Saint Louis Catholic Community

Saint Louis Catholic Community
7270 SW 120th Street•Pinecrest, FL 33156•Church/School: 305-238-7562•FAX: 305-238-6844
[email protected][email protected]
Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Fr. Michael Garcia
Rev. Fr. Henrick Jose
Vicar Emeritus (Retired)
Rev. Fr. Michael Kish
Administrator of the Mission of
St. Augusitine of Hippo
Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo
Rev. Dr. James Dugard
Rev. Mr. John Green
Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon
Rev. Mr. George Labelle
Rev. Mr. Alex Lam
Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney
Rev. Mr. John Peremenis
Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes
Rev. Mr. José Villena
Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias School Principal
Mr. Edward Garcia
Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Jeannie Modroño
Director of Youth Ministry
Mr. Mark Witkowski
Director of Music
Mr. Juan Salazar
Coordinator of Ministries & Music
Ms. Cecelia Columbro
Pray for the Sick
Conchita Acosta
Aloma Ahkin
Evren Alexander
Pablo Arevalo
Mary Arnold
Marcio Baltodano
Nora Bendheim
Verónica Bermúdez
Jeannette Bernard
José N. Bonilla, Jr
Giana Brendeke
Milka Brown
Gerard Butel
Jerry Byrne
Joanne Calfo
Margaret Caruso
Keith Chin
Sandra Chung
Michael Connor
Victoria Coronado
Joseph Corradini
Cici Culverhouse
Mary Frances Degen
Luis DeVarona
Alba Diaz
Xioriliz Diaz
Lorraine Ditzel
Iris Echevarria
Raul Ferreyra
Mary Alice Fleming
Eddie Fung
Myna Gallagher
Bertina Garcia
Hilda Garcia
Ralphy Garcia
Bill Gerrard
Matteo Gherardin
Mary Glynn
Tiffany Gómez
Michelle P. Green
Daisy Guerrero
Alyse Hernández
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
6:30 AM Monday - Friday English
8:30 AM Monday - Saturday English
7:30 PM Miércoles – Español
Saturday:11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los miercoles - 7:30 PM
Bautismos - En Español el último
domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM.
Please contact the parish office at least
six months prior to the proposed date.
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday
when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call
the Office TWO months in advance.
children of Jimmy & Mónica de la Espriella
son of Joanny & Maria Caceres
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM daughter of Juan & Narlyn Ossa
daughter of Brent & Susel Mounger
Floriana Hernández
Giselle Hernández
Salvador Hernández
Andrés Hidalgo
Lidia Hoadleg
Wayne Zona Ho-Sang
Carole Howard
John B. Hutton, Jr.
Teresa Kharfan
Mary Kilcoyne
Gerry Knowlan
Steven Kowallis
Pat Krupczak
Joseph Kuethe
Helen Labime
Flor Llerena
Karla Lloyd
Evelyn López
Isabel Luperón
Kelly Lyden-Flores
Luis Magallanes
Vivian Malave
Harrison Margulies
Matthew Martin
William Martinez
Melanie Massa
Jane McKeon
Wendy McLendon
Ernestina Medio
Reinaldo Meléndez
Enrique Mion
Angela Mitchell
Isabella Morales
Francisco Morejon
James Morris
Michael Mulsford
Luis Munilla
Dana Munsey
Adelina Muzaurieta
Christine Naughton
Maria Noguera
Tomas Noto
Rodney Oziemski
Val Peremenis
Jim Petee
Sebastian PierJeamot
Javier Piñeda
David Pritchard
Ronald Puhl
Delia Ravelo
Shawn Rice
Bryce Richardson
Jose A. Rodriguez
Norma Rodriguez
Remberto Rodríguez
Rolando Rodríguez
Clara Romero
Armando Otero
Jimmy Sarandis
Maria Cristina Sedan
Ilia Serra
John Shubeck
James Smith
Ernest Steinhilber,III
Jane Thompson
Sebastian Tomala
Isah Marie Tomas
Julie Anne Turner
Aurora Van de Water
Pedro Verastegui
Angelic Waddell
Margaret Woodrum
Please remember to
contact the Parish Office
when it is appropriate to
remove a name from this
list or they will be removed
after two months. To provide the Eucharist
at home for ill parish
members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at
305-251-7335 or the
parish office at
Si estas enfermo o
impedido de asistir a la
Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa,
puedes comunicarte con
Adriana Morales,
Ministry to
The Sick
“Work In Harmony”
(A letter from St. Ignatius to St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr)
Work together in harmony, struggle together, suffer together, run together, rest together, and rise
together, as Stewards, Advisors and Servants of God. Seek to please Him whose soldiers you are and
from whom you draw your pay. Let none of you prove to be a deserter. Let your Baptism be your armor,
your Faith your helmet, your charity, your spear, your patience your strength. Let your good works be
your deposits, so that you may draw our well-earned savings. So be patient and gentle with one another,
as God is with you. A Christian is not his own master; his time is God’s. This is God’s
work, and it will be yours as well when you have performed it. I have trust in the Grace
of God that you are ready to act generously when it comes to God’s work.
I will place my law within them, I will write it on their hearts (Jeremiah 31: 33).
God Our Father, work is your gift to us, a call to reach new heights by using our talents for the good of all. Guide
us as we work, and teach us to live in the spirit that has made us sons and daughters, in the love that has made
us brother and sisters. Please grant this through Christ our Lord.
“Trabajen En Armonia”
(Una carta de San Ignacio a San Policarpo, Obispo y Mártir)
Trabajen juntos en armonía, luchen juntos, sufran juntos, corran juntos, descansen juntos y levántense
juntos, como Mayordomos, Consejeros y Sirvientes de Dios. Complázcanle a Él como sus soldados
que son y de quien reciben su paga. Que ninguno de ustedes sea desertor. Que su Bautismo sea su
armadura, su Fe, su yelmo, su caridad, su lanza, su paciencia y fortaleza. Que sus buenas obras sean su
depósito para que luego puedan retirar su bien ganado ahorro. Sean pacientes y gentiles los unos con
los otros, como Dios lo es con ustedes. El Cristiano no es su propio dueño; su tiempo es de Dios. Esta
es obra de Dios, y también será de ustedes cuando la hallan realizado. Yo confío en la Gracia de Dios
que ustedes estarán listos para actuar generosamente cuando se trata de la obra de Dios.
Meteré mi ley en su pecho, la escribiré en su corazón (Jeremías 31:33).
Dios Padre Nuestro, el trabajo es tu regalo para nosotros, un llamado a alcanzar nuevas alturas usando
nuestros talentos para el bien de todos. Guíanos mientras laboramos y enséñanos a vivir en el espíritu
que nos hace hijos e hijas, en el amor que nos hace hermanos y hermanas. Concédenos esto por
Jesucristo nuestro Señor.
One Church One Family
One Church One Family
Parish and School Bookkeeper (Full - Time)
Saint Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School
Saint Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School in Pinecrest,
FL has an opening for a Full-time Parish and School Bookkeeper
who will be responsible for the parish and school bookkeeping,
including accounts payable/receivables, payroll, deposits, bank
reconciliation, human resource functions and other duties as
assigned. The full-time Bookkeeper / Human Resource person
performs all duties and responsibilities in alignment with the
mission, vision and values of the Catholic Archdiocese of Miami.
Schedule: 40 hours per week: Monday - Friday.
For more information please go to Archdiocese of Miami
Job Openings (
Retiro de Emaús para Mujeres
Octubre 14,15 y 16, 2016
Emmaus Retreat for Women
October 7-9
Las hermanas del Ministerio de Emaús en Español
te invitan a su próximo retiro. Este retiro se hace
solamente una vez en la vida. Si todavía no has
disfrutado de esta preciosa experiencia, no dejes pasar
esta gran oportunidad de tener un encuentro personal
con nuestro Señor Jesucristo Resucitado. Invita a
tus seres queridos para que se unan a nosotros en
este retiro de Emaús. Nos anticipamos en darte la
bienvenida y estaremos a tus órdenes para que tu
experiencia sea de verdadero crecimiento espiritual.
Estaremos recibiendo inscripciones en la Rotonda de
San Luis después de las misas de 8:15am y 7:15pm.
También puedes comunicarte con las siguientes
personas encargadas:
Alejandra Cuervo (305) 898-7083
[email protected]
Ivania Dorado (305) 588-2622
[email protected]
Are you longing to deepen your relationship with God
and with our faith community? Based on the Gospel
of Luke 24:13-35, the Emmaus retreat provides an
opportunity for women to take a step way from the
hustle and bustle of everyday life, and to walk more
closely with the Lord and their sisters in Christ.
The retreat will be held at MorningStar Renewal Center
(on 124th street, adjacent to the parish). The cost for
the weekend is $170, including meals and lodging.
Registration will be held in the rotunda after all Masses
this weekend. You can also find them in our parish
office, CCD office and parish website.
For more information, please e-mail:
Patricia Rodriguez
[email protected]
Sandy Hernandez
[email protected]
Altar-Server Training
Boys and Girls 10 years old or older who would
like to be altar-servers, please come to our 2
training classes:
Saturday: October 8th
Saturday: October 15th
Meet us in the Main Church at 9:00 AM
Training will be from 9:00 to 11:30 AM
For more information call:
Bill Barrow 305-519-4203
Alice Hacker 305-665-0250
St. Louis Parish
Serving 8 AM to 11 AM
and your family
Sunday, October 9th to the
Community Breakfast Buffet
Parroquia de San Luis
le invita
Servicio de 8 AM a 11 AM
y tu familia están invitados
Domingo, 9 de octubre al
Desayuno Buffet Comunitario
2nd Annual
Stay Connected With Us!
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Oct. 2nd
Hb 1: 2-3; 2: 2-4; 2 Tm 1: 6-8,13-14; Lk 17: 5-10
7:00 am
Mass for Life/Respect Life Ministry
8:15 am
+ Estela Carvajal/Lillian Fiegenbaum
9:30 am
+ Manuel & Emilia Paz/Loving Family
+ Marlene & Jeanette Garcia/Loving Family
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Humberto Alvirzur/Loving Family
12:30 pm
+ Laura Witte/Tony & Joyce Harper
+ Leslie Baker/Ray & Patricia Hayes
5:30 pm
Shawn, Chris & Arthur Young/Bernadette Price Young
Bernadette Price-Young/Bernadette Price-Young
7:15 pm
+ Luz Miriam Herrera/Loving Family
Thursday/jueves St. Bruno, priest/Bl. Marie Rose Durocher,
Oct. 6th
Gal 3: 1-5; Lk 11: 5-13
6:30 am
+ Simone Farah/Pia Gadala
+ Bunny Dawson/Mello Family
8:30 am
Raymond & Lucetter Guyamier - Happy “50” Anniversary
+ Nancy Kenney/Bunny & Paul Bott
Oct. 3rd
Gal 1: 6-12; Lk 10: 25-37
6:30 am
+ Simona Farah/Pia Gadala
+ Alexandrea Diskin/Loving Family
8:30 am
+ Cesar Salvatierra/Loving Family
+ Jim Connell/Loving Family
Oct. 8th
Gal 3: 22-29;Lk 11: 27-28
8:30 am
+ Laura Witte/Elizabeth & Dave Woods
5:30 pm
+ Mary Patricia Bell/Corine Turner
+ Arles Carballo/Vargas Family
St. Francis of Assisi
Oct. 4th
Gal 1: 13-24; Lk 10: 38-42
6:30 am
+ Dominca Batel/Gerrad Batel
8:30 am
+ Laura Witte/Frank & Maureen Evans
+ Simona Farah/Pia Gadala
Oct. 5th
Gal 2: 1-2, 7-14; Lk 11: 1-4
6:30 am
Happy Birthday - Anthony Knowly
Clarissa Vargas - Special Intention
8:30 am
+ James King/Loving Family
+ Jack Wade/McDonald Family
7:30 pm
+ Marco & Lily Marks/Loving Family
+ Estela Carvajal/Lillian Fiegenhaum
Next Week’s Schedule
5:30 pm
7:00 am
8:15 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Martínez E./Cassini
Our Lady of the Rosary
Oct. 7th
Gal 3: 7-14; Lk 11: 15-26
6:30 am
+ Luchini Family/Tcasdale Family
8:30 am
+ Emilia Alegrini/Loving Sister
+ Robert Bryan/Schrid Family
Sunday/domingo Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Oct. 9th
2 Kgs 5: 14-17; 2 Tm 2: 8-13; Lk 17: 11-19
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry
+ Estela Carvajal/Lillian Feigenbaum
8:15 am
+ Angel Díaz Carvajal/Maria Santos Díaz
+ Matilde & Andrés Quesada/Loving Family
9:30 am
+ Camilla Tuitt/Carole Springer
+ Bob Bryan/Jim & Issie Buzzela
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Joe Santella/Susan Dunning
12:30 pm
+ Laura Witte/Tony & Debbie McInerney
+ Merida García/Loving Family
5:30 pm
+ Jaime Francisco Prada/Loving Family
+ Antonio Torrelio/Michelle & Enrique Pérez
7:15 pm
+ Octavio & Noelba Aristizabal/Loving Family
Rosa Bravo Pomenta - Special Intention
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
Ingrid Piloña (305-282-4607)
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.
Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche
Journeys, Part 2
Jornadas, Segunda parte
So we are on a journey, we pilgrims
in Italy. We will come back to where
we started, South Florida. Yet hopefully
will come back different persons. That
means we journeyed to a new way of
living, seeing, and being.
Vacations International, explains to all
their pilgrims: the real pilgrim is the one who departs to
touch the infinite and returns home “transformed” by the
experience. T. S. Elliot wrote: “We must never stop exploring
and at the end of all our exploring arrive at the starting point
and know the place for the first time.”
On this pilgrimage we are not tourists. We are
not just sight-seeing, checking out the buildings and the
geography. We pilgrims may see the same things that
tourists see, but we approach places of sacred and historical
significance differently. We look to see how God revealed
himself in persons and events. Probably most importantly,
we really take possession of the place by celebrating the Holy
Eucharist. We pilgrims look into ourselves, trying to evaluate
where we are going and what our lives mean. In the different
sacred places we visit, we need to examine ourselves.
For example, in the city of Rome where Peter and Paul died
as martyrs, we will pray on our visit next week that we all have
courage as we live our Christian lives.
On Monday, September 26, we visited Il Duomo, the
Cathedral of Milan. Many people are buried there but the most
important one, a cardinal and archbishop of the 16th century,
St, Charles Borromeo, is buried under that high altar. He
could have had a very easy life as a professional churchman;
his uncle was a pope who made Charles a cardinal at age
18. He did not take advantage of those family connections
and opportunities to live an easy life. Rather, he served the
Church in Rome during the Council of Trent and returned to
serve as a dynamic pastoral bishop in Milan. Scriptures of
the Mass that day challenged us to live as servants like Jesus
and Charles.
On Tuesday, September 27, we celebrated Mass
at the tomb and Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua. Often
considered the patron saint of lost item, he was much more
interested in saving lost persons. Deacon John Green was
particularly moved by that Eucharist at St. Anthony’s tomb.
This saint challenges us to be more focused in sharing the
gospel with others.
On Wednesday, September 28, we celebrated Mass
in the Basilica of St. Mark in Venice. Cardinal Angelo Roncalli
went from being bishop there to becoming Pope John XXIII
who called the Second Vatican Council, which shaped the
mission of the Church around the world.
Así que estamos en una jornada, somos peregrinos en
Italia. Regresaremos de donde salimos, el Sur de la Florida.
Con la esperanza de regresar cambiados, diferentes personas.
Eso quiere decir que hemos caminado a una forma diferente
de vivir, ver, y ser.
Nuestra compañía de viaje, Quality Vacations
International, explicó a todos los peregrinos: un verdadero
peregrino es el que sale a tocar el infinito y regresa a casa
“transformado” por la experiencia. T. S. Elliot escribió:
“No debemos nunca de dejar de explorar y al final de toda
exploración llegar al punto de partida y conocer el lugar por
primera vez.”
En este peregrinaje no somos turistas. No estamos
sólo viendo el panorama, viendo edificios y su geografía.
Nosotros los peregrinos podemos ver las mismas cosas que
los turistas ven, pero nuestro enfoque a los lugares sagrados e
históricos es significativamente diferente. Nosotros miramos
para ver cómo Dios se reveló en persona y en los eventos.
Probablemente más importante aún, tomamos poseción
de los lugares al celebrar la Santa Eucaristía. Nosotros los
peregrinos nos miramos así mismos, tratando de evaluar ha
dónde vamos y que significa nuestra vida. En los diferente
lugares sagrados que visitamos, necesitamos examinarnos a
nosotros mismos.
Por ejemplo en la ciudad de Roma donde Pedro y
Pablo murieron como mártires, oraremos en nuestra visita
la próxima semana para que todos tengamos el valor de vivir
nuestra vida Cristiana.
El lunes, 26 de septiembre, visitamos Il Duomo, la
Catedral de Milan. Hay muchas personas enterradas allí pero
el más importante es, un cardenal y arzobispo del siglo 16,
San Carlos Borromeo, que está enterrado bajo el gran altar.
El pudo haber tenido una vida fácil como un hombre de iglesia
profesional; su tío era el Papa quien le nombró cardenal a los
18 años de edad. El no se aprovechó de esa conexión familiar
y de las oportunidades de vivir la vida fácil. Al contrario, él
sirvió a la Iglesia de Roma durante el Concilio de Trenton y
regresó a servir como un dinámico obispo pastoral de Milan.
Las Lecturas de la Misa del día nos instan a servir, a vivir como
servidores como Jesús y Carlos.
El martes 27 de septiembre, celebramos Misa en
la tumba y Basílica de San Antonio de Padua. A menudo
considerado como el patrón de las cosas perdidas, él estaba
más interesado en salvar almas perdidas. El diácono John
Green estaba particularmente conmovido por la Eucaristía
celebrada ante la tumba de San Antonio. Este santo nos
insta a estar más enfocados en compartir el evangelio con los
El miércoles 28 de septiembre, celebramos Misa en
la Basílica de San Marcos en Venecia. El Cardenal Angelo
Roncalli pasó de ser un obispo a ser el Papa Juan XXIII quien
convocó el Concilio Vaticano Segundo, que le dió forma a la
misión de la Iglesia en el mundo.
Yours in Christ,
Suyos en Cristo,