAY, 7:00 AM 7:30 PM SATURDAY, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM SEM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM SP Noel & Alexandro Lopez 9 November —Dedication of Lateran Basilica † Mary Padilla † Agnes Valdez 10 November-St. Leo the Great † Kent Bowen Ed & Judy Lederhos 11 November– St. Martin of Tours † Agnes Valdez Deceased of CSJ 12 November—St. Josaphat Deloris King New Vocations to CSJ 13 November-St Frances Xavier Cabrini In Thanksgiving to the Infant Jesus Claro & Josefina Carbonell 14 November-BVM on Saturday † Fr. Giuseppe Contro, CSJ † Deceased Grandparents of Janeth Sicam 15 November—33d Sunday Ordinary Time † Luciano & Concetta DeLorenzo Joseph & Nanette Bruck Jean-Luke Lave † Dolores Radarte For the People of the Parish PRIESTLY ORDINATION Joshio Lizárraga Díaz, CSJ, who was here in 2008-2009, will be ordained a priest, Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 5:00 PM at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in his hometown of Hermosillo, Mexico. Father Joshio will celebrate his First Mass on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 7:00 PM also at St. Elizabeth. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 8 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Wis 2:23 — 3:9; Ps 34:2-3, 16-19; Lk 17:7-10 Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4, 6-7; Lk 17:11-19 Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175; Lk 17:20-25 Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5ab; Lk 17:26-37 Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3, 3637, 42-43; Lk 18:1-8 Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8-11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 Pray for our ill parishioners... Mike Aranda, Charles Aubrie, Emmanuel Audencial, Warde Bajakjian, Maria Barber, Peter Barraza, Paul Bozigian, Nannette Bruck, Paul Burkman, Wayne Burton, Olivia Carchi, David Carrillo, Tito Collantes, Dr. Edwin Corpuz, Curtis Crawford, Tony Dechant, Greg Dechant, Pat Defusco, Jean DeLaVara, Isidro DeLeon, Marie Fernando, Alma Fujiwara, Mario Galvan, Mary L. Glover, Gary Glover, Claudio Gormaz, Mercy Gonzales, Patrick Guzman, Bob Henderson, Lily Honeycutt, Dan Hodgens, Emily Jarquin, Sonny Huerta, Alicia Kessler, Hala Kessler, Betty Knolls, Hope Lariosa, Manual Lopez, Manuela Lopez, Susanne Lydon, William Mahady, Liz Marcinko, Eugene McGuire, Herb & Jo Meister, Agustina Mendoza, Michelle Moklebust, Betty Nolls, Ryan Noonan, Colton Oschmann, Samantha Orozco, Christina Padilla, Josephine Padilla, Jeannie Poole, Carleen Pixley, Anita Ramirez, Allen Ralph, Wilfredo Repuyan, Rosa Elida Castillo-Rodriquez, Sara Ruiz, Syndi Sabo, Kristian Salazar, Jennifer Schlientz, Roberto Sosa, Franco Stanco, Mary M. Tapia, Juan Ubillus, Jay Valerio, Chris Vernor, Grace Watson, Mary Crow, David Wilson, Josephine Wilson. DID YOU KNOW? LA Archdiocese offers programs to empower children Abuse prevention includes empowering children by teaching them body safety rules and steps they can take to ensure their own safety. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles currently offers age-appropriate prevention programs for children by VIRTUS®. All of the programs encourage parent involvement in reinforcing what their children learn by providing parent information and materials so that parents may fulfill their role as the “primary educators” of their children. For information visit: safeguard/Pages/education.aspx . QUILTING MINISTRY The Quilting Ministry will not meet until January 2016 KNIGHTLY NEWS Events and happenings sponsored and or supported by the Knights of Columbus, St. Leonard Murialdo Council 10667. We will be selling the new 2015 Edition “Keep Christ in Christmas” magnets after all Masses on November 28 and 29 for $5.00. Light up for Christ – Parish Christmas Tree Lighting December 1. The annual Parish Christmas Tree Lighting will be on December 1 at 7:45 PM in the Hall. We will sing a few Christmas carols, light the tree, and have seasonal refreshments. The Knights of Columbus invite all parish families to “Light up for Christ” this Christmas Season. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD DRIVE Today the trucks are outside the church to pick up your donations for our holiday food drive. Please come over Sunday to 45058 Trevor Ave. and help sort the food starting at 8:00 a.m. through 2 p.m. This is a big job and we need lots of help! *** ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER*** AT SAINT ELIZABETH MISSION TODAY, November 8th, from 1pm-6pm. Get there early! Tickets are: Adults $10; Seniors $7; Children $5. Tickets available at the door. There will be a raffle, too! Address: 13845 Johnson Road, Lake Hughes/Elizabeth Lake. MAGNIFICAT INTERNATIONAL FOOD TASTING EVENT International Food Tasting– November 14th. Sign Up sheets are available at the Church Lobby and at the Office. Tickets are available after most Masses and at the Parish Office. Seating limited to 250. Contact Jeannie Fisher 661 943-8326 or Patty Scarpine 661-718-1969 for more information. Thank you! Welcome Class of 2020! Paraclete High School, the only Catholic High School in the AV, is hosting its annual Open House on Saturday, November 14th at 1:00pm! You can register online for the Open House at Come discover the Spirit of Paraclete! CHRISTMAS CHILDREN’S CHOIR Christmas is coming sooner than you think and we would like to invite all children in grades three through eight to participate in our Christmas Children’s Choir. This Children’s Choir will provide music at the 6 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass on 12/24. We will practice in the choir room from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. on Sundays between the 9:30 and noon Masses. Beginning on 11/15. We will be learning to sing two-part harmony and playing the hand-chimes. Come and join us! If you have any questions, please come talk to Nancy at the piano after the English Masses. Thank you, Nancy Schwerdt Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, will host its quarterly Prayer Breakfast. November 21, 2015 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Hellenic Center 43404 30th Street, West, Lancaster. Our speaker Fr. Gerald Osuagwu, will share his spiritual journey from Nigeria, Africa to Lancaster, CA. Your check for $26.00, payable to Antelope Valley Magnificat will confirm your reservation. Mail checks to Anne Trabold, 1767 W Avenue H-5, Lancaster, CA 93535 postmarked by Nov. 13th. For flyers call Rita 943-6402. GOT LIFE QUESTIONS? RCIA might just be for you! Are you someone, or do you know someone who: Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Was never baptized? Was baptized in another Christian denomination? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. We welcome you to participate in the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of adults). We meet every Tuesday at 7:30-9:00 pm in the HALL. Priestly Ordination The Josephites of Murialdo USA-Mexico announce with joy the priestly ordination of: Joshio Lopez Diaz, CSJ. Tuesday November 17, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish— P. Joshio celebrates his first Mass on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, at 7:00 pm Ordenación Sacerdotal Los Josefinos de Murialdo EE.UU.-México anuncian con alegría la ordenación sacerdotal de: Joshio López Díaz, CSJ. Martes 17 de noviembre, 2015 5:00 pm en la Parroquia de Santa Isabel de Hungría—P. Joshio celebra su primera misa el Miércoles, 18 de noviembre 2015, a las 7:00 pm Desde marzo de 2010, Joy Densford ha sido nuestra Directora de Administración de Ɵempo completo aquí en la parroquia. Ella ha sido una trabajadora y colaborador mia cuya formación jurídica y capacidad de organización a la parroquia mucho han ayudado. En mayo de 2011, después de cuatro años de tratar de converƟrse en padres, Joy y su esposo Ronnie fueron bendecidos con WyaƩ. Comenzó pre-kinder este otoño. Joy fue operado en sepƟembre y tomó seis semanas de licencia médica. A su regreso la semana pasada, Joy me informó que ella prefiere no trabajar a Ɵempo completo con el fin de estar más involucrados con WyaƩ como él está creciendo tan rápido. A parƟr de la semana que viene, va a trabajar a Ɵempo muy parcial (10 a 15 horas a la semana) y sobre todo de casa. Ella trabajará en las comunicaciones y proyectos especiales. Mary Centeno que ha estado trabajando aquí a Ɵempo completo en los úlƟmos años en materia de contabilidad se converƟrá en la Administradora de Negocio. Para ayudarla con créditos, pago de facturas, compras y la nómina He contratado Dawna (pronunciado Da wanna) Ward. Dawna hizo este Ɵpo de trabajo financiero durante 34 años en el Bank of America. Ella va a trabajar en el lugar alrededor de 10 a 12 horas a la semana. El trabajo de Dawna ayudará a Mary poder dedicar más Ɵempo a la parte gerente de la oficina de su trabajo. Esto me libera para ser más involucrado con el trabajo pastoral que con cuesƟones de personal. Joy seguirá administrando el calendario parroquial. Una cuenta de correo electrónico especial ha sido creado para el calendario: [email protected]. Los mensajes telefónicos con respecto a calendarios serán transcritos y enviados por correo electrónico a la Joy. Con mucho gusto haré sencillo calendario cada vez de eventos sola una vez durante la semana son bastante rápido y fácil. El proceso se complica cuando hay eventos en curso en el mismo día que compiten por espacio de habitación. Estas solicitudes se entregarán a ella. La composición boleơn dominical se dará ahora Joy. Otra vez un correo electrónico por separado se ha creado en nuestro Gmail: bulleƟ[email protected]. Los avisos enviados a mí o dejados en la recepción se enviarán sin demora a Alegria. La semana pasada recibí un correo electrónico del VaƟcano. Yo había hecho la solicitud en línea para servir como misionero de la Misericordia con una carta de aprobación de mi Superior Provincial pero pensé nada podría resultar de eso. Permítanme comparƟr un poco de la carta del arzobispo Fisichella con ustedes: "Tengo el gran placer de informarle que el Consejo PonƟficio para la Promoción de la Nueva Evangelización con gusto agradece su colaboración y servicio como misionero de la Misericordia ... La primera reunión con Francisco tendrá lugar el martes, 09 de febrero 2016 ... al día siguiente, 10 de febrero, Miércoles de Ceniza, ... el Santo Padre conferirá el mandato de los misioneros. "No estoy seguro exactamente cuál será mi papel, pero yo pido sus oraciones para que yo pueda ser un buen instrumento de la misericordia durante este Año Santo extraordinario y más allá. La próxima semana el boletín contendrá el informe financiero anual de la parroquia. Oficina de Formación en la Fe SJSP Faith Educación Religiosa- Esta semana es la semana de Compartir de la Fe en Familia! El tema será "Dar Gracias" Un tiempo para dar gracias y prepararnos para Adviento juntos. Como familia vamos todos a juntarnos y traer algo a nuestra mesa! Todas las familias con el apellido de A-L traen un plato principal y familias cone el apellido de M-Z traen un postre. Por favor, eviten traer de cualquier alimento con cacahuates. Tenemos una política de NO CACAHUETES debido a las alergias. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre la noche de la familia por favor póngase en contacto con Cassandra Ortiz en la oficina de la educación religiosa. Noticias de Confirmación - La próxima reunión de grupo grande será Domingo, 08 de noviembre de 1:30-3: 30 pm en el salon, con la misa siguiente para los candidatos y las familias a las 3:30 en la iglesia. También tenga en cuenta - Confirmación 2016 será el 2 de abril a las 10:30 am con el Obispo Brennan. Candidatos de año 2 y los padres, asegúrese de marcar sus calendarios y notificar a sus padrinos! Life Teen (gr ados 9-12) - 11/8/15 Life Night de este Domingo - Noche de película! La fuerza de un ángel "- Dorothy Day vive duro, comete errores, y soporta las consecuencias. Pero el fuego inextinguible que arde dentro de ella no puede ser contenido, y durante la Depresión, ella se compromete a albergar a los desamparados, alimentar a los hambrientos, y atender a los enfermos - a pesar de tener sólo 97 centavos. Sin embargo, Dorothy persiste, caminando sobre las aguas tormentosas frecuencia de la fe. Debido a que el tiempo de ejecución de la película es de 112 minutos, esta Life Night será de 6:00-7:50 pm. Edge (gr ados 6-8) - Nuestra próxima noche Edge es Miércoles, 18 de noviembre - "Count Your Blessings" Es casi el Día de Acción de Gracias! Tiempo para el pavo, relleno, pastel de calabaza! Tenemos tantas bendiciones en nuestras vidas, y como católicos tenemos también la Eucaristía, la oración más grande de acción de gracias que podríamos participar en! Noche Edge es de 6-7:30 en el salón parroquial. Padres, por favor, tenga en cuenta: Esta Noche Edge satisface los requisitos de la Arquidiócesis de Protección de los Niños. ¿SABIA USTED? La Arquidiócesis ofrece programas para dar poder a los niños Para prevenir el abuso sexual de menores, es necesario que los niños aprendan algunas reglas para la protección de su cuerpo así como otras medidas para protegerse a sí mismos. La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles ofrece a los niños programas de prevención, apropiados según su edad por VIRTUS®. Los programas alientan la participación de los padres de familia para reforzar lo que sus hijos aprenden, dándoles información y materiales para que así puedan llevar a cabo su misión de ser los principales educadores de sus hijos. Para más información llame al (213) 637-7460 o org/protecting/safeguard/Pages/education.aspx
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