Welcome/Bienvenidos Saint Patrick Church Parroquia Católica de San Patricio 2014 “To bring the transforming love of our Triune God to those around us.” “Llevar el amor transformante de la Trinidad a los que nos rodean” OFFICE/OFICINA MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE LAS MISAS 703 Green Street Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Norristown, PA 19401 Vigilia del Sábado: 6:00 PM Tel. 610-272-1408 Sunday: 10:00 AM Fax 610-275-0238 Domingo: 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM Website: www.saintpatrick-norristown.net Weekdays: 8:00 AM Tuesday – Friday Office Hours: Holy Days: 8:00 AM - 12:05 & 7PM Monday – Thursday 9:00AM – 4:30PM – Friday 9:00AM – 3:00PM [email protected] CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Every Saturday from: 3:00PM - 3:45PM PASTOR/PÁRROCO Sábados de: 3:00PM – 3:45 PM Rev. Gus C. Puleo 610-272-1408 Ext. 127 PARISH SECRETARY/ SECRETARIA DE LA PARROQUIA Ms. Maria-Angeles Landero [email protected] 610-272-1408 Ext. 123 BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Parents must be registered and active members of the parish. Please call to schedule your Baptism on Sunday. Los Padres deberán estar registrados y ser miembros activos de la parroquia. Se celebran Bautismos Domingos: 1:15PM y/o Sábados a las 7:00PM COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINADOR DE LA EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Mrs. Maryann Mitchell [email protected] 610-272-4500 Ext. 139 DIRECTOR OF PARISH SERVICES DIRECTORA DE SERVICIOS PARROQUIALES Sister Ann McAlpin, I.H.M. [email protected] 610-272-4500 Ext. 133 PARISH MANAGER Christopher Lawrence 610-272-1408 Ext. 122 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC 215-628-8740 Mrs. Virginia Chiodo [email protected] CEMETERY OFFICE programa MaryLou Tague 610-272-4385 610-272-6180 FAX Las Pláticas de Bautizo los sábados: 2:00PM. De acuerdo al calendario que aparece en la pagina en Español de este boletín, consúltelo para programar su Bautizo. Padres y Padrinos [casados por la Iglesia] deberán atender. MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO Registered parishioners planning to be married should contact Rev. Gus Puleo, 6 months in advance. Feligreses registrados favor de empezar los planes con el Parroco Gus Puleo, con seis meses de anticipación. FIRST COMMUNION/PRIMERA COMUNIÓN CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACIÓN Although it is encouraged to continue your child’s faith formation instruction every year, a minimum of two Years of study is required before the reception of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Es muy importante continuar la instrucción de la formación de fe de sus hijos cada año, un mínimo de dos años de Preparación es requerido antes de recibir los sacramentos de Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Favor de pedir información sobre nuestro de Educación Religiosa para adultos (R.I.C.A.). [email protected] REGISTRATION/REGISTRACIÓN Please make sure you have registered as members of our parish. Favor de asegurarse que se han registrado como miembros de nuestra parroquia. Mass Intentions 4:00PM JOHN A. DUNDON 6:00PM DIFUNTOS DE LA FAMILIA LANDERO The Spera Family The Landero Family 8:00AM POR NUESTROS FELIGRESES 10:00AM JAMES JOYCE M/M Michael McGuire KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 12:00PM LUZ DEL CARMEN MORENO Catalina Sánchez 8:00AM EDWARD & MARGARET DUFFY Edward & Susan Duffy 8:00AM ELEANOR ECKERT Louise Eckert November 16, 2014 The readings for this week call us to accountability. The needs of every day must be met. The claims of God on our gifts and talents must also be granted. Help us, O Lord, to remember that you ask of us only what you have already given us. May we use well the talents entrusted to us for your people. 8:00AM EDWARD BROWN Robert & Dorothy Law Virgin Mary Rose Memorial For the week of November 16th 2014 the Virgin Mary Rose Memorial will be in memory of: LOUIS PULEO at the request of: The Puleo Family. If you wish to purchase one Rose for the altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. Sacred Heart Rose Memorial For the week of November 16th the Sacred Heart Rose Memorial will be in memory of: MARIO & CELIA LANDERO at the request of: Maria-Angeles & Family. If you wish to purchase one Rose for the altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. 8:00AM RITA LORRAINE BRENNAN Kathy Starr & Myles Burke 4:00PM JEAN DUNDON The Spera Family 6:00PM DIFUNTOS DE LA FAMILIA VILLAVICENCIO Landero Family 8:00AM POR NUESTROS FELIGRESES TH 10:00AM RITA RANGO 5 ANNIVERSARY Tony Rango 12:00PM ABEL RESENDIZ Familia Resendiz The Sanctuary Candle Memorial If you wish to have the sanctuary candle burn in memory of a loved one, you may make arrangements by coming to the Parish Office. An offering of $20.00 is requested. Bread & Wine Memorial If you wish to participate in this ancient tradition of providing the bread & wine for our liturgies, please come to the Parish Office. An offering of $20.00 is requested for each memorial. Thursday, November 27, 2014 – 8AM MASS There is no better way for us to begin this national day of thanks than by attending Mass with our family and receiving Holy Communion. We invite our entire parish family to attend. MICHAEL HAMMOND TONY RANGO LILLIE MAULDIN TONY KRIER TONY BELLO ARMOND ANGELUCCI LOUIS SAMBRICK BARBARA SCHINDLER LINDA ROGERS The sick list will be updated monthly. We will be glad to keep the name of your loved one on the list for one month. If you want to extend a request for prayers beyond that time, please call the Parish Center Office to let us know so we do not remove your loved one’s name from the list. Please remember only the names of the seriously ill should be placed on our sick list. Thank you to all who helped prepare for our Christmas Bazaar. We, especially, thank our chairperson, Denise Lewis, John Myers and The Kitchen Crew, and all our workers for their time and talent in the successful Bazaar. As you know, it takes a lot of work to get ready for such a great event. Next year, we hope you continue your very welcome support. Have a happy holiday season! Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 1 – 089 THANKSGIVING DAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th is Thanksgiving Day. There is no better way for us to begin this national day of thanks than by attending Mass with our family and receiving Holy Communion. We invite our entire parish family to attend the 8:00AM Mass BLESSING OF FOOD When you attend Mass on Thanksgiving Day, you are invited to bring a food product (bread, pie, cake, etc.) that you will be sharing at your Thanksgiving Dinner. We will bless the food during Mass and then this blessing can be extended to all that partake in your holiday meal. Advent Retreat Day for Women - Journey with Mary Begin preparations for Christmas with the story of Mary as you take time to pray with God’s presence in your own story. This day is designed for Catholic women of all ages seeking to enter into the season of Advent more reflectively. The day includes Mass and Lunch. Sunday, December 7th 9am– 4:30pm Provincialate of the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer -521 Moredon Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 - Space is limited – please RSVP by December 5th. Free will offering gratefully accepted. Sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer - For more information please contact: Sr. Ana Dura, CSR or Sr. Katharina Maria 215-914-4109; [email protected] www.sistersholyredeemer.org Oldies Night Beef & Beer hosted by Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians and AOH Color Guard on Friday November 21st, 7 - 11 pm at St Patrick's Friday, December 12, 2014 Saint Patrick Church 714 DeKalb Street, Norristown, PA 19401 ********************** 3:30 AM “LAS MAÑANITAS “ Live Music-Various Groups ********************************* 6:00 PM PROCESSION With OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE STATUE Starting from: St. Francis of Assisi Church 1100 Buttonwood Street and W. Marshall Street – to Saint Patrick Church. ********************************* 7:00 PM HOLY MASS Celebrated by ********************************* Church 714 DeKalb St, Norristown, PA 19401, $25 per person, Food, Beer, Wine & Set Ups...BYOB. Music by Torch Productions Entertainment. For Tickets contact - 610-4051573 or [email protected], Dress for you decade...prizes awarded WHAT IS R.C.I.A.? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the way in which adults become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church. The R.C.I.A. is not just a “convert class” with a new name. It looks different too. Special rites are celebrated during the Sunday liturgies at various times throughout the year. The R.C.I.A. involves the whole parish – in prayer as the rites are celebrated, in hospitality, as new members are welcomed, and in specific ministries like sponsor, team member, etc. The most important thing to keep in mind about the R.C.I.A. is this: it is not merely a new way to prepare adults for baptism; baptism is only one step. The goal of the process is full communion, which means “full, conscious, and active participation” in the Eucharist and in the whole life of the Catholic faith community. The R.C.I.A. is for: (1) any non-baptized adult seeking to become a Catholic; (2) any baptized non-Catholic wishing to become a Catholic; (3) any baptized Catholic who needs to receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion & Confirmation. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, please see the R.C.I.A. process as a grace-filled opportunity for YOU to reach out to a non-Catholic spouse, friend, coworker or neighbor and personally invite him/her to “Come & See” what the Lord has planned for them. For more information call the Office at 610-272-4500 and ask for Sister Ann McAlpin. RCIA will begin Thursday, September 26th at 7PM. R. C. I. A. (__) I am a non-baptized Adult. (__) I am a baptized non-Catholic wishing to become a Catholic. (__) I am a Catholic needing to receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion & Confirmation. Name: ____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Phone #:____________________________________________ 10/5/14 $ 7,200.25 2 nd Coll Church Improvements 10/12/14 $ 3,714.00 2 nd Coll Church Improvements 10/26/14 $ 5,355.69 2 nd Coll Church Improvements $ 1,153.00 $ 1,424.00 $ 1,342.64 Thank you for your generosity! NEWS FROM THE CHOIR DIRECTOR "Serve the LORD with gladness: come before His presence with singing." Psalm 102 -You are invited to join the choir! Rehearsal, Thursday, 7 PM, Church. For more information call Ginny Chiodo at 215-628-8740 or email [email protected]. Let's Make Music! And Sing to God for Joy!! Come join our St. Patrick's Youth Choir at 9 AM on Sundays. The Youth Choir sings once a month for the 10am Mass and also Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve. For more information, please call Ginny Chiodo at 215628-8740 or email [email protected]. CHRISTMAS MEMORIALS If you wish to have Christmas flowers and decorations in memory of a loved one in our Church during the Christmas season, please use the envelope that you have received in your recent mailing. Please write the name of your loved one on the envelope and place it in the collection basket by th Sunday December 14 . A donation of $10.00 per memorial is required. A memorial list will be published and inserted in the bulletin during the Christmas season. Saint Patrick Church Norristown, PA Page 2 - 089 16 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Posted in National News, on November 3rd, 2014 Cardinal says mergers tough to take, but address shifts in population By Beth Griffin 17 Catholic News Service NEW YORK (CNS) — In a long-awaited but nonetheless stunning announcement, the Archdiocese of New York said Nov. 2 it would merge 112 of its 368 parishes into 55, effectively shuttering at least 31 churches by Aug. 1, 2015. Twenty-four of the merged parishes will continue to celebrate scheduled Masses and sacraments at two sites. Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York said the painful reorganization is a necessary adjustment to historic parish infrastructure that will strengthen the Catholic Church in the archdiocese. “The parish is the people and the people have to be cared for. What’s most important is the faith continues, the Eucharist continues and the sacraments continue,” he said. The cardinal spoke to Catholic News Service and Catholic New York together after the mergers were announced. He said All Souls’ Day was a fitting time to break the news because the feast and the decisions are not about dying, but rising. “It’s about what Pope Benedict said, ‘The vine has to be pruned once in a while if it’s going to grow,’” the cardinal said, “and it’s about what Pope St. John Paul II said, ‘We’re into mission and not maintenance’ and it’s about what Pope Francis said, ‘The church is not about building structures. It’s about welcome, love, mercy, service, embracing and inviting. It’s about going ahead and not getting bogged down in the past.” The cardinal said the math shows an awkward, lopsided distribution of parishes that is inconsistent with Catholic population, especially in Manhattan. He said 25 percent of the parishes of the archdiocese are located in that borough, yet only 12 percent of the Catholic population is there. In Manhattan, 28 parishes will merge to form 13 and nine sites will no longer hold weekly Mass, although they may be used on special occasions. Cardinal Dolan said the process was not an easy one and the announcement caused understandable anger and hurt. “We know there’s going to be a lot of tears, a lot of shouts, a lot of cussing and we need to be patient with people and listen to them, but there’s a lot of trust and growth and strength that come out of this.” The mergers are the culmination of a five-year pastoral planning process known as Making All Things New, which sought input from 368 parishes clustered into 75 groups, as well as a 40-person advisory committee, the archdiocesan priests’ council and archdiocesan staff. Cardinal Dolan said the restructuring is not the result of a shortage of priests, but from a shortage of the faithful. “They’re not coming anymore and we have to get them back.” He said a Catholics Come Home program planned several years ago was canceled because some pastors “are so oppressed by bills and maintenance that we can’t do mission. We’ve got to be talking about how to fill the buildings and not how to keep them up, insure them and tuck-point them.” “We have to turn from being shepherds to being fishermen and (the mergers) will free us up to do that. We will have better utilization of priests, trained lay ministers, religious women and men who are involved in leadership who aren’t going to have to spend all their time propping up places and are going to be better used at, granted, fewer, but much more vigorous and solid parishes,” he explained. Cardinal Dolan said people at the parishes that will receive new parishioners are “probably breathing a sigh of relief,” because they’re “still at home.” But in the 31 parishes that will no longer have regular Masses, he said, “that’s where the sting is and that’s where the tears are because those 31 sites will be more or less shuttered after Aug. 1. On rare, extraordinary occasions … those parishes could every once in a while, have a Mass. But in general, literally, the people have to move.” The changes will be implemented gradually, but will be completed by Aug. 1, 2015. The cardinal likened the merger process to a family whose grown children convince their parents to sell a home that is too large for them. “You don’t say, ‘You don’t need this house anymore and it’s costing a bundle to keep it going’ and then have the movers pull up. You want to give people time.” Auxiliary Bishop John J. O’Hara, director of the Making All Things New process, said the archdiocese would provide guidance, direction and support to pastors to help them shepherd their people in the mergers. He said the transition to the new parishes will likely be marked by prayer services, liturgical expressions and the procession of items from the old church to the shared site. Cardinal Dolan said the process is not new and it’s not over. “If you read the Acts of the Apostles, you see the church has been in pastoral planning mode since day one, on Pentecost Sunday.” While he did not anticipate another wave of mergers, he said there are parishes whose input is still being considered. Addressing the larger picture, he said, “Everybody with an ounce of common sense in the United States is in strategic pastoral planning mode,” which involves mergers in some areas and building new churches and schools in others. Article in CatholicPhilly.com: 18 19 20 21 22 Youth Choir Rehearsal 9AM Our 2nd Collection today is for SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY Spanish AA 1:30PM School building Immaculata after School Program 4pm Intercultural Class 6-8;30 PM Spanish Classes 6pm Spanish Choir 7pm – School Building Choir Rehearsal 7pm CCD CLASSES 5:00PM – 6:15PM ESL CLASSES 10AM & 7PM ADORATION: 8:30am – 1pm Mercy Suburban Hospital Pastoral Coverage CCD CLASSES 5:00PM-6:15PM XV Class 3:30PM S.A.T. CLASSES 7PM Spanish Choir 7pm – School Building Choir Rehearsal 7PM AA GRUPO 7PM ESL CLASSES 10AM & 7PM Fortniters 4pm in the hall Grupo de Oración 7PM IN THE HALL LAOH & AOH Union Meeting 11-2pm in the hall Baptisms 1:15pm Confessions/Confesiones 3:00pm – 3:45pm Spanish Youth Choir 9AM-2PM SchooL Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPROVEMENT 23 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Youth Choir Rehearsal 9AM Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPROVEMENT Spanish AA 1:30PM School building THE GIVING TREE Once again, we invite our parish community to participate in Saint Patrick’s Giving Tree. It will be located at the front of the Church. Before and after the Masses, during the first two weeks of Advent, participating parishioners may choose from any of the ornaments on the Giving Tree. We are asking for gift cards from area stores [Walmart, Target, Giant, CVS, Walgreen, Shoprite, etc.] that will directly benefit needy families in our area. The gifts can then be placed back on the Giving Tree by December 16th. Thank you in advance for your generosity. For questions please call, Maryann Mitchell 610-272-4500. Please support our 2014 Irish Festival Corporate Sponsors Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 3 – 089 “LAS MAÑANITAS” 12 De Diciembre, 2012 3:30AM. Unàmonos y cantemos a nuestra Patrona de la Americas, La Virgen de Guadalupe aqui en nuestra Iglesia de San Patricio, la Parroquia que celebra todos nuestras tradiciones como èsta, las novenas y muchas màs. LA PROCESION CON LA ESTATUA DE LA VIRGEN 6:00 PM - Saliendo de la Iglesia de San Francisco de Assis. Bottonwood Street y W. Marshall Street. LA SANTA MISA 7:00 PM. Gracias a todos los que ayudaron en EL BAZAR NAVIDEÑO preparando este día especial, especialmente, agradecemos a nuestro presidente, a Denise Lewis, al grupo de la cocina John Myers y amigos y a todos los trabajadores por su tiempo y talento en el bazar. Como usted sabe, toma mucho trabajo en preparar todo para este tan gran acontecimiento del bazar de Navidad. El año próximo, esperamos que usted continúe dándonos su apoyo y ayuda. Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia la Misa televisada los domingos 6:00AM en Univisión. La archidiócesis agradece su generosidad en difundir la Misa en la televisión. LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA PARA NIÑOS: Kinder al 5to grado. Todos los domingos en la Misa de 12:00pm. Explicación apropiada de la proclamación de las lecturas dominicales. Clases de Primera Comunión y Confirmación MARTES Y MIÉRCOLES 5PM PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES Sábados, 2:00PM Salón Parroquial BAUTISMOS DOMINGOS: 1:15PM SÁBADOS: 7:00PM (después de la Misa) Diciembre 6 Enero 17 Febrero 21 Marzo 21 Noviembre 22 Diciembre 13 Enero 10 y 25 Febrero 8 Marzo 14 y 22 CLASES DE INGLES MARTES Y JUEVES 10AM Y 7PM Celebrando mis XV Todas las quinceañeras deberán asistir a las clases los martes a las 3:30PM-5:00PM. Si no atienden a las clases no celebraran la Misa en nuestra Parroquia. Para más información comuníquese con la Hermana Ann McAlpin al 610-272-4500. NUESTRO RITO DE LA INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA DE LOS ADULTOS (R.I.C.A.). RCIA comenzará en septiembre. Cualquier adulto que esté interesado en la recepción de los Sacramentos del Bautismo, de la Confirmación y/o del Comunión, llame a la Hermana Ann, Directora de los Servicios Parroquiales al 610-272-4500. Llene esta forma y tráigala a la Oficina. R.I.C.A. (__) No estoy bautizado. (__) No católico, bautizado. Quiero convertirme en católico. (__) Soy Católico, necesito 1a. Comunión y Confirmación. Nombre: ____________________________________________ Domicilio: ___________________________________________ Teléfono: ___________________________________________ COLECTAS DOMINICALES PARROQUIA DE SAN PATRICIO 10/5/14 $ 7,200.25 2 nd Coll Church Improvements 10/12/14 $ 3,714.00 2 nd Coll Church Improvements 10/26/14 $ 5,355.69 2 nd Coll Church Improvements $ 1,153.00 $ 1,424.00 $ 1,342.64 NOVIEMBRE 27, 2014 - 8AM MASS ¡Gracias por su generosidad! Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 4 – 089 Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Funeral Home, Inc. Hot Water & Steam Heating Water Heaters • Bathrooms 610-277-7000 Walter J. Bell, Supervisor Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services Funeral Financing Available 2130 Carol Lane Casa Bonita International Cuisine 801 Dekalb Street, Norristown www.casabonitainternational.webs.com ELECTROLUX EMPOWERED 1502 E. Ridge Pike 610-275-9841 JOSHUA I CHUNG Abogado 354 West Elm Street, Norristown, PA 19401 J R R PA ym g, out h Meetin Pl 610-277-3937 General and Cosmetic Dentistry For All Ages AUTO BODY SHOP INC. Complete Wreck Service Criminal • Domestic • Ley De Negocios • Deportacion • Immigracion • Lesiones Personales Botas . Sombreros . Ropa Vaquera . Lo que no encuentre se lo podemos ordenar Cataracts • Glaucoma Surgery • Retina Diabetes • Eye Exams 815 DeKalb Street Norristown, PA 19401 English Español 610-278-8680 • On & Off Road Diesel Fuel INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS • Premium Heating Oil MEAT • SEAFOOD • PRODUCE • BAKERY • Fleet Service HISPANIC FOODS • MEXICAN GROCERY • On Site Fueling Of WESTERN UNION • WIC • ALL CREDIT CARDS Equipment & Tanks WE DELIVER RJR FUEL SERVICES 484-681-5030 Email: [email protected] GUTTER CLEANING 610-776-2000 GUTTER DOCTORX Store Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-8pm Sunday: 8am-6pm Licensed & Insured PA 050067 Smile Line Dentista X-Ray y Examen $19 Habla Español 484-574-4738 For the Finest in Quality & Service • Free Consultation E • Painless and Affordable Dentistry JOHN'S CATERING SERVIC • Most Insurance Accepted John Davis, Proprietor • Consultas Gratis!!! FOR ALL OCCASIONS • Sin dolor y a bajo costo. • No Insurance - No Problem • ¿Sin seguro? 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BLANQUE GRATIS EN 619 Dekalb St., Norristown, PA 19401 Tel: 610.275.1880 • Fax: 610.275.3310 [email protected] 1537 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA Dentista Cosmetico Familiar • También hacemos implantes On New Memorial Purchase with this ad BLACK 807 DeKalb Street, Norristown HORSE SERVING OUR NEIGHBORS ONE AT A TIME Tel. Tienda (610) 279-5080 Tel. Taqueria (610) 279-5088 Fax (610) 279-2861 Taquería • Envios de Dinero Tarjetas Telefónicas CD's, DVD's y mucho más. 100 W. Fornance St., Norristown 610-539-1073 $100.00 Discount Donald E. Moore, Supervisor (610)277-2140 610-278- 0500 610-278-0100 Specializing in American, Mexican There's a New Coin Laundry In Town. & Korean Cuisine Gran Variedad de Productos Mexicanos y Centroamericanos Fugo Eye Institute at Riverside Cemetery 200 S. 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