Parish Port ofWashington, Saint Long Peter of Alcantara Island, N.Y. 11050 INTERNET: www. Parish School: Principal: Robert Windorf (516) 944-3772; [email protected] Director of Little Learners: Barbara Bergin, [email protected] Religious Formation Office: MaryChristine O. Thomsen (516) 883-5584; [email protected] Apostolado Hispano: (516) 883-6675 Director: Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa Parish Social Ministry: Lourdes Taglialatela (516) 883-0365; [email protected] IHM Spirituality Center: Mary Nuzzolese (516) 883-2782; [email protected] R.C.I.A.: 883-6675 Music Ministry: Mr. Robert Bobek (516) 967-4710; [email protected] Thrift Shop: 883-9277 SCRIP: 944-2513 C.Y.O: 883-6675 COME, PRAY FOR OUR PARISH: Every Wednesday - 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on our altar. Benediction at 3:30 PM. Wake Services are conducted at 3:00 P.M. on the day prior to the funeral. Go Forth W ith Christ WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: Church 5:00 P.M. Sunday: Church: 7:30AM, 9:00A.M., 10:30A.M., 12:00 Noon School Church: 9:30AM, (Spanish Mass) Summer Schedule (July through Labor Day Weekend): 7:30A.M., 9:30A.M., 11:30A.M. Weekday Mass: (Monday - Saturday) 8:30 A.M. Holy Day Masses: To be announced Rectory: Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Deacons: 883-6675 Fax Number: 944-7461 Rev. Patrick J. Whitney, (516) 883-6675; [email protected] Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa (516) 883-6675; [email protected] Mr. Frank G. D’Angelo - Mr. Joseph Bianco RECONCILIATION (Confessions) The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated at 4:00 P.M. on Saturdays. The priest will remain in the confessional for as long as penitents are present but not later than Mass time. BAPTISMS Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 1:30 P.M. In order to better appreciate this sacrament, parents meet with Fr. Pat for an interview and then attend our Baptismal Program. The Baptismal Program is offered once a month. Godparents are also welcome to attend. Please call Fr. Pat at 883-6675 to make arrangements. Baptisms in Spanish are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday at 1:30 P.M. Please call Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa at 516-883-6675. MARRIAGE Couples should call the Rectory at least SIX MONTHS in advance. No date or any other arrangements should be made until the couple has been interviewed by a priest or deacon. May 24th, 2015 Pentecost Sunday † -2- St. Peter of Alcantara MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY 8:30 AM TUESDAY 8:30 AM WEDNESDAY 8:30 AM THURSDAY 8:30 AM FRIDAY 8:30 AM SATURDAY 8:30 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM May 25 St. Bede the Venerable, St. Gregory VII John Murro May 26 St. Philip Neri Albert Conner May 27 St. Augustine of Canterbury Mary Kober May 28 Mr. and Mrs. Weisner May 29 Glenn McDonald May 30 Filippo Calabro Raymon Santiago Anna Conti Eric Griffin Helen Kraus John Murro Sabina Climaco Michael Vestegrom Phyllis D’Allessandro St. Peter’s Parishioners May 31 Most Holy Trinity Elizabet Carta Pat Tobin Mary Canigiani Peig O’Leary EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm Please sign the book at the table by the entrance. Benediction at 3:30 pm Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and devotion to the Blessed Virgin are not simply the best way, but in fact are the only way to conserve purity.... St. Philip Neri SCRIPTURE READINGS May 31st, 2015, The Most Holy Trinity Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 REMEMBERING LOVED ONES Week of May 24, 2015 Altar Flowers, Eucharistic Bread, Altar Wine Altar Candles, Sanctuary Candle In Memory of Angela Iannolo Surleti Requested by family MEN’S FAITH GROUP All men of the parish are invited to join us on Saturday, May 30th at 8:00 a.m. Fellowship and refreshments in the IHM Spirituality Center PLEASE PRAY FOR... The Sick: Ismenia Charria, Fernando Cifuentes, Frank Doran, Kyle Faticone, Antanas Gailevicius, Enid Hickey, Mary Kelly, Steve Malley, Bob McSweeney, Marie Mele, Ryan Miller, Sydney Mojica, Albert Mora, Luis Mora, Seraphina O’Brien, Jeffrey O’Rourke, Rita Roach, Adrian Rose, Joseph Taglialatela, Rita Tanski, James Tomlinson, Cara Tully, Patricia Yankana. We appreciate when you keep in touch with us. Your loved ones will be kept on the prayer list for 2 months; afterwards, if you wish to put them back on, please call the rectory (883-6675). RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) Would you like to know more about the Catholic Church? Have you never been baptized or received little or no instruction in the faith and want to learn more? Call the rectory at 883-6675. ST. PETER OF ALCANTARA AND OUR LADY OF FATIMA REACH OUT TO THOSE WHO MOURN Our two parishes have a Bereavement Support Group that meets every Friday at 8 pm in St. Peter’s IHM Spirituality Center lounge. For more information, call Rose Osterberg at 883-2607, or Yvonne Calabrese at 883-4817, email [email protected]. Children’s bereavement: please consult with our Pastor at 883-6675. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Are you seeking guidance on your journey of faith? Call one of our trained spiritual directors: Carol Breslin~767-7603 or Kathy McIntyre~767-1792. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are held on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, 5:306:30 pm in the IHM Spirituality Center dining room. WEDDING BANNS First Week Kathleen Doyle, Our Lady of the Snows John Brower, St. Agnes First Week Odilis Pena, St. Peter’s Alexander de la Cruz, St. Peter’s STEWARDSHIP CORNER From Art to Legal and Marketing to Videography, the Helping Hands of St. Peter’s are eager to help out! Need a Helping Hand? Call us, The Stewardship Committee. Contact Terry Zenobio at 516-883-3456. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Parish Goal: $105,600 Pledges: $77,105 Payments: $67,460 % of goal: 73.02% Donations to the Catholic Ministries Appeal should be sent to: Catholic Ministries Appeal, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11571-4000. AUTOMATED GIVING If you are interested in donating directly from your credit card or checking account, please contact Susan at the rectory. *Card donors: kindly let us know about any changes to your credit card.* WEEKLY REPORT ON FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Last Weekend’s Collection Basket $10,792 Guatemala 1,040 Automated Giving $2,504 Thank you for your generous support of our parish -3- St. Peter of Alcantara WEEKEND MINISTERS SCHEDULE WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, May 30 5:00 p.m. Fr. Pat Sunday, May 31 7:30 a.m. Fr. Pat 9:00 a.m. Fr. Pat 10:30 a.m. Fr. Gregory 12:00 p.m. Fr. Gregory 9:30 a.m. School Church (Spanish) - Fr. Pilar Arnulfo SAVE THE DATEs! MASS LECTORS Friday, November 20, 2015 50th Annual Parish Dinner Dance North Hempstead Country Club For more information and to get involved, contact co-chairs Patty Harper (516-232-6405; [email protected]) or Deb Wrynn (917-449-0228; [email protected]). We are also asking you to consider lending us your Church memorabilia for display at the Gala on the St. Peter’s Golden Wall of Fame: A Collection of Items Representing our Solid Faith Foundation. All items will be treasured and returned safely. THIS WEEK AT ST. PETER’S… Sunday, May 24 8 am: Spanish coffee hour in cafeteria 11:30 am: Spanish choir in School Church Monday, May 25 5:30 pm: AA meeting in IHM Spirituality Ctr. dining room Tuesday, May 26 7 pm: Spanish Apostolate in Main Church Wednesday, May 27 Thursday, May 28 9:15 am: Longing for the Holy in IHM Spirituality Center 5:30 pm: AA meeting in IHM Spirituality Ctr. dining room 7 pm: Spanish Apostolate in IHM Spirituality Ctr. Chapel 7:30 pm: Choir in Main Church 7:30 pm: Spanish Choir in School Church 7:30 pm: Cursillo in faculty room Friday, May 29 5:30 pm: AA meeting in IHM Spirituality Ctr. dining room 6 pm: Father/Son basketball in gym (NO CYO) 6 pm: Spanish Charismatic in School Church 8 pm: Bereavement in IHM Spirituality Center living room Saturday, May 30 8 am: Men’s Faith Group in IHM Spirituality Center 6 pm: Girl Scouts in IHM Spirituality Ctr. dining room 7 pm: Spanish liturgy choir in School Church MINISTERS May 30 J. DiTore 5:00 pm G. Day C. Persons S. Nunziata, A. Conte G. Day, S. DiCaterino M. Donahue May 31 E. Flood 7:30 am K. Duhig J./K. Duhig, T. Farrell 9:00 am D. Franklin B./M. Palafox R. Gibaldi, J. Giragosian G. Grafer 10:30 am J. Gibaldi C. Roth D. Ganesh 12:00 pm M. Giordano K. Lynch J. Keller, K. Lynch J. Henderson K. McIntyre Sunday, September 20, 2015 2nd Annual Parish Picnic Look for details in September. In the meantime, if anyone would like to help with preparations, or if anyone would like to help sponsor the picnic, call Joe DeMerit (8830484). GREETERS C. Hall, C. Hogan K./R. Hickson, P. Imai E. Hanlon Today as we celebrate Pentecost, the Holy Spirit wants to make us advocates of God’s presence to bring new life to others, especially those who do not know the love of God in their lives. Your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul poor box will help the poor to believe in the mystery of God’s love for them. For more information about our ministry, or to request assistance, please contact Diane Regan at 883-5534. APOSTOLADO HISPANO SERVIDORES DEL DOMINGO, MAYO 24 ACÓLITOS: Jennifer, Johnny, Emily ANIMADORES: Dora Castillo LECTORES: Marco Barrera, Lilia Yanes, Juan Gonzáles MINISTROS: Lino y Tina Figueroa, Chusita Aguirre, Cruz Molina, Fredy y Deby Montes, José Moncada CAFÉ: Carmen Delgado y familia SERVIDORES DEL DOMINGO PRÓXIMO, MAYO 31 ACÓLITOS: Jasmine, Rocío, Christian, Michael ANIMADORES: Graciela Lugo LECTORES: Jovenes MINISTROS: Rene y Margarita González, Rosita Torrez, Bianca Barrera, María Sandoval, Edy y Mayra Arias CAFÉ: Antonia y María Sandoval y familia MATRIMONIOS Y QUINCEAÑERAS Aquellas parejas que desean contraer matrimonio y las familias que quieren celebrar los quince años deben contactar a la rectoría a menos SEIS MESES antes de la fecha en que desean la celebración. Se les recuerda que no es aconsejable separar el salón para la fiesta, antes de haber contactado al Padre Pilar y haber separado una fecha para la celebración. PLANIFICACIÓN PARA MINISTERIOS Para hacer uso de una de nuestras facilidades en San Pedro, por favor póngase en contacto con Susan en la rectoría y una forma de planificación será enviada a usted. O puede pasar por la oficina y llenar una forma en persona. Su solicitud debe estar hecha por escrito o el evento no estará puesto en el calendario. Susan se puede alcanzar en la rectoría a 516-883-6675 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. -4- St. Peter of Alcantara CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY CONFIRMED Olivia Alagna Alyssa Alvez Connor Andersen Grace Avazis Emma Barry John Bellini Steven Betsch, Jr. Elizabeth Betz Julia Bischoff Tracy Bowman James Brandvold Joseph Brunetti William Burke John Burns Erik Calderon Patrick Calpin Kristin Campbell Margaret Carl Julia Ciorciari Matthew Cisneros Joseph Clark Allison Cornell Eli Cruise Katharine Cuneo Nicholas Curmi John Cutajar Peter Cybriwsky Marc Daly Jessica de la Bastide Matthew DeMarino Christian DeMeo Salvatore DiCaterino Megan DiLeo Christopher DiLillo Conor Downing Kathryn DuCharme Nicholas Esposito Grace Flood Olivia Fogarty Matthew Frankel Michael Fratello Grace Freitas Samantha Frevola Kailey Gallagher Michael Gallagher Michael Gallardo Daniel Garcia Michaela Gearty Morgan Gearty Ava Gellis Luke Gellis Charles Gilsenan Nicole Guarino Evelyn Guillermo Margaret Harper Kimberly Hernandez Maya Hershkowitz Victor Jurado Nicolas Kapoor Francesca Karman Luke Kellan Grant Keller Caroline Kelly Riley Kerin Lauren Krim Luca Leonardini Emily Leventhal Melissa Lopez James Lubanski Daniella Madruga Isabella Madruga John Mansfield Oliver Marcell Julianna Marinelli Aidan Marsigliano Sophia Mascia Caroline McAuliffe Madeline McAuliffe Tara McCarthy Malcom McCarvill Aidan McCormack Elizabeth McDermott Christopher Milcetic Marissa Miscioscia Matthew Mongelli Diego Montes Sebastian Montes Madison Murphy Jonathan Nadolne Brittany Nahas Luca Noto Heather Oleksiw Hugh Owens Luciana Panico Rita Panico Matthew Pegno Gregory Pierri Christopher Ricciardi Gabriel Rivas Lucas Romanski Emily Rosso Julia Russo Arianna Russotto Jane Sanders Ricardo Saravia George Scandalios Caitlin Schleimer Gordon Shaub Andrew Siciliano Madeline Simms Paul Sperry Christopher Spina Amanda Stanley Steven Stehl Daniela Stelcer Gisele Stelcer Vinitha Sungkharat Joseph Sweeney Selwyn Taz Caroline Thomson Lindsey Tiedemann Arden Tierney Michelle Titone Juliana Urcan-Delgado John Vazquez Patrick Vazquez Brandon Vella James Vernice Mark Vinciguerra Amelia Von Korff Chloe Weyl Nicholas Wing Aidan Wrynn -5- St. Peter of Alcantara Spirituality Center PENTECOST: The SPIRIT of the Lord has filled the world (Wisdom: 1-2) Recent happenings at the IHM Spirituality Center… Morning Stretch for Little Learners’ Moms. This was an energetic and informative exercise group led by Sue O’Connell. Stay tuned. Sue is going to offer a morning and evening session in the fall. Space will be limited, so sign up early. Mary, a Model For Today’s Women was presented by Kathy McIntyre. Kathy’s insights, passion and keen understanding was a good reminder of a contemporary Mary, with whom all could identify. Mary’s unwavering “YES” as a pregnant teen, a homeless mom, refugee, widow, mother who witnessed her son’s suffering and brutal death, answered God’s call. And she answered it from the Annunciation to her death. May we all have that same prayerful strength to answer “YES”. What’s coming up... Thursday, May 28th at 9:15 am: Longing for the Holy A fun faith sharing group led by Melissa Bianco, meeting for their final session this spring. This joyous group grows each week, sharing life’s faith journey. Great gals meeting to spark and challenge themselves to live life in the Spirit. A new group will begin in the fall, meeting once a week for 6 weeks. Saturday, May 30th at 8:00 am: Men’s Faith Group. A relaxing and insightful prayerful time open to all men of the parish. May you have a Powerful Pentecost. Mary Nuzzolese 883-2782 (office) [email protected] or [email protected] -6- St. Peter of Alcantara PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY “Things have a price and can be for sale, but people have a dignity that is priceless and worth far more than things.” ~ Pope Franics WE AT PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY WOULD LIKE TO WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY & SAFE MEMORIAL DAY. OUR GRATITUDE TO ALL THE MEN & WOMEN, PAST & PRESENT, WHO HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES PROTECTING OUR COUNTRY & OUR FREEDOM. WE ARE & WILL ALWAYS BE FOREVER GRATEFUL. FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: Rice, Tuna, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Laundry Detergent, & Toilet Paper MANGANO OFFERS FREE PHOTO ID’S FOR CHILDREN Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano is helping to protect children by providing free “KidPix” photo identification cards to parents and children. Along with a picture, fingerprint and contact information, the identification card includes the date of birth, physical description and gender of the child. County Executive Mangano said, “The KidPix program provides parents a convenient way to keep their children’s important information on a single, wallet sized ID card. If ever a child is missing, parents can present the KidPix card to law enforcement officials as a helpful tool to help return the child quickly.” Nassau County children of all ages can participate in the KidPix program. Photos and fingerprints will be processed on-site and families will be able to take their KidPix cards home right from the event. • Saturday, June 13th, 11A-2P: Glen Head American Legion (Gold Coast Library Festival), Glen Head Rd. Glen Head. • Saturday, July 11th, 11A- 2P: Mineola Library,195 Marcellus Rd, Mineola. Peace, Lourdes ST. PETER’S THRIFT SHOP Summer Bag Sales Are Here!!! Fill a bag for $4.00 or 50 cents an item Great Buys for the Family!! Monday-Thursday, 10-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-1:30 p.m. Saturday/Sunday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Closed Friday. MINISTERIO SOCIÁL PARROQUIAL "Las cosas tienen un precio y puede ser para la venta, pero las personas tienen una dignidad que no tiene precio y vale mucho más que cosas. " ~ Papa Francis NOSOTROS EN EL MINISTERIO SOCIAL PARROQUIA GUSTARÍA DESEAR A TODOS UNA FELIZ Y SEGURO DÍA DE LOS CAÍDOS. NUESTRO AGRADECIMIENTO A TODOS LOS HOMBRES Y MUJERES, PASADO Y PRESENTE, QUE HAN PERDIDO SUS VIDAS PARA PROTEGER NUESTRO PAÍS Y NUESTRA LIBERTAD. SOMOS, Y SEREMOS SIEMPRE, AGRADECIDO. LA DESPENSA NECESITA: Arroz, Atún, Mayonesa, ketchup, Detergente de Lavandería, y Papel Higiénico MANGANO OFRECE PARA NIÑOS IDENTIFICACIÓN DE FOTO GRATIS Ejecutivo del Condado de Nassau, Edward P. Mangano, está ayudando a proteger a los niños, proporcionando "KidPix" tarjetas gratuitas de identificación con fotografía a los padres y los niños. Junto con una foto, huellas dactilares e información de contacto, la tarjeta de identificación incluye la fecha de nacimiento, descripción física y el sexo del niño. Ejecutivo del Condado de Mangano dijo: "El programa KidPix ofrece a los padres una manera conveniente de mantener la información importante de sus hijos en una sola, tarjeta de identificación del tamaño de una carpeta. Si alguna vez un niño desaparece, los padres pueden presentar la tarjeta de KidPix a los funcionarios encargados de la ley como una herramienta útil para ayudar a devolver el niño rápidamente." Niños del condado de Nassau de todas edades pueden participar en el programa KidPix. Fotos y huellas dactilares serán procesadas en el establecimiento y las familias podrán llevar su tarjetas KidPix para su casa desde el evento. • Sábado, 13 de junio, 11A-2P; Glen Head American Legion (Costa de Oro Festival de Biblioteca), 190 Glen Head Rd. Glen Head. • Sábado, 11 de julio, 11A- 2P; Mineola Biblioteca, 195 Marcellus Rd, Mineola. Paz, Lourdes -7- St. Peter of Alcantara 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal Serving God by Serving Others Monday is Memorial Day, and we would like to recognize and show our appreciation to all who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and the freedoms we enjoy. We would like to ask you to take a moment tomorrow to pray for those that have served and are serving our nation. Many families have lost loved ones, and our military men and women that have survived will face countless struggles and challenges for the rest of their lives. On Monday when we honor and celebrate their service and sacrifice, let us also remember the once homeless veterans, who because of your support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, have been helped through our ministries and programs like Catholic Charities Project Veterans’ Independence. Thank you for your support! You make a difference in the lives of so many through your prayers and generosity! To learn more about a Veteran who was helped by Project Veterans’ Independence, please visit our Web Site at: to view our video. -8- St. Peter of Alcantara St. Peter’s School Corner Event Calendar Coming Up Memorial Day: School closed Monday, May 25th. Father/Son Basketball: The annual 8th grade game with the Dads will be held on May 29th at 6 pm. 8th Grade Car Wash: Car wash will be Saturday, May 30th. Family Mass: Sunday, May 31st, the 1st & 2nd grades will host the 9 am Mass in the Main Church. Orientation: School orientation for new Kindergarten class on Monday, June 1st. Party: Wednesday, June 3rd, is a cocktail mixer for the parents of the incoming Kindergarten class. DVDs of Guys & Dolls Available for Purchase If you wish to purchase a copy of the school’s drama club production of Guys & Dolls, DVDs are now available. A single copy is available for $25.00, and if you choose to purchase two or more copies, each copy is $20.00. The form is available on the school website. Please return the form and your cash or check to the school office. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Hertlein at [email protected]. St. Peter of Alcantara School • 1321 Port Washington Blvd. • Port Washington, NY 11050 • 516-944-3772 • St. Peter of Alcantara -9- -10- St. Peter of Alcantara Registration for September 2015 Registration is now open for all applicants wishing to attend St. Peter of Alcantara School in September 2015. Nursery (2-year olds): Must be 2 years old by December 1st 2 Days: (Tues. & Thurs.) Morning Program 3 Days: (Mon., Wed, Fri.) Morning Program Pre-School (3-year olds): Must be 3 years old by December 1st 3 Days: (Mon., Wed, Fri.) Morning or Full Day Program 4 Days: (Mon. – Thurs.) Morning or Full Day Program 5 Days: (Mon. – Fri.) Morning or Full Day Program Pre-Kindergarten (4-year olds): Must be 4 years old by December 1st 5 Days: (Mon. – Fri.) Morning or Full Day Program Kindergarten (5-year olds) Must be 5 years old by December 1st Monday-Friday (7:45 am – 2:25 pm) Please call Barbara Bergin, Director, Little Learners Program at 516-944-3772 or email [email protected]. St. Peter of Alcantara School: 516-944-3772 ¦ 1321 Port Washington Boulevard, N.Y. 11050 ¦
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