Third Sunday in Ordinary Time / B January 25, 2015 L ent draws us into the mystery of our dying and rising with Christ, the fundamental experience of Christian faith. Plan ahead to take advantage of the special programs that will be offer throughout this holy season. Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule, February 18 Miércoles de Ceniza: 18 de febrero 6:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 Noon 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM (Español) Daily Mass Schedule/ Misa Diaria: 6:30 AM 8:30 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM English English Monday, Tuesday, Friday– English miércoles, jueves– Español Stations of the Cross/ Via Crucis: Español, miércoles, 7:30 PM English, Friday, 7:30 PM Lenten Parish Mission/ Misión Parroquial de Cuaresma: Español: 2, 3, 4 de marzo con Padre John Yara English: March 23, 24, 25 with Fr. Jets Medina Plan your own spiritual Lenten journey to Easter. Saint Louis Catholic Community 7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844 • [email protected] • [email protected] PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo Parochial Vicars Rev. Fr. Biju Vells Rev. Fr. Fredy Yara Vicar Emeritus (Retired) Rev. Fr. Michael Kish Administrator of the Mission of St. Augusitine of Hippo Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo Deacons Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney Rev. Dr. James Dugard Rev. Mr. John Peremenis Rev. Mr. John Green Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon Rev. Mr. Alex Lam Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes Rev. Mr. George Labelle Rev. Mr. José Villena School Principal Mr. Edward Garcia Director of Religious Education Mrs. Jeannie Modroño Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Mark Witkowski HOLY EUCHARIST (MASS) PASTORAL HISPANA Sunday:(English) 5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil) 7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30, 5:30 PM (Español) 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM Misa en Español Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM Los miercoles - 7:00 PM Bautismos - En Español el último domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la oficina con DOS meses de anticipación. RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM 7:30 - 8:30 PM Anytime by appointment Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación. Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM. MATRIMONY Please contact the parish office at least six months prior to the proposed date. BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old) In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call the Office TWO months in advance. PARISH OFFICE HOURS VITTORIA DI BENEDETTO daughter of Stephen & Juliet Di Benedtto VICTORIA PINZON daughter of Christian & Dayana Pinzon Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Director of Music Mr. Juan Salazar Remember the Departed Ligia Lugo Mabel Del Toro Coordinator of Ministries & Music Ms. Cecelia Columbro Andrés Hidalgo Norman Hinton James Houck Aloma Ahkin Lisa de Angelis Carole Howard Pablo Arevalo Nereida de Arrocha Aida Jackson Mary Arnold Mary Frances Degen Irene Johnson Isabel Avila Luis DeVarona Matthew Joseph Alejandro Baldelomar Sal DiFede Jim Kern Marcio Baltodano Alba Diaz Oliver & Mary Ann Kerr Nora Bendheim Xioriliz Diaz Mary Kilcoyne Verónica Bermúdez Lorraine Ditzel Gerry Knowlan Jeannette Bernard Iris Echevarria Robert Kopp Ruben Berumen Vincent Evans Pat Krupczak Maria Eugenia Bolaños Gene Fleming Joseph Kuethe Giana Brendeke Eddie Fung Helen Labime Bertina Garcia Joyce Bryan Josh Lane Jerry Byrne Bill Gerrard Esperanza Lara Joanne Calfo Mary Glynn Gene LaNeve Margaret Caruso Daisy Guerrero Anne Lintner Keith Chin Dorothy Haiduven Evelyn López Robert Hall Sandra Chung Manolito López Jim & Erika Connell Manuel Haramboure Isabel Luperón Alyse Hernández Michael Connor Adelaida Maldonado Cici Culverhouse Salvador Hernández Dan Millott Pray for the Sick Baptisms Adelina Muzaurieta Harrison Margulies Matthew Martin William Martinez Jane McKeon Luis Magallanes Vivian Malave Wendy McLendon Reinaldo Meléndez Angela Mitchell Isabella Morales Francisco Morejon Leonardo Moreno James Morris Michael Mulsford Luis Munilla Dana Munsey Patricia Murphy Rodney Oziemski Alexandra Pegues Jim Petee Javier Piñeda David Pritchard Shawn Rice Bryce Richardson Remberto Rodríguez Rolando Rodríguez Clara Romero Graciela Rosas Josephine Sánchez Jesse Santera Jimmy Sarandis John Shubeck Al Schwitalla Eleanor Simons Colin Smith Pita Ernest Steinhilber,III Isah Marie Tomas Aurora Van de Water Pedro Verastegui Ivanna Vidal Concepción Villaborres Aisha Wade Chris Warren Elizabeth Woods Patty Young Nick Zwatney Giancarlo Zamora Please remember to contact the Parish Office when it is appropriate to remove a name from this list or they will be removed after two months. To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family, call Pedro Valentin at 305-251-7335 or the parish office at 305-238-7562. Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960. Ministry to The Sick St. Louis Parish Life in the Spirit Seminar invites YOU and your family Sunday, February 22nd to the Community Breakfast Buffet Come experience New Life in the power of the Holy Spirit Open to All 9th - 12th Graders March 20-22 Cost: $30 For more information, contact Natalie Bauta at 305-987-9800 [email protected] Parroquia de San Luis le invita TU y tu familia estan invitados Domingo, 22 de febrero al Desayuno Buffet Comunitario Adaikkalasamy, David Agraz-Guerena, Jorge Aguirre, Teresita Ahern, Frances Aime, Nicole Alberto, Juan Alem, Samantha Alexander, Audrey Alonso, Amaya Bernal Alvarado, George Alvarado, Katherine Alvarez, Alex Alvarez, Ibraham Alvarez, Jorge Alvarez, Miguel Alvizuri, Carolina Anderson, Chris & Colleen Anglade, Manuella Antonelli, Mark Anzoategui, Fernando Anzola, Oscar Apollom, Alix Appa, Robert Arbesu, Nury Arguello, Lillian Arias, Jaime Arias, Miguel Astudillo, Alex Astudillo, Alex & Belen Asturrizaga, Felix Baca, Anderson Badillo, Dennis Baguero, Fabio Bailey, Jason & Amy Baldelomar, Alejandro Ball, Charles Baron, Luis Barranco, Orlando Barreras, Gerri Barreras, Zoraida Barrios, Jose Battle, Suzanne Bauer, Charles Belisario, Nuemann Bendeck, Rene Benedetti, Mario & Maria Benitez, Ivonne Benitez, Victor Bermudez, Carol Berumen, Robert Betancur, Judith Bier, Joseph Blahnik, Stephen & Kim Blanco, Jose Blanco, Melissa Block, Wayne Blumenthal, Judith Blustein, Harry Boet, Frank Bott, Paul Boudet, Irma Bravo, Nery Brendecke, Esperanza Thanks for your Pledges We apologize that this list is incomplete. We do not yet have all the names of those who sent pledges to the Pastoral Center by mail or online. Brodsky, Elizabeth Brown, Robert Bruno, Matthew Bueno, Roberto Burrows, James Buzzella, James Callaghan, David Camelo, Pablo Campo, Ligia Cannata, Thomas Cardenal, Julio Casanova, Marcos Casas, Ricardo Castellanos, Octavio Castillo, Jose Castillo, Rene Castillo, Ruben Castro, Michael Cawley, Andrew Ceja, Martha Cervantes, Paulina Cesarano, Dorothy Cesarano, Teresa Cetta, Karl Chamorro, Arturo Chamorro, Daisy Charles, Claudine Charles, Marie Charur, Carlos Chavez, Mary Christopherson, David Clark, Curtis Clark, Jose Condon, Rosalyn Conte, Joseph Corradini, Leo Cosio, Lorenzo Coslick, Carl Coughlin, Matt & Larissa Cox, Ed Criado, Emilio Cruz, Marcella Cuervo, Jorge Czekanski, Paul Dalrymple, Linda Davis, Luisa De Buchet, Tanguy De La Fe, Silvia De Rojas, Albert & Angela Dejanovic, Marko Del Rio, Carlos & Carlota Del Toro, Nicholas Delfin, Maria Cheryl Delisma, Marie Deluca, James Derosimo, John Desbiens, Robert DeTrinidad, Jose Di Fede, Salvatore Diaz, Adelaida Diaz, Alba Diaz, Rosaura Diaz De Villegas, Ana Diaz De Villegas, Jorge Dick, Philip Donna, Luca Dotten, Susan Downey, John Garcia, Roberto & JoAnn Garcia, Ruben Garcia, Teresa Garcia Pages, Sergio Garnica, Tomas Gavila, Susan Geronimo, Ralph Gilbert, John Giroux, Theresa Girten, James Driggs, Raul Duarte, Maria Dunn, Raymond Dunning, Susan Duran, Cruzan Dyches, James Echeverri, Natalia Ehler, Euphemia Elder, George Elia, Ramsey Elliott, Marcella England, Peter Ennis, Daniel Espinosa, Francisco Estrada, Carlos Eusebe, Marie Evans, William Falco, Christopher & Laura Feito, Jose Fenaughty, Mark Fernandez, George Fernandez, Julio Fernandez, Melissa Ferreyra, Raul Fink, Michael & Evelyn Flores, Alejandrina Flores, Ana Florez, Luis Fortunato, Mayda Forwood, Walter & April Frank, Ana Frawley, John Friedlander, Robert & Anita Gadala, Pierrette Gallegos, Isabel Galvin, Daniel Gamache, John Gangemi, Ronald Garcia, Hector Garcia, Jesus & Annie Godoy, Maggie Goll, Ana Gomez, Candelaria Gomez, Daniel & Jessica Gonzales, Fernando Gonzalez, Diana Gonzalez, Neyda Granatowski, Dan Green, John Green, Patricia Guerra Chirinos, Mike Guia, Francisco Gutierrez, Jaime Gutshall, Wayne Guyamier, Raymond Hacker, William Hagley, Rosalind Hamel, David Hammonds, Jean Hand, James Hart, Michael Hearne, William Hechavarria, Terese Heffernan, Gerald Hentschel, Oscar Hernandez, Andrew Hernandez, Antonia Hernandez, Francy Hernandez, Huan Carlos Hernando, Jorge Herrera, Elizabeth Heyward, Jeanne Ho Sang, Wayne Hsia, Martha Hunt, Joseph Icaza, Alejo Idarraga, Luis Janis, Ronald Jaro, Carlos Jesurun, Ivar & Mary Jimenez, Andres Jimenez, Segundo Johnson, Jere Johnson, Robert Johnstone, Robert Jubis, Oscar Jurney, Kent Kaldahl, Scott Karpf, Gelie Kauffman, Julie Kejner, Aura Kelleher, A. Kerr, Oliver Keys, James Kilcoyne, Mary King, James Kish, Michael Kissane, Gene Kolodziejczak, Paul Kopp, Ingeborg Kraziem, Ivette Krogh, Bernard Kuniansky, Max La Neve, Eugene Lam, Alex Lamadriz, Maria Cristina Lauture, Raquel Leite, Raphael Leong, Danny Lewis, Gladys Lichtenstein, Enrique Lichtenstein, Guy Liwanag, Lillian Llanes, Armando Llave, Emperatriz Loffredo, Anthony Longueira, Joseph Lopez, Calixto Lopez, Carlos Lopez, Francisco Lopez, Juan & Alison Lopez, Kanssa Lopez, Mercy Lopez, Thomas Loys, Raul Lozano, Thomas & Erika Lucas, Albert Ludovici, Philip Manning, Ronald Marchena, Omar Marciales, Maria Marley, Allan Marmolejos, Jose Maronto, John Marrou, Jaime Martinez, Almanzor Martinez, Arturo Martinez, Jorge Martinez-Varela, Carlos Marzuka, Juan Mastrapa, Roberto Matos, Irma Matos, Ramon Mattox, Jocelyn Mayorga, Alex Mayorga, Hardy Mayorga, Henry McAvoy, Lloyd McCaffery, Joan McDermott, Michael McDonald, Davi & Maria McDonald, James McInerney, Vincent McKee, Nancy McKeever, Michael McNamara, Russell McNeill, Lourdes Mejia, Adriana Menendez, Juan Micali, John Miller, James & Holly Miller, Joyce Millet-Romero, Roxana Millott, Daniel Mion, Hugo Mirabal, Anthony Miraglia, Michael & Elaine Modrono, Manuel & Jeannie Monell, Clarissa Morales, Luis Moravec, Michelle Morillas, Julio Munilla, Carmen Munilla, Juan & Laura Muniz, Carlos Munoz, Alejandro Luna, Alberto Lyden, Jeanne Lyon, Richard MacDonald, Stuart Mackle, Laura Maghak, Fady Magtira, Majorie Malave, Domingo Mangialetto, Carol Munoz, Bernardo Murphy, Michael & Jennifer Murray, Richard Neumann, Charles Noguera, Amalia Norena, Oscar Nunez, Emilio Obermeir, Ferdinand Obermeir, Linda Olivera, Nora Oliveras, Gustavo Or, Jorge & Maria-Mercedes Ordonez, Veronica Oria, Jorge Ortiz, Irvin Ortiz, Jaime Osorio, Rosa Osterberger, David Padron, Silvia Paez, Rafael Page, Gregson Page, Larry Palacio, Danny & Michelle Palaszewski, Daniel Parra, Daniel Parsons, Van Pas, Thomas & Carolina Pazos, Mary Peloquin, Andre Perez, Alberto Perez, Alex Perez, Ismael Perez, Julio Perez, Lucia Phelan, Lawrence Pherso, James Phillips, Bohn Pichardo, Gabriel Pierce, Jay & Ana Pilona, Ingrid Pita, Julio Plata, Horacio Ponce, Margarita Poozhikunnel, Joseph Prada, David Prahl, William Puigbo, Enrique Pulles, Armando Quinn, Kenneth Quintero, Yennie Ramos, Amelia Rams, Victor & Maria Rapalie, Peter Ready, Sheila Recicar, Christopher Reeves, George Reilly, Lois Reyneri, Nelson Ricciulli, Arnaldo Richardson, William Rico, Isabel Riera, Javier Riera, Juan Robleta, Frank Rodriguez, Anette Rodriguez, Claudia Rodriguez, Luis Rodriguez, Mario Rodriguez, Yhosvany Rodriquez, Guillermo Rodriquez, Pablo Rodriquez, Uven Rodriquez, Victor Roig-Romero, Regina Romaris, Alain Romero, Julie Ronconi, Anthony Rosales, Patricia Rottler, Donald Ruiz, Daniel Ruiz, Jimmy Ruiz, Roberto Ruiz-Madrigo, Ana Russomanno, Herman Rutherford, Mary Sabbag, Theresa Sabina, Humberto Saenz, Sergio Sajous, Catherine Sajous, Sabrina Salgado, Peter Salvade, Hector Salvatierra, Estela Sanchez, Arturo Sanchez, Pablo Santella, Joseph Scalla, Albert Schwinghammer, Gregor Scott, Joseph Serra, Mariano Sevcec, Pedro Sidoti, Rafaela Siegel, Larissa Sihuay, Saul Silberberg, Noel & Caroline Silva, Claudio Silva, Milagros Siman, Adela Simons, Robbin Skinner, Ron Smith, Glen Smith, Martha Smutny, Stephen Solorzano, William Somarriba, Rider Sotham, Carolyn Spring, Michael Springer, Carole St. Thomas, Lori Stanham, Peter Stanziola, Felix Suarez, Guadalupe Subil, Emilio Suris, Jose Sutton, Everett Taha, Ahmed & Debora Taquechel, Pablo Tegtmeyer, Egon Tejada, Francisco Tijerino, Toribio Tinoco, Daria Toledo, Daniel Toledo, Pedro Tolentino, Alfonso Tomonto, Charles Tomonto, Irene Tomonto, Robert Toro, Herber Torres, Nidia Torricella, Roberto & Denise Townsend, Neil Trombino, Roger Trouillo, Jean-Pierre & Valerie Turner, Corinne Uhorchak, Michael Urban, Frank Urgal, Agustin Urrea, Alejandra Valdes, Efrain Valdes, Rafael Valenzuela, Rosaura Vamos, David Van De Water, Thomas Varon, Libia Verdeja, Octavio Verona, Carlos Vidal, Ernesto Vigil, Victor Villaronga, Enrique Villarous, Adrian Villena, Jorge Villena, Jose Vuturo, Paul Wadsworth, Maria Waldo, John Warger, Vincent Welch, Jonathan Wen, B-Chen Werner, Howard Whelpley, David White, Peter Williams, Byron Witkowski, Michael Wright, Carole Yap, Andrew Yesmina, Anita Camillus Casserole Project Turkey Chili due for drop off Wednesday, March 4th in the circular driveway from 7 AM - 9 AM & 5 PM - 6:30 PM Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to me. Matthew 25 Someone from the ministry will be there to accept your FROZEN casserole, marked with the name of the casserole on the lid, and your name as well. If you have any questions call June England 305-235-7257 Cell 786-493-0881 OR Cecilia Prahl 305-253-6505 Go to camillus-casserole-project/ to download the recipe. NOTE++ This is the first of TWO casseroles due THIS MONTH MARCH, second one due March 31, 2015 before spring break begins. No casserole due in April. Habitat For Humanity We will participate in Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build as a sponsor of the Faith House. The Build will be on Saturday, February 21st, 8 AM - 3 PM. Volunteer SPOTS ARE LIMITED. Minimum age to participate is 16 years of age. Please contact Betty Quinn for information and to register for this great event. 305-281-3014 Spring Fling Fashion Show Fun! Columbiette Fashion Show Auction Boutique and Luncheon You are invited to attend to the Columbiette Fashion Show, Boutique and Luncheon on March 21, 2015 in the Family Center Boutique opens 10:00 AM Luncheon 11:30 AM Tickets $25.00 Gently worn clothes & accessories modeled by our own parishioners. If you still have donations, please bring them this week to the St. Louis CCD Office, Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Ticket Sales please call: Betty CraneCarol Corradini 305-582-7514305-253-8613 Ash Wednesday Retreat Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM “Repent Means ‘Turn Around” Ash Wednesday opens up a special time of retreat in the life of the Church. Begin your Lent this year with time set aside for a personal day of retreat — a sacred time of prayer and time with the Lord. During the distribution of ashes, we hear the words “repent” which means “turn around!” Take this day of retreat to “turn around” and see the One who love you and calls you to more of the life that only He has to offer. The retreat will include presentations, time for personal prayer and reflection, communion with distribution of ashes, and simple lunch. Register today. MorningStar Renewal Center Wednesday, February 18th 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM (registration will open at 9:00 am) Presider: Deacon Vince McInerney Fee: $30.— Simple lunch included Registration required to attend. Please call or register online. Ph: 305-238-4367 web: Festival For The Poor 2015 Wow! Here we are in mid- January and our annual Festival for the Poor is “just around the corner”. This year’s Festival is actually spread over 3 weekends so everyone will have the opportunity to participate in all of the events! We will have our main event with Rides, International Food Booths, Games, Silent Auction, Live Auction, Raffles, Live Entertainment, Dinners and MORE!!! As a stewardship parish we have the opportunity to make this the greatest Festival ever! We need everyone’s participation and assistance- time, talent and treasure and preferably all of these! We will start distributing raffle tickets in several weeks. Prizes will be $2000, $1500, $1000, $750 and $500! Seller of the $2000 winning ticket will get $100; a great incentive to sell, sell, sell those raffle tickets. WE NEED SPONSORS FOR THE FESTIVAL! Sponsorship applications are available at the table in the rotunda after each Mass as well as by sending a request to [email protected] and our website. Sponsorships range from $150 to $5,000 Platinum Sponsorship. We are seeking sponsorships for 40 booths ($150 each) and rides ($250 each) as well as Big Top Tent sponsorship ($2000). Recognition signage will be displayed throughout the event as well as on the Sponsorship Board in the Church and the Event Stage. We are seeking Corporate, Business and Individual sponsorships as well. Please ask your employer or the head of a company or retail business you are familiar with to consider a sponsorship to assist us. HELP THE SILENT AUCTION! WE NEED... donations for the silent auction. RE- GIFTING Items given or bought that are new and you don’t use. Call Rosario Gonzalez at 305-968-0121 or drop off at Church office. We will have guest MC’s, DJ’s, bands, and lots of entertainment for all to enjoy. 5K Walk/Run Saturday, February 28th singers, magicians, dancers cheerleaders Dinner Dance Saturday, March 7th 7 AM registration and 8 AM start 7 PM in the Family Center You may register at: This catered event will have an Italian theme. March 13, 14th and 15th There will again be Breakfast Under the Big Top Sunday morning between 7- 11 a.m. The Jail will be up and ready for “customers” to be incarcerated until their bail is met! Our Arts and Crafts Section promises to offer a great variety of beautiful jewelry and crafts. Applications now being accepted for the Arts and Crafts area of the Festival. Spaces are limited; please contact ASAP. We have new additions to our Food Booths International as well. Definitely something for everyone!! The Bake Sale will have tasty treats for all. The most important thing to remember is that 100% of the profits of the Festival are given away to the needy, sick and vulnerable in our community. ALL donations, big or small, are greatly appreciated. Rides and Games Our rides and games for this year are bigger and better than ever. All rides will open Friday afternoon and remain open until 10 pm. Individual ride tickets will be sold as well as individual day ride bracelets or a weekend bracelet allowing for unlimited use of all rides Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There will be NO increase in the price of ride bracelets and t-shirts from last year’s prices. For more information please contact: Betty or Ken Quinn; Festival Chairs 305-281-3014, 305-766-3268 [email protected] For Volunteer opportunities please call our Volunteer Chair: Ann McCormick- email her at [email protected] 10 Confirmation Adult Classes... Confirmación de Adultos For adults wishing to be confirmed in the Catholic faith, we will be holding prerequisite classes on April 1st, April 8th , April 15th and April 22th. From 7 to 8:30 PM. These classes are for adults who have been baptized and received First Communion. Confirmation will be Saturday, April 25th here at St Louis. Please contact Deacon George Labelle at 305-606-3727 or [email protected] to sign up or for more information. Para los adultos que deseen celebrar el Sacramento de la Confirmación, estaremos facilitando la formación sacramental inmediata los días 26 de Marzo, 2 de Abril, 9 de Abril, 16 y 23 de Abril. Esta formación es para adultos bautizados y que han celebrado el sacramento da la Eucaristía. La confirmación se celebrará el día sábado, 25 de Abril a las aquí en St Louis. Para registrarse u obtener información favor comunicarse con Ana Stanham 786-423-4701- [email protected]. February 18th to March 29th 7 AM -7 PM 18 febrero al 29 marzo 7 AM -7 PM 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion. 40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of a three-point program: · Prayer and fasting · Peaceful Vigil · Community Outreach 40 Días por la Vida es una campaña enfocada pro-vida con una visión para acceder al poder de Dios mediante la oración, el ayuno y vigilia pacífica para acabar con el aborto. 40 Días por la Vida es una campaña basada en la comunidad que llama la atención sobre el mal del aborto mediante el uso de un programa de tres puntos: Make 40 Days for Life your Lenten Devotional! • La oración y el ayuno • Vigilia Pacífica • Ayuda a la Comunidad Please join us on, Friday, February 27th the day St Louis Church any time you can from 7 AM to 7 PM. ¡Haga 40 Días por la Vida su devoción en cuaresma! The vigil will be front of Choice for Women on 6660 SW 117 Avenue. There is ample parking for BJ on Sunset Drive in 117 Ave. For more details or sign up please contact: Maria Wadsworth, [email protected] Or 305-299-8840 Por favor acompáñenos el viernes, 27 de febrero, el día reservado para los miembros de San Luis, por cualquier rato que Ud. pueda de 7 AM a 7 PM. La vigilia será en frente de “Choice for Women” en 6660 SW 117 Avenue. Hay amplio parqueo por BJ’s, en Sunset Drive en 117 Ave. Para más información o inscribirse, por favor comuníquese con Maria Wadsworth, [email protected] (305)-299-8840 One Church One Family Stay Connected With Us! Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana Sunday/domingo Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Feb. 15th Lv 13: 1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor 10: 31 11: 1; Mk 1: 40-45 7:00 am + Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry + Moises Baltodano/Loving Children 8:15 am + Emilio Vazquez/Betty Vazquez + Oriana Maco/Betty Vazquez 9:30 am + Marie Kirby/Loving Family + Jesús Suarez/Icaza Family 11:00 am St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests + Carlton Proulx/Baron Family 12:30 pm + Souls in Purgatory 5:30 pm Special Intention - K of C 7:15 pm + Souls in Purgatory/Claudia Lancheros + Apolinar Mendez/Claudia Lancheros Monday/lunes Feb. 16th Gn 4: 1-15; Mk 8: 11-13 6:30 am + Carlos García Perez/Juan Carlos García 8:30 am Sheryl Pimento - Special Intention Salem Ali-Shaw - Special Intention 6:30 pm 8:00 pm St. Louis Parish Families/Parish Priests St. Louis Parish Families/Parish Priests Thursday/jueves Feb. 19th Dt 30: 15-20; Lk 9: 22-25 6:30 am + Souls in Purgatory 8:30 am Fr. Biju Vells/Catholic Bible Fellowship 7:00 pm + Mora Rodriguez/Rebeca Collada Friday/viernes Feb. 20th Is 58: 1-9; Lk 5: 14-15 6:30 am + Thomas Springer/Carol Springer 8:30 am + Elena Montealegre/Marcela Cruz 7:00 pm + Souls in Purgatory 7:30 pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS Saturday/sábado St. Peter Damian, bishop-doctor Feb. 21st Is 58: 9-14; Lk 5: 27-32 8:30 am + Skowronek & Granatowfski Families Erin & Jim Connell -Special Intention 5:30 am + Henry Fernández/Marcela Cruz Tuesday/martes The Seven Holy Founders of Servite Order + Mabel Garnica/Tomás Garnica Feb. 17th Gn 6: 5-8, 7: 1-5, 10; Mk 8: 14-21 6:30 am + Souls in Purgatory Sunday/domingo First Sunday of Lent 8:30 am Simone Charles - In Thanksgiving Feb. 22nd Gn 9: 8-15; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1: 12-15 Ross & Scott HoSang - Special Intention 7:00 am + Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry 8:15 am + David & Marianna Giordani/Loving Family Wednesday/miércoles ASH WEDNESDAY 9:30 am + Maria Ester de Contreras/Maria Gómez Feb. 18th Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5: 20 6: 2; Mt 6: 1-6, 16 -18 Jeremy Christian/Phelan Family 6:30 am + Souls in Purgatory 11:00 am St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests 8:30 am Carol Springer - In Thanksgiving + Carlos Proulx/Baron Family 10:00 am St. Louis Covenant School’s Families 12:30 pm Alvaro Fernández Carol - Happy Birthday 12:00 pm St. Louis Parish Families/Parish Priests 5:30 pm Violante Pons/Salamo Pons 5:00 pm St. Louis Parish Families/Parish Priests Donald, Katheleen & Jeff De Souza-Special Intention 7:15 pm García-Méndez Family/Claudia Lancheros + Marian Delgado Lidice Delgado Next Week’s Schedule MASS 5:30 pm 7:00 am 8:15 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:15 pm ALTAR SERVERS Witkowskis Vilomars Felipe/González Whelpleys McElroy/Muñiz Ravinets DeLuca/Vega Chuy/Gavilan LECTORS Hart/Waddell Mello/Loffredo Chavez/Ovalle Sánchez/Magluta Muñiz Jarro/Rodríguez Youth Reategui/Rotulo VOCATION CHALICE* Stephen Porter (786-837-4117) Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423) Zoraida Torres (305-562-8961) Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988) Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494) Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729) Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302) Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298) *These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them. Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche It’s All About Us Todo se Trata de Nosotros It may seem like a broken record. We hear the same themes over and over again. Every time we hear the gospel preached; every time we hear the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass: “We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.” The recurring emphasis on the death and resurrection of Jesus points us to the very center of our faith, the quintessential “mystery of faith” as St. Paul calls it (I Timothy 3:9). As we prepare to enter the sacred seasons of Lent and Eastertime, we will approach that same death and resurrection from many sides. This central “mystery of faith” has several levers of meaning. Death and Resurrection in the Story of Jesus. His death and resurrection established the Church. “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is in vain and you are still in your sins” (I Corinthians 15:17). The ministry of the historical Jesus climaxed in his death on the cross through which he entered the transforming experience of resurrection to new life in God’s kingdom. His Easter appearances to disciples revealed the good news that what God did for Jesus he wants to do for all of us. We can live forever in the fullness of life, joy and peace! Death and Resurrection in the Sacrament of Baptism. In this sacrament we ritually imitate and celebrate dying and rising with Christ. “Are you not aware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Through baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live a new life. If we have been united with him through likeness to his death, so shall we be through a like resurrection… You must consider yourselves dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:35, 11). Death and Resurrection in the Life of Disciples. Baptized into the Lord’s death and resurrection, we daily die to sin and rise to a new life in Christ. “Put to death, then, the parts of you that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and the greed that is idolatry.… anger, fury, malice, slander, and obscene language out of your mouths. Stop lying to one another… Because you are God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with heartfelt mercy, with kindness, humility, meekness, and patience” (Colossians 3:5, 8-9, 12). Jesus advises us on Ash Wednesday to use prayer, fasting and works of mercy to die to selfishness and to rise to a new life of love for God and others. Lent and Easter are not just about Jesus in the past, but about our dying and rising in the present as new persons through our Lenten observances. Watch our catechumens preparing for baptism and our candidates preparing for Confirmation and Eucharist; they are dying and rising. That’s what can happen in all our lives. It’s all about us. Tal parece un disco rayado. Escuchamos el mismo tema una y otra vez. Cada vez que escuchamos la prédica del evangelio, cada vez que escuchamos la Oración Eucarística en la Misa: “Anuciamos tu muerte, proclamamos tu resurrección, ¡Ven, Señor Jesús!” El énfasis recurrente en la muerte y la resurrección de Jesús nos señala el epicentro de nuestra fe, el “misterio de la fe”, como dice San Pablo en (1 Timoteo 3: 9). Al tiempo que nos preparamos para comenzar la sagrada temporada de la Cuaresma y la Pascua, afrontaremos la misma muerte y resurrección de diferentes ángulos. Este central “misterio de la fe” tiene diferentes palancas de significado. La Muerte y Resurrección en la Historia de Jesús. Su muerte y resurrección establecieron la Iglesia. “Si Cristo no ha resucitado, la fe de ustedes es ilusoria, y sus pecados no han sido perdonados” (1 Corintios 15: 17). El misterio del histórico climax de Jesús en su muerte en la cruz a través de la cual entra en la transformadora experiencia de la resurrección a una nueva vida en el reino de Dios. Su aparición en la Pascua a sus discípulos revela la buena noticia de que Dios hizo por Jesús lo que él quiere hacer por todos nosotros. Podemos vivir para siempre en una vida plena, feliz y en paz. La Muerte y Resurrección en el Sacramento del Bautismo. En este sacramento ritualmente celebramos la muerte y resurrección con Cristo. “¿No saben que cuantos fuimos bautizados en Cristo Jesús, fuimos bautizados en su muerte? Por el bautismo fuimos sepultados con él en la muerte, para que así como Cristo resucitó de la muerte por la acción gloriosa del Padre, también nosotros llevemos una vida nueva. Si nos hemos identificado en él por una muerte como la suya, también nos identificaremos con él en la resurrección... Lo mismo ustedes, considérense muertos al pecado y vivos para Dios en Cristo Jesús”(Romanos 6: 3-5, 11). La Muerte y Resurreción en la Vida de los Discípulos. Bautizados en la muerte y resurreccíon del Señor, nosotros diariamente morimos al pecado y resucitamos a una nueva vida en Cristo. “Por tanto hagan morir en ustedes todo lo terrenal: la inmoralidad sexual, la impureza, la pasión desordenada, los malos deseos y la avaricia, que es una especie de idolatría. Por ahora dejen todo eso: el enojo, la pasión, la maldad, los insultos y las palabras indecentes. No se mientan unos a otros... Como elejidos de Dios, consagrados y amados, revistance de sentimientos de profunda compasión, de amabilidad, de humildad, de mansedumbre, de paciencia” (Colosenses 3: 5, 8-9,12). En el Miércoles de Ceniza Jesús nos advierte que hagamos uso de la oración, el ayuno y de las obras de caridad para acabar el egoísmo y resucitar a una nueva vida de amor por Dios y los demás. La Cuaresma y la Pascua no son sólo sobre Jesús en el pasado, sino sobre nuestra muerte y resurrección en el presente como una nueva persona a través de la observancia de la Cuaresma. Vean a nuestros Catecúmenos preparándose para el Bautismo y nuestro candidatos preparándose para la Confirmación.
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