Parish Port ofWashington, Saint Long Peter of Alcantara Island, N.Y. 11050 INTERNET: www. Parish School: Principal: Robert Windorf (516) 944-3772; [email protected] Director of Little Learners: Barbara Bergin, [email protected] Religious Formation Office: MaryChristine O. Thomsen (516) 883-5584; [email protected] Apostolado Hispano: (516) 883-6675 Director: Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa Parish Social Ministry: Lourdes Taglialatela (516) 883-0365; [email protected] IHM Spirituality Center: Mary Nuzzolese (516) 883-2782; [email protected] R.C.I.A.: 883-6675 Music Ministry: Mr. Robert Bobek (516) 967-4710; [email protected] Thrift Shop: 883-9277 SCRIP: 944-2513 C.Y.O: 883-6675 COME, PRAY FOR OUR PARISH: Every Wednesday - 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on our altar. Benediction at 3:30 PM. Wake Services are conducted at 3:00 P.M. on the day prior to the funeral. Go Forth W ith Christ WEEKEND MASSES Church 5:00 P.M. Church: 7:30AM, 9:00A.M., 10:30A.M., 12:00 Noon School Church: 9:30AM, (Spanish Mass) Summer Schedule (July through Labor Day Weekend): 7:30A.M., 9:30A.M., 11:30A.M. Weekday Mass: (Monday - Saturday) 8:30 A.M. Holy Day Masses: To be announced Saturday: Sunday: Rectory: Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Deacons: 883-6675 Fax Number: 944-7461 Rev. Patrick J. Whitney, (516) 883-6675; [email protected] Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa (516) 883-6675; [email protected] Mr. Frank G. D’Angelo - Mr. Joseph Bianco RECONCILIATION (Confessions) The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated at 4:00 P.M. on Saturdays. The priest will remain in the confessional for as long as penitents are present but not later than Mass time. BAPTISMS Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 1:30 P.M. In order to better appreciate this sacrament, parents meet with Fr. Pat for an interview and then attend our Baptismal Program. The Baptismal Program is offered once a month. Godparents are also welcome to attend. Please call Fr. Pat at 8836675 to make arrangements. Baptisms in Spanish are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday at 1:30 P.M. Please call Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa at 516-883-6675. MARRIAGE Couples should call the Rectory at least SIX MONTHS in advance. No date or any other arrangements should be made until the couple has been interviewed by a priest or deacon. Call Susan Mon.-Fri., 9 am - 5 pm September 20th, 2015 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time † -2- St. Peter of Alcantara MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY 8:30 AM TUESDAY 8:30 AM WEDNESDAY 8:30 AM THURSDAY 8:30 AM FRIDAY 8:30 AM SATURDAY 8:30 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM September 21 St. Matthew, Apostle Dennis O’Leary, 1st Anniversary September 22 Fiorella Miglietta September 23 St. Pius of Pietrelcina James Rathjen September 24 Patricia & Robert L. Windorf, Jr. September 25 Fiore Ciotoli September 26 Sts. Cosmas & Damian Paul & Virginia K. Nicoladse Patricia Yankana Lawrence Graziose Mary Coeklo St. Peter’s Parishioners Catherine McLeer Alfonso Raimo Josephine Ragonese Rosa Perisco September 27 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Arthur Farley Joan Smith Teresa Santoli Herman Klein PLEASE PRAY FOR... The Sick: Kay Albright, Joseph Budny, Betty Cava, Ismenia Charria, Antanas Gailevicius, Enid Hickey, Steve Malley, Bob McSweeney, Marie Mele, Dillon Meyer, Seraphina O’Brien, Jeffrey O’Rourke, Rita Roach, Philip Spinnato, Joseph Taglialatela, Rita Tanski, Mary Tobin, James Tomlinson, Cara Tully. We appreciate when you keep in touch with us. Your loved ones will be kept on the bulletin prayer list for 2 months, but if more time is needed, please call the rectory and let us know. The Deceased: Marie L. Galvin, Stephanie Palasek RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) Would you like to know more about the Catholic Church? Have you never been baptized or received little or no instruction in the faith and want to learn more? Call the rectory at 883-6675. ST. PETER OF ALCANTARA AND OUR LADY OF FATIMA REACH OUT TO THOSE WHO MOURN Our two parishes have a Bereavement Support Group that meets every Friday at 8 pm in St. Peter’s IHM Spirituality Center lounge. For more information, call Rose Osterberg at 883-2607, or Yvonne Calabrese at 883-4817, email [email protected]. Children’s bereavement: please consult with our Pastor at 883-6675. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Are you seeking guidance on your journey of faith? Call one of our trained spiritual directors: Carol Breslin~767-7603 or Kathy McIntyre~767-1792. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are held on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, 5:306:30 pm in the IHM Spirituality Center dining room. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm Please sign the book at the table by the entrance. Benediction at 3:30 pm We must always have courage, and if some spiritual languor comes upon us, let us run to the feet of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and let us place ourselves in the midst of the heavenly perfumes, and we will undoubtedly regain our strength. St. Pius of Pietrelcina REMEMBERING LOVED ONES Week of September 20, 2015 Altar Flowers, Eucharistic Bread, Altar Wine In Memory of John Michael Sena Requested by family SCRIPTURE READINGS September 27th, 2015, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Nm 11:25-29; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 WEDDING BANNS Third Week Emilia Salaman, St. Mary of the Assumption Brookline MA. Joshua M. Cooper, St. Camillus, Arlington VA. First Week Christina Samson, St. Peter’s Etienne Langer First Week Josepa Pavlovic Christian Bezmalinovic STEWARDSHIP CORNER We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who offer welcome and assistance to new parishioners, whether through our Hospitality Ministry or right from the pews! From Art to Legal and Marketing to Videography, the Helping Hands of St. Peter’s are eager to help out! Need a Helping Hand? Call us, The Stewardship Committee. Contact Terry Zenobio at 516-883-3456. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Parish Goal: $105,600 Pledges: $96,255 Payments: $88,830 % of goal: 91.15% Donations to the Catholic Ministries Appeal should be sent to: Catholic Ministries Appeal, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11571-4000. AUTOMATED GIVING If you are interested in donating directly from your credit card or checking account, please contact Susan at the rectory. *Card donors: kindly let us know about any changes to your credit card.* WEEKLY REPORT ON FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Last Weekend’s Collection Basket $15,368 Automated Giving $2,271 Thank you for your generous support of our parish -3- St. Peter of Alcantara WEEKEND MINISTERS SCHEDULE WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, September 26 5:00 p.m. Fr. Pat Sunday, September 27 7:30 a.m. Fr. Gregory 9:00 a.m. Fr. Gregory 10:30 a.m. Fr. Pat 12:00 p.m. Fr. Pat 9:30 a.m. School Church (Spanish) - Fr. Pilar Arnulfo MASS LECTORS GREETERS Sep. 26 P. Van Dusen J./D. Kenny 5:00 pm B. Brady, J. Brooks K. Buettner, K. Burt P. Byrne Sep. 27 K. Hickson 7:30 am M.L. Ogren A. Rose T. Capobianco M. Cavallaro 9:00 am S. Young A./J. Malloy J. Cina, P. Coleman P. Conran ST. PIUS X ENRICHED LIVING FACILITY Today is the special collection for retired priests living at St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility. This facility gives special care and attention to our senior priests in a setting that fosters their spiritual lives, nurtures their physical well-being, and guarantees that they can continue to live with dignity while accessing a wide array of social and spiritual opportunities. Your donation will help insure that we can continue this important ministry for years to come. Thank you. BLESSING OF POLICE AND SHIELDS All law enforcement personnel, active and retired Tuesday, September 29th St. Peter’s Main Church 8:30 am Mass followed by refreshments in the cafeteria Wanted! Looking for a few good people… Can you smile and say “Welcome to St. Peter’s”? If so, please consider joining the Greeter Ministry. You will greet many familiar faces and meet some new ones. Your commitment would be only one Sunday a month. Please contact Bill Palafox at [email protected]; or Theresa Zenobio at [email protected], 516-883-3456. In today’s Gospel, Jesus called the Twelve, and said to them: “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all … Whoever receives one child ... in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will help hungry children feel the arms of Jesus around them. For more information about our ministry, or to request assistance, please contact Diane Regan at 883-5534. TELEVISION COVERAGE OF POPE FRANCIS’ APOSTOLIC VISIT Tuesday, September 22nd – Sunday, September 27th Telecare Television Network will have live, uninterrupted coverage of the Pope’s visit, beginning on Tuesday, September 22nd. Also tune into EWTN, which will air live coverage of the events on the Pope’s schedule. MINISTERS 10:30 am R. Atkins B. Palafox G. Day, S. DiCaterino J. Henderson M. DiNatale, M. Donahue, E. Hanlon 12:00 pm J. Brakman K. Duhig T. Zenobio J./K. Duhig, T. Farrell APOSTOLADO HISPANO RESIDENCIA GERIÁTRICA DE VIDA PLENA SAN PÍO X Hoy tendremos una colecta especial a favor de los sacerdotes jubilados que viven en la Residencia Geriátrica San Pío X. Su donativo en esta colecta especial a favor de la Residencia Geriátrica San Pío X apoyará a esta extraordinaria institución y a los hombres que allí residen. Su donativo ayudará a asegurar que podamos continuar este importante ministerio en los años venideros. SERVIDORES DEL DOMINGO, SEPTIEMBRE 20 ACÓLITOS: Roció, Jasmine, Catherine ANIMADORES: Miguel Espichan LECTORES: Esvenia Hernández, Vallery Castillo, Graciela Lugo MINISTROS: Rene y Margarita González, Rosita Torrez, Bianca Barrera, María Sandoval, Edy y Mayra Arias CAFÉ: Grupo #5: Edy Taz y familia SERVIDORES DEL DOMINGO PRÓXIMO, SEPTIEMBRE 27 ACÓLITOS: Yarlin, Michael, Nataly ANIMADORES: Iris Delgado LECTORES: Jovenes MINISTROS: Rosario Espichan, Carmen Delgado, Alba Duarte, Lucia Arias, Blanca Fabián, Raquel Cumbe, Conzuelo Donado CAFÉ: Grupo #6: Grupo Juvenil MATRIMONIOS Y QUINCEAÑERAS Aquellas parejas que desean contraer matrimonio y las familias que quieren celebrar los quince años deben contactar a la rectoría a menos SEIS MESES antes de la fecha en que desean la celebración. Se les recuerda que no es aconsejable separar el salón para la fiesta, antes de haber contactado al Padre Pilar y haber separado una fecha para la celebración. PLANIFICACIÓN PARA MINISTERIOS Para hacer uso de una de nuestras facilidades en San Pedro, por favor póngase en contacto con Susan en la rectoría y una forma de planificación será enviada a usted. O puede pasar por la oficina y llenar una forma en persona. Susan se puede alcanzar en la rectoría a 516-883-6675 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. Su solicitud debe estar hecha por escrito o el evento no estará puesto en el calendario. -4- St. Peter of Alcantara IHM Spirituality Center Thank you so much to the many people who ran between the raindrops to come to my celebration. It was a great night filled with excitement and communal joy! Being honored by St Peter's Parish was a special night I will always remember. Thank you. Kathy McIntyre INISFADA SPIRITUAL MINISTRY PROGRAMS Inisfada Spiritual Ministry Book Series Presents THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON By Henri Nouwen Wednesdays, 10 a.m. - 12 noon September 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28 Henry Nouwen’s classic masterpiece invites us to reflect on our ever varied responses to God’s call to forgive. "The Lord upholds my life." Ps. 54 Donation: $60 For the second week in a row, in the letter from St James, he delivers a strong message - to live in the pure wisdom from above... peaceful, gentle, full of mercy. Sounds like Pope Francis! Last week, James boasted that true faith is always accompanied by works in helping others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This past weekend at the IHM Spirituality Center, we celebrated and honored Kathy McIntyre, who has exemplified these exact qualities in her faithful life as a wife, mother, friend, spiritual director, founder of St Peter's Parish Social Ministry, and creator of the IHM Spirituality Center three years ago. Please come see the Center, try one of our programs, or create one of your own! Have a POPE-full week! Mary Nuzzolese (516) 883-2782; [email protected] FEATURED THIS WEEK AT THE CENTER: ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI AND CREATION “Make me an instrument of your peace.” Tuesday, October 6th 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon Presented by Irene Rush Nolan Donation $20.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THEN SINGS MY SOUL Praying with Music Saturday, October 24 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Come spend the morning in music, song, and prayer with God as together our souls are sung into being. Donation: $35 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please register for these programs by calling (516) 883-2782 or by sending an email to [email protected] YOGA Wednesday September 23rd, 7-8 p.m. Thursday September 24th, 8:15 -9:15 a.m ***Bring a mat if you have one and a towel. LONGING FOR THE HOLY Thursday, September 24th, 9:30-11 a.m. Faith Sharing women’s group, facilitated by Melissa Bianco and Emily West. MEN’S FAITH GROUP All men of the parish are invited to join us on Saturday, September 26th at 8:00 a.m. for fellowship and refreshments. BELIEVE ~ Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures A 6-week Scripture study and faith sharing program facilitated by Julie Giunta Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. October 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17 Donation: $30 (includes cost of book) Spend time in the Word as we look at the Scripture and see how they speak to our lives today. Space is limited and materials are needed so please RSVP to Mary at 883-2872 or [email protected]. -5- St. Peter of Alcantara IHM SPIRITUALITY CENTER 1327 PORT WASHINGTON BLVD. PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050 Dear Friends, September, 2015 This month we celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of the IHM Spirituality Center. It has been over two years of tremendous growth. Groups using this beautiful new parish space include: religious education, bereavement, AA, prayer groups, book clubs, and retreat programs presented by both St. Peter’s Parish and the Inisfada Spirituality Ministry. Exercise classes are happening this fall. On Saturday, September 12th, we honored Kathy McIntyre to celebrate Kathy’s vision, dedication and work in creating the Center. Kathy, with the help of others, transformed an empty space into a sacred Center, honoring the IHM spirit that is at the core of St Peter’s. Please consider a donation in her name. Over the past year, we continued making needed repairs, renovating rooms, updating areas, painting, and even installing a new kitchen floor. We have developed a new “wish list” for the year, including rugs, furniture and audio/visual equipment. To accomplish these goals, we are appealing to you to become a “Friend of the IHM Spirituality Center” by donating $100 per year. Lesser amounts will also be a great help. We will continue to grow, educate and offer programs at nominal costs. Thank you so much for your consideration. St. Peter’s Blessings, Fr. Pat Mary Nuzzolese, Director, IHM Spirituality Center (O) 883 2782, [email protected] or [email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To make a donation, please make your check payable St Peter’s Church (with IHM Spirituality Center noted in the memo) and return to the above address, along with this cut-off section. I would like to become a Friend of the IHM Spirituality Center by donating $_________ for 2015-2016. Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________________ -6- St. Peter of Alcantara PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. ~ Proverbs 31:8-9 FOOD PANTRY IS IN DIRE NEED OF THE FOLLOWING: Canned Soups, Canned Corn, Tuna, Rice Peanut Butter & Jelly MINISTERIO SOCIÁL PARROQUIAL “¡Levanta la voz por los que no tienen voz! ¡Defiende los derechos de los desposeídos! ¡Levanta la voz, y hazles justicia! ¡Defiende a los pobres y necesitados! ~ Proverbios 31:8-9 LA DESPENSA ESTÁ EN NECESIDAD EXTREMA DE LOS SIGUIENTES: Sopas Enlatadas, Conservas de Maíz, Atún, Mantequilla de Maní y Jalea POSICIÓN DE MINISTERIO MINISTRY POSITION FOR SOUTHERN NASSAU PARISH: Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry Qualifications: Desire to live the Gospel by serving those in need, understanding of Catholic Social Teaching, experience in parish social ministry, managerial, computer and interpersonal skills. Bilingual (Spanish) and Bachelor’s degree a plus. This is a part-time position. Please send cover letter and resume by email to: [email protected]. and St. Peter of Alcantara’s Parish Social Ministry Invite You to Join Us for a Group Viewing and Discussion of the Live Telecast of Pope Francis’ Address to Congress in the IHM Spirituality Center Thursday, September 24th at 9:00 AM Coffee & Bagels to be Served RSVP by September 21 to Kimberly Saget at: [email protected]; or call 631-348-1170 ext. 317. Peace, Lourdes PARA UNA PARROQUIA EN EL SUR DE NASSAU: Coordinador de Ministerio Social Parroquial Requisitos: Deseo de vivir el Evangelio sirviendo a los necesitados, la comprensión de la doctrina social católica, la experiencia en el ministerio social de la parroquia, de gestión, ordenador y habilidades interpersonales. Bilingüe (español) y diploma universitario a más. Esta es una posición a tiempo parcial. Por favor envíe carta de presentación y curriculum vitae por correo electrónico a: [email protected]. y el Ministerio Social Parroquial de San Pedro de Alcántara los invitamos a Únete a nosotros para una visión de grupo y Discusión De la transmisión en vivo de La Dirección al Congreso del Papa Francisco en el Centro de Espiritualidad IHM Jueves, 24 de Septiembre 9:00 AM Café y Bagels Estarán Servido Confirme su presencia antes del 21 de septiembre a Kimberly Saget en: [email protected]; o llame al 631-348-1170 ext. 317. Paz, Lourdes -7- St. Peter of Alcantara RELIGIOUS FORMATION CATECHISTS NEEDED St Peter’s Religious Formation needs Catechists, those willing to share faith with our children. We will provide training and support along the way, so you will not be alone. Presently we need catechists for: Tuesday afternoon: Level 7 Wednesday afternoon: Levels 1, 3, 5, 7 If you are considering the call to serve as a catechist, we hope you contact one of us to talk about the possibilities. If someone you know is considering the call to serve as a catechist, please pass along my name, email and phone number: Contact: Mary Christine Thomsen at 516-883-5584 or [email protected] CALLING ALL 9th AND 10th GRADERS You are invited to participate in St. Peter of Alcantara’s Youth Ministry First Meeting: September 27, 2015 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The IHM Spirituality Center Meet Ashley Scotto, our new Youth Minister Ashley welcomes high-school students to participate in this year’s Youth Ministry. All high school catechists are required to attend the first meeting to better prepare for the year. To sign up: Email [email protected] or call 516-883-5584 with your name and grade level. Parents who would like to participate as part of a parent committee, please contact as well. Please RSVP so we can plan food accordingly. All are Welcome! Level 8 Info Meeting for Students and Parents Monday, September 21st at 7:15 pm Level 2 Info Meeting for Parents only Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:15 pm Level 7 Info Meeting for Students and Parents Wednesday September 23rd at 7:15 pm St. peter’s 50th annual Parish Dinner Dance "The Golden Gala: A Celebration of Faith, Family & Friends" North Hempstead Country Club Friday, November 20, 2015! Whether you plan to attend the Parish Dinner Dance or not, organizers need your help! Please consider donating a bottle of wine or other alcoholic beverage for use in the "St. Peter's Spirit Toss", where patrons will test their hand-eye coordination at an old fashioned Ring Toss game, all to raise funds while having fun! Level 2-8 begin classes September 28th, 29th, 30th Level K & 1 begin classes October 19th, 20th, 21st Bring donated bottle(s) INSIDE the Rectory for safe storage (please do not leave any bottles outside) or call Patty Harper at 516-232-6405, if you'd prefer to have the bottles picked up from your home. CHEERS & BLESSINGS! -8- St. Peter of Alcantara Community Blood Drive Sunday, September 27th 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM St. Peter’s cafeteria New York Blood Center ( will be administering this blood drive at. During the summer and early fall, the Long Island blood supply becomes critically low. Each pint of blood can save up to as many as three lives. When a donor gives blood, it’s a gift that lasts a lifetime. This donation will include a mini-medical examination & will take up to an hour per donor. Each donor must be at least age 1675, (16 year olds must have parental consent which is available at and 76 and older need a doctor’s note) weigh at least 110 pounds, and feel well the day of the drive. No tattoos for the past 12 months unless applied in NJ. Donors must bring valid photo or signature ID and know their social security number. Drink plenty of fluids and eat a good meal before you donate. For more information or to make an appointment, please call Shannon or Kate Straggi at 516-365-0151, or email [email protected]. Please join us and give the gift of Life, and those who receive that gift will be forever grateful. Comunidad Campaña de Donación de Sangre Domingo, 27 de Septiembre 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM St. Peter’s cafeteria Banco de Sangre de Nueva York será la administración de una donación de sangre. Durante el verano y principios del otoño, el suministro de sangre de Long Island llega a ser excesivamente baja. Cada pinta de sangre puede salvar hasta un máximo de tres vidas. Cuando un donante da a la sangre, es un regalo que dura toda la vida. Esta donación incluirá un examen mini-médica y tendrá un máximo de una hora por cada donante. Cada donante debe ser al menos de 16 a 75 años de edad, (16 años de edad deben tener autorización de los padres que está disponible en y 76 y mayores necesitan una nota del doctor) pesar por lo menos 110 libras, y se siente bien el día de la conducir. No hay tatuajes para los últimos 12 meses, a menos aplicados en NJ. Los donantes deben traer válida foto o la firma de identificación y conocer su número de seguro social para la unidad. Beba mucho líquido y comer una buena comida antes de donar. Para obtener más información o para hacer una cita, por favor llame a Shannon o Kate Straggi al 516-365-0151, o al correo electrónico [email protected]. Por favor, únase a nosotros y dar el regalo de la vida, y los que reciben ese regalo será siempre agradecido. THIS WEEK AT ST. PETER’S… Sunday, September 20 8 am: Spanish coffee hour in cafeteria 8 am: CYO in gym 11 am: Spanish youth in Pastoral Center 11 am: Spanish RCIA in IHMSC dining room 11:30 am: Cursillo in cafeteria 11:45 am: Spanish Choir in School Church Monday, September 21 3:30 pm: Middle school sports in gym 5:30 pm: AA in IHMSC dining room 6 pm: CYO in gym 7:15 pm: 8th grade parents/students in School Church Tuesday, September 22 3:30 pm: Middle school sports in gym 6 pm: CYO in gym 7 pm: Spanish Apostolate in Main Church 7:15 pm: Parent meeting in cafeteria/School Church 7:30 pm: Parish Reading Group in Martha/Mary Room 8 pm: Spanish Charismatic in School Church Wednesday, September 23 10 am: Inisfada Book Club in IHMSC dining/living rooms 3:30 pm: Middle school sports in gym 6 pm: CYO in gym 7 pm: Spanish youth in Pastoral Center 7:15 pm: Evening Yoga in IHMSC dining room 7:15 pm: 7th grade confirmation parents/students in School Church Thursday, September 24 8:30 am: Morning Yoga in IHMSC dining room 9:30 am: Longing for the Holy in IHMSC living room 3:30 pm: Middle school sports in gym 5:30 pm: AA in IHMSC dining room 6 pm: CYO in gym 7 pm: Spanish Apostolate in IHMSC Chapel/dining room 7 pm: Spanish Charismatic in Pastoral Center 7:30 pm: Cursillo in faculty room 7:30 pm: Choir in Main Church Friday, September 25 2:30 pm: Middle School Sports in gym 5:30 pm: AA in IHMSC dining room 6 pm: CYO in gym 6 pm: Spanish Charismatic in School Church 8 pm: Bereavement in IHMSC living room Saturday, September 26 8 am: Men’s Faith Group in IHMSC 8 am: CYO in gym 8 pm: Radio Maria in Pastoral Center 8 pm: Spanish Choir in School Church **Scheduling forms are on our website and at the rectory. Check out our website - -9- St. Peter of Alcantara 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal “Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God.” - Pope Francis The Catholic Ministry Appeal gives us many opportunities to reach out, touch, comfort and aid God’s people. Whether we are supporting our Seminarian’s educations, providing faith formation opportunities and resources to our children and adults, or assisting the neediest amongst us, the ministries supported by the Catholic Ministries Appeal bring God’s love to everyone they touch. PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A GIFT TO THE 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal! Every Gift helps us to promote strong faith and holy lives. Parish: ________________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________ Pledge $ ________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Down Payment $_________ Donor Signature: ________________________________________ Balance $_________ EMAIL: _______________________________________________ Catholic Ministries Appeal, Diocese of Rockville Centre, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, New York 11571 -10- St. Peter of Alcantara St. Peter’s School Corner Innisbrook Sale will be Starting Soon! Special Welcome for New Families St. Peter’s 2015 Ladies Fall Fling! The Innisbrook wrapping paper information will be sent home with your children regarding the upcoming fundraiser. The sale runs from September 21st to October 16th. The Parent/Teacher Organization extends a special welcome to all new families and Little Learner’s parents with a Wine & Cheese Party! Save the date! The next Fall Fling is scheduled for Thursday, October 29th. It will be held at the Plandome Country Club from 7-11 p.m.. This special event will be held on Wednesday, October 1st from 7 to 9 p.m. in the IHM Spirituality Center. There will be great vendors, great food and drink, and raffles too!! Invite family and friends from out of town to help with the sale online via Select St. Peter’s group number of #105848 and find the name of your student, to purchase items. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Hertlein at (516) 6624896 or [email protected]. Innisbrook has wrapping paper and excellent gifts for any occasion. Want to help or donate raffle items? Contact the event chairs: Kerry Brady [email protected], Maria McCarvill [email protected], or Kelly Lowe [email protected]. Payment can be made online from the website, or by sending a check into the office. OUR HONORED GRADUATES The following students have been recognized with Honors for Academic Excellence at the end of the 2014-15 school year. Chaminade High School William Cornell, Andrew Hertlein, Patrick Johnson, Michael Legieza, Sean McIntyre, William Popovich, William Russo, and Joseph Vernice Our Lady of Mercy Academy Julia Caccavo, Danielle Case, Brittany Hughes, Lindsey Mingrino, Michaela Mohr, Madison O’Donnell, Helena Sanders, Christina Veljacic, and Jacqueline Waters Kellenberg Memorial High School Gregory Ajello, Gerard DeAngelis, Kieran Dennis, Lauren Krim, Gianna Llewellyn, John Mansfield, Rebecca McCallin, Marco Mongelli, Michael Mongelli, Olivia Moss, Christoper Negulic, Kiersten Pedersen, Paul Samson, Patrick Sheridan, Matthew Stehl, Robert Stehl, Matthew Stiuso, Thomas Tobin, and Nicole Vassalle St. Peter of Alcantara School • 1321 Port Washington Blvd. • Port Washington, NY 11050 • 516-944-3772 •
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