Parish Port ofWashington, Saint Long Peter of Alcantara Island, N.Y. 11050 INTERNET: www. Parish School: Principal: Robert Windorf (516) 944-3772; [email protected] Director of Little Learners: Barbara Bergin, [email protected] Religious Formation Office: MaryChristine O. Thomsen (516) 883-5584; [email protected] Apostolado Hispano: (516) 883-6675 Director: Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa Parish Social Ministry: Lourdes Taglialatela (516) 883-0365; [email protected] Youth Ministry: Ashley Scotto [email protected] IHM Spirituality Center: Mary Nuzzolese (516) 883-2782; [email protected] R.C.I.A.: 883-6675 Music Ministry: Mr. Robert Bobek (516) 967-4710; [email protected] Thrift Shop: 883-9277 Gift & Grocery Card Program: 944-2513 C.Y.O: 883-6675 COME, PRAY FOR OUR PARISH: Every Wednesday - 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on our altar. Benediction at 3:30 PM. Wake Services are conducted at 3:00 P.M. on the day prior to the funeral. Saturday: Sunday: Go Forth W ith Christ WEEKEND MASSES Church 5:00 P.M. Church: 7:30AM, 9:30A.M., 11:30A.M., School Church: 9:30AM, (Spanish Mass) Weekday Mass: (Monday - Saturday) 8:30 A.M. Holy Day Masses: To be announced Rectory: Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Deacons: 883-6675 Fax Number: 944-7461 Rev. Patrick J. Whitney, (516) 883-6675; [email protected] Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa (516) 883-6675; [email protected] Mr. Frank G. D’Angelo - Mr. Joseph Bianco RECONCILIATION (Confessions) The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated at 4:00 P.M. on Saturdays. The priest will remain in the confessional for as long as penitents are present but not later than Mass time. BAPTISMS Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 1:00 P.M. In order to better appreciate this sacrament, parents meet with Fr. Pat for an interview and then attend our Baptismal Program. The Baptismal Program is offered once a month. Godparents are also welcome to attend. Please call Fr. Pat at 8836675 to make arrangements. Baptisms in Spanish are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday at 1:30 P.M. Please call Fr. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla Sosa at 516-883-6675. MARRIAGE Couples should call the Rectory at least SIX MONTHS in advance. No date or any other arrangements should be made until the couple has been interviewed by a priest or deacon. Call Susan Mon.-Fri., 9 am - 5 pm July 24th, 2016 The 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time † -2- St. Peter of Alcantara MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday 8:30 AM Tuesday 8:30 AM Wednesday 8:30 AM Thursday 8:30 AM Friday 8:30 AM Saturday 8:30 AM 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM July 25 St. James, Apostle John Feeley July 26 Sts. Joachim and Anne Pietra Mannioa July 27 Barbara McEvoy July 28 Jake Whitting July 29 St. Martha Jake Whitting July 30 St. Peter Chrysologus Lina Grey, St. Peter’s Parishioners Ann Doyle, Nina Curci, John C. Mahon July 31 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Barbara Nonan Lee Jimmy Gaten Anthony Joseph Pizzolato PLEASE PRAY FOR… The Sick: Kay Albright, Joseph Bacik, Marie Baecher, Joseph Bundy, Fr. Joe Byrne, Ann Dellavecchia, Rose Demelas, Chelo Donado, Jacqueline Fabian, Diane Faticone, Anastasija Gaileviciene, Dana Grifo-McBee, Evan Hefty, Mary Johnson, Michael Kelly, Joseph McCroary, Marie Mele, Dillon Meyer, Seraphina O’Brien, Jeffrey O’Rourke, Rita Roach, Philip Spinnato, Joseph Taglialatela, Jim Tomlinson, Cara Tully, Jacqueline Urcan, Stella Wakshinsky Thank you for keeping in touch with us. Your loved ones will be kept on the prayer list for 2 months, but if more time is needed, please let us know. The Deceased: Joseph G. Bundy (of Maryland), Nicola Carcasole, Angelina Corrado SCRIPTURE READINGS July 31st, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ecc 1:2; 2:21-23, Col 3:1-5, 9-11, Lk 12:13-21 RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) Would you like to know more about the Catholic Church? Have you never been baptized or received little or no instruction in the faith and want to learn more? Call the rectory at 883-6675. ST. PETER OF ALCANTARA AND OUR LADY OF FATIMA REACH OUT TO THOSE WHO MOURN Our two parishes have a Bereavement Support Group that meets every Friday at 8 pm in St. Peter’s IHM Spirituality Center lounge. For more information, call Rose Osterberg at 883-2607, or Yvonne Calabrese at 883-4817, email [email protected]. Children’s bereavement: please consult with our Pastor at 883-6675. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Are you seeking guidance on your journey of faith? Call one of our trained spiritual directors: Carol Breslin~767-7603 or Kathy McIntyre~767-1792. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are held on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, 5:306:30 pm in the IHM Spirituality Center dining room. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm. Benediction at 3:30 pm Please sign the book at the table by the entrance. What matters most to the good Christian community, and what may be taken as the measure of true spiritual fervor, is the love of Jesus in His Sacrament, the faithful attendance at His tabernacle. St. Pope John XXIII REMEMBERING LOVED ONES Week of July 24, 2016 Altar Flowers, Eucharistic Bread, Altar Wine, Altar Candles, Sanctuary Candle In Memory of Msgr. Francis Midura Requested by Joyce Spincola WEDDING BANNS Third Week Nicole Saccone, St. Peter’s Christopher Strk, Holy Spirit First Week Carla Munoz, St. Peter’s Frederick Nimphius, St. Peter’s First Week Michelina, Spinelli, St. Peter’s Philip Spotteck, Blessed Sacrament STEWARDSHIP CORNER From Art to Legal and Marketing to Videography, the Helping Hands of St. Peter’s are eager to help out! Need a Helping Hand? Call us, The Stewardship Committee. Contact Terry Zenobio at 516-883-3456. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The St. Peter’s chapter welcomes all men of the parish age 18 or older to join. Come share your talents in support of our parish and community! Contact Anthony Filorimo at (917) 566-2448 or [email protected]. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Parish Goal: $105,200 Pledges: $88,395 Payments: $79,895 % of goal: 84.03% Donations to the Catholic Ministries Appeal should be sent to: Catholic Ministries Appeal, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11571-4000. AUTOMATED GIVING If you are interested in donating directly from your credit card or checking account, please contact Susan at the rectory. *Card donors: kindly let us know about any changes to your credit card.* WEEKLY REPORT ON FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Last Weekend’s Collection Basket $12,264 Uganda $337 Automated Giving $2,000 Thank you for your generous support of our parish. To help us keep accurate records, kindly remember to write the amount of your donation on your envelope. Thank you. -3- St. Peter of Alcantara WEEKEND MINISTERS SCHEDULE MASS F R. LECTORS Sat. 7/30 Fr. Pat V. Manzo J. Hackett L. Cimini Sun. 7/31 Fr. Pat M. Lee J. Brooks J. Brooks, K. Buettner, M.L. Ogren K. Burt G. P. Schmitt J. Miranne D. Ganesh J. Cina, P. Coleman, P. M. DeNisco Conran 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:30 Fr. A. GREETERS EM’S F. Wheeler, B. Aloe, J. Bassett, N. Berberich, B. Bergin P. Byrne, T. Capobi- Rucando Nuzzolese J. McGrath anco, M. Cavallaro 11:30 Fr. Pat APOSTOLADO HISPANO SERVIDORES DEL DOMINGO, JULIO 24 ACÓLITOS: Emily, Nataly, Iradia, Ángela ANIMADORES: Marco B. LECTORES: Iris Delgado, Celina Castillo, Franklin Moran MINISTROS: Rene y Margarita González, Rosita Torres, Bianca Barrera, María Sandoval, Edy y Mayra Arias CAFÉ: Grupo #7: Carmen Delgado y familia SERVIDORES DEL DOMINGO PRÓXIMO, JULIO 31 ACÓLITOS: Yarlin, M. Elena, Anthony, Julieta ANIMADORES: Bruno León LECTORES: Miguel Espichan, Joceline Reyes, Daniela García MINISTROS: Rosario Espichan, Alba Duarte, Carmen Delgado, Conzuelo Donado, Raquel Cumbe, Lucia Arias, Blanca Fabian CAFÉ: Grupo #8: Margot Reyes y familia MATRIMONIOS Y QUINCEAÑERAS MINISTRY OF WEDDING COORDINATORS Get involved in the excitement of a wedding rehearsal and be there on the big day. The number of rehearsals you do is up to you. All you need is a little training with an experienced coordinator. It’s fun and rewarding. Call Susan at the rectory at 516-883-6675. ALTAR LINENS Volunteers are needed to launder the altar linens (purificators). You would pick up the linens at the rectory early in the week and return them before the end of the week. They would need to be washed, with stain remover if needed, and then ironed. If you would like to learn more, or are interested in volunteering, please call Fr. Pat at 516-8836675. GOLF OUTING - SAVE THE DATE September 15, 2016 St. Peter of Alcantara School Golf Outing Village Club, Sands Point EVENT DETAILS: Check-In………………..11:30am Continental Breakfast…..11:30am Shotgun Start……………1:00pm Cocktail Hour …………..5:30pm Dinner & Auction……….6:30pm Format: 4-Man Scramble Single: $250 Foursome: $1,000 Goody Bag for each golfer ~ continental breakfast at arrival ~ BBQ lunch ~ beverage cart all day ~ cocktail hour ~ dinner at the mansion For sponsorship opportunities, raffle prize donations, advanced tickets and event questions, please contact Paul Fox at (516) 603-6553, [email protected]. Aquellas parejas que desean contraer matrimonio y las familias que quieren celebrar los quince años deben contactar a la rectoría a menos SEIS MESES antes de la fecha en que desean la celebración. Se les recuerda que no es aconsejable separar el salón para la fiesta, antes de haber contactado al Padre Pilar y haber separado una fecha para la celebración. PLANIFICACIÓN PARA MINISTERIOS Para hacer uso de una de nuestras facilidades en San Pedro, por favor póngase en contacto con Susan en la rectoría y una forma de planificación será enviada a usted. O puede pasar por la oficina y llenar una forma en persona. Susan se puede alcanzar en la rectoría a 516-883-6675 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. Su solicitud debe estar hecha por escrito o el evento no estará puesto en el calendario. LONG ISLAND/METRO RETROUVAILLE You Can Help Heal Your Marriage. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, September 2nd, please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. CHSEE PREP COURSE Our Lady of Mercy Academy is offering a prep course for the Catholic High School Entrance Exam. Classes will meet on Saturdays, September 10, 17, and 24, and October 1, 15, and 22 from 10 and to 12 pm. The exam is on October 29th. The cost of $300 includes all materials. For more information, or to register, please call Mrs. Lucille Fitts at 516-921-1047, ext. 10. -4- St. Peter of Alcantara THIS WEEK IHM SPIRITUALITY CENTER (BLUE DOOR) “...Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples." He said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test.” Luke11: 1-4 Planning is underway for fall programming. Want to have an event? Have a talent to share? Have an idea? Please email or give me a ring! As of now, we are planning a series on the writings of Pope Francis, Tuesday yoga classes, Tuesday faith sharing groups, Rosary group, book lectures, praying with music, and movie night... popcorn anyone? Contact me if you would like to get email alerts on upcoming programs. Have a prayerful week any time any place...PRAY! "And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:9-10 Pax et bonum. ST. PETER’S… Sunday, July 24 8 am: Spanish coffee hour in cafeteria 11 am: Spanish youth in Pastoral Center 11 am: Formación in IHMSC living room 11 am: Spanish RCIA in IHMSC dining room/Chapel Monday, July 25 5:30 pm: AA in IHMSC dining room Tuesday, July 26 7 pm: Spanish Mass in Main Church Wednesday, July 27 7:30 pm: RCIA in the Martha/Mary room 7:30 pm: Spanish Pre-Cana in IHMSC living room Thursday, July 28 5:30 pm: AA in IHMSC dining room 7 pm: Formación y taller de oración in IHM Spirituality Ctr. 7 pm: Spanish Charismatic in Pastoral Center 7:30 pm: Cursillo in faculty room Friday, July 29 5:30 pm: AA in IHMSC dining room 6 pm: Spanish Charismatic in School Church 8 pm: Bereavement in IHMSC living room Saturday, July 30 11 am: Women’s AA in IHMSC dining room Mary 516-883-2782, [email protected] Saints Trivia Quiz AT Don’t see your event on the schedule? Scheduling forms have already been mailed out to all ministry leaders, and extra forms are at the rectory and on our website - ☺ From Catholic Online What saint was a great soldier before he experienced a conversion of heart and established a religious order? St. Sebastian St. Ignatius of Loyola St. Paul St. Marcellus the Centurion What saint composed the Rosary? St. Dominic de Guzman St. Rose of Lima St. Francis St. Ignatius of Loyola This French saint was held as a slave for two years by Muslims before escaping back to Europe. St. Vincent de Paul St. Bonaventura St. Patrick St. Yves C h u r C h h u c k l e s “I can’t quite remember - Do I ding or dong?” That awkward moment at church when you go for a handshake…. Approximately how many saints are recognized by the Church? Exactly 531 Under 10,000 Over 10,000 Over one million What saint was known for his tremendous weight? St. Francis St. Thomas More St. Simon de Crepy St. Thomas Aquinas ...and they go for a hug. -5- St. Peter of Alcantara PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY MINISTERIO SOCIÁL PARROQUIAL “You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who will never really repay you.” ~ Bl. Mother Teresa "Usted nunca ha vivido realmente hasta que usted haya hecho algo por alguien que nunca le podrá reembolsar." ~ Madre Bendita Teresa FOOD PANTRY IS IN NEED OF: Coffee, Tea, Cooking Oil, Shelf Stable Milk, Black Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Canned Pasta, Juice, Canned Corn & Canned Vegetables LA DESPENSA NECESITA LOS SIGUIENTES: Café, Té, Aceite de Cocina, Leche de Estante, Frijoles Negros, Garbanzos, Conservas de Pasta, Jugo, Maíz Enlatado, y Conservas de Vegetales ¡¡SOLICITUD - FAMILIA NECESITADA!! REQUEST - FAMILY IN NEED!!!! A FAMILY IS IN NEED OF AN AIR CONDITIONER UNIT. IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW HAS ONE AVAILABLE TO DONATE PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE @ 516-883-0365. THANK YOU! BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE Our families will be coming in the week of 8/15-8/18 to pick up their bundles and Staples gift cards. Following are the items we are collecting, but most important, we are in DESPERATE need of $25.00 STAPLES CARDS. Please bring your donation(s) in by no later than Monday 8/1 allowing us to make the bundles for pick-ups. • • • • • • • • • • Pencil Cases or Boxes Crayons, Colored Pencils &/or Markers Hi-Lighters Folders Loose-Leaf & Construction Paper Loose-Leaf Binders** Spiral and/or Marble Notebooks Rulers & Scissors Glue Sticks or Elmer’s Glue No. 2 Pencils ** We are especially in need of these! Thank you so much for your generosity & support. Peace, Lourdes UNA FAMILIA NECESITA UN ESTÁ EN NECESIDAD DE UN AIRE ACONDICIONADO. SI USTED O ALGUIEN QUE USTED CONOCE TIENE UNO DISPONIBLE PARA DONAR POR FAVOR LLAME A NUESTRAS OFICINAS @ 516-883-0365. ¡GRACIAS! SUMINISTROS PARA REGRESO A LA ESCUELA Nuestras familias vendrán durante la semana de 8/15-18 para recoger sus paquetes de regreso a la escuela y tarjeta de regalo de Staples. Los siguientes son los elementos que estamos recolectando, pero más importante nosotros necesitamos DESESPERADAMENTE tarjetas de regalo de $25.00 para STAPLES. Favor de traer su donación(s) no más tarde del Lunes 8/1 dándonos el tiempo suficiente para hacer los paquetes para la recogida. • • • • • • • • • • • Estuches o Cajas para Lápices Lápices y Marcadores de Colores y Crayones Alumbradores Carpetas Hojas Sueltas (Loose-Leaf) con Leñas Encuadernación de Hojas Sueltas* Cuadernos Espiral y/o de Mármol Reglas y Tijeras Papel de Construcción Barras de pegamento o Pegamento de Elmer No. 2 Lápices **¡Necesitamos estos especialmente! Muchas gracias por su generosidad y apoyo. Paz, Lourdes St. Peter of Alcantara -6- (516) 883-0575 TREE SERVICE 944-6941 Call Anytime V. Garcia Painting Interior and Exterior Paperhanging 23 Herbert Ave., Pt. Washington, NY Victor Garcia POINT TO PORT REALTY LTD. (516) 944-6800 7 Old Shore Road (next to Burger King) Pt. Washington Visit Our Website @ 708-9920 Organic Restaurant 42 Main St., Port Washington Open 7 Days Brunch | Lunch | Dinner Beer | Wine Served Burgers • Sandwiches • Salads • Shakes 10% Off w/coupon 917 Port Washington Blvd., Pt Washington (516) 944-7171 124 Plandome Rd., Manhasset (516) 627-9360 E-Mail: [email protected] JEAN CASELLA, Owner/Broker You Dream it We Make it! Tour our jewelry manufacturing facility. Andy Fradelakis, CPA Edward P. Donnellan, CPA 69 Main Street Port Washington, NY 11050 Tel: (516) 767-2490 28-41 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 Tel: (718) 278-2300 Sands Point Shop 767-2970 SHIELDS PLUMBING Serving the community since 1975 PLUMBING • HEATING • HARDWARE Residential - Commercial Since 1917 - 3 Generations • SPRINKLER SYSTEMS • BATHROOM REMODELING • WATER FILTER SYSTEMS • FAUCETS REPLACED • FURNACE LEAKS REPAIRED • DISHWASHER HOOKUP • SPRINKLER BACKFLOW • WASHING MACHINE HOOKUP • REPIPING 767-0300 • LEAKY PIPES & FAUCETS • HOT WATER HEATER REPLACED • STOPPED UP DRAINS • LILCO CERTIFIED • SEWER LINES CLEARED 267 MAIN STREET, PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. 11050 AUTO BODY, LTD. Sands Point Old World Craftsmanship With New Age Technology 92 S. Bayles Ave., Pt. Washington, NY 11050 Phone (516) 767-0471 • Fax (516) 767-0978 Web: Please Patronize Our Advertisers #189 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • Contact me for all of your real estate needs. Anthony Fotopoulos* Real Estate Salesperson Bayside/Flushing Office 35-16B Francis Lewis Blvd., Flushing, NY 718.762.2268 ext.182, c.347.366.7151 [email protected] *fluent in Italian MD Sunshine Landscaping & Tree Service Lic & Ins 20 Years Experience Manuel Delgado 516.708.1546 HM 516.637.2405 Cell G SUNSHINE LANDSCAPIN MD & TREE SERVICE 516-637-2405 MEMBER WINDOW CLEANERS UNION LOCAL #2 Senniyo Day Spa • Facial Treatments • Skin Care Products (Dermalogica, Guinot, Gill, Collin) • Cosmetics • Nails • Waxing 516 767-6688 18 Main St., Port Washington BILL DEVLIN’S Window Cleaning Services Commercial & Residential Window Cleaning Services OVER 30 YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ~ FULLY INSURED (516) 326-5015 Dolce Restaurant TYPICAL COLOMBIAN CUISINE Gramman Plumbing & Heating RESTAURANT & BAR Open Lunch • Dinner Daily Private Party Room (516) 746-0045 Communions Gina Aiello, LMSW SUNDAY BRUNCH Geriatric Care Consultant 11-3 Cell: (516) 637-1233 541 Port Washington Blvd. Established over 44 years Quality Plumbing & Heating Service 356 Westbury Ave., Carle Place 11514 [email protected] 95 Manorhaven Blvd., Port Washington Caring From The Heart LLC 472-7500 ~ Free Delivery Open 7 Days SULLIVAN’S QUAY O: (516)944-0110 F: (516)944-0110 44 Hillview Ave., Pt Washington JOSEPH N. CANIGIANI, INC. Residential & Commercial Leasing 113 Main Street, Pt. Washington, NY 11050 Joseph A. Canigiani 516-883-3553 James J. Canigiani 883-3122 AUSTIN F. KNOWLES, INC. Funeral Home MORTGAGE CORPORATION Nicholas Labellarte, Acct Executive 990 Stewart Ave., Suite 660 (c)516-770-8734 NMLS#1437260 nlabellar te@contour mor FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1905 Offering a Complete Selection of Funeral Services 767-0123 128 MAIN STREET, PORT WASHINGTON Martha M. Knowles, Lic. Mgr. 516-883-1996 24 Hr. Emergency Service Free Estimates LEWIS OIL Serving North Shore over 30 yrs. Commercial/Residential/Industrial $20 Off any service call w/ad (not combinable) Nobody Serves You Better S.F. FALCONER, FLORIST INC. Greenhouses Established in 1924 767-0866 8 South Maryland Ave., Port Washington Shop for flowers on our website 24/7 • Auto Delivery to Your Home & Business • Heating & A/C Equipment • Environmental Services BOB’S QUALITY AUTO Tune-Ups • Brakes Transmissions • Exhaust • Nassau/Suffolk/NYC Complete Engine Rebuilding 516-349-8980 Joseph M. Velotti Jean Tucholski Limbach Linda Hogan Florenzie Lic. Funeral Directors Road Service • Foreign Domestic NYS Inspection • NYS Diesel 883-3505 • 944-6653 25 OFF Sewer & Drain Cleaning SINCE 1952 $ D’Angelo Law Associates, PC Frank G. D’Angelo, Esq. Elder Law Wills & Trusts Medicaid Planning Estate Planning Probate & Estate Administration/Litigation Garden City Queens (516)222-1122 Family Care Connections,® LLC Dr. Ann Marie D’Angelo, PMHCNS-BC Advanced Practice Nurse Care Manager, Assistance with Aging at Home / Care Coordination Nursing Home & Assisted Living Placement PRI / Screens / Mini Mental Status Exams Garden City Queens (516)248-9323 1.800.310.2564 Not valid for pumping or with any other offer. Offer valid at time of service only. One coupon per service call. 516-621-4545 75 Mineola Avenue, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-883-2159 *Carpet*Hardwood*Vinyl*Laminate Free Estimates 49 Manorhaven Blvd., Pt. Washington *Est. 1972 *Member of BBB * license #H1503670000 (Conveniently located 5 blocks North of LIE) Exit 37 Willis Ave & 1/4 Mile North of Northern State Pkwy (718)470-6300 Roslyn Heights Funeral Home 66 Sintsink Dr. East, Pt. Washingon (718)776-7475 WWW.DANGELOLAWASSOCIATES.COM Customized Arrangements to Meet Every Family’s Need Burials • Cremations • Monuments Price Guaranteed Pre-arrangements #189 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
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