© J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, INC. Virgin and Lamb, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, www.restoredtraditions.com, All Rights Reserved Sacred Heart Parish The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph 819 N. 16th Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160 E-Mail: [email protected] www.shsparish.org www.facebook.com/sacredheartmelrosepark December 28, 2014 Adminstrator: Rev. Francisco Ortega Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Erwin J. Friedl Retired: Rev. Herbert Meyr Resident: Rev. Benedict Ezeoke Permanent Deacons: Mr. Mike Barnish, Mr. Ray Behrendt, Mr. Norberto Ojeda, Mr. Eduardo Rodriguez RECTORY: 819 N. 16th Avenue, Phone (708)344-0757 Fax (708) 344-5906 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Tues, Thur & Fri 9:00am-5:00pm, Mon & Wed 9:00am-7:30pm PARISH STAFF: JOSEPH AUGELLI , Parish Business Manager RANDY CERQUA, Director of Music MIKE CRUZ, Director of Buildings & Grounds ARNOLDO MARTINEZ, Director of Religious Education SCHOOL: 815 N. 16th Avenue, Phone (708)681-0240 Fax (708)681-0454, Website: shsmelrosepark.com SCHOOL STAFF: MRS. BARBARA CICONTE Principal MRS. CHERYL MILITELLO: Secretary MRS. JUANITA GUERRA CONVENT: 1503 Rice Street Franciscan Sister’s Franciscan Resource Center Dominican Literacy Center My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples. — Luke 2:30-31 NEW YEAR... The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul. ―G. K. Chesterton Phone (708)344-6940 Phone (708)567-5083 Phone (708)338-0659 PARISH INFORMATION EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The first Friday of each month from 12:00 Noon to 7pm. Exposition at 12 Noon: Adoration until 7pm: Benediction at 7:00pm BAPTISMS: All Parents must register at the rectory for the Baptism and preparation class ahead of time. English Baptisms: Are on the 1st & 4th Sunday of each month at 2:30 pm.. The Baptismal preparation class is required for parents and godparents and is held on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the rectory meeting room. (holidays excluded) Spanish Baptisms: Are on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month at 1:00 pm. The Baptismal preparation class is required for parents and godparents and is held on the Monday before Baptisms at 7:00pm in the rectory meeting room. (holidays excluded) WEDDINGS: Arrangements should be made at the rectory with a parish priest or deacon at least four months before the wedding. Normally weddings are for parishioners, but special situations will be considered. We recommend a Wedding Mass for practicing Catholics. We recommend a Wedding Ceremony for non-practicing Catholics or mixed religion couples. Both are valid marriages. A priest is necessary for a Wedding Mass. QUINCEANERA: To have a Quinceanera Mass, a candidate must have been Confirmed & received First Holy Communion. Others will have the Prayer Service & Blessing. A deacon can preside at a Prayer Service & Blessing. All Quinceaneras must be baptized as Catholic Christians. Arrangements must be made at the rectory with a priest or deacon at least two months before. FUNERALS: Arrangements can usually be made with the rectory office by the funeral director. We have the Book of Funeral Readings at the rectory for families who wish to look them over. A priest or deacon will usually attend the wake. SICK CALLS: If someone needs to be Anointed, please call the rectory when they are seriously ill. Don’t wait too long! If someone homebound wishes Holy Communion, please call the rectory. It will usually be brought by a Minister of Care. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to Sacred Heart Parish! Please register in the rectory office to be counted! CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you leave the parish or move to a new address, please notify the rectory as soon as possible PARISH FOOD PANTRY: Open Saturday’s 10am-11:30am. Patrons need to call the rectory by Thursday to reserve food IMPORTANT NOTICE The parish rectory & church will be closed on Monday, December 29th. ComEd and electricians from the insurance company will be working on Phase 2 and completion of the total replacement of the electrical panels for the block. We will be back open on Tuesday, December 30th. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28: No CCD Classes 9:00am Women’s Club Mass (Church) 10:00am Women’s Club Breakfast (Marian Hall) 2:00pm Hispanic Social (Marian Hall) 2:30pm English Baptisms (Church) MONDAY, DECEMBER 29: Rectory Office Closed WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31: New Year’s Eve Rectory Office Open 9:00am-5:00pm 8:00am Mass 5:00pm Vigil Mass THURSDAY, JANUARY 1: Mary Mother of God New Year’s Day Rectory Office Closed 10:00am Mass 12:30pm Spanish Mass FRIDAY, JANUARY 2: 12:00pm (Noon) - 7:00pm Adoration 6:00pm Brownies & Jr. Scouts Meeting (Upper Grade Hall) SUNDAY, JANUARY 4: Epiphany 2:00pm Hispanic Social (Rosca) (Marian Hall) 2:30pm English Baptisms (Church) D ear Friends in Sacred Heart: Jesus is the reason for the season! This is my first Christmas letter as the Administrator of Sacred Heart Parish. Christmas is time for decorations, lights, Christmas trees, gifts, fun and more! Maybe it could be just a moment in our world to calm down and forget a little bit about wars, discrimination, injustice, and pain among us. But let’s think a little bit about this, what is the reason to decorate our houses with lights, with Christmas trees, with red, silver and gold ribbons? As far as I know these are happy sights, and they must be a reflection of what we celebrate! This time is not only a tradition… this is how we show our happiness and rejoice because Jesus is our reason for rejoicing! We need to be witnesses of how we celebrate our faith, not as a simple act, but understanding the “why we do, and what we do”. Jesus comes to make our life different. He brings with Himself hope for us, guidance and protection. Sometimes I wonder what is the purpose to celebrate His birth, when we don’t really care about what He brings to our life? When we gather together at home to celebrate the Prince of Peace, and we have problems, misunderstandings and conflicts at home, are we really celebrating a new life in Christ? I know we are busy doing many things every day; do not let these things make your eyes blind. Do not lock the door of your heart. Try to offer everything you do to God. Be more kind, understanding or peaceful this Christmas, only you know what you have to improve. Remember that we can improve anything when we just practice, and practice makes perfection. Remember Christmas is a very special family time, enjoy your time with them and show them how much you care for them. I invite you to participate with us at our Christmas Eve Family Mass at 5 pm on Dec. 24th. Or if you prefer you may join us at 10 pm Mass the same day, we will be singing Christmas carols before Mass. On Christmas Day, Dec 25th, we will have Mass at 9 and 11 am in English and 12:30 pm in Spanish. Let’s worship to the Lord together with happiness and joy! Remember, we need your help and your support to our parish, please be generous with your Christmas envelope and if you haven’t participated in our Fall Drive there still is time to do so. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. May the baby boy Jesus fill your life with harmony and peace. Merry Christmas to all of you! Fr. Francisco Ortega © J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. YEAR END TAX TIME COMING SOON… CONSIDER THIS… LEAVING A LEGACY FROM RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS At present, donors cannot make direct gifts to the Church from their IRA accounts; as of this printing, that law has not been renewed for 2014. However, it can still make sense to use an IRA distribution for charitable giving. Although your distribution would be considered taxable income, making a direct gift of these funds to the Church for the benefit of our parish would allow you a charitable tax deduction, helping to offset the taxes owed. Of course, you can still donate your IRA assets to the Church by directing that the account assets - either completely or partially - come to us at death. IRA assets can be very highly taxed when left to loved ones. The planned giving office of the Archdiocese of Chicago is happy to answer any questions you might have; contact Patti Condon in the Office of Stewardship and Development at 312-534-7911 and she will be happy to assist you. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday, January 2nd 12:00 – 7:00pm with Benediction at 7pm When we go before the Blessed Sacrament, let us open our heart; our good God will open His. We shall go to Him; He will come to us; the one to ask, the other to receive. It will be like a breath from one to the other.” -St. John Vianney >Many thanks to "Duke" Lullo for the wonderful collection of the current National Geographic Magazines for the Sacred Heart students. >A BIG Thank you to Mark’s Landscaping for donating salt that we use during the winter on out “icy” walkways. For all your Landscaping needs call: Mark’s Landscaping at: 708-681-3384. > Thank you to Veteran’s Memorial Park for their donation of food to our Parish Food Pantry. God bless all those who gave. > Thank you to Michelle Delgenio and Eli’s Cheesecake for their donation to our Parish Food Pantry to help make Christmas special for many people in need. > Many Thanks to Carol Toplak, Denise & Vicki Riccio for giving of their time, talent and treasure to help make our Christmas Décor so beautiful. > Thank you to all of our Priests, Deacons, Choir Directors and members, Eucharistic Ministers, Extraordinary Ministers of Care, Lectors, Ushers, Altar Servers, Money Counters, Sacristans, Staff, Church Decorators and all those who helped make our Christmas so special. > A big thank you to Jeanne Flyke and all parishioners who donated toys and food to our Giving Tree and helped make Christmas special for children at Stroger Hospital and seniors at Little Brothers Friends of the elderly. Mayslake Ministries Program A Retreat Program Only for First Responders Do you find God’s presence in the daily work of law enforcement? Do you see God’s face in the people you serve in the fire service? You are forced by the nature of your profession to keep your body in decent shape. In what shape is your soul? Join us for an evening of confidential sharing and reflection as we come together in a spirit of fellowship and prayer. DATE/TIME: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 or Friday, February 27, 2015; 6:30-9:00pm LOCATION: Maple Park United Methodist Church, 11705 S. Elizabeth, Chicago, IL COST: $20 per person Facilitators: Fr. Dan Brandt, Director of the Chicago Department Chaplains’ Unit and Chaplain Kimberly Lewis-Davis, chaplain with the Chicago Police Dept. Register online at www.mayslakeministries.org or by phone at 630-852-9000. FALL DRIVE CAMPAIGN 2014 UPDATE Fall Drive Pledges Returned: 156 Fall Drive Amount Pledged: $ 32,320 Fall Drive Amount Paid: $ 29,506 FALL DRIVE GOAL IS: AMOUNT NEEDED to REACH GOAL: $ 50,000 $ 17,680 We are asking ALL parishioners to help by pledging! Thank you for your continued generous Stewardship! INCOME/EXPENSE REPORT Months of Sept., Oct., Nov., 2013 Church Total Income $ 121,174 Church Total Expenses…….$ 118,235 Church Net Surplus $ 2,939 *Church Cash Subsidy given to School $ 5,000 School Total Income……………$ 240,458 School Total Expenses………….$ 242,373 School Net Deficit ($ -1,915) As always, Thank you for your support! Due to the early transmission of this week’s bulletin, the collection totals for December 21st will be published next weekend. COLLECTIONS FOR Total Sunday Collection Dec. 14, 2014 Budgeted Sunday Collection Difference - net surplus or deficit Total Weekly Collection for Year Budgeted Weekly Collection for Year Difference for Year - net surplus or deficit $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,960 6,450 (2,490) 100,242 148,350 (48,108) Total Parishioner Envelopes: 173 envelopes received Total Children's Envelopes: 56 envelopes received Collection for Religious Retirement $ 1,248 Collection for Immaculate Conception $ 866 Collection for Our Lady of Guadalupe $ 207 Thank you for your generous sacrifices for the support of Sacred Heart Parish! (Fiscal Year is July 1st, 2014 through June 30th, 2015) CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS 2014 Thank you to all whose generosity have made possible the flowers and décor surrounding our Christmas liturgy. It makes our celebration of Christmas very ‘special’ and meaningful. May the Christ Child’s Gifts of Light, Peace, Joy & Love be upon you, your family and friends throughout the year. Merry Christmas! IN MEMORY OF: BY: Lucille DiIacova Family Michael DiIacova Family Mary & Mike Scafidi Carbonara Family Antoinette & Michael Carbonara Carbonara Family Judy Nicoski Ed Nicoski Vernet & Virginia Koll Bobby & Andrea Jake, Grace Jo Carbone Janice Howell Lullo Family Janice Howell Joe, Agnes, Marlene Usher Family Janice Howell Mom, Dad & Jackie Jo & Toni Sciliano Family Linda & Terry Nelson Emond & Gassmann Families Len & Kathy Gassmann IN MEMORY OF: BY: Ray Brooks Gala Brooks Brooks & Saber Families Gala Brooks Carbonara Family Michael & Mary Lynn Carbonara Carbonara Family Michael & Mary Lynn Carbonara Vincent (Giggy) DeStefano DeStefano Family Tony Brucci Lina Brucci Ross/Williams Family Karl & Mary Williams Benedetto & Mary Camarda Karl & Mary Williams Carmen & Julia Alonzo Victoria Ronald & Patricia Salerno Victoria Genevieve & Ed Zach Linda & Terry Nelson Milt Flyke Wife, Jeanne NEW YEAR’S DAY 2015 SOLEMNITY OF MARY Holy Day of Obligation Masses December 31, 2014 Wednesday January 1, 2015 Thursday Mass of Anticipation 5:00 PM Mass 10:00 AM and Spanish Mass 12:30 PM A New Year’s Prayer Lord, thank you so much for all that you have done for me, my friends, and my family. Your hand on our lives is so much more than we could ask for, and your blessings are so greatly appreciated. I know, Lord, that you have seen our challenges, wept at our weaknesses, and rejoiced in our successes. As you know, we are now coming up on a new year. You know I have made resolutions to change the areas of my life that need it, and I ask for your strength to make those changes. I ask for your continued blessings and guidance to make me more like you, to walk better in your path, this year. I also ask, Lord, for your continued blessings on those around me. I ask that this year be one of peace and joy for my family and friends. I ask that you continue to be a presence in our lives. I ask that you give each of us a heart for you and a desire to serve to make the world a better place. I also ask for peace and blessings on those far from home, for those who suffer, and for those who need you a little more each day. Thank you, Lord, for all you do in my life and for your continued blessings and love. In your name, Amen. INFORMACION PARROQUIAL ADORACION EUCARISTICA: El primer Viernes de cada mes de 12-7pm. Exposición a las 12pm; Adoración y Bendición a las 7pm. BAUTISMOS: Bautismos en Ingles: 1ro. & 4to. Domingo de cada mes a las 2:30 p.m. PLÁTICA PRE-BAUTISMAL: requerida para padres y padrinos será el 4to. Lunes del mes a las 7:00pm. En la rectoría. (Excepto días festivos) Padres y Padrinos deben registrarse por adelantado en la rectoría para el bautismo y las platicas pre-bautismales. Bautismos en Español: 2do. y 4to. Sábado de cada mes a la 1:00 p.m. PLATICA PRE-BAUTISMAL: requerida para padres y padrinos es el 1ro. y 3er. Lunes del mes a las 7:00 pm. En la rectoría. (Excepto días festivos) Padres y Padrinos deben registrarse por adelantado en la rectoría para el bautismo y las platicas pre-bautismales. MATRIMONIOS: Arreglos para la boda deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono por lo menos cuatro meses con anticipación. Normalmente se hacen matrimonios para feligreses aunque se pueden considerar situaciones especiales. Les recomendamos un matrimonio con Misa a católicos practicantes. Recomendamos el rito matrimonial para católicos no practicantes o parejas mixtas de otras religiones. Las dos formas son matrimonios validos. El sacerdote es necesario para el matrimonio con misa. QUINCEANERA: Para tener una Misa, la candidata DEBE de haber sido confirmada & haber recibido la 1ra Comunión. Las demás, solo tendrán un servicio de oración & Bendición. Todas las quinceañeras deben ser bautizadas católicas cristianas. Arreglos deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono, mínimo con dos meses de anticipación. FUNERALES: Arreglos pueden hacerse con la oficina parroquial a través del director de la funeraria. Tenemos un libro con las lecturas para funerales para las familias que quieran mirarlas. Un sacerdote o diácono presidirá el funeral. LLAMADAS POR ENFERMEDAD: Si alguien necesita ser Ungido, favor de llamarnos a la rectoría cuando la persona esté enferma de seriedad. ¡No esperes hasta que sea demasiado tarde! Si alguien en nuestra área desea que se le lleve la Santa Comunión, llámenos a la rectoría, un ministro de enfermos será el encargado. NUEVOS FELIGRESES: ¡Bienvenidos al Sagrado Corazón! favor de inscribirse en la oficina en la rectoría para que podamos realmente contar con usted y viceversa. CANBIO DE DIRECCION: Si dejas nuestra parroquia o te mueves a otra dirección, notifícanos tan pronto como puedas a la rectoría. ALAZENA DE COMIDA PARROQUIAL: Se abre el sábado de 10-11:30am. Si necesita comida llámenos a la rectoría no después del jueves para prepararte tu comida de antemano. * Los miembros de las organizaciones parroquiales están enlistados en la página # 2. Q ueridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Jesús es la razón de la estación! Navidad es el tiempo para decorar, luces, árboles de navidad, regalos, diversión y más! Talvez sea solo un momento en nuestro mundo para tranquilizarnos y olvidar un poco todo sobre las guerras, discriminación, injusticia y dolor entre nosotros. Pero, pensemos un poco acerca de esto, cual es la razón para decorar nuestras casas con luces, árboles de navidad y listones de color rojo, plateado o dorado? Hasta donde yo entiendo todo eso es signo de felicidad y deben de ser el reflejo de lo que celebramos! Este tiempo no es solo una tradición, es el tener la oportunidad de mostrar la felicidad y el regocijo porque Jesús es nuestra razón de nuestra felicidad! Necesitamos ser testigos de cómo celebramos nuestra fe, no como un simple acto, sino entendiendo el “por qué hacemos lo que hacemos”. Jesús viene a hacer diferente nuestra vida. El trae consigo esperanza, guía y protección. Algunas ocasiones me pregunto cuál es el propósito de celebrar su nacimiento, cuando realmente no nos importa lo que El trae a nuestra vida? Cuando nos reunimos en casa y celebramos al Príncipe de la Paz y seguimos teniendo problemas, malos entendidos y conflictos en casa. Estamos realmente celebrando una vida nueva en Cristo? Sé que estamos muy ocupados con muchas cosas todos los días; no dejen que estas cosas los dejen ciegos. No cierren la puerta de su corazón, y traten de ofrecer todo lo que hacen a Dios. Sean más amables, comprensivos y pacíficos esta Navidad, solo ustedes conocen lo que tienen que mejorar. Recuerden solo se mejora por medio de la práctica, y la práctica nos hace perfectos. Tengan siempre presente que Navidad es un tiempo especial para convivir en familia, disfruten su tiempo juntos y demuestren lo mucho que les importa y se preocupan por cada uno de sus miembros. Les invito a participar con nosotros en nuestra Misa Familiar de Navidad a las 5 pm el 24 de Diciembre; o si lo prefieren venir a la misa de las 10 pm ese mismo día, estaremos cantando villancicos antes de la misa. El 25 de Diciembre tendremos misa a las 9 y 11 am en Inglés y a las 12:30 pm en español. ¡Adoremos al Señor juntos con felicidad y alegría! No se les olvide que necesitamos de su ayuda y apoyo en nuestra parroquia, por favor sean generosos con nuestra parroquia al traer su sobre de Navidad y si no han participado de nuestra colecta de Otoño aún es tiempo de hacerlo. Mil gracias por sus oraciones y ayuda. Que el pequeño niño Jesús llene sus vidas de armonía y paz. Feliz Navidad a todos! Fr. Francisco Ortega Raymond Balsitis, James Basich, Ray Belsley, Edward Brinck, Paul Calabrese, Mary Caliendo, Nico Carbonara Filice, Anna Cascio, Rick Clohecy, Agnes Coco, Jo Coco, Florence Curinka, Gerald DalCerro, Diane Fahey, Edna Faillo, Fr. Erwin Friedl, Bob Fox, Bill Galvin, Lenn Gassmann, Tina Gregg, Nancy Houdek, Michael Karalis, Mary Ellen Krezel, Antonio Lemon, Vern Meyerhofer, Angela Militello, Anna Marie Militello, Diane Panico, Linda Puccio, Hilario Ramirez, Lauren Rende, Diane Rohan, Agatha Scanio, Connie Tramontana, Vikki Valentine, Ann Marie Wojcik… AND ALL OF OUR HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS. Heavenly Father, Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill. In the Midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to health. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. If you or one of your loved ones wish to be included on or taken off the sick list each month, please call the Rectory at 344-0757. CHILDREN OF ETERNITY... You are children of eternity. Your immortal crown awaits you, to reward your duty and love. You may indeed sow here in tears, but you may be sure there to reap in joy. —St. Elizabeth Ann Seton WELCOME No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church…No matter what your current family or marital situation is…No matter what your past or present religious affiliation is…No matter what your personal history, age, back-ground, race or color is...No matter what your own self-image or esteem is. You are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved & Respected here at Sacred Heart Parish! CHURCH ETIQUETTE: The priest should be the last in and the first out of church. Please TURN OFF cell phones before entering the Church for Mass or any other Liturgical service. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph SAT 5:00pm +Terry Barcal by Family +Fred Mosco by Ray & Lois Behrendt +Raymond Brooks by Family 7:30 +Joseph Militello by Sacred Heart Women’s Club 9:00 +Vito Zito by Cernauske Family +Helen Ratini by Mr. Joe Montino & Fran 11:00 +Ona Kazakeviciene-6yr. Anniversary by Agnes Malela 12:30pm(Spanish) -Misa para el Pueblo MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 8:00 -Mass for the People TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 8:00 +Jack Kay by Family WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 8:00 -Mass for the People 5:00pm +Ona Puroniene by Agnes Malela THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 Solemnity of Mary 10:00am+Frank Angiulo & Josephine Pantano by Family 12:30pm Spanish FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen 8:00 +Anne M. Caprini by Family SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 8:00 +Giuseppe Mossa by Angela Cagnina 5:00 +Ed Shuma by Wife +Raymond Brooks by Family SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 The Epiphany of the Lord 7:30 -Mass for the People 9:00 +Anna Wally by Family +Helen Ratini by Elizabeth & Anthony Carbon 11:00 +Susan & Thomas DelRegno by Nina DelRegno +Romualdas Malela by Wife, Agnes 12:30pm(Spanish) -Misa para el Pueblo CELEBRANT/LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE for Saturday/Sunday, January 3/4, 2015 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm Lizbeth Hernandez - L Rodrigo Serna - L Israel Rosales - S Maribel Rodriguez-M Caroline Cruz Kaitlyn Graf Terry Nelson Francisco Monteon Tom O’Brien Maria Galvin - W Patti Carlini - W P. Cardaropoli - H Cris Dorwart - W Sister Jan - W Pat Esposito - W John Lullo - W Susan Golding - H Lana Book - H Linda DalCerro - W Angelita Chris McGrail - W Armando Diane Trusco - H Fabrizia Felella - H JD & Margueritte Konkel Isa Ramirez Addy Rieger Kassy Alvarado Sam Lozano Ariana Colella Anthony Guerra Kayla Villegas Carlos Rodriguez 8300 W. LAWRENCE AVE. • NORRIDGE WWW.CUMBERLANDCHAPELS.COM FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1985 Traditional Services, Cremations & Pre-Arrangements Available ANTHONY J. LUPO, SR. • ANTHONY J. LUPO, JR. • PETER M. MARTINO • LOUIS A. MARTINO, JR. MARK’S QUALITY LANDSCAPING Specializing in Landscape Maintenance & Installation (708) 681-3384 • Catering • Party Room FREE 1621 Thatcher Avenue APPETIZER Elmwood Park, IL 60707 Local Melrose Park Florist 708-453-7065 708-456-7890 www.RussellsBarbecue.com www.quasthoffs.com ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS With $20 Purchase & This Coupon LICENSED & BONDED Valid Jan. only. 1 coupon per customer per visit. 708-345-1344 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... Established in 1893 Meeting the Needs of Our Community with Dignity and Without Bias at the Most Reasonable Cost FUNERALS — PRE-NEEDS — CREMATIONS — INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made RICHARD M. BACZAK, Funeral Director/Owner - Sarah Virelli 1600 Chicago Avenue • Melrose Park, IL 60160 (708) 344-0714 www.BormannFuneralHome.com 24/7 HELP TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months MELROSE SELF STORAGE Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 3717 W. Lake Melrose Pk. an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Ph: 708-345-0620 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap Carbonara Funeral Directors puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup THE CENTER FOR WOMEN NEW LOCATION AT WESTLAKE HOSP. PROF. BLDG. 1111 W. SUPERIOR STREET, SUITE 207, MELROSE PARK 708-343-2095 708-344-0808 Jean C. Alexandre, M.D. Saba F. Irshad, M.D. OB & Gyne - Board Certified Family Practice Board Certified Ismene Potakis, Physician Assistant Affiliated with: Westlake, Elmhurst & Gottlieb Hosps. Se Habla Español $2.00 Off Any Pizza & 1 Free Liter of RC With This Ad Only 1504 Broadway 708-343-3322 of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Traditional Funerals ✦ Cremations Memorial Services ✦ Immediate Burials Now OPEN in Melrose Park Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 708-652-1444 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Pre-Arrangements, with or without prepayment of services Chapels available near your home Michael A. Carbonara, Michael L. Carbonara, Licensed Directors, Parishioners For further information, Bus: (708) 343-6161 please call the Parish Office. Home: (708) 865-8124 Cell: (708) 724-7500 HOLY NAME SOCIETY Since 1274 344-0757 Join Us? 512149 Sacred Heart Church www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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