Saint Louis Catholic Community

Saint Louis Catholic Community
7270 SW 120th Street•Pinecrest, FL 33156•Church/School: 305-238-7562•FAX: 305-238-6844
[email protected][email protected]
Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Fr. Michael Garcia
Rev. Fr. Henrick Jose
Vicar Emeritus (Retired)
Rev. Fr. Michael Kish
Administrator of the Mission of
St. Augusitine of Hippo
Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo
Rev. Dr. James Dugard
Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon
Rev. Mr. George Labelle
Rev. Mr. Alex Lam
Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney
Rev. Mr. John Peremenis
Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes
Rev. Mr. José Villena
Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias HOLY EUCHARIST (MASS)
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
6:30 AM Monday - Friday English
8:30 AM Monday - Saturday English
7:30 PM Miércoles – Español
Saturday:11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los miercoles - 7:30 PM
Bautismos - En Español el último
domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM.
Please contact the parish office at least
six months prior to the proposed date.
School Principal
Mr. Edward Garcia
Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Jeannie Modroño
Director of Youth Ministry
Mr. Mark Witkowski
Director of Music
Mr. Juan Salazar
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Coordinator of Ministries & Music
Ms. Cecelia Columbro
Pray for the Sick
Conchita Acosta
Aloma Ahkin
Evren Alexander
Pablo Arevalo
Mary Arnold
Marcio Baltodano
Nora Bendheim
Verónica Bermúdez
Jeannette Bernard
José N. Bonilla, Jr
Giana Brendeke
Gerard Butel
Joanne Calfo
Margaret Caruso
Sandra Chung
Michael Connor
Victoria Coronado
Joseph Corradini
Cici Culverhouse
Grace Cunetta
Mary Frances Degen
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday
when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call
the Office TWO months in advance.
Luis DeVarona
Alba Diaz
Xioriliz Diaz
Lorraine Ditzel
Iris Echevarria
Raul Ferreyra
Mary Alice Fleming
Eddie Fung
Myrna Gallagher
Bertina Garcia
Hilda Garcia
Ralphy Garcia
Bill Gerrard
Matteo Gherardin
Mary Glynn
Tiffany Gómez
Michelle P. Green
Daisy Guerrero
Alyse Hernández
Floriana Hernández
Giselle Hernández
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Salvador Hernández
Andrés Hidalgo
Lidia Hoadleg
Wayne Zona Ho-Sang
Carole Howard
John B. Hutton, Jr.
Teresa Kharfan
Mary Kilcoyne
Gerry Knowlan
Steven Kowallis
Pat Krupczak
Joseph Kuethe
Helen Labime
Isabella Listmangls
Flor Llerena
Karla Lloyd
Evelyn López
Isabel Luperón
Kelly Lyden-Flores
Luis Magallanes
Vivian Malave
Harrison Margulies
Matthew Martin
William Martinez
Melanie Massa
Evelyn McInerney
Jane McKeon
Wendy McLendon
Reinaldo Meléndez
Enrique Mion
Angela Mitchell
Isabella Morales
Francisco Morejon
James Morris
Michael Mulsford
Luis Munilla
Dana Munsey
Adelina Muzaurieta
Christine Naughton
Maria Noguera
Tomas Noto
Rodney Oziemski
Val Peremenis
Jim Petee
Sebastian PierJeamot
Javier Piñeda
David Pritchard
Ronald Puhl
daughter of Carlos &
Alina De La Rocha
Remember the Departed
Phung Tran
Betty Quinn
Delia Ravelo
Shawn Rice
Bryce Richardson
Jose A. Rodriguez
Norma Rodriguez
Remberto Rodríguez
Rolando Rodríguez
Clara Romero
Armando Otero
Jimmy Sarandis
Maria Cristina Sedan
John Shubeck
James Smith
Ernest Steinhilber,III
Jane Thompson
Sebastian Tomala
Isah Marie Tomas
Julie Anne Turner
Aurora Van de Water
Pedro Verastegui
Angeli Waddell
Margaret Woodrum
Natasha Wylie
Please remember to
contact the Parish Office
when it is appropriate to
remove a name from this
list or they will be removed
after two months. To provide the Eucharist
at home for ill parish
members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at
305-251-7335 or the
parish office at
Si estas enfermo o
impedido de asistir a la
Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa,
puedes comunicarte con
Adriana Morales,
Ministry to
The Sick
Thanksgiving Celebration
Our Parish Bilingual Mass
Join us for a Special Celebration of the
Holy Eucharist
10 AM Thanksgiving Day
Reception in the Courtyard after Mass
Thanksgiving Luncheon
Spending Thanksgiving alone?
Last year we had a great group come together of people who did not have
a family to share Thanksgiving luncheon at 12 PM.
The parish would like to sponsor a Thanksgiving Luncheon for you if you
are a single person, single parent with children, divorced, widowed, a
couple or a small family without relatives to celebrate the holiday.
For more information or to make a reservation,
Please call Betty Quinn 305-281-3014
Humanities Christmas Project:
Family to Family
The Humanities Ministry is seeking your generosity to reach out to those in need throughout Dade
County by providing food and toys for Christmas. Once again you will be able to sponsor families from;
migrants from St. Ann’s Mission, Miami Behavioral Health Centers, families with children with AIDS,
Corpus Christi, Our Lady of our Redeemer and more. Family-to-Family project at Christmas helps feed
over 850 families and is sponsored and worked by more than 1,100 parish families.
Please visit us in the rotunda to choose your Hands and volunteer to help.
We will be receiving gifts on Friday, December 2nd from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM, wrapping and receiving
gifts on Saturday, December 3rd from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Delivering on Saturday, December 10th.
One Church One Family
Lecturas Del Dia
PRIMERA LECTURA (Malaquías 3: 19-20)
El profeta Malaquías nos anuncia el triunfo futuro de la justicia de Dios. Frente a
la objeción de los que ponen en tela de juicio el valor del obrar bien, el profeta afrima
que Dios no abandona nunca al que confía en Él y le sirve fielmente. El Señor como “sol de justicia” acompaña,
ilumina y salva a su pueblo. Para los cristianos, ese “sol de justicia que trae la salvación” es Jesucristo.
SEGUNDA LECTURA (II Tesalonicenses 3: 7-12)
Pablo exhorta a los cristianos de Tesalónica a que no descuiden sus obligaciones y actividades cotidianas.
Algunos de aquellos cirstianos pensaban que la segunda venida de Jesús iba a ser inminente, y desatendía sus
ocupaciones habituales, convirtiéndose en una carga para el resto de la Comunidad. El apóstol les exhorta a
desterrar esa ociosidad. Y en consecuencia les ayuda, les anima, poniéndose él como ejemplo, a atender de
forma responsable las tareas humanas diarias, especialmente el trabajo.
EVANGELIO (Lucas 21: 5-19)
Jesús, a partir del comentario que hacen algunos sobre la belleza del Templo de Jerusalén, advierte acerca
de la situación futura de los creyentes en Él. Habrá dificultades y situaciones de peligro para los que creen en
Jesús. Consciente de la complejidad del momento, Él anima a sus discípulos a la confianza y a preservar en la
fe y en el testimonio de su nombre. El cristiano es una persona de esperanza, que conoce la realidad en la que
está inmerso, y que en esa situación que vive desarrolla su vocación desde la fe en Jesús.
Columbiettes’ Collection for the
Miami VA Healthcare
Homeless Veterans
The items listed below will be collected and distributed to our homeless Ve terans. You may
place your items in the marked boxes in the Narthe x of the church. Information about the
VA’s programs for Homeless Ve terans, at-risk Ve terans and their families is available at
w w For questions, call 305-496-2434.
Hygiene Items:
NEW Clothing (for men or women) /Other Items:
Soap (bar or gel)
Lotion/Sun Screen/Bug Spray
Hand Sanitizer/Chap Stick
Toothbrush/Dental Floss
Foot Powder/Deodorant
Razors/Shave Cre am or Gel
Cologne/Af ter Shave
Nail Clippers/Combs/Brushes
Laundr y De tergent (indi vidual-size)
Socks (ne w in pack age)
Flip Flops/Shoes
Re ading (magnif ying) Glasses/Sun Glasses
Rain Ge ar/Ponchos/Umbrellas
Small Can Openers
Fanny Packs/Handbags/Walle ts
Hats/Baseball Caps
Safe t y Whistles
Towels/Wash Cloths
Thank you for your contributions!
One Church One Family
Padre John Yara
Tema central:
Lunes 5- “Sufrimento y Perdón”
¿Estamos preparado para recirle?
Misión de Adviento Parroquial
5 - 7 de Diciembre a las 7:30 PM
¡Viene el Señor!
¿Estamos listos para Recibirle?
Martes 6 - “Perdon, Reconciliacion y Absolucion”
Se administrará el sacramento de la Reconciliación
(Habran varios sacerdotes oyendo confesiones)
Miercoles 7 - “La Larga Espera de Adviento”
Santa Misa de sanación, con Unción a todos los
En esta temporada litúrgica, nos preparamos para
conmemorar la Encarnación del Hijo de Dios y a la misma
vez, aguardamos en esperanza la Segunda Venida.
Parish Advent Mission
December 12 - 14 at 7:30 PM
The Lord is Coming! Are We Ready To Receive Him?
Please welcome Fr. Fredy Yara back to our St. Louis Parish Community for this
magnificent Abba Advent Parish Mission
Monday Night at 7:30 PM God’s Understanding. Fr. Fredy will be preaching
on God’s understanding of our complex lives, His Love and Compassion and the
everlasting Grace He showers on us each and every day.
Tuesday Night is Suffering and God’s forgiveness of our mistakes. This
presentation will help us prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation as we recognize
just how bound we become with sin. We will have the opportunity for ­individual
­confessions with our own priests and ­visiting priests. Confessions begin at 8 PM.
Wednesday Night is The Beginning of Healing is Forgiveness. Fr. Fredy will be
celebrating a holy Healing Mass with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
right after his homily. Come be anointed and touched by the Holy Spirit and let go
of your possible depression, anger, frustrations, or any serious illness and be Healed by the Anointing and God’s
love. Jesus wants to heal you of any mental or physical illness or anything that affects your health and well being.
Music Ministers: Juan Salazar, Music Minister St. Louis Parish and Gary Camblin, Music Minister at St. James
Parish. (Fr. Fredy’s current Home Parish.)
One Church One Family
Blessing a
Marriage in the Church­
La Bendición del Matrimonio
en la Iglesia
For different reasons ­sometimes a
­Catholic may not have been married
in the ­Catholic Church, but in some
other ­religious or civil ­c eremony.
We have a program for people to
­“convalidate” their wedding in the
Church, also called “blessing” the
­marriage in the Church.
Sometimes a previous ­marriage might
have been ­involved, we can help with
the ­annulment process. Please call Fr.
Paul for more information about both
­annulments and ­blessing ­marriages in
the church: 305-238-7562.
Por diferentes razones los Católicos no
se casan en la Iglesia Católica, y si en
otras religiones o en ceremonias
civiles. Tenemos un programa
para personas que deseen
en la Iglesia, también llamado
“bendicion” del matrimonio en la
Algunas veces por razones de un
matrimonio anterior, nosotros
podemos ayudarlos con el proceso
de “anulación”.
Para mayor
información puede comunicarse
con el Padre Paul, bien sea para
una anulación o para la bendición
del matrimonio. Puede llamar al
One Church One Family
Stay Connected With Us!
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Nov. 13th Mal 3: 19-20; 2 Thes 3: 7-12; Lk 21: 5-19
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry
+ John Jean Gangemi/Ron Gangemi
8:15 am
Nora Olivera - Special Intention
+ Ligia Builes/Rueda Family
9:30 am
+ Deceased Knights of K of C
+ Marlene & Jeanette García/Loving Family
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Joe Santella/Miriam Columbro
12:30 pm
Caridad Cazañas - Happy Birthday
+ Francisca Rodríguez/Tuesday Steinhilber
5:30 pm
+ Antonia Rivas/Loving Family
+ Francisca Noemi Capote/Mónica Rizo Pérez
7:15 pm
+ Sandrita Campos/Loving Family
+ Manuel & Lucia Maya/Alba Maya
Nov. 14th Rv 1: 1-4, 2: 1-5; Lk 18: 35-43
6:30 am+ Souls in Purgatory/Giorgio Valpe
Alexandrina Diskin/Elizabeth Diskin
8:30 am
Elena Vincent - Happy Birthday
+ Luis & Emma Vazquez/Bello Theye & Murphy
St. Albert the Great, bishop-doctor
Nov. 15th Rv 3: 1-6, 14-22; Lk 19: 1-10
6:30 am+ Gene Fleming/K of C
+ Amy Smith/Phelan Family
8:30 amJim Connell - Special Intention
+ Guyamier-Lehmann Family/Guyamier
Wednesday/miércoles Sts. Margaret of Scotland/
Gertrude, virgin
Nov. 16th Rv 4: 1-11; Lk 19: 11-28
6:30 amIssie Buzzella - Happy Birthday
Juliana Guerrero/Elizabeth Diskin
8:30 am+ Rev. Mr. John Green/Tomonto Family
Alice Hacker - Happy Birthday
7:30 pm
+ Valia Vallejo/Vargas Family
5:30 pm
7:00 am
8:15 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
Nov. 17th Rv 5: 1-10;Lk 19: 41-44
6:30 am+ John & Doris Green/Mello Family
+ Rev. Mr. John Green/Complative Prayer
8:30 am+ Alex Pattinson/Loving Mother
+ Armando Perez/Loving Wife
Friday/viernes The Dedication of the Basilica of
Sts. Peter & Paul, apostles
Nov. 18th Rv 10: 8-11; Lk 19: 45-48
6:30 am+ Gene Fleming/Ralph & Cindy Gomez
+ Rev. Mr. John Green/Contemplative Prayer
8:30 am+ Guyamier-Lehmann Family/Guyamier
Steffen - Special Intention
Nov. 19th Rv. 11: 4-12; Lk 20: 27-40
8:30 am+ Ruben Rotulo/Loving wife
+ Rev. Mr. John Green/Van de Water Family
5:30 pm
+ John Skidmore/Loving Wife
+ Armando Fonticiella/Loving Family
Sunday/domingo Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the
Nov. 20th 2 Sm 5: 1-3; Col 1: 12-20; Lk 23: 35-43
7:00 am+ Recently Deceased/Bereavment Ministry
+ Oona Fogel/Susan Moore
8:15 am+ Ligia Builes/Rueda Family
+ Edgar Steiner/Loving Family
9:30 am+ Marie Kirby/Esther Kirby
+ Michael Totoonchie/Najla Maghak
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Carlton Proulx/Loving Mother
12:30 pm
+ Francisca Rodriguez/Tuesday Steinhilber
+ Rev. Mr. John Green/Parish Staff
5:30 pm
+ Carlton Proulx/Loving Family
+ Antonia Rivas/Loving Family
7:15 pm
M& M Villalobos - Happy “22” Anniversary
+ Alejandro Gutierrez/Isabel Baca
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
Ingrid Piloña (305-282-4607)
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.
Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche
Stress, Peace, and Hope
I write these “Midnight Musings” on
Sunday, November 6. We have to send
in the bulletin to the printer on Monday,
November 6 Because of the Veterans Day
holiday. So my thoughts here nothing
Reflect About the results of the Tuesday
election. However, the lead up to the
election can give us much to “muse”
Constantly you hear that the country has never been
so divided: voters fall into different groups ACCORDING TO
culture, race, ethnicity, level of education, level of economic
achievement, etc. This division cuts across family relationships
and friendships. It can be stressful When one person to vote
different from Announces another’s. Families and friends feel
the tension; churches feel the tension; fellow workers feel the
Jesus in the scriptures today addresses far greater
tensions. I’ve never promises That His disciples will have no
problems. Rather, in the last days of His life, I have talks About
the upcoming problems of the Church: his disciples will face
many Difficulties. I address a variety of upheavals: “Nation will
rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will
be powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to
place; and awesome sights and mighty signs will come from
the sky. Before all this happens, however, they will seize and
persecute you, they will hand you over to the synagogues
and to prisons, and they will have you led before kings and
governors because of my name “(Luke 21: 10-12).
The election has caused tensions, and after its over we
still will feel tensions in so many areas of life: family concerns,
work issues, health problems for ourselves or loved ones,
financial concerns. To be human means to face tensions.
Yet Jesus spoke to us of “his” peace on the night before He
died: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as
the world Gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be
troubled or afraid “(John 14:27). The world’s peace is when
everything runs well; When That does happen? When Jesus
spoke of peace His world was falling apart, yet I spoke of
peace. We face crises and stress, yet we can have “His peace,”
Because not all is well, but Because we belong to Jesus and
are loved by His Father.
That’s why, when human stress meets the peace of
Jesus, we end up with Hope. No matter what happens, Jesus
says, even if political powers turn against us, and family and
friends desert us, even if we die: “By your perseverance you
will secure your lives” (Luke 21:19). Ultimate hope is nothing
and no one in this world, only Christ. Do you want peace now
and life forever? Hold on to him! It’s not the end of the world if
Donald is elected or Hillary. It is the end of the world only when
Jesus comes in His glory.
Yours in Christ,
Estrés, Paz y Esperanza
Escribo estos “Pensamientos de Medianoche” el
domingo, el 6 de noviembre. Tenemos que enviar el boletín a
la impresora el lunes 6 de noviembre debido a las vacaciones
del Día de los Veteranos. Así que mis pensamientos aquí nada
reflejan sobre los resultados de las elecciones del martes.
Sin embargo, el tema de la elección puede dar mucha
Constantemente escuchas que el país nunca ha
estado tan dividido: los votantes caen en diferentes grupos
SEGÚN cultura, raza, etnia, nivel de educación, nivel de
logro económico, etc. Esta división atraviesa las relaciones
familiares y las amistades. Puede ser estresante cuando una
persona a votar diferente de anuncia otra. Las familias y los
amigos sienten la tensión; Las iglesias sienten la tensión; Sus
compañeros de trabajo sienten la tensión.
Jesús en las lecturas de hoy aborda tensiones mucho
mayores. Nunca ha dicho que sus discípulos no tendrán
ningún problema. Más bien, en los últimos días de su vida, tuvo
conversaciones sobre los próximos problemas de la Iglesia:
sus discípulos se enfrentarán a muchas dificultades. Me dirijo
a una variedad de trastornos: “La nación se levantará contra la
nación, y el reino contra el reino, habrá terremotos poderosos,
hambre y plagas de un lugar a otro, y visiones impresionantes
y señales poderosas vendrán del cielo. Sin embargo, ellos
se apoderarán de ellos y los perseguirán. Ustedes, ellos los
entregarán a las sinagogas ya las cárceles, y ellos los guiarán
ante los reyes y gobernadores a causa de mi nombre “(Lucas
21: 10-12).
La elección ha causado tensiones, y después de su
terminación todavía sentiremos tensiones en tantas áreas
de la vida: preocupaciones familiares, problemas de trabajo,
problemas de salud para nosotros mismos o seres queridos,
preocupaciones financieras. Ser humano Significa afrontar
las tensiones. Sin embargo, Jesús nos habló de su “paz” en
la noche antes de morir: “La paz os dejo, mi paz os doy, no
como el mundo da, yo os la doy. O temeroso “(Juan 14:27).
La paz del mundo es cuando todo funciona bien; Cuando
eso sucede Cuando Jesús habló de paz, Su mundo se estaba
desmoronando, pero yo hablaba de paz. Nos enfrentamos a
crisis y estrés, sin embargo, podemos tener “Su paz”, porque
no todo está bien, sino porque pertenecemos a Jesús y somos
amados por su Padre.
Por eso, cuando el estrés humano encuentra la paz de
Jesús, terminamos Con Esperanza. No importa lo que suceda,
Jesús dice, aunque los poderes políticos se vuelvan contra
nosotros, y la familia y los amigos nos abandonen, incluso si
morimos: “Con tu perseverancia asegurarás tu vida” (Lucas
21:19). La esperanza final no es nada ni nadie en este mundo,
sólo Cristo. ¿Quieres la paz ahora y la vida para siempre?
¡Aferrarse a él! No es el fin del mundo si Donald es elegido
o Hillary. Es el fin del mundo Sólo cuando Jesús viene en Su
Suyos en Cristo,