PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: We, the people of St. Vincent de Paul Church, see ourselves as a congregation of believers in whom Jesus is living; and to do what we believe we are called to do, we set ourselves to proclaim our commitment to build, strengthen and enliven our parish community; to strive to educate ourselves to make our witness more constant and more credible by our actions, to devote ourselves to serving one another and all others in our community as did our patron, St. Vincent de Paul. Sunday, February 5, 2017 Pastoral Team Rev. Sergio Nadres Rev. Hermes Diaz Rev. Carl Arico Rev. David Buckles Michael P. Missaggia Thomas Norton Maryann Angrosina Elaine Conway, John Hughes Jaime de Leon Thomas D’Alessio Christine Smith Food Pantry Pastor Parochial Vicar In Residence In Residence Deacon Director of Music Office Manager Trustees Pastoral Council President Finance Council President Parish Catechetical Leader Mass Schedule Saturday Evening 5pm & 6.30pm (Spanish Mass) Sunday Morning 8am, 10am & Noon Weekday 8am Saturday 8am Holyday 7am, 8:30am, Noon & 7pm Federal Holiday 9am Directory Rectory: 201.436.2222 Fax: 201.437.5235 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Religious Ed. Email: [email protected] All Saints Catholic Academy: (ASCA) 201.443.8384 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 8am-4pm Saturday, Sunday and Holidays Closed Baptism To have your child Baptized please call the rectory to speak with one of the priests. Marriage The Sacrament of Matrimony requires an extensive period of preparation. Contact should be made with a priest at the Rectory one year in advance. th rd Food Pantry is February 9 & 23 - 3-5PM in the basement of the Rectory. The number of our families continues to grow. We are in desperate need of non-perishable items such as macaroni, pasta sauce, tuna fish, beans, mac & cheese, crackers, soup, vegetables, cookies, fruit, rice, can potatoes, peanut butter & jelly. Monetary donations as well as grocery store Gift Cards are welcome as well. Please make checks out to St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. We are also collecting gently used clothes, coats & jackets for children, men and women. God Bless you for your generous support of this ministry. Despensa de alimentos Nuestra siguiente distribución será e 9th & 23rd de febero a partir de 3-5pm. El número de clientes sigue creciendo. Estamos en necesidad desesperada de artículos, tales como macarrones, salsa de pasta, atún, frijoles, galletas , sopa, verduras, fruta, arroz, papas enlatadas, fruta, mantequilla de maní. Donaciones monetarias son bienvenidos. Por favor haga los cheques a San Vicente de Paul despensa de alimentos. También estamos colectando ropa usada para, niños, hombres y mujeres . Dios los bendiga por su apoyo generoso a este ministerio. Donations for the repair of the roof This past weekend, a parishioner donated $500.00 toward our roof repair bill. If you have not made a donation yet to the roof repair can you please consider doing so! Any amount small or large will help. May God continue to bless our Parishioners. If you would like to make a contribution to help, it is important that you restrict your donation for this specific project. If you are paying by check, please put the words “roof repair” in the memo line. Cash contributions can be placed in an envelope and marked for “Roof Repair”. Thank you for your continued generous support to our parish. Donaciones para el techo Este fin de semana se donó un total de $500.00 hacia nuestro proyecto de reparación de techo. Cualquier cantidad ayudará. Que Dios siga bendiciendo a nuestros feligreses. Si desea hacer una contribución para ayudar es importante que se restringe la donación para este proyecto específico. Si paga con cheque, por favor, poner las palabras "reparación de techo” en la línea de memo. Las donaciones en efectivo pueden ser colocados en un sobre marcado claramente también de la misma manera. Gracias por su apoyo continuo y generoso a nuestra parroquia. En Español Santo Rosario: Sábados 6:00 PM Misa en español: Sábados 6:30 PM Hora Santa: Lunes 7:00 PM Ensayo del coro de los niños: Sábados Robinson Hall 10:30 AM Exposición del Santísimo cada primer viernes 8:30-9:30 AM Stewardship & Collection Total collection for January 29, 2017 First Collection Candles Energy Roof Religious Ed. Rent Baptism $8,781.00 $4,954.00 $380.00 $2,227.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $100.00 Our Christmas collection total was $29,722.00. Thank you & God bless you all for your continued support. Register and give online at: 7002 Offerings for the week of Feb. 5th – Feb. 11th Gifts Altar Bread Altar Wine Mary Conheeney Mary Conheeney Candles Blessed Mother St. Joseph St. Vincent St. Patrick St. Jude Divine Mercy St. Elizabeth Anne Seton Sanctuary Lamp Mary Conheeney Vincent Conheeney Thomas Ryan Mary Conheeney Kerry Lynn O’Brien Henry Wolenski Angela Attisano Mary Conheeney Sick List Please pray for the recovery of: Janet Maceli, Liam Morley, Arthur Sonny Kopacz, Ema Palfi, Betty Serafino, Marisol Paul, Christina Jakubik, Kristen Jakubik, Meghan Ryan, Evelyn Wheesk, Laura Figueroa, Thomas Wetzel and Jillian Sayre. Saturday, 8AM 5PM 6:30PM Sunday, 8AM 10AM 12PM February 11th Frances Micallef Margaret Modaferi Misa en Espanol Manuel & Dorinda Leston February 12th Gaetano & Rose Favia Mary Jesolosky Olympia C. Favia Upcoming 2nd Collections February 5th February 12th February 19th February 26th Assessment Heat Stewardship Higher Expenses Upcoming Events February 8th February 9th February 12th Eternal Rest Grant unto Them O Lord February 20th †Cresenciano Invina †Christopher Curtis February 22 rd February 23 th February 25 nd Anointing of the Sick Praise and Worship Food Pantry 3pm – 5pm Baptism Class 1:30 in rectory basement Rectory Office will be closed in observance of Presidents’ Day Praise & Worship Food Pantry 3pm – 5pm Live Christ Share Christ Assembly 2pm – 4:30pm in Robinson Hall. Visitation of the sick, at home or in the hospital, any time. Please call the Parish Office. Recurring Events Holy Hour ● Mondays ● 7-8 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 4 – 4:45 PM ● Mass Intentions Saturday, 8AM 5PM 6:30PM February 4th Helen Hudak Emilia Franconeri Misa en Espanol Julia Garcia de Rosado Sunday, February 5th 8AM Christina Marie Kirsch 10AM Olympia C. Favia 12PM Kerry Lynn O’Brien Monday, February 6th 8AM James & Mary Sharkey Tuesday, February 7th 8AM Angela Attisano Wednesday, February 8th 8AM Sofia Razon Thursday, February 9th 8AM Mary Conheeney Friday, February 10th 8AM Maria Lopez ● ● ● Praise & Worship takes place the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. The Centering Prayer Group meets every Wednesday at 7PM in the rectory basement. For more information, please call Barbara Sherry at 201.443.2115. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help takes place every Saturday after 8AM mass. Nurse’s ministry - blood pressures are checked after all masses every first weekend of the month. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every first Friday from 8:30 am to 9:30 am Boy Scout Troop 25 meets Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Masonic Lodge (Corner of Avenue C and 40th Street). Please call Scoutmaster John Hughes 201-437-9502 with any questions. Family Mass in the rectory basement at 7PM. All men of the parish are welcome. Soup Kitchen Ministry Update There were 21 parishioners in attendance for the initial meeting that was held on January 26, 2017. The organization of the Soup Kitchen is full speed ahead with a Board of Directors established and the ironing out of the many details in preparation for the first meal. Anyone who would like to participate in this ministry is invited to the next meeting that is th scheduled for Monday, February 20 at 7:30 pm in Robinson Hall. The Parish needs your help; especially if you have any experience in working in a soup kitchen or restaurant service. Thank you and may Our Lord and Saint Vincent de Paul, the Patron Saint of Charities, bless you all. Listed below are the nine (9) parishioners who volunteered to be on The Board of Directors of St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen: President -Felix Rivera Vice President - Ralph Spiniello Secretary - Kim Spiniello Treasurer - Tom D’Alessio Trustees: Patsy Levan, Irene Padre, Maryann Angrosina, Gary LaPelusa, Argante Colageo. Roof Update The total cost to repair the roof was $89,600.00. As of July 2016, parishioners have contributed $23,681.00 and the Simbang Gabi committee has donated $6,765.00. To date we have paid $27,665.00 and our balance is $61,935.00 and we have $2,781.00 in escrow Flower Donations If you would like to provide a baked good for the upcoming Family Masses, please call Tom D’Alessio at 201-339-0359. Here are the remaining dates for our parish’s 10AM Family th th nd Mass: February 26 , March 12 and April 2 . Anyone interested in donating a floral arrangement in memory of a loved one, is asked to contact the rectory office. Men’s Group Even though it is God’s House, unfortunately; it is not immune to the evils of the outside world. We ask you to be aware of your The Men’s Group will meet on the following Thursdays (February 16 & March 16) in the Warning surroundings and those seated around you. Remember there can always be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Please be vigilant of your belongings. more information please call or email Kevin Adamson at 201-436-1827 ([email protected]) or John Smith at 201-240-6460 ([email protected]). Closure of Rectory Office Cross Catholic Outreach The Rectory Office will be closed on Monday February 20th. We thank Fr. Hugh Duffy of Cross Catholic Outreach for speaking this past weekend on behalf of the poor in developing countries. All donations can be sent directly to: Change in Mass Schedule Monday, February 20th morning Mass will be at 9AM, instead of 8AM. Tax Statements for 2016 We will provide a statement of your 2016 donations to St. Vincent de Paul Church upon request. Please contact the rectory office. Statements will be available after January 20th. Religious Education News The 6th Grade did a great job hosting the 10 am Family Mass! The next Family Mass is th February 26th and will be hosted by the 5 Grade. Snow season is here - check your emails and/or our Facebook page Saint Vincent de Paul Church "Official Page" for class cancellations before coming to class. There is no class on Sunday, February 19 (President’s Day). th Live Christ Share Christ There will be a LCSC Assembly on Saturday, February 25, from 2pm to 4:30pm in Robinson Hall. The theme for the assembly is “Celebrating the Love of Christ”, and the guest speaker will be Barbara Sherry. Please contact Deacon Michael or Jerry and Angie Pimentel (201-310-8579) with any questions. Seminarian Mass and Dinner The Annual Seminarian Mass & Dinner is sponsored by the Hudson County Serra Society. Mass will be celebrated on th Wednesday, March 29 here at St. Vincent Church beginning at 6PM by Rev. Msgr. Gregory Studerus, Episcopal Vicar of Hudson County. Dinner will follow at The Chandelier Restaurant. This year the Serra Society will honor outgoing President of the Hudson County Serra Society Kevin Adamson, Deacon Stephen Lipski and Ingrid Alfred. Tickets are $60.00 per person with proceeds going to the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Newark. For Cross Catholic Outreach Donation Processing Center P.O. Box 97168 Washington, DC 20077-7798 Safeguarding Children and Addressing Abuse: The Archdiocese Addresses Victims’ Concerns — Since his arrival in 2001 and his participation in the drafting of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, Archbishop Myers has on many occasions either individually or with bishops in the United States, with the Holy Father, and with clergy throughout the world, acknowledged publicly the pain that sexual offenders inside the Church have inflicted on the innocent. At Chrism Masses before the entire presbyterate and parish representatives of the Archdiocese, in media interviews, in statements issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and in essays and columns, Archbishop Myers has stated that “a Church which spends the largest portion of its resources and the largest portion of its personnel in serving children, can never, and will never, condone anything which harms those children. We also extend our apology and our assurance of support and help to those who have been harmed and who are seeking healing and support.”Beyond words, however, are actions. Assistance to victims, training and background checks of staff and volunteers, reporting accusations to civil authorities removing clergy with substantiated accusations are clear indications that the Archbishop and the Archdiocese abhor child abuse. What’s more, 20 years ago, the Archdiocese was one of the first dioceses in the country to establish a formal Review Board of experts with legal, law enforcement, clinical and investigative background to examine allegations of abuse and recommend to the Archbishop action under Church law. The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy, Religious and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of sexual misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse. Individuals who wish to report an allegation of sexual misconduct may do so by calling the Archdiocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection at 201-407-3256. Priestly Vestments Fr. Sergio would like to purchase special vestments for Easter & Christmas. The cost for an individual vestment is $600.00. The Church is also in need of Stoles for special occasions at the cost of $200.00 each. If you wish to donate a Vestment or Stole in Memory of a Loved One, please contact the Rectory Office. Please remember to put vestment or stole on the memo line on the check and list your intention. If donating by cash, please state vestment or stole on the envelope and list your intention. Thank you and God bless you for your generosity. Vestimentas Para los Padres P. Sergio da las gracias a los feligreses que dieron donaciones para las tres vestimentas de los padres y una para el diácono. P. Sergio le gustaría comprar Vestimentas especiales para Navidad y Pascua que costarán $ 600.00 cada uno. La Iglesia también está en la necesidad de estolas para ocasiones especiales en el costo de $ 200.00 cada uno. Si usted desea donar una vestidura o estola en la memoria de un ser querido por favor, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de la Rectoría. Por favor, recuerde poner vetimenta o estola en el memorándum en el cheque y la lista de su intención. Si la donación en efectivo, por favor, indique vestimenta o estola en el sobre y anuncie su intención. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga por su generosidad. ASCA NEWS ASCA’s Annual Card Party sponsored by the Home School Association will be held on Sunday, February 26th. Please join us! Please check our website ( for additional news and information. Save the Date th All Saints Catholic Academy will hold their 8 th Annual Gala on Saturday, April 29 , at the Marriot hotel at Newark Airport. This year ASCA will honor Brian and Michele O’Connor, Mike O’Rourke and Mary Cole. For more information please call the school at 201-4438284. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats Are you suffering from an abortion experience? Do you have feelings of guilt and anxiety? Do you suffer from depression? There is Hope! Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats heals the pain from abortion - one week-end at a time on May 12-14, 2017 and September 8-10, 2017 at the Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center, 499 Belgrove Drive, Kearny NJ, 07032. Cost is $150 (includes all retreat materials and meals). For more information contact the Respect Life Office Cheryl A. Riley 973-497-4350. All calls and e-mails are confidential. Sponsored by: The Newark Archdiocese Respect Life Office. Grieving the Death of a Child The needs of parents who have suffered the loss of a son or daughter are unique. The Office of Family Life Ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark sponsors support groups for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child. The groups are led by trained facilitators – parents who have personally experienced the death of a child. Groups meet at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Parish Center, 60 Byrd Avenue, Bloomfield, NJ on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30PM (July & August at 7PM) and at St. Peter the Apostle Church, Rectory Basement, 445 Fifth Avenue, River Edge, NJ on the third Monday of each month at 7:30PM. There is no fee to participate. Please call Lauren Egan at 973497-4327 or email [email protected] for further information. Background on the Gospel Reading Following upon the teaching of the Beatitudes, Jesus uses the now familiar metaphors of salt and light to describe the life of discipleship. We take salt and light for granted in our society, but these commodities were more precious in ancient cultures. Just as now, salt was used in Jesus' time for flavoring, as a preservative, and as a healing agent. Similarly, the widespread use of electricity in the modern world makes us less aware of the value and importance of light in our lives. Still, our familiarity with this passage from Matthew's Gospel speaks well to the abiding power of the imagery that Jesus presented. Jesus' call to be salt for the earth and light for the world powerfully states our mission as Church and as Christians. Our commitment to social justice flows from the exhortation that Jesus gives us in today's Gospel. Some of the activities that this commitment leads us to are given more concrete expression as the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. When we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, console those who mourn, and so on, we show ourselves to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. When we do these things with the community of faith, the Church, we are indeed acting as “a city set on a mountain” that cannot be hidden! coach for the New Orleans Saints. His Eminence Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin will be celebrating the Mass! Register at Continental breakfast & lunch are included. Reflexión sobre el Evangelio Date: Saturday, March 11, 2017 – Time: 8 am to 3:30 pm - Place: Seton Hall University. Cost $25.00 Siguiendo la enseñanza de las Bienaventuranzas, Jesús usa las metáforas de la sal y la luz para describir la vida del discipulado. Tomamos la sal y la luz para concedido en nuestra sociedad, pero estas materias eran más preciosas en culturas antiguas. Al igual que ahora, la sal se usó en el tiempo de Jesús para aromatizar, como conservante y como agente curativo. Del mismo modo, el uso generalizado de la electricidad en el mundo moderno nos hace menos conscientes del valor y la importancia de la luz en nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, nuestra familiaridad con este pasaje del Evangelio de Mateo habla bien del poder permanente de las imágenes que Jesús presentó. El llamado de Jesús a ser sal para la tierra y la luz para el mundo establece poderosamente nuestra misión como Iglesia y como cristianos. Nuestro compromiso con la justicia social surge de la exhortación que Jesús nos da en el Evangelio de hoy. Algunas de las actividades a las que nos lleva este compromiso nos dan una expresión más concreta como las Obras Corporales y Espirituales de Misericordia. Al alimentar a los hambrientos, vestir a los desnudos, consolar a los que lloran, y así sucesivamente, nos mostramos a ser la sal de la tierra y la luz del mundo. Cuando hacemos estas cosas con la comunidad de fe, la Iglesia, ¡estamos realmente actuando como "una ciudad situada en una montaña" que no se puede ocultar! 2017 Archdiocese of Newark’s Annual Women’s & Men’s Commissions Revive your spirits and build your faith! Come for a day of Faith, Fellowship and Prayer! Catholic Men’s Conference Date: Saturday, March 4, 2017 – Time: 8 am to 4:30 pm - Place: Seton Hall University. Cost $25.00 This year’s theme is “Be Not Afraid: Becoming Missionary Disciples!” Speakers will be Cardinal Sean Patrick O”Malley, Archbishop of Boston, and Joe Lombardi, Jr., quarterback Women’s Commission Day of Reflection This year’s theme is “Alive in Christ as Missionary Disciples”. Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart, founder and mother servant of the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth, Archdiocese of Boston, and Lisa Hendey, founder and editor of, are keynote speakers for the English Track. Register at Continental breakfast & lunch are included. Funeral Liturgies There is a need for adult altar servers at our parish funeral liturgies. This is an opportunity for you to fulfill a corporal work of mercy for our deceased parishioners and their families. If you have some free time in the mornings, please consider volunteering. Some training may be required for those unfamiliar with the process. Please call Deacon Michael (201-823-4017) or the rectory office so we can put together a list of those willing to help. 2017 Christian Marriage Anniversary Liturgies Any parishioner who will be celebrating their th th th 5 , 25 or 50 Wedding Anniversary this year can attend a special anniversary liturgy which will be celebrated by Cardinal Joseph Tobin in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. th April 30 – 3:00PM – 5 years and 25 years th May 7 – 3:00PM – 50 years You Can Save Your Marriage! Retrouvaille – A lifeline for troubled marriages Has your marriage become unloving or uncaring – your relationship grown cold, distant – thinking about a separation or divorce? Are you already separated /divorced but (both of you) wish to try again – then the Retrouvaille program may help you. Retrouvaille (Rediscovery) sponsored by the Family Life Office/Diocese of Metuchen consists of a weekend experience for couples (no group discussions) with six follow-up sessions. The next program is scheduled for the weekend of February 10-12, 2017. All inquiries are confidential. For more details please call the Family Life Office 732-2434573, Rich & Annette Colasuonno 732-2360671 or Tom & Pat McTague 732-583-4468 (evenings). provided by B’way Bagel located at 26th street in Bayonne. First Reconciliation Pictures of our Candidates: January 29th Family Mass Listed below are pictures before & during Mass Following are pictures of our volunteers. The following pictures are the children and their guardians enjoying the baked goods that were donated by our parishioners and the bagels
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