ST. JOSEPH CHURCH 115 EAST FORT LEE ROAD, BOGOTA NJ 07603 THE SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 19TH, 2017 Rev. Timothy G. Graff, Pastor Rev. Fernando Diaz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Kevin Regan The Eucharist Saturday Eve: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 1:30 Spanish Misa en español todos los domingos a las 1:30 pm Weekdays: 8am Civic Holidays: 9am only Adoration Chapel: Monday 9:00am-7:00pm Consult bulletin for special Mass times for Holy Days of Obligation Sacrament information on page two—Información de Sacramento en la página dos Rectory Office 201-342-6300 Fax: 201-883-9392 [email protected] St. Joseph Academy 201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405 [email protected] Faith Formation/REC 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 [email protected] Parish website: Page 2 ____________________ February 19, 2017 Saint Joseph Church Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de la Iglesia de San José We have been called together as disciples of the Lord as St. Joseph Parish. We are united with brothers and sisters far and near in the message and mission of Jesus Christ. Hemos sido llamados juntos como discípulos del Señor como Parroquia de San José. Estamos unidos con hermanos y hermanas muy cercanos en el mensaje y la misión de Jesucristo. As a parish family we will witness to God’s love and presence through our celebration of the sacraments, the proclamation of God’s Word , the formation of all into discipleship and our service to others. Como familia parroquial, somos testigos del amor y la presencia de Dios a través de nuestra celebración de los sacramentos, la proclamación de la Palabra de Dios, la formación de todos en el discipulado y nuestro servicio a los demás. We are a people who are deeply Eucharistic which strengthens us for the mission that has been entrusted to us. We will us all of the God-given gifts to show that we are eager to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and comfort the bereaved. Somos un pueblo profundamente Eucarístico que nos fortalece para la misión que nos ha sido encomendada. Todos unidos daremos los dones dados por Dios para demostrar que estamos ansiosos de dar la bienvenida al extraño, alimentar a los hambrientos, refugiar a los desamparados y consolar a los que sufren. New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses: Welcome to our Parish Community! Please register at the Rectory and feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the Parish and its activities. Bienvenido a nuestra comunidad parroquial! Favor de registrarse en la Rectoría y no dude en ponerse en contacto con cualquier persona en nuestro personal con respecto a la parroquia y las actividades CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor Rev. Timothy G. Graff……...…[email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Fernando Diaz……....……[email protected] Deacon Kevin Regan Principal, Saint Joseph Academy Ms. Stella Scarano…...….…[email protected] Administrative Assistant, School Mrs. Sandra Angeli……..…[email protected] Pastoral Director, Faith Formation Mrs. Patricia Rodriguez…[email protected] Program Coordinator, Faith Formation Ms. Chi Nguyen……………[email protected] Protecting God’s Children Mrs. Diane Maglione………[email protected] Director of Music Mr. Michael Chladil……[email protected] Business Manager Mrs. Nancy Conforti……[email protected] Administrative Assistants, [email protected] Ms. Laura Croce………………[email protected] Sr. Elaine Sullivan, FSP………[email protected] Rectory Office Hours: Mon-Thurs…..9:00am-7:30pm Friday……….9:00am-7:00pm Saturday…….9:00am-4:00pm Closed Sundays Sacrament of Reconciliation El Sacramento de la Reconciliación Every Saturday evening, from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Sacrament of Baptism El Sacramento de Bautismo Please call the Rectory Office to make arrangements at least one month prior for Baptisms the 2nd & 4th weekends of the month during mass. Segundo domingo de cada mes durante la Misa de las 1:30 de la tarde. Por favor, llame a Rosa Sánchez (201-836-0861) para hacer los preparativos. Sacrament of Matrimony El Sacramento de Matrimonio Arrangements should be made with a member of the clergy at least 12 months in advance. Llama al Padre Timoteo para hacer los preparativos. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Uncion de los Enfermos If you or a family member is in the hospital and wish to be visited by a priest, please call the parish office . If you call after hours, please leave a message for Father Tim (x212) or Father Fernando (x224) and they will get back to you as soon as possible. Por favor, llame a la rectoría para solicitar la visita del sacerdote. Si se llama en la noche, deje un mensaje para el padre Tim (x212) o padre Fernando (x224) Like us on Facebook for up to date parish information, straight to your news feed!!! February 19, 2017 __ Page 3 10:00am MASSES FOR THE WEEK February 11 Francisca Balatbat Req Tumang Family February 19 Patrick Kearney Req Pauline & Michael Palovich Deacon Michael Fitzgerald Req Family 12:00pm Antonietta Bruno PARISH CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Sunday Monday 8:00 am CafKit: Equal Exchange Coffee 10:00 am CH: Baptism at this Mass 10:00 am Ch: RCIA Dismissal 12:00 pm Ch: Rite of Welcome RCIA 1:00 pmDT mtg - Retreat Planning 2:15 pmGym: BB game 5:00 pmGym: Boys BB Practice 7/8 Sepp Presidents' Day Rectory Closed SJA Winter Recess 6:30 pmGym: Boys BB 5/6th Rich Martinez Tuesday Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am 1:30pm SP Monday February 9:00am John Patrick Carroll 3:00 pmGym: Play Practice Tuesday 8:00am 3:00 pmGym: SJA Golf/Tennis 3:00 pmCaf: GS Cadette Troop Gr 7 5:00 pmGym: Girls BB 3/4th Kelly Sepp 6:30 pmGym: Girls BB 5/6th Kaitlin Maglione 7:00 pmCH:Choir Rehearsal 8:00 pmGym: Boys BB 5/6th Rich Martinez Wednesday 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Wednesday Thursday 3:00 pmGymHall:GS 3rd Grade(Blackwell) 3:00 pmGym: Play Practice 5:00 pmGym: Girls BB 3/4th Kelly Sepp 5:45 pmGym: BB games 5:45pm-9:30pm 6:30 pmGym: Boys BB 7/8th Jim Sepp 8:00 pmGym: Girls BB 7/8th Dennis Spano Friday 5:00 pmGym: Boys BB 3/4 Dennis Vera 6:30 pmGym: Girls BB 5/6 Kaitlin Maglione 7:00 pmGYM: School Dance 8:00 pmGym: Boys BB 7/8 Jim Sepp Saturday 4:00 pmCh: Reconciliation 4:00 pmGYM: Soccer 5:30 pm"Lourdes pilgrimage" announcement (@Masses) Sunday "Lourdes Pilgrimage" announcement (@Masses) 9:00 am CH: Children's Choir Rehearsal 10:00 am Ch: RCIA Dismissal and Rite of Sending for all Candidates with their Sponsors 10:00 am Gym: BB game 12:00 pm Lourdes Pilgrim Blessing @Noon Mass 3:00 pmDT Mtg. 5:00 pmCH: Conf.Mass Prep 5:00 pmGYM: Confirmation Session w/setup& cleanup 6:00 pmCH: Confirmation Session Mass 7:00 pmCaf: High School Conf Year 1 Req The Gallagher Family Friday 8:00am Saturday 8:00am 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 20 Req Carrol & Dicken Family February 21 William Kutsch Req Anna Marie Padula & Family February 22 Leon & Eva Anisowicz Req John Anisowicz February 23 William Kutsch Req Joseph Padula & Family February 24 Kenneth Simek Req Simek Family February 25 Robert Piterski, Sr Req Pat & Art Overbey Steven Montalbano Req Montalbano Family February 26 Patrick Kearney Req Tracey & Michael Peduto All Deceased Parishoners Req Sr. Regina Miriam Molly Kegan Req Thomas & Mary Kearney 1:30pm SP Offerings for February 12, 2017...$ 5,220.50 Food—$ 300.00 St. Vincent—$ 5.00 Maintenance—$ 3,458.00 As always, we are most grateful for all of your help. We can give generously to those in need because you give to us. God Bless You! MASS CARDS & MONTHLY MEMORIALS If you are interested in honoring a family member or friend, in their memory or in thanksgiving, there are several options available. Unannounced Mass: $5, Announced Mass: $10, Monthly Memorial of Altar Bread, Altar Wine, Sanctuary Lamp, or Missalette: $50 for a full month, $25 for half month. Please visit the rectory M-F, 9-7 or Saturday 9-4. Monday, February 20th, 2017 President's Day 9:00am Mass, Only Rectory Office Closed SJA Closed, Winter Break ADORATION CHAPEL CLOSED Page 4 February 19, 2017 From the Office of Faith Formation (FF) 201-343-4316 [email protected] Faith Formation Calendar Tuesday, Feb. 21 NO CLASSES Sunday, Feb. 26 Confirmation Session & High School Yr. 1 Class Parents come to Mass at 6pm in Church Students stay for session after Mass Dismissal for students at 8:30pm in parking lot 6pm - 8:30pm Tuesday, Feb. 28 Tuesday Weekly Sessions Gr. K - 5 Gr. 6 -8 Mar. 4 - 5 Confirmation Overnight Retreat Sat. 9am - Sun. 3pm Sunday, Mar. 5 First Communion Session Gr. 4-7 8:15 - 9:45am Tuesday, Mar. 7 Tuesday Weekly Sessions Gr. K - 5 Gr. 6 -8 Saturday, Mar. 11 Confirmation Day Retreat 10:30am-9:30pm Sunday, Mar. 12 Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10 - 11am (SJA cafeteria) Tuesday, Mar. 14 Tuesday Weekly Session Gr. K - 5 3:50 - 5:15pm 7 - 9pm 3:50 - 5:15pm 7 - 9pm 3:50 - 5:15pm Lent begins next week! Activities for Catholic Families Attend Mass on Ash Wednesday Wear your ashes out into the world as a witness of our Faith Have a Pancake Dinner the night before Ash Wednesday This day is known as Mardi Gras as well as Shrove Tuesday. Pancakes were a traditional dish for this day to use up things that weren’t allowed during Lent. Recipes for a King cake can be found online. Choose a Lenten Sacrifice to Do As a Family Is there something your family can sacrifice that might help another family in need? Consider donating what you might spend on a meal out to a food pantry instead. Commit to reading the Bible regularly Daily readings can be found at On Holy Thursday, Do a Foot Washing With your Family Members Attend Stations of the Cross Discipleship Team will lead stations on Mar. 31 & Faith Formation will lead stations on Apr. 7 Make at least one of your meatless Friday meals together as a family This can be a great testimonial for younger children as you remember, together, one of the unique features of our Faith February 19, 2017 From Saint Joseph Academy Page 5 201-487-8641 SAINT JOE’S GRADUATES EARN HONORS!!! Mary Help of Christians Academy Skylar Fusco, Second Honors Immaculate Heart Academy Stephanie Doyle, Honors Isabella Osorio, Honors Saint Joseph Regional High School Jack Finucane, Honors Academy of Holy Angels Kaitlin Genovese, Honor Roll Zulay Figueroa, Honor Roll Christina McCarthy, Honor Roll Olivia Toutounjian, Principal’s List [email protected] Class Spotlight Second Grade Margie O’Hagan Second graders are very excited to begin their second readers in the SuperKids series. They eagerly anticipate more fun antics from their SuperKids friends. They enjoy the readers because the SuperKids are in second grade and learning many of the same things as them. They have entered the Hundreds Kingdom in math and are learning how to double regroup and borrow. They look forward to counting money and telling time. Their science projects for the March science fair will focus on recycling. They will create animals from recycled materials. They will teach animal facts to each other, such as habitats, eating habits, and life span. Most importantly, they are preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist. They cannot wait to take part in Holy Communion with their classmates. Thank you for your continued support of our class and school. SJA Tricky Tray The Home and School Association of St. Joseph Academy is actively seeking donations for our Annual Tricky Tray fundraiser on June 2, 2017. The event begins at 5:45pm and hosts approximately 250 guests. This is our largest fundraiser, and proceeds aid in our ability to deliver high quality educational opportunities to students in our Pre-K – 8th grade classes. Saint Joseph’s is a registered 501(C)(3) non-profit charitable organization. We are a vibrant community of over 285 students. Our educators, administrators, advisory councils, volunteers, and coaches, strive daily to encourage student initiative, entrepreneurship, curiosity and community service. Saint Joseph Academy is committed to the development of the whole child, and we welcome your partnership in this regard. If you would be interested in donating and helping our organization further its mission, tax deductible contributions can be mailed to our Gift Committee member, Melissa Schnipp at the following address...Melissa Schnipp c/o St. Joseph Academy Gift Committee 131 East Fort Lee Road Bogota, N.J. 07603 Should you have any questions, please contact Melissa at 201-739-6718 or [email protected] Anyone interested in making a donation to the school can do so by accessing the above website. All donations are used for the Saint Joseph Academy Development Fund and Tuition Angel. Page 6 February 19, 2017 DIVINE WISDOM The Lord’s message, through Moses, was to “take no revenge and cherish no grudge . . . love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). We might think, “Great in theory, but not always realistic!” Then Jesus in today’s Gospel goes even further. Take a slap in the face and then turn the other cheek? Treat enemies the same as friends? Again, we’re tempted to think that those are nice ideals, but not very practical in the “real world.” Paul echoes Jesus when he tells the Corinthians that what passes for human wisdom is absurdity to God. Divine wisdom casts sunshine on the good and the bad, showers rain on the honest and the dishonest—without distinction. We must examine our wisdom and common sense to see how they compare to the wisdom of God, and make adjustments accordingly. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Take no revenge and cherish no grudge; love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18). Psalm — The Lord is kind and merciful (Psalm 103). Second Reading — You are the temple of God, and holy (1 Corinthians 3:16-23). Gospel — Offer no resistance; love your enemies (Matthew 5:38-48). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mk 9:14-29 Sir 2:1-11; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Thursday: Sir 5:1-8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Sir 6:5-17; Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34, 35; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Sir 17:1-15; Ps 103:13-18; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Is 49:14-15; Ps 62:2-3, 6-9; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 Monday: Tuesday: SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Presidents’ Day Tuesday: St. Peter Damian Wednesday: The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle; Washington’s Birthday Thursday: St. Polycarp Altar Bread for the month of February is in Memory of EDWARD A. FUCHS Requested by The Fuchs Family SABIDURÍA DIVINA El mensaje del Señor, por medio de Moisés, fue “no te vengarás ni guardaras rencor . . . , ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo” (Levítico 19:18). Podríamos pensar, “Excelente enseñanza pero no es muy realista”. Y en el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús se adelanta. ¿Si te golpean, pon la otra mejilla? ¿Tratar a los enemigos como si fueran amigos? Y así otra vez, estamos tentados a pensar que son bonitos ideales, perno no muy prácticos en el “mundo real”. Pablo hace eco a las palabras de Jesús cuando les dice a los corintios que lo que parece ser sabiduría de los hombres es absurdo para Dios. La sabiduría divina brilla sobre los buenos y los malos, llueve sobre los honestos y deshonestos, sin distinción. Debemos examinar nuestra sabiduría y sentido común para ver cómo estos se comparan con la sabiduría de Dios, y hacer los ajustes correspondientes. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — No te vengues ni guardes rencor, ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo (Levítico 19:1-2, 17-18). Salmo — El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso (Salmo 103 [102]). Segunda lectura — Tú eres templo de Dios y eres santo (1 Corintios 3:16-23). Evangelio — No ofrezcas resistencia; ama a tus enemigos (Mateo 5:38-48). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Sir 1:1-10; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Mc 9:14-29 Sir 2:1-11; Sal 37 (36):3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mc 9:30-37 Miércoles: 1 Pe 5:1-4; Sal 23 (22):1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Jueves: Sir 5:1-8; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mc 9:41-50 Viernes: Sir 6:5-17; Sal 119 (118):12, 16, 18, 27, 34, 35; Mc 10:1-12 Sábado: Sir 17:1-15; Sal 103 (102):13-18; Mc 10:13-16 Domingo: Is 49:14-15; Sal 62 (61):2-3, 6-9; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 Lunes: Martes: LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Día de los Presidentes Martes: San Pedro Damián Miércoles: La Cátedra de San Pedro; Nacimiento de Washington Jueves: San Policarpo Altar Wine for the month of February is in Memory of DEACON MICHAEL FITZGERALD requested by The Family February 19, 2017 Page 7 2017 Annual Archdiocesan Men’s and Women’s Events All are welcome! Bring a friend! Revive your spirits and build your faith! Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, March 4, 2017, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Cost: $25, Seton Hall University. This year’s theme is “Be Not Afraid: Becoming Missionary Disciples!” Speakers for the English track will be Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, and Joe Lombardi, Jr., quarterback coach for the New Orleans Saints. Spanish track speakers will be Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, Pepe Alonso from EWTN, and Mario J. Paredes. His Eminence Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin will be celebrating the Mass! Register at Come for a day of Faith, Fellowship and Prayer! Women’s Commission Day of Reflection Saturday, March 11, 2017, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm, Cost: $25, Seton Hall University. This year’s theme is“Alive in Christ as Missionary Disciples.” Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart, founder and mother servant of the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth, Archdiocese of Boston, and Lisa Hendey, founder and editor of, are the keynote speakers for the English track. The Spanish track will feature Kathia Arango, director of the Office for Hispanic Catholics in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, joined by the musical talents of Freddy Flores and Shaddai. Register at womenscommission Registration for both events is $25. Priests & religious are free. Both events include continental breakfast and lunch. For registration and more information, visit: womenscommission and Look for flyers at church entrances. La Conferencia de Hombres Católicos será el sábado, 4 de marzo del 2017, en la universidad de Seton Hall en South Orange, NJ. El tema de este año será “No Temas: Llamados a ser discípulos misioneros ”. La parte en inglés tendrá como oradores invitados a Cardenal Sean Patrick O’Malley, Arzobispo de Boston, and Joe Lombardi, Jr., eentrenador de mariscal de campo, para los Santod de Nueva Orleans. La parte en español tendrá como oradores invitados Cardenal Sean Patrick O’Malley, Pepe Alonso de EWTN, and Mario J. Paredes. El día comienza a las 8:00 AM con la registración y termina a las at 4:30 PM con la Santa Misa. El celbrante principal será Joseph W. Cardenal Tobin, Arzobispo de Newark. Día de Reflexión de Mujeres será el sábado, 11 de marzo del 2017, se llevará a cabo en la universidad de Seton Hall en South Orange, NJ. El tema de este año será “Vivas en Cristo: Llamadas a Evangelizar”. La parte en inglés tendrá como oradoras a Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart, fundadora y madre servidora de las Hijas de María de Nazaret en la Arquidiócesis de Boston y Lisa Hendey fundadora y editora de La parte en español tendrá como oradora principal a Kathia Arango, directora de la Oficina para Católicos Hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia. Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Nacional Católica de Directores Diocesanos de Ministerio Hispano (NCADDHM) y del Comité Nacional de Servicio Hispano de la Renovación Carismática Católica en los Estados Unidos y Canadá junto a ella estará con nosotros deleitándonos con la música Freddy Flores y Shaddai. Será un día lleno de oración, charlas, cantos que cambiarán tu vida. ¡No te lo pierdas! El día comienza a las 8:00 AM con la registración y termina a las 3:30 PM con la Santa Misa. Registración para ambos eventos es de $25.00. Todos los religiosos/as y sacerdotes entran gratis. Incluye desayuno continental y almuerzo. Para registraciones visite nuestra página de internet (MUJERES) (HOMBRES) o contacte su Líder de Parroquia o Párroco. Missalettes for the 2nd 1/2 of February are in Memory of JOHN SNIFFEN requested by The Sniffen Family Sanctuary Lamp for the 1st 1/2 of February in Memory of WILLIAM YOUNG requested by George Young Sanctuary Lamp for the 2nd 1/2 of February in Memory of CHARLES BULTMAN requested by Barbara Bultman Page 8 February 19, In memoriam of our beloved brothers and sisters whose funerals took place here at Saint Joseph Church, we remember and honor them and their families on the anniversary of their passing. Florence Doyle Katherine Cursinella Robert Thomas Lannon Eileen Nora Rendine Salvatore Mussomeli Robert E. Johnston Clara DeMartino Eugene A. DiStasi Joan R. McDonnell Charles T. Bultman Antonio Gallo George W. Ripple David Cavalier Annette Giroux Lucy A. Kirby Edward J. Cassidy Noreen Larsen Shapiro Joan M. Tornetta L. Bonnie Redmond Mary Urban Anne C. Grece Grace M. Kelly Irene Elizabeth Deblon Patrick Kelly William Fekete Mary Ann Hickey Gregario Maldonado Dennis N. Kleinknecht Nancy J. Fastuca Patricia Farley Marie Fusco Edward A. Fuchs En memoria de nuestros hermanos y hermanas cuyos funerales fueron en Saint Joseph Church, recordamos y honramos a ellos y su familia en el aniversario de su muerte. February 22, 1996 February 24, 1996 February 24, 1996 February 18, 1997 February 20, 1997 February 18, 1999 February 18, 1999 February 20, 1999 February 18, 2000 February 18, 2000 February 20, 2000 February 22, 2000 February 24, 2000 February 18, 2001 February 24, 2001 February 21, 2001 February 18, 2002 February 24, 2002 February 24, 2002 February 22, 2003 February 24, 2003 February 23, 2005 February 18, 2006 February 21, 2006 February 18, 2007 February 21, 2009 February 22, 2009 February 19, 2012 February 24, 2012 February 24, 2012 February 19, 2015 February 18, 2016 May the Risen Savior lead those who have died to the glory of His eternal Kingdom: Michael McGroarty Katherine Stevens Edward Douglas SUPPORT GROUP, FATHERS WHO LOST A CHILD The needs of fathers who have suffered the loss of a son or daughter are unique. The Office of Family Life Ministries invites all bereaved fathers to a morning of prayer and discussion in the hope it will provide place of understanding and healing. The Support Group for Fathers Who Have Lost A Child will meet on Saturday, March 4, 2017 at Notre Dame RC Church (Bennett Room), 359 Central Avenue, North Caldwell between 10am and 12pm. Please call Lauren Egan 973-497-4327 for any questions. In your charity please remember in prayer all our families and friends who are sick or in hospitals or nursing homes, especially for: Marian Arbuckle Lily Beltran Kathleen Bueschen Brett Cullen Mary Early Paul Holmes Andrew Lauto Dorothy Lydecker Janet Montalbano Gene O’Connor Recuerden en sus oraciones a nuestros familiares y amigos que estan enfermos o en hospitals o silos de ancianos, en especial por: Geri Poznanski Leonard Poznanski Brianna Riccio Gianna Riccio Michael Tulipano John. J. Walsh John Paul Zimmerman Joseph Yacomo Please also remember in your prayers, those affected by cancers, as well as the victims of war torn areas and terrorism, of genocide, human trafficking, and of natural disasters. If you, or someone in your family, would benefit from the prayers of the parishioners at Saint Joseph during times of sickness, please call the rectory at 201-342-6300 and speak to a staff member. Names will stay on the announced and / or the printed bulletin list for one month. If you still need prayers, please call the rectory for another month of prayers. Necesitas una oración por su familia o amigos? Visitar la oficina de la rectoría o llame all (En Inglés) 201-342-6300. Los nombres se mantendrán en tanto la anunciada y la lista de anuncios para un (1) mes. Si usted todavía necesita oraciones, por favor llame a la rectoría o dejar una nota en la mesa. Esta es la regla también si usted llama para solicitar la visita de un sacerdote. Pray for the Men and Women in Service to Our Country Please remember all those serving in the armed forces, especially: Chris Allen Margo Allen Joseph Andrade Timothy Brown Edel Castillo Yelson Cortez Rafael Cruz Kevin Cunanan Andrew Gilbert Alan Hale Aimee Kominiak Larry Kominiak Brian Mitchell Edward Quinn J.T. Rinke John Rode Yury Rodriguez Michael Sloginski, Jr Jake Smith Matt Smith Max Smith Reynaldo A. Targuino Jeff Vanak Gavin White ADORATION CHAPEL Adoration Chapel is open with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Mondays, 9am-7 pm. For more info please call Kathy Herron 201 488-2574 Continuing The Journey . . . If you or someone you know has experienced a loss and would like to speak with a bereavement counselor, please leave your name and phone number with the rectory and a counselor will contact you. All calls are kept confidential. February 19, 2017 Page DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Our Lord said to St. Faustina: “ Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death” If you would like to take part in this prayer we meet every Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Adoration Chapel come and join us. If you would like more information please call Kathy Herron201 488-2574 A NOTE FROM THE PARISH OFFICE: If you have moved or changed your phone number since registering with our parish, please let the rectory know so we can keep accurate records and get in touch with you when needed. Also, if you are not receiving envelopes and would like to, please call the rectory. Our number is 201-342-6300. EQUAL EXCHANGE COFFEE THIS WEEKEND, we are selling Equal Exchange coffee and tea in the cafeteria after each Mass. Your purchases help to support small farmers in Central America, Africa, and Asia, who are guaranteed a fair price to help them support their families. Please join Public Discipleship at St. Joseph’s by buying your coffee and tea here. Coffee lovers have affirmed hundreds of times that this is good coffee. And – great chocolate, hot cocoa mix, almonds, and dipping-quality olive oil are also available. St. Peter’s Singles Support Group for Separated, Divorced, Widowed, or Singles —431 Fifth Avenue, River Edge, NJ Did you know that the St. Peter’s support group has been devoted to helping people on a peer to peer basis who are coping with a divorce, the loss of a spouse, or who have never been married? Through its leaders and dedicated volunteers, the group provides support through its weekly meetings that include discussions and sharing which helps individuals take their minds off any current problems and also by the contributions of others who have been through similar situations. First time visitors are offered an orientation and sharing meeting guided by one of the long time group leaders. For more information, check our website at, or call Colleen Haerle (cell 201-3904375) or Camille Rush (cell 201-937-9309, home 201-796-0988) CATHOLIC SINGLE PARENT SUPPORT GROUPS According to US Census data, 30% of children living in New Jersey currently live in a single parent household. Single Parenting is difficult, non-stop and often goes unappreciated. For many single parents, they are a provider, nurturer and disciplinarian. It can be overwhelming trying to carry out each of these roles. The Family Life Office has created and is offering a support group specific to the needs of single parents. Below is a list of parishes in the Archdiocese of Newark who offer this support group for single parents. If interested in attending, please call the phone number listed to register! Notre Dame RC Church—North Caldwell, NJ—973-226-0979 St. Mary of the Assumption (Spanish)- Elizabeth, NJ 908-352-5154 St. John the Baptist—Jersey City, NJ—201-653-8814 St. Matthew—Ridgefield, NJ—201-945-3500 Contact Lauren Egan 973-497-4327 to find out how to add your parish to the list or for more information! Esteban A. Montufar Jr. “Monty” Kurt D. Larsen Manager Director Funebre NJ Lic. No. 4932 NJ Lic. No. 4845 Treating your family ... Like ours Una Alternativa Nueva y Digna para la Comunidad Hispana 789 Teaneck Road • Teaneck, NJ 07666 • 201-836-0202 • SCHIFANO LANDSCAPING (201) 641-3199 State Licensed Free Estimates • Fully Insured W. Fort Lee Rd., Bogota 201-342-2093 Brian or Sally, coordinators Pre-School • After School & Summer Programs 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA NEW HORIZON FINANCIAL CORP. 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