Welcome/Bienvenidos Saint Patrick Church Parroquia Católica de San Patricio 2015 “To bring the transforming love of our Triune God to those around us.” “Llevar el amor transformante de la Trinidad a los que nos rodean” REGISTRATION/REGISTRACIÓN Please make sure you have registered as members of our parish. Favor de asegurarse que se han registrado como miembros de nuestra parroquia. Mass Intentions 8:00AM DIEGO CARDENAS Sus Hijas 10:00AM CATHARINE & JAWOOD ELLIOTT Nancy Carlin 12:00PM LA MISERICORDIA El Comité de la Misericordia April 12, 2015 Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; whose sins you shall retain they shall be held back. It is easier to hear these words simply as text for the sacrament of reconciliation for that is what the priest does. But Jesus addressed these words to me. Who needs my forgiveness? Whom do I hold back by refusing to extend mercy? Who is holding me back? Virgin Mary Rose Memorial For the week of April 12, 2015 the Virgin Mary Rose Memorial will be in memory of: ANNA E. PULEO at the request of: THE PULEO FAMILY. If you wish to purchase one Rose for the altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. Sacred Heart Rose Memorial For the week of April 12, 2015 the Sacred Heart Rose Memorial will be in memory of: THEODORE & VALERIE CASTION at the request of: VALERIE C. FISHER. If you wish to purchase one Rose in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. The Sanctuary Candle If you wish to have the sanctuary candle burn in memory of a loved one, you may make arrangements by coming to the Parish Office. An offering of $20.00 is requested. Bread & Wine Memorial If you wish to participate in this ancient tradition of providing the bread & wine for our liturgies, please come to the Parish Office. An offering of $20.00 is requested for each memorial. 8:00AM ANNA MARIE LELLI Steve & Mary Lee Wheeler 8:00AM PAT McLANE Laura Edsell 8:00AM SARA McPHERSON Laura Edsell 8:00AM MARYANN DAMIANI Steve & Mary Lee Wheeler 4:00AM CATHERINE M. GALLEN Mike & Maryann Ball 6:00AM JUANA SEGURA FLORES 12vo Aniversario Familia Hernández 8:00AM ANA VARGAS 6TH Aniversario Ramiro Cardenas 10:00AM RUTH CURRIER The Quinns 12:00PM POR NUESTROS FELIGRESES ROSANNE REICHERT MICHAEL HAMMOND TONY RANGO LILLIE MAULDIN TONY KRIER TONY BELLO LINDA ROGERS LOUIS SAMBRICK BARBARA SCHINDLER GEORGE BROWN CAROL FITZGERALD MARY McFARLAND JASMIN BARAJAS The sick list will be updated monthly. We will be glad to keep the name of your loved one on the list for one month. If you want to extend a request for prayers beyond that time, please call the Parish Center Office to let us know so we do not remove your loved one’s name from the list. Please remember only the names of the seriously ill should be placed on our sick list. Virgin Guadalupe Memorial If you wish to purchase one Rose for the altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. ADORATION EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is especially recommended. Please consider making the time to visit with Jesus. He welcomes you to come and spend time with Him, sharing your joys, your concerns, and your sorrows! Every Tuesday From 8:30 pm until 1:00PM. Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 1 – 089 My dear Parishioners, Today is the wonderful feast day of Divine Mercy Sunday. This is a recent feast day for the Church, instituted by John Paul II before his death. With this special holiday, the former Pope honored Saint Faustina, a religious sister who had visions of Jesus showing us his divine mercy. She often quoted verses 16:16 in Matthew's Gospel where we understand more fully the mystery of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Matthew writes, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." These words by the evangelist identify for us Jesus as our Messiah, the one who came to save us. He is infinite, merciful and ineffable. Jesus came as a poor child in a manager in Bethlehem and walked the Stations of the Cross in Jerusalem where he was tortured and suffered and died. We were saved by his divine mercy by his death on the Cross. For all of us who believe and those plagued by doubt, we need to remember these words of Simon Peter about Jesus, the Messiah. We should never be afraid to welcome him into our heart. He is the one who knows what is deep inside of our hearts. He alone knows it. If at times we are filled with doubt and despair because of events in our lives, we should know that we can always turn to God. He is merciful and forgives our sins. We just need to celebrate that wonderful sacrament called Reconciliation in order to walk with God anew and refreshed. His mercy is abundant and lasts forever. So, today in a very special way we worship a God who loves us and always has mercy on us. May God bless you and your family!!! Long live our Merciful Lord! To thank all Parish Volunteers, we are planning our Annual Appreciation Party. It will be on SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 7PM. Letters of invitation will be mailed to all of our volunteers (Liturgical Ministers, Choir, Cantors, Bazaar, and Irish Festival Workers, Sunday Counters, CCD, Faith Ways, Small Group Facilitators, Patrician Society Volunteers and Staff). We hope you will attend this special evening given in your honor. POOR BOX COLLECTION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL Will go to THE SISTERS OF CHARITY Thank you for your generosity 3/1/15 $ 6,382.06 2nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENT 3/8/15 $ 6,065.19 2nd Coll CARE OF AGING PRIEST 3/15/15 $ 7,248.41 2nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENT $ 379.00 $ 259.00 $ 1,561.53 Thank you for your generosity! REGISTRATIONS FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM (CCD) For Information regarding Registration for the 2015-2016 School year, please call Maryann Mitchell at 610-272-4500 Ext. 4 Let's Make Music! And Sing to God for Joy!! Come join our St. Patrick's Youth Choir at 9 AM on Sundays. The Youth Choir sings once a month for the 10am Mass and also Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve. For more information please call Ginny Chiodo at 215-628-8740 or email [email protected]. NEWS FROM THE CHOIR DIRECTOR "Serve the LORD with gladness: come before His presence with singing." Psalm 102 -You are invited to join the choir! Rehearsal, Thursday, 7 PM, Church. For more information call Ginny Chiodo at 215-628-8740 or email [email protected]. A very special thank you to Jean Spera and all PALM-BRAIDERS! And thanks to all who purchased palm ornaments on Palm Sunday. In Christ, Father Gus The PATRICIAN SOCIETY Summer Day Camp Will open for its 35th season on Monday, June 29. The camp is conducted in six one-week sessions and is designed to serve boys and girls ages five through eleven. There is space for forty children in each session and enrollment is on a first-come, firstserved basis. Application forms will be available on Friday, May 1. For registration information, call (610)272-6316 or email [email protected]. IRISH FESTIVAL MEETING We will have a Meeting In April for the IRISH FESTIVAL! in the School. All members are asked to be prepared. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner WELCOME! We welcome our new members in the Church that were Baptized, received Holy Communion and were Confirmed on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil: Michael Stinson, Ana Rosa Galeana, Michelle Rodriguez, Sianna Samantha Phongsak, Delci Guevara, Sorany Guijo, Mirta Amador, Ana Curiel, Ryan Almonte, Areli Mendez, Javier Alcala, Jose Cruz Valencia Flores, Hugo Daniel Torres, Diana Zapata, Guadalupe Santos, Manuel Guerrero, Eriberto Rueda, Mariely Gonzalez. Saint Patrick Church Norristown, PA Page 2. -089 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 VOCATION OFFICE SUMMER PROGRAMS Come and See Weekends Visit St. Charles Borromeo Seminary for a weekend. Immerse yourself in life at the Seminary and see if this is something the Lord might be calling you to! Deaconate Ordination May 8, 2015. High School men are invited to experience the Deaconate Ordination and stay at the Seminary overnight. Forged by the Fire A Retreat for Catholic Men Seeking Holiness Ages 18-25 May 17, 2015 – May 20, 2015 Black Rock Retreat House, 1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566. The event is free, but space is limited. Register Today by Phone, Amanda Deo 610-667-5778 RESPECT LIFE “A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me.” Psalm 51:12 In a recent article for the National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown spoke of the steadfast spirit and determination of John Quincy Adams to end slavery in America. When questioned about his perseverance against the evil of slavery, Mr. Adams replied, “Duty is ours, results are Gods.” How does one realize, accept his duty and then have the energy to accomplish it? In articles in the March 15, 2015 issue of Our Sunday Visitor both Pope Francis and Archbishop Chaput ask us to remember the Christians suffering nightmarish persecution and death at the hands of ISIS throughout the Middle East. Christians are dying in 2015 because they refuse to deny their faith in Christ. To experience spiritual growth and strength, the Pope and Archbishop ask us to read Scripture daily and learn the truths of the Catholic faith. We live in a country abundantly blessed with riches and freedoms--limiting our texting, giving up chocolate chip cookies, being nice to people we disagree with and donating the money we might spend on a night at the movies to the poor are considered sacrifices for Lent. To attain purity of heart and a steadfast spirit to defeat evil and work for the common good--Lent has to be more. PA Senate Bill 549 is legislation introduced in the PA State Senate to legalize assisted suicide in PA. Please contact Pro-life members of the Senate Judiciary Committee—urge them to oppose Senate Bill 549, the assisted suicide bill will harm people with disabilities and the frail elderly. Assisted suicide is a gross distortion of compassion. Visit www.paprolife.org or call 717-541-0034 for more information. THE 3RD 40-DAYS FOR LIFE, NORRISTOWN PLANNED PARENTHOOD, 1221 Powell & Wood Sts. VIGIL Hours 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Lives of innocent babies and the souls of poorly informed parents seeking abortion are saved with prayer. Visit: www.40daysforlife.com/norristown, call Rita Smith 610-489-1929. Please sign up for an hour of prayer. Youth Choir Rehearsal 9AM Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPROVEMENT Spanish AA 1:30PM School building. Celebracion de La Misericordia Misa 12PM Immaculata after School Program 4pm Intercultural Class 6-8:30PM Spanish Classes 6pm Spanish Choir 7pm – School Building Choir Rehearsal 7pm CCD CLASSES 5:00PM – 6:15PM ESL CLASSES 10AM & 7PM ADORATION: 8:30am – 1pm Mercy Suburban Hospital Pastoral Coverage CCD CLASSES 5:00PM-6:15PM XV Class 3:30PM S.A.T. CLASSES 7PM Spanish Choir 7pm – School Building Choir Rehearsal 7PM AA GRUPO 7PM ESL CLASSES 10AM & 7PM Forteniters 3-7pm in the hall Grupo de Oración 7PM IN THE HALL APPRECIATION DINNER 7PM Confessions/Confesiones 3:00pm – 3:45pm Spanish Youth Choir 9AM-2PM SchooL Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPROVEMENT 19 Youth Choir Rehearsal 9AM Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPORVEMENT Spanish AA 1:30PM School building. FOR THE MONTH OF MAY During the month of May, the priests of the Archdiocese observe the anniversary of their priestly ordination. Our parish family offers their prayers and congratulations to the priests who serve St. Patrick’s and the people of the Archdiocese. We ask God to continue to bless their ministry, and we thank them for their “YES”. Pray for all priests, and for an increase of priestly vocations. DISCIPLES IN MISSION Will resume again this year with an emphasis on Bible Study using the Loyola Press series Six Weeks with the Bible, Getting to Know Jesus, The Gospel of Mark. Come join our faith sharing groups and experience a renewal in faith with others in our parish. Groups will be meeting on Monday morning and evening. Those who are interested in joining a group or starting a new group with friends or neighbors please contact Sister Ann McAlpin. 610-272-4500 Ext. 133. New Parish Position – Recently, we have established a new full time position within the parish for a Director of Religious Education. This position was created in order to meet the growing needs within our diverse bilingual religious community of CCD students, teachers, and parents. We are currently looking for someone to fill the new position. We appreciate the many years of service Maryann Mitchell has provided to the parish as the Coordinator of Religious Education. We also appreciate her willingness to continue in her current position until the end of the current CCD school year. Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 3 – 089 Queridos hermanos: Como siempre, después de la gran celebración de La Semana Santa, la primera cosa que quiero hacer es darles las gracias a todas aquellas personas que contribuyeron a estas festividades tan sagradas. Gracias a todos que limpiaron, adornaron y prepararon la iglesia, a todos que sirvieron durante las Liturgias, cada uno según sus capacidades: cantando en el coro, sirviendo como lectores, ministros de la comunión, mujeres, monaguillos, y las personas que nos ayudaron a mantener orden y reverencia en todos los eventos. Gracias también a todos que participaron en el Vía Crucis de viernes santo. ¡Fue muy impactante! Gracias también a las personas que prepararon a los recién bautizados, confirmados, y los que recibieron su primera comunión. Y gracias a todos ustedes que presenciaron las liturgias del Triduo Pascual. La participación activa de todos juntos es un apoyo espiritual para cada uno de nosotros y nos ayuda a recordar nuestra identidad más profunda como hijos de Dios, discípulos de Jesucristo, salvados por su muerte y resurrección. De verdad, estos días nos llenan con esperanza y con la vida del ¡Espíritu Santo! Que vivan plenamente estos 50 días de la Pascua! PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES Sábados, 2:00PM Salón Parroquial BAUTISMOS DOMINGOS: 1:15PM SÁBADOS: 7:00PM (después de la Misa) Abril 25 Mayo 9 Junio 6 Julio 11 Agosto 1 Mayo 10 y 30 Junio 13 y 21 Julio 11 y 26 Agosto 8 y 16 COLECTAS DOMINICALES PARROQUIA DE SAN PATRICIO 3/1/15 $ 6,382.06 2nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENT 3/8/15 $ 6,065.19 2nd Coll CARE OF AGING PRIEST 3/15/15 $ 7,248.41 2nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENT $ 379.00 $ 259.00 $ 1,561.53 ¡Gracias por su generosidad! Paz, Padre Gus Puleo Celebrando Misa de XV Todas las quinceañeras registradas para celebración de sus quince años, deberán asistir a las clases los miércoles a las 3:30PM. Si no asisten a las clases no podrán celebrar la Misa en nuestra Parroquia. Clases de Primera Comunión y Confirmación MARTES Y MIÉRCOLES 5:00 PM PROGRAMA DE FORMACION CATOLICA (CCD) Información sobre las Registraciones para el curso 2015/2016 de CCD. Por favor comuníquese con Maryann Mitchell al 610-272-4500 Ext. 4 LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA PARA NIÑOS: Kínder al 5to grado. Todos los domingos en la Misa de 12:00pm. Explicación apropiada de la proclamación de las lecturas dominicales. MAYO ES EL MES DE LOS ROSARIOS A LA VIRGEN MARÍA ¿Usted ya se registró para el rosario? Publicaremos la lista de los domicilios próximamente. ESL CLASES MARTES Y JUEVES 10AM y 7:00PM Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia la Misa televisada los domingos 6:00AM en Univisión. La archidiócesis agradece su generosidad en difundir la Misa en la televisión. 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